
What was Dmitry's illness? Dima Bilan has cancer: a terrible truth or an unsuccessful deception? Why and how Dmitry Maryanov actually died: the investigation revealed a medical error

Why do ordinary people like scary movies so much? It turns out that this is an opportunity to pretend to relive your fears, become more confident and even let off steam. And this is true - you just need to choose an exciting horror film that will make you really care about the heroes.

Silent Hill

The story takes place in the city of Silent Hill. To ordinary people I wouldn't even want to drive past it. But Rose Dasilva, little Sharon's mother, is simply forced to go there. There is no other choice. She believes that this is the only way she will help her daughter and protect her from psychiatric hospital. The name of the town did not come out of nowhere - Sharon constantly repeated it in her sleep. And it seems like a cure is very close, but on the way to Silent Hill, mother and daughter get into a strange accident. Rose wakes up to find that Sharon is missing. Now the woman needs to find her daughter in a cursed city full of fears and horrors. The trailer for the film is available for viewing.


Former detective Ben Carson is worried better times. After accidentally killing a colleague, he is suspended from the New York Police Department. Then the departure of his wife and children, an addiction to alcohol, and now Ben is the night watchman of a burned-out department store, left alone with his problems. Over time, occupational therapy pays off, but one nightly round changes everything. The mirrors begin to threaten Ben and his family. Strange and frightening images appear in their reflection. To save the lives of his loved ones, the detective needs to understand what the mirrors want, but the problem is that Ben has never encountered mysticism.


Kara Harding is raising her daughter alone after the death of her husband. The woman followed in her father’s footsteps and became a famous psychiatrist. She studies people with multiple personality disorder. Among them there are those who claim that there are many more of these individuals. According to Kara, this is just a cover serial killers, so all her patients are sent to death row. But one day the father shows his daughter the case of the tramp patient Adam, who defies any rational explanation. Kara continues to insist on her theory and even tries to cure Adam, but over time, completely unexpected facts are revealed to her...

Mike Enslin doesn't believe in an afterlife. As a horror writer, he is writing another book about the supernatural. It is dedicated to poltergeists living in hotels. Mike decides to settle in one of them. The choice falls on the infamous room 1408 of the Dolphin Hotel. According to the hotel owners and city residents, evil lives in the room and kills guests. But neither this fact nor the senior manager's warning frightens Mike. But in vain... In the issue the writer will have to go through a real nightmare, from which there is only one way to get out...

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... How do neurosurgeons perceive such news about the death of famous people from brain tumors? Is this really a normal course of events that shows that neither fame nor money can save you from this diagnosis?

“This is not a completely normal course of events, since the treatment of glioblastoma depends heavily on financial condition patient. Not all patients have access to modern methods treatments abroad, which may be more effective. But in general, glioblastoma (also known as glioma multiforme, also known as glioma-Grade IV) is currently a largely mysterious disease. The disease is characterized by multiple genetic damage in the glial cells of the brain, which leads to the rapid expansion of a malignant tumor.

The main problem is that with this type of tumor the tumor is the entire brain, and not a separate part of it,

because genetic damage is everywhere. The difference from tumors such as neuroma or meningioma or even cancer metastases, which have a border, is that these tumors do not have a border either on the images or during surgery. Therefore, in fact, it is impossible to completely remove this tumor. More often it occurs in the brain, sometimes in the spinal cord. It is the most common primary brain tumor. Therefore, the fact that celebrities die from it is not something special -

Tens and hundreds of thousands of ordinary people die from it.

— How should a person act to prevent the development of a brain tumor?

“Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent this disease. This is not an HIV infection that can be prevented by contraception, for example. Unfortunately, this is the genetic destiny of man. Glioblastoma is the most fatal brain tumor, but it is far from the only one. In Japan, which more than other countries faces the problem of oncogenesis due to radiation and other factors, according to standards, once every three years, all adult residents undergo an MRI.

If a person has the financial opportunity, then there is a reason to periodically do an MRI of the brain.

In our country, the Japanese version is not suitable, if only because compulsory insurance does not pay for MRI just like that, and most people are not ready to pay for it.

