
What is better - glasses or contacts? Comparison of glasses and lenses. What is better - glasses or contact lenses? What's worse: glasses or contacts?

When choosing the most comfortable method of vision correction, many people ask themselves: what is better for the eyes – glasses or contact lenses? Only an ophthalmologist can give the correct answer to this. A detailed study of the structural features of the eye and an understanding of the specifics specific disease allows you to accurately determine the most suitable correction method for each person.

However, if there are no special disturbances in the form of astigmatism or other atypical deviations, then you can safely begin choosing between glasses and contact lenses, based only on your own preferences. It is better if both means of correction are available, because each of them has its own advantages.

Pros and cons of glasses

The undoubted advantage of glasses is their wide range of prices. In any specialized retail outlet you can choose both an expensive fashion accessory and a completely budget one.

This is the main reason why most people prefer them for daily wear.

The second reason is to create your own style. Carefully selected frames help hide imperfections and, conversely, focus on the advantages of your face shape.

A stylish accessory can be bright - this is what young people prefer to attract attention. Strict frames are chosen by older people, usually those who try to emphasize the business style of clothing and a serious approach to work.

In addition, glasses can always be equipped with modern sunglasses. They provide excellent protection against harmful ultraviolet radiation and contribute to the creation of their own original image. Also, many glasses have an anti-reflective coating that prevents blinding. evening time from bright car headlights or during the day during strong solar activity.

And finally, they are easier and cheaper to care for. You don't need to buy them to keep them clean. special means for care. It is enough to wipe them periodically to remove dust and dirt. Storing it in a case protects the accessory from damage and protects the glass from scratches.

One more thing important difference- glasses do not have direct contact with the eye. Consequently, they cannot cause irritation of the mucous membrane and serve as a source of infection.

Disadvantages associated with glasses:

  • fogging of windows due to sudden changes in temperature;
  • reflection of light in the dark may cause momentary blinding;
  • image distortion caused by the shape of the glass;
  • limited lateral visibility;
  • rub the bridge of the nose and the area where the temples touch the ears;
  • they can get lost at any time and are sometimes difficult to find;
  • the fragile structure often breaks and glass breaks;

Also, in addition to all of the above, they are not recommended for those whose vision difference between the eyes is more than two diopters.

Advantages of contact lenses and their disadvantages

Lenses are valuable, first of all, because they return to people the ability to see with their own eyes. Without a complex design to wear on the face, they return full vision for a period of time. Almost invisible films do not affect the overall appearance of a person. Therefore, they are an ideal option for those who experience feelings of inferiority associated with wearing glasses.

The lenses do not distort the picture, making the resulting image perfect. Objects and their sizes and distances remain unchanged, which is completely impossible when wearing glasses on the nose. After all, the lenses move along with the pupils, correcting vision as naturally as possible. They are light, practically not felt and when correct location do not cause any negative feelings. Contact lenses do not fog up when temperatures change and do not limit lateral vision.

Another undoubted advantage is individual selection for each eye. That is, even if the difference in diopters exceeds two units, correction is possible. People with this problem should not use glasses. the only way out for them, except surgical intervention, is the use of lenses.

Disadvantages associated with lenses:

  • Regular replacement is necessary to avoid infections and irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • the high price of the product itself, solutions, drops and care items;
  • direct contact with the cornea can cause discomfort and even pain;
  • any speck that gets into the eye requires immediate removal and washing of the lens, which is not always convenient;
  • requires careful care after each wear and before each use;

In addition, everyone who wears lenses must regularly visit an ophthalmologist. After all, their direct contact with the surface of the eye can damage the cornea. They slightly dull the sensitivity of the eyes and therefore the destructive consequences of improper use of lenses and the onset of the disease can go unnoticed.

So which is better – glasses or contacts?

The main thing is not to forget that your eyes need rest. Therefore, any doctor will tell you that constantly wearing lenses can lead to even greater vision loss. Therefore, they need to be given not only rest, but also special health-improving exercises every day.

At home, if you don’t need to watch TV, read or work at the computer, it’s better to do without them altogether. At this time, the eyes will not only rest, but also due to the need for the muscles of the eyeball to work and, therefore, function fully.

