
Types of control. Three-stage control over labor protection: methodological recommendations

Monitoring the state of labor protection at the enterprise is carried out in order to establish the degree of compliance by services, departments and employees with the rules, norms and requirements for labor protection regulated by regulatory acts on labor protection.

The main forms of control at the enterprise are:

Operational control of the work manager and other officials;

Departmental control;

Administrative and public control.

Three-stage control consists of checking compliance with labor safety requirements at each workplace in the department.

Control is carried out in stages:

Stage I - carried out daily by the site manager (BTK, PDS, SHIKH), senior foreman, foreman, foreman, mechanic, power engineer, together with the labor protection representative.

Stage II - conducted weekly by the head of the workshop (department, laboratory) together with the chairman of the trade union committee of the workshop or with the chairman of the labor safety commission of the workshop, occupational safety engineer, shop doctor.

Stage III - once a month is carried out by the chief engineer of the enterprise together with the chief specialists and the chairman of the trade union committee (deputy chairman).

1. Basic requirements for inspection

1.1. The procedure for carrying out the first stage of control:

- Every day before starting work, the foreman and the labor protection representative must check at his site the condition of workplaces, the serviceability of equipment, tools and devices, the presence and serviceability of personal protective equipment, the operation of ventilation units, the condition of sanitary facilities, the availability of instructions and posters on labor protection. Note the detected deficiencies in the 1st stage control log and take measures to eliminate them;

During the shift, the foreman monitors workers' compliance with labor safety standards and instructions.

1.2. The procedure for carrying out the second stage of labor protection control:

- the head of the workshop (department), together with the chairman of the trade union committee or the chairman of the labor protection commission, labor protection engineer, workshop doctor, mechanic and power engineer of the workshop, technologist, once a week check the state of labor protection at one of the sites (according to the inspection schedule), compliance technical processes and instructions on labor protection by workers, check the elimination of comments identified during the previous inspection, evaluate the work of the first stage;

The control results are recorded by the shop manager in the log of the II stage of labor protection control;

Based on the results of the examination, an order is issued for the unit within 5 days;

The shortcomings identified by the commission are eliminated promptly, with the exception of those whose elimination requires a certain amount of time.

1.3. The procedure for carrying out the third stage of labor protection control:

The head of the enterprise, the chief engineer of the enterprise, the chairman of the trade union committee, together with the deputy chief engineer for labor protection, chief specialists, the head of the labor protection department, the workshop doctor, and the HRD, according to the approved schedule, check the state of labor protection in one of the divisions once a quarter. The results of the inspection are documented in a protocol. The protocol provides an assessment of the performance of occupational safety responsibilities by the workshop management. Based on the results of the inspection, an order is issued for the plant.

Once a month, the same staff, according to the approved schedule, conducts a comprehensive survey of the state of labor protection in one of the departments.

The results of the examination are documented in a document.

Based on the results of a comprehensive survey, an order is issued for the enterprise.

The day of the third stage of labor protection control is Tuesday, starting at 9.00.

1.4. When carrying out the first stage of control, the following is checked:

- state of workplaces;

Serviceability of equipment, tools, devices, compliance with labor protection requirements;

Availability and serviceability of collective protective equipment;

Availability and serviceability of workwear, safety shoes and personal protective equipment (helmets, safety belts, safety ropes, special vests, dielectric boots, galoshes, mats, gloves, goggles, gas masks, respirators, etc.);

Operation of ventilation units;

The condition of passages and driveways, floors, door and window openings;

Availability of instructions and posters on labor protection;

Condition of sanitary facilities.

1.5. When carrying out the second stage of control, the following is checked:

- implementation of measures to eliminate deficiencies and violations identified by the previous inspection;

Carrying out the first stage of control and eliminating the identified deficiencies;

Serviceability and safe condition of production and auxiliary premises, equipment, tools, inventory, transport and lifting equipment;

The presence of faulty fences, the availability and serviceability of collective and individual protective equipment, the timeliness and correctness of the issuance of protective clothing and protective equipment;

Safe storage and proper organization of transportation and use of toxic, caustic, flammable substances;

Implementation of repair schedules for equipment, machines, mechanisms;

Efficiency of ventilation systems, implementation of schedules for preventive inspections, repairs, cleaning and adjustment of ventilation systems;

Temperature conditions - in rooms, lighting of rooms, platforms, workplaces;

Condition of sanitary facilities;

Condition of the unit's territory, safe and proper storage of materials;

Timeliness of instructions, training and certification (testing of knowledge) of workers, correctness of their admission to work (including to work on equipment under the jurisdiction of Gosgortekhnadzor);

Security for workers drinking water, neutralizing and detergents;

Timely testing and inspection of protective equipment, equipment, lifting machines, vessels, etc.;

Availability of occupational safety instructions, warning posters, inscriptions, and occupational safety stands at workplaces.

