
Is it possible to do a colonoscopy with hemorrhoids? Is it possible to do a colonoscopy procedure for hemorrhoids or is it dangerous? What is a virtual colonoscopy

Colonoscopy is endoscopic method diagnostics of the intestine using a fibrocolonoscope. The device is made in the form of a flexible tube with a diameter of about 1 cm. Its tip is equipped with a light bulb and a miniature camera that displays an image on a monitor.

During the manipulation, air is injected into the intestine, due to which the lumen of the organ expands and the walls are not injured. The diagnostic results are recorded in writing, and modern devices make it possible to record the procedure on a digital medium.

A fibrocolonoscope allows you to examine a section of the intestine from the area anus to the junction of the thin and thick sections. With its help, the doctor sees the slightest changes in the mucous membrane, can visualize the area with inflamed nodes and bleeding. In the case of a blurred diagnosis, colonoscopy will help to put differential diagnosis, exclude suspicions of oncological processes and Crohn's disease.

Colonoscopy is considered the most reliable method diagnosis of hemorrhoids, allowing you to accurately diagnose in 99-100% of cases.

Indications for colonoscopy for hemorrhoids

Do colonoscopy for hemorrhoids - the question worries patients who have complaints about work gastrointestinal tract. The procedure is considered by many as painful and unpleasant, especially in the presence of pronounced external hemorrhoids.

However, the traumatization of the method is minimized due to the injection of air, which expands the intestinal lumen and does not allow the colonoscope to mechanically affect the mucous membrane. In addition, with pain in the anus, the doctor performs local anesthesia - so the patient better tolerates the diagnosis.

Indications for the procedure:

  • suspected hemorrhoids. If the patient complains of itching and burning in the anus, pain during bowel movements;
  • when blood appears from the anus during bowel movements;
  • to determine distribution pathological process and its neglect;
  • complications are suspected. Lets hold differential diagnosis hemorrhoids if present additional symptomspurulent discharge, weight loss, intoxication;
  • to stop bleeding. The colonoscope allows cauterization of bleeding areas;
  • material for laboratory research. Using a diagnostic apparatus, the doctor removes a piece of tissue and sends it for histological or microbiological analysis.

Contraindications for the procedure

Whether it is possible to do a colonoscopy for a particular patient, only the doctor decides. Although the procedure is considered relatively safe, there are a number of contraindications to the procedure:

  • peritonitis and suspicion of inflammation of the peritoneum;
  • cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency decompensated type;
  • hernia of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • severe poisoning and intoxication;
  • ulcerative colitis in the acute phase;
  • infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • mental illness and epilepsy;
  • pregnancy.

In case of acute hemorrhoids, with extensive areas of inflammation, swelling and bleeding nodes, the procedure is prohibited. This will not only be painful for the patient, but will also make it difficult to perform a colonoscopy. Aggravated hemorrhoids should first be treated, and then manipulated.

If there are serious contraindications to the procedure, the patient may be offered a virtual colonoscopy on a CT scanner.

Performing a colonoscopy

Manipulation calls discomfort but is well tolerated by patients without anesthesia. In severe cases, if the pain syndrome cannot be avoided, the doctor performs diagnostics under general anesthesia.


Do a colonoscopy for hemorrhoids special training fail. Negligent attitude to the preparatory stage threatens the failure of the procedure. The specialist will not be able to fully use the colonoscope, will not make a complete picture of the disease and will be forced to prescribe a second diagnosis.

A few days before the study, it is recommended to follow a special diet. Its goal is to exclude from the diet foods that provoke increased gas formation in the intestines and contain coarse fiber traumatizing the walls of the organ. It is forbidden to use:

  • fibrous fruits - apricots, peaches, apples, dates;
  • legumes - peas, beans;
  • fresh vegetables - cabbage, carrots, beets, radishes, radishes;
  • mushrooms, nuts, seeds;
  • soda drinks and milk;
  • kvass and black bread.

These days, preference should be given to dishes from low-fat varieties of fish and meat, dairy products. Weak tea, jelly, drinks without gas, yeast-free pastries, mucous porridges are allowed. Food should be easily digestible, prepared with gentle methods - steamed, stewed or boiled.

