
Removal of papilloma in the anus. Papillomas in the anus: methods of diagnosis and therapy

Often, pathological formations are formed in the anus in men and women, which may not manifest themselves in any way. Sometimes papillomas occur in anus caused by human papillomavirus. Such formations near the anus are, as a rule, benign. But when creating favorable factors papillomas near the anus can develop into a malignant tumor. Therefore, if papillomas are found in the anus, it is necessary to consult a doctor and treat the deviation.

Papillomas in the anus - dangerous neoplasm, which long time may not show obvious symptoms.


According to the nature of manifestationsSingle1 papilloma is formed near the perianal area
MultipleChaotic appearance or formation of several pathological formations nearby
By appearancepointedOutgrowths on a thin stem, painted in pinkish color
Tumor-likeFlat tumors that are rarely seen around the anus
papularFormations painted in dark pink color and resembling a wart
Grow inside the posterior opening and form a tubercle
KeratoticNeoplasms with a dry top layer


Papillitis in the anus develops when a person has a weakened immune defense, and the virus began to multiply actively. According to statistics, about 70% of all inhabitants of the planet are infected with papillomavirus, but only half have papillomas in the anal area. The following reasons are capable of provoking the development and formation of papillomas in the anus:

Unprotected sex, trauma, excessive stress can cause the growth of papillomas in the anus.
  • promiscuous sex life;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • constant overwork, stressful situations;
  • weakened nervous system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • long-term drug therapy;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • abuse of alcohol and tobacco products;
  • broken hygiene.

Ways of infection

The human papillomavirus is transmitted in different ways, but not everyone is activated and manifested by papillomas of the anus. Infection occurs in the following ways:

  • sexual;
  • household contact when using infected items;
  • infection in a child labor activity or during intrauterine development.

Characteristic symptoms

If for some reason the virus is activated, then soon the person will show neoplasms around the back canal. At first, the symptoms of papillitis are not felt, and the person does not suspect infection. But as the papillomas of the anal passage increase, symptoms appear:

Papillomas in the anus become a source of pain, itching, stench, bleeding.

  • mucous discharge from the anus;
  • itching and burning sensations in the anus;
  • unpleasant feeling during bowel movements;
  • bleeding during bowel movements;
  • bad smell;
  • signs of hypotension;
  • elevated temperature.

Papillomas are often affected stool or toilet paper, which is why there is a high probability of damage to their integrity and infection. In this case, inflammation and the appearance of purulent fluid develop. There is swelling in the area of ​​the anus and soreness. getting worse general state patient, pressure decreases, nausea and vomiting are concerned.

Diagnosis of papillomas in the anus

Papilloma on anus is often mistaken by the patient for other diseases of the anus, so you need to see a doctor who will help distinguish papilloma from hemorrhoids and other lesions of the rectum. The doctor examines the affected area and prescribes the following procedures:

  • PCR analysis;
  • cytological examination of the smear;
  • serological examination;
  • coloproctology.

If there is a suspicion of the malignant nature of papillomas in the anus, then a morphological study is prescribed.

Treatment Methods

Medical treatment

Treatment of papillomas in the anus will include taking special antiviral tablets.

You can completely remove papillomas on the anus only prompt removal. But to avoid relapse, the doctor prescribes antiviral drugs that inhibit the activity of papillomavirus:

  • "Viferon";
  • "Genferon";
  • "Allokin-alpha";
  • "Immunomax";
  • "Epigen".

Drugs and their dosage are prescribed by the doctor individually for each patient. Medications help to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and alleviate the patient's condition. It also shows the use of immunostimulating agents and vitamin complexes. Such pharmaceuticals will strengthen the immune system, which will be able to resist pathogens.

Treatment with folk remedies

At home, papillomas formed in the anus can be treated with folk remedies. Such therapy is used as an auxiliary to eliminate painful symptoms and suppress the activity of the virus. It is necessary to coordinate each component with the doctor so that there is no allergy and adverse reaction. Most effective means traditional medicine are:

  • potato juice;
  • rosehip-based decoction;
  • plantain;
  • celandine juice.

