
What is included in dog grooming? Grooming - what is it? Grooming Tools

Under the phrase " dog grooming"Most pet owners understand their haircut. But this is not entirely true, the name comes from the English “Groom room” and includes a whole range of care for the appearance of the animal, from the tips of the claws to the tips of the ears, taking into account all existing fashion traditions and trends that are relevant in fashion today. Grooming did not appear “yesterday”; this phenomenon appeared along with indoor “salon” dogs, that is, the first grooming services were in the early Middle Ages.

Although on numerous photo usually presented dog grooming, these services exist for cats and even parrots, but the most popular area, of course, is.

Description and features

Besides haircuts, dog grooming includes the following procedures:

That is, the main feature and main difference of this procedure is that, once on grooming table, the dog will receive a full range of care, in other words, grooming salons are similar to beauty salons and differ from a simple haircut procedure in the same way as a beauty salon from a hairdresser.

In addition to the above procedures, which are always included in grooming, each salon also offers something else, for example, the use dog grooming spray, which allows you to “maintain” the volume and shape of the animal’s “hairstyle” for a long time, by securing the roots of the guard hair in a certain position.

Types of grooming

When planning to take care of an animal yourself and thinking about what exactly to buy for dog grooming, you need to decide what type of dog will be needed.

Trimming (stripping)

Trimming, or as it is sometimes called, stripping, is a technology for removing dead hair from animals with coarse hair. In essence, this is ordinary plucking, which is done using a special knife or, if the animal is large, simply with your fingers.

This technique is used in the care of terriers, schnauzers and other wire-haired dogs. Many groomers refer to trimming technology as the process of combing out dead hair and undercoat from long-haired animals that cannot be cut, for example, collies.


This is a very short haircut that will require dog grooming machine. It is used for various breeds of animals, and in principle, can be any type - uniform or with transitions. For example, the well-known and still popular appearance of poodles “like a lion” is nothing more than a clippervek.

Poodle is a dog that needs grooming


This maintenance of a short coat with a smooth and imperceptible transition to a long one is used in many animals, for example, Yorkshire terriers look so wonderful solely thanks to the flatvec procedure.

For such care you will need dog grooming scissors, although such haircuts can also be done with a clipper, it is almost impossible to achieve a smooth and inconspicuous transition with it.


This is a type of trimming, very technically complex, which involves leaving hairs of different ages on the animal. As a rule, it is used exclusively by owners of show-class animals before serious exhibitions. European level.

The essence of the procedure is to make the dog look as natural as possible and at the same time very well-groomed and decorative. That is, this type of care exposes all the advantages of the animal and masks all its shortcomings.

In addition to the above areas, there are two more that are in demand in beauty salons for everyday use. This is a hygienic and creative haircut. Hygienic haircut is carried out as necessary, aesthetics appearance it is not taken into account.

That is, for hygienic purposes, animals are shorn when there is a large presence of tangles, before any surgical operations or because of the weather, for example, just like that, because of the temperature, in the summer they often cut the “head” of Pekingese and lap dogs, completely ignoring the fact that it is not recommended to cut them at all.

Grooming a Yorkshire Terrier

A creative haircut is the embodiment of any fantasy of the owner or master groomer, the purpose of which is to give the animal an exclusive and unique appearance. For example, with creative haircuts, light henna tattooing or some other techniques are often used to achieve the owner’s wishes and obtain a unique image.

At what age can you cut a dog's hair?

Accustom the animal to dog grooming tools and the caring procedures themselves need to be started from the very early age. After all, if an animal has never had its claws cut, its ears cleaned, or its fur combed, it will not behave calmly when the owner decides to start the grooming process, and certainly will not allow a stranger to do these manipulations.

Moreover, the groomer may simply refuse to work with an animal that is not accustomed to hygiene procedures. That is, you need to wash the eyes, clean the ears and nose, comb the animal and file its claws with one month old, but this must be done regularly.

How often can you cut your hair?

There is no definite answer to this question; the frequency of dog grooming is carried out when it is needed. That is, if an animal’s fur has grown in a month, there is absolutely no reason to wait another couple of months, during which the animal will turn into an overgrown porcupine, just because in some practical guide The care instructions say that haircuts are needed once every three months.