1.6. When carrying out the third stage of control, the following is checked:

- implementation of measures to eliminate deficiencies identified by the second stage of control;

Implementation of action plans to improve working conditions, agreements on labor protection, measures to respond to accidents, orders, instructions, instructions on labor protection, regulations on labor protection;

Carrying out activities to certify workplaces;

Timeliness and correctness of all types of instructions; the presence of instructions, posters, stands, inscriptions and other visual propaganda;

Timeliness of training and knowledge testing;

Condition of the territory, buildings, structures, passages, driveways;

Availability, maintenance and use of sanitary facilities, provision of workers with them in accordance with standards, provision of drinking water;

General sanitary condition of the workshop, site of the facility, offices, air temperature, humidity, etc.;

Condition of equipment, machines, mechanisms;

Condition and availability of collective and individual protective equipment, special clothing;

Timely testing and examination of protective equipment, equipment, lifting machines and other equipment, correctness of admission of persons to work and organization of safe operation of equipment, lifting machines and mechanisms;

Organization of work with increased danger, correct registration and permission of workers to perform these works.

The system for monitoring compliance with regulatory requirements also includes a comprehensive examination of the enterprise’s divisions by the enterprise’s management.

1.7. Once a quarter, deputy general directors conduct a comprehensive survey of the labor protection status of one or two of the enterprise’s subordinate divisions, discussing the results of the comprehensive survey report.

1.8. The deputy chief engineer for the current production of technical re-equipment and in the future conducts once a quarter an inspection of the labor protection status of one of the subordinate departments with a discussion of the inspection report.

1.9. Once every six months, the General Director conducts a comprehensive survey of the state of labor protection of one of the divisions with the participation of chief specialists with a discussion of the results at a production meeting.

1.10. The head of the labor protection department monthly checks the state of labor protection in departments during comprehensive surveys, carrying out 3-stage control, checking the state of labor protection.

1.11. Occupational Safety Day (OSD) is an inspection of the state of occupational safety in production departments, followed by summing up the results of the inspection at a special meeting.

1.12. On Occupational Safety Day, every worker and engineer is required to conduct self-monitoring of the state of occupational safety at his or her workplace and compliance with labor safety instructions.”

1.13. Occupational Safety Day at production sites is held in shifts according to the 1st level of labor protection control program every day. Identified deficiencies and violations are entered into the first stage of control log and are subsequently discussed at a 5-minute meeting with workers.

1.14. Occupational Safety Day in a workshop (department) is held according to the II level labor protection control program weekly on Tuesdays. Identified deficiencies and violations are recorded in the log of the II stage of control.

The results of the inspection are discussed at a meeting with the workshop manager.

1.15. Occupational Safety Day at the enterprise is held on Tuesday according to the III level of labor protection control program. Identified violations and shortcomings are documented in a protocol.

1.16. Procedure for self-monitoring of occupational safety. Every day before starting work, every worker and engineer is obliged to:

Assess your theoretical and practical preparedness for the intended work;

Assess your knowledge of safety requirements when performing work and the availability of practical skills in using safe work practices;

Assess your psychophysical condition (if you feel unwell, consult a doctor);

Wear or apply the required personal protective equipment, check their serviceability and ease of use;

Check the safe condition of the workplace (lack of clutter, blocked passages, ventilation efficiency, adequacy of lighting, etc.);

Check the serviceability and safe condition of equipment, devices and tools.

The worker must immediately report any identified comments, shortcomings in the state of labor safety and problems with work to his supervisor.