But we must ensure that an MRI is done for any persistent, atypical headache of unknown origin, especially morning headaches accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

In case of a one-time attack of loss of consciousness with or without convulsions, with the appearance of any neurological symptoms, for example - weakness in the limbs, rapidly progressive decrease in vision. This is not a tumor warning, but its early diagnosis, and since other tumors are not so fatal, early diagnosis allows them to be treated in a timely manner, and sometimes without surgery.

There are so-called low-grade gliomas with low malignancy, they are well controlled by radiation therapy, and people with it can live for decades. I have a friend who has been living with her for nine years...

— If a person is not a celebrity, lives in the outback, then where should he go for examination?

— Unfortunately, the effectiveness of using MRI scanners in Russia is not always sufficient. A conditional grandmother can get to the nearest regional center, but there is a problem with insurance companies paying for these studies. The queue for free MRIs is very long, it can be 3-6 months, and for some brain tumors this is a lifetime. There is a high supply of MRI scanners only in big cities, and I, as a neurosurgeon, constantly see patients with severely advanced pathologies that developed only because

that the research was not done on time, which for the world clinical medicine is absolutely banal.

There are somewhat more computer tomographs in Russia, they are somewhat cheaper, and, for example, hospitals where neurotraumas are operated on are equipped with them. But the effectiveness of their use also lags behind Western experience.

If we talk about the technical features of neurosurgery, then in Russia it is, oddly enough, relatively well equipped. It requires an operating microscope. Such things as neurophysiological monitoring are needed to ensure that areas of the brain adjacent to the tumor are not destroyed. Today there are drugs that a person takes on the day of surgery, and this drug, in fluorescence mode, is able to paint the border of the tumor and healthy tissue.

What is done with glioblastoma? Surgery is aimed at reducing the volume of the tumor and reducing swelling as much as possible. There are drugs to reduce edema, and now the main focus in the world is shifting towards chemotherapy and immunotherapy.

I am convinced that glioblastoma is the tumor that will be defeated by evolution.

Because every year the range of our understanding of the biology of this tumor and the possibilities of chemotherapy is expanding every year.

— What are the risk groups for glioblastoma?

“Unfortunately, no reliably known risk factors have been identified for glioblastoma. One thing is certain so far - they occur more often in men. There is information about a weak connection with ionizing radiation, and that the tumor occurs somewhat more often in carriers of cytomegalovirus, or in those who have had malaria.

— And such things as stress, lifestyle, lack of sleep...

— Unfortunately, oncological diseases have not been fully studied. In principle, for many tumors nervous system There are no clear risk factors known; we have to find out. It remains for a person to lead so much healthy image life as much as he can. When the press writes that a person has brain cancer, most often we're talking about about glioblastoma. We have famous people who have been treated for other cancers for many years and even talk about it openly, for example.

But this fatality with which they talk about brain cancer most often points to glioblastoma.

Brain cancer is a journalistic euphemism that most often means the end.

— Has the diagnosis of glioblastoma become younger in the world?

“Knowledge and understanding of glioblastoma is constantly expanding, so we are getting a lot more information. Indeed, in recent years it has been recorded somewhat more often in younger people.

In principle, this disease does not have a clear distribution by age. It also occurs in children, by the way, tumors of the central nervous system - main reason death of children in the first year of life.

— What prejudices do doctors face when treating brain tumors? There are still beliefs about the dangers of mobile phones...

- Of course, none Cell phones do not increase the risk of formations, this has not been proven by anyone. It is very important that patients break the mentality that a brain tumor equals death, since a huge number of tumors can be treated and cured, and the person can return to normal life.

The second dangerous prejudice is the belief that brain surgery is inherently catastrophic. Yes, there is an opinion among people that if the operation is on the head, then the person will remain a fool, and if the operation is spinal, then the person will be paralyzed. This is all wrong, since it is impossible to compare modern neurosurgery with neurosurgery 30 years ago.

— How long do people live with glioblastoma?

- It requires chemotherapy and radiation therapy, Sometimes reoperation, treatment of cerebral edema and reduction of symptoms - the whole complex palliative care, as with other fatal diseases.

At modern means treatment, the median survival of patients is 15 months.

