
Curettage of the cervical canal. Why is cervical canal curettage performed? Diagnosis and treatment of diseases using curettage

In most cases, curettage of the cervical canal is prescribed to those patients during whose treatment, conservative treatment did not give the desired results. Curettage of the cervical canal is used in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • extramenstrual bleeding;
  • heavy menstrual flow;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

Diagnostic curettage of the cervical canal is also necessary in the following cases:

  • if the patient shows pathological changes in the uterine mucosa on ultrasound. Only after the procedure of curettage of the uterine cavity and cervical canal can one find out the cause of endometrial hyperplasia. For this purpose two ultrasound examinations- before and after menstruation;
  • if available pathological changes cervix;
  • before undergoing gynecological surgery (for example, breast-conserving surgery to remove fibroids).

Curettage of the cervical canal is an important component in the process of diagnosing the condition of the endometrium of the uterus. With this study it is possible to identify the following diseases female genital area:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • cervical dysplasia;
  • endometrial hyperplasia (glandular-cystic and other types);
  • endometriosis;
  • neoplasms in the cervix.

Scraping is effective method diagnosing the causes of infertility. The main thing is to contact a qualified specialist in a timely manner and begin treatment.

Curettage of the cervical canal is carried out not only for diagnostic, but also for therapeutic purposes. The main indications for this procedure are the presence of polyps in the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. In addition, therapeutic curettage of the cervical canal is prescribed to those women who have been diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia.

Preparing for surgery

Before performing curettage, it is necessary to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, since proper preparation The accuracy of the results obtained and the absence of complications will largely depend on the procedure. In cases where curettage of the cervical canal is carried out in urgently, no preliminary preparation is provided. In all other cases, when the procedure is carried out as planned, curettage is carried out shortly before the start of menstruation.

Women who are scheduled for hysteroscopy with the removal of polyps must undergo the operation exclusively immediately after menstruation. This is due to a decrease in the thickness of the endometrium, which is important for accurately determining the location of polyps.

Experts do not recommend routine curettage of the cervical canal in the middle of the cycle, since after such a procedure severe uterine bleeding may begin and serious complications may arise. The main cause of bleeding in postoperative period- disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries caused by removal of the endometrium of the uterus significantly ahead of schedule the beginning of menstruation. To normalize all processes in a woman’s body after surgery, synchronization in the work of the ovaries and endometrium is necessary.

In addition, the patient is prescribed several basic tests before curettage:

  • general blood test;
  • blood clotting test;
  • tests for hepatitis, syphilis, and HIV infection;
  • vaginal smears, which are needed to identify possible inflammatory processes (if they are detected, the operation will need to be rescheduled and treated).

Methodology of the procedure

Curettage of the cervical canal is carried out in a small operating room on a gynecological chair. Before the procedure, the anesthesiologist asks the patient about the presence or absence of allergies to certain types of medications.

Curettage is performed under intravenous anesthesia; the main difference from endotracheal anesthesia is its short duration and quick awakening. In most cases, it takes the doctor 15-20 minutes to perform the operation.

After the patient falls asleep, the doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina (this is necessary to expose the cervix). Next, using special dilators, the surgeon dilates the cervix and inserts a special instrument for curettage of the cervical canal - a curette. Curettage is carried out slowly, and the resulting samples are placed in a separate container and sent to histological examination.

If curettage is carried out in conjunction with hysteroscopy, after dilation of the cervical canal to required sizes, the doctor introduces a hysteroscope. With its help, a thorough examination of the mucous membrane is carried out and the presence of polyps and/or areas of endometrial hyperplasia is determined. At the same time, polyps are not removed separately, but in the process of endometrial curettage. Upon completion of the curettage procedure, the vagina is treated with antiseptics. A few hours after the operation, the woman can go home.

Postoperative period

There are a number of restrictions that must be observed in the postoperative period:

  • you should avoid visiting baths, saunas and swimming pools;
  • it is necessary to observe sexual rest for 2 weeks;
  • Do not use intravaginal products or manipulations (tampons, suppositories, douching) for a month;
  • Physical activity should be limited for a while.

After visiting a gynecologist, many patients are prescribed an operation to curettage the uterine cavity. Some women also call this operation a cleansing. There is no need to worry about such an operation, since it is not as scary as it seems, and now you will see for yourself.

Let's figure out what curettage of the walls of the uterus is and why it is used in gynecology?

