
Make an appointment at the antenatal clinic. Make an appointment with a gynecologist Cost of paid services

Women are unique and inimitable: fragile, gentle, affectionate, but at the same time strong and persistent. Only they are given the happiness of feeling another life inside themselves. Unfortunately, inner peace, harmony, psychological balance, happy family life human - depend on health and functionality internal organs. Hormonal balance affects the psycho-emotional state and external beauty of a person: the condition of hair, facial skin, nails. For preventive purposes, all women and girls need to be examined by a gynecologist once a year.

Consultation in our clinic

For informational advice and effective treatment You should find an experienced, knowledgeable doctor to whom you could, without a doubt, entrust the treatment of your disease. The specialists of the LD Clinic medical center have been taking care of the health of their patients for 14 years.

Our clinic with great pleasure will offer you a consultation with a gynecologist - sensitive and kind, a professional in his field! The clinic's doctors perform their duties honestly, sincerely and faithfully to the Hippocratic Oath. You can contact the gynecology department in Moscow for a consultation at any time and meet highly qualified and intelligent medical workers. Registration is made at a time convenient for you.

Often, many diseases can be asymptomatic, moving from acute to chronic form, do not cause much discomfort in your personal life. Therefore, if you have any questions that concern you, feelings of discomfort, tingling, pain, you should not be shy, but should seek advice from a specialist - a gynecologist who will advise on the following issues:

  • History and consultation;
  • Diseases of an inflammatory, infectious, viral nature;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Tumor diseases;
  • Consulting mothers on the hygiene of girls.

The clinic conducts:

  • Bacterioscopic, bacteriological examination;

Gynecologist in Moscow is a specialist who diagnoses, treats and prevents diseases of the female reproductive system. The tasks of a gynecologist include solving issues of conception, pregnancy and childbirth. With us you can consult a gynecologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist under comfortable conditions and at the lowest price. All specialists of the Medical Center are professional and licensed doctors.

A gynecologist-endocrinologist is a specialist involved in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with female reproductive system resulting from hormonal system disorders.

Consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist necessary in cases where a woman’s body develops hormonal imbalance, which arose as a result external influences, such as unfavorable environment, the effects of stress, unhealthy lifestyle and much more. Such changes cannot be ignored, since hormones regulate reproductive function and are the basis of metabolism in the body, which can have serious consequences for a woman.

A woman’s reproductive function is regulated at the following levels, failures and malfunctions in which cause disturbances:

  • Pituitary,
  • Hypothalamus,
  • cerebral cortex,
  • Ovaries and organs of the reproductive system (breasts, uterus, skin and bones, adipose tissue).

Indications for gynecological consultation

Consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist may be necessary for a woman of any age if the following symptoms are detected:

  • premature puberty, identified by the detection of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • pronounced premenstrual period, accompanied by increased blood pressure, weight gain, pain and swelling of the mammary glands;
  • violations or complete absence menstrual cycle;
  • painful menstruation;
  • the appearance of male characteristics in women (hair growth according to the male pattern: on the face, on the chest, in the middle of the abdomen; voice changes);
  • inability to get pregnant within a year, if you have active sex life without protection;
  • miscarriage;
  • detecting signs of metabolic disorders, such as obesity or sudden changes in weight, acne and skin rashes;
  • onset of climatic syndrome;
  • consequences of operations on the organs of the reproductive system.

But not only this series of symptoms may be a reason to visit a gynecologist-endocrinologist. A completely normal situation is a consultation before an appointment. hormonal contraceptives, which can only be prescribed by this specialist.

It is important to understand that only a gynecologist-endocrinologist is able to eliminate the causes of cosmetic defects, such as acne on the skin, hair loss and excess oiliness, hair growth on the face and chest, and even overweight. All this is caused by changes in the hormonal system, and should be eliminated first of all by this specialist, and then by a dermatologist, trichologist or cosmetologist.

Preparing for a consultation

In order to visit a specialist, the patient does not require any mandatory preparation. It is worth taking care of personal hygiene. To conduct a successful consultation and subsequent examination, on the eve of visiting a doctor, you must stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

It is necessary to have previously performed examinations with you, such as ultrasound, blood tests, and opinions of other doctors. This is necessary so that the doctor has clear grounds for making a diagnosis and prescribing the correct treatment; the doctor may also prescribe additional examinations.

Among the additional diagnostic procedures that allow revealing the picture of the state of health, the following are carried out:

  • blood test for hormones (such as progesterone, estrogen, FSH, PRL, hormones thyroid gland and adrenal glands, etc.),
  • general analysis blood,
  • blood test for glucose and insulin levels,
  • taking smears for flora and PCR,
  • testing for sexually transmitted infections,
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands,
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs,
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland,
  • Ultrasound of the adrenal glands,
  • colposcopy,
  • examination of the uterine cavity,
  • endometrial biopsy,
  • electroencephalography,
  • CT and MRI of the pituitary gland.

The doctor may also refer you for examination to other more specialized specialists.