On the day before the procedure, they switch exclusively to liquid meals. It is forbidden to drink red-colored drinks - the diagnostician may mistake them for blood.

Bowel cleansing is the most important stage of preparation. Cleansing can be done with enemas or pharmacological preparations. Enemas are carried out on the eve of the procedure: twice in the evening with an interval of two hours and once in the morning. Each enema requires about 1.5 liters of water. Should go out in the morning after the enema pure water without impurities of feces.

If it is not possible to carry out an enema, laxatives are prescribed. They are taken 24 hours before the study according to the instructions. The drug Fortrans works effectively. This is a laxative powder in sachets, which is diluted in in large numbers of water and drunk at a time on the eve of the colonoscopy.

You can divide the entire volume of the drug into two doses. Drink half in the evening and take the other half in the morning. But keep in mind that the drug needs time to act. Therefore, Fortrans should be used 3 hours before the examination.


Colonoscopy is performed on an empty stomach. Doctors usually plan the work so that the procedure is carried out in the morning.

  1. The patient takes off his clothes and puts on a medical gown. Lies on the diagnostic table or couch on the left side, tucking his knees to his chest.
  2. If necessary, anesthesia is carried out, the anus area is treated with an antiseptic.
  3. A colonoscope tube is inserted through the anus with rotational movements. At correct introduction it won't hurt. The diameter of the probe is several times smaller than the diameter of the sphincter, so penetration is easy.
  4. The doctor slowly advances the tube into upper divisions intestines, forcing air. At this stage, pain may appear due to distension of the intestines. If the sensations are extremely unpleasant, the diagnostician should be notified about this. He will remove excess air or recommend a change in body position.
  5. As the colonoscope advances, the doctor conducts an examination, the necessary diagnostic and therapeutic measures. All parts of the large intestine fall into the field of view, the slightest changes and formations are visible.
  6. The patient may be asked to roll onto their back or change body position. It is better to do this with the help of personnel in order to avoid trauma to the intestinal walls.
  7. After examination, the air is removed from the intestine and the fibrocolonoscope is removed.

The duration of the procedure depends on the qualifications of the doctor and the model of diagnostic equipment. On average, the diagnosis takes about 20 minutes. If a biopsy or cauterization is additionally performed, then the colonoscopy may be delayed.

During the procedure, the diagnostician will warn about possible discomfort and discomfort - so the patient will feel calmer.

How to behave as a patient after a colonoscopy?

Strict restrictions for the patient after colonoscopy does not exist. However, the event is stressful for the body, so there may be some soreness. internal organs which will pass within a few hours. At this time it is better to take horizontal position and observe bed rest.

To remove the remaining air from the intestines, it is recommended to lie on your stomach, take white or activated charcoal.

If the patient had a polyp removal or biopsy, the doctor may advise the patient to refrain from drinking and eating for two hours. In other cases, there are no dietary restrictions.

Hemorrhoids after colonoscopy should not worsen, since the anus is processed before using the device antiseptic solution, and penetration is non-traumatic.

The likelihood of complications

A serious complication of the examination is perforation (damage) of the intestinal wall. This can occur in the presence of ulcerative lesions and purulent processes of the intestinal mucosa. If the colonoscopy was accompanied by the removal of a polyp, there may be minor bleeding.

Patients may complain of bloating due to the introduction of air, pain in the epigastrium and in the anus. Diarrhea appears as a result of the use of strong laxatives and numerous enemas.

If after the study the body temperature rises, nausea, weakness, vomiting appear, you should immediately consult a doctor!


Colonoscopy can give the maximum full information about the condition of the intestines. With its help, hemorrhoids are diagnosed at the earliest stages. This means that the patient has the opportunity to prevent further growth of the process and avoid severe complications diseases.

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Treatment of intestinal pathologies, including such unpleasant and painful as hemorrhoids, requires the most accurate diagnosis. To date, the maximum informative method is a colonoscopy, thanks to which it is possible to carefully examine the thick and small intestine, detect neoplasms and the first signs of changes. In particular, colonoscopy for hemorrhoids allows you to accurately detect the localization of a bleeding venous node, assess the degree of pain and the condition of the mucous membrane.