At all oncological diseases is something that reminds us that we are animals after all, and regardless of wealth and celebrity, biology can overtake anyone.

- Where better diagnosis and treatment - in Russia or in Western countries?

— In Russia, MRI is difficult to access ordinary people, but this is not only our problem, it is the same in the USA, where it depends on the insurance system. As for treatment, there are several leading institutions in Russia, these are the Burdenko Institute, the Russian Cancer Research Center and others. Success is highly dependent on the progress of science, and the progress of science is highly dependent on lawmaking in the field of science.

In Europe and the USA, a huge number of new treatment protocols are constantly being developed that make it possible to effectively include patients in clinical researches and, if effective, quickly bring drugs to market.

Unfortunately, Russia lags behind in this regard. According to the academician, in terms of chemotherapy, Russian oncology lags behind Western ones by 4-5 years. This is a huge period of time.

Soviet and Russian actor Dmitry Matveev died at the age of 66. He died on December 25. Colleague and friend of the deceased Oleg Khartulari published information about this on his Facebook page.

“Farewell, Dmitry Nikolaevich! My dear partner and senior comrade. The Kingdom of Heaven to you! See you!" - wrote Khartulari.

Nothing has been reported yet about the reasons, date of farewell and place of the funeral.

Dmitry Matveev was born on March 12, 1953 in the city of Potsdam in the GDR, but his family soon returned to the USSR. In 1981, he graduated from VGIK and ended up at Mosfilm, where he worked for 10 years.

Also in early age the actor starred in a cameo role in a short film based on Arkady Gaidar’s story “Let It Shine,” but began acting seriously in films in 1979. In total, he starred in more than 40 films and TV series, including “State Border”, “Tehran-43”, “Autumn Marathon”, and the list of films where he voiced famous foreign actors is one and a half times longer. These include Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory and Maverick, Vin Diesel in Saving Private Ryan and Black hole", Christopher Lambert in "Highlander". The actors in the second parts of “Robot Cop” and “Terminator” also speak in his voice. Moreover, in his track record- dubbing of television programs (“Road Patrol” and “Rush Hour”), as well as several computer games.

Dmitry Matveev received the title of laureate of the KGB of the USSR in the field of literature and art. The film artist was awarded this award for his role as Ilya Sushentsov in the television series “State Border”.

About the death of the greatest opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Everyone - journalists, artists, friends, admirers of the famous baritone's work - refused to believe this until the very end. It is not surprising, because just a month ago, Hvorostovsky was already “buried” by journalists who mistakenly spread the news of his death. Later they apologized to the singer's family, but one fact turned out to be irrefutable - cancer is taking the last of Dmitry Hvorostovsky's strength.

In 2015, the singer announced his serious illness: he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. At the same time, as the artist’s friends noted, it was impossible to assume that he was sick: Hvorostovsky’s tour schedule was booked months in advance, he looked cheerful and was in good shape.

Hvorostovsky underwent chemotherapy and even tried to return to the stage, but most of the planned performances had to be canceled one after another. Hvorostovsky simply did not have the strength.

The media reported about dire consequences oncologies that the artist faced - they wrote that he was losing his sight, that he could not walk. There were rumors that Hvorostovsky might even lose his amazing voice. The singer denied all the terrible news about his health until the last moment - he was confident that he would be able to return to the stage.

He lived in London and turned to the best European specialists for help. But, unfortunately, the battle turned out to be unequal - terrible disease took the life of a beloved artist. The sad news has already been confirmed by his family.

As the co-chairman of the Russian Patients' Union, neurologist Yan Vlasov, previously told Life, tumors of the central nervous system, head tumors, especially those located in the cranial area, very difficult to diagnose. Until the doctor “feels” it himself, there is always the possibility that the diagnosis is actually different.

There are cases when the tumor “hangs” for years, and then one day it grows three times in size, and the person can die, he added.

Oncologist surgeon Konstantin Titov spoke about the most common and most aggressive brain tumor - glioblastoma. Usually it is this type of neoplasm that quickly and mercilessly claims human lives.

As the doctor said, unfortunately, malignant tumors almost always on initial stages are asymptomatic. Especially - formations in the brain.

