
Histological examination of the material. Histological examination: what is it?

Histology analysis is very important and informative. More details about this type of research can be found in the article.

Histological examination makes it possible to accurately determine whether dangerous cells or neoplasms are present. Histology is carried out in order to carefully study the tissues of various systems and internal organs. The distinctive features of the survey from other methods are the following - as a result, you can get the most accurate results.

Modern research of the body is carried out using different methods: the patient is examined by a doctor, the doctor takes tests from the patient and gives him an ultrasound. However, not in all cases, these methods make it possible to accurately determine the diagnosis or find dangerous cells or new formations. It is for such cases that a method was invented that gives the most accurate results - histology. You've probably heard about a histology smear, but you have no idea what it is. The histological examination method makes it possible to carefully study cells and tissues and detect the pathology of disease growth. This method is often used by doctors in gynecology and other medical fields.

Would you like to know what the histology examination itself means, how it is carried out and what it can show? Please read our material carefully.

What is histology?

This science is considered very important as it studies all the tissues of living organisms. Tissue is a collection of cells and structures between cells combined into one unified system. This system performs certain vital functions. The human body consists of 5 main types of tissues:

  • Epithelial
  • Muscular
  • Nervous
  • Connective
  • Blood

Each type has its own characteristics of structure and growth during the life process. The science of histology allows doctors to properly study the structure of the listed tissues, and therefore it is considered mandatory knowledge for every doctor of any field.

Pathological histology is a special science that studies tissue during various diseases and conditions that are not normal. Deep knowledge normal condition Each cell and organ of a person allows doctors and pathologists to detect pathology and then make the necessary diagnosis.

Today in medicine, this science is considered one of the most important among other examination methods. There are laboratories that perform histological examinations in almost any medical center.

Histology examinations often carried out in surgical departments, obstetrics, and gynecology. It is considered mandatory to examine tissues using this method after the death of the person himself in order to establish the cause of death and determine the presence of diseases.

Besides, histological examination method helps to establish a reliable diagnosis if the death is related to crime. Using this method, the exact time of the injuries is determined. The limitation period for wounds is established. Such processes are carried out in special laboratories with people who have the appropriate education. The data obtained helps law enforcement agencies investigate a particular crime.

What can a histology analysis show?

With help histological examination The doctor can examine the tissue or organ at the cellular level.

This method makes it possible to detect following processes in organism:

  • Inflammatory processes in acute or chronic form.
  • Find hemorrhages, blood clots and other disorders associated with the circulatory system.
  • Find new formations, find out what they are: benign or malignant.
  • Determine level malignant formation if the doctors noticed cancerous tumor.

Very often, examination of a scraping of the surface of the uterus allows you to determine the presence of any changes on different days of menstruation. The results obtained during such examinations make it possible to find out how the ovaries work. And this, in turn, is very important data that makes it possible to cure many diseases, for example, female infertility.

When examining the cervix with this method, it is possible to detect diseases that have just begun to develop, if, of course, conservative treatment does not bring positive results.

Histological analysis: how does the process itself occur?

Many people do not even know how a histology test is carried out. The examination has nothing in common with other methods familiar to people. Depending on the organ being studied, the form of analysis has some differences. The patient can take:

  • Smear
  • Fabric cut
  • Film from fabric
  • Imprint

The collection process must always be carried out carefully, and the doctor himself follows clear examination rules. As soon as the doctor receives a piece of tissue, he places it in a bowl with formaldehyde or ethanol, makes a thin section and stains it using special drug. The methods for painting fabric sections also have some differences. Hematoxylin or eosin are often used for such procedures. After the drug begins to act on the tissue, they change their color.

For example, due to hematoxylin nucleic acids acquire a bluish color. But the proteins turn red after contact with this drug. After the doctor completes all the procedures, he begins to examine the resulting sample. For work, he takes an electron microscope, with which he looks for pathogenic and very dangerous cells.

There is also another method for performing histology. Sometimes tissue sections are placed in balm.

