
At what age should a child be put to bed? When can a child sleep alone? Until what age does a child sleep with his mother?

Sleep issues and problems are among the most pressing for parents. Importance good rest for children it is difficult to overestimate, however, the immaturity nervous system and some external reasons often prevent babies from sleeping according to their age-appropriate schedule. Daytime sleep sometimes confuses mothers: the child categorically refuses to go to bed or, if he does fall asleep, cannot calm down for a long time in the evening. Until what age does a child need naps during the day from a physiological point of view? Why do children sleep in kindergarten and not sleep during the day at home? Should I insist on going to bed or should I still come to terms with the fact that the child has “outgrown” naps?

Why does a child need a nap during the day?

During any sleep - both daytime and nighttime, the nervous system and the entire body are restored after stress during wakefulness. For children, sleep is especially important: the REM sleep phase is associated with remembering received information, and therefore with mental development baby; during the phase slow sleep the production of growth hormones is activated. In addition, the nervous system of a preschooler is not yet very stable; it is just being formed, but at the same time it is constantly exposed to new impressions, events, and information. Just enough good sleep, night and day, can provide high-quality “unloading” of the nervous system, and as a result – maintaining health and normal development child. Daytime sleep is no less important than nighttime sleep, since it allows you to divide a day full of impressions into two parts, which greatly facilitates the task of processing information for the brain and nervous system.

Some parents believe that if their baby “sleeps out” daily norm at 11-12 o'clock at night, then he does not need daytime sleep. However, all pediatricians and pediatric neurologists are convinced of the importance of quiet time for preschool children. Thus, Vladislav Remirovich Kuchma is the director of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents Science Center children's health RAMS, states:

"Dream - required element child's life. And this is not only free time for parents, who can go about their business while the baby is sleeping. Sleep is a natural manifestation of a child's life cycle and is characterized by a certain frequency. If a newborn sleeps 19 hours a day, then preschool age sleep duration decreases. But one and a half to two hours nap remain mandatory."

Various studies on the topic of daytime sleep in children prove: preschoolers who sleep during the day have better concentration, behave more calmly, require less attention from adults, are less tired and overexcited, and are less likely to get sick compared to peers who sleep only at night.

Daytime sleep duration by age

The approximate number of hours of sleep according to the baby's age is shown in the table.


How much sleep should a child sleep per day?

Night sleep

Daytime nap


up to 5-6 hours of uninterrupted sleep

1-2 hours every hour

1-2 months

4 sleeps of 40 minutes-1.5 hours; only about 6 hours

3-4 months

17-18 hours

10-11 o'clock

3 naps of 1-2 hours

5-6 months

10-12 hours

Switch to 2 sleeps of 1.5-2 hours

7-9 months

10-12 months

2 sleeps of 1.5-2.5 hours

13-14 hours

10-11 o'clock

2 sleeps of 1.5-2.5 hours; it is possible to switch to 1 nap during the day

10-11 o'clock

Transition to 1 nap: 2.5-3 hours

12-13 hours

10-11 o'clock

Over 7 years old

at least 8-9 hours

at least 8-9 hours

not necessary

Until what age do children sleep during the day?

It is difficult to answer the question until what age should a child sleep during the day, since this formulation of the question is somewhat incorrect. Most parents understand what to force small child sleeping if he doesn’t want to is a difficult task. You can only try and make efforts to ensure that the child’s regimen is close to optimal for his age.

The nervous system of a preschooler is in the process of formation, so it is difficult for him to endure the abundance of impressions of the whole day without an intermediate “quiet hour”. That's why neurologists recommend putting children to sleep during the day until they are 6-8 years old. How younger child, the greater his need for daytime sleep. If an older preschooler (5-6 years old) does not suffer particularly from lack of rest during the day, for a child under 3 years of age, continuous wakefulness for 11-12 hours can result in behavioral problems (expressiveness of behavior, whims, hysterics), deterioration in learning ability and even decreased immunity . Therefore, parents should try to maintain naps during the day for as long as possible. “Disruptions” and deviations from the regime are possible, but with the persistence of adults, the baby will be sure that sleeping during the day is necessary. It is not for nothing that in kindergartens most children sleep in quiet time, and at home, on weekends, it’s difficult to put them to bed. It's a matter of discipline, including the self-discipline of parents.