The dog needs to be cut as often as necessary, for example, extra show class poodles are cut at least once a week, and sometimes twice. Of course, the animal does not grow overgrown in such a time, we're talking about about maintaining the existing haircut “at the level”.

Grooming Tools

Conducted by specialists in salons dog grooming, price which is quite high does not always suit the owners. Very often, owners believe that they could have done it better, more beautiful, smoother, and so on.

In this case, you need to purchase the appropriate tools and take care of the animal yourself. In addition, self-grooming has a number of undeniable advantages - saving money, constant availability, because the hairdresser can be busy when a haircut is needed, closer contact with the animal. And the dog itself always trusts its own owner more than a stranger’s “dog groomer.”

Grooming Tools

To fully care for your animal’s appearance you will definitely need:

  • table - they exist different sizes, folding and stationary, with and without drainage, with height adjusters, for permanent care and for traveling to exhibitions, with corrugated and simply rubberized surfaces and a number of other functions;
  • a nail clipper and a nail file are the minimum for caring for claws, human tools cannot be used for manicure, nails and claws are two different things;
  • scissors - you will need straight scissors, with curved ends, thinning scissors, small ones with round ends - for the eye area;
  • a clipper is only for cutting animals, a clipper for cutting people does not “take” the wool, it only crumples it and tears it out in shreds, causing pain to the dog and causing it to be afraid of cutting, it is better to have two clippers – manual and electric;
  • combs, brushes, grooming mittens - choice the right types depends on the breed of the animal; a Dalmatian and a Cary Blue Terrier, for example, will require completely different tools;
  • trimming knives – if an animal needs trimming, when planning to care for a pug, there is absolutely no reason to purchase a set of trimming knives;
  • cosmetics for animals, both for protection and care, and decorative;
  • Very large number cotton pads and cotton swabs and more.

Of course, the need for certain tools depends solely on the breed and on the style in which it will be cared for.

For example, for grooming procedures a Great Dane will not even need a table, not to mention scissors and clippers, but he will need “grooming mittens”, manicure accessories and much more, which will be completely useless when caring for, for example, a Japanese Chin or Pomeranian .

When planning to care for your pet on your own, it makes sense to consult with the breeder from whom you purchased the puppy and purchase a similar set of tools; in this case, there will be no risk of buying something wrong or something unnecessary.

With proper daily grooming, which is impossible to provide by visiting salons, the animal will always catch envious and admiring glances. Of course, we are talking about grooming procedures, you don’t need to cut your hair every day, but you need to wash your eyes, brush your teeth and ears, and comb it every day, and it is these nuances that make up a well-groomed and very beautiful appearance of a pet, which everyone is proud of to one degree or another owner.

For many pet owners, the concept of “grooming” remains a mystery. Owners of short-haired dogs or cats may think that it only involves cutting, while many others have not heard such a word at all. What is it and does your pet really need to visit a groomer - let's figure it out together.

Grooming and its types

Even if you don’t need to cut your pet’s hair (let’s say the dog is short-haired), this does not mean that it won’t need grooming. This term means General grooming for your dog including ear cleaning, etc.

Depending on the main goal, there are several types of this procedure: hygienic (also called “pet”), home, exhibition and creative.

Should be performed every 2-4 weeks and preferably before bathing the animal. It helps keep it clean and makes it easier for the owner to carry out further maintenance. In addition to shortening the coat, hygienic grooming includes bathing the pet, trimming, removing excess hair between the pads and toes, and circularly shortening the fur on the limbs.
In addition, it is imperative to clean and remove excess hair from auricle(used special means, reducing discomfort for your four-legged friend), care for eyes, teeth and.

A subtype of hygienic grooming can be considered home haircut when the owner trims the animal's coat slightly shorter than breed standards require. This will make your pet’s “outfit” more practical, which means you won’t have to return to the completed procedure soon. For example, a poodle may not have a very large and voluminous mane or separate spherical places on its paws, and a Yorkshire terrier should be left without a long skirt, which over time will turn into an ordinary floor brush. After a home haircut, she should look neat and well-groomed, she should be comfortable, even if it does not meet the standards.

Another thing - exhibitiongrooming. In this case, only those prepared in a special way are allowed to participate in the competition. Today, there are up to 400 animal breeds for which the International Canine Federation has approved standard breed characteristics that are the same for all countries.
The physique of the animal and its external signs are always assessed according to these standards, therefore main task this type of grooming is allocation best qualities pet's exterior and hiding it possible disadvantages. In addition, in this case, it is not enough to simply trim the coat; it also needs to be properly styled, which is done immediately before entering the ring.

Creative option This procedure is chosen by those owners who want to make their pet simply unforgettable. A professional groomer can make a beautiful pattern on the animal’s body (the fur is cut in a certain way), dye the coat and even apply rhinestones.

Did you know? The hairpin or bow on the heads of many small dogs is not just a decoration. This hairstyle is called tone-not and, in addition to its aesthetic function, also protects the animal’s eyes from hanging hair.

Main stages

To create an impeccable image for your pet, you need to perform several sequential manipulations, that is, go through several stages.

For short-haired breeds, this stage does not play a big role, but for owners of retrievers, collies and other long-haired breeds, the situation with clumps of stray hair is not news. When the coat gets wet, everything only becomes more complicated, which means it is better to comb your pet before bathing.

If you too thick coat, a special gel can help with combing, and especially tangled tangles should be cut off with scissors. You can use a special combing tool as a combing tool, but all movements should be performed only parallel to the skin.

The coat must be smoothed with a comb along its entire length: from roots to tips, performing smooth and soft movements. The correct implementation of the procedure is calmly accepted by most dogs, and if the pet begins to get nervous and snap, you are doing something wrong. Everything is somewhat more complicated, and most of them simply do not tolerate such attention, which means that to create an attractive appearance for your pet you will have to be patient.

At first glance, it may seem to you that there is nothing complicated in bathing animals, but we must not forget that the presentability of the coat after cutting and styling depends on the quality of this procedure and the detergents used.

Therefore, before serious exhibition events, it is better not to take risks and buy premium or super premium cosmetics. The choice of shampoos, masks and conditioners is always made taking into account individual characteristics the type, structure and current condition of your pet's coat.

When grooming dogs, especially at home, it is worth considering several basic nuances: choosing the right tools, workplace, the condition of the dog. Let's talk about everything in order.

Tools. Special tools for grooming include a tangle cutter, a slicker, scissors with rounded edges,. Curved scissors may be needed to trim wool in hard-to-reach areas.

Important! When choosing a hair clipper, you need to pay attention only to a specialized tool, since a regular device for cutting human hair can simply break.

If you plan to groom your pet at home, then you need to prepare specific details in advance. place to complete this procedure. First of all, make sure you have a bedding (preferably a non-slip mat) on which the dog will stand, and place all the necessary supplies and tools near you (it is unlikely that the animal will agree to stand quietly while you run into the next room for more scissors).
You need to start the procedure only if the dog is completely calm and reacts adequately to all your actions. Often, usually calm dogs become very frightened by the scissors in the hands of the owner or the noise of the machine and immediately try to run away.

In such situations it is important proper preparation: Show all these items to your pet for several days before grooming, imitate the process itself and let him sniff the unknown devices. Thus, by the time of the procedure itself, the animal will get used to them and will no longer succumb to panic.

As for the features of the haircut itself, there is a few rules, especially for the novice groomer:

  • there is no need to cut the hair too short, as you risk damaging the dog’s skin;
  • always try to leave the length a little longer than planned, because if the result is unsatisfactory, you can always correct it;
  • do not rush to quickly complete all the work (most often, haste leads to sloppy results);
  • determine in advance for yourself: which areas will be cut using a machine, and which areas it is better to use scissors;
  • Under no circumstances should you be nervous or angry if something doesn’t work out (dogs sense their owner’s mood and can also become agitated, which will complicate further work).
In fact, everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance, and all you need is a little knowledge and enough patience.

Types of haircuts

So, having carefully understood who a groomer is and what he usually does, it is easy to notice that one of his main tasks is grooming animals, and for completely different purposes, and therefore there are various types haircuts:

  • Trimming- is performed using ordinary scissors or a machine to remove dead and excess hairs (depending on the final length, there is a clipper cut, that is, a very short haircut, and a flat cut, when different areas the coat is trimmed according to accepted standards).
  • Stripping(or, more simply put, plucking old hair) is mainly relevant for breeds characterized by hard hair (for example, miniature schnauzers). To perform the procedure you will need a special knife.
  • Rolling- is often considered a variation of the previous option and is applied to those animals that regularly participate in exhibitions.
  • - relevant for any breed and involves removing hair from different parts of the body: near the eyes, ears, between the toes and pads on the paws.

Important! Experts advise cutting animals according to the seasons: shorter in summer (so the coat will need minimal care), longer in winter, which will prevent the animal from freezing during a walk.

Also, do not forget about the accepted breed standards, of course, if you plan to attend exhibitions in the near future.

Features of the procedure for dogs and cats

Grooming for dogs and cats will have its own differences. Thus, representatives of the cat family are much less likely to be groomed, and regular hygiene procedures include: cleaning the ears (can be done once a week or once a month), rubbing the eyes (it is necessary to prevent the appearance of tear stones), grooming the in and around the face (especially important if your pet gets very dirty during).
In addition, representatives of long-haired breeds are advised to regularly remove hair between the toes and around the anus. Also, many owners practice regular brushing of their pet’s teeth and even removing tartar along with gum massage.

Of course, different breeds have their own hygiene measures, but in general, short-haired cats are brushed 1-2 times a week, and washed as needed, but at least once every three months. Long-haired pets need to be brushed every day, and some even twice a day.

Hairless breeds (the most famous is the Sphynx) need regular baths with shampoo (the acidity level should not exceed pH 5.5). You can “comb” such cats using soft brush made of natural bristles, which will provide a good massage, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes.
As for dogs, they will have to be washed much more often (at least 1-2 times a month), especially in spring and autumn, when there is dirt and slush outside. It is advisable to comb your pet daily to avoid the formation of tangles, and it is better to trim it once every 2 months (with the arrival of summer, the overgrown hair is cut shorter so that the dog does not feel so hot).

Sometimes it seems that in the twenty-first century people have gone completely crazy because of their pets. Clothing, psychologists, spas - the list of services that are offered to maximize the “humanization” of pets is truly enormous. One of the newfangled trends is grooming. This is professional pet grooming. What do the services of dog and cat (most often) masters include, why is this necessary in principle, and is it possible to do without outside intervention?

What is grooming

Let's start with the fact that from a biological point of view, grooming is actions performed by animals to maintain cleanliness. own body. So the cat does not wash itself, but does grooming.

In today’s understanding of the word, grooming is hair cutting (both hygienic, necessary for the dog’s comfortable life, and fashionable, to amuse its owner), trimming nails, cleaning ears and teeth, shaving hair on the paws, and so on. Naturally, such manipulations are carried out using special instruments, which are very expensive, which affects the cost of procedures for pets. Depending on the complexity of the operation and the professionalism of the groomer (the so-called people involved in grooming), you can pay from 300 to 3000 rubles for one manipulation.

What do you need? Combs

Let's move on to what grooming tools exist. The most primitive and widespread, even among non-professionals, are brushes for combing out the undercoat, also known as slickers. These combs are suitable for combing out tangles in pets’ fur.

Olong brushes are suitable for permanent use by owners long-haired dogs, which have to be combed almost daily.

Professionals use pintail combs similar to human ones (with a long, needle-shaped handle) to create hairstyles for their pets (grooming of dogs is a prerequisite for the participation of a four-legged dog in an exhibition, so owners who want to attract attention to their pet invent the most incredible hairstyles for their companions) .


Groomers need scissors for both hair cutting and nail trimming. In the first case, haircuts are, as already mentioned, hygienic (long-haired dogs are usually cut in the fall so that they do not carry all the dirt home from the street) and model (the most common example is a typical poodle haircut, with shaved paws and cutting off a semblance of a mane on the head). As for cutting nails, it is better to use special clippers, which is usually done by those who prefer grooming at home on our own. Trimming claws is necessary in winter, when the pet does not grind them down on the asphalt. Long claws cause discomfort both to the animal itself, whose gait even changes because of them, and to its owner, whom the pet sometimes accidentally scratches.

What is needed to wash your pet?

Grooming tools are impossible without animal washing products. Choosing the right shampoo for wool is not such an easy task. The choice of detergent depends on what the pet’s fur should be like. There are separate shampoos for adding shine to the coat, and separately those that wash fleas out of the fur. It is also worth highlighting the special towels that some professional dog breeders use. These towels perfectly absorb water, and the more water they absorb, the softer they become (even at the very beginning of drying, it is recommended to moisten them a little, since a dry towel will be very hard). Of course, no one prohibits the use of large bath towels.

Grooming table

If you choose the services of a professional groomer, in his office you will certainly see a grooming table, folding or stationary. The table has an anti-slip coating, so even the most obstinate pet will not fall off it. In addition, it is much easier to remove wool from it than from household furniture.

The tables have special tripods to which the animal can be tied if it does not allow manipulation. Most tables have the ability to adjust the height: tidying up the coat of a Spitz and a Royal Poodle at the same table height is very difficult. Some more advanced models also have lighting, which will help illuminate the “field of activity” as much as possible, which will greatly simplify the care procedure.

Home grooming

Those who choose grooming at home usually carry out all manipulations on ordinary kitchen or coffee tables, fixing their pets with the help of other people. This is not the most successful method, which is dangerous not only for the person holding the animal, but also for the pet itself, which can easily be injured by falling from such a “table”.

When carrying out all procedures, it is necessary to use professional tools, because “human” scissors and combs, even in skillful hands, can harm the health of the pet.

Grooming training

It is impossible to engage in grooming just like that, without any training. Firstly, minimal knowledge about the anatomy of animals, the structure of their fur, claws, ears is necessary at a minimum in order not to harm the four-legged client. Secondly, groomers are usually taught to calm pets who are nervous during grooming procedures, so taking appropriate courses is also necessary to preserve the health of the groomer himself. The grooming school traditionally trains specialists. The courses teach the right choice tools, teach the basics of animal psychology, talk about the latest trends grooming (such as coloring dog fur), demonstrate individual haircut options. It is worth noting that there are courses for home groomers aimed at working with a specific breed of dog or cat (after all, care depends on the size of the pet, the length and thickness of its fur, and the character inherent in certain pets). Of course, during the courses they also talk about the choice of cosmetics, without which proper care of the skin and coat of dogs and cats is impossible.

Therefore, if you decide to become a professional groomer or want to learn how to properly care for your own pet, you must take specialized courses. In the first case, they will give you a certificate, without which you will not be able to engage in professional activities in this field. In the second - professional knowledge about how to treat your pet during care.

Grooming in dogs

Well, now let’s dwell on the features of such a concept as dog grooming. Of course, owners of short-haired dogs are much luckier than owners of their furry counterparts. For them, ordinary universal shampoos and combs are enough, but if the owner wants his pet to take part in the exhibition, then he will have to buy special shampoos. As for long-haired dogs, they need to be brushed constantly to avoid tangles in the coat, which most likely will have to be cut. The procedure for washing a shaggy pet is also much more complicated: the fur needs to be washed more thoroughly, and making sure that the dog does not get fleas is much more difficult. However, usually the owners of such dogs know what they are getting into when they choose fluffy breeds. Dogs with coarse hair should undergo the procedure of removing dead hairs with special forceps several times a year. The manipulation, of course, is unpleasant, but it is precisely this that allows you to remove excess hair that has not fallen out.

Dogs' ears should be cleaned regularly, because what accumulates in them will not have the best effect on your pet's hearing. For this purpose, special sprays are used that soften dirt, or cosmetic wipes for animals. Dirt is removed with the same napkins.

To clean your teeth, you can use both special toothpastes and brushes, and treats. Not all dogs allow the use of third-party tools, so special bars, sticks and cookies will definitely please your pet and keep him safe. oral cavity from the occurrence of dental calculus.

And the last thing I would like to pay attention to are the eyes. Brachycephalic dogs, bulldogs, Pekingese, pugs and others will have to rub their eyes daily due to the secretion of a special secretion, due to which the dog’s eyes are said to “sour.” This is done with special napkins or just a clean cloth.

Cat grooming

It's time to move on to what cat grooming involves. It would seem that these independent pets do not need such procedures, but at the same time regular care- this is the guarantee of health and beauty even for such a wayward pet.

Let's start with the fact that a long-haired cat needs to be combed almost daily, from tail to head. If your pet does develop tangles, they need to be untangled using double-sided combs or wide-toothed combs. Smooth-haired cats do not need such frequent brushing, twice a week is enough, but they should be brushed in the opposite direction, from head to tail. You should not touch the area around the eyes - cats perceive this as a danger signal and can easily scratch you.

The ears are cleaned two to three times a month with cotton pads, and it is necessary to use sprays to soften wax, which were already mentioned just above. Discharge from the eyes can be removed with soft wipes, but you should not overuse this - cats really don’t like such procedures.

Brushing teeth for cats is very important - it helps to avoid the occurrence of tartar and oral diseases. It is produced using special toothbrushes and toothpastes for cats, and if the pet categorically does not want to undergo such manipulation, you can use liquid toothpaste, which needs to be added to drinking water pet.


In most cases, grooming is not a fashion statement, but a necessity. Perhaps the introduction of a special term to denote the procedure for caring for pets gives this set of manipulations some pretentiousness, but no one has canceled their mandatory nature. Caring for six, trimming nails, cleaning teeth and ears - all this will help maintain the health and beauty of your four-legged friend. for many years, giving joy to both himself and his owner. Therefore, do not forget that grooming is a very important component of your pet’s life.

The modern industry for maintaining the hygiene of four-legged pets has long gone beyond the banal haircut or ear cleaning.

Today there are several areas of hair care that meet the needs of a wide variety of animals.

Today we can talk about three directions of grooming.

Salon (pet) grooming

A relatively new direction in hairdressing. Numerous grooming salons opening in major cities, provide grooming services in different styles, without, for the most part, adhering to the lines inherent in a particular breed of dog. Such a haircut, first of all, should be neat, easy to care for, harmonious and aesthetic.

Unfortunately, many salon groomers have a very vague understanding of the anatomy and exterior of the breed being treated. Therefore, when grooming a pet, they try to make it resemble some faceless standard of a well-groomed dog with minor adjustments for the quality of the coat and the breed of the client.

To talk here about individual skill and the recognizable hand of a master is, to say the least, absurd. Both the Yorkie and the Cocker Spaniel that get their hair cut there have completely identical haircuts.

However, if the main thing for you in a haircut is hygienic benefits, feel free to go to the salon. There you will find a quiet waiting room, a comfortable grooming table for your pet and professional cosmetics, which you get used to and then have difficulty changing to another.

In most cases, a good pet master will trim the animal in such a way that the remaining hair causes minimal inconvenience to himself and the owner, and at the same time does not spoil the appearance of the dog. However, sometimes due to lack of skill or natural laziness, salon hairdressers perform haircuts of insufficient quality.

This is how interdigital tangles appear from wool that a careless groomer was too lazy to cut or insufficient treatment with scissors in places that cannot be noticed during a cursory examination. When picking up your dog from the salon, carefully examine how the groomer cut his hair and draw conclusions about whether it’s worth going to him next time.

Pedigree dog haircuts

White bone and elite grooming masters. In this area, it is difficult to be able to work equally well with several breeds. But, in some one, you can achieve incredible heights of mastery, having thoroughly studied both the features of the exterior and the possibilities of hiding flaws with the help of a successful haircut and emphasizing the advantages of a show dog.

As a rule, people who do show grooming are self-taught, who began their professional career by grooming their own dogs. Subsequently, honing their skills over many years, they become real gurus of the profession, whose names are known not only by the owners, but also by breed experts who regularly celebrate the excellent grooming of exhibitors in the ring.

Competitive grooming

It is a creative haircut trend in which hairdressers compete in the art of creating the most sophisticated and complex hairstyles, more reminiscent of works of art.

In fact, this type of grooming is more reminiscent of ready-to-wear shows. Carefully cut and styled dogs evoke sincere admiration, but it is impossible to take them out to an exhibition or for a walk in the nearest park without damaging the haircut.

Participation in such competitions is, first of all, prestigious for the hairdresser, it speaks of his high skill, delicate taste and plays the role of a kind of advertising. Having seen photographs of the works of the winners of such competitions, dog owners are truly delighted and, of course, prefer such a master over others.

Despite significant differences, all areas of modern grooming have the right to exist, are in demand and occupy their own special niche in the animal hygiene industry. In any of them there are both careless performers and real masters of their craft, sincerely loving dogs and your job.

However, unfortunately, there is another direction, the representatives of which prioritize not the convenience of a haircut, not meeting exhibition standards, and not high art, but banal making money. To my shame, I have to admit that such craftsmen do exist among groomers.

Working in unsanitary conditions, without worrying about the comfort of the dog or the quality of processing, they, having put the matter on stream, shear the animals as they would shear sheep or grass on the lawn - without experiencing either the desire or ability to do quality work.

It is after their haircuts that the dog receives deep psychological trauma and, having got to a normal groomer, goes a long way to trust in the hands of a person with a machine. They discredit the grooming business and make people think poorly of all members of the profession.

When planning to use the services of a groomer, first of all ask yourself why you are cutting your pet’s hair. After answering this question, choose a reliable, trustworthy salon, a master breeder, or try to offer your pet as a model for one of the many grooming competitions that are held in abundance in our country.

The main thing is that after the haircut the dog retains an attractive appearance and good mood.

Natasha Sherwood

Biologists call the word "grooming" the behavior of animals in natural conditions, which is aimed at maintaining the cleanliness of their body and fur: bathing, licking, sorting through the hair of primates. In other words, a whole series hygiene procedures.

The word “groomer” came into the Russian language from Great Britain several centuries ago, where the profession of groomer appeared for the first time. This was the name given to the person who looked after horses. And the term “grooming” itself acquired the meaning of caring for pets, which included: treatment of teeth, ears, claws, eyes, hair care, and cutting of animals.

Much has changed since those ancient times. Requirements for the appearance of pets are constantly changing; groomers follow the latest fashion trends, using new technologies and tools. What is grooming today? What procedures does it include? What animals need groomer services? This is what we will talk about in the article.

What does a groomer do?

When you visit a grooming salon for the first time, you will probably be amazed to see the huge list of services that modern groomers provide. They deal with both purely hygienic procedures and aesthetic ones. The first category includes procedures that animals need:

  • skin care (removal of splinters, ticks, wound treatment);
  • grooming (removal of old undercoat, mats, haircut);
  • for teeth (fight against tartar);
  • behind the claws, eyes and ears.

Aesthetic grooming of pets is almost no different from the services provided to people in beauty salons. Today, your pet, for example, a little Yorkie, can get a manicure and teeth whitened in a grooming salon, in accordance with fashion trends dye the wool, get a tattoo and even decorate it with rhinestones.

If you are preparing your pet to participate in an exhibition, then the salon will help you prepare it for this important event: they will cut it in accordance with the standard, make the coat shiny and silky.

There are breeds of dogs (schnauzers, terriers, cocker spaniels, dachshunds, Afghan hounds) whose fur needs trimming - plucking. This is explained by the fact that the shedding process in these breeds is weakly expressed, so dead fur can only be removed in this way. Experienced groomers carry out the procedure manually or using a special trimming knife.

What tools does the groomer use?

Professionals and pet lovers who want their pet to always look beautiful need grooming tools.

The required set includes:

  • combs with different teeth;
  • puffers;
  • brushes;
  • massage tools;
  • nail clippers;
  • tangle cutters.


Even non-professionals use brushes to comb out the undercoat, which are called slickers. They are also suitable for combing out tangles from animal fur. Olong brushes are suitable for constant care of long-haired pets. Resembling pintail combs for people (with a long thin handle) are only needed by professionals who use them to create backcombing. Usually owners who are preparing the animal for an exhibition ask for such complex styling for their pets.


This tool is necessary for the groomer for both haircuts and nail trimming. We have already said that haircuts are hygienic for long-haired breeds. They are usually carried out in the fall to prevent dogs from carrying excess dirt from the street. Model haircuts are held at any time of the year and, as a rule, are timed to coincide with some event.

To cut nails, special clippers are used, which can be used by pet owners themselves. It is especially important to trim nails in winter, when the dog does not wear them down on the asphalt.

How to wash an animal?


To understand what professional grooming is, you need to visit a salon. The first thing you will see in a specialist’s office is an unusual table, which can be stationary or folding. The coating is anti-slip so that the most obstinate pet does not fall off it. Such tables are equipped with special tripods to which the animal can be tied if it does not really like such procedures.

Most models can be adjusted in height, allowing you to easily groom your Spitz and Royal Poodle. When performing any hygiene procedures on an animal, it is necessary to use professional tools, since ordinary “human” combs and scissors can injure your pet.

Grooming training

We hope that many animal lovers, having learned what grooming is, will understand that it is impossible to do it without training. Minimal knowledge about the anatomy of your pets, the structure of their claws, ears, and fur is necessary in order not to harm the animal. In addition, groomers are taught how to calm animals who are nervous during procedures.

Grooming schools, which are now open in almost all major cities, train specialists. Upon completion of classes, you will receive a certificate, without which you will not be able to carry out professional activities in this field. It should be said that you can attend grooming courses for amateurs. They are aimed at training to work with a specific breed of cat or dog. At such courses they will tell you in detail what grooming is, about cosmetics, without which it is impossible to properly care for the hair and skin of animals. Therefore, if you decide to become a professional groomer, you need them. Also if you want to learn proper care To take care of your pet, we recommend taking specialized grooming courses.

We look after dogs

Now let’s talk in more detail about what is included in the concept of dog grooming. Undoubtedly, owners of animals of short-haired breeds are much luckier than owners of dogs with luxurious fur coats. For them, it is enough to purchase a universal shampoo and a comb-brush.

With long-haired dogs the situation is more complicated: they need to be brushed regularly to prevent tangles from appearing in the coat, which will eventually have to be cut. The procedure for washing a long-haired pet is also much more complicated: the fur must be washed thoroughly, and it is also more difficult to ensure that unwanted guests do not settle in it.

Dogs with coarse hair must undergo a not-so-pleasant procedure - removing dead hair - several times a year. Only this will allow you to remove the hair that did not fall out during shedding. Dogs' ears should be cleaned regularly because failure to do so may affect the animal's hearing. For this, special sprays that soften dirt or cosmetic wipes for animals are used.

Today you can purchase special toothbrushes and toothpastes, as well as treats, to clean your teeth. Not all dogs allow even a professional groomer to use the necessary tools to clean their teeth, so special sticks, bars, and cookies will delight your pet and at the same time protect its oral cavity from the appearance of tartar.

And of course, we must not forget about the eyes of your four-legged friend. Brachycephalic dogs - Pekingese, bulldogs, pugs and others need daily rubbing of their eyes due to the secretion of a special secretion, due to which the animal’s eyes, as people say, “turn sour.”

Spitz show grooming

We have talked in some detail about the daily hygiene procedures that a dog needs. And now, using the example of a Pomeranian Spitz, I would like to tell you how exhibition grooming is carried out.

Dog handlers usually recommend not to rush to show young animals at an exhibition, so as not to traumatize their psyche. But it's not just that. In the case of Pomeranian Spitz, only by the age of one and a half years appearance is fully formed. In this case, it is much easier to emphasize all its advantages and slightly correct the shortcomings.

According to the breed standard, a Spitz should look natural at an exhibition. If you want to present your pet in the most favorable light, it is better to use the services of a professional who will present his work as natural beauty.

Criteria by which the appearance of an animal is assessed:

  1. The dog must be clean, neat, the coat creates a rounded volume.
  2. The ears are buried in fur and do not stand out too much on the head.
  3. There are no protruding “feathers” on the sides, lower back, or collar.
  4. Even feathers on the paws.
  5. The tail lies like a fan on the back, the fur reaches the head.

Let us remind you that these are the requirements for exhibition grooming. IN everyday life Don't try to make a dog out of a tool to satisfy your vanity. A Spitz, like any other dog, is, first of all, a faithful and devoted friend who gives you a lot of positive emotions. However, daily grooming, even if not entirely up to breed standards, should be the foundation of your relationship with your dog.

Do cats need grooming?

At first glance, these independent and clean animals do not need outside help when carrying out hygiene procedures: they are busy with them all the time when they are not sleeping or eating. But this is a misconception: cats need grooming just as much as dogs.

A long-haired cat should be brushed daily from tail to head. Moreover, this must be done from a very early age, so that further procedures do not cause irritation to the animal. If your cat does develop tangles, you should untangle them using double-sided combs.

Smooth-haired animals do not need such frequent combing; it is quite enough to carry out the procedure twice a week, but comb them in the opposite direction. Cats' ears are cleaned once a week with cotton pads, and sprays that soften wax should be used.

Use soft wipes to remove discharge from the eyes. Teeth cleaning is done using special brushes and pastes. If your pet categorically rejects such manipulations, use liquid toothpaste, which is simply added to drinking water.

A few words in conclusion

It is quite possible that the special term for the procedure of caring for pets gives it some pretentiousness, but pet owners must understand that in the vast majority of cases, grooming dogs and cats is not a tribute to fashion, but a vital necessity. Grooming, cleaning ears and teeth, trimming nails - all this is aimed at maintaining the health and beautiful appearance of your pet.