At the initial stage of development, anal papillomas are spots or growths. small size. As they develop, they can grow significantly. Below in the photo, papillomas in the anus are located around with a tendency to spread to the genitals. Such a pathology should not go unnoticed. At the first sign of illness, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.

Causes of papillomas in the anus

The appearance of papillomas around the anus and in the rectum is explained by the presence HPV virus in the human body. In the photo, the papillomas of the anus look like oval growths of a light pink color. Neoplasms tend to grow rapidly, in the absence of effective treatment, as a result of the fusion of processes, a large tumor can form.

The mechanisms of HPV penetration into the human body are as follows:

  • infection as a result of disorderly and unprotected intimate intercourse;
  • contact infection;
  • transmission of the virus from mother to child during childbirth or during fetal development.

More than half of the population are carriers of HPV, but pathological manifestation the virus occurs under the influence of a number of factors. These include:

The main symptoms of papillomas in the anus

Papillomas near the anus are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • discharge from the rectum in the form of liquid or mucus;
  • itching and burning in the anus, often accompanied by bleeding;
  • pain during bowel movements and during personal hygiene procedures;
  • sensation of appearance foreign body in the anus and humidity.

In some cases, papillomas around the anus may exist asymptomatically. long years. Due to lack pathological signs the patient may not be aware of the disease, which contributes to the development of the virus and can complicate the treatment procedure. Under the influence of certain factors, perianal papillomas often grow and manifest themselves within a few days. In the photo - papillomas on the anus.

Diagnosis of papillomas near the anus

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation: Papillomavirus is one of the most oncogenic viruses. Papilloma can become melanoma - skin cancer!

If unpleasant symptoms appear, a mandatory consultation with a specialist is necessary. Diagnosis and treatment prevents the process of tumor degeneration into malignant. Determination of the presence and degree of the disease is carried out in 2 stages:

  • Visual examination of the patient. On the this stage establishes a preliminary diagnosis and collects information about chronic diseases, lifestyle and other factors contributing to the development of pathology.
  • proctological research. Allows to reveal violations in the structure at the microscopic level epithelial tissue anus.

Papillomas in the anus: treatment, photo

Treatment of anal papillomas consists in their removal. The use of folk remedies is ineffective. Removal of anal papillomas is carried out in medical institution after the required examination. Often, papilloma on the anus recurs after surgery. In such cases, another surgical intervention and postoperative therapy are prescribed, aimed at strengthening the body's defenses and destroying the virus.

Removal of neoplasms is carried out by the following methods:

  1. Electrocoagulation- impact on the build-up with high-frequency electric current. Cauterization is performed until a burn formation appears at the localization site. III degree. The method is effective for burning papillomas near the anus. On the mucous membranes of the anus, electrocoagulation can not always be used. In the photo - papillomas near the anus. Such an arrangement of growths can be removed by electrocautery.
  2. Cryodestruction- impact on formations with liquid nitrogen. The method does not bring pain. The essence of the process is the freezing of the affected tissues and their destruction by ice crystals. The healing of the damaged area lasts a long time, after which no traces remain at the site of removal of the growths.
  3. Laser removal- the most common and effective method. The procedure does not bring pain, after the removal of the processes there is no scarring. After this manipulation, the risk of recurrent pathology is minimal.
  4. Chemical exposure solution of Podophyllin, which is applied directly to the process. Removal of neoplasms occurs at the cellular level. The disadvantage of the method is the possibility of damage to healthy tissues.

After removing the neoplasms, it is necessary to carry out histological examination for later determination possible occurrence oncology. If there is a risk of bleeding during removal, doctors insist on cauterizing the area in which the excised growth was located.

The reasons provoking the reappearance of pathology include:

  • decreased immunity;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene standards;
  • promiscuous sexual relations;
  • lack of independent control over the manifestation of the disease;
  • deviation from the recommendations of the doctor.

When an appropriate diagnosis is established, treatment and prophylaxis of the formation of processes should be carried out in both partners. To avoid re-development pathology after surgery, the following requirements must be observed:

  • take a course of restorative and antiviral therapy as prescribed by a doctor;
  • monitor the diet, food should be rich in vitamins;
  • restrict (order) intimate life, during sexual intercourse, be sure to use a condom;
  • periodically undergo a course of examination.

For the timely detection of the disease, it is necessary to systematically undergo a medical examination and monitor the state of one's health. The vigilance of the patient contributes to the detection of the disease on early stages development and more easy elimination pathology. Photos of papillomas on the anus can be found in specialized sources. If you suspect a pathology, you can view photos of anal papillomas and compare with your neoplasms.


Papillomas in the anus people consider delicate issue because of which they are embarrassed to apply for medical care.

Neoplasms are located around the anus or in the anus itself. With the growth of papillomas, the lumen of the anal canal may be blocked, so it is important to make an appointment with a doctor in time.

Ways of HPV infection

When it enters the body, the virus is localized in the lower layers of the epidermis, without showing itself in any way. There are several reasons for this activation:

  • decreased immunity;
  • hormonal jumps;
  • the presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • non-observance of hygiene rules;
  • chronic diseases in history.

In most cases, the virus is transmitted through unprotected intercourse.

Infection occurs:

  1. With unprotected sexual contact.
  2. Through physical contact.
  3. From an infected mother to an infant at birth.
  4. Through the blood and mucous membranes.

The virus is waiting for an opportune moment when the body's defenses are reduced, but anal papillomas begin to grow immediately.

There is an explanation for this fact:

  • The anal area is always humid and warm, which is an ideal environment for the development of microorganisms.
  • Constant rubbing helps the virus cover more area on the surface of the skin.
  • It is almost impossible to maintain constant cleanliness near the anus, and several hours are enough to consolidate the position of the virus.

If at least one papilloma is found near the anus, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Symptoms of HPV

Discomfort is hard not to notice, even small neoplasms are rubbed and cause pain. You can find them when visiting the toilet and when performing hygiene procedures.

The main symptoms are similar to manifestations of hemorrhoids, so only a specialist should make a diagnosis:

  1. Frequent urges to the toilet, which in most cases turn out to be false.
  2. Burning sensation and itching near the anus.
  3. Pain in the anus.
  4. Feeling of moisture and constant wetting near the anus.
  5. Pain during bowel movements.
  6. Discharge of mucus and blood from the anus.
  7. Sensation of a foreign body in the anus.

The infection manifests itself in the form of a number of unpleasant symptoms that cannot be overlooked.

If growths have formed on the surface of the rectum, the disease is asymptomatic at the initial stage. Neoplasms can grow in size and come out within a few days.

If a build-up is found, you should not prescribe yourself treatment in the form of dubious therapy. Education may turn out not to be a papilloma at all, but to put correct diagnosis only a doctor is capable of visual examination.

A person should also be alerted by the fact that not always the only papilloma in the anus area speaks of initial stage illness. It is likely that there is already an advanced form of intestinal papillomatosis, which does not manifest itself in any way.

The danger of ignoring the problem lies in the fact that neoplasms are regularly injured due to rubbing. The anus is a real breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria, so the risk of infection is high.

HPV diagnostics

With papillomas on the anus, you will need to consult a proctologist who will examine the patient:

  • External examination of the anus for the presence of papillomas.
  • Rectal examination with a microscope - sigmoidoscopy. Allows you to examine the surface of the rectal mucosa.
  • Anoscopy - examination of the anal canal and opening using an anoscope.
  • Taking biomaterial for further analysis (scraping, blood, tissue particles).

All of these procedures are painless, but can cause some psychological inconvenience. High-quality treatment is possible after a correct diagnosis, so embarrassment can be left.

Outwardly, papillomas in the anus area look like growths of a light pink color, similar to cauliflower inflorescences. Sometimes they resemble ordinary spots, which differ in color from the main skin tone.

