
Life after hip arthroplasty. Life after hip arthroplasty rehabilitation

Endoprosthetics hip joint called the replacement of a damaged element of the joint. For this, special implants are used. Endoprostheses may be required for the most different reasons(injuries and diseases of the hip joint). Following hip arthroplasty, certain guidelines must be followed.

Reasons for prosthetics

The most common reasons why endoprostheses may be needed are:

  1. Launched and severe stages rheumatoid arthritis.
  2. Injuries to the femoral neck (most often fractures).
  3. development of hip dysplasia.
  4. Availability aseptic necrosis heads, which is called avascular necrosis.
  5. Severe stages of coxarthrosis.

The need for an endoprosthesis may arise due to post-traumatic consequences (for example, arthrosis).

The patient's life after arthroplasty, as a rule, changes: a number of recommendations appear that the patient must strictly follow. After endoprosthetics, there are some restrictions, the patient needs special therapeutic exercises.

At first, the patient is forced to walk on crutches. How long will it take to recover?

postoperative period and full recovery depend on the patient's age, general condition and many other factors. In order to avoid complications after hip arthroplasty, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

Exercises after hip reconstruction surgery should be performed strictly under the supervision of a qualified specialist. Living with a new routine will speed up the recovery process. The patient can walk much faster without the help of crutches.

Pain after arthroplasty, as a rule, has a pronounced character. In no case should you take any measures on your own, otherwise serious complications can be provoked.

Features of a modern hip endoprosthesis

To date, orthopedics has significantly succeeded in its development. A feature of modern endoprosthesis is a complex technical design. In the prosthesis, which is characterized by cementless fixation, there are the following elements:

  • head;
  • leg;
  • cup;
  • insert.

The difference between the cement-retained endoprosthesis is the one-piece acetabular element (cup and

). Each individual element has its own dimensions. The surgeon must choose and set the size that is ideal for the patient.

Types of fixation of endoprostheses of the hip joints have the following differences:

  1. cement fixation.
  2. Cementless fixation.
  3. Hybrid type of prosthesis fixation.

Reviews about each individual prosthesis are quite different, so it is recommended to collect as much information as possible before replacing the hip joint.

The endoprosthesis of the hip joint can be:

  • total;
  • unipolar.

The use of one or another prosthesis depends on the number of elements to be replaced. The friction node is the implementation of interaction in an artificial joint. How long can a hip replacement last? This will depend on the type and quality of the material used in the friction unit.

When does a patient need arthroplasty?

The main indications for surgical treatment are the results of clinical and radiological studies and the symptoms that accompany the disease. The symptoms that the patient complains about are one of the most significant factors indicating the need for surgery.

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In some cases, despite the fact that coxarthrosis is on one of last stages development (this is evidenced by x-ray examination), the patient is practically nothing to worry about. There may not be a need for surgery.

How are operations carried out?

Hip replacement surgery is performed by two teams (operating and anesthesiology). The operating team operates under the guidance of a highly qualified operating surgeon.

On average, a hip replacement surgery takes 1.5-2 hours, while the patient is under the influence of spinal anesthesia or anesthesia. In order to exclude infectious complications, it is necessary intravenous administration antibiotic.

The rehabilitation process

After endoprosthetics, the patient remains in the intensive care unit for some time, under the close supervision of doctors. Within 7 days, the patient continues to be given antibiotics and drugs that can prevent blood clotting. In order to fix a certain distance between the legs, a pillow is installed. In this case, the legs should be in the allotted position. The temperature after hip replacement surgery is often unstable, so doctors carefully monitor this.

How long will it take to recover from a hip arthroplasty? This is impossible to predict. In order to speed up the rehabilitation process, you must carefully follow all the recommendations of the doctor.

The patient is advised to move the next day. Without getting up from the pastel, the patient can sit down and even do therapeutic exercises. Exercises after hip arthroplasty, which the patient performs in the first month after surgery, are as simple as possible.

In order to fully restore mobility, it is necessary to constantly work on the hip joint, while observing all the recommendations of the attending physician. In addition to exercise therapy, the patient is prescribed breathing exercises.

In most cases, already on the third day of rehabilitation, the patient can walk, while using crutches and relying on the help of a specialist. After how many days can the stitches be removed? It depends on how quickly the patient recovers. On average, stitches are removed 10-15 days after hip replacement surgery.