Stages of examination by a gynecologist and endocrinologist

The entire consultation process can be divided into stages:

  1. history taking

The doctor examines the patient's health history, especially the state of health this period time. Certain aspects of the medical history are important factors:

  • age, gender and occupation,
  • presence of complaints and symptoms,
  • availability clarification chronic diseases and predispositions to them,
  • list and history of taking medications,
  • past medical history,
  • family history.
  1. Carrying out an inspection

The external and internal genitalia are subject to examination on a gynecological chair.

  1. Purpose of the examination

Carried out to clarify the reasons for changes hormonal levels, making a diagnosis, as well as prescribing effective methods treatment and prevention.

Some diseases detected by a gynecologist and endocrinologist

Gynecologist-endocrinologist diagnoses the following diseases:

  • Sclerosis and polycystic ovaries,
  • Ovarian dysfunction,
  • Endometriosis,
  • Primary and secondary infertility.

It is necessary to visit a consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist in Moscow if you are faced with problems of reproductive function and if you are planning a pregnancy. Today this service is incredibly popular, since similar problems affect women of all ages. age groups And social status, and everyone wants to remain beautiful, feel happy and healthy. Consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist in Moscow at MDC-S takes place in comfortable conditions and is carried out by qualified specialists.

Gynecology "Logon - As" is one of the positively proven clinics in Moscow. The most modern methods diagnosis and treatment. But the main advantage of this clinic is its qualified staff of gynecologists and an individual approach to each patient.

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases at the Logon-As gynecology clinic

The Logon-Ac Gynecology Clinic will relieve any gynecological diseases, in particular:

Spicy and chronic diseases female genital organs

We treat such women's diseases How inflammatory processes(adnexitis, bartholinitis, vulvitis, etc.), erosions, tumors, hormonal disorders(fibroids, cysts, mastopathy, etc.), menstrual irregularities, menopause, infertility, etc.

A professional approach, an attentive gynecologist and cozy rooms will make your treatment not only effective, but also as comfortable as possible.

Infectious venereal diseases

We will help you get rid of such sexually transmitted diseases as: chlamydia, gardnerellosis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc. Treatment of all diseases is carried out according to the best methods recommended over the years and experience using the most modern and accurate diagnostic methods. This is far from the whole list of services. More details can be found.

Logon-Ac Gynecology Clinic is a professional approach:

Step 1. Initial appointment with a gynecologist

When registering for initial examination, the gynecologist will listen carefully to all your complaints, you will receive general idea about your illness, find out exactly what tests you need to take to make an accurate diagnosis.

Step 2. Each gynecological diagnosis is evidence-based

Your diagnosis will be made based on the most modern and accurate diagnostic methods: ultrasound, laboratory tests and so on as needed. All tests are performed at our gynecological center.

Step 3. Individual plan treatment

After receiving the results diagnostic studies, you will be given an accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment plan will be written out. You will go through every step on the path to health under the sensitive and attentive supervision of your attending physician.

Step 4. Control inspection

Having completed treatment according to plan, you will be convinced of the exact healing of the disease, and receive recommendations from the doctor about maintaining positive result and further preventive measures.

Logon - Ac is a paid gynecology

We have been working since 1998 in Moscow

More than 20,000 grateful clients

100% guarantee for the safety of treatment

Best value for money

Make an appointment with our gynecologist specialists.

A highly specialized doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system.


Operating practicing gynecologist who knows not only conservative methods treatment, but also performs surgical procedures.


An oncologist-gynecologist treats malignant tumors pelvic organs in women.

On our portal you can choose a gynecologist, gynecologist-oncologist from the best clinics Moscow and make an appointment with him via the Internet or by phone. Find good specialist Doctors' questionnaires with information about their work experience, education and patient reviews will help you.

Popular questions about the gynecologist

When is it necessary to see a gynecologist?

An appointment with a gynecologist is needed for: pain in the lower abdomen, disruption of the menstrual cycle, itching and burning in the vagina, thrush.

Where to find good gynecologist?

On. To choose a good gynecologist, we advise you to look at patient reviews and pay attention to the education and work experience indicated in the doctors’ questionnaire.

I'm looking for a gynecologist, can you recommend anyone?

You can look at patient reviews of doctors, choose the right doctor and make an appointment with a gynecologist via the Internet or by phone. It is also worth paying attention to the education and work experience of the specialist indicated in the application form.

Which gynecology clinic should I go to?

Choosing a clinic is no less important than choosing a specialist. On our website you can find a good one based on patient reviews and clinic ratings.

How is an appointment with a gynecologist?

An appointment with a gynecologist begins with an analysis of the nature of the complaints, the characteristics of the menstrual cycle, and the presence of sexual activity. Next, there is an examination of the mammary glands, examination on a gynecological chair and palpation of the abdomen. During the examination, it is mandatory to take a smear from the cervix.

How to prepare for an appointment with a gynecologist?

A visit to the gynecologist should be scheduled before menstruation or in the first days after it ends. It is necessary to stop douching and sexual intercourse 1-2 days before the examination, and take a shower immediately before the visit. It is not recommended to use various deodorizing intimate hygiene products.

How does recording via DocDoc work?

You can choose a good specialist and make an appointment with him on the website or in mobile application DocDoc. You can also make an appointment by phone.

Pay attention! The information on the page is provided for informational purposes only. To prescribe treatment, consult your doctor.