The uterus is a muscular organ; doctors call it the pyriform body, since the shape of the uterus is very similar to a pear. Inside the piriform body there is a mucous membrane, the so-called endometrium. It is in this environment that the child grows and develops during pregnancy.

Throughout menstrual cycle there is a growth of the shell of the pyriform body, accompanied by various physical changes. When the cycle comes to an end and pregnancy does not occur, all the mucous membranes leave the body in the form of menstruation.

When performing a curettage operation, doctors remove exactly that layer of mucous membrane that has grown during the menstrual cycle, that is, only the surface layer. The uterine cavity, as well as its walls, are scraped out using instruments along with the pathology. This procedure is needed as in medicinal purposes, and for the purpose of diagnosing such pathologies. Curettage of the walls is carried out under the supervision of hysteroscopy. After the operation, the scraped layer will grow again in one menstrual cycle. In fact, this entire operation is reminiscent of menstruation, performed under the supervision of a doctor and with the help of surgical instruments. During the operation, the cervix is ​​also scraped out. Treated samples from the cervix are sent for analysis separately from scrapings from the piriformis cavity.

Advantages of the technique under hysteroscopy control

Simple curettage of the uterine mucosa is carried out blindly. When using a hysteroscope, the attending physician examines the cavity of the piriform body using a special device, which he inserts through the cervix before starting the operation. This method safer and better quality. It allows you to identify pathologies in the uterine cavity and carry out curettage without any risks to the woman’s health. After the operation is completed, you can check your work using a hysteroscope. The hysteroscope allows you to evaluate the quality of the operation and the absence or presence of any pathologies.

Indications for RDV

Carrying out this type of operation has several goals. The first goal is to diagnose the uterine mucosa, the second is to treat pathologies inside the uterus.

During diagnostic curettage, the doctor obtains a scraping of the lining of the uterine cavity for further study and identification of pathology. Therapeutic curettage of the uterine cavity is used for polyps (growths of the uterine mucosa), since there are no other methods of treating this pathology. Also, curettage can be used as post-abortion therapy, as well as for abnormal thickening of the uterine cavity mucosa. Curettage is also used for uterine bleeding, when the nature of the bleeding cannot be determined, and curettage can stop it.

Preparing a woman for the Russian Far East

With planned curettage, the operation is performed before the onset of menstruation. Before the operation begins, the patient must undergo some tests. First of all, this is a general blood test, cardiogram, test for the presence/absence of HIV infection, test for various types hepatitis, as well as a blood clotting test. The patient must undergo complete depilation of pubic hair and also purchase sanitary pads. It is recommended not to eat before surgery. You should also bring a clean T-shirt, hospital gown, warm socks and slippers.

Typically, the operation of curettage of the uterine cavity is not very complicated and is carried out within 20 - 25 minutes. There should be no complications after the operation. In the postoperative period, the attending physician may prescribe a short course of antibiotics. This course should be taken to avoid any complications.

Histology results will be ready within 10 days. If you experience abdominal pain during the postoperative period, you should contact your doctor.

I would like to note that the operation of curettage of the uterine cavity is the safest and most painless operation in the field of gynecology.

Surgical manipulation, the essence of which is curettage (or scraping) of the functional layer of the uterine mucosa.

Curettage of the uterine cavity is a surgical procedure, the essence of which is to scrape off (or scrape off) the functional layer of the uterine mucosa. The term is also used RDV (“separate diagnostic curettage”)- it is called separate because it is carried out in stages - first, the cervical canal is scraped, and then (a separate manipulation) - the uterus itself; It is called diagnostic because the resulting scraping will be sent for histological examination to establish an accurate diagnosis.

During the curettage process, only the top layer of the endometrium is removed, so the uterine mucosa is subsequently restored.

The scraped material is sent for histological examination. This eliminates the possibility that the disease is malignant. This is the main purpose of curettage performed for diagnostic purposes.

Indications for curettage

  • irregular periods spotting from the vagina during the period between two menstruation;
  • excessively abundant long-term or painful menstruation;
  • bloody vaginal discharge after menopause;
  • difficulty conceiving a child or infertility;
  • suspicion of uterine cancer.
  • before a planned gynecological operation or procedure for uterine fibroids.

Contraindications and possible complications during the curettage procedure

Absolute contraindications to scraping are sharp infectious diseases And inflammatory processes genitals.