An examination is carried out using different microscopes. With help:

  • Light microscope
  • Scanning microscope
  • Electron microscope
  • Fluorescence microscope and so on

When a phase contrast microscope is used, doctors can view samples that cannot be examined with conventional technology. The required sample is collected using a special puncture needle, trapezoid bone, or aspiration.

How is the histological examination technique prepared?

Making such equipment is a very complex process. It includes the following steps:

  • Fixation. It is used to preserve the intravital structure of tissues and each cell. Prevents them from decomposing bacterially, digests cellular enzymes. This step requires a fixative liquid such as formalin.
  • Wiring. Dehydration of tissues occurs, which are prepared for the next stage, that is, for pouring. The tissue and fixing liquid is removed, and then the fabric is impregnated with paraffin and becomes much harder. This is necessary to ensure that the cutting of the fabric is of better quality. If the tissue remains soft, it may wrinkle, making it difficult to detect pathology. Previously, wiring was done in several stages and manually. Today this process has been significantly improved.
  • Filling. It is needed to create a solid block, which is then cut. The fabric is filled with paraffin in small cassettes. As a result, a small block of paraffin is formed.
  • Cutting. Thin sections are made using microtomes. These devices have thin and very sharp blades.
  • Coloring. In order to carry out microscopy of tissue, it is stained. Before this, the slice is placed on a special glass and straightened. To conduct additional examination, a huge number of staining methods have been developed. The most ideal method is chosen by the doctor himself. It all depends on the purpose of the examination. Painting is carried out using automatic machines or manually.

  • Conclusion. The final stage is placing the painted piece under glass. This is done using a special product that has a transparent structure and has the ability to refract light. This stage makes it possible to keep the fabric unchanged for several years. This is necessary, for example, to resume the investigation after 1 year, 2 years, and so on.

The histological examination method is considered accessible and provides accurate information. It allows you to detect a large number of diseases, determine the nature of the disease and the level of severity. As a result, the attending doctor can prescribe the necessary treatment.

When is a histological examination carried out?

The duration of the examination depends on several important factors. If the laboratory has old equipment, it means that the analysis takes a long time. But there is no such thing medical institution, which could give accurate results later 7 days. Typically, the average time to complete a survey is 10 days.

  • Sometimes other factors also influence the timing. For example, the professionalism of medical staff, the delivery time of the tissue being studied, the quality of the reagents used.
  • If the institution where tissue sampling is planned is equipped with its own laboratory, then the examination time is greatly reduced. If the tissue examination is planned to be carried out in a completely different city, then the time will increase by several days.
  • There is only one method that allows you to conduct an examination in the shortest possible time - this is an express examination. This examination is carried out during surgery if the doctor needs to make the right decision.
  • As a rule, ultrasound or CT helps to detect and identify the nature of the tumor. Consequently, doctors are already giving a tentative conclusion about how the operation will proceed. But sometimes, during tissue incision, the resulting neoplasm does not correspond to the previously stated prognosis.
  • Express research– a method that quickly determines the presence of cancer cells in tissues. When they are detected, the zone expands surgical intervention, since in this case it is necessary to remove the tissues that control the neoplasm.

Can histological examination be erroneous?

People who receive an examination report indicating the presence of a cancerous tumor dream that there is an error in it. It's a pity, but there are never any mistakes in such research. If this happens, it is very rare.

This method is considered the most accurate, and therefore it allows you to detect cancer cells and the reasons why they arose. Despite the fact that the method is the most accurate, doctors say that there is a small percentage of erroneous, incorrect results. But if the sample collection and examination process are followed correctly, such errors are simply excluded.

Video: Carrying out histological analysis

Histological examination biopsy material carried out after various endoscopic procedures and operations involving taking a sample for analysis. Its task is not only to detect cancer cells, but also any pathological changes in tissues. Histological examination helps to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

What is it prescribed for?

Histological examination is a microscopic examination of biomaterial taken from the patient’s pathological focus. This is the most accurate method for detecting dangerous cells, it is a mandatory procedure in examining a patient with suspected cancer. The value of its results is incomparable to ultrasound or x-rays.