Colonoscopy for hemorrhoids can be a very useful study

In this article you will learn:

The concept of the procedure

Colonoscopy of the intestine for hemorrhoids is performed in a hospital and with anesthesia. The procedure involves inserting a long fiber optic probe with diodes into the patient's anus. The colonoscope slowly moves along the intestine from the rectum to the caecum, where air enters in parallel with the movement of the device, straightening the walls and relieving spasm that prevents its movement. The information is transmitted to the monitor, and the specialist examines the entire intestine, not missing a single detail. To obtain more reliable and accurate information, the patient is offered to change the position of the body.

As a rule, colonoscopy is painless, and the appearance is too discomfort indicates the presence of a problem, a focus of inflammation and ulceration. There is no pain from the process of advancing the colonoscope, and discomfort is associated with the injection of air, pushing the walls of the intestine. However, in people with a low threshold of pain sensitivity, the discomfort may be so severe that they are unable to withstand the procedure without anesthesia. Given that anesthesia reduces the information content of the method due to the lack of such an important source of information as the patient's feelings, its use is undesirable, and can only be used medical indications.

When performing a colonoscopy, you can not only see the condition of the intestine, but also take a tissue sample for histology

Modern equipment allows you to examine the entire intestine in the most detailed way to detect tumors, thinning and other damage.

What is unique about the procedure is that in its process it is possible to obtain histological material– samples of epithelial cells for further research.

To date, this is the most accurate diagnosis intestinal problems, associated with minimal injuries and health risks. With hemorrhoids, cases of using a colonoscope not for diagnostic, but for therapeutic purposes are unknown, since this disease has a specific nature and nature of treatment.

State-of-the-art equipment makes the procedure pain-free

Why is it needed for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are extremely difficult to cure once and for all. As a rule, the course of therapy is reduced to masking the symptoms. The main reason for this difficulty lies in the problems with the detection of venous inflammation and its cauterization. Most diagnostic methods are uninformative, and it is difficult to detect the localization of bleeding. Colonoscopy reveals foci of hemorrhoids as deeply as possible, provides information about places where the mucosa is damaged and reliably confirms the diagnosis. Distinguish hemorrhoids from similar clinical picture conditions are not easy, since the itching characteristic of the disease, bloody issues from the anus and pain during bowel movements are symptoms of a host of other diseases, including cancer and.

Features of preparation

It is carried out a week before the procedure. First of all, you should reconsider your diet, excluding fatty, heavy foods, as well as foods that cause increased gas formation. It is important to drink as much liquid as possible to prevent constipation and give preference to broths, milk porridges and sour-milk foods. Banned fruits, vegetables, cheeses, cottage cheese and flour. On the eve of the colonoscopy, approximately 12-15 hours in advance, the patient is given 50 ml castor oil. In spite of bad taste, it is important to swallow the medicine in one gulp, holding back the gag reflex and not jamming.

An enema can be used to cleanse the bowel before a colonoscopy.

Before going to bed, a person should make a cleansing enema, using exclusively cold water with the addition of table vinegar to it, at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of liquid. For a complete bowel movement, at least 2 liters of water should be used. To achieve maximum effect, you should stand at least 20 minutes before a bowel movement. A similar enema is done upon awakening on the day of the study two hours before the procedure.

An alternative to an enema can be taking a laxative, which promotes instant bowel cleansing and its use does not require time and discomfort.

When carrying out preparatory measures, it should be understood that an improperly cleansed intestine will not be able to become the object of examination in full, and such an unpleasant procedure will have to be repeated. This is because the particles undigested residues food hide from the colonoscope part of the area to be examined. Only on the walls of a thoroughly emptied intestine are the smallest changes and neoplasms visible on the very early stage appearance. Before the procedure, you can’t eat anything during the day, but shortly before it, it is permissible to drink a cup of sweet tea, which will calm you down before the examination and make up for the lack of energy.

This video will help you properly prepare for a colonoscopy:


Colonoscopy for hemorrhoids is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • children under 7 years old;
  • persons over 70 years of age;
  • suffering ischemic disease heart and similar disorders;
  • with intestinal perforation;
  • in shock;
  • with bleeding.

Relative contraindications to the procedure are hernias and recent surgical interventions, since the risk of adverse effects is high here.