How to live after discharge from the hospital? Many people ask themselves: how to live after returning home? In the hospital, the patient is constantly under the supervision of the medical staff, who controls the entire rehabilitation process. Life with a hip replacement is somewhat different from normal life. As already mentioned, in order to restore mobility, it is necessary to constantly work on the hip joint.

The patient should walk as much as possible, while not allowing severe overwork. Exercise therapy plays an important role in the rehabilitation process, all exercises must be approved by the attending physician. After discharge from the hospital, the patient can visit special centers where qualified exercise therapy instructors will work with him.

During joint replacement, ligaments are removed. The joint replacement is held in place by muscles that need to be trained to enhance function. After the operation, the patient should memorize the list of prohibited movements in the operated joint and perform a set of rehabilitation measures.

World practice has established that the most adequate way to treat affected hip joints in a severe stage is their total arthroplasty - replacement of damaged parts with two components of an artificial joint.

This removes the links. The joint replacement is held in place by muscles that need to be trained to enhance function.

Some movements must be performed with great care:



    Adduction (adduction of muscles when crossing legs).

The patient should memorize the list of prohibited movements in the operated joint.

The recovery period is usually 12 months. During this time, with a successful operation and an adequate motor regimen, the patient's static-locomotor functions are fully restored.

At the outpatient stage of motor rehabilitation physical exercise- the most important component of recovery, especially in the first 3 months after surgery. They are performed slowly, calmly, without excessive effort. Sharp movements are not allowed.

Exercises after hip arthroplasty

Several exercises are useful immediately after sleep:

1. Take a sitting or lying position on your back with your legs stretched out in front of you:

Rotate the foot, alternately pulling the toe up and down, but not abruptly. This exercise improves blood circulation in the leg;

Bend your injured leg at the knee. The heel should always touch the floor and slide on it. Do not bend your hip joint more than 90 degrees. Extend your leg so that your heel slides across the floor. Relax your leg completely. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times;

Legs extended, toes pointing straight up. Move the injured leg to the side as far as possible. Return it to the starting position, completely relax. Repeat the exercise;

Tighten the quadriceps femoris muscle (leg extended, socks towards you). In this position, count to 5. Relax your leg completely. Repeat the exercise.

2. Take a supine position. Try to touch as many points as possible to the surface, but do not strain. This relaxes many of the muscles involved in the work of the hip joint.

3. Stand with your hands on a table or a stable, high-backed chair. Raise the knee of the affected leg towards the chin (flex the hip joint, but no more than 90 degrees). Lower your leg to the floor and relax it completely. Repeat the exercise. Then do it with your healthy leg.

4. Keep your torso straight. Take the injured leg as far back as possible. Return to the original position, completely relax. Repeat. Then do the exercise with your healthy leg.

5. Keep your torso straight. Take the injured leg as far as possible to the side. Return it to its original position, completely relax. Repeat the exercise. Then do it with your healthy leg.

The complex can be performed 3-4 times a day, for 10-15 minutes.

To avoid problems after surgery, to ensure the restoration of the function of the operated joint and to prevent displacement of the prosthesis, patients must observe extra precautions:

Don't let it fall. In the first weeks after surgery, this can lead to joint damage or dislocation of the head of the prosthesis and require a second intervention.

Avoid the following body positions:

  • sit diagonally; sitting, lean to one side;
  • cross the legs (do not cross the conditional line of the middle of the body with the operated leg);
  • bend the hip joint more than 90 degrees;
  • excessively turn the feet in or out;
  • rotate the body with fixed legs.

Excessive risk of dislocation of the prosthesis represents simultaneous flexion of the hip in the operated joint by more than 90 degrees with internal rotation and adduction.

You can not sit in one position for more than 20 minutes. In this case, the hip joints should be higher (or at the level) of the knees, and the feet should be on the floor, the distance between them is 15–20 cm. Too soft and low chairs should not be used. The height of the chair (bed) is considered ideal if the patient's legs are at a right angle in the sitting position. The chair should be high, durable, with a back and armrests. It is necessary to get up leaning on the armrests.

Get into bed like this: sit on the bed, raise your legs and turn them with the body to the middle of the bed.

Sleep preferably on your back. The operated leg in the supine position should be abducted 20 degrees from the midline, the toes pointing straight up.