In children 7-8 years old, the need for daytime rest may continue, especially taking into account adaptation to new mental stress at school. Do not forbid your child to sleep after school if he wants. And if he refuses, at least advise him to start doing homework after a little rest (not in front of the TV, of course).

What is the normal length of daytime sleep?

Despite the fact that doctors recommend that all children under 7-8 years old sleep for one and a half to two hours during the day, some children can get by with a short nap - about an hour, or even 30-40 minutes. Should parents worry? It depends on the behavior and condition of the child. If he is cheerful, cheerful, plays actively, and is not capricious, we can say that a short daytime rest is enough for him.

What to do if the child does not want to sleep during the day?

Parents of children who refuse naps during the day early age, are usually quite rightly concerned about whether it is harmful to their health. Only during infancy can one still be sure that the child will “sleep” the number of hours he needs. Children over 2 years old have much more complex mental reactions - new fears, worries and overexcitation often prevent them from falling asleep. Long-term lack of sleep can affect not only the child’s behavior (whims, irritability) and learning abilities, but also the susceptibility colds and the pace of physical and mental development.

  • The actions of parents who want to maintain a “quiet hour” in the child’s daily routine depend on the reasons that caused the refusal to sleep during the day:
  1. If a baby sleeps the number of hours appropriate for his age, but does it “in one sitting,” at night, it becomes clear why he does not want to sleep during the day. In this case, you should not force him to sleep, because we all know that falling asleep through force is very difficult. But you should still try to divide your daily sleep (for example, 12 hours) into two stages: 10 hours of night sleep and 2 hours of daytime sleep. This will help your child be calmer in the afternoon. Set a clear routine. If the baby goes to kindergarten, try to stick to your daily schedule on weekends. Children at home should also get up and go to bed at the same time - then there will be no problems with daytime sleep.
  2. The baby is captivated by some kind of game and categorically refuses to sleep: in this case, you need to try to smoothly switch his attention to the activities that usually precede daytime sleep (reading a book, changing clothes).
  3. In a state of overstimulation, children often cannot fall asleep, but they need it. The task of the parents in this case is to “calm down” the child, getting him interested in a quiet game, reading or doing something together. A good option is this game while reading, when the parent invites the child to imagine with closed eyes what is described in the book. Gradually the baby will calm down and be able to fall asleep.
  4. Perhaps you are putting your child to bed too early, and he is simply not tired enough to want to sleep. Try shifting your bedtime by half an hour to an hour.
  5. All children go through periods of no napping. Parental confidence and persistence help the child return to his usual daily routine.

And a few more tips for parents:

  • Teach your child to nap by example. You don't need to sleep, but lying down next to your baby when he falls asleep and closing your eyes won't hurt.
  • Remember: the process of falling asleep in children takes longer than in adults. 30-40 minutes is the norm. If your child doesn't fall asleep in 15 minutes, don't give up.
  • For a comfortable daytime sleep, a child needs silence and relative darkness.
  • Keep an eye on your child's biorhythms: perhaps a small change in routine will help you come to an agreement about daytime sleep.
  • Don't scold your child if he still doesn't fall asleep. Of course, an hour and a half of trying to lay it down will drive anyone crazy, but still try to control yourself.
  • Explain to your baby that he needs sleep, not you. He must understand that sleeping during the day is not a punishment, but an opportunity to relax and gain new strength for games in the evening.
  • If your child doesn't sleep, at least let him play quiet games or listen to you read in the middle of the day. Such rest is not as effective for unloading the nervous system, but it is better than actively staying awake all day.
  • One-time deviations from the regime are not a big deal. If you are invited to a birthday party or other event in the middle of the day, do not refuse due to strict rules.

In conclusion, I would like to say: few people can predict at what age your child will stop sleeping during the day. But parents can at least try to maintain such a beneficial vacation longer. We wish your children health and good restful sleep!

Co-sleeping still raises many questions and debates. Young parents often hear only the subjective opinion of doctors, psychologists and other parents on this matter. Among this information, there are many outright horror stories, starting with the fact that a child can suffocate in parent's bed and ending with the fact that the children get used to sleeping like this and then you can’t kick them out. Let's better turn to scientific facts to find out whether co-sleeping with parents is so necessary for children and what conditions are necessary to organize a safe co-sleeping.

Sleeping together with a child in a shared bed. Photo: easymoming

First, the size of the newborn's brain is only a quarter of the volume of the adult brain. This is necessary to pass through the pelvis, which has narrowed as a result of our becoming upright. Although our babies are born quite mature compared to blind kittens and other immature mammals, they still need constant close contact with their parents, not only during the day, but also at night. This is necessary to maintain stable breathing and body temperature during the first months of life, which in turn is necessary for proper development brain.

Secondly, human milk is one of the lowest in protein content and fat and one of the highest in sugar content. Milk sugar is also essential for brain development, and the low fat content means babies will breastfeed frequently, day and night.

Therefore, in traditional societies, not burdened by Western cultural norms, women have always carried and carry children in slings, put them to sleep next to them and breastfeed on demand.

Thus, during the last scientific research anthropologists have concluded that Sleeping together between mother and child is normal, species-specific behavior for humans.

This is confirmed by recent studies in the UK. One such study found that 72% of breastfed children slept in their parents' bed at least sometimes, compared with 38% of breastfed children. artificial feeding.

And this is quite understandable. Young mothers are often unprepared for the frequency with which their babies ask for the breast, especially at night when you want to sleep. Therefore, co-sleeping gives breastfeeding mothers the opportunity to rest normally at night while the baby nurses. Often women admit that they cannot even say exactly how many times a child sucks at the breast during the night, since they do not fully wake up with the child.

There was also a study conducted in the UK that found that mothers who co-sleep with their baby were twice as likely to breastfeed at 4 months as mothers who co-slept with their baby separately. This is because babies who sleep with their mothers nurse much more often at night than babies who sleep in a separate crib, which allows for better lactation maintenance. After all, the hormone prolactin is most active from 3 to 8 am.

Co-sleeping should be safe

There is still an opinion that co-sleeping of young children with their parents is a dangerous practice that leads to an increased risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) or the death of a child due to negligence.

However, in reality, the factors contributing to the death of children in such cases are poverty, as well as the young age of the mother.

Regarding bedsharing, the following pattern has recently been identified: for children sharing beds with non-smoking parents, the risk of SIDS is the same as for children sleeping in separate beds. But for those babies who sleep with smoking parents (meaning sleeping in the same room), the risk of SIDS increases 12 times! So quit smoking, dear fathers and mothers!

Mom and baby sleep in sync!

In addition, it matters whether the baby is breastfed or bottle-fed. Numerous studies describe nature of interactions between mother and baby who nurses at night. Nursing mothers in most cases sleep on their side, facing the baby and hugging him with her arms and knees. The baby's head is located at chest level.

The phases of fast and slow sleep in a nursing mother and baby are synchronized, i.e. they wake up and fall asleep almost simultaneously. All this suggests that a nursing mother demonstrates instinctive behavior that is designed to protect her baby from different types dangers - be it from a predator, the cold, pillows and blankets, or a partner who has spread his arms too wide.

In one of the studies where compared videos of sleeping together parents with breastfed and bottle-fed babies, it turned out that bottle-fed babies usually slept high on the parent's pillow or between the parents, while babies were always below the level of the pillow.

Also, mothers of artificial babies spent less time in a position protecting the child, that is, turning to face him and hugging him with her hand.

Therefore, I would like to emphasize once again that when organizing safe co-sleeping, you need to remember:

  1. Parents who sleep with small children should not smoke, drink alcohol or take medications that affect the nervous system the night before bedtime.
  2. It is advisable to have a spacious sleeping place and the absence of gaps between the mattress and the wall.
  3. Pay special attention and caution if your baby is born ahead of schedule or is bottle-fed.
  4. It is better to put older children to bed separately from babies.

By the way, for those whose sleeping place is too narrow and does not comply with safety rules, good option An additional cot, for example, like the one in the photo, can serve.

When is it time to move your child to a separate bed?

The end of co-sleeping is usually associated with the end of breastfeeding. If you are not in a hurry to wean your child from the breast and wait until the baby does it himself, then co-sleeping lasts at least 2 years. After all, the night feedings are the last to go.

At the same time, the nervous system matures to the point where the child no longer needs to wake up frequently at night.

You can already go to the store with your two-year-old. If there is an older child of the same sex in the family, you can first “move” the youngest child to him. This method of leaving the parental bed is considered as gentle as possible.