Carrying out the procedure

The patient can visit medical institution on the day of the study, or stay in it the day before, so that qualified personnel can assist in bowel cleansing. The procedure is carried out in the manipulation unit, where the person is in a special medical gown, cap and shoe covers. The presence of unauthorized persons is not allowed. The study is carried out in a pose lying on its side. During a colonoscopy, the patient may be turned over to obtain a clearer picture or minimize discomfort.

The procedure is carried out by inserting a special probe into the anus.

The essence of the study is that the probe with a diameter of just over one centimeter and a length of one and a half meters is gradually introduced into the intestine up to the entrance to the caecum. At the beginning of the probe are a diode that gives light, and optical instrument that sends an image to a computer monitor. In fact, the doctor gets the opportunity to look inside the patient and examine the surface of the mucous membrane of his intestines with maximum detail. On average, the examination takes about 40 minutes, and within 3-4 hours after it, the patient can return to his usual way of life, avoiding excessive physical activity and intemperance in food.

Examination in the proctologist's office is based not only on a standard digital examination. More detailed diagnostics instrumental ways studies, among which it makes sense to mention colonoscopy. This technique allows you to analyze the internal state of the rectal canal, seeing even the smallest details.

Why colonoscopy, and is it possible with hemorrhoids

If the doctor does not have enough data to make a diagnosis or he needs to investigate the problem in as much detail as possible, he will prescribe a procedure such as a colonoscopy for the patient. The apparatus with which the examination is carried out is equipped with special precise optics, due to which the examination error is small. The coloproctologist sees the condition of the mucosa to the smallest scratches and even microcracks: with the help of colonoscopy, hemorrhoids can really be noticed in their infancy.

This method of examination cannot be called pleasant, but pain he is not accompanied. The examination does not require anesthesia, although many private clinics offer this option to clients. Regarding its need, it is worth talking separately (more on this below).

Another advantage of colonoscopy is not only diagnostic, but also healing method. The doctor can carry out some corrective measures if the pathology allows for therapeutic intervention.

If, during the procedure, the doctor sees a picture that leads him to think about a possible malignant tissue lesion, he can take a tissue fragment for further biopsy right during the colonoscopy.

Colonoscopy can diagnose colitis, Crohn's disease, benign and malignant formations. This technique is also informative for hemorrhoidal disease.

How to prepare for an examination

If your intestines are properly prepared for the procedure, it will be easier and less uncomfortable for you. Finally, this will simplify the work of a specialist - the time of work will be reduced, and its quality will increase.

Rules for preparing for the examination:

Colonoscopy for hemorrhoids and other diseases can be performed under general anesthesia. But this option cannot be considered ideal. The disadvantages of the procedure, which is carried out "in a dream", are significant. Any anesthesia, as you know, is a health risk. And not the most difficult research is by no means a reason for such risks. Finally, such a procedure will be without contact between a specialist and a patient: the patient will not give the doctor the opportunity to navigate the situation, as well as some anatomical features location of the intestine.

Colonoscopy for hemorrhoids and other diseases can be performed under general anesthesia. But this option cannot be considered ideal. The disadvantages of the procedure, which is carried out "in a dream", are significant. Any anesthesia, as you know, is a health risk. And not the most difficult research is by no means a reason for such risks. Finally, such a procedure will be without contact between the specialist and the patient: the patient will not give the doctor the opportunity to navigate the situation, as well as some anatomical features of the location of the intestine.

It's embarrassing, painful and scary: what does the proctologist say?

Can a colonoscopy be done for hemorrhoids? Yes, if such a decision was voiced by the doctor. He also gives the patient recommendations on how to prepare for medical manipulation what to eat and what to give up. The doctor describes all the manipulations that await the patient, adjusts him accordingly.

Myth or not - is it true that a colonoscopy is:

  • Scary. Scary exactly to the extent that this feeling gives rise to all the unknown. A personal approach is important here - it is better for one patient not to paint the details of a colonoscopy, his imagination is working very rapidly. The other, on the contrary, wants to know everything in nuances: in his head he will play this procedure, and this will help him tune in to real research.
  • Hurt. During the procedure, the intestines are internally bloated with air - this causes discomfort and a feeling of bloating. But it decreases immediately after the procedure, and disappears in a day.
  • Ashamed. For a coloproctologist, this is a job; for you, it is a procedure that is extremely necessary for your health. Everything else is excessive reflection, inappropriate in this situation. The doctors themselves say that they work with the patient, and what gender, age they are, it does not matter to them. And they are ready for any incidents during the study (if you are so afraid of this).

Description of the procedure

The patient enters
office, stripped to the waist. He is offered a special dressing gown, as well as proctological panties. In most clinics today, the patient is given such a disposable special underwear with a hole in the right place, which will save you from unnecessary embarrassment.

If necessary, the doctor will local anesthesia using a special gel.

How is a colonoscopy performed?

  1. The patient is placed on the couch left side. He needs to put his knees on his chest.
  2. Air is injected into the patient's rectum - this is done so that during the test, when the device is moving, there are no negative sensations, mucosal injuries.
  3. The doctor inserts the probe of the device into the rectal canal to a certain point (to the Burginian valve).
  4. As the instrument moves, air is forced into the intestine: it straightens out, and the doctor can carefully examine the condition of the area under study. All data is sent to the monitor.
  5. Upon completion of the study, the probe is removed from the anus.

Hemorrhoids after colonoscopy are not included in the exacerbation phase, if the doctor does everything right. Moreover, if, for example, a patient rectal bleeding, the procedure will not be carried out. But it happens that the blood is stopped with the help of a colonoscope - the device can cauterize the affected area.

In a word, the research procedure is performed according to indications, and is not done when there are undesirable factors (for example, purulent processes).

Who is not eligible for conventional colonoscopy?

The decision whether it is possible to do a colonoscopy for hemorrhoids and a fissure is made by the doctor. He evaluates the course of the disease and general state of a person, by all means the doctor studies the patient's medical record.

Colonoscopy is not performed:

  • With peritonitis or suspicion of inflammatory changes in the peritoneum;
  • With heart and lung failure;
  • In cases of severe poisoning and intoxication;
  • At ulcerative colitis at the stage of exacerbation;
  • With blood clotting disorders;
  • People with mental deformities, epilepsy;
  • Pregnant;
  • Patients with upper respiratory tract infections.

By itself, hemorrhoids will certainly not be a limitation to colonoscopy. But if the doctor fixes extensive areas of inflammation, swelling, nodes that bleed, this procedure cannot be performed. Firstly, it will be too painful for the patient, and secondly, it will make it difficult to carry out the actions themselves.

What to do after the procedure

The patient will not receive strict prohibitions. But still, it is foolish to deny that such an examination for the body is stressful. A certain soreness in the lower abdomen for a short time may be. Therefore, the patient should just come home and lie down.

And if you are tormented by the remnants of air in the intestines, you should drink activated / white charcoal. There are no dietary restrictions. Before the procedure, the doctor treats the anus area with an antiseptic, the injection itself is painless, therefore, exacerbation of hemorrhoids after diagnosis is excluded.

The risk of complications is low. Of course, much depends on the professionalism of the doctor - the most serious complication will be damage to the intestinal wall. This happens if there are ulcerative areas and purulent processes of the intestinal mucosa. Diarrhea after colonoscopy is due to the use of strong laxatives and enemas, as well as a stress factor.

Another modern endoscopic method for diagnosing the colon, which is non-invasive, is called capsule colonoscopy.

Why was this method invented? It's simple - doctors go towards the patient and make the diagnosis as comfortable as possible for him.

Preparation for such a diagnosis will be the same as the preparatory work for a traditional colonoscopy. But the procedure itself is fundamentally different. The doctor will give the patient a small capsule, it includes one or two chambers. He swallows it with a standard glass of water.

This capsule moves along the entire path of the digestive organs, it videotapes the lumen and intestinal mucosa. This video is broadcast on special equipment, you will have to carry it with you all the time. The camera tablet will come out of the rectum in a day or a little later. The received data will be processed by the doctor, draw conclusions.

To whom this technique is prohibited:

  1. Patients with stenosis due to cicatricial deformity of the stomach or duodenum 12;
  2. People with pacemakers (or other implanted devices);
  3. Patients with impaired swallowing function;
  4. This type of diagnosis is not desirable for patients with delayed transit through the digestive tract;

According to doctors, colonoscopy for hemorrhoids is the best informative study of the large intestine, and according to patients, it is the most easily tolerated and painless. It can be done both in private clinics and in state gastroenterological offices. The examination is carried out by a proctologist or a diagnostician - a coloproctologist.