The best solution is to have both available. Contact lenses can be worn outdoors, to work, and when meeting other people. It is better to always have glasses on hand as a backup option. Also, at home, it is better to use glasses for short-term tasks - reading, writing, watching movies and TV shows.

Do not forget that poor vision can be cured or at least prevented from worsening. Therefore, change correction products more often and regularly engage in wellness procedures.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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Under stressful conditions modern life A decrease in the quality of vision has ceased to be an extraordinary phenomenon. Sad statistics confirms this fact - more than half of the world's population is forced to resort to a non-surgical method of vision correction. To date, only two such methods are known: contact lenses or glasses. Each patient suffering from visual impairment independently chooses what suits him best. But what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods and which one is better to choose?

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The use of glasses is the oldest, one might even say, the very first method of correction poor eyesight. They were first used by the ancient northern inhabitants to protect their eyes from sun rays and wind. It must be said that these first glasses were designed in a very primitive way. But the Italians began using glass lens vision correction products in the thirteenth century. And since then, the design has undergone a significant number of changes.


  • The glasses that we are used to using today are created with the help of technological innovation, and thin optical glasses help correct even the poorest vision.
  • Unlike contact lenses, they do not touch eyeballs, and this completely eliminates the possibility of developing infectious and other eye diseases.
  • Also, since ancient times, they have been protecting our eyes from the possible ingress of debris, grains of sand and other microscopic debris that can injure the fragile ocular apparatus.
  • In addition, this is the simplest method of vision correction, which does not require constant care or special use - they are easy to put on and quickly take off. Therefore, doctors recommend that parents use glasses for myopia to correct vision in children.
  • In addition, today specialized stores offer us the widest range different frames to match the latest fashion trends. It is worth noting that a well-chosen frame will not only be able to complement an already familiar look, but will also introduce something fresh and original into it, hiding flaws and emphasizing advantages.
  • Another advantage is their affordable price, which is slightly lower than that of contact lenses.
  • Glasses can correct any visual impairment (myopia and farsightedness). There are no contraindications for wearing them.
  • They do not need to be replaced for almost two years.


However, in addition to numerous advantages, wearing glasses also has some significant disadvantages:

  • First of all, it is worth saying that if you choose glasses incorrectly, or, moreover, choose them without first consulting a doctor, wearing them can subsequently have a very negative impact on the health of not only the eyes, but also other important systems. For example, incorrect correction provokes failures in nervous system, constant headaches and even fainting. They can also worsen the quality of your vision if not chosen correctly.
  • They can significantly limit the visual radius, and this, in turn, can further lead to gradual loss eye muscles performance.
  • Glass can distort the shapes and sizes of objects, and the arms can limit lateral vision.
  • If the difference in vision between the eyes is higher than two diopters, then this correction method is not suitable.
  • Glass lenses, especially if they are glass, can reflect light. In dark times of the day - in the evening or at night - light reflection only irritates the eyesight and can even blind for a short time.
  • People with low level For vision problems, you most often have to wear glasses all the time, and this can already somewhat limit your lifestyle. For example, if you constantly wear glasses, you cannot engage in active sports, dancing and swimming.
  • There is always a risk of accidentally damaging or even losing an irreplaceable item.
  • Another inconvenient fact is the reaction to the weather. With a sharp change in temperature, the windows can fog up, and rain and snow can completely impair visibility.
  • If we talk about aesthetic aspects, then an incorrectly selected frame shape can highlight flaws and spoil the appearance, and this already provokes complexes, self-doubt and other psychological discomfort.
  • And of course, the higher the quality of the materials, the higher the final price of the finished glasses will be.

Contact lenses

Leonardo da Vinci first mentioned contact lenses in his drawings in the sixteenth century. It was these schemes that became the prototype of the lenses that we actively use today, although at that time they were far from the modern picture.

The first lens with optical power was introduced to the world in the nineteenth century by a German physiologist and was made of glass, and a year later it was manufactured and introduced into science by the German ophthalmologist-inventor August Müller. It was used to correct myopia. Glass lenses caused significant discomfort when worn because they were made of hard material. Soft contact lenses appeared in the mid-twentieth century, but despite their popularity they required serious improvements. Subsequently, silicone hydrogel materials began to be used in production.