1.17. The procedure for holding a labor safety day at sites, in shifts and in service.

After conducting operational monitoring of the state of labor safety at a production site, shift, or service according to the program of the first stage of three-stage control, the site manager, shift supervisor, or service supervisor is obliged every Tuesday:

Discuss the results of the previous week's inspections at a 5-minute meeting with workers;

Note workers who comply with instructions and other labor safety requirements;

Announce reprimands to violators who violated instructions and other labor safety requirements.

1.18. The procedure for holding a labor safety day in the workshop:

- inspection of the state of labor safety in the workshop should be carried out according to the program of the second stage of three-stage control.

After conducting an inspection of the state of labor safety in the workshop at the same time. day, the shop manager must hold a meeting at which the following must be present:

Heads of sections, shifts, services;

Head of technical bureau;

Performers called to explain -

The shop manager announces the results of implementing the decisions of the previous occupational safety day. In this case, the following questions should be addressed:

Checking the quality of the I stage of three-stage control with a mark in the I stage log;

Implementation of planned activities at stages I and II of three-stage control;

The state of working conditions in the workplace;

Compliance with rules, regulations and instructions on safety, fire safety and industrial sanitation;

Compliance with safety regulations. when operating equipment, tools and equipment;

Use by workers individual funds protection and protective clothing;

The presence of cases of industrial injuries and their causes;

Other questions.

The Occupational Safety and Health Commissioner announces the results of inspections of the state of labor protection at the following sites:

Production foremen, support service foremen, technologists guilty of labor safety violations are heard in mandatory;

Representatives of the services should provide specific recommendations on unresolved issues discussed at the DBT.

The shop manager sums up the results of the DBT. At the meeting, decisions are made on all issues considered.

DBT decisions are recorded in the journal of stage II of three-stage control, where measures to eliminate identified deficiencies are recorded, indicating specific performers and deadlines. An assessment of the performance of duties is given. labor protection officials (site managers, foremen, mechanics, power engineers).

Issues whose solutions are beyond the competence of the workshops should be referred to the safety department for consideration. If necessary, unresolved issues should be included on the agenda of the next plant DBT.

1.19. Conducting a labor safety day in the department.

DBT in the department should be carried out by the head of the department, once a month on the first Tuesday according to the program of stage II of three-stage control. The department's DBT must be attended by:

Heads of structural units included in the department;

Leading specialists;

Public labor safety inspector;

Chairman of the shop committee of the trade union;

Performers who were responsible for violations of labor safety requirements.

The head of the department reports on the results of the analysis of labor safety, the causes of injuries and illnesses in the department over the past month.

In this case, the following questions should be addressed:

Claims from workshops and other departments;

Causes of injuries;

Cases of violation of safety regulations, industrial sanitation and fire safety;

Other questions.

The head of the department announces the results of implementing the decisions of the previous DBT, sums up the results of the current occupational safety day. DBT decisions, indicating deadlines and executors, are recorded in the journal of the II stage of three-stage control.

Issues whose solutions are beyond the competence of the department should be referred to the Occupational Safety department for consideration.

1.20. The procedure for conducting DBT at the enterprise.

DBT at the enterprise is carried out by the chief engineer (technical director).

The following must be present at the DBT:

Heads, deputy heads of workshops (departments);

Chief specialists of the enterprise with inspection workers;

Assistant Director for Household Services;

Senior PFC engineer;

Head of the OT department;

Chairman of the trade union committee or chairman of the labor protection commission;

Workshop doctor;

Heads of sections, services, shifts;

Head of the technological bureau;

Public inspector for labor protection of the workshop.

The chief engineer checks the quality of the II stage of three-stage control with a note about this in the II stage log.

The head of the safety department checks the quality of the first stage of three-stage control with a note about this in the first stage log.

The shop manager announces the implementation of the decisions of the previous occupational safety day.

The following questions should be addressed:

Carrying out the activities of the previous order for the enterprise;

The presence of cases of industrial injuries and their causes;

The presence of occupational and general morbidity and their causes.

Chief specialists, assistant director for everyday life, controlling departments or bureaus of the enterprise report at the meeting on the violations and shortcomings identified during the inspection.

The doctor reports on morbidity and industrial sanitation in the workshop.

The senior fire control engineer reports on the fire safety of the workshop.