Colonoscopy is performed using a flexible endoscopic probe with a video chip - a colonoscope, which is connected to a special computer system. The procedure allows the specialist to carefully study the extent of the spread of the inflammatory hemorrhoidal process, screen for tumor neoplasms, immediately remove the identified polyps or foreign objects, perform a sampling biological material for subsequent analyses, take pictures of problem areas.

The price of a colonoscopy of the large intestine for hemorrhoids depends on the type of anesthesia and sedatives used, the number of samples taken for the study. At will, the patient can choose the conditions of the procedure - outpatient or with hospitalization.

For whom is a colonoscopy necessary and who is prohibited?

An examination using modern colonoscopes will need to be performed if the proctologist suspects a pathology. Colonoscopy of the intestine for hemorrhoids allows the doctor to clearly see the whole picture of the disease, and determine the appropriate treatment tactics.


World statistics. Every 5th woman and 7th man under the age of 45 suffer from hemorrhoids, and together with the elderly, the rates approach 80%. That is why it is recommended to undergo a screening colonoscopy of the large intestine once every 5 years for all people over 50 years old.

It is necessary to tune in to undergo such a diagnostic procedure in the following cases:

  • persistent abdominal pain, flatulence, constant alternation of constipation and diarrhea without a period of stool normalization, detection of occult blood in stool tests;
  • with haunting sensations of itching in the anus;
  • if it occurs pain syndrome during a bowel movement;
  • if during or without a bowel movement, blood, spotting and / or mucus is discharged from the anus;
  • before or after proctological surgery;
  • with early detected but not removed polyps and other neoplasms;
  • if there is a family history of colon cancer.

Is it possible to do a colonoscopy with hemorrhoids in 100% of cases? No, there are the following contraindications for this procedure:

  • acute thrombosis of hemorrhoids, complicated paraproctitis, anal fissures;
  • hemophilia and other pathologies of blood clotting;
  • adhesive, inflammatory or ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cardiopulmonary insufficiency;
  • peritonitis.

Today there is an alternative to endoscopic colonoscopy - virtual colonoscopy of hemorrhoids using tomography devices. However, this procedure also needs advance preparation, it involves the introduction of a catheter to inflate the intestine. Compared to "conventional" colonoscopy, a virtual examination is more expensive, less informative, does not allow surgical interventions and, according to patients, often causes pain.

The doctor evaluates the results of a virtual colonoscopy

Quite often the question is asked - “Do they do a colonoscopy for hemorrhoids during pregnancy?” No, any colonoscopy during pregnancy is strictly prohibited.

Mandatory preparation for a colonoscopy

Regardless of the type future anesthesia, sedation and a special colonoscopic laxative, all patients need to carry out early bowel cleansing - 3-4 days before the study, go on a special slag-free diet.



Hard cheese, cottage cheese

Vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries, nuts

Puree of non-red boiled vegetables

Whole grain cereals

Clear broths

All types of legumes in any processing

Boiled or steamed meat, fish, poultry

Mushrooms, smoked meats, marinades, compotes

Unleavened white bread, crackers, biscuits

Yeast bread, especially black, chocolate

Dairy drinks, tea

Carbonated drinks, fruit drinks

Osmotic laxatives

From the 4th to the 2nd day it is necessary to drink the usual laxative. One day before the study, lunch should be the last meal and consist of broth and biscuit biscuits. After 1-2 hours, they begin to drink a colonoscopic laxative. Further, up to the study, you can’t eat, you can drink unsweetened weak tea or plain water.

How is manipulation performed?

Colonoscopy is performed in the morning. The study may take 10-60 minutes. The technique of introducing a colonoscope is the same as when setting a high enema, with the only difference being that the probe is advanced with smooth movements through all parts of the large intestine. To facilitate the advancement of the tube, air is forced through special holes. This is done in order not to injure the intestinal walls.

On the recommendation of the diagnostician and with the consent of the patient, the detected small polyps (up to 0.5 cm) can be immediately removed. It does not hurt, the resulting wounds bleed a little and heal very quickly. After the end of the examination, the probe is removed with the same slow and smooth movements, and with the help of special valves in the probe, air is gradually removed.

Polypectomy for colonoscopy

Results and interpretation of colonoscopy for hemorrhoids

If during the examination a biomaterial was taken for analysis or histological examination, then in most clinics their results will be ready within 1-3 days. The coloproctologist should record his observations and performed surgical procedures in your medical card or paste in a completed letterhead.

If the proctologist concludes that surgical intervention, do not panic. The operation to remove hemorrhoidal "bumps" is less traumatic and does not require hospitalization. The optimal solution for surgical treatment advanced hemorrhoids, including patients with blood clotting problems, will be the choice of the THD technique - transanal hemorrhoidal deartherylization.

A colonoscopy is a medical procedure whose purpose is to diagnose possible problems sigmoid and large intestine. The problems of these parts of the intestine, unlike the rectum, cannot be examined with a rectoscope.

Often this procedure is carried out with hemorrhoids and in cases where you need to quickly stop the bleeding and cauterize the venous node.

Also, the procedure is effective for clarifying an already diagnosed diagnosis and for suspected gastrointestinal diseases such as ulcers, Crohn's disease, etc.

A colonoscopic examination helps the proctologist to make a visual assessment of the condition of the colon mucosa, and perform therapeutic manipulations: remove tumors, remove foreign objects, etc.

The examination is performed using a special tool - a colonoscope. This device is a flexible LED probe that can take photographs and take tissue for analysis, remove growths. During the procedure, the image of the entire surface of the large intestine is displayed on a special screen.

Symptoms that warrant a colonoscopy include:

The undoubted advantage of the procedure is that hemorrhoids after colonoscopy are almost impossible to miss, because thanks to a special lighting device and optics, the device is able to recognize even only emerging nodes.

In addition, if the patient has small ones, the colonoscope can immediately begin the treatment of hemorrhoids by performing cauterization.

The use of a colonoscope is contraindicated:

  • In the early postoperative period.
  • For acute, proctitis and chronic colitis.

It is also necessary to take into account general contraindications to the medical procedures(for example, acute myocardial infarction in a patient, etc.).

Procedure steps

A device is used - a colonoscope, which is a long tube made of fiber optics. The probe is inserted into the patient's intestines through the anus. In the process of its advancement, air is pumped in order to straighten it.

Optimal for the study of the entire large intestine and the maximum possible is the introduction to the Bourginian valve, which is located at the entrance of the caecum. During tube removal the doctor examines the entire intestinal mucosa round.

In most cases, bowel colonoscopy for hemorrhoids is painless, with little discomfort from bowel distension. The patient can change his position to facilitate the passage of the tube with the help of facility staff.

If necessary, a colonoscopy procedure is performed for hemorrhoids and in children of any age.

The colonoscope used to examine the intestines of children is different, because. crafted specifically to meet the needs anatomical structure internal organs of the child.

Video review

Preparation for the examination

On the preparatory stage cleansing enemas or special laxatives are used.

Pre-colonoscopy appointments are as follows:

  • castor oil up to 50 ml at 14-15 hours
  • two 1.5 l enemas with an interval of 2 hours in the evening 20-21 hours
  • 2 enemas of 1.5 liters at 7-8 o'clock in the morning.

Use of Fortrans

To calculate the required amount of the drug, the patient's body weight indicator is used: 1 sachet of the drug for every 15-20 kg. For patients weighing up to 50 kg, two sachets are used, up to 80 kg - three sachets, more than 80 kg - four sachets of Fortrans. To prepare the solution, each package is diluted in one liter of water.

The entire prepared solution must be drunk before video colonoscopy or divided into 2 parts: evening and morning. It is necessary to finish the use of the solution 3 hours before the procedure.

Nutrition before colonoscopy

The patient is transferred to a slag-free diet in 3 days, excluding vegetables and fruits, fiber, large amounts of meat and cottage cheese. The diet is made up mainly of fermented milk products, broth, semolina and boiled mashed meat.

On the eve of the colonoscopy, a diet is introduced that involves the use of only liquid foods (for example, broths).

Colonoscopy is performed on an empty stomach, however, it is perfectly acceptable to drink a glass of warm tea with sugar. The glucose entering the body in this case will give the patient strength before the upcoming examination.