
Breast Cancer Day. World Breast Cancer Day Breast Cancer Day


October marks the beginning of World Breast Cancer Month, which was declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1993. In addition, World Breast Cancer Day is celebrated annually on October 15 in 44 countries around the world.

There is currently no specific prevention, but there are measures that can help reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, especially if you are at risk:

Breast-feeding. The positive effects of breastfeeding on a woman’s body have been proven. Therefore, if there are no objective reasons, try to save breast-feeding for as long as possible.
Correct balanced diet. Our eating habits are formed from childhood, so change your mind and teach your children to eat right.
Physical activity, helping to keep the body in good health physical fitness. You can choose exercises according to your age and perform them regularly. There is new evidence that regular exercise physical culture throughout life they play a protective role and prevent the occurrence of breast cancer. Exercise is also beneficial when women start exercising after menopause. Daily moderate physical activity for 30-60 minutes will help keep your breasts healthy.
Quitting smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
Elimination of direct exposure sun rays. You need to remember this when going to the beach or while in the solarium.
Monthly self-examination should become a habit. If you find something new in your breast (lump, knot, strange spots on the skin, discharge from the nipple, “lemon peel” skin), contact a mammologist immediately. Remember, early diagnosis is almost 100% successful treatment.
Annual preventive examination by a family doctor and gynecologist. As a rule, in its early phase the disease is asymptomatic. If a woman does not undergo regular mammological and mammographic examinations, then most often she does not notice the onset of the disease and discovers it at a late stage.

Early diagnosis of breast cancer saves lives. If the diagnosis is made at stage 1, 98% of women recover. Regular visits to a mammologist allow you to detect the disease at an earlier stage. Women under forty should have an ultrasound scan once a year. Women over 40 years of age should undergo an X-ray mammography examination every 2 years. After 50 years - annually. Doctors keep repeating: any woman, even if there are no health complaints, should be seen by a specialist at least once a year.

For over 20 years now 15 October I am consideredWorldwide during the day fight against breast cancer .

At the initiative of the World Health Organization in October different countries around the world, including Russia, a month is being celebrated to combat breast cancer. This type of pathology is the most common among all types of tumors in women.

Breast cancer accounts, according to various sources, from 15 to 20% of all malignant neoplasms. In 2004, breast cancer killed 519,000 women worldwide.

In Russia in 2011, 57,500 new cases of the disease were recorded, and total number There are more than 500,000 patients with this diagnosis.

In 94% of cases, cancer detected on early stages, can be completely cured, preserving the health and beauty of patients.

However, a high percentage of women seek specialist advice for late stages when it is already more difficult to overcome the disease.

The main trend identified by Russian researchers is this: 88% of women are aware of the problem of breast cancer and the need for diagnosis, but do not plan to contact a specialist in the near future. Oncologists advise being examined once a year, but, unfortunately, most respondents, according to them, do not have time to visit a doctor. An even larger percentage of women - 37% - do not see the need for diagnosis as long as nothing bothers them.

Breast cancer - This malignant tumor glandular tissue of the mammary gland. Globally, it is the most common form of cancer among women, affecting between 1:13 and 1:9 women aged 13 to 90 years during their lifetime. It is also the second most common cancer in the general population after lung cancer.

Regular visits to a mammologist - a specialist in the field of breast diseases (at least once every 1-2 years). All women over 20 years of age were previously recommended to undergo monthly breast self-exams.
Women under 40 years of age, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation, must regularly (even in the absence of complaints), at least once a year, undergo a dose-free screening examination (electrical impedance tomography).
Women over 40-50 years old need mammography examinations every 1-2 years (even in the absence of complaints).
Women of any age with diagnosed diseases of the mammary glands are recommended to undergo mammography for the purpose of differential diagnosis using ultrasound, pathomorphological techniques, including interventional radiology.

Risk factors for developing breast cancer:
no history of pregnancy or childbirth;
first birth after 30 years;
smoking, especially if it started at a young age;
late menopause (after 55 years);
family history (oncological diseases in blood relatives);
relatives treated for cancer of the female genital organs;
history of breast trauma;
diabetes mellitus;
alcohol abuse;
use of exogenous hormones - with continuous use of exogenous hormones for the purpose of contraception or treatment - more than 10 years.