The chief engineer listens to the head of the workshop (department), chief specialists, assistant director for everyday life, supervisory departments or bureaus, medical unit doctor, senior HR engineer and makes decisions on all issues considered, which are then included in the orders for the enterprise.

Based on the results of the inspection, the inspectors draw up a report, which is approved by the chief engineer. Based on the act, an order is issued for the enterprise.

After a month, the shop manager checks the implementation of the measures according to the inspection report and reports the results of the check to the safety department.

1.21. Administrative and public control of the state of labor protection at the enterprise is carried out by a labor protection committee created on a parity basis, in accordance with the approved “Regulations on the work of the labor protection committee.”

Appendix No. 4 to the Regulations on the OSMS at the enterprise

Planning of measures to improve working conditions and safety, ensuring labor safety requirements in the departments of the enterprise

1.1. In order to systematize and systematically carry out work to create healthy and safe working conditions at the enterprise, next plans:

Plan of health and safety measures for the department for the year;

Plan of health and safety measures for the enterprise for the year;

Agreement of the collective agreement on labor protection of the enterprise;

Program to improve the working conditions and safety of the enterprise.

1.2. A health and safety plan is developed in each department for a period of 1 year.

The development of the plan is organized by the head of the unit and submitted for approval to the chief engineer before November 15, the year preceding the planned one.

Agreed plan by \ December is transferred to the labor protection department.

1.3. A plan for occupational health and safety measures for the enterprise for the year is prepared by the occupational safety department based on plans from departments and proposals from chief specialists, coordinated with the chief engineer of the enterprise and submitted to the general director for approval by December 15.

One copy of the approved plan is submitted to the OKS for inclusion of activities requiring capital investments in the capital construction plan.

1.4. A collective bargaining agreement on labor protection is developed for a period of one year between the administration of the enterprise and the trade union committee.

The collective agreement on labor protection is prepared by the labor protection department together with the heads of the structural divisions of the enterprise and, before December 1 of the year preceding the planned one, is submitted to the trade union committee and the general director for signature.

The collective agreement agreement is transferred to OKS, chief specialists, heads of departments responsible for implementation, to the planning department, OMTS by December 15.

1.5. A program to improve the working conditions and safety of the enterprise is developed by the labor protection department together with the main specialists of the enterprise for a period of 5 years.

1.6. The program to improve working conditions and safety is considered at a joint meeting of the administration and the trade union committee and approved by the general director.

1.7. Occupational safety measures that require large capital investments and last more than 1 year are planned separately according to the capital construction program.

1.8. Plans of health-improving measures, agreements, and programs should include occupational safety measures recommended by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 1995 No. 11.

1.9. Methodological guidance and organization of work on planning labor protection measures is carried out by the labor protection department.

1.10. Responsibility for timely and high-quality planning of labor protection measures throughout the enterprise rests with the chief engineer, and in a department - with the head of the department.

1.11. Accounting and registration of action plans is the responsibility of the labor protection department.

Application 5 to the Regulations on OSHS at the enterprise

Related information.

The safety of enterprise employees is ensured by the employer through the implementation and compliance with labor protection rules. Proper organization of work allows you to avoid injuries and reduce bad influence hazardous factors for working people (including collecting the relevant commissions: details). By taking care of employee safety, the employer himself benefits.

The three-stage control implemented at the enterprise ensures the correct functioning of the security system in the service.

What is three-stage labor protection control?

Three-stage labor protection control can be carried out different methods. A three-stage control system is monitoring of already prescribed and completed work to ensure the safety system at work.

The corresponding system allows:

  • Carry out systematic monitoring of the actions of employees at all levels;
  • Comply with the standards prescribed by Russian law;
  • Keep workplaces, household premises and production areas in order;
  • Carry out systematic training and briefings that improve the culture and knowledge of employees regarding labor standards;
  • Ensure the application of sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • Provide health improvement for team members.

Timely and regular monitoring steps allows management to adjust actions and improve the created working conditions.

Three-stage control over labor protection - a normative document

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation devotes a whole section to issues of labor protection and implementation of measures to improve labor performance. But not one of the chapters indicates the mandatory use of a three-stage control system.

The choice of the form of management and control over compliance with prescribed standards falls entirely on the shoulders of the employer. In some cases, regulatory authorities may intervene in the selection process. However, it is often the manager who determines which structure is optimal to introduce at the enterprise. After implementation, the structure is regulated in accordance with local documents adopted in the organization.