Today, approximately two percent of the world's population wear contact lenses. large share Of these, adolescents aged twelve years and older also fall.

Why do more and more people now prefer this method? What are their advantages and disadvantages?


  • Contact lenses provide 100% natural vision correction because they follow the movements of the pupils.
  • There are no restrictions in the radius of vision or on the periphery; objects do not change their shapes or dimensions.
  • Can be worn if there is a large difference between the eyes.
  • Modern material does not interfere with the access of oxygen to the cornea, and this, in turn, increases wearing comfort - there is no feeling of dryness or irritation.
  • You can wear it for quite a long time without taking it off: from eight to twelve hours and do not cause any discomfort.
  • Comfortable to wear in any weather and during active sports.
  • There are no complexes regarding appearance.
  • Ability to change the natural color of the iris.
  • Hard to lose and impossible to break.


Along with all the positive aspects, wearing contact lenses also has its negative aspects:

  • Requires special care ( incorrect conditions storage and wearing significantly increase the chance of developing inflammation and infections of the cornea).
  • Many people find it difficult to put on and take off. To quickly place lenses in your eyes requires a certain skill and considerable caution, which comes with experience.
  • There is a risk of damage to the endothelium - the inner layer of the corneal surface, which will negatively affect eye health and can even lead to complete blindness.
  • Due to the complex operation process, they are contraindicated for use by children under twelve years of age.
  • Some types prevent the access of necessary oxygen to the cornea, which, in turn, provokes the development of dry eye syndrome.
  • Wearing contact lenses can provoke an allergy not only to the material from which they are made, but also to the cleaning and storage solution.
  • It is not recommended to wear in dusty rooms, as well as in rooms with high concentrations of chemicals in the air. Also, you should not wear them in the shower, since contact with water can transfer pathogenic bacteria to the lens.
  • Correcting vision in this way is very expensive. Unlike glasses, lenses have a service life - from a month to six months and in no case should you wear them longer. Lenses made of high-quality material are quite expensive and require additional costs - the purchase of a solution and a storage container.


Not all vision defects can be corrected in this way. Doctors' advice boils down to what not to use when:

  • diseases that affect the conjunctiva and cornea;
  • strabismus;
  • increased eye sensitivity;
  • inflammatory colds and flu;
  • taking certain medications (for example, drops with a vasoconstrictor effect, allergy medications, etc.).

What to choose in the end?

Despite the considered advantages and disadvantages of using one or another correction method, it is impossible to say unequivocally what is better - glasses or lenses. Everyone chooses for themselves convenient option. Today, many experts advise having both options in your arsenal and alternating them: wearing, for example, contact lenses during the day and using glasses in the evening. This method, of course, is more expensive, but does not have such a detrimental effect on the eyes. Of course, even in this case it is quite difficult to advise anything - each patient makes his own decision. However, the best way out nevertheless, take care of the health of your eyes so that they do not need correction at all.

Hello again, dear readers! People with poor vision have to resort to various methods corrections to be able to see the world around them normally. For this purpose, corrective glasses and contact optical glasses - lenses are used. Today there are many models of such optics, which are selected depending on the degree of visual impairment and individual characteristics.

To answer which is better – glasses or contact lenses, you first need to learn about the features, advantages and disadvantages of these types of correction. This is exactly what we will do with you now.

Devices with glass have long lost their former popularity and are no longer considered in an efficient way. Today, few people want to be known as a “bespectacled person,” especially since instead of bulky and uncomfortable frames, you can choose compact and practical lenses for your eyes.

Despite this, eyepieces have their advantages, which are expressed in:

  1. Low cost. Of course, custom-made products cost a lot, but there are many models of vision glasses at an affordable price.
  2. Practicality. It only takes a couple of seconds to put on and take off the eyepieces.
  3. Possibility of complementing the image. By successfully choosing a frame that will harmoniously match your face shape, you can add some zest to your image.
  4. Long service life. The service life of glasses depends solely on how careful the owner is. This could be either a year or 5 years.

