
Why is physical activity necessary? Motor activity in human life Quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

Physical culture in the development of spiritual and physical qualities has always occupied a leading place in preparing a person for an active, fruitful life.

It is well known that in the process of evolution, changes in body functions have affected, to a greater or lesser extent, all systems of the human body. The most significant changes have undergone the human psyche and the processes of its impact on the regulators of the vital functions of the body.

Scientific and technological progress in the process of human evolution constantly increased the amount of necessary information, i.e., the load on the mind, at the same time, the mandatory physical load decreased. This led to the disruption of the balance system that has developed in human body over a million years ago. Human body developed over millennia the ability to meet external stimulus(threat) mobilization of physical reserves. At present, the strength of stimuli is constantly increasing. Physical forces (muscles) are put in readiness for action, but it is not possible to realize them. Most physical activity mechanisms perform for us. We seem to be in a situation of constant readiness for an action that we are not allowed to perform, and the body eventually begins to experience Negative consequences such a state.

To those who are friends with physical education with school years, it is easier to develop an individual system in adulthood healthy lifestyle a life that will help you succeed in your chosen profession

The flow of information is constantly growing, and an increase in emotional stress is inevitable. Compulsory physical activity is constantly being reduced (labor mechanization). To create conditions for maintaining your health at the required level, you need Physical Culture. A person must himself develop a constant habit of engaging in physical culture in order to ensure a harmonious balance between mental and physical stress. This is one of the main parts individual system healthy lifestyle. The most favorable time for its development - teenage years when there are no big problems in life.

So, physical culture can solve the problem of disturbed balance between the strength of emotional stimuli and the realization of the physical needs of the body. This is a sure way to strengthen spiritual and physical health.


  1. At the present stage of the development of civilization, emotional and mental stress and a sharply reduced physical activity adversely affect health.
  2. Systematic physical training is necessary for the development of one's spiritual and physical qualities and preparation for a full adult life.
  3. Each person, in order to ensure a good level of health, must have a trained, flexible body, capable of labor activity perform the required amount of work.


  1. What is the biological necessity motor activity person in the course of his life? Justify your answer.
  2. What is the importance of physical education for strengthening and maintaining health?
  3. What is the role of a harmonious distribution of mental load and physical activity of a person in order to maintain his health?
  4. What is the most rational way to distribute physical culture and sports during the school week? Justify your answer.


  1. Make up individual plan physical culture and sports for a week and a month, taking into account the workload, household chores, etc.
  2. Prepare a message on the topic "The importance of physical culture to strengthen the body and harden the will."
  3. Prepare a presentation on the topic “Strengthening the physical and spiritual health is the task of every person.

Motor activity, physical culture and sports are effective means of maintaining and strengthening health, harmonious development of the individual, disease prevention, mandatory conditions for a healthy lifestyle. The concept of "motor activity" includes the sum of all movements performed by a person in the process of life. It has a positive effect on all body systems and is necessary for every person.

Unfortunately, now the big misfortune of most teenagers, boys, girls (and adults) has become underloading of muscles, inactivity (hypokinesia).

Physical exercises have a beneficial effect on the formation and development of all functions of the central nervous system: strength, mobility and balance of nervous processes.

Systematic training makes the muscles stronger, and the body as a whole - more adapted to the conditions of the external environment. Under the influence of muscle loads, the heart rate increases, the heart muscle contracts more strongly, increases blood pressure. This leads to functional improvement of the circulatory system.

During muscular work, the respiratory rate increases, inhalation deepens, exhalation intensifies, and the ventilation capacity of the lungs improves. Intensive full expansion of the lungs eliminates congestion in them and serves as a prevention of possible diseases.

People who exercise regularly have advantages over sedentary ones: they look better, are mentally healthier, are less prone to stress and tension, sleep better, and have fewer health problems.

O physical form of a person is evidenced by the state of its main components:

Cardio-respiratory endurance - the ability to withstand physical activity of moderate intensity for a long time; an indicator of how effectively the heart and lungs provide the body with oxygen during prolonged physical activity;

Muscular strength and endurance needed to lift, move and push objects and perform other actions, including for some time and repeatedly;

Speed ​​qualities necessary for moving at maximum speed, jumping, moving in martial arts and sports games;

Flexibility, which characterizes the limits of movement of individual parts of the body.

The volume of physical activity and physical activity should be controlled. Sufficiently reliable criteria for this are well-being, appetite, sleep.