It is not recommended to sleep on the side of the healthy leg., since during sleep flexion, adduction and internal rotation of the operated leg may occur - and there is a danger of dislocation of the prosthesis. To prevent unwanted adduction of the leg during sleep, when turning in bed on the side and stomach through a healthy leg, it is necessary to put a roller or pillow between the thighs - until the doctor cancels this requirement.

The load on the operated leg should be gradual and increase under medical supervision. Excessive leads to loosening of the design of the endoprosthesis.

It is forbidden to take analgesics during exercise therapy.

It is not recommended to drive a car in the first 1.5-2 months after the operation. When landing, move the seat as far back as possible, turn your back to it, sit down and, raising your knees, smoothly turn your legs and body at the same time towards the middle of the cabin. For convenience, a plastic bag can be placed on the seat. When leaving the car, the procedure is repeated in reverse order. It is necessary to stand up with one hand on the back of the seat, the other on the control panel.

Avoid lifting and carrying heavy things. If such a need arose, then they can only be transferred over short distances; it is better to use a satchel or a backpack, with them the load will be distributed evenly.

During the first 3–6 weeks after surgery, patients systematically expand daily activities. It should include:

  • resumption of the ability to sit, stand, go up and down stairs;
  • walking, initially in the house and then outside;
  • walks with a gradual increase in mobility and duration;
  • special exercises to restore mobility, to strengthen the hip joint (several times a day);
  • homework.

After discharge from the hospital (up to about 6 weeks after surgery), patients are recommended to use crutches or two canes to move. In the future, if the patient walks confidently and without lameness, he can get by with one cane (it must be held in the hand opposite to the affected leg). Cane to use when walking for almost six months.

  • walk slowly, avoid uneven and slippery surfaces;
  • steps should be the same in length, the time of support on each leg too. First, lower the heel of any foot to the floor;
  • when walking with canes, place your foot at the same time as the cane that is in the opposite hand;
  • when walking up the stairs: before moving up the stairs, both legs are at the same level (on the same step);
  • when walking up: a healthy leg, a sore leg, canes (cane);
  • when walking down: canes (cane), sore leg, healthy leg;
  • hold on to the railing. If they are not, then for a crutch (cane) from the side of a healthy leg.
For the patient to stay at home during the recovery phase after surgery,:
  • securely fixed handrails in the shower or bath;
  • bench for shower or bath;
  • railings along all steps;
  • raised toilet seat;
  • for washing - a sponge on a long handle;
  • devices that help put on and take off clothes, socks and shoes without excessive bending of the hip joint. Let's say a shoe horn with a long handle. Or such a device: attach 2 clothespins to two straps or suspenders (40 cm each) and fasten them to the edge of the underwear; put your legs through the holes of trousers, shorts, skirts, etc. and pull up the clothes with the help of the device to the level of the hands;
  • a firm seat cushion (allows you to keep your knees below the hip joints in a chair, on a sofa or in a car).

You will have to remove all electrical cords and movable rugs from the path of moving around the house.

The service life of modern endoprostheses exceeds 15 years, therefore, patients need to learn how to correctly measure their vital needs with the technical capabilities of an artificial joint. This will help delay the replacement of an expensive product.

This is where the hip replacement happened. Behind the worst, as it seemed at that time, ahead of the patient is a time-consuming process called rehabilitation. Life after hip arthroplasty will depend solely on your thorough approach to rehabilitation.

When it happened, rehabilitation will be more successful if you strictly follow some rules:

  • To prevent, it is impossible to bend the leg in the hip joint more than 90 degrees. It is forbidden to cross the legs, toss on top of each other, to squat down. This can be done when painful sensation will go away and there will be a full recovery;
  • Putting pillows between your legs will save you from similar actions in a dream;
  • If you want to sit on a chair, you must choose it so that the knees do not exceed the level of the navel, and the hip joint itself is at right angles to the surface of the chair;
  • When you take a sitting position or lie down on your back, your legs should be slightly apart;
  • Do not bend below the level of the navel, performing any action, sitting or lying down, do not forget about the right angle.

So after surgical intervention must be removed pain, can be used . Preparations containing narcotic substances are prescribed in exceptional cases. For prevention cardiopulmonary insufficiency, accept medical preparations for the heart, it is recommended to use inhalation. Inhalation helps oxygen enter the body in sufficient doses for it.