With a careful and correct approach by a specialist to this manipulation, complications can be avoided. However, you need to know about possible complications curettage:

  • Perforation of the uterus.
  • Cervical tear.
  • Inflammation of the uterus. Occurs when microbes enter the uterus. Currently, to prevent infection of the uterus after curettage, doctors prescribe a course of antibiotic treatment.
  • Accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity (hematometra). If after curettage a spasm of the cervix occurs, blood, which normally should flow from the uterine cavity for several days, accumulates in it and can become infected and cause pain.
  • Damage to the mucous membrane (excessive curettage) – if you scrape very hard and aggressively, you can damage the germinal layer of the mucous membrane, which will lead to the fact that the new mucous membrane will no longer grow.

Preparation for the procedure

  • Examination and consultation with a gynecologist.
  • General analysis blood.
  • Coagulogram (assessment of the blood coagulation system).
  • Tests for hepatitis B and C, RW (syphilis) and HIV.
  • Vaginal smear (there should be no signs of inflammation).

In 2 weeks Before curettage: stop taking any medications and food additives(including additives for plant based), the reception of which was not agreed upon in advance with the doctor who will perform the curettage. Some medications can change blood clotting and increase the risk of bleeding. If you are taking medications for a serious illness (for example, hypertension, arrhythmia, epilepsy), do not stop treatment, but be sure to tell your doctor about the medications you are taking.

In 2-3 days before scraping:

  • Avoid sexual intercourse.
  • Do not douche and refuse to use any products intimate hygiene. To toilet the genitals, use only warm water.
  • Stop using any medications in the form of vaginal suppositories, tablets or sprays, if their use before curettage has not been previously agreed with the doctor.
  • On the eve of curettage, refrain from eating and drinking 8-12 hours before the procedure. This is necessary for safe anesthesia.

Diagnostic curettage is performed before menstruation, a few days before its onset.

Anesthesia for diagnostic curettage

The operation takes place under intravenous anesthesia - this is a type of general anesthesia. Its duration is on average 15-25 minutes.

How is separate diagnostic curettage performed?

Curettage of the uterine cavity and cervical canal in our clinic is carried out in our own operating room, equipped in strict accordance with current sanitary and hygienic standards. During the operation, anesthetic equipment with constant monitoring of the patient's condition, disposable materials, surgical equipment and instruments from leading manufacturers of medical equipment are used.

The patient is placed in a gynecological chair and the anesthesiologist performs intravenous anesthesia.

The doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina to expose the cervix. Using special forceps (“bullet pins” there is a tooth at the ends of this instrument) it catches the cervix and fixes it. Using a special probe (iron rod), the doctor enters the cervical canal and penetrates the uterine cavity, measuring the length of the cavity.

Curettage is performed with the smallest curette. A curette is an instrument similar to a spoon with a long handle, one edge of which is sharpened. A sharp edge is used to scrape. The scraping obtained from the cervical canal is placed in a separate jar. If curettage is accompanied by hysteroscopy, then after dilation of the cervical canal, a hysteroscope (a thin tube with a camera at the end) is inserted into the uterine cavity. The uterine cavity and all walls are examined. After this, the lining of the uterus is scraped. If a woman had polyps, they are removed with a curette during curettage. After the curettage is completed, the hysteroscope is reinserted and the result is checked. If something remains, reinsert the curette and scrape it out until the result is achieved.

At the end of the diagnostic curettage procedure, the patient is transferred to a comfortable ward day hospital, where under the control of an anesthesiologist and a midwife medical personnel she remains until she fully awakens from anesthesia. After the anesthesia wears off, the patient can be discharged from the clinic.

Subsequent recovery after separate diagnostic curettage

Within a few hours after curettage, heavy bleeding and bloody clots from the vagina may appear. This is normal.

After a few hours, the discharge becomes less abundant. Scanty bloody, spotting, brown or yellowish discharge after curettage they can persist for another 10 days. The rapid disappearance of discharge after curettage may be a sign of cervical spasm and accumulation of blood clots in the uterus. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Within 2 weeks after curettage it is forbidden:

  • Have sex;
  • Use vaginal tampons (you can use regular pads);
  • Do douching;
  • Take a bath, visit a sauna or steam bath (you can take a shower);
  • Engage in heavy physical labor or intense physical exercise;
  • Take medications containing acetylsalicylic acid(eg Aspirin).

! See a doctor immediately if...!