"Movement is life!" - this statement has been around for many years, and it has not lost its relevance. And the latest research has only confirmed his correctness. Why physical activity is necessary, what is the danger of its lack and how to avoid many troubles - this will be discussed in the article.

The meaning of movement

Proper loading is essential to ensure normal functioning. When the muscles are included in the work, the body begins to release endorphins. Hormones of happiness take off nervous tension and increase tone. As a result, negative emotions disappear, and the level of performance, on the contrary, takes off.

When skeletal muscles are included in the work, redox processes are activated, all human organs and systems "wake up" and are included in the activity. Maintaining the body in good shape is necessary to maintain health. It has been proven that in older people who regularly play sports, the organs work better and correspond to the age norms of people who are 5-7 years younger.

Motor activity prevents the development of senile muscle atrophy. How a person becomes infirm, noticed everyone who had to observe a long strict bed rest. After 10 days of lying down, it is very difficult to return to the previous level of performance, because the strength of heart contractions decreases, which leads to starvation of the whole organism, disorder metabolic processes etc. The result is general weakness, including muscle weakness.

Motor activity of preschoolers stimulates not only physical, but also mental development. Children who are deprived of physical activity from an early age grow up sickly and weak.

Why do modern people move less and less

This is due to the way of life, which is often dictated by external conditions:

  • Physical labor is used less and less. In production, people are replaced by various mechanisms.
  • More and more knowledge workers.
  • Used in everyday life a large number of appliances. For example, washing machines and dishwashers have made it easier to work with a couple of buttons.
  • The widespread use of various modes of transport has supplanted walking and cycling.
  • The motor activity of children is very low, because they prefer computer rather than outdoor games.

On the one hand, the widespread use of mechanisms has greatly facilitated human life. On the other hand, it also deprived people of movement.

Hypodynamia and its harm

Insufficient motor activity of a person is detrimental to the whole organism. The body is designed for a large daily load. When it does not receive it, it begins to reduce functions, reduce the number of working fibers, etc. Thus, everything “extra” (according to the body), that is, that which does not take part in the life process, is cut off. As a result of muscle starvation, destructive changes occur. First of all, in the cardiovascular system. The number of reserve vessels is reduced, the capillary network is reduced. The blood supply to the whole body, including the heart and brain, deteriorates. The slightest blood clot can cause serious trouble for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. They do not have a developed system of reserve circulatory pathways, so the blockage of one vessel "turns off" large plot from nutrition. People who are actively moving quickly establish a backup supply path, so they are easily restored. Yes, and blood clots appear much later and less often, because congestion does not occur in the body.

Muscle starvation can be more dangerous than beriberi or lack of food. But the body reports the latter quickly and intelligibly. The feeling of hunger is quite unpleasant. But the first does not tell about itself in any way, it can even cause pleasant sensations: the body is resting, it is relaxed, it is comfortable for it. Insufficient motor activity of the body leads to the fact that the muscles become decrepit already at the age of 30.

Harm of long sitting

Most of contemporary work makes a person sit for 8-10 hours a day. This is very harmful to the body. Due to the constant bent position, some muscle groups are overstressed, while others do not receive any load. Therefore, office workers often have problems with the spine. Stagnation also occurs in the pelvic organs, which is especially harmful for women, because it leads to disruption in work genitourinary system. In addition, the muscles of the legs atrophy, the capillary network is reduced. The heart and lungs begin to work less efficiently.

The positive effect of physical activity

Thanks to active muscle work, overstrain is relieved individual bodies and systems. The process of gas exchange improves, blood circulates through the vessels faster, and the heart works more efficiently. Also, physical activity is calming. nervous system which improves human performance.

It has been proven that people who lead an active lifestyle live longer and get sick less. In old age, they are bypassed by many dangerous diseases, such as atherosclerosis, ischemia or hypertension. And the body itself begins to grow decrepit much later.

For whom is movement important?

Of course, for those who have little activity during the day. It is also necessary to move people with atherosclerosis and hypertension. It doesn't have to be sports or gym. Simple walking is enough.

Physical activity will bring invaluable benefits to knowledge workers. It activates the work of the brain and relieves psycho-emotional overstrain. Many writers and philosophers have argued that best ideas they come to visit during walks. Yes, in Ancient Greece Aristotle even organized a school of Peripatetics. He walked with his students, discussing ideas and philosophizing. The scientist was sure that walking makes mental work more productive.

