
Dream interpretation indoor flower. Dream Interpretation indoor plants green in pots

Dream books identify houseplants mainly with home comfort and an object of care and love. Them appearance and the actions of the sleeping person in a dream will tell you in more detail what flowers in pots dream of. Some interpretations relate to material well-being and contain important tips on managing financial affairs.

There are many flowers in pots - you don’t have to go to distant lands for happiness - you should carefully look for it in your native walls. A broken pot promises big trouble. The hand-made manufacture of a vase or planter indicates an intention to arrange a personal life at all costs.

If in a dream you were given a flower in a pot instead of a traditional bouquet, in reality someone really appreciates and respects you. Planting indoor plants symbolizes serious attitude to a partner, a dream of a family and children.

Modern dream book

He considers home flowers in a pot one of the most positive signs that one can dream of. Ahead of the dreamer is the fulfillment of desire, an unexpected pleasant journey and other gifts of fate.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Emphasizes on the increased charm and magnetism of the sleeper. The main thing is not to fall into your own networks and not rely too much on tempting promises: no matter how attractive a flower in a pot is, it is not yet a berry.

Loff's dream book

From this dream book you can find out what the dream of a balcony is, entwined with flowers growing in decorative flowerpots. The image is as beautiful and so far inaccessible as your dream.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Why dream of empty flower pots on the windowsill, the interpreters consider separately. The dream interpretation explains the image seen in a dream with moral devastation in reality. The reason for this can be both objective facts and extreme fatigue, which greatly increases irritability and bitterness of disappointment.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

According to this interpretation, the emptiness in the pots symbolizes the futility of the lion's share of efforts.. In any of the spheres of life: love, business, social, you will have to make great efforts to achieve at least something. There is more easy way: postpone your plans for a few days until better times.

Universal dream book

If you dreamed of artificial flowers in pots, the dream book warns that hypocrites and scammers are being activated, to believe the word of the first person you meet is now doubly unreasonable.

Freud's dream book

Explains in detail why girls dream of flowers in pots. The image is identified with the feminine. White inflorescences reflect depravity, red innocence or serve as a reminder of the approach critical days. Crushing flower pots in a dream happens to ladies with sadistic inclinations, they had a chance to throw them away - in reality there are reasons to reject a sexual partner. The dreamer gives a living plant to the one whom she secretly dreams about in reality.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

He considers why he dreams that a houseplant will not bloom in any way. This source takes into account the age of the dreamer. For teenagers, the image reminds them that they are still too young, for the elderly it marks the transition to the next phase of life.

If a woman in her prime had to see such a dream, health problems are possible. When I dreamed that the flowers in the pots still bloomed, you can safely hope for a long-awaited meeting or a truce. If a girl dreamed of a great many flowers on one bush, she would not end up with admirers.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

He will tell you why you dream of flowering plants in pots. The symbol portends good luck in literally any endeavor and stable material well-being.

Of particular importance is the interpretation of sleep, in which deliberately exotic or non-existent plants appear. Such a sign indicates the presence of talent in the sleeper, it remains only to identify it and find application. If a student or schoolchild dreamed indoor flower in a pot, growing before our eyes at an incredible speed, he will surprise those around him with academic success.

When are they in a vase?

If you dreamed of a bouquet in a vase, remember what flowers it consisted of. After finding out the meaning of each of them, you can make your own composition of predictions:

  • Lily of the valley portends a sweet harmless entertainment.
  • Snowdrop means that grief will be a thing of the past.
  • Lavender indicates a heightened sense of justice.
  • Sunflower dreams of those who know how to be faithful.
  • Gladiolus in a vase means that you will find yourself at the epicenter of events.
  • bright fleshy slipway promises a rich life.
  • If you dreamed White orchid, the new romance will last a long time.
  • Rose symbolizes passion and tenderness.
  • forget-me-nots in a dream they promise that the past will remind of itself.
  • If dreamed bouquet of tulips, your charm just rolls over.
  • When you dream buttercups, you have to learn something unexpected about the chosen one.
  • violets symbolizes protection and peace.
  • Daisies indicate excellent health.
  • Green plants with the same inflorescences warn of large profits, which it is desirable to dispose of wisely.
  • Cornflowers and bluebells in a dream they talk about sincere sympathy for you.
  • When dreaming huge bouquet Now is the time to bring a long-standing idea to life.

