
What you need to know about moles after childbirth. Removal of moles during pregnancy Local anesthesia for mole removal breastfeeding

Clinic doctors answer questions aesthetic medicine Dr. Bush Alexander Bush and Irina Beloborodova

Sibmama: After giving birth, new moles began to grow and appear, the sensations were unpleasant, sometimes itching, sometimes burning, and sometimes I touched the place of the bra. I visited an oncologist at the clinic, she said that the moles were not malignant (she externally determined that they were not black) and said you could remove them in a beauty salon if you wanted. How was the oncologist supposed to check my moles besides eye examination? And why wait until the moles turn black and become malignant so that the oncologist can advise something. I'm ready to remove them at a beauty salon, but there are a lot of them and it will probably be expensive. Please advise where to start.
A. Bush: Formally, the oncologist can decide upon examination whether a skin tumor is potentially dangerous or not. If you doubt his qualifications, you can insist on a histological examination before removing moles. If there are a lot of them, it is better to remove those that are subject to irritation from clothing or linen. Prices for tumor removal start from 500 rubles, but everything is agreed with the doctor.

Sibmama: During pregnancy, a papilloma formed on my face. Naturally, she did not remove it during pregnancy. And now I want to delete it. Do you think it is dangerous to remove papilloma while breastfeeding? Do I need to pump (perhaps I can’t feed for some hours)?
A. Bush: Removing papilloma while breastfeeding is not dangerous; it will not affect the baby’s feeding in any way.

Sibmama: I have had a bunch of moles all over my body for as long as I can remember. Some are microscopic and some are large.
Almost 3 years ago I had 3 moles removed, large, dark, convex on legs. And now new ones have grown in other places. Please explain why they are growing? Is it possible to delete new ones too?
I. Beloborodova: On the stem, these are most likely papillomas. The appearance of papilloma is caused by the human papilloma virus; there can be many reasons that provoke their appearance. If papillomas appear in large numbers, this is a reason to think about what is happening to your body and consult a doctor. So-called “moles” (in medical terminology they are called nevi) are neoplasms and cannot be removed without consulting an oncologist and histological examination, especially if they are growing, changing color and shape. The emergence of such changes is a reason for IMMEDIATE REFERENCE to an oncologist.

Sibmama: And papillomas and warts are the same thing7 my eldest son (10 years old) appeared on his chin, they have already been burned out 4 times, but they keep growing, more and more. They have already become straight in bunches. WHAT TO DO?
A. Bush: Warts and papillomas are different nosological entities. If appears large number warts or papillomas, you should consult your pediatrician.

Sibmama: Please tell me where I can remove warts from a 10 year old child. At first there was one, now new ones appear.
A. Bush: Warts can be removed in a skin and venous dispensary at your place of residence or in any beauty salon where liquid nitrogen is available.

Sibmama: Recently, a mole on my left breast has started to itch periodically, and it worries me very much. Please tell me what this could be, how dangerous it is and which doctor should I see? There is no oncologist where I live.
A. Bush: You need to go to the clinic at your place of residence, because... if your clinic does not have an oncologist, you will be referred to the city or regional oncology clinic depending on what type of registration you have. Any change in nevi (moles) is dangerous in terms of the development of cancer, so you need to see a specialist.

Sibmama: Tell me, they cut out a lump behind my ear 3 times (they said it was formed due to an incorrect puncture), but it still appears, now it’s big, can you help me, I would like to remove it once and for all (the surgeon says I removed the entire capsule, now I’m feeding chest, refers to hormonal imbalance). Who should I contact?
I. Beloborodova: Most likely, the “bump” you are talking about is atheroma.
You still need to resolve this issue with a surgeon, since surgeons are the ones who remove atheromas, but it is better to address this issue after you finish breastfeeding.

Sibmama: How do you remove moles? what seam? how are they removed, etc.?
A. Bush: We remove moles with an electrocoagulator, leaving behind a scab that must be lubricated with potassium permanganate or iodine until it falls off. As a rule, the scar is not visible. But if you have a very large mole, more than 1 cm, then it must be removed surgically. You do not need to take any antibiotics when removing a mole.

Many women after childbirth notice the appearance of new moles on their bodies. During pregnancy, significant hormonal changes occur in a woman's body. Lactation after childbirth is also a hormonally dependent process. Emergence birthmarks closely related to work endocrine system. Pigmentation appears in places where melatonin accumulates subcutaneously under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Thus, a mole is formed on the body.

An ordinary “flat” mole rarely causes discomfort and is most often not noticed by its owner. But there is a type of birthmarks that require close attention.

The spots that rise above the surface of the skin are called nevi. They are usually painless, but are often injured. You cannot touch, tug at or try to remove them yourself. The risk of such a formation degenerating into a cancerous tumor increases.

If a raised mole grows, becomes loose, is regularly injured by clothing, hurts or itches, then this is a reason to visit an oncologist. After the examination, the doctor will give an opinion on whether the formation needs to be removed or whether it is harmless. If nevi appear at the age of 40-45 years, contacting a dermatologist or oncologist is mandatory.

Signs of melanoma

Indications for nevus removal:

  • Uneven, asymmetrical edges;
  • Bleeding due to injury;
  • Formation of a weeping surface, growth;
  • Itching, peeling of the mole;
  • Increase in size of the nevus in a short time;
  • Glossy surface of the nevus;
  • The dermis pattern is smoothed out.

If several points are present at the same time, you should not postpone a visit to an oncologist or dermatologist.

Methods for removing moles on the body

Today, not only clinics, but also beauty salons offer birthmark removal services. New growths are removed by laser, cryodestruction or surgical excision.

A doctor should remove a mole, preferably with good experience work in this area. Operation performed in cancer center, is the most reliable and safe option. Use the services of beauty salons that mainly offer laser removal, should not. Remains of neoplasm tissue can degenerate into melanoma.

Mole removal methods:

  1. Laser resurfacing
    The layers are gradually removed from the neoplasm under the influence of laser beam. The procedure takes place under local anesthesia.
  2. Cryodestruction
    Liquid nitrogen stain removal method. The formation tissues are treated with a very low temperatures(180°-190° below zero). From such cold exposure, pathological cells die.
  3. Excision surgically
    Using a scalpel, the doctor cuts out the nevus with underlying healthy tissue (“from the root”). The operation is performed under local anesthesia. After the operation, a scar remains, and this is apparently the main disadvantage of the method. But he is definitely the most reliable way removal of pathological moles.

Surgical removal of a mole

After surgery, the removed nevus tissue is necessarily sent for histology to determine whether it was pathologically dangerous or not.

In most cases, the appearance of moles after childbirth is a completely harmless circumstance. However, if hanging or raised birthmarks occur, it is still worth paying close attention to ensure that they are not injured and do not cause discomfort in everyday life.

Some people have a large number of moles on their bodies. They may be different sizes, colors, dangerous or not, appear and disappear. According to the doctor's indications, in case of concern, they are removed, and if necessary, moles are removed during pregnancy, and there are nuances in this matter.

Reasons for appearance

Nevi can be congenital, but more often they form during life due to the accumulation of melanin in one area of ​​the skin. Typically, the appearance of a mole should not cause concern if it has standard signs: a slightly convex shape, a brown tint, vegetation.

Other reasons for the appearance of moles on the body:

A surge in hormones can occur during puberty, pregnancy, menopause, after an abortion, and also when taking certain medications. The appearance of moles during pregnancy is a normal process associated with hormones and does not require removal of benign formations.

Moles formed or modified during the period of waiting for a child do not pose any danger to expectant mother and for the child. Provided that there is no discomfort in this place, painful sensations and visual changes. The nevus may increase in size along with the stretched skin on the pregnant woman’s body, in which case there should be no cause for alarm.

Neoplasms should be divided into 2 types:

  1. Benign. Nevi that do not cause harm to the body.
  2. Malignant. Degenerated moles and melanomas that may appear in case of genetic predisposition and for other standard reasons.

A mole becomes potentially dangerous if the following signs appear:

  • the mole is bleeding;
  • increased significantly in size;
  • color has changed;
  • swelling has formed;
  • crusty or peeling;
  • emerging itching or pain.

If you notice one or more of the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

In what cases can moles be removed during pregnancy?

If you suspect malignancy A pregnant woman should consult a doctor immediately. A doctor who can consult, examine and give recommendations is a dermatologist.

Moles are removed by a surgeon, who can be seen in a clinic at your place of residence, in a paid clinic and a beauty salon. Special attention It is worth seeking professional qualifications. If a dermatologist prescribes melanoma removal, be sure to visit your gynecologist first.

Also, if a mole is suspected to have degenerated or it needs to be removed, the material is sent to histological examination, then you may need to meet with an oncologist. For cosmetic and aesthetic purposes, it is not recommended to remove nevi while carrying a child. The reason for getting rid of a formation on the skin may be its location on the body, where it is constantly rubbed and there is a risk of damage.

If, after consultation with a doctor, the question of removing a mole during pregnancy is raised, they try to schedule this procedure for postpartum period. In this case, the specialist gives the following recommendations that must be followed before the birth of the child:

Is it possible to remove moles during pregnancy if strange changes appear? The doctor considers each case individually:

Feedback from our reader - Marina Evstratieva

I recently read an article that talks about NATURAL effective means Papilight for warts and papillomas. With the help this drug you can FOREVER get rid of papillomas and warts both INSIDE and OUTSIDE

I’m not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a package. I noticed changes within a month: my papillomas disappeared. My husband got rid of warts on his hands in two weeks. Try it too, and if anyone is interested, below is the link to the article.

  • correlates the benefits and harms of the procedure on the body of the mother and child;
  • determine the degree of urgency of surgical intervention.

Many people are also concerned about the problem that many moles appeared after childbirth; in this case, if removal is necessary, you need to consult a doctor and wait until the end of the lactation period.

What methods of mole removal are there?

After the dermatologist, gynecologist and surgeon decide on the need to get rid of the tumor, you should choose the best way for this. Removal of moles during pregnancy is carried out using the following methods:

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages regarding use on certain parts of the body:

The mole removal procedure takes about 15 minutes. Possible consequences removal of moles. To remove tumors on the body, you should contact only professional doctors to avoid the following negative consequences:

  • increase in temperature;
  • itching and pain;
  • bleeding;
  • redness of the skin.

These symptoms may be signs of infection in the wound, improper care behind it or as a consequence of damage to the healing crust.

To ensure that the mole removal procedure during pregnancy does not bring unexpected results, it is necessary to consult with specialists, choose the most suitable removal method and follow the doctor’s recommendations.

To treat and get rid of PAPILLOMAS and WARTS, many of our readers actively use the well-known method based on natural ingredients, discovered by Elena Malysheva. We recommend that you check it out.

Are you sure that you are not infected with the PAPILLOMA virus?

According to the latest WHO data, 7 out of 10 people are infected with the papilloma virus. Many live and suffer for years, without even suspecting the destructive internal organs diseases.

  • fatigue, drowsiness...
  • lack of interest in life, depression...
  • headaches, as well as various pains and spasms in the internal organs...
  • frequent rashes of WARTS and PAPILLOMAS...

All this possible signs presence of papilloma virus in your body. Many people live for years and do not know that there are time bombs on their bodies. If measures are not taken in time, then in the future this may result in cancer, an increase in the number of papillomas and other problems.

Perhaps it is worth starting treatment now? We recommend that you read new technique Elena Malysheva, who has already helped many people cleanse their bodies of the papilloma virus and get rid of warts and papillomas...

Is it possible to remove moles while breastfeeding?

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There are a lot of myths and superstitions about the danger of moles on our body. But many formations are still benign and do not pose a threat as such. Nevi can appear throughout our lives, but especially during pregnancy. After the baby is born, mothers naturally begin to ask the question: is it possible to remove moles while breastfeeding?

Symptoms of dangerous moles

Moles that appear during breastfeeding are most often the result of a failure in hormonal background. If nevi do not hurt, do not grow and do not bother you at all, then in principle you can forget about their existence.

However, there may be situations when moles cause a lot of problems. Mothers should know the symptoms that indicate degeneration into melanoma:

  1. The nevus began to change its color.
  2. Education began to grow rapidly.
  3. The boundaries are not clear.
  4. The development of the inflammatory process is observed.
  5. Feeling of discomfort in the form of pain and itching.

A young mother can independently see these signs in herself, but only a doctor can determine the true nature of the changes.

How to remove a birthmark while breastfeeding?

If a young mother notices that strange changes are happening to a mole, then she naturally worries and thinks about whether it is possible to remove moles for a nursing mother. First of all, you need to see a doctor and get examined. At this time, you need to protect your skin from even the slightest injury. A woman should follow the following recommendations:

  1. Protect your skin from sun exposure.
  2. At long stay Use sunscreen when in the sun.
  3. Do not scratch the growth or try to remove it yourself.

Remove a mole on the chest or in some other place is necessary if it degenerates into melanoma, or there is a risk of its degeneration. It is simply impossible to cure such a formation in any other way. After an examination, the dermatologist will decide whether it is possible to remove moles while breastfeeding, and will also select the necessary method for this:

  1. Using the laser method.
  2. Cryodestruction - the formation is treated with low temperature liquid nitrogen.
  3. Electrocoagulation.
  4. Removal by radio waves.

Each such method first of all involves burning out the mole, healthy skin around is not damaged.


In order to breast-feeding went well for the mother and her child, it is necessary to follow some safety rules:

  1. Constantly monitor the moles that are on your body, regardless of where they are located.
  2. Don't stay in the sun for long periods of time.
  3. Try to wear loose clothing so that it does not squeeze the moles and injure them.
  4. Monitor your hormonal levels.

If you are attentive to your health and the condition of moles, including, then a young mother may not even worry that the formations will somehow make themselves felt. But if you are still worried, do not self-medicate; it is better to consult your doctor in a timely manner.