As for the disadvantages of spectacle correction, these include:

  1. Limitation physical capabilities. Wearing an eyepiece excludes any other physical activity involving sudden movements. This is especially true for glass optics.
  2. Some people who use this accessory cannot get used to a foreign object on the bridge of their nose, so they constantly feel discomfort.
  3. In winter, glasses fog up, which causes a lot of inconvenience. In addition, wiping them takes a certain amount of time.

Advantages and disadvantages of contact lenses

Compared to glasses, contact lenses have more advantages:

  1. They do not limit peripheral vision, allowing you to fully enjoy the surrounding space.
  2. Enhance image clarity.
  3. You can play sports in them.
  4. The lenses do not fog up and do not need to be wiped.
  5. They are invisible, which is especially important for children aged 12-18 who worry about their appearance, and often have complexes about wearing an eyepiece.
  6. They practically do not cause any discomfort if chosen correctly.

Ophthalmologists remind that the lens must sit movably and freely so that a liquid space is formed between it and the cornea and the access to tear fluid is not blocked. Today, soft optical glasses are a priority.

Contact lenses also have disadvantages, which include:

  1. Hard to get used to.
  2. Risk of infection in the eyes when putting on and taking off optical glasses.
  3. The need for systematic replacement, which entails additional costs.
  4. Irritation and dryness in the eyes if not removed.
  5. Occurrence allergic reaction which leads to eye inflammation. This condition is quite often observed with colds.

Soft and hard lenses: indications

Contact lenses are made from soft and hard materials. Both of them contribute to the restoration of visual acuity without distortions and errors, unlike the eyepiece.

With the help of soft and hard optical glasses, the correction of many eye diseases. They are prescribed for myopia and for the purpose of achieving maximum visual acuity.

Indications for the use of contact lenses are also:

  • individual intolerance to glasses;
  • absence positive dynamics in the process of correcting vision with eyepieces;
  • significant difference (more than 2.5 D) in visual acuity visual organs;
  • lack of a natural lens;
  • injury to the visual organs;
  • congenital anomalies eye development;
  • "lazy eye" syndrome.

How to choose the right glasses for farsightedness? read!

Contact lenses or glasses - what to choose for a teenager with poor eyesight?

IN adolescence I want to wear lenses, because they are much more convenient and smaller than the eyepiece, however, both ophthalmologists and parents prefer it spectacle correction.

According to many qualified ophthalmologists, vision correction in children under 13 years of age is best done with glasses, since this method is considered safer. However, there is another opinion on this matter.

It is very important for a teenager to feel self-confident, which is not always possible due to wearing an eyepiece. At least that's what psychologists say. They strongly recommend that parents give their child the right to choose - he himself must choose what is more acceptable for him - glasses or contacts.

Very often, myopia develops in childhood, which can lead to significant deterioration of vision in adolescence. This occurs as a result of visual stress at school, passion for video games, poor nutrition, hormonal changes, etc. As children grow older, their attitude towards themselves and the world around them changes.

When choosing the right method for vision correction, the doctor’s advice must be taken into account. It is clear that in aesthetic terms, modern contact lenses are superior to glass devices in all respects, but sometimes patients have no choice.

Properly selected lenses allow a person with vision problems to feel free and comfortable.

For example, with astigmatism, high degree myopia and hypermetropia, a difference in refraction in 2 eye meridians of more than 2-3 D, preference should be given to contact optical glasses.

Numerous patient reviews indicate that they are more convenient and comfortable. This is due high quality polymer materials which contain a lot of water.

Video: Live healthy! Glasses or contacts?

Elena Malysheva, from a company of experienced specialists, gives a reasoned comparative analysis lenses and glasses. Watch the video and the choice will be easier!


As you can see, both glasses and lenses have advantages and disadvantages. When choosing the most suitable option, you should be guided by medical recommendations and your own priorities. Remember to consult an ophthalmologist before making a final decision. Be healthy, friends!

Do you think glasses can really ruin your image? Or is health more valuable? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

For a long time, poor vision was corrected exclusively with glasses. Just a few decades ago, the first lenses began to be produced, but their quality was far from necessary. Such contact lenses were felt on the eyes and had poor transmission. All this caused infections.