On average, the size reaches 1 mm, but over time, the growths can increase.

Treatment methods for HPV in the anus

Before conservative therapy papillomas should be removed.

The optimal method of removal is chosen by the attending physician:

  1. Cryodestruction. Papillomas are exposed to liquid nitrogen, freezing the affected areas and destroying them with ice crystals. The recovery period takes a lot of time, but after the procedure there are no traces left.
  2. Electrocoagulation. Neoplasms are burned out using high-frequency electric current. The method is effective only when removing growths near the anus, since the use on the mucous membranes is not always advisable.
  3. Chemical methods. A special solution is applied to the papilloma, which destroys the neoplasm at the cellular level. The method is rarely used due to the risk of damage to healthy tissue.
  4. laser therapy. The most popular and effective method using a laser. The procedure is painless and after recovery period no scars remain on the skin.

It is desirable to conduct an additional histological examination of the excised tissues in order to exclude the presence of cancer cells and receive timely treatment.

Papillomas begin to appear from the moment of a decrease in immunity and require immediate treatment.

After the intervention, the wound needs special care:

  • Until the crust has fallen off, it is necessary to protect the affected area from getting wet.
  • Wear only cotton underwear for good ventilation and fast healing.
  • Treat regularly with antiseptics.

Additionally carried out:

  1. Therapy aimed at the restoration and healing of tissues.
  2. A drug course to suppress the virus in the body.
  3. A course of immunostimulating drugs.
  4. Hormone therapy.

Papillomas on the anus should be removed under the supervision of a doctor. If a neoplasm is found in the anus, it may be a polyp, condyloma, or ordinary anal papillae of a hypertrophied size.

The danger of traditional medicine

Self-treatment leads to the degeneration of papillomas, before manipulation, consultation with a specialist will not interfere. Localization of neoplasms excludes the possibility of self-treatment.

Externally, papillomas can be removed, this will not reduce the concentration of the virus in the body.

Popular recipes include:

  1. Iodine. There is no efficiency, but the possibility of a burn is high. "Advisers" reassure that the traces of defeat will not be visible to anyone. No one mentions the long healing time and the risk of infection of the treated area.
  2. Laundry soap. The presence of alkali "guarantees" the complete elimination of papillomas, but the treatment is accompanied by damage to healthy tissue. It is recommended to apply a thick layer of soap on the anus and go to sleep. Doubtful advice, because the burning of alkali will not allow you to close your eyes.
  3. Salt solution. It is believed that salt dries out the thin leg of the papilloma - and it will fall off. You need to carry out daily procedures that require effort and some skill.
  4. Essential oils. Use is impractical, since oil must be applied pointwise to a specific growth. It is difficult to cope with such a task on your own, so you will have to ask for help. If a person is not ashamed to tell a loved one about the problem, then he will be able to trust the doctor as well.
  5. Onion and garlic. Compresses on papillomas of the anus will cause more discomfort and only increase the pain.

Doctors have a negative attitude towards such manipulations, because in the pursuit of "cheap and fast" methods, the patient misses precious time.

Prevention of papillomas

If the virus has already entered the body, you should:

  • maintain immunity at the proper level;
  • visit a doctor regularly;
  • establish a nutritious diet;
  • avoid stressful situations.

Prevention is easier than cure, especially when it comes to HPV. If a virus is detected in one partner, both should undergo a course of therapy.

In order not to encounter a disease, it is necessary to conduct an orderly sexual life and avoid casual relationships.

Papillomas- these are small benign neoplasms with epithelial structure. The appearance of such formations provokes the papillomavirus present in the human body. Papillomas can spread throughout the body or be localized in one area.

here you will find a similar article about the types and their treatment.

Papillomas in the anus

Papilloma can form anywhere human body, and the anus is no exception. The formation of anal papillomas is a fairly common problem. Since in such cases they form, most people prefer not to rush to see a doctor.

Papillomas in the anus often indicate that the same kind of formation exists in the human intestine. However, at an early stage of their appearance, papillomas are invisible. Therefore, the resulting anal papilloma is not always First stage developing disease.

Benign neoplasms such as papillomas, can begin to grow rapidly. If missing effective treatment as a result of the fusion of the processes, the formation of a large tumor of malignant etiology is possible. Thus, postponing the treatment of this serious illness, people do not always understand that it can threaten their lives.

A photo

Ultraactive spray against all types of papillomas and warts has already helped many of my patients. The composition contains unique, natural ingredients. Silver nanoparticles, active oxygen and silver ions - kill the HPV virus, regardless of the depth of localization.

Therefore, there is simply no point in doubting the effectiveness of the remedy, as I have recommended it, and will continue to recommend it to all patients.

Types of papillomas in the anus

Anal papillomas are most often localized near the anus itself.

Education can be:

  • multiple or single processes of small size;
  • large single processes;
  • a large process, which is formed as a result of the merger of numerous growths.

The appearance of papilloma may resemble a wart.

Differences between papilloma and wart:

  • there is a thin stem (a wide base is very rare);
  • rough, uneven, folded or bumpy top layer;
  • sometimes has a peaked and sharp top;
  • color: from white (light flesh) to dark brown, almost black.

Papillomas in the anal area can be located:

  • around the anus;
  • in the anus;
  • in the rectum.

Diagnosis of growths formed in the rectum is more problematic. In case of spread of papillomas to the rectum, the treatment of the disease should not be delayed. A large papilloma located in the large intestine can cause constipation.

Causes of papillomas in the anal area

The cause of the appearance of anal papillomas is the presence in the body of the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is present in 80% of people, but it may not appear immediately after infection. He is in a "sleeping" state.

Papillomas, as a rule, begin to actively form against the background of a weakening of the protection functions of the human body, which are caused by:

  • exacerbation of the disease;
  • severe stress;
  • non-compliance with the rules of nutrition.

HPV can “wake up” and provoke the appearance of growths if:

  • reduced immunity (as a result of an exacerbation of the disease or pregnancy);
  • the person is under stress (physical or psychological);
  • undergoing a course of chemotherapy;
  • hormonal background changes due to taking medications;
  • a woman uses a spiral as a method of preventing unwanted pregnancy.

Get rid of papillomas, moles and warts!

Many women, having seen warts, papillomas, moles on themselves, want to get rid of them as soon as possible.

We dream of being beautiful, but often moles and warts cause discomfort, undermining self-confidence.

It has the following properties:

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  • The set contains 5 thin and 1 large nozzles - ideal for removing tattoos, age spots, freckles

Ways of infection

When the papillomavirus enters human body, the lower layers of the epidermis become its place of localization. Incubation period disease ranges from a week to several years.

HPV is determined in the mucous membranes and skin of a person, without affecting other organs. Activated HPV begins to multiply rapidly. Mature cells increase and move to the surface of the skin. This is how growths are created. After that, a person can infect another, he is a carrier of the disease.

Transmission routes

Transmission by papillomavirus occurs during sexual intercourse with a carrier of HPV. It is important to remember that the known methods of contraception cannot give a 100% guarantee of protection, since the human papillomavirus can penetrate into the mucous membranes and skin covering person.

Besides, damaged papilloma may be contagious, because the blood secreted from it is infected and contains HPV. This can happen due to the fact that the skin of a person's intimate places is more delicate and thin, and is more easily infected.

It is not particularly difficult for the virus to penetrate the delicate tissues of a person's intimate places. The more often and more intensively there is contact with infected person the higher the risk of acquiring HPV.

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Symptoms of papillomas in the anal area

In rare cases, the appearance of anal papillomas is asymptomatic.

But for most people suffering from growths in the anus, the following unpleasant sensations are characteristic:

  • constant humidity;
  • burning or itching pain;
  • severe itching;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • bloody discharge from the anus.