Motor activity of preschoolers should occupy parents, because only it can ensure the correct and harmonious development of the child. With the baby you need to walk a lot and play outdoor games.

The most accessible type of physical activity

“I don’t have time to play sports” - this is the answer of most people when they are told about the lack of physical work. However, it is not at all necessary to allocate 2-3 hours daily for exercise. You can also provide yourself with the necessary “dose” of movement with the help of walks. For example, if your job is 20 minutes away, you can walk to it instead of taking the 2-3 bus stop. Walking before bed is very helpful. The evening air will clear your thoughts, allow you to calm down, relieve daytime stress. Sleep will be strong and healthy.

When to walk

Do not go outside immediately after eating. In this case, the digestion process will be difficult. It is necessary to wait 50-60 minutes for the first phase to be completed.

You can create a mode of physical activity during the day. For example, a short walk in the morning to cheer up, then at lunchtime or after work. And evening, before going to bed. In this case, it will be enough for 10-15 minutes in each "entry".

If there is no determination or willpower to force yourself to go outside every time, then you can get a dog. You will have to walk with her, regardless of desire. Pets will help organize the mode of physical activity of children, especially if the latter prefer to spend all their free time at the computer.

How to do it right

Despite the fact that walking is a common thing for everyone, there are some nuances that must be taken into account in order to get the maximum effect and benefit.

The step should be firm, springy, vigorous. Walking should actively involve the muscles of the feet, lower legs and thighs. The press and back are also included in the work. In total, to take one step, you need to use about 50 muscles. Do not take too wide steps, as this will lead to rapid fatigue. The distance between the legs should not exceed the length of the foot. You also need to monitor your posture: keep your back straight, straighten your shoulders. And in any case, do not hunch. Breathing while walking should be even, deep, rhythmic.

Proper organization of motor activity is very important. Walking perfectly trains blood vessels, improves capillary and collateral circulation. The lungs also begin to work more efficiently. This helps oxygenate the blood. The body receives a sufficient amount of nutrients, which accelerates the metabolic processes in cells and tissues, stimulates digestion processes, improves activity internal organs. Reserve blood from the liver and spleen enters the vessels.

Basic Mistakes

If you experience discomfort or pain you need to stop, catch your breath, if necessary, complete the walk.

Many people are convinced that only a lot of physical activity will give a result, but this is a big mistake. Moreover, beginners without preparation should not take long walks. The development of motor activity should occur gradually. Moreover, one should not try to overcome discomfort and pain by increasing the level of load.

Importance of morning exercise

Another good habit. But people strongly continue to ignore the recommendations of doctors. Morning exercises will not only disperse drowsiness. Its benefits are much greater. First of all, it allows you to “wake up” the nervous system and improve its functioning. Light exercises will tone the body and quickly bring it to working condition.

Charging can be done on fresh air and finish with rubdowns or douches. This will give an additional hardening effect. Also, exposure to water will help get rid of puffiness and normalize blood flow.

Light exercise will cheer you up, physical activity of a person will make him vigorous immediately after waking up. They also improve many physical qualities: strength, endurance, speed, flexibility and coordination. You can work out individual muscle groups or qualities by including specialized exercises in morning complex. Daily exercise will allow you to always be in good shape, support the reserve systems of the body, and also make up for the lack of physical work.

Proper organization of motor activity

The optimal level of physical activity is an individual matter. Excessive or insufficient level of activity will not give a healing result and will not bring benefits. It is very important to understand this in order to properly dose the load.

There are several principles that will allow you to properly organize physical activity. All of them are used in the construction of the training process. There are only three main ones:

  • Graduality. An unprepared person needs to start with small loads. If you immediately try a lot of weight or run a long distance, you can cause significant harm to your body. The increase in physical activity should occur smoothly.
  • Subsequence. A very versatile concept. First you need to know the basics, or develop a base, or learn how to do the exercises correctly, and only then move on to complex elements. In short, this is the principle of "from simple to complex".
  • Regularity and systematic. If you practice for a week, and then abandon the case for a month, then there will be no effect from this. The body becomes stronger and more resilient only under the condition of regular exercise.

A trained organism can quickly adapt to changing conditions, turn on reserves, use energy sparingly, etc. And most importantly, it remains active, mobile, and therefore alive longer.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of motor activity, because it is it that keeps the body in working condition, allows a person to feel good.

If he leads, then he probably knows that high physical activity is an integral part.