Currently, there are many different lens manufacturers with best qualities. However, many still face the question of what better glasses or lenses?

The effect of glasses on vision

Glasses are a more common method of correction. Despite the availability of contact lenses in optics, which are undoubtedly more convenient to use, many people still use glasses. They are quite easy to use, do not require special care, and glasses are excellent for correcting vision.

There is an assumption that wearing shackles further impairs vision over time. This is due to the fact that the external muscles of the eyes are constantly tense and work worse over time, thus the lens does not take on the shape it needs. Using glasses on a regular basis leads to atrophy of the eye muscles.

As a result, vision deteriorates, and the person again turns to the ophthalmologist with a request to write a prescription for stronger glasses. But then the situation repeats itself. It is for this reason that eye doctors most often advise wearing lenses with slightly smaller diopters than you need. This will put a little strain on your eyes.

However, if you are wondering what is better than glasses or contacts, you should not jump to conclusions. The harm from glasses has not been proven. A person can use them all his life and his vision will be at the same level as before. There are other cases when poor vision is not corrected with glasses, but it continues to fall.

Only one thing can be said with certainty: if your glasses are chosen incorrectly, your vision will decrease by about 5% annually. To select glasses, be sure to seek the services of specialists and check both eyes. Not only diopters matter, but also the distance between the pupils, as well as focusing.

Remember that cheap glasses designed for sun protection can also affect the quality of your vision. They miss sun rays, and this can lead to burns and cataracts.


The effect of lenses on vision

The lenses that are currently produced have excellent characteristics. Let's compare what is better: glasses or lenses? The lenses allow oxygen to pass through, are comfortable to wear, do not cause pain or discomfort, help correct vision and provide a wider view compared to glasses.

At the same time, ill-chosen lenses can harm your eyes much more than incorrectly selected glasses. The reason is that they are in very close contact with the surface of the eye, which means that corneal erosion, ulcers, conjunctivitis may appear, or simply the lenses may rub the eye.

Make purchases of lenses exclusively in stores specially designed for this purpose, following the recommendations that your doctor will give you.

It is extremely important to properly care for your lenses and follow wearing rules. Contact lenses are stored in a special solution that helps clean them from dirt. Before putting on or removing lenses, you should wash your hands to avoid dirt and infection.

The process of getting used to lenses

What is better glasses or contacts? Statistics show that lenses are gradually replacing glasses on the market. But wearing them for the first time always raises questions and possible inconveniences. We recommend using the following tips and tricks:

  1. Almost every fourth person on the planet has some kind of vision problem. Previously, all of them were solved by wearing glasses, but now lenses are becoming more and more popular. The younger generation especially prefers lenses, since lenses are much more convenient in everyday life and when playing sports;
  2. Each lens manufacturer tries to make wearing them comfortable for a person. However, if you decide to use them for the first time, you may experience discomfort. This is normal, because the eye needs to adapt to the appearance of a foreign body;
  3. Before purchasing lenses, consult an ophthalmologist. He will determine the required diameter, radius of curvature, wearing period, etc. If the lenses are chosen incorrectly, there is a high probability that you will never be able to get used to them. In addition, the ophthalmologist teaches correct use contact lenses. There are several contraindications when wearing lenses. This is primarily the so-called “dry eye”, conjunctivitis, allergies, various types of inflammation;
  4. In addition, the material from which the lens is made matters. Nowadays, silicone hydrogel lenses are considered the best, as they allow air to pass through better. It is this indicator that affects how long you can wear without taking it off;
  5. Don't shock your eyes by wearing lenses all day for the first time. It's best to let them gradually adjust over 2-4 weeks. The first day, wear the lenses for 2 hours, and each subsequent day increase the wearing time by an hour. This way the eyes will get used to it faster and will be able to smoothly change the production of the lacrimal glands. If you purchased silicone hydrogel lenses, you can wear them for 4 hours on the first day and increase the time by 2 hours every day;
  6. To make it easier for your eyes to adjust, use special drops, which are similar in composition to tear fluid. Properly and carefully care for your lenses, this will ensure normal adaptation of the eye. Even after complete adaptation, do not forget to visit a doctor for a preventive examination.

Cleaning contact lenses

The lenses are very thin and therefore fragile. They must be handled very carefully so as not to damage them. They are easily torn, deformed and dirty.

Most lenses are now made from hydrogel materials, as they allow oxygen to pass through better and allow the eyes to breathe. Hydrogel absorbs moisture well, but also dirt.

If you use lenses daily, take the time to special attention caring for them. To do this, you need a special container, tweezers and a cleaning solution.

Instructions for using lenses

  1. Contact lenses absorb dirt very well. Various types of dust particles and small hairs can be washed off with the solution. But it is also possible for the lenses to become contaminated from the inside with grains of sand, small debris and microorganisms. As a result of contact with the surface of the eye, organic substances are deposited on the lenses. All of these factors can lead to poor vision, so you need to rinse your lenses well every day and do additional weekly cleaning.
  2. There are specialized solutions for cleaning lenses that do not harm the eyes. Do not use them under any circumstances if the expiration date has expired. It is best to use multi-purpose solutions that solve several problems at once: they wash, disinfect and are a means for storing lenses.
  3. Wash your hands well before putting on or taking off your lenses. Remove the lenses from the container with tweezers.
  4. Rules for cleaning lenses: pour the solution into a clean container, place the lens on your palm with the concave part up, apply a drop of solution to it and, pressing lightly, wipe the lens. Next, you should rinse it in the solution.
  5. To disinfect the lenses, place them in the solution overnight (at least 4 hours). After this procedure, you can use them again.

You should not try to make your own lens cleaning solution at home. Most likely, you will only experience eye irritation and lens damage.

Alternatively, you can buy regular saline solution at the pharmacy, but it is best to use a specially formulated solution for cleaning and disinfection.

Using glasses

Every person with vision problems experiences discomfort. What is better: glasses or lenses in this case? Using both vision correction methods may result in vision impairment. Let's talk about glasses separately.

No matter how hard ophthalmologists try to help improve vision, it can fall without any special signs. There can be a huge number of reasons for this: you read in poor light, watch a lot of movies, don’t give your eyes rest, etc. Tension of the eye muscles increases pressure on the eyeball.

For a long time it was believed that if vision has deteriorated, it can no longer be restored and it is worth using glasses for correction. The doctor wrote a prescription for glasses with a sense of accomplishment, and the patient thought that this was it. the only solution his problems.

As a result, the person thinks that since the problem is solved, then there is no need to treat further decreased vision. But this position is far from the truth. Long wearing glasses leads to the fact that the person sees worse again and now needs glasses with different diopters. Therefore, think for yourself what is better: glasses or contacts.

Is wearing glasses beneficial or not?

If you have vision problems and need to wear glasses, this does not mean that the problem is completely solved.

Glasses help you see sharper and clearer, you can read and write, but constant tension over time leads to atrophy of the eye muscles. As a result, vision becomes worse again. That is, you only get short period improvements before further development diseases.

We hope that by analyzing the pros and cons of wearing glasses and contact lenses, you will be able to answer the question of what is better than glasses or contact lenses.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Lenses have long been an alternative to glasses, which many people suffering from vision problems were forced to give up - glasses are completely incompatible with an active lifestyle, and not everyone wants to look like a “bespectacled person.” And, it seems, contact lenses are the ideal modern solution to the problem. Read: . But is this really so? What is really better - glasses or contacts?

Glasses for vision correction - pros and cons of glasses

The choice of glasses, of course, should only be done with the help of an ophthalmologist. It is strictly not recommended to wear glasses for your mother, grandmother, or buy ready-made glasses - in this case, you risk, at a minimum, aggravating the problem of poor vision. So, What are the pros and cons of wearing glasses?

Benefits of glasses

  • Change of image.
  • No direct contact with eyes.
  • No need for careful regular maintenance.
  • Simple and effective method vision correction.

Disadvantages of glasses

  • The need to constantly carry them with you or on yourself.
  • Side effects from choosing the wrong glasses, including fainting.
  • Distortion of vision when wearing them.
  • Limitation of lateral vision due to the temples.
  • The risk of breaking or losing glasses at the moment when you need them most.
  • Changes in appearance.
  • Reflection of light.
  • Fogging due to temperature changes.
  • There is a problem with buying glasses if the difference in eye vision is greater than 2.0 D.
  • High cost, subject to high-quality and beautiful frames.