Objectives of histological examination:

  • establishment, confirmation, clarification or refutation of serious diagnoses;
  • detection of oncology at an early stage;
  • confirmation or refutation of the malignancy of neoplasms;
  • establishing the stage and dynamics of the tumor process;
  • discovery of the most effective drugs for further treatment;
  • checking the effectiveness of therapy by analyzing changes in tissues;
  • diagnostics of the condition of organs in severe pathologies, for example, cirrhosis of the liver;
  • obtaining data for a planned operation, etc.

To receive detailed advice, you must make an appointment with a specialist in medical Center. The doctor will determine the advisability of a biopsy and the type of intervention.

The price of the study directly depends on the complexity of the procedure.

Such procedures are planned in advance (except for urgent biopsies during surgery). Manipulations of taking biomaterial for research require patient preparation.

The biopsy is performed under anesthesia, so you should not eat or drink before the procedure. It is necessary to do a blood test to check for a number of infections. The patient is given recommendations regarding the elimination of certain drugs several days before the study.

Clinics use several ways to take biopsy material for histological examination.

Biopsy sampling technique



Taking material with a thick hollow needle by puncture of the pathological focus. As a result of the manipulation, columns of tissue are obtained.


Cutting off part of an organ or tumor during surgery.


Suction of contents with a vacuum from pathological formations, for example, uterine fibroids or nodes in the thyroid gland.


Excision of an entire organ or neoplasm followed by cutting out fragments from it for analysis.


Taking a sample with special biopsy forceps during bronchoscopy, colonoscopy, FGDS, etc.

The procedure of scraping from the walls of natural and pathological cavities, for example, the uterus. The resulting material is sent to the laboratory.

Used most often in gynecology. Involves taking a smear from the mucous membrane.

In medicine, there are other methods of collecting biomaterial for histology.

Technique of the procedure

Laboratories use two methods for performing histological examination:

  • traditional;
  • urgent.

The first is used routinely, the second - during surgical interventions.

Traditional way

This method is used for routine biopsy, the period for obtaining results is 5-7 (sometimes 10-14) days. Fabric samples are dyed special compounds, which makes it possible to distinguish elements of cells or tissue. The nuclei are stained with one color, and a contrast dye is used for the cytoplasm.

Next, the samples are filled with molten paraffin and cut into microlayers 1-8 microns thick. The resulting plates are applied to a glass slide, dried and examined under a microscope. One of the main advantages traditional method the fact that the samples are stored on glass for an unlimited time and the patient can receive them in person. If desired, you can double-check the diagnosis.

Urgent method

The accelerated method allows you to examine samples within 1 hour. This method is valuable when the surgeon must make an immediate decision to remove or preserve the organ of the patient being operated on. The biomaterial is not treated with paraffin. It is frozen, cut into layers, placed on a glass slide and stained. The samples are then examined under a microscope.

Material collection rules

The reliability of the results of histological examination largely depends on compliance with the rules for taking a biopsy sample.

General standards for the collection and storage of biomaterial:

  1. Biopsy procedures are performed with a sharp instrument to avoid deformation of the material.
  2. A biopsy sample from a pathological formation is taken from the center and at the border with healthy tissue.
  3. Recommendations for the excised specimen: small size, flat shape, thickness 3-5 mm. These conditions are necessary for uniform fixation of the biopsy specimen.
  4. After collecting the material, it is immediately placed in a container with neutral formaldehyde (10%). The ratio of the volume of biomaterial and fixative should be 1:10.
  5. Do not place multiple biopsy samples in one container.
  6. The container with formaldehyde is tightly closed to prevent evaporation of the contents and drying out of the biopsy specimen.
  7. Dividing biomaterial into parts for sending to several laboratories is strictly prohibited. Pathological changes can be detected only in one part of the tissue being examined. This may lead to conflicting results.
  8. The sample is labeled (name of the patient, where the tissue was taken from, date) and sent to the pathohistology laboratory.

Decoding the results

The pathologist draws up a report with a detailed description of the detected morphological changes in the tissues and makes a preliminary diagnosis.

The patient is given a report form with a detailed description of the results of the pathological examination. It is not recommended to interpret the data obtained on your own. Interpretation of histology results, making a final diagnosis and prescribing treatment is solely within the competence of a qualified physician.