The procedure for carrying out three-stage labor protection control

The three-stage occupational safety and health system allows you to distribute responsibilities in the organization as follows:

  • The 1st stage is the direct work coordinators. This includes shift and section managers, foremen, foremen;
  • 2nd level – heads of departments;
  • The 3rd level is a commission headed by the director of the institution.

The three-step process for operational inspections is as follows:

  • The main representatives of the first two levels conduct regular checks on workers, within the scope of their job descriptions;
  • The responsibility of the responsible persons of the 3rd level is to enter information on the performed checks into the journal;
  • Based on the records made, an act is drawn up.

The presence of identified violations gives the right to issue orders to eliminate inconsistencies.

Certain time intervals are allotted for completing all actions.

Order on the introduction of three-stage control over labor protection at the enterprise

The introduction of a three-level model is possible subject to compliance with the standards laid down by law. The manager’s order allows the said system to be officially implemented.

The order must indicate:

  • The basis that led to the introduction of this process;
  • Indication of the commission composition of the third level and the chairman of the commission. This is usually the director of the organization;
  • List of employees who have an important mission to carry out on-site activities.

One of the mandatory documents for an enterprise is the provision on a three-level labor protection model. This is one of the first regulations that is developed before the implementation of this system.

Sample of filling out a three-stage labor protection control log

The three-level system, which ensures the harmlessness of professional activities, has its own specifics - it must be reflected in journals.

The form of the journal is an arbitrary indicator, but it is better to adhere to the following columns:

  • Line sequence number;
  • Date of the inspection;
  • Identified violation;
  • Deadline for eliminating violations;
  • Name of the specialist who conducted the inspection;
  • Signature of the inspector.

Depending on the employer’s goals, additional columns may be added to the journal. It is recommended to leave one section called “Note”. It is possible to enter information of a scattered nature and data not taken into account in advance.

Every employer is required by law to ensure that the enterprise operates in accordance with labor legislation. Therefore, the reduction negative effect from professional activities is the primary task of any leader.

Protection of employees from harmful and dangerous factors of production is considered the main task any employer. To implement it, various OT systems are being implemented. One of the most effective tools for continuous monitoring of safety conditions is three-stage labor protection control.

Regulatory document, by which it is introduced, - GOST R. 12.0.007-2009. Clause 9.5 defines its main activities. Let's take a closer look at them.

General information

Three-stage labor protection control is a multi-level system of continuous monitoring of compliance with occupational safety requirements. It acts as the main form of monitoring by representatives of the employer and the team over the state of conditions in the workplace. For some institutions this system has special meaning. For example, preschool educational institutions in hazardous industries, in addition to general measures, also include special procedures that allow assessing the effectiveness of measures taken to protect individuals from the negative influence of the environment. As part of monitoring, compliance with safety standards, compliance with instructions, norms, and rules is monitored. T three-stage labor protection control acts as the most important factor in a set of measures to improve working conditions, improve production standards, and subsequently reduce the number of injuries and occupational diseases. The system is designed to ensure that all employees, from ordinary employees to directors, are in good health conditions.


Organization of three-stage labor protection control aimed at:

  1. Implementation of a set of established occupational safety measures.
  2. Identification of employees who are responsible for promptly checking the safety of working conditions.
  3. Elimination of deficiencies found at 3 successive OT levels.

The employer is not required to introduce the system. However, it can become an effective tool for preventing injuries and illnesses.


As stated above, GOST R. 12.0.007-2009 defines the activities that are included in the three-stage labor protection control. The regulatory document, in particular, provides for the following levels of monitoring:

  1. The foreman and the trusted (authorized) labor union safety officer inspect all workplaces every day. Identified problems must be corrected immediately.
  2. The head of the site (shop) and an authorized employee with an occupational safety engineer perform a walk-through once a week. The results of inspections are recorded in occupational safety journals. They indicate the performers and the deadline for eliminating the identified inconsistencies.
  3. The institution's committee (commission) studies the state of occupational safety in the department once a month. Based on the results of the inspection, a report on violations is drawn up and an order is issued to eliminate them.