Possible complications and measures to deal with them

It is necessary to avoid complications, especially thrombosis, which often occurs in older people after such a procedure. Formed in the veins of the legs a large number of blood clots - this is very fraught with can end if you do not pay attention and do not take any action. There is a great danger of their separation and falling into pulmonary artery blockage may occur.

In order to avoid thrombosis, as a complication, during the rehabilitation period after surgery on the hip joint, it is necessary to rewind both legs with elastic bandages. A drug is injected intramuscularly to improve blood clotting.

As a complication, intestinal atony can occur, injections are prescribed to relieve exacerbation. Next, you need to take a course of antibiotics.

Then, in order for your hip replacement recovery to be the best for you, you need someone to look after and support you in the beginning. This is due to possible dizziness and weakness in the first few days. In the first steps that you will take, it is advisable to have a safety net.

Stages of rehabilitation

Rehabilitation after hip arthroplasty takes place in several stages.

First stage

To initial stage refers to the first postoperative day, it is from this moment that recovery begins after hip replacement. The doctor will develop specifically, with regards to your case only, a set of exercises after hip arthroplasty. It is necessary to restore all the functions of the joint and the muscles adjacent to it. Your daily life after hip arthroplasty will depend on this.

Here are some possible exercises:

If there are no complications, then the first day is marked as the beginning of recovery after hip replacement surgery. You will be allowed to sit down, while leaning on your hands. Every other day, you just need to sit up in bed, lowering your legs to the floor.

It is necessary to sit down correctly in bed as follows: in a bed, take a sitting position, legs should be lowered to the floor from the side of a healthy leg. Carefully lowering, without sudden movements, first the healthy leg, pulling the operated limb to it. It is important to remember that the breeding of the legs should be small.

Having mastered the correctness of standing up, we turn to the correctness of walking.

Second phase

The next step in rehabilitation after hip replacement is learning to move. This is also a kind of set of exercises after hip arthroplasty, it cannot be neglected.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, make sure that the floor is non-slip, there are no rugs and rags under your feet. Put your feet on the floor. Put the crutches on the sides, leaning on them, start to get up.

For your information, crutches are the most common aid after such operations, but there may be other devices.

It is necessary to move correctly as follows: the operated leg is moved to the side, the body is kept straight, crutches are the support. Make sure that the foot does not turn outward. Leaning on crutches, the healthy leg should be the leading one; at first, it is impossible to stand on the operated leg and touch the floor.

After a few days, gradually increasing the load on the leg with the endoprosthesis, it is necessary to step on it with the force of the weight of your leg. You need to walk as much as your health and the operated joint allow. During this period when exercise stress large enough, swelling of the leg may occur after hip arthroplasty. With such an indisposition, it is necessary to contact the attending doctor to find out the truth of puffiness. It is possible that edema can be formed from any concomitant diseases.

When did the hip replacement occur? postoperative period time will depend on you. Every day you need to work, taking it step by step.

Third stage

Having learned to walk with crutches, stand up and sit, the third stage begins rehabilitation period after hip replacement.

Your doctor will prescribe for you. This set of exercises after hip arthroplasty is designed individually for each patient. Therapeutic exercises are designed for absolute rehabilitation after hip replacement surgery. The purpose of such gymnastics is to improve blood circulation in the operated joint, prevent blood stasis, and relieve swelling. With the help of therapeutic exercises, muscle strength is restored and motor function joint.

After completing the entire rehabilitation course, you will see the effectiveness of it immediately. Daily life after hip arthroplasty will fully recover. This will take you approximately two months. In the future, you just need to constantly perform therapeutic gymnastics, it will favorably affect the hip joint.

On the final stage it is desirable to undergo rehabilitation after hip arthroplasty in. In specialized rehabilitation sanatoriums, they will help you consolidate the results already achieved.

In conclusion, we recall that do not neglect the advice of doctors, they have extensive experience in the treatment of hip joints.

Operation behind. Now a lot depends on you. Try to accurately and accurately follow all the recommendations of the doctors - this is very important for your speedy recovery.

After the operation, the leg is fixed in the abduction position in a special “boot”. Both legs are bandaged with elastic bandages, which, in combination with physical exercises, will help prevent vascular disorders. As soon as you are completely awake from anesthesia, begin simple breathing exercises (deep inhalation and long exhalation) and movements of the toes and ankles of both legs (you will be taught how to do this before surgery). Repeat them many times throughout the day.