The results of such studies contain virtually no errors and provide comprehensive information for making a diagnosis. Except in cases where an insufficient volume of biomaterial has been collected or changes in tissue are insignificant. Errors are also possible if the biopsy sample is collected and stored incorrectly.

Modern medicine is based on various laboratory tests. A variety of tests helps to accurately and quickly diagnose the patient and begin treatment. Biological body fluids and tissues are examined various organs. There are well-known diagnostics: general analysis blood or urine, there are more rare ones. One of important analyzes prescribed for strict indications is histological analysis.

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Examination of biomaterial under a microscope

Such a popular study as histological diagnosis is carried out only for certain diseases. The main task of this diagnostic method is to identify cancer cells from which malignant tumors can grow, as well as to study existing tumors to determine whether they are malignant or benign. A histological examination is carried out to analyze any tissue of the human body, regardless of the organ system and medical field. The results contained in the conclusion of the histological analysis are highly informative and reliable.

The results of histological diagnosis are final and confirm all examinations of the patient carried out before: ultrasonography, MRI and CT, X-rays, etc. According to these methods, a preliminary diagnosis is made, and a histological examination establishes an accurate conclusion - a benign neoplasm in the patient or a cancerous tumor.

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Histological analysis is often prescribed after an ultrasound examination to confirm the diagnosis.

Histological examination is carried out different ways. The analysis involves the study of blood, organ tissue and mucous membrane secretions. The last type of diagnosis, a smear for histology, is widespread in gynecology and urology. The analysis has differences in the diagnostic procedure itself, but the quality of the study is the same in any case.

Methodology for performing histological analysis

Every person knows how tests are taken: for this, blood is taken from a finger or a vein. How is such a study, such as pathohistological, carried out? After all, this diagnosis requires taking tissue from internal organs. Having determined which organ of the body requires detailed study, its cells are collected. To do this, the doctor can do:

  • smear;
  • imprint;
  • slice;
  • film.

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Collection of biomaterial for histological analysis using tissue puncture method

If a study such as pathohistological requires examination of internal organs, local or general anesthesia will be required. Smears are taken “live”, without anesthesia, as this is a painless procedure. Some types of tissue collection require hospitalization, others require a standard visit to the clinic. As soon as organ tissue is removed from the patient's body, it is immediately placed in a solution of ethanol or formaldehyde, designed to preserve the cells and prevent them from dying. Next, special reagents are added to the tissue sample, which stain various substances in different colors.

When all components of the sample are colored, the analysis itself is performed. A laboratory technician examines the cells of a microorganism under a microscope to determine their danger and threat to the health and life of the patient.

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The next research method is to preserve the obtained samples. Using special balms, organ parts can be provided long-term storage. Such balms are used to transport samples to clinics (when the laboratory is located in another city) and study in various ways. This “preservation” helps to carry out analysis several days after the samples were taken from the patient. Histology is performed using various microscopes: light, scanning, electronic, etc., but the choice of equipment does not affect the quality of the results obtained.

The phase contrast microscope is considered the most accurate and reliable. Thanks to this equipment, a laboratory technician can study in detail such features of the resulting sample that cannot be seen using conventional microscopes.

What will histological analysis tell you?

Histological examination requires strict indications. It is impossible to undergo it as a preventive screening, since it checks a specific organ, and not the general state of health. The analysis is carried out for patients who have certain health problems, namely tumors, the nature of which can be malignant.

Indications for histology are:

  • clarification of the nature of the developing neoplasm;
  • clarifying the reasons why pregnancy does not occur;
  • women's health analysis genitourinary system;
  • determination of inflammation in the stomach and intestines.

Almost half of the cases when a diagnosis such as histology is prescribed is a suspicion of a cancerous tumor in the human body. Moreover, not only the formed tumors are studied, but also the tissues of organs in which neoplasms could potentially arise. This analysis is also effective for diagnosing the condition of the digestive, reproductive and reproductive systems men and women.