  • you very quickly stopped bleeding from the vagina and began to experience abdominal pain;
  • your temperature has risen above 38°C;
  • you have severe pain in the abdomen that does not go away after taking painkillers;
  • you experience heavy vaginal bleeding that quickly fills your sanitary pads and does not stop for several hours;
  • you have copious, foul-smelling vaginal discharge;
  • your health suddenly deteriorates, you feel dizzy, weak or lost consciousness.

Every woman tries to take care of her health. After all, many gynecological diseases If not treated promptly, they can lead to infertility or even be life threatening. One of the popular ways to eliminate pathologies associated with reproductive system, is curettage of the cervical canal and uterine cavity. But many girls, having heard about the method there, refuse it. Everything, because not everyone knows what it is and why curettage is needed.

What is curettage?

Curettage of the uterine cavity is gynecological surgery, the purpose of which is to scrape the upper functional layer of the mucous cavity (endometrium). In gynecology, separate diagnostic curettage (RDC) is also used, separate because cleaning is performed in stages, first the cervical canal is scraped, and only then the uterine cavity.

The cervical canal is the space connecting the uterine cavity and vagina. It is through this passage that active sperm move to fertilize a mature egg. For example, inflammation can occur not only in the cavity, but also in the cervical canal itself. Sexually transmitted infections are diagnosed quite often.

During the examination, the gynecologist can only see the presence of incomprehensible mucus, then a smear is taken and sent for analysis. If you can't install the real reason, curettage of the cervical canal is prescribed.

Many are interested in why it is diagnostic, but everything is simple: after collecting highly informative material, it is sent for histology to accurately establish the diagnosis or confirm it.

During the cleaning process, only the top layer of the endometrial mucosa is collected, so the lining of the uterine cavity is easily restored.

The main goal of separate diagnostic curettage is to make sure that the collected material does not degenerate into cancer cells.

An important stage of this procedure is the examination of the endometrial mucosa, since the results can reveal the following abnormalities:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • dysplasia;
  • internal endometriosis;
  • hyperplasia;
  • erosion;
  • damage to myomatous nodes;
  • nature of formations;
  • polyposis;
  • cervical cancer;
  • hyperplasia of the uterine cavity, glandular-cystic type.

Based on the results obtained and if indicated, the gynecologist develops an individual course of treatment for the patient. Separate curettage is not only a diagnostic procedure, but also a therapeutic one, during which the immediate focus of inflammation in the uterine cavity is removed.

Indications, contraindications and complications

Of course, a procedure such as curettage has its own indications and contraindications. Also, before the procedure, the gynecologist must prescribe a number of laboratory and medical tests to make sure that there are no contraindications, for example, infections, inflammations and concomitant gynecological diseases.

Separate curettage is indicated for the following deviations:

  • systematic disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • bloody vaginal discharge between menstruation (if the spotting is constant, this is a reason to urgently visit a gynecologist);
  • heavy discharge and unbearable pain during menstruation (danger of uterine bleeding);
  • vaginal discharge of blood after menopause;
  • diagnosis of infertility or difficulties with fertilization;
  • suspicion of oncology;
  • manipulations related to uterine fibroids;
  • before planned surgery;
  • with changes in the endometrium;
  • unsuccessful abortion or remaining parts of the fetus or placenta in the uterine cavity;

Contraindications include acute inflammatory and infectious diseases of women reproductive organs. Such contraindications are considered absolute.

In fact, whether there will be complications or not depends on the experience and accuracy of the operation by the surgeon. Therefore, if the specialist is experienced and did everything correctly, complications should not arise.

Complications after RDV:

  • perforation of the uterus;
  • tear or rupture of the neck;
  • inflammation and infection in the uterus, if there is an infection or microbes, in such a situation antibacterial drugs are prescribed;
  • hematometra - accumulation of blood in the cavity; in order to relieve spasm of the cervix, antispasmodic drugs are prescribed for several days after curettage;
  • excessive curettage, which damages the mucous layer, threatens that the walls may not recover.

Stages of preparation for the procedure

It is imperative to prepare for diagnostic curettage. The first thing you need to do is pass all the prescribed medical and laboratory tests.

Preparatory activities:

  • general blood test;
  • smear of vaginal microflora;
  • transvaginal ultrasound examination;
  • coagulogram;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • eliminate inflammation and infections;
  • analysis for syphilis, HIV infection, hepatitis A, B, C.