Symptoms of breast cancer in the early stages of the disease may be absent or characterized by the appearance of small, insensitive mobile masses in the mammary gland. The growth of the tumor is accompanied by impaired mobility, fixation, and pinkish or orange discharge from the nipple.


Breast cancer warning signs:
the presence of lumps or tumor-like formations in one or both mammary glands;
discharge from the nipple of any nature, not related to pregnancy or lactation;
erosions, crusts, scales, ulcerations in the nipple area, halos.
causeless deformation, swelling, increase or decrease in the size of the mammary gland;
enlarged axillary or supraclavicular lymph nodes.

Identification by a doctor of at least one of these “alarm signals” requires an urgent referral of the patient to an oncologist-mammologist.

Breast cancer screening is carried out through a physical examination of the breast by a doctor of any specialty annually, as well as monthly breast self-examination.

Mammography is performed for women aged 35 to 50 years every 2 years. (with a burdened personal and family history - once a year), for women over 50 years old - annually. Prevention of breast cancer consists of eliminating factors contributing to its development, as well as optimal medical examination of women with hyperplastic processes and timely adequate treatment, including surgical methods. Diagnostics of this disease must be comprehensive.

Research methods include breast ultrasound, thermomammography and mammography.

The role of a blood test for tumor markers is great. To determine the type of tumor they do histological examination fabrics.


Breast cancer in the early stages is asymptomatic and does not cause pain. Breast cancer is usually detected before symptoms appear - either on a mammogram or the woman feels a lump forming in the breast. It may also appear that does not disappear within menstrual cycle a lump in the armpit or above the collarbone. Other symptoms:
Transparent or spotting from the chest
Nipple retraction
Change in color or texture of breast skin

If you or your loved ones have questions related to breast health, do not hesitate to consult with specialists.

You can apply for free consultation to the doctors gynecologist,mammologistat, oncologistu.

More detailed information You can read about breast cancer on these sites:

In 1985, WHO declared October as the month to combat this cruel disease, and the date October 15 as World Breast Cancer Day.

Problem oncological diseases has become particularly acute in recent years not only in Russia, but throughout the world. More than 10 million people are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. According to WHO experts, by 2020 this figure will increase to 15 million.

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. According to statistics, the morbidity rate of the Russian population malignant neoplasms breast cancer has more than doubled over the past 15 years. According to the Russian Oncological Scientific Center them. N.N. Blokhin, about 50 thousand cases of breast cancer are detected annually in Russia, and more than 40% of breast cancer cases are diagnosed in late stages.

More than 20,000 Russian women die from breast cancer every year. The disease is rapidly becoming younger: it is increasingly being detected in Russian women under the age of 40. The maximum incidence is observed in the age range of 40-60 years. During this period, hormonal changes occur, which causes a decrease in the protective capabilities and stability of the hormonal system.

Unfortunately, in our mentality there is no culture of maintaining health: we hope for chance, we do not want to control our condition, we cite many reasons: being busy, lack of time and lack of opportunity to get diagnosed. Our person usually consults a doctor already in the third and fourth stages, when the process has progressed far. Early diagnosis of breast cancer saves lives. If the diagnosis is made at stage 1, 98% of women recover.

There is no specific prevention today, but there are measures that will help you reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, especially if you are at risk:

· Breastfeeding. The positive effects of breastfeeding on a woman’s body have been proven, so if there are no objective reasons, try to maintain breastfeeding for as long as possible.

· Proper balanced nutrition. Our eating habits are formed from childhood, so change your mind and teach your children to eat right. Fast foods, snacks, and unbalanced nutrition are also a background for the development of cancer.

· Physical activity. There is emerging evidence that regular physical activity throughout life plays a protective role in preventing breast cancer. Daily moderate exercise for 30-60 minutes will help keep your breasts healthy.

· Quit smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

· Avoid exposure to direct sunlight mammary gland. You need to remember this when going to the beach or while in the solarium.

· Monthly self-examination - this should become a habit. If you find something new in your breast (lump, knot, strange spots on the skin, discharge from the nipple, “lemon peel” skin), contact a mammologist immediately. Remember, early diagnosis is almost 100% successful treatment.

· Ultrasound of the mammary glands is preferably once a year.

· After 40 years, mammography is performed once every 2 years, and for women whose mother or grandmother had breast cancer in the family - annually.

· Annual preventive examination by a gynecologist and mammologist.

Doctors keep repeating: any woman, even if there are no health complaints, should be seen by a specialist at least once a year.

Be healthy and take care of your breasts! Remember - prevention is always easier than cure!

Breast cancer ranks first in the structure of cancer diseases in women, and the incidence is constantly growing. According to statistics, the incidence of malignant neoplasms of the mammary gland in the Russian population has more than doubled over the past 15 years. It is known that the incidence of women living in major cities and industrial areas, higher than for residents of rural areas.

The most likely risk factors for breast cancer are:

1. Age. You should be especially attentive to yourself after the age of 30. These are, first of all, monthly self-examinations, ultrasound of the mammary glands preferably once a year. You need to pay attention to underlying diseases (mastopathy, cysts in the mammary gland), consult a doctor in time and treat correctly, following all recommendations. Remember that older women have a higher risk of getting sick, but this is not a reason not to think about it. at a young age. After 40 years, mammography once a year, especially for women whose mother or grandmother had breast cancer in the family.

2. Hereditary factor. Keeping in mind your existing predisposition, you need to be more attentive to your health.

3. Hormones. Uncontrolled reception hormone-containing drugs can lead to undesirable consequences. You should strictly follow the doctor's instructions and do not self-medicate.

4. Late onset of menopause after 55 years.

5. Late first birth. This is a group of women who had their first child after age 30.

6. Refusal of breastfeeding.

7. Chest injuries. Any chest injury requires close monitoring.

8. Artificial termination of pregnancy.

9. Obesity. The risk especially increases when obesity develops in women after menopause. Although it should be noted that obesity is dangerous throughout life and at any age, as it is a risk factor for the development of various diseases.

10. Nutritional pattern. Fast foods, snacks, and unbalanced nutrition are also a background for the development of breast cancer.

11. Radioactive radiation in adulthood childbearing age. This is usually job related, if you cannot change it, then you should take all the precautions that can be used in the workplace.

12. Cystic fibrous mastopathy. Be sure to treat this state and be observed by a mammologist, following all his recommendations, since this benign breast disease increases the risk of developing breast cancer.

13. Magnification thyroid gland(with a decrease in its function).

14. Transferred postpartum mastitis, especially treated conservatively. It should be noted that the combination of several factors increases the risk of breast cancer.

There is currently no specific prevention, but there are measures that can help reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, especially if you are at risk:

Breast-feeding. The positive effects of breastfeeding on a woman’s body have been proven. Therefore, if there are no objective reasons, try to maintain breastfeeding for as long as possible. Proper balanced nutrition. Our eating habits are formed from childhood, so change your mind and teach your children to eat right.
Physical activity that helps keep the body in good physical shape. You can choose exercises according to your age and perform them regularly. There is emerging evidence that regular physical activity throughout life plays a protective role in preventing breast cancer. Exercise is also beneficial when women start exercising after menopause. Daily moderate exercise for 30-60 minutes will help keep your breasts healthy.
Quitting smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. You need to remember this when going to the beach or while in the solarium.
Monthly self-examination should become a habit. If you find something new in your breast (lump, knot, strange spots on the skin, discharge from the nipple, “lemon peel” skin), contact a mammologist immediately. Remember, early diagnosis is almost 100% successful treatment.
Annual preventive examination by a family doctor and gynecologist. As a rule, in its early phase the disease is asymptomatic. If a woman does not undergo regular mammological and mammographic examinations, then most often she does not notice the onset of the disease and discovers it at a late stage.