When you are transferred to the ward (usually on the 2nd day), proceed to a wider set of exercises, performing them once under the guidance of an instructor in physiotherapy exercises and 2-3 times a day - on their own.

Mandatory exercises:

  • free movements with a healthy leg (flexion at the knee, lifting up, abduction to the side)
  • flexion and extension in the ankle joint of the operated leg until a feeling of fatigue appears in the muscles of the leg.
  • tension of the thigh muscles of the operated leg, as if trying to extend it as much as possible in the knee joint. Voltage duration 1-3 sec.

Periodically during the day, change the position of the operated leg in the knee joint, bringing a small roller under it for 10-20 minutes. After 2-3 days, the "boot" is usually removed. Make sure that the leg, as before, most of the time was in a position of some abduction, and the toes were pointing straight up. From day 2-3, you will probably be allowed to sit in bed, helping yourself with your hands, and then sit on the bed with your legs down. You need to sit with your body tilted back, leaning on a pillow placed under your back. Make sure that your hip joint is higher than the knee joint.

A few days after the operation, you will be allowed to stand by your bed. The first time this is done with the help of a doctor or physical therapy instructor. They will explain to you how to walk and use crutches correctly, and to what extent you can load the operated leg. If you stand steadily by the bed, the next day you can (with the permission of the doctor!) Take a few steps, always relying on crutches or walkers. Remember that both crutches must be brought forward at the same time, standing on a healthy leg. Then they put the operated leg forward and, leaning on crutches and partially on the operated leg, take a step with the non-operated leg. Standing on it, they again bring the crutches forward.

Turning in bed on your side, and later on your stomach (from 5-8 days), be sure to use a roller (or pillow), placing it between your thighs. This will prevent unwanted adduction of the leg.

After the 7th day, the leg is usually bandaged with an elastic bandage only on daytime: the bandage is applied in the morning before getting up, and removed at night.

Motor mode within 3 months after the operation.

The recovery period after total hip arthroplasty lasts several months. Its duration depends on your age, your general health and the degree of movement disorders before surgery, which are due functionality other hip joint, knee joints and spine. However, in any case, even if you get the desired result immediately after the operation, it is necessary to continue rehabilitation treatment for several months after the operation and strictly adhere to the following recommendations.

motor mode.

Gradually increase the walking time with additional support on crutches. When walking, try to keep your back straight, look forward, put your foot straight in front of you or slightly moving it to the side. Bend the knee joint when the leg is in weight, and unbend it when the leg rests on the floor. It is better for you to walk several times a day, but at the same time - no more than 30 minutes, gradually increasing the pace and distance of walking. You should not climb more than 1 flight of stairs in the first 2 months after surgery.


It is better to rest lying on your back 3-4 times a day. You can lie on your side, but continue to use a roll or pillow between your thighs, as you did before in the hospital. Do not sleep on a bed that is too soft or low, preferably above knee level (when standing).


You should dress while sitting on a chair. Get help putting on socks, stockings, and shoes, as tilting your torso down will cause excessive flexion at the new hip joint. Do not stand on one foot when putting on the other, and do not turn your foot when putting on the boot.


When sitting, your hip joints should be higher than your knees. To do this, you need to sit on a hard chair with a pillow under the buttocks.
Do not sit in a low chair and do not lean back, because. You will have to bend forward to stand up, which is wrong. When sitting, the feet should be on the floor, there should be a distance of 15-20 cm between them. Do not sit cross-legged and cross-legged, you should not sit without getting up for more than 40 minutes.

Other types of physical activity.

Use outside help or special devices to get objects from the floor lying on a chair that is far from you. Do not reach objects that are behind you or to the side by turning your torso with fixed legs. In order to take these items, first turn in the right direction, facing the item. Do not lift heavy objects.

You can shower, but be careful not to slip on wet floors or in the bath, use extra help when washing the legs below the knee joints. Remember that your new joint should not bend more than 90-500. It is undesirable to sit on a low seat in the bathroom. To correct this situation, you can put an inflatable ring or install a special attachment.

You can cook food, dust, wash dishes. But don't use a vacuum cleaner, don't make your bed, don't use a mop when mopping, don't do jobs that require a lot of physical effort.