To minimize risk uterine bleeding during manipulations, curettage is carried out before menstruation, a couple of days. For such a diagnostic operation, anesthesia is used, because the process of dilation of the cervix is ​​quite unpleasant and painful.

During the operation, the patient sleeps deeply. Curettage is performed on a gynecological chair using a medical instrument - a curette. With its help, the operating surgeon carefully removes the top layer from the mucous membrane of the cervical canal and uterus. The sampling information material is collected in a test tube and sent for histology. The procedure lasts about 40 minutes, after which the patient is placed in a ward, where she is under the supervision of medical personnel for several hours.

A week before the proposed operation, you must refuse intimacy and douching. On the day of surgery you should not eat or drink. Immediately before the operation, the woman performs toileting of the genitals.

How does the Russian Far East go:

  1. To begin with, the doctor carefully treats the necessary organs with disinfectants.
  2. Intravenous anesthesia is administered.
  3. A speculum is inserted into the vagina to help determine the location of the uterus.
  4. A dilator is carefully inserted into the vagina; it allows you to fix the cervix and expand the cervical canal.
  5. Curettage is performed using a curette.
  6. A scraping of a sample of the material is placed in a sterile tube, which is sent for histological analysis.

Only the upper mucous layer of the endometrium is taken, the basal layer is not affected and does not suffer.

Curettage of the cervical canal (CC) is one of the most common procedures in modern gynecology. It allows you to obtain information about the status female organs, makes it possible to treat serious illnesses in a timely manner. How is the procedure performed, how painful is it and what health consequences does it have?

What is meant by cervical canal curettage?

The cervical canal connects the uterine cavity and the vagina; male reproductive cells pass through it in an effort to meet the egg. Just like in the uterus, inflammatory processes caused by infections or bacteria may appear in it. During the examination, the doctor notices mucus. A smear from the cervical canal, and in controversial cases, diagnostic curettage, allows you to understand what caused its appearance. This is a simple operation for an experienced specialist, during which the top layer of the epithelium (together with neoplasms) is removed instrumentally. The procedure is often combined with diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity, which is indicated for endometrial hyperplasia, bleeding, and abnormal discharge during menopause.

Types of procedure

Gynecologists perform the following types of scrapings from the cervical canal:

  • Diagnostic curettage of the cervical canal. Performed to obtain material for histology.
  • Separate diagnostic. During curettage, the doctor takes tissue samples first from the cervical canal and subsequently from the uterus. The procedure is performed for cervical dysplasia, fibroids, endometrial polyps, and other formations that were previously identified by ultrasound.
  • Separate. It is carried out with the participation of a hysteroscope - a small device that allows the doctor to evaluate his actions during the procedure. Everything the gynecologist does is visible on the monitor. Using such a device, you can remove tumors and assess the condition of the endometrium.

Indications for the procedure

Curettage of the CB is performed for two purposes:

  • removal of identified pathological neoplasms;
  • obtaining material for histology, which allows you to accurately determine the cause of abnormal changes in tissues.

Indications for manipulation:

  • polyps ( benign formations) in the canal, uterine cavity;
  • glandular cystic hyperplasia and associated frequent bleeding;
  • fibroids ( benign tumors body of the uterus);
  • dysplasia, cervical cancer;
  • bleeding during menopause;
  • adenomyosis;
  • pseudo-erosion;
  • miscarriages.

Often, curettage is required for dysplasia - damage to the mucous epithelium of the canal. When performing a colposcopy, it is not always possible to take material for diagnosis. In this case, curettage will be indicated. The biomaterial that will be obtained will be sent for research.

The most reliable information about the condition of the tissues is provided by a knife biopsy of the cervix. With its help, you can most reliably find out the cause of pathological changes. The procedure involves excision of an area of ​​the cervix that is suspicious from the gynecologist’s point of view. A knife biopsy is usually combined with curettage of the cervical canal.

In case of infertility, the procedure for obtaining tissue from the CB is included in the examination plan. It allows you to evaluate the processes that occur in the channel, exclude or confirm pathological condition endometrium. Additionally, biopsy and cervicoscopy may be indicated.

Contraindications to the procedure are:

  • foci of inflammation in the female genital tract;
  • exacerbation of infectious diseases.