In the time of technology and machines, we are increasingly forgetting that movement is a panacea for many diseases, so let's take a closer look at motor activity and its significance for human health.

What is it?

Motor activity is motor actions, which are purposeful motor acts, which consist of movements of unconscious, not purposeful mechanical movements of the body or its parts.

Motor activity is part of the physical, which are different in complexity, movement structure, motor composition and motor action.


  • A set of simple movements and their combinations, which are called analytical. They are the basis of exercises that are selectively aimed at cultivating various motor abilities.
  • Strength and speed - they affect the body as developing, supporting and restoring factors.
  • Natural movements such as running, walking, throwing, jumping, swimming.
Motor activity is aimed at:
  • protect;
  • engage in labor, household and sports activities.

Quantitative and qualitative characteristics

Quantitative characteristics consist of:

  • volume of movements;
  • number of movements;
  • the number of repetitions.
Qualitative characteristics consist of costs that are associated with the performance of a motor action and activity.

Action on the body

It is especially important for children to be physically active. Physical activity can be started at an early age.

The point is that in childhood physical exercise will prevent the development chronic diseases, heart disease, osteoporosis, will help improve mental development.

Types of physical activity

Exist different types physical activity, which have a beneficial effect on the physical state organism. They differ from each other and have some features, we will consider them in more detail.


Walking is an integral part of human life - it is a complex coordinated activity. skeletal muscle and limbs, which is a way of locomotion.

Did you know?Locomotion is the movement of a person in space, which is due to his active movements.

Is the most in a simple way motor activity. Hiking is very beneficial for the body. When walking, most of the human muscles work, which stimulates gas exchange in the lungs, improves breathing and.

It is especially useful to walk in the morning and evening, so if you have the opportunity, then walk at this time.


It is one of the ways a person moves, unlike walking, it has a certain “flight phase”. This is due to the complex and coordinated activity of the limbs and skeletal muscles.

Running, unlike walking, does not have a double stance phase, although the same movements are involved in both cases. functional groups muscles.

Did you know?The first Olympic competitions, which were held before our era, consisted of running. In 1210 B.C. e. they were organized by Hercules.

Running increases the endurance threshold, improves metabolism, prevention, and also helps to control weight.
Running has a beneficial effect on a person, improves tone, strengthens muscles, improves metabolism and prevents, helps to improve the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.

During the implementation of this type of movement, the activation of capillaries occurs, which stimulates the resonance of blood flow in the vessels.

Dance and fitness

These types of physical activity are rhythmic movements that are performed to music. During such exercises, not only the muscles work, but the lungs and heart.

And they are long in time and quite intense loads, which contributes to the development of endurance, and is also very effective for.

Bicycle rides

Walking is a very popular type of physical activity that affects a person's weight loss.

Also, while cycling, most of the muscles work, cycling helps prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the lungs, and the musculoskeletal system.

Active while cycling respiratory system and the blood is enriched with oxygen.

Such activity helps to speed up the metabolic processes in the body, which contributes to weight loss and keeps the body in good shape.


It increases the strength of the respiratory muscles, increases their tone, enhances ventilation of the lungs and increases their vital volume.

As a result of regular swimming, you can strengthen the heart, as the strength of the heart muscle increases.

Swimming provides positive impact on the central nervous system, helps to strengthen it, improves blood supply to the brain.

Also swimming is effective tool hardening, which helps to increase the body's resistance to colds and resistance to infections.

Impact of lack of movement

If a person does not exercise physical activity, then muscle atrophy can occur, which happens in old age.

It has also been scientifically established that if bed rest is observed for 12 days, stagnation occurs, strength decreases. heart contraction, pulse slows down, metabolic disorder occurs, oxygen starvation body, general weakness, atrophy of some muscles.

These symptoms are especially manifested during operations and after which a person is obliged to observe strict bed rest, therefore doctors prescribe therapeutic and physical activity.
During lack of muscle activity modern man, which is called hypodynamia, profound changes occur of cardio-vascular system, circulatory and metabolic disorders, changes in the structure and function of the myocardium, the development of atherosclerosis of the aorta and peripheral coronary arteries.

Important!When thrombosis occurs, these people may experience death, because the roundabout ways of blood circulation are very poorly developed, have a low reserve capacity of the heart.

A person who is used to leading a sedentary lifestyle can get regeneration of the heart muscle, in which the blood supply to the myocardium weakens, reserve capillaries, anastomoses and connecting arteries decrease.