Despite the fact that the brain is a small organ, there is a small free space in it, said Konstantin Titov. - Most often, the tumor grows in it, pushing apart the brain tissue. When headaches, dizziness, blurred vision or gait appear, these are already large and, most likely, inoperable tumors.

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Bright and generous talent, amazing efficiency and boundless respect for your listeners allowed you to achieve the pinnacle of performing skills and gain fame as one of the outstanding baritones of our time,” stated the website of the President of the Russian Federation.

Hvorostovsky unconditionally deserved the recognition and love of art connoisseurs from all over the world, the head of state noted. Undoubtedly, today a large army of fans of the great artist is mourning with the singer’s family.

According to doctors, 47-year-old Dmitry Maryanov died from internal bleeding, heavy blood loss.

Experts have found out how and why the famous actor Dmitry Maryanov died. According to the results of the official examination, the artist’s death was the result of “thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the left leg, thromboembolism of the inferior vena cava. Rupture of the wall of the left common iliac vein. Copious blood loss."

Experts note that this is an extremely atypical case: in order for one of the pelvic veins to rupture, something extraordinary is needed. “Thrombosis should be very massive and for a fairly short period of time, because the veins are quite elastic,” says phlebologist Fedor Shpachenko.

However, in the case of Dmitry Maryanov, the disease received unexpected turn. The actor had a vena cava filter installed - this is a special device that resembles a mesh that retains blood clots, keeping them away from the pulmonary arteries and heart. Over the course of a year, blood clots accumulated in it. Note that Maryanov regularly complained of pain in his leg throughout the year.

On October 15, the filter became clogged. While in a rehabilitation clinic, Maryanov began to complain of severe pain in his leg. However, the clinic staff ignored his complaints. As a result, under the pressure of blood, the vein burst and extensive bleeding occurred, this is what can explain the terrible pain that preceded the actor’s death

“There was most likely massive thrombosis of this vena cava filter. In simple Russian language, the filter was clogged and the blood simply could not flow out. Hence the vein rupture. And with such a development, a person could lose a lot of blood, and therefore die,” the specialist noted.

The above factors explain the fact that the actor’s blood pressure could not be checked before his death. Even then, the circulatory system ceased to be closed, and a huge amount of blood from the ruptured vein poured into Maryanov’s body.

On October 15, at the age of 18, the famous Russian actor Dmitry Maryanov died, this tragic news was reported by the TASS agency, citing a source in law enforcement agencies.

Why and how Dmitry Maryanov actually died: the investigation revealed a medical error

The death of the famous actor Dmitry Maryanov continues to be widely discussed on the Internet. This happens mainly for the reason that there is a lot of controversy surrounding Maryanov’s death. dark spots. In particular, all the circumstances of the artist’s death, as well as the details of those moments that preceded the most terrible development of events, are not fully understood.

Meanwhile, the operatives managed to reconstruct, bit by bit, the last day of Dmitry Maryanov’s life. Investigators came to the conclusion that if rehabilitation center“Phoenix” had certified doctors, then it would have been possible to save the actor with a high degree of probability.

The investigators came to such unexpected conclusions after interviewing the staff and patients of the clinic where the famous artist was in last days own life. The expert pathologist believes that Maryanov's death was the result of cardiac arrest, which was caused by thromboembolism pulmonary artery. Signs of this disease may occur several hours before a person becomes completely ill. Modern medicine allows antithrombosis therapy to be administered through inpatient treatment. If time is not wasted and help arrives on time, then the probability of recovery is close to 100 percent.

From the testimony of patients at the rehabilitation center it follows that from the very morning Dmitry complained about severe pain in the area of ​​the left shoulder blade. The actor experienced slight shortness of breath and heavy sweating. These moments were supplemented by such symptoms as decreased arterial pressure and increased heart rate. The clinic staff decided that these were manifestations of alcoholic psychosis.