Supervision and control of labor protection in companies with a small number of employees it is carried out in two stages:

  1. The manager inspects all workplaces daily.
  2. Every month, an in-depth examination is carried out by the occupational safety commission with the participation of leading employees of the company, a trusted representative of the trade union or the team.

Based on the results of the inspection, the noted deficiencies are recorded in occupational safety journals. They also record proposals for eliminating inconsistencies, deadlines for completing the relevant activities and performers. The latter sign.

Important point

It must be taken into account that it will only be effective when all personnel, from ordinary workers to managers, persistently and consistently strive to improve the quality of working conditions. The key condition for the company in this case is the presence of a trade union or a representative structure from the team. The chairman of a professional association plays a significant role in resolving occupational safety issues. His competence includes organizing public control, managing the activities of authorized labor protection employees, and negotiating with management.


Its competence includes organizing joint activities of the employer and labor safety personnel. The commission has the following responsibilities:

  1. Checking the status of conditions in the workplace.
  2. Informing staff about the results of the examination.
  3. Collection of proposals for the section of the collective agreement on occupational safety.

Employee participation

Responsibility for the organization and methodological support of three-stage control is assigned to the relevant department or one authorized specialist. Each engineering and technical worker, within the framework of his competence established in job description, should participate in the implementation of occupational safety measures. The content of checks at the control stages can be supplemented in accordance with the specifics of the enterprise’s activities and the technologies used. The frequency of surveys and the rules for documenting their results are almost the same in all companies and institutions.


Three-stage control over labor protection at the enterprise allows you to provide:

  1. Compliance with legal requirements for occupational safety.
  2. Safety technological processes, structures, buildings, equipment.
  3. Maintaining areas in proper condition.
  4. Use of personal and collective protective equipment by personnel.
  5. Appropriate sanitary and hygienic conditions.
  6. Treatment and preventive care for personnel.
  7. Instruction, training, special analysis of the condition of work areas in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code.

Regulations on three-stage control over labor protection

This act defines the main activities and the persons responsible for their implementation. The Regulations establish specific control parameters. At the first level, monitoring is carried out in relation to:

  1. Implementation of measures to eliminate violations discovered during previous inspections.
  2. Microclimate, lighting in work areas.
  3. Cleanliness of the surrounding area.
  4. Serviceability of equipment and working tools.
  5. Status of compliance with electrical and fire safety standards, sanitary and hygienic rules.

At the first level the following is also checked:

Weekly check-up

Carrying out three-stage labor protection control at the second level involves checking:

Third level

At the last stage, control is carried out throughout the enterprise as a whole. Activities are carried out in accordance with the schedule approved by management. The inspection is carried out by a commission headed by a technical chief. Its composition includes chief specialists, occupational safety workers, and team representatives. At the third stage, it is recommended to check:

  1. The implementation and results of activities carried out at previous stages.
  2. Implementation of regulations, orders, orders of higher authorities, trade union committee.
  3. Implementation of activities established in the collective agreement and other acts.
  4. Status of special assessment of places of work based on working conditions.
  5. Maintenance of structures, buildings, premises, roadways, pedestrian areas, passages, galleries, tunnels.
  6. Compliance of lifting, technological, energy, transport and other equipment with the requirements established in the OSH standards.
  7. Efficiency of operation of exhaust and supply ventilation systems, gas and dust collection devices.
  8. Implementation of schedules for scheduled preventative repairs of production and educational equipment, availability of communication diagrams and connection of power plants.
  9. Provision of personnel with special footwear, special clothing and other personal protective equipment, the correctness of their issuance, maintenance, washing, repair, and cleaning.
  10. Carrying out
  11. Providing staff with sanitary facilities.
  12. Conditions of corners according to OT.
  13. Compliance with rest and work schedules, discipline.
  14. Status of compliance with electrical and fire safety rules, sanitary and hygienic standards, etc.

At this stage, a revision of occupational safety instructions, briefings and testing of the knowledge of managers and specialists are also carried out.


Based on the results of monitoring, acts of disciplinary action against employees who do not comply with established regulations are drawn up, measures are developed to improve working conditions, with the appointment of executors and deadlines for implementation. At each stage, independent tasks must be solved. At the next stage, monitoring of activities carried out at the previous level is carried out. The results of inspections are necessarily documented. OHS logs should be kept by the chairman of the commission. Committee members develop measures to improve the safety of working conditions and present them to management.