Special medical gymnastics.

To improve the function of your new joint, you should continue with the physical exercises that you learned in the hospital, gradually complicating them, and increasing the number of repetitions of each exercise. The exercises will help you restore mobility in the joint and prepare the muscles for movement without additional funds supports.

Here is a list of the main special exercises.

Starting position lying on your back:

  1. Alternate leg curl knee joints without taking your feet off the floor (bed).
  2. Alternate abduction of the legs to the side sliding on the floor.
  3. Simulation of cycling.
  4. Putting a pillow (roller) under the knees alternately extending the legs in the knee joints
  5. Bend your knees, alternately straighten your legs and return to the starting position.
  6. Alternately pulling bent legs to the stomach with the help of hands.

Starting position lying on the side (on the non-operated side) with a pillow (roller) between the thighs:

  1. Straight leg raise (hip abduction)
  2. Straight leg backward movement (hip extension)

Starting position lying on the stomach:

  1. Flexion of the legs at the knee joints
  2. Extension of the legs in the knee joints while resting on the toes with simultaneous tension of the gluteal muscles.
  3. Straight leg back raise

Starting position standing on a healthy leg with hands resting on the back of a chair:

  1. Straight leg forward
  2. Same to the side
  3. Same back

When performing exercises, you should not feel pain, repeating these movements at a slow pace from 5 to 8 times. Alternate these exercises with hand movements and breathing exercises.

Long-term period after surgery (more than 3 months).

It's been 3 months since the operation. You need to conduct a control x-ray examination, after which the orthopedic doctor will decide whether it is possible to expand the motor regimen, and for some professions, return to the previous job. However, in order to avoid possible serious complications in the long term after the operation, you need to know and follow a number of recommendations.

Motor mode

With absence discomfort in the joint, you can no longer use crutches, but switch to a cane - you need to take it in your hand on the side opposite to the operated leg. It is important that the cane is properly selected according to your height. You can check this as follows - while standing, take a cane in your hand, if it suits you, then at the moment of support, the elbow is slightly bent, and the shoulder girdle does not rise up.

On average, 6-8 months after the operation, you can switch to walking with a cane even without prior consultation with your doctor. Remember that it is better not to overload the new joint, for example, by long walking (walks, excursions, long trips, etc.). Subsequently, if such a need arises, unload it with a cane.

In any case, if discomfort appears in the joint, and you begin to limp, take the cane in your hand. This will relieve the joint from overloads that occur due to lameness.
Do not forget that you have a load limit. Do not lift and carry weights weighing more than 20 kg., You can not increase body weight more than your age norm. Know that when lifting a 20 kg object, a force equal to 70 kg will act on the joint. Make every effort (diet, etc.) to reduce your own weight if it is above normal.

Additional physical activity.

At your own discretion, if the complex of those exercises that you did after the operation became too easy to perform, you can expand and complicate it. As before, most of the exercises should be done in a prone position. While standing, add exercises such as half squats - at first, leaning on the back of a chair, then - hands on the belt.

3-4 months after the operation, begin to train the transfer of body weight to the operated leg. While trying to stand on the operated leg, first lean on both hands, then on one, and finally without the help of hands. Performing exercises while standing on the operated leg, continue to lean on the back of the chair, as you did before. In the future, it is recommended to engage in swimming, skiing - this refers to skiing on flat terrain, and not water or skiing. It's good to ride a bike. Do not get carried away with jumping, running, gymnastics, acrobatics, etc.

Other types of motor activity.

AT Everyday life You will sometimes encounter a number of situations in which discomfort in the joint or its overload is possible.

  • do not sharply turn the leg inward and perform swing movements
  • you should not turn while standing on the operated leg, instead it is better to do small step in the right direction.
  • it is undesirable to lean forward with a straightened operated leg.
  • abrupt movements (shocks, etc.) of the operated leg should be avoided.
  • it is not recommended to drive a car earlier than 3-4 months after the operation, and more late dates, while driving, every 1.5-2 hours you need to make stops and get out of the car.

You can start work not earlier than 3 months after the operation, provided that the work is not related to long stay on foot.

You should not expose your artificial joint risk.