The Imperial dream book contains an explanation of what the do-it-yourself ekibana dreams of. Relationships that mean a lot to you will turn out to be promising.

replant flowers

The dream book of N. Grishina contains several explanations of what dreams of transplanting houseplants. This is a very dynamic sign, a harbinger of inevitable change: sadness can be replaced by joy and vice versa. If you catch the rhythm and adapt to innovations in a timely manner, you can achieve a lot.

If in a dream you water flowers during transplantation - it portends desired pregnancy and the birth of a miracle baby. AT business area unexpected turn can bring considerable profit and high appreciation of management. It is quite possible to win the lottery or a generous gift.

If, when transplanting a plant, you pricked yourself on a thorn, Velesov's dream book does not advise trusting even the closest. There is a high probability of not even receiving verbal gratitude in response to a good deed.

Vanga's dream book offers many interesting interpretations of what dreams of transplanting flowers in pots. The plot of the dream symbolizes valuable information that will soon fall into your hands. The only question is how wisely you will be able to dispose of it. High probability to withdraw clean water dishonest competitor. The seer also reports that any efforts made in the coming period will not be in vain and will please with their result.

When in a dream you have to plant plants in a deliberately unsuitable substance instead of earth, in reality you have to reconsider established views. Perhaps new hobbies or interest in spiritual practices will appear. To see someone else for such a hopeless occupation is in anticipation of unforeseen complications.

If in a dream you managed to break a plant, a sudden passion will cover you with your head. Replanting flowers in the company of a loved one happens shortly before a declaration of love. Planting dwarf conifers portends the fulfillment of a cherished desire and a feeling of great happiness.

wilted plants

The Eastern dream book considers it an unkind omen to observe the withering of flowers in a dream. When this process lasts a matter of seconds, the dreamer is threatened with financial difficulties, only his own haste will be blamed.

If you dreamed of wilted flowers in pots, Women's dream book predicts great grief in his personal life. Separation or deceived expectations that can lead to depression are not excluded. It will take a lot of emotional strength and faith in the best to survive an unfavorable period.

A similar prediction is offered by the Summer Dream Book. According to his forecast, the inevitability of the crisis will help move the outdated relationship off the ground.. Next, you have to act according to the circumstances: try to resurrect the old feelings, or each go their own way towards a new life.

If in a dream I happened to continue to smell the aroma of wilted flowers, Family dream book reassuring that the streak of bad luck will be successfully overcome by the sleeper. Nevertheless, it will not be superfluous to enlist the support of friends and relatives.

When the withered indoor flowers turned black in night dreams, Medea's dream book predicts the spouses a strong disappointment in the second half. The reason may be infidelity or unpleasant news about the past of one of them. If the symbol was dreamed of by those who only intend to marry, the sorceress advises to think twice.

You should know why you dream about how indoor flowers lose their petals. The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation considers the sign a harbinger of numerous losses and parting with dear people.

In the Ukrainian dream book, trouble with ornamental plants is regarded as a warning: many insidious ill-wishers have gathered around the dreamer, from whom you can only expect a dirty trick. It is desirable to quickly get out of the vicious circle.

If withered flowers in pots dreamed on the eve of important negotiations, Big dream book believes that they will fail due to the unreliability of the partner. The interpreter also recommends that you beware of accidents, thefts and other incidents on the road.

Dreams are an important part of our life. Most often, dreams reflect our reality, as well as possible options developments, both in personal life and in career, as well as future omens.

Flowers dream when there are kind and helpful people near you who can come to the rescue at any time.

Dreamed of flowers in a dream what is it for

  • In the case when you dream of a bouquet of daisies or ordinary bouquets located alone - you are confused and you should finally make an important decision in your life.
  • Withered and dead buds in a vase e - unpleasant events that will soon occur in your life. It is worth reconsidering relationships with other people, in particular with direct relatives.
  • In case you dream of fresh and beautiful buds in a dream e - you will acquire several useful gizmos that, one way or another, will affect your well-being and health.
  • If there are many bouquets- a lot of trouble that surrounds you and your loved ones. According to Vanga's dream book, the most auspicious dream - plant living white plants. This means doing wise deeds that will bear fruit over time.
  • Sometimes girl or woman you may have a dream in which there is many roses or other flowers of various bouquets. In this case, a woman's life is bright and many-sided.

It is very important when you dreamed of flowers - to remember what kind of plant you dreamed about, as well as the color of the buds themselves.

I dreamed that you give a lot beautiful creatures on holiday and some of them in a pot? In the future, you will experience the pleasure of events or a holiday that your relatives or friends are preparing.

Dreamed of a bouquet in a dream? According to the dream book, this is a sudden joy that a person obviously does not expect in his life.

Why do flowers dream for a woman

Many girls and women dream of seeing a wreath that they wove with their own hands. This dream means a quick meeting with a loved one and in the future a wedding that will be magnificent, and a strong marriage.

Why dream of living flowers

living plants in a dream, especially roses, dreams in the case when gradual changes occur in the life of a person who dreamed of living creatures.

According to the dream book, live red roses, which were presented in a pot, mean a wise act in your life, rethinking your actions and vivid emotions that will give you stranger, in a later period of time.

Green bouquet- means the conclusion of peace between warring people.

If you dreamed of flowers in bouquets, what does it mean

Dreaming of white daisies alive in bouquets- people of the opposite sex shower you with gifts and attention.

Bouquet dreams- if the plants are alive and red - you will find quick material success in business and personal life.

Dream Interpretation of Plants conifers in pots interprets this dream as a sign of a well-fed and prosperous life.

See a man in rosebuds- to an early illness or death.

Why do indoor flowers dream

Indoor living white, yellow or red potted plants signify the seeds of wisdom that are present in your character. It is very important to protect this feature and the capacity for wise and logical reasoning.

Why do artificial flowers dream

dream interpretation artificial white plants interprets as false and deceitful feelings of people around.

Red artificial potted plants mean the lies that are between you and the person you trust the most in your life.

If you dreamed of flowers white and red

Red, white, yellow, white living plants- your life is filled with travel and bright events, but it is worth cherishing and cherishing such moments. Dreaming of people who give a lot of plants? Expect gossip around your person and perhaps even betrayal by your best friends.

Why do red roses dream

  • dream interpretation roses red, white- pleasant events and quick changes in life. A bouquet of red dahlias is dreaming - an early meeting with a fan who will bring change and joy to life.
  • If a a girl or woman is given a lot living plants in pots or roses, then a dream can mean the conception of a child.
  • yellow live roses will bring sadness. According to Vanga's dream book, a yellow tint means separation between loved ones.
  • Red roses in the field- pleasure in life. Living white roses in pots of any color - to material well-being.
  • In case you had a dream cemetery and many flowers, most likely you will be surprised by people from whom you do not expect wise deeds.
  • Pink or white live dahlias- the interpretation speaks of an imminent meeting with the second half. Green and white living shrubs portend wisdom in the mind

Why dream of indoor flowers in pots?

Why dream of indoor flowers in pots? This question is asked by those people who saw such a dream. So, for many, a dream speaks of a relationship with a soul mate. If a person had to see lush and bright plants in pots, then this is a favorable sign that promises an ideal relationship with a partner. In some cases, a dream about beautiful potted plants for girls can promise marriage or a marriage proposal.
When a person dreams of bright and beautiful flowers in pots, then such a dream guarantees the loyalty and love of a partner. Another thing is when fading plants dream. The fact is that in reality your relationship should be reconsidered. In order to save them, you will have to make a lot of efforts, both on the part of the partner and on your part. Very rarely, people have to dream of indoor plants in pots, but not live ones, but artificial ones. What could this mean? In reality, such relationships with a partner are superficial.

The color of plants in a dream

If a person has colored dreams, then he needs to remember what color of plants he dreamed about. Moreover, it doesn’t matter what kind of flower you dreamed about, what matters is its color. So, for example, rich red colors “speak” of passion, desire and sensual love. Plants white color indicate that the relationship with a partner is ideal and tender. Pink shades of flowers symbolize tenderness, and blue - care and support. loved one. It is generally accepted that the yellow color of plants symbolizes the betrayal of a partner.

Why dream of transplanting flowers into pots?

Dream interpretation indoor flowers - diverse. It is necessary to interpret correctly, taking into account all the subtleties and details of the dream. So, for example, many people talk about what they dream about, how they transplant indoor flowers into pots, dig in the ground, water them. What does this mean? So, according to the dream book of many predictors, replanting flowers is a positive change in life. A person who sees such a dream expects favorable changes either at work or in his personal life. Most often, such changes include an unexpected move or a fun trip. Such a dream is especially favorable for a married woman. Most often, he promises either the birth of a child, or a surprise from a beloved man. It is especially good when the flowers begin to bloom before our eyes. Such a dream can be interpreted as the fulfillment of all conceived goals and plans. A bad sign is if you plant a flower, but it does not take root. Such a dream can promise financial problems or a deterioration in personal relationships with a loved one.

Interpretation of sleep by famous predictors

Many people have been interested in the question of why they dream of flowers in pots for more than one century. Of course, such dreams can promise certain changes in future. But, in rare cases, it can become a reflection of subconscious activity. So, what did famous predictors say about this?

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation of flowers in pots is an unfavorable sign. So, Vanga interpreted him as an impending illness or even the death of a close and dear person. But if a person dreamed that he was watering flowers in pots, then something good awaits him - an increase in wages or a quick career advancement.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, if in a dream a person is presented with a beautiful, flowering houseplant in a pot, then in reality he will meet a person who will become his dearest and most beloved.

Miller's dream book

Miller, like Nostradamus, interpreted dreams about indoor plants as something good. So, if a person had a dream in which he waters houseplants in pots, and they begin to grow or bloom quickly, then in reality everything will turn out in his life in the best way. If a person dreams that in a dream he ended up in a house in which there are a lot of flowers in pots, then in reality there is a person in his life who loves him very much. Sleep theme: Objects. C

dream interpretation > Interpretation of dreams with the letter "C" > Flowers> Why do indoor flowers dream

Why do indoor flowers dream

Through this page you will learn why do indoor flowers dream in a dream according to the dream book.

What indoor flowers dream of is a display of your inner world. In addition, it is also the personification of your relationship with your loved one. Usually, this is a very good sign. Everything is wonderful with you and you get along with each other. But at the same time, you are a person who is not going to share his happiness with society. You try not to make your little things public and do not let anyone in a love duet.

If you see a lot of these flowers, then a person who loves you very much is wandering nearby, but you are not aware of his feelings. It is also a hint of general stiffness. Someone wants you to finally open up, but you hide your true emotions behind a mask.

A very auspicious sign is to see in a dream beautiful flower in a pot. Such a dream symbolizes prosperity and success. But this explanation is rather general. To find out more precisely what such a plot is dreaming of, you need to turn to various interpreters. Before looking into the dream book, you must try to remember all, even minor, details of sleep.

donate a potted plant

Wangi's dream book does not interpret the plot very favorably, in which you receive a flowering plant as a gift. According to this interpreter, soon you or someone close to you will have health problems. But, do not be afraid, healing will come pretty soon. Moreover, there is no need to be upset if there was a small sprout in the bowl seen in a dream.

Did you dream that instead of a gift you were given a flower in a red pot? An explanation for this phenomenon is available in the Universal Dream Book. A red flower seen in a dream predicts success in a career and in personal life. In the same source there is an explanation of why the buds dream different colors. A multi-colored bouquet promises numerous joys to be experienced in real life.

If you were presented with a flower in a pot of unprecedented beauty, then in reality there will come a long period of prosperity and material prosperity. You will stop thinking about money and how you can earn it. All undertakings will be completed successfully.