When the child has already accepted his new place for sweet dreams, he can still come to your bed to check. Therefore, do not rush to immediately move him into a separate room; first, put his bed with you, if possible. Don’t scold him, but calmly return him to your bed and explain that if he wants to see you, he doesn’t have to come to you, but you can just call him and you will definitely come. As soon as the baby realizes that you are sleeping next to him, he will stop worrying and calling you.

Evgeny Olegovich, hello!

Could you answer what is your opinion not only as a man and a family psychologist, but also as a pediatrician regarding co-sleeping between mother and child? Having read most of the materials on your site, I found only references to the fact that a woman is a social being, she should sleep not with the child, but with the father, and as a result of the opposite behavior, family conflicts arise.

But let's remove dad for the sake of simplicity. Let's take a single mother, or a dad who works night shifts, or a dad who is a terrible night owl (goes to bed at 8 in the morning, when the child is already waking up). Let's take the cave so beloved by you (and by me in the fight with the grandmothers:). It is unlikely that a woman will allocate a place for her child a few meters away from her - why? It is much more convenient to keep him nearby - there is no need to arrange an additional sleeping place, crawl somewhere, feed him in the middle of the night. The baby is nearby, feels the warmth of the mother’s body, calms down, and again can be fed, practically without waking up. Complete convenience for both, isn't it? What could be more natural?

My question to you is prompted by the fact that now it has somehow become very fashionable to sleep with a child. In many respects, this is, apparently, the result of aggressive propaganda of all sorts of schools like “Rozhany”, which intensively instill in women that if they do not breastfeed a child up to 4 years old 12 times a day, do not sleep with him, do not carry him in a sling, do vaccinations up to a year and generally do not spend with the child 24 hours a day - then they are not mothers, but vipers, they will not have an emotional connection with their children and they will end their days in a nursing home, not visited by mentally cold children. And pregnant women and young mothers are suggestible creatures (wouldn’t you know).

Our masseuse shared her observation that in some St. Petersburg families that she visited for work, there are no cribs - children always sleep with their parents. Moreover, sometimes the family sleeps together, and sometimes dad goes to the kitchen sofa or to the floor. Is there such a “fashion” in Ukraine? What do your personal statistics say? How do you feel about this phenomenon?

In your opinion, is there any harm in this for the child? My experience of sleeping with a child (girl, 3 months, normal development) - just in case, it’s suddenly interesting: if everything is calm and the child is sleeping, he is sleeping in his crib. However, it happens that at night her tummy bothers her - and then it’s easier for me to put her with me and periodically massage or poke a soothing pacifier while she’s still half asleep, otherwise she wakes up completely - then coax her... Or in the morning she starts to become active, but I still I want to sleep - then again I take her in, feed her and hug her - she warms up and falls asleep. As a result, my sleep is extended, which is important :) Of the minuses, I can note that I can’t get deep and full sleep with a child (I tried sleeping with her all night a couple of times) - you’re afraid of hurting her, pinning her down, pushing her out of bed - so you wake up periodically to make sure that everything is fine. If you find time to answer, I will be grateful :)

Hello, Natasha!

To begin with, I would like to note that, being a pediatrician and a man of a traditional orientation, I do not at all pretend to bear the proud and now fashionable title of “family psychologist.” Those. my opinion is so interesting question should not be considered as specialist advice. I am only formulating my position based on considerable experience in communicating with and observing those who implement various options for sleeping together in everyday life.

The initial concept is obvious: there is not and cannot be a clear rule in this matter. Each family determines its own sleep system, and this system should be convenient for a particular family, and not for a pediatrician or psychologist. The opinions of the mentioned experts are deeply secondary - if you feel good, if all family members are happy with this situation, then sleep as you want. If the formulated rule is taken as an axiom, then the following becomes clear: the majority of current psychologists have nothing to do with psychology. After all, the essence psychological assistance quite obvious - creating psychological, emotional comfort in a specific family or with a specific person. But it is our psychologists who are distinguished by their amazing aggressiveness - you write about this yourself. Everyone who does not agree to sleep as expected, feed as expected, give birth as expected are enemies of progress and are not worthy of being parents. What could be weirder than an aggressive psychologist?

First of all, I am in favor of treating all this calmly - without stress. Is it harmful for a child to sleep with his mother? Not harmful. If the conditions are met:

The bed meets the necessary requirements;

A flat hard mattress, no pillow, the child has no opportunity to fall out, bed linen is of proper quality, washed and ironed as expected;

Parents are able to control their sleep so as not to harm the child;

Parents are satisfied with this sleep pattern (I emphasize that it is the parents who are satisfied, and not just one parent).