31.10.2017, 20:49

The employer has the obligation to organize an internal labor protection system. One of effective forms ensuring the safety of employees in work time– three-stage labor protection control. The essence of this method lies in the involvement of officials with different levels powers.

Classification of types of control

The Labor Code assigns the employer the function of ensuring normal conditions labor for personnel, as well as monitoring the current state and changes in created conditions.

For labor protection purposes, there may be several types of control:

  • state;
  • departmental;
  • public;
  • administrative – in essence, this is three-stage control.

Let’s say right away that the three-tier system combines the functions of administrative and public species control.

How does three-stage control work?

A description of the set of actions within the framework of the three-stage internal control of the occupational safety and health system can only be found in some industry regulations. For example, in the order of the Ministry of Transport and Industry of December 4, 2002 No. 237 and the regulations of JSC Russian Railways of August 12, 2006 No. TsTL-16/2.

The fact is that federal legislation does not impose a general obligation to maintain such control on employers.

This method of organizing labor protection provides for:

1st stage of control

At this stage, three-stage monitoring of compliance with labor protection can occur daily or every shift, with a set of certain activities carried out at the beginning of the working day and throughout the entire shift.

Responsibilities for its implementation are assigned to:

  • for a shift foreman;
  • duty officer;
  • foreman;
  • immediate superior.

The working day of such a responsible person should begin with the following actions:

  • checking the current health status of employees arriving at work;
  • monitoring the adequacy of employee behavior (detection of facts of alcohol and drug intoxication, mental imbalance);
  • assessment of the safety of production premises relative to the control values ​​of key indicators;
  • checking the availability of first aid kits and fire extinguishers, special clothing, and personal protective equipment in the required places;
  • checking tools for serviceability;
  • diagnostics of the operation of the ventilation system, lighting and grounding devices.

During the working day, the responsible official is obliged to note the team’s compliance with safety and labor protection rules. If necessary, the supervisor can use checklists, making notes on each item.

2nd stage of control

Heads of structural divisions, represented by heads of workshops, sections and senior foremen, implement a set of level 2 measures, which involves three-stage control over labor protection at the enterprise.

The frequency of these checks is from 1 time per month. However, weekly monitoring is also possible. In addition, occupational safety specialists can be involved in inspections.

The tasks of the inspectors at this stage are:

  • eliminating deficiencies that were identified by daily monitoring;
  • implementation of measures specified in acts for investigating injury cases (if any);
  • diagnostics of operability and serviceability of transport and equipment, electrical appliances and ventilation systems;
  • checking compliance with standards for the degree of illumination of each workplace in the enterprise, sanitary condition production premises and rest rooms;
  • recording the presence of information stands with safety signs, assessing their relevance;
  • checking the implementation of the labor protection training schedule and the timeliness of special briefings.

Note that in the first 2 stages, as a rule, a three-stage control log is filled out. A sample of it is usually given in the internal regulatory act of the enterprise. For example, regulations on labor protection.

3rd stage of control

Once a month or quarterly, the enterprise forms a commission, which is headed by the head of the organization or his deputy. She spends due diligence labor protection systems. The commission may include:

  • Chief Engineer;
  • chief technologist;
  • technical department employees;
  • representatives of the trade union committee;
  • electricians;
  • personnel department employees, etc.

The functions of the commission usually include:

  • studying facts of violation of safety measures (in the log of three-stage labor protection control they are noted by responsible persons at the first 2 stages of control);
  • assessment of the current state of industrial buildings, structures, road crossings on the territory of the enterprise, tunnels, sidewalks, etc.;
  • diagnostics of serviceability of lifting equipment, technical production lines, ventilation systems, electrical devices, communications;
  • availability and intended use of protective clothing and other personal protective equipment.

At this stage, general monitoring of compliance with the work and rest regime established at the enterprise is carried out, and the degree of compliance of sanitary and hygienic standards in the workplace with state standards is assessed.

If at the first 2 stages, based on the results of the inspection, a three-stage control log is filled out, then at the third monitoring block the results are reflected in the report. Its shape is arbitrary. It involves listing the entire range of identified violations.

Based on the final document presented by the commission, the head of the enterprise issues an order to eliminate the detected shortcomings by implementing specific measures.

Maintaining this log is the responsibility of the inspectors. This document must contain information:

  • about the date of inspection;
  • FULL NAME. and positions of inspectors;
  • identified violations;
  • proposed measures to eliminate shortcomings;
  • time frames allocated for improving the labor protection system;
  • appointment of responsible persons who must monitor the elimination of deficiencies;
  • notes on the implementation of the proposed measures.

In order to prevent disagreements within the enterprise, as well as to minimize claims from external controllers, the internal regulations on labor protection must approve recommendations for maintaining and the form of a three-stage control log. Each organization will have its own example of how to fill out this document.

Supervision over the implementation of safety standards in organizations and production facilities is carried out by a number of government agencies. These are the labor dispute inspectorate and the prosecutor's office. However, the management of the organization is independently obliged to take measures to ensure the safety of production processes and labor protection.

As a rule, the employer is limited to introducing a full-time position of labor protection engineer and instructing employees. But there is more efficient system, which is called three-stage.

What is three-stage labor protection control?

Such occupational safety supervision is not mandatory. The current labor legislation does not contain rules that would oblige the employer to install such a system. However, it is very effective because it allows for continuous monitoring of compliance with safety standards.

Therefore, the introduction of three-stage labor protection control at the enterprise seems to be a reasonable decision. Such a decision can be made at the level of senior management of the company or be a local initiative. Typically, the introduction of three-stage control over labor protection at an enterprise is advisable for large production facilities. The specified three-stage control at the enterprise will allow you to avoid many emergency situations and large fines from supervisory authorities.

The procedure for carrying out three-stage labor protection control

Three-stage control over the state of labor protection at the enterprise is introduced by a special order of the employer. This order is issued in connection with the instructions of higher management or recommendations of the supervisory authority. In some cases, trade union bodies may apply for such a system.

Three-stage control at the enterprise has the following structure:

  • The first link lies in the activities of local leadership. This could be the construction site manager, the shift supervisor, the production workshop foreman, and so on. He is the direct executor of the law regulating work safety;
  • Head of a structural unit. For example, the head of a workshop or production site will be the next link in the work safety chain. He is obliged to directly conduct or supervise the briefing, to exclude cases of work performed without the use of safety systems or in violation of safety rules;
  • The highest level of the three-tier system is the labor protection commission. It is created on the basis of a separate administrative act or as part of a general order in the introduction of the system in question. This commission resolves labor disputes related to violations of work safety provisions.

The employer is obliged to familiarize employees with the order to create such a system and inform the trade union organization.

Order on the introduction of three-stage control over labor protection at the enterprise

A sample order for the introduction of three-stage control can be developed by the organization or enterprise itself. You can also use the existing example. In any case, this administrative document must be based on the requirements of the law and take into account the internal specifics of the enterprise.

Among the main provisions of this document, the following should be indicated:

  • It is necessary to describe in detail the structural units that will implement this system. You should indicate their name and briefly reflect the specifics of the work;
  • All officials responsible for control must be identified. There is no need to indicate their last names, since people can change. It is recommended to reflect job titles. For example, technologist of the 6th furnace and so on;
  • Reporting forms should be provided. After all, each link is required to record the progress of work processes and report on all emergency situations with personnel. As a rule, work is recorded by filling out a special journal;
  • It is necessary to stipulate the order of interaction between the first two links and the commission.

Journal of three-stage monitoring of the state of labor protection

Such a journal is an excellent form of primary recording of the flow of labor processes. Security protection in the enterprise and monitoring the state of protection of work processes is reflected in several columns of this log. You can provide convenient graphs in it. However, there is also a standard form.

It includes several mandatory sections:

  • If a violation is identified, its essence and circumstances should be briefly reflected;
  • Provide information about the time frame for eliminating the identified violation;
  • The signature of the person who was responsible on a specific day and information about him must be reflected in a separate column;
  • A separate column should be included to reflect information about the person performing the work to eliminate the violation.

The employer has the right to independently supplement the journal with any columns at its discretion.

Sample of filling out a three-stage labor protection control log

This example contains all the important sections of the log. Moreover, the available columns are filled out in quite detail. Therefore, this form can be used in various organizations and enterprises. It can be budgetary institutions or production facilities.