Other components of human health

A healthy lifestyle is not only physical activity, but also its other components, such as:

  • balanced;
  • daily regime;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
Motor activity is aimed at strengthening the health of the whole organism, preventing the development dangerous diseases. It is important to choose the type of physical activity that is right for you, performing it in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physicians or instructors.

One of the conditions for the harmonious development of a young organism is motor activity. Movements are a biological need of the body, they are genetically and socially determined. The level of motor activity largely depends on living conditions, upbringing, traditions, age, gender, and individual characteristics.

In the process of growth and development, a teenager masters various motor skills, which subsequently serve as the basis for the formation of a variety of labor professional skills. Optimal physical activity contributes to the development of strength, endurance, speed and agility, and increases physical performance.

Motor activity is a biological stimulus that contributes to the morphofunctional development of the body, its improvement. How more degree activity of skeletal muscles, the more effectively anabolic processes are carried out at rest, which determine the reservation of energy resources.

In experiments on animals, I.A. Arshavsky showed that in the process of growth and development, the active activity of skeletal muscles is one of the main factors causing the transformation of the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in the process of ontogenesis, increasing the working and adaptive capabilities of the developing organism. An increase in the number of locomotions within the optimum improves the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system. Optimal physical activity contributes to the body's adaptation to environmental changes, improves health and increases labor activity.

Studies have shown that there are wide areas of overlap of the motor analyzer with other analyzers - visual, auditory, speech. The motor centers of the brain are closely connected with many other nerve centers that regulate various functions. High physical activity has a positive effect on both initial mental performance and its maintenance during the day.

With a high level of motor activity, good resistance was noted (from lat. resistentia – resistance) to the impact of adverse environmental factors, low morbidity, compliance of physical performance indicators with age and gender standards. At the same time, the adequacy of the body's response to physical activity, moderate energy costs with dosed muscle activity, and the harmony in the development of basic motor qualities were revealed.

Physical activity helps lower blood cholesterol. In people leading a sedentary lifestyle, coronary circulation is less developed than in those leading an active lifestyle. The desire to spare the heart, avoid physical exertion negatively affects the body and leads to hypodynamia.

Hypodynamia(from Greek . hypo- under, below; dynamis- strength) - a violation of the functions of the body with a restriction of motor activity, a decrease in the contractile strength of the muscles due to metabolic disorders directly in the skeletal muscles, a decrease in excitatory tone in the nerve centers and a weakening of their activating effects on all physiological systems of the body.

Forced restriction of physical activity reduces physical and mental performance, as there is a reduction in the flow of impulses from the muscles to the motor centers of the cerebral cortex. In addition, it must be remembered that in sedentary people, the lumen of the vessels of the heart is significantly narrowed. The risk of thrombosis and, as a result, myocardial ischemia is much higher in them than in those involved in physical culture.

One of the American researchers, Dr. A. Raab came to the conclusion that the avoidance of physical activity leads to the development of atherosclerosis. After examining the state of the cardiovascular system in athletes, soldiers, workers (physically active contingent) and in students, employees (leading a sedentary lifestyle), he found that the latter at the age of 17–35 show signs of weakening of the heart muscle. A. Raab proposed the term "the heart of an active idler", applicable to those who lead a sedentary lifestyle in the conditions of modern civilization. A deviation from the norm should be considered, in his opinion, not the heart of an athlete, but the degenerating defective “heart of a slacker”.

It has been proven that at muscle loads the feeling of anxiety and emotional tension significantly weakens or disappears completely. Consequently, the work of the muscles contributes to "discharge" and prevents emotional overstrain. Statistics show that people who exercise regularly are less likely to seek medical help, get sick half as often as those who exercise occasionally, and three times less likely than those who do not exercise at all.

Thus, adequate motor activity is a necessary condition for the normal functioning of all organs and tissues, the neuroendocrine regulation of physiological systems and the maintenance of homeostasis. This is a biological need that must be satisfied, because otherwise the resistance of the human body and its ability to adapt to the action of adverse factors are reduced, health deteriorates, labor activity, mental and physical performance decrease.

Today, hypodynamia is widespread among young people, so an appropriate correction of the motor regimen and nutrition is necessary. It should be taken into account that any expenditure of energy resources in the body must be compensated by substances supplied with food in accordance with physiological norms, taking into account the age and nature of physical activity, as well as individual daily energy consumption.