Early diagnosis of breast cancer saves lives. If the diagnosis is made at stage 1, 98% of women recover. Regular visits to a mammologist allow you to detect the disease at an earlier stage. Women over 40 years of age should undergo an X-ray mammography examination every 2 years. After 50 years - annually. Doctors keep repeating: any woman, even if there are no health complaints, should be seen by a specialist at least once a year.

search for a specialist or service: Abortion Obstetrician Allergist Tests Andrologist BRT Pregnancy management Call a doctor to your home Gastroenterologist Hematologist Gene diagnostics Hepatologist Gynecologist Hirudotherapist Homeopath Dermatologist Children's doctor Diagnosis of the body Nutritionist Medical examination Day hospital Collection of tests at home Collection of biomaterial Acupuncturist Immunologist Infectious disease Cardiologist Kinesiotherapist Cosmetologist Speech therapist Mammologist Chiropractor Massage therapist Medical books Medical certificates Mycologist MRI Narcologist Neurologist Neurophysiologist Neurosurgeon Alternative medicine Nephrologist Oncologist Orthopedist Osteopath Otolaryngologist, ENT Ophthalmologist, Ophthalmologist Body cleansing Parasitologist Pediatrician Transportation of patients Plastic surgeon Vaccinations Proctologist Medical examinations Treatment room Psychiatrist Psychologist Psychotherapist Pulmonologist Rehabilitologist Reanimatologist Rheumatologist X-ray Reproductologist Reflexologist Sexologist Ambulance Certificate for the traffic police Urgent research Hospital Dentist Surrogacy Therapist Traumatologist Emergency room Trichologist Ultrasound ultrasound Urologist Physiotherapist Phlebologist Fluorography Functional diagnostics Surgeon ECG IVF Endocrinologist Epilation

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Breast cancer– the most common form of malignant diseases in women. Every year, 1,250,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed worldwide. Over the past 20 years, the incidence of breast cancer worldwide has grown by 25 percent and continues to increase. It is found in all age groups, women over 40 years of age are especially at risk. Breast cancer ranks first among women's cancers (16 percent of all cancer cases). According to statistics, every eighth woman is at risk of receiving a similar diagnosis.

“Over the past few years, there has been a tendency towards improvement early diagnosis breast cancer in the Ulyanovsk region. Proportion of patients with I-II stages disease is consistently 60 percent. If the disease is detected in the early stages, the likelihood full recovery reaches 94 percent", - noted the deputy chairman of the regional government - the Minister of Health and social development Pavel Degtyar.

Unfortunately, in other patients the tumor is diagnosed in advanced stages, which requires the use of expensive drug treatment without a convincing chance of cure.

Main risk factors breast cancer become genetics and heredity; abortions (increase the risk by up to 1.5 times); late and small births; short-term breastfeeding or complete refusal to breastfeed; late menopause (after 55 years); hormonal changes in the body - metabolic disorders female hormones; poor nutrition; chronic stressful situations; excessive exposure to the sun, visiting a solarium; obesity, diabetes mellitus, thyroid and liver diseases; not treated benign neoplasms mammary gland, inflammatory gynecological diseases; smoking, drinking alcohol.

“Every woman should remember that once a year it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations antenatal clinics and clinics with specialized specialists. After 40 years, you need to be examined with X-ray mammography once every 2 years. Mammography reveals early forms cancer several years earlier than any clinical examination. Due to age-related decreases in breast sensitivity to radiation, after 40 years of age, mammography is absolutely safe. In addition, modern mammography machines have less radiation exposure. You should also perform a breast self-examination once a month. Paying attention to your health and regular examinations allows you to detect cancer in a timely manner, prevent the development of advanced forms of the disease and give you a chance for cure.”,” emphasized Associate Professor of the Department of Oncology and radiology diagnostics, doctor - oncologist Marat Sharafutdinov.

Annually at the initiative of WHO September 23 celebrated as World breast cancer day. Events dedicated to this day are held in more than forty countries around the world. The purpose of this day is to attract the attention of the world community to the problems of early diagnosis and treatment of this terrible disease.

Continuing the topic of the article:

  • Hereditary breast cancer is aggressive and requires complex treatment
  • How to care for an open breast cancer lump

  • topic tags: breast cancer, breast cancer

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