Now let us pay attention to two mutually exclusive provisions from your letter. 1. “The baby is nearby, feels the warmth of the mother’s body, calms down, again you can feed him, practically without waking up. Complete convenience for both, isn’t it? What could be more natural?” 2. “let’s remove dad for the sake of simplicity.” There is no doubt that the exclusion of the pope can under no circumstances be regarded as natural. Our dads already don’t particularly pamper their children with attention, and if they are deliberately excluded... A huge number of families are destroyed precisely because a woman after giving birth does not have the opportunity, skill, desire to be distracted for a while from the child and pay attention to your husband. Valuable instructions regarding the fact that a man should “get into her position”, understand, help and be patient - in practice, they do not work at all. AND the only way reaching a consensus often ends up in a shared bed. If we also exclude it, the problem of co-sleeping will be significantly simplified. Indeed, since you have deliberately turned into a single mother, does it really matter who you sleep with - with a child or with a wet pillow...

One cannot fail to mention another paradoxical point in this aspect. As you quite rightly noted, “pregnant women and young mothers are suggestible creatures,” but they are the ones who tend to read all this psychological nonsense, which cannot be said about pregnant men and young fathers. An infant's stay near his mother - in constant physical and spiritual contact with her, 24 hours a day - is an absolutely natural phenomenon. This is an instinctive need of a child, but the practical implementation of this instinct introduces serious restrictions into a woman’s lifestyle, and such restrictions do not always have a positive impact on the quality of life itself. Nevertheless, this instinct does not fundamentally affect the physical and mental health of the baby. It is impossible to prove otherwise. Well, perhaps we should mention that the aggression of psychologists is precisely connected with the fact that in early childhood their parents did not take them into their bed.

The child gets used to the lack of constant contact with his mother surprisingly quickly. In the cave, as soon as mommy leaves, it becomes cold, but in the apartment it doesn’t. Contact with the mother has been interrupted, but the child is fed, he is not cold, not wet, not hot - what’s the point of yelling in vain? And with a normal care system, the child gets used to isolated sleep in 2-3 days. If you teach it from the moment you return from the hospital. The opposite situation is no less obvious - the longer the child is in the parent’s bed, the more difficult it is to remove him from there. And if you think that he will sleep with his mother until he is one year old, and then voluntarily move into his own crib, you are so mistaken. All the same, measures of pedagogical influence will be needed, all the same psychological trauma will be inevitable.

Final provisions and specific answers. Your contacts with your children and your children's care for you in old age are determined primarily by the system life values accepted in your family. With maximum possible probability the daughter will treat her mother exactly the way her mother treats her grandmother. Statements that feeding on demand and co-sleeping are a way to ensure a peaceful old age surrounded by loving children and grandchildren, from my point of view, do not stand up to criticism and have nothing to do with evidence-based medicine, nor to evidence-based psychology.

Fortunately, I don’t see a fashion for co-sleeping with a child in Ukraine. But there are some heroic enthusiasts. My personal statistics show: co-sleeping with children has more disadvantages than advantages. It easily takes root in families where mom and dad didn’t practice sleeping together even before the birth of the child - where there are separate mom and dad’s bedrooms, where mom doesn’t get enough sleep because of dad’s snoring, where there is no dad, after all. Subject to the above conditions, no negative impact Sleeping in the parent's bed has no effect on a child's health.

Resume. Listen less and read all sorts of nonsense. Don't let just anyone into your bed and don't let other people's opinions about what you should do in bed influence you. Remember: everything you do in bed with your husband or with your child is your own business. If you and your “bed mates” feel good, then that’s how it should be. If it’s bad, either change the partner, or move the child to his own crib.

Scientists have found that teenagers aged 14 to 18 years need to sleep 8.5-9.5 hours. During sleep, children rest their body, brain and restore strength after physical and mental stress. If a child does not get enough sleep, he will soon become lethargic, irritable and inattentive. Its performance will decrease by 30%.

How much sleep does a 14 year old teenager need?

There is no single sleep standard for teenagers. Studies by American and Swedish scientists have proven that children of a certain age there is a different need for rest.

Sleep patterns in adolescents aged fourteen during the day and night

Children don't think about the fact that lack of sleep can lead to serious problems. 14-year-olds should have the same sleep schedule every day.

Teach your child to go to bed at 10-11 pm and wake up at 7 am.

And when a tired teenager comes home from school, he can regain his strength by sleeping between 15:00 and 16:00.

Duration of sleep in fourteen-year-old children during the day and night

Of course, teenagers should not only have night sleep, but also daytime. At night, 14-year-olds may need 8 hours of sleep instead of the required 9.5. But soon your child may become nervous and tired.

Children should spend 30-45 minutes on daytime rest. This time is enough to relieve fatigue, gain strength and go to additional classes or training.

Sleep disturbance in a 14 year old child: causes

  • Doctors are confident that modern children are disrupting their sleep patterns because they spend a lot of time at the computer or TV, watching movies or TV shows.
  • In addition, many teenagers fall asleep with headphones in their ears while listening to music tracks. Limit your child from these activities before bed.
  • Drugs containing caffeine that stimulate performance can disrupt sleep.
  • Also the reason bad sleep there may be an illness, such as breathing problems. It is worth seeing a doctor to find out if your child is sick.
  • In addition, a hard sleeping bed or a stuffy room can affect your sleep.

A 14-year-old child constantly sleeps: why?

The main reason in adolescence is- both mental and physical. Many parents complain that their children sleep a lot during the day when they come home from school. There are frequent cases when 14-year-olds wake up for dinner and then go to bed to sleep until the morning.

Also the reason constant desire may become sleepy disease . It can go unnoticed.

For example, some diseases of the ENT organs cause lethargy, malaise and proceed without high temperature. It is worth seeing a doctor and taking the necessary tests.

How much sleep does a 15 year old need to sleep?

Children at the age of 15 are very active; they attend not only school classes, but also clubs. In order to keep up with development and restore physical and mental abilities, teenagers need to sleep.

Let's consider how the rest process should proceed for 15-year-olds.

Schedule proper sleep in children aged 15

A 15-year-old child completely refuses daytime sleep. But there are teenagers who relax at lunch when they come home from school. Daytime sleep occurs approximately from 15 to 16 hours.

A proper night's sleep schedule varies from 10-11 pm to 7 am. As a rule, children wake up for school at this time.

How long should a teenager sleep during the day and at night?

The duration of daytime sleep depends on the load. However, children should not sleep for more than 30-45 minutes. It has been established that this time is enough for rest.

And the duration of night sleep is less than that of 14-year-olds, although not by much. 15-year-olds should sleep 9 hours at night.

Causes of poor sleep in a child aged fifteen

Sleep disturbances in a 15-year-old child can begin for several reasons.

  • Wrong sleeping place.
  • Getting used to the lying position. Teenagers often spend a lot of time lying in bed. The body begins to get used to the lying position, and at the right moment it is not prepared for sleep. In this case, it will be difficult for the child to fall asleep.
  • Listening to music or watching movies at night.
  • Computer games.
  • Disease.
  • Preparations containing caffeine.
  • Stuffy room.

A 15-year-old child constantly sleeps: why?

Of course, many children set their own sleep schedule at age 15. Some people say that seven hours is enough for them to sleep.

Parents, know that this is not true! Your child, after 1-2 months of this regime, will begin to sleep, and he will want to sleep constantly. Explain to him that his physical and emotional state depends on the correct schedule and duration of rest.

The cause of lack of sleep can also be a disease occurring in the child’s body. See a doctor and get at least some general tests.

How much and how should a 16-year-old teenager sleep?

Children at 16 often begin their independent lives while attending college. Teenagers build their own daily routine, despite the norms of sleep and wakefulness.

Parents should tell their teenager how much sleep he should have so that he feels good and his brain activity is one hundred percent.

Sleep patterns in adolescents aged sixteen at night and during the day

The correct night sleep schedule for children aged 16 is as follows: the child should fall asleep from 10 to 11 pm and wake up from 6 to 7 am. Adhering to this regime, teenagers will feel great and will have enough strength to visit additional classes and various workouts.

As a rule, 16-year-olds refuse to nap during the day.

Sleep duration in a 16 year old child

A teenager aged sixteen should sleep 8 hours and 45 minutes, with the rest period falling at night.