Patients come to the defense of the staff, complaining about the fact that Maryanov behaved very inappropriately, namely, he demanded alcohol and tried to escape from the territory of the center. As a result, the clinic staff had to isolate the actor from other people. After that, Dmitry began calling his family and friends. He demanded that cognac be brought to him. The center's staff began to suspect that this was not the usual alcoholic psychosis. By this time, Maryanov’s health had already deteriorated significantly and was approaching critical. The actor’s thoughts were confused, and his blood pressure dropped so much that the electric tonometer could no longer detect it. At this moment, the clinic staff began calling an ambulance. It was 19:03 on the clock.

In conclusion, it can be stated that the clinic staff did not take any action for ten hours to save Dmitry Maryanov. If the rehabilitation center had at least one real doctor, it would not be difficult for him to identify thromboembolism and insist on urgent hospitalization.

Death of Dmitry Maryanov, scandal: Irina Lobacheva indirectly accused Maryanov’s wife of the actor’s death

The day before, figure skater Irina Lobacheva, with whom the actor once collaborated in one of the TV shows, spoke in an unexpected way about the death of Dmitry Maryanov. She emphasized that “Dima died for a reason.” Lobacheva is sure that Maryanov did not have those serious problems health problems that were initially reported.

“He never had thrombophlebitis. He checked his health and monitored it. Although Dima and I broke up, we communicated and corresponded until the very end. He came to visit me four months ago. It seems that something was not going well with his young wife. He showed me a photo of his daughter. I was absolutely healthy. He couldn’t die on his own, he got help, I’m sure of it! The easiest way to attribute it to a detached blood clot. Well, yes, he drank, it was such a sin. Well, he would have died in 30 years, not earlier! I’m sure there is a crime in his death,” said the athlete.

Irina Lobacheva added that the artist’s death was beneficial to those who planned to receive a substantial inheritance, which Maryanov left behind. In particular, we are talking about a large Moscow apartment and dacha. Lobacheva did not provide any other details about this. For this reason, it remains unclear who wanted Dmitry’s death from those close to him.

Let us remind you that Dmitry Maryanov died on October 15, 2017. He was in a rehabilitation center, where from the very morning of that fateful day he began to have health problems. After Maryanov lost consciousness, an ambulance was called for him, but they were unable to promptly respond to the call. The people next to the actor at that moment decided on our own take him to the hospital. However, on the way to the medical facility, Maryanov died. According to preliminary data, a blood clot broke loose.

The funeral of Dmitry Maryanov cost half a million rubles

The funeral of the famous actor Dmitry Maryanov was held, as they say, at the highest level. As you know, seeing off a person on his final journey is a very expensive matter. Especially when it comes to elite funerals.

The actor Dmitry Maryanov, who died suddenly, was a wealthy man - he worked a lot, so he had a substantial fortune. The filmography and list of television and film projects in which Maryanov took part exceeds 80 titles. Even during the crisis, he did not reduce his financial appetite and did not agree to work for a low fee, as he talked about in an interview.

Of course, the artist has earned the right to a decent memorial service and an appropriate funeral. Such is the mentality of Russian people that even from tragic events we often create a scandal. This also happened with Maryanov’s funeral. Internet users are widely discussing the fact that the actor was buried in a premium coffin. In particular, we are talking about a walnut-colored double-lid product called “Canada with Columns.” The inside of the coffin is upholstered in white silk and Italian bed velvet. In Russia, a coffin of this type costs about 150 thousand rubles, which is an unaffordable amount for many residents of our country.

The actor found his final resting place at the Khimki cemetery. The burial place was allocated free of charge, while Maryanov’s relatives spent a substantial amount of money on preparing the grave and related procedures. An employee of a funeral agency provided a price list for an elite funeral. According to him, a funeral hearse to the burial place costs 14 thousand. The funeral service VIP team is another 35 thousand. The range of funeral director services is 23,500. Digging a grave and draping it with cloth is another 20 thousand. Providing a ritual elevator to smoothly lower the coffin into the grave is the most expensive item - 120 thousand rubles. Add here wreaths, the cost of which reaches 40 thousand, funeral services and clothes for the deceased, a memorial dinner - it turns out that the funeral costs almost half a million.

However, Dmitry Maryanov was exactly the person who deserved such a farewell. This is once again confirmed by the number of people who came to say goodbye to the artist. There were several thousand of them. Few could hold back their tears.