Regardless of the location of papillomas, they cause a lot of discomfort and pain to a person due to:

  • injuries as a result of active movements;
  • wearing clothes;
  • coping with the natural needs of a person (damage to formations by fecal masses during bowel movements).

Even if the growths do not manifest themselves in any way, and the infected person does not feel unpleasant symptoms, treatment of the disease should be started immediately after the discovery of papilloma on the body.

Stories from our readers!
"Last year on the neck appeared soft growths who are often injured on clothing. The doctor said that these are papillomas and advised to remove them surgically.

Found this on the internet and decided to give it a try. The drug helped. A month later, the formations dried up and fell off. I hope they don't pop up again."

Often people find various formations on their bodies and think that these are papillomas. However, this is not always the case. Formations that appear in people with overweight, are called soft fibromas skin cover. They can be in the folds of the skin or in the armpits.

These are benign formations associated with metabolic disorders or resulting from mechanical influences. skin appears most often due to changes hormonal background person. They do not degenerate into malignant tumors, but can increase in size and number.

Which doctor should I contact?

Which medical specialist you need to contact when a papilloma is detected depends on the areas of the body where the growths appeared.

List of doctors:

  • to a dermatologist - papillomas are found on the body;
  • to the gynecologist - growths formed on the female genital organs;
  • to the urologist - the formations are on the genitals in men;
  • to the proctologist - with anal papillomas.

A person who finds a neoplasm on any part of his body should visit local therapist which will correctly identify the relevant medical specialist.

Diagnostic methods

A visit to a specialist and subsequent diagnosis are required not only in case of detection of papilloma, but also in the event of the appearance of unpleasant symptoms of the disease. Timely diagnosis and properly prescribed treatment will help to avoid the process of rebirth. benign education into a malignant tumor.

Diagnosis of the disease includes the following steps:

It must be remembered that due to the fact that the occurrence of papillomas is provoked by a virus, these growths may appear again. Therefore, patients who have fully completed the treatment prescribed by the doctor should be examined regularly.

Methods for the treatment of papillomas in the anus

The most effective treatment for anal growths is complete removal(excision).

This procedure is carried out in various ways:

  • laser;
  • electrocautery;
  • chemical;
  • electroknife;
  • medical scalping;
  • radioactive (therapeutic).

In the process of carrying out the procedure for removing papillomas in the anal region (inside and around), all other growths on the patient's body are also subject to excision.

In most cases, removing all papillomas with intimate place, the patient does not remember this ailment. It rarely happens that the growths appear again. Then the patient will be assigned various drugs activating protective functions body, as well as antiviral agents.

Factors contributing to the reappearance of anal papillomas:

  • non-compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician;
  • reduced immunity;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • insufficient personal hygiene;
  • uncleanliness of sexual relations.

Treatment at home

Before starting treatment for papillomas in the anus, you need to evaluate the effectiveness this method compared to traditional medicine.

pros home treatment anal papillomas:

  • vegetable extracts soften the skin and facilitate easier removal;
  • such products cleanse the skin and make it clean and healthy;
  • do not form rough scars;

It is important to observe elementary precautions when treating papillomas at home:

  • it is impossible to treat growths in this way if they are located on the mucous membranes;
  • it is strictly forbidden to remove papillomas mechanically: rip off, cut off, cut off;
  • in case of unsuccessful treatment, immediately contact a medical institution.

Treatment of papillomas with cryopharm:

Folk remedies:

  • potato juice;
  • nettle tincture;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • celandine juice;
  • infusions of plantain or horsetail;
  • decoction of chaga.

Any of these infusions should be moistened with the affected area of ​​the body several times during the day, and the area around the papilloma is smeared with a greasy cream. You can also treat the growth with iodine.


It has long been known that it is better to prevent the onset of a disease than to treat it. Compliance simple rules will help to leave HPV in a "sleeping" state throughout life.

For this you need:

  • follow elementary rules daily personal hygiene, paying special attention to the cleanliness of the genitals and anus;
  • to have permanent and proven sexual partners (to streamline intimate life), to prevent promiscuity;
  • try to lead healthy lifestyle life: quit smoking and alcohol, eat right;
  • take care of your health;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • constantly monitor the symptoms of the disease;
  • follow all the recommendations of the attending physician;
  • engage in strengthening immunity.

It is very important that both sexual partners carry out the prevention of the occurrence of anal papillomas. It must be remembered that the attention of the patient himself to his health will make it possible to detect pathology in the early stages and successfully carry out treatment.


Very often, people suffering from the formation of anal papillomas do not go to the doctor because of embarrassment. But you need to understand that "hushing up" such a serious disease will only exacerbate the problem.

It should be remembered that papillomas in the anus cause not only discomfort and pain. If you do not seek qualified medical help in a timely manner, these growths can transform into malignant tumors. Therefore, it is very important to identify papilloma in the anus as early as possible and undergo appropriate treatment.

The article was prepared with the support medical center Toast -

From the appearance on the body of papillomas - small growths that look like warts on a wide flat base or on a thin stalk - no one, unfortunately, is immune. They can suddenly "grow" on almost any part of the body:

  • on the face;
  • in the groin;
  • on the arms or legs;
  • in the genital area.

One of the most unpleasant manifestations of the disease is anal papillomas. So, papillomas in the anus - what are the reasons for their appearance and how can you get rid of them?

Anal papillomas: causes

A strange type of neoplasm is caused by the human papillomavirus. There are many varieties of the virus - scientists have identified more than 8 dozen subtypes. It is possible that not all viruses have been discovered yet, and in the future the “collection” will be replenished.

Anal papillomas can form due to the presence of HPV in the body:

  • low oncogenic risk;
  • high oncogenic risk.

The former include 6, 11, 42, 43, 55, 54 and other subtypes. To the second - 16, 18, 31 and a few more strains. A patient who is concerned about papilloma near the anus cannot independently determine which of the strains caused it. It is necessary to undergo a study, during which the doctor will determine which HPV gave impetus to the development of anal papilloma, and prescribe treatment.

Papilloma of the anal canal: is it possible to get infected?

It is known that papillomas are highly contagious. Direct contact of even slightly damaged skin or mucosa with an outgrowth can become a starting factor for the onset of rapid growth of a neoplasm in pre-existing healthy person.

At the same time, the carriage of the virus is widespread. There may not be papillomas near the anus, but a person has a virus in the blood and passes it on to another through contact. True, the probability of transmission in the absence external manifestations significantly lower than when papillomas are already present.

Transmission routes:

  • sexual;
  • household (extremely rare);
  • during childbirth - from the mother to the child.

Most often, if one of the partners has papillomas in the anus, the second one will notice similar manifestations after a while. But sometimes the opposite situation happens: one partner has a papilloma in the anus, after removal it reappears, and the other will never notice its appearance in a lifetime. The reason lies in the state immune system person: at weak immunity neoplasms are difficult to treat and tend to recur, and with strong man can forever remain only a carrier of the virus, and only a blood test can determine whether it is infected.

Sexual infection can occur even with the use of a condom, since any contact of an infected person with the skin and mucous membranes of a healthy person with the slightest wounds or abrasions contributes to the penetration of the virus into the body.

Papilloma in the anus, when infected by household means, may appear if family members use one common towel.

During childbirth, the child is easily infected from the mother, passing through birth canal. Therefore, it is very important to treat papillomas before the upcoming birth of a child.

Diagnosis of the disease

One visual examination to get rid of neoplasms in the anus is not enough. First of all, the patient must make an appointment with a proctologist. To do this, you will first have to take a ticket to an appointment with a therapist, who will already refer you to a specialist.

Further consultation may be required with:

  • gynecologist;
  • andrologist or urologist (for men);
  • immunologist.

The proctologist will examine the neoplasms and, possibly, prescribe a coloproctological instrumental research. This is necessary if the growths are observed not only in the anus, but go deeper.

Next, the doctor prescribes a blood test for HPV. Only after receiving the results, he can assess how high the risk of degeneration of papillomas into a malignant tumor is. In any case, regardless of the type of HPV, treatment begins with the removal of the neoplasm. The removal method and further tactics are chosen by the doctor in each case individually.

When diagnosing, it is necessary to differentiate neoplasms from wide warts, which are observed with syphilitic lesions, and from molluscum contagiosum. In addition, it is very important to distinguish them from a malignant tumor.

Symptoms of the appearance of papillomas

A patient may suspect papillomas if:

  • there is a constant feeling of moisture in the anus;
  • seals are felt in the anus;
  • the skin itches, sore;
  • during the act of defecation, pain is felt.

Severe pain is rare. Sometimes the patient notes such a symptom as a feeling of having a foreign body in the anus. Sometimes blood is released - this happens when papillomas are traumatized. A person can take the phenomenon for an attack of hemorrhoids, stop the release of blood with suppositories or ointments and miss the time to see a doctor.

Anal papillomas: treatment

Treatment of neoplasms is carried out in different ways.

The first thing the doctor will do is refer the patient to the removal of anal papillomas. This is necessary to prevent malignancy of the process.

After that in without fail immunotherapy is carried out, the purpose of which is to "wake up" the body's defenses and force them to attack the virus so that it falls into a latent state. Then the disease will not threaten the person.

The destruction of papillomas is carried out in different ways.

Removal of anal papillomas

To combat the external manifestation of the virus, the following methods are used:

  • electrocoagulation;
  • cryodestruction;
  • laser destruction;
  • administration of podophyllin.

Treatment in the first way is carried out using local anesthesia. It gives good results, papillomas rarely recur.

Cryodestruction requires special attention from a doctor performing a mini-surgery, because it can be difficult to assess the depth of the papilloma and remove it to the base.

Laser treatment sometimes gives such a complication: the smallest papilloma particles containing the virus, when sprayed, fall on other injured areas of the skin and mucous membranes, which causes the growth of papillomas far from the first, "mother". Therefore, it is necessary to protect the skin and mucous membranes of the patient himself and the doctor performing the procedure.

The introduction of podophyllin (or its purified form - podophyllotoxin) makes it possible to achieve the destruction of neoplasms without the slightest traumatization. The medicine, which is the resin of the podophyllum tree, is injected directly into the place of accumulation of papillomas. In most cases, there is a regression of tumors and their gradual death. The danger here is the following: sometimes the medicine can cause damage to healthy areas of the skin, erythema, itching, inflammation. To prevent this from happening, the doctor applies the remedy pointwise, as accurately as possible. The patient should wash off the drug after 6-8 hours.

There is another difficulty: getting on papillomas, podophyllin produces changes in them, which can sometimes be confused with manifestations of carcinoma. Therefore, doctors do not often use the drug, despite its apparent safety.

Vaccination is more effective. For 6 weeks, the patient receives a dose of medication once a day. Injections are performed directly into papillomas. As a result, neoplasms disappear on their own.

Further treatment (after removal) is the stimulation of immunity. Drugs that “boost” the patient’s own immunity are injected into the affected area or prescribed in the form of tablets. After a course of treatment, the virus may not bother a person for a long time. It is possible that he will never again give external manifestations.

Folk methods

Sometimes you can get rid of anal papillomas on your own. However, one must be aware that by neglecting the examination, the patient risks health: what he took for a papilloma may turn out to be malignant tumor. The consequences are unpredictable.

To folk methods treatments include the use of:

  • celandine;
  • oxolinic ointment;
  • iodine.

The preparations are applied to papillomas daily until they completely dry out and disappear. This should take into account: antiviral therapy has not been carried out, so papillomas can easily reappear with the slightest decrease in immunity.

Anal papillomas are an unpleasant phenomenon. They should be disposed of immediately to avoid undesirable consequences. important and psychological factor: the presence of such neoplasms causes complexes and severe depressive states. Treat papillomas full course- and you will forget about them forever.