Long sleep or, conversely, too short can cause nervousness, fatigue, inattention and decreased ability to work.

A 16-year-old teenager sleeps poorly or does not sleep: why?

Let's list the causes of sleep disturbance.

  • Wrong sleeping place. For example, there may be a hard mattress or a large pillow.
  • Illness, feeling unwell, difficulty breathing, etc.
  • Medicines that improve performance.
  • The influence of technical items, say, a telephone, a computer, a laptop, a player.
  • The habit of lying on the bed. Scientists have found that the body quickly gets used to the lying position. If a teenager often lies on the bed, it will be difficult for him to fall asleep in the evening.
  • Stressful state.
  • Stuffiness in the room.

Why does a 16-year-old teenager constantly sleep during the day?

Parents assure each other that there is no reason why children cannot sleep during the day. At the age of 16, a child should completely give up daytime naps. Why does your teenager sleep a lot during the day?

  • My sleep pattern is out of whack.
  • Disease.

Features of sleep of a teenager aged seventeen

At this age, children begin to establish their own daily routine. And those who live separately from their parents may adhere to an irregular sleep-wake schedule.

Parents should pay attention to their child and convince him that for normal operation The teenager's body requires a certain regime.

Sleep patterns in adolescents aged 17 at night and during the day

Children at 17 years old refuse to nap during the day. The main rest should come at night.

Correct sleep schedule: from 10-11 pm to 6-7 am. If the sleep schedule is not the same, parents should sound the alarm and find a way to convince the child that he needs a night's rest.

Duration of sleep in a 17 year old child

A teenager at this age should sleep 8 hours and 30 minutes. Of course, this time can be reduced to eight full hours, but doctors do not advise doing this.

Eight hours of sleep can be left if the child feels well. With 8-8.5 hours of rest, a 17-year-old teenager should accumulate a lot of strength and energy, which he can spend on studying at school/college/university or playing sports.

Why does a 17 year old child sleep poorly during the day or at night?

A student's sleep can be disrupted in a number of cases.

  • If the room is not ventilated before going to bed.
  • Due to the fact that the teenager was faced with many educational problems, as a result of which physical, emotional stress or a stressful state appeared.
  • If the child is sick and does not feel well.
  • When your child is used to falling asleep in front of a laptop, TV or phone.
  • Due to improper sleeping place, for example, hard mattress, large pillow.
  • If a teenager uses drugs containing caffeine or substances that increase performance.

Why does a child sleep a lot at 17 years old?

A teenager may sleep a lot due to improper sleep patterns. If a teenager stays up at night or sleeps less than 8 hours, his emotional and physical condition will be on the verge of collapse.

Parents note that after 1-2 months of an incorrect sleep schedule, the child becomes nervous, irritable, loses interest in activities that he was interested in before, and develops fatigue and drowsiness.

Also, the reason for the constant desire to sleep can be increased load. The student may be subject to workload at the educational institution.

In addition, the teenager can attend sports sections or dance classes, and spend your energy on them.

How many hours of sleep does an 18 year old teenager need?

Young people of this age often begin to live independently. They set their own sleep and wake patterns, so it is sometimes difficult for them to live by certain rules.

18-year-old boys and girls do not think about sleep standards at all; their heads are occupied with other issues. At night they live in games, the Internet and social networks, and then they sleep until lunch or, when they come home from school, until the evening.

Features of daytime and night sleep in an eighteen-year-old student

A child aged 18 years should go to bed at 10-12 pm and wake up at 6-7 am. Of course, not everyone follows this schedule. But it is worth recognizing that it is from 22-23 hours that the peak of drowsiness occurs.

The earlier a student wakes up in the morning, the better he will feel. To strengthen the body of an 18-year-old, you can add morning exercises to your daily routine.

During the day or at lunchtime, as a rule, children of this age do not sleep.

How much should a student sleep during the day and at night at 18 years old?

The approximate duration of sleep for a teenager is 7-8 hours. How much sleep? The young man must decide for himself.

Some people divide this time into night and day. For example, they sleep 6 hours at night, and rest for the remaining 2 hours at lunchtime. But doctors advise refraining from daytime sleep.

Why does a teenager sleep poorly or not sleep at all: reasons

A child may not sleep well or not sleep at all for a number of reasons.

  • If your sleep and wakefulness patterns are out of whack.
  • Frequent stress - both physical and mental.
  • Stuffy room. It is worth ventilating the room before going to bed.
  • If he has an uncomfortable sleeping place. There may be a hard mattress or a large pillow.
  • A disease that goes unnoticed.
  • Drinking alcohol.
  • Treatment with medications containing caffeine or performance enhancing substances.
  • Using technology before bed: laptop, phone, TV.
  • Experienced stress.

Why does a teenager sleep a lot at 18?

What are the causes of drowsiness or frequent sleep?

  • Loads: mental and physical.
  • Lack of sleep and wrong mode sleep.
  • Disease.

Mothers who have chosen the practice of co-sleeping with their baby do so according to various reasons. Some people simply get tired of running all night to the crib, while others consciously put the baby next to him from the first days of his life. Despite the established views of many about the need to accustom a child to independent sleep, it is difficult to deny the obvious fact: sleeping with a baby is easy and pleasant for a mother. Today we will talk about the end of the happy time of sleeping together and at what age you should start teaching your child to sleep separately.

Until what age can you sleep with your child in the same bed?

Time passes, and yesterday’s baby is becoming older and more independent. He begins to take up most of his parents' bed... Perhaps it's time to start "relocating"? No one will give a definite answer to this question. And yet, let's try to reason from the point of view of ordinary logic.

Many pediatricians advise under no circumstances to put your child to sleep in a shared bed, because then “it will be difficult to wean him off.” However, this opinion is not supported scientific facts and presents the baby as a kind of tyrant, seeking to subjugate adults with his “ bad habits“—frequently suck the breast, strive to be closer to your mother... Well, isn’t it funny?

The period from newborn to 2-3 months is characterized by the child’s desire to be with his mother around the clock, to hear the sound of her heart and to feel the warmth of his mother’s embrace. The baby does not yet recognize himself as a separate being from his mother.

At the age of 2-3 months to six months, the toddler continues to be completely dependent on his mother’s care. He feeds only on milk and does not yet know how to move in space. He often eats at night, and putting him to bed in his parents' bed makes life much easier for the whole family.

The second half of life is usually marked by new motor skills and the appearance of the first teeth. Your baby's sleep may become restless. During this period, support and mother's milk are very important to him (night feedings may become more frequent).

From one year to two breast-feeding should normally continue. Children still enjoy sleeping next to their parents.

A two-year-old is unlikely to ask to sleep separately, but after finishing breastfeeding, you can get him accustomed to this quite easily. However, the period from 2 to 3-4 years is the time of night fears, and for many children, it is sleeping next to their mother that helps them overcome them.

Co-sleeping between baby and mother has never been a problem in the evolution of humanity. If a child sleeps with his parents and everyone is happy with it, why change anything? To please pediatricians, grandmothers or friends? But this is your child, and decisions about what to feed him and where to sleep are yours to make.

Cast aside your fears that co-sleeping could harm your baby! There is no scientific evidence to suggest that a child’s “long” sleeping next to his parents is harmful. However, there is information to the contrary. According to the observations of psychologists, after 6-7 years, it is usually those children who did not sleep with mom and dad in infancy who come running to their parents’ bed.

When should I move my child to a separate bed?

Psychologists call the age of 3 years the threshold of independence. Until about this age, on average, natural breastfeeding continues, and the baby is most dependent on closeness with his mother. In addition, by the age of 2.5-3 years, children usually have good control over their excretory reflexes, and their mother’s help with the potty becomes almost unnecessary. For these reasons, co-sleeping is especially important for a baby during the first 2-3 years of his life. This does not mean that after the third birthday it is necessary to wean the child from co-sleeping. At the age of 3-5 years, children themselves usually strive to “move” to separate bed and even a room. Experienced mothers of many children, whose grown children have slept in their parents’ bed since birth, say that sooner or later, this moment will definitely come.

If you want to speed up the process of getting used to your own crib, try to develop “sleep” rituals that your child will associate with going to bed. Bathing, a gentle massage, stroking or a story will help your baby learn to fall asleep alone. Most likely, for some time he will come to you at night to “get enough sleep,” but gradually such visits will fade away.

Do not rush time, trying to distance the baby from yourself as soon as possible, to make him independent and independent. Children grow up very quickly. Your baby will grow up much faster than it seems now. And perhaps you will remember with tenderness exactly those moments when your beloved little one snored quietly in his sleep next to you.