Advantages and disadvantages of contact lenses; contact lenses - pros and cons

Lenses were invented primarily for those who care about the aesthetic side of the issue. That is, vision correction that does not affect appearance. Of course, this modern product has its pros and cons.

Benefits of contact lenses

  • Natural vision correction is the movement of the lens following the movement of your pupil.
  • No visual distortion - no reduction in view, change in size, etc.
  • Comfortable to wear.
  • Opportunity to engage in active sports.
  • No dependence on weather conditions - rain is not a hindrance to lenses.
  • Aesthetics. The opportunity not only to give up glasses that don’t suit you at all, but to “correct” your eye color thanks to colored lenses.
  • Better Compliance medical requirements with visual defects. That is, the possibility of wearing them with a difference in vision of more than 2.0 D, etc.

Disadvantages of contact lenses

  • It is not recommended to take a shower (bath) in them. Lime deposits in running hard water are an ideal environment for microbes, so it is best to avoid getting tap water on the surface of the lenses.
  • Risk of damage to the upper layer of the cornea, including loss of vision.
  • The development of inflammatory processes and erosions, the risk of infection against their background - with constant wearing (for example, in working hours, throughout the week).
  • Not recommended for children under 12 years of age.
  • Risk of allergic reaction from lens solution.
  • Reduced free access of air to the eyes.
  • Not recommended when in an atmosphere saturated chemicals and dust.
  • More difficult to care for and use than glasses.
  • High cost compared to glasses (more practical - laser correction vision).

Are there any contraindications for contact lenses? Cases when the choice is only up to the glasses

The list of contraindications to wearing lenses includes almost all eye diseases that affect the conjunctiva and cornea.

  • Inflammatory diseases of the cornea/conjunctiva/eyelids.
  • Blepharitis.
  • Inflammation of the cornea.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Ptosis.
  • Low sensitivity of the cornea.
  • Xerophthalmia.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Asthma.
  • Lens subluxation.
  • Inflammations, infections, allergic processes of the eyes.
  • Dacryocyst.
  • Strabismus at an angle greater than 15 degrees.
  • Hay fever.
  • Decreased/increased tear production.
  • Certain types of professional activities.
  • Chronic bronchitis.
  • Tuberculosis and AIDS.
  • Rhinitis.

It should be remembered that for any colds/viral diseases and inflammatory processes wearing lenses is strictly prohibited. During this period, it is better to use glasses.

Medicines for which wearing lenses is prohibited(during reception)

  • Medicines for motion sickness.
  • Diuretics.
  • Medicines for the common cold.
  • Antihistamines .

Contact lenses can also cause allergies when taken oral contraceptives .

Who should choose contact lenses over glasses?

Lenses are usually prescribed in medicinal purposes, or for certain indications related to the professional, cosmetic or medical field.

For example, correction with soft contact lenses is becoming increasingly popular among drivers, which is not surprising. They are comfortable, hygienic, do not interfere with movement and do not limit the visual field. For drivers, proper vision correction is directly related to safety. Modern soft contact lenses PureVision2 HD provide high clarity of vision, absence of glare and halos, especially in the dark, as well as excellent oxygen access to the cornea of ​​the eye.

In what cases are contact lenses recommended?

  • For vision correction if this is not possible with glasses.
  • For astigmatism.
  • For “lazy eye” syndrome.
  • With anisometropia.
  • For moderate/high myopia combined with astigmatism.
  • For keratoconus.
  • After cataract removal for monocular aphakia.

As for children , indications for wearing lenses may be:

  • Aphakia.
  • Strabismus.
  • Lack of effect from spectacle correction.
  • Amblyopia.

Lenses are prescribed instead of glasses and at a certain form activities :

  • Sport.
  • Medicine.
  • Construction.

And other areas.

Compared to glasses lenses provide more complete vision correction , which, of course, is of great importance when driving a car, etc.

Lenses are also used to hide existing eye defects (after injury or congenital):

  • Albinism.
  • Scars/cuts or eyesores.
  • Multi-colored iris.