How to organize your life to avoid complications after total hip arthroplasty? Modern technologies allow for a severe degree of the disease to perform a total hip arthroplasty. Its replacement significantly improves the condition, a person gains the ability to do daily activities.

Damage to the joints, unfortunately, is accompanied by a permanent disability, leading to disability. When the hip joint is destroyed, the pain is unbearable, it is impossible to walk, the gait is disturbed, the thought of moving is frightening.

After the operation, it is necessary to avoid concussions of the joint, active sports. If the patient continues to lead an energetic lifestyle, does not lose weight, the prosthesis will gradually collapse, the pain will return - a second operation (replacement of a worn joint) will be required.

After the intervention, some resistance in the joint may be felt, especially with excessive flexion. It happens that the sensitivity of the skin around the incision is disturbed. Over time, these sensations smooth out, they are insignificant in comparison with the pain and limited mobility before the operation.

Railings in the house

In the apartment, it is necessary to make reliable railings along all steps; remove cords and moving mats from the path of movement. Provide an elevated toilet seat; a bench for taking a shower or bath (you will need a brush with a long handle for washing). The chair should be stable, with a solid back and armrests, a firm cushion, so that the knees are lower than the hip joints. The same hard cushion should be placed on a car seat, sofa, etc.

You need to take care of other little things: buy a horn with a long handle - they put on and take off socks and shoes; forceps for grasping objects (it is important to avoid excessive tilting of the body so as not to damage the joint).

Complications after surgery

Infection of the joint may develop, heart attacks or strokes occur.

After the sutures are removed, it is necessary to avoid getting moisture on the wound until it is completely tightened and dries; cover it with a bandage that will protect it from irritation with clothing.

The doctor prescribes one or more drugs to prevent blood clots (such as blood thinners, elastic bandages, or stockings).

Warn of the occurrence of blood clots, pain in the leg is not at the site of the incision; redness of the calf; swelling of the thigh, calf, ankle, or foot. The advancement of a thrombus into the lungs is indicated by increased respiration, pain in chest. If these symptoms appear, see a doctor immediately!

Contribute to infection of the joint after surgery dental procedures, inflammation on the skin and in urethra. Therefore, before any surgical procedures (including at the dentist's appointment), which can lead to the entry of bacteria into the blood, you should consult a doctor: you may need to take antibiotics.

Can't do intramuscular injections in the buttock on the operated side, which is important to warn the medical staff.

Infection of the joint is indicated by constant fever(> 37 ° C), chills, redness, soreness or swelling of the suture, discharge from the wound, increasing pain in the joint. With any of these signs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

A balanced, high-calorie diet containing protein, vitamins, and trace elements is essential for tissue healing and strength restoration. You should drink more fluids.

Home rehabilitation

It is important, especially in the first weeks after a joint replacement, to perform special physical exercises every day to restore the mobility of the hip joint and strengthen it.

A month and a half after discharge from the hospital, it is necessary to consistently expand the walking program - first at home, and then on the street. Gradually increase the duration of walks, focusing on well-being; resume normal household chores. Try sitting, standing, going up and down stairs.

Falling in this state is very dangerous: it can lead to joint damage or dislocation of the head of the prosthesis, which will require reoperation. Until the joint gets stronger and gains mobility, it is better not to walk up the stairs. At first, you should use crutches, a cane, lean on someone else's hand.

You can not put the operated limb on the other leg. It is necessary to try not to cross the conditional line of the middle of the body with the operated leg. Do not bend your leg more than 90 degrees. Sitting in one position - no more than an hour; Standing up, be sure to lean on the armrests. Do not turn your feet excessively in or out.

Lie down like this: sit down, then, raising your legs, turn towards the middle of the bed. At night, you need to put a pillow between your legs until the orthopedist cancels it. Sleeping on the operated side is also possible only with the permission of a specialist.

It is not recommended to drive a car in the first 1.5-2 months after the operation. When taking a seat in the car, you need to turn your back to the seat, lower yourself onto it and, raising your knees, turn smoothly (for convenience, it is advisable to put a plastic bag on the seat).

The new joint will be detected by a metal detector during the screening at the airport, so employees must be warned in advance.

Andrey Borisov, chief physician Urban clinical hospital ambulance medical care Minsk, candidate of medical sciences Sciences. assistant professor;

Andrey Voronovich, leading researcher of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics, candidate of medical sciences. Sciences.