At what period of the menstrual cycle is curettage performed? If the procedure is performed only in the cervical canal, the day of the cycle does not matter. If additional “cleaning” of the uterus is necessary, doctors prescribe intervention 1-3 days before the start of menstruation or on its first day. In this case, curettage coincides with the time of physiological rejection of the mucous membrane. If necessary emergency assistance(bleeding, miscarriage) the day of the cycle does not matter.

Preparing for scraping

Before preparing for a planned intervention, the patient needs to donate blood, urine, a smear from the central nervous system, and undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs 2-3 days before the expected start of menstruation. At this time, you can get the most accurate picture of the condition of the endometrium (if uterine curettage is additionally indicated). If the doctor deems it necessary, the patient will be referred for a cardiogram.

A week before the procedure, it is important to abstain from sexual contact, and the day before - from douching. The curettage procedure is prescribed in the morning. The day before, the patient should take a shower and thoroughly clean the external genitalia. It is forbidden to eat and drink; you can brush your teeth and rinse your mouth.

Curettage is carried out under general anesthesia, which the anesthesiologist selects after a conversation with the patient. The procedure takes no more than 45 minutes and is carried out in an examination room (manipulation room) with strict adherence to the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.

Progress of the procedure

To carry out the manipulations, the patient is placed on a gynecological chair, after which anesthesia is administered intravenously. Only when she falls asleep can the doctor begin action. He treats the external genitalia with antiseptic drugs and dilates the vagina using a speculum. Next, he dilates the cervix and fixes its position.

After this, a special curette is inserted into the vagina, with which the surface layer is carefully scraped out. columnar epithelium. When performing separate curettage, the uterine cavity is initially treated, and then the CC. The material is placed in special containers and sent to cytological examination. If it is not urgent (marked cito), the result should be waited for 10 days.

After completing the manipulations, the doctor carefully removes the dilators from the vagina. The patient is transferred to a gurney and taken to the ward. Within 15-20 minutes she comes to her senses. Usually modern drugs for anesthesia are well tolerated, and such side effects, like nausea and dizziness, do not bother the woman. After two hours you can get up. On the third day after the manipulations, the patient was discharged to outpatient treatment. If everything goes well, a follow-up examination and ultrasound are scheduled 3-4 weeks after curettage.

How much will the manipulation cost? This depends on the type of curettage (diagnostic, separate, separate-diagnostic) and the financial capabilities of the patient. It is advisable to perform intravenous anesthesia, especially if curettage of the uterine cavity is planned. If curettage is indicated only for the central circulation, and the woman is ready to endure discomfort, you can get by with local anesthesia.

By compulsory medical insurance policy The operation is performed free of charge, which is important if necessary to carry out the procedure for emergency reasons. IN private clinic you will have to pay a certain amount, which includes the cost of medicines, doctors’ work, and hospital stay. The amount of payment depends on what kind of curettage is performed. The cost of the service including polypectomy is about 15-20 thousand rubles. Payment for histology is about 2 thousand rubles.

Possible complications

The operation requires a lot of experience from the doctor. It usually goes away without complications. However, doctors warn that the following consequences are possible:

  • rupture or tear of the cervix;
  • infection due to non-compliance with antiseptic or aseptic standards.

If additional curettage of the uterine cavity is performed, the following are possible:

  • accumulation of blood in a muscle organ as a result of cervical spasm;
  • perforation of the uterine wall, which will require abdominal surgery to close the wound;
  • irreparable damage to the basal layer of the endometrium (it does not recover in the future).

Subsequently, as a result of incorrectly performed manipulations, endometritis, the occurrence of adhesions, scars, and cervical pathologies are possible. There is a risk of developing endometritis - inflammation of the surface layer of the endometrium.

Postoperative period

The mucous membrane that lines the CC and the uterus is restored in one month. Light spotting is normal for 7-14 days after surgery. At this time, the patient is recommended:

  • refuse douching and visiting baths;
  • avoid intimacy and physical activity;
  • keep the genitals clean;
  • Take anti-inflammatory and restorative medications prescribed by your doctor.

If within a month after the intervention a woman feels sharp pain lower abdomen, feels dizzy or faints, it is important to call immediately ambulance. Medical intervention also necessary if observed profuse bleeding from the genital tract and an increase in body temperature above 38 degrees.

After receiving the results of the histological analysis, the doctor prescribes therapy. You should not refuse treatment or postpone it until later. Gynecological pathology will not go away on its own, its course will become chronic and lead to serious problems from the female reproductive system.