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Time frame for histological analysis

The duration of the study depends on many factors. The more outdated the equipment is in the laboratory, the longer it will take to wait for a histological answer. But no clinic will perform the analysis earlier than 7 days in advance. On average, histology takes up to 10 days.

Factors such as the professionalism of the staff, the speed of delivery of the sample being studied to the laboratory, compliance with the rules for its transportation, and the quality of the reagents used may also affect the deadlines. If the clinic where the biomaterial is collected has its own laboratory, then the time required to complete the study is significantly reduced. If the diagnosis is performed in another city (usually a regional or district center), then the time period increases by several more days.

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But the shortest method of histology is express diagnostics. It is performed during surgical intervention, helping to make decisions about the course of surgery. Usually, ultrasound and CT scan, and therefore doctors are already guessing how the operation will go. But often, when tissue is dissected, the detected tumor does not correspond to predictions. Express diagnostics helps to quickly determine whether there are cancer cells in tissues. If they are detected, the area of ​​surgical intervention will be expanded, since all tissues with which the tumor had contact must be removed.

How to decipher the results obtained

The conclusion of the histological examination is given to the patient or (if the diagnosis is carried out in another city) sent to the attending physician. IN Lately results are sent to patients by e-mail (preliminary version), and a wet-stamped form, if necessary, can be received in person at the laboratory or by letter.

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The main result of the study will be the answer to whether there are cancer cells in the patient’s body or to a certain body there is no danger. But to answer this question, you need to correctly decipher the parameters specified in the survey form. Therefore, the interpretation of the results obtained is carried out by the treating specialist, who referred the patient for analysis.

The analysis form contains various information. First of all, these are the patient’s personal data, as well as the date and time of collection of the biomaterial. The type of tissue sent for histology, as well as the organ whose cells require study (the place where the biomaterial is taken), must be indicated. The following data is the type of examination (smear, section, print, etc.), the equipment used for diagnostics (type of microscope), as well as the names of the reagents used in the analysis and chemical substances. The final information is a conclusion about the nature of the cells of the organ under study.

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If pathologies are found in the test sample, the conclusion will be quite extensive. It indicates not only the type of cells (benign or malignant), but also all deviations from healthy values, detected in the sample under study. Explain in detail the meaning of all terms and Latin words The attending physician will help. He will establish the final diagnosis and choose the method of treatment. Features of treatment, chances of recovery and preventive measures can also be discussed with a specialist.

Histology results contain only information about the pathologies present in the tissues of the organ under study. The histology analysis form does not include any recommendations for treatment.

How long does a histology analysis take?

Many people do not know how to take a histology test. The research is unlike any of the usual methods. Depending on which organ needs to be checked, the form of analysis varies: smears, prints, sections or tissue films. The analysis algorithm must be accurate and all research rules must be followed.

After the doctor receives a piece of tissue, it must be placed in formaldehyde or ethanol, cut into a thin section and stained with special means. Methods for dyeing cut fabrics also vary. The most commonly used is hematoxylin and eosin. Due to exposure to dyes, the color of the fabric composition changes.

For example, hematoxylin stains nucleic acids in Blue colour, and with its help the whites turn red. After the procedures are completed, the specialist examines the prepared sample using an electron microscope for the presence of pathogenic and dangerous cells. But there is another way to conduct histology.

In some cases, tissue sections are placed in a special balm or paraffin. Various microscopes allow you to conduct research: light, scanning, electronic, fluorescent and others. The use of a phase contrast microscope helps to view images of samples that cannot be seen with conventional microscopy. The required tissue sample is collected by puncture needle, bone trepanation, or by aspiration (penetration into the respiratory tract).

To the question of how long it takes to perform histology, each clinic gives its own answer. On average, the result of the study becomes known 7-10 days after taking a tissue sample. The time it takes to obtain the result also depends on the availability of your own laboratory on the territory of the medical institution. With the existing laboratory, the time required for performing histology is significantly reduced. When ordering a histological examination from a third-party laboratory, delivery of the result may take 2-3 days or more.

There is also express diagnostics, which is carried out in the operating room. If during surgery a patient is suspected of having malignant tumors, a tissue sample can be examined under a microscope in a short period of time. At positive result the surgeon must perform an extended operation, taking into account the rules for removing oncological formations.