If in a dream a lily of the valley grew in a pot, then in reality you will experience innocent pleasure. To give someone a sunflower according to the Women's Dream Book means to be faithful to your lover despite the circumstances. Dreamed of snowdrops in a pot? Rejoice! All sorrows will be forgotten, and you will finally feel like a happy person.

Care and landing

Planting plants - to change. The modern dream book does not promise that the upcoming changes will be positive, and a negative development of events is also possible. But, no matter how the circumstances develop, you must always remember that after a while, joy will replace sadness.

To find out what else dream of planting flowers, you should contact the interpreter Grishina. This dream book reports that planting flowers in pots - to the quick implementation of everything planned. Moreover, you do not have to make incredible efforts to achieve your goals. Circumstances will develop in the most favorable way.

To plant a plant in any container and see that it quickly died means to face financial problems soon in real life.

If in a dream the flower withered in just a few seconds, difficulties will arise in your personal life. Eastern dream book recommends not making hasty decisions. So that you do not dream, in reality you should be guided only by a sober mind and logic. This will help you avoid many mistakes.

In the Universal Interpreter, you can also find an explanation of why transplanting seedlings is dreamed of. married woman. Transplanting a flower into a pot - to the birth of a baby. Pregnancy will proceed easily and joyfully. The universal dream book recommends preparing in advance all the things necessary for the newborn. They will be needed immediately after discharge from the hospital.

In your dream, watering flowers in pots is a good sign. According to Miller's dream book, such a plot is a harbinger of a rapid career take-off. Another option for dreaming about this is receiving an unscheduled bonus or winning the lottery.

Plant death

If you dreamed of withered buds, then in reality a certain event will cause you unpleasant experiences. The more dead flowers there were in a dream, the more grief you have to endure. But, despite the not unpleasant prediction, the Women's Dream Book strongly recommends not to give up. Faith and optimism will help you survive the unfavorable period with minimal losses.

Why such a sad story is dreamed of is also explained by the Eastern interpreter. Withered buds dreamed of in a dream promise disagreements with a lover. Listen to the advice of this source, do not rush to break off the hateful relationship. Wait a little, and it is likely that the relationship will improve. A professional family psychologist is also capable of helping to survive the crisis.

If the flowers wilted, you will be disappointed in something or someone. This explanation is especially true if before the bud died it was fragrant. Dream Interpretation Grishina recommends not to wait for trouble. Try to avoid them. To do this, it is enough just to be more attentive to people and their actions than usual.


If in your dream home flowers in pots were juicy, fleshy and bright, then get ready to become the owner of a large material reward in real life. Especially if there was quite a lot of vegetation in a dream. Dream Interpretation Sonan advises spending money profit as wisely as possible. Think about opening a deposit or buying especially valuable items.

Did you dream that a white flower bloomed? Soon you will meet a person whose acquaintance will change your whole life. If in a dream there was a flower in a pot at your house, then a new acquaintance will enter your life for a long time. The female dream book advises to appreciate and protect this person in every possible way. Thanks to him, your life will change for the better.

Blooming flowers in pots, according to the interpreter of Veles, symbolize the joyful moments of life. The more flowers there were in a dream, the greater happiness awaits you ahead. Veles advises to sincerely enjoy the joyful moments of your life. Let go of fears and doubts. Leave thoughts about problems for later.

Lots of potted flowers color pink dream if you feel tenderness for your partner. If fresh flowers were in pots yellow color, most likely you will have to survive the betrayal of your lover. Poisonous yellow petals dreamed of in a dream warn of treason.

In a modern interpreter, you can also find an explanation of what blue buds dream of. According to the dream book, flowers of a similar shade promise patronage and sincere sympathy for you from an influential person. Thanks to his assistance, you will be able to achieve your goal faster.

Various interpretations

It is not always possible to see a plant planted in a pot in a dream. If you dreamed of empty flower pots, get ready for a long journey. The path will be quite difficult, but, in the end, you will be able to do everything that you have planned.

Miller warns that such pictures in a dream can sometimes appear due to emotional burnout. Such a signal should be treated with the utmost care. Try to get enough rest. It's better to go somewhere for a while. This will help you recover as soon as possible.

Dry indoor flowers promise cooling in relationships with a partner. If the vegetation seen in a dream was black, then most likely the cooling period will end in parting and prolonged depression.

Buying artificial potted flowers - to the hypocrisy of loved ones. Don't believe everything people say. The universal dream book advises to trust only the facts. Such selectivity is a great way to protect yourself from flattery and lies.

One of the sources also has an explanation of what to expect if you dreamed of green flowers. Green flowers in pots are a symbol of a calm and measured life.

Flowers at all times acted as the personification of joy and beauty. It is not surprising that most interpreters of dreams interpret dreamed flowers as a good sign. For example, a dream where flowers in pots appeared, many dream books are associated with the sphere of interpersonal relationships. Attention to the details of the dream allows you to get a more detailed and accurate prediction.

Most dream books agree that flowers in pots are a good sign, a symbol of future prosperity and success, pure and sincere relationships, joyful changes.

Flowers in pots in a dream and the material side of life

If the plants you dreamed about were fresh and beautiful, it promises soon positive changes that are directly related to the material sphere- perhaps you will finally have a chance to buy a new home or a car that you have been dreaming about in your dreams for so long. This big purchase is sure to please you.

Dry flowers in pots warn of the possibility mistakes, making the wrong decision in any case, which will eventually lead to unexpected failure. Sometimes such a dream can portend about financial collapse or a car accident in which the dreamer suffers.

Flowers in pots: what does the dream book promise in your personal life?

Concerning personal life, a dream with fresh and beautiful flowers suggests that soon you get rid of loneliness and meet a soul mate, and this meeting promises to be memorable and romantic. good sign it is considered if in a dream you were in a room completely filled with beautiful flowers. Such a vision is a sign that in real life some man (woman) is in love (in love with you), but because of his shyness, he (she) is afraid to confess his tender feelings. If you are no longer alone, a dream where you were present lush and bright flowers in pots, points to love and fidelity of a partner, pure, sincere and harmonious relationships, as well as reconciliation after a quarrel. For young girls such a dream can symbolize and imminent marriage.

However, beware if you see in a dream potted plants were malformed, wilted or completely withered. Such a dream signifies nothing but grief and loss. Perhaps soon you will be forced to face deterioration in family relations or betrayal by a partner.

artificial flowers in pots warn about coming from loved ones hypocrisy. dreaming young man, such a dream indicates that it is necessary to postpone the marriage proposal if he was going to make it to his girlfriend. Artificial plants in pots in a dream are a symbol of superficial relationships and insincerity of feelings.

Flowers in pots in a dream and the dreamer's actions

The actions that you performed in a dream with potted plants also matter. Based on the interpretations given various dream books(universal, Miller, Vanga, Grishina, gypsy, family, female), the following results are obtained:

  • plant flowers in pots- the desire for solitude and peace. Sometimes such a dream speaks of changes that can turn out to be both positive and negative, but, in the end, joy will certainly replace the negative;
  • plant a plant in a pot and watch its speedy death- to money problems. If the flower you planted withered instantly - get ready for difficulties in your personal life;
  • transplant houseplant- a good sign for a married woman. Such a dream promises the onset of pregnancy (and it will be easy) and the subsequent birth of a baby;
  • watering a flower in a pot- to favorable changes in a career: receiving bonuses, promotions. Some may have such a dream before winning the lottery;
  • feed a plant in a pot- receiving an expensive gift or making an expensive purchase;
  • receive a potted flower as a gift- to news related to a person whom you have not seen for a long time. A not particularly favorable interpretation of such a dream is given by Vanga's dream book: a dream promises health problems for your loved one, but promises a quick recovery (especially if you dreamed of a young plant in a pot);
  • give someone a houseplant- help this person in real life;
  • drop the flower and break the pot- promises major troubles, the elimination of which will require a lot of effort and financial investment from the dreamer;
  • break the plant, leaving the pot intact, - warns that the dreamer has secret ill-wishers who know important information.

The appearance and color of plants in a dream

The dream books listed above pay attention to the coloring of the flowers seen in a dream.

  • Red flowers, according to the universal dream book, predict success in personal life and career;
  • flowers with colorful buds(universal dream book) portend numerous joys prepared for the dreamer in his real life;
  • White flowers promise a meeting with a person who will radically change the dreamer's life (for the better);
  • pink flowers- a symbol of tenderness experienced by the dreamer for his partner;
  • yellow flowers warn of a possible betrayal (treason) on the part of a lover;
  • blue flowers- patronage provided by an influential person;
  • green plant, according to the gypsy dream book, is a symbol of numerous worries and troubles, however, they will lead to a feeling of deep satisfaction;
  • fantastic plant, which is not in real life, speaks of some kind of talent that the dreamer is endowed with. With the development and realization of this gift, a person will experience triumph and prosperity.

It happens that sometimes a person can only dream empty flower pot, without any houseplant in it. Similar dream portends long and difficult journey, but in the end, his dreamer will be able to fulfill everything that he has planned.

The meaning of sleep depends on the type of plant, as well as on how you used it in a dream.

Lush, green meadow plants - such a dream promises you pleasant worries that will give you deep satisfaction. Evergreens (juniper, spruce, pine) promise you good health and income growth. To grow an evergreen plant is to acquire knowledge that will become the key to your well-being in the future. Caring for garden plants - children's health, well-being and harmony in the family. If you see that in your garden, along with useful plants weeds grow, this warns you that quarrels and misunderstandings are possible in your family.

Imagine that you are weeding all the weeds, leaving only cultivated plants.

Poisonous plants dream of gossip, intrigue, intrigue. Well, if in a dream you weed out poisonous grass and throw it into the fire, this means that in reality you will cope with all the attacks of enemies. If you get hurt on such a plant and the poison gets into the blood - be careful. Your envious people are preparing a trick for you, which can be the cause of a major failure. The dream in which you were poisoned by tasting a poisonous plant has the same meaning.

If you had such a dream, imagine that you are taking an antidote and the poison loses its power.

Brightly flowering, beautiful plants dream of profit and wealth. If in a dream you collect a bouquet of wild flowers and bring them home - a dream means some good changes that will affect your home. Perhaps you decide to do a facelift.

Home plants - peace in the house and harmonious relations between children and parents. Watering home plants is a family trip. Climbing plants entangling your house - you will have an annoying friend who will not be so easy for you to get rid of.

If you dreamed of a climbing plant, imagine taking it off your house and wrapping it around an iron post.

Thickets of thorny plants, creepers, impenetrable jungle predict you that soon you will encounter an obstacle, to overcome which you will need all your strength and connections.

If you dreamed of the jungle, imagine that you take out a very sharp hatchet and quickly cut your path.

Interpretation of dreams from

There is no definite interpretation of dreams about indoor flowers, and for decoding it is important to take into account other details, for example, how they looked, what you did with them. Thanks to this, one can learn about dangers and problems, as well as about happy events of the present and future.

Why do indoor flowers dream?

Most often, such a dream indicates happiness and peace in life. It is also a symbol of the fact that you have no desire to share your personal life with anyone. See in a dream a large number of indoor flowers, which means that in reality there is a person nearby who feels warm towards you, but is afraid to admit it. If the plants look wilted, this is an indication of the existence of problems in relations with a loved one. To receive indoor flowers in a dream for a girl means the presence of numerous fans in real life.

If a flower appeared in a dream, which is already long time does not grow and does not bloom - this is a harbinger of a sad event. In another dream book, such a plot is considered a positive sign indicating right choice roads in life. Seeing broken indoor flowers in a dream means that in real life you do not know something important that enemies and rivals use. Night vision, where the whole house is lined with beautiful flowers in pots, indicates the presence of some kind of mystery in life. A dream where indoor flowers had to be transplanted predicts changes in the personal and work spheres. If the plant turned yellow and crumbled - this is a harbinger of some kind of disease. Watering indoor flowers in a dream is a sign that someone close to you needs help and support. A flowering plant smells strongly, which means that a person will appear in life who will be onslaught to achieve location, which will lead to a feeling that someone is choking. A dream where indoor flowers in pots appeared unusual color, indicates the possibility of obtaining new