What does the analysis of histology and cytology show in cancer?

For this we take:

  • Scraping from the surface of the cervix. Most often, the collection is carried out if dysplasia (neoplasia) is suspected - a precancerous condition caused by infection with papillomavirus.
  • Various liquids– urine, blood, washing water, wound contents, nipple discharge. Samples that were obtained through punctures of the spinal cord, joints and fluid collections.
  • Postoperative scrapings from incisions, removed organs and neoplasms.

The resulting liquid media are applied to a glass slide and stained. The most common painting methods:

  • Papanicolaou test used to diagnose cervical dysplasia. Precancerous pathologies are detected in this area.
  • According to Leishman - a method in which the stained sample is brighter than with Papanicolaou staining. This allows you to determine not only cellular features, but also infectious agents.

Cytological technology makes it possible to:

  • Detect malignant neoplasms. The smears identify cancer cells characteristic of a certain type of tumor. Viewing slides for oncological pathologies shows the presence of the disease earlier than other laboratory methods and long before the onset of symptoms.
  • Determine hormonal dysfunctions of the ovaries. When hormone production fails, the composition of the mucus in the tract changes, which is visible under magnification.
  • Detect dysplasia– a precancerous lesion in which tissue-cellular abnormalities appear regarding the shape, number of nuclei, size, and other changes in cellular-tissue parameters.
  • Identify signs of non-compliance with medical standards, characteristic of inflammatory, immune and other disorders.
  • Monitor wound healing.

Cytological laboratory testing is done quite quickly - from 1 to 5 days. The patient receives a form containing a large number of abbreviations, which are very difficult for a non-professional to understand. Terminology is English abbreviation for Bethesda.

Reduction What does it mean Decoding
NILM No pathological abnormalities There are no cancerous or other transformations
LSIL Minor changes in the integumentary tissue - epithelium Indicates a low likelihood of developing oncological processes
A.G.C. Modified glandular structures found Improperly developed gland cells can be of poor quality, but sometimes they are quite safe. Therefore, in such controversial situations, clarifying procedures are prescribed
AGC, Atypical glandular cells favor neoplastic. Atypical glandular cells Glandular formations similar to cancer were identified Diagnosis needs clarification
AGUS-NOS Vague atypical cells Incorrectly developed cells were found in the epithelial cover, which can be malignant or benign
ASC, ASC-US, ASC-H IN squamous epithelium there are modified structures
AIS, CIS, Carcinoma in situ Cancer is in place The very initial stage of the oncological process, when it has not yet spread and metastasized. Early detected malignancy is completely cured in almost 100% of cases
CIN 1, 2, CIN 3 Cervical neoplasia Precancerous atypia of the cervix. The number after the abbreviation CIN indicates the degree of degeneration - the higher it is, the deeper the atypical changes have penetrated
SIL Squamous dysplasia Precancerous condition of the epithelial membrane
HSIL Severe dysplastic process Pre-cancer. Perhaps malignancy has already begun, so the patient needs to be further examined
VaIN Precancer of the genital tract Although they are not oncological, they require medical attention
VIN 1,2,3 Neoplasia of the external genital area Precedes oncological transformation. The higher the number, the deeper the epithelial layer is affected

In oncology, histological examination of tissue is prescribed if there is a suspicion of a malignant change in tissue. There are many reasons for such an analysis - a changed mole, a suspicious formation on the skin, suddenly enlarged lymph nodes, compactions in tissues and organs (for example, thyroid gland). Also, histological analysis is mandatory after abdominal surgery.

When analyzing for cancer, histology and cytology reveal whether the sample taken corresponds to the generally known norm, if there are deviations from normal indicators. The analysis can reveal the presence of atypical cells and their degeneration into malignant ones. Cytology is usually prescribed as an auxiliary method to other medical techniques used in the diagnosis of cancer.

Viedorolik Elena Malysheva: What do the tests say? How to recognize cancer?

Histology - determination of tissue properties

In this case, not smears are taken, but pieces of skin, outer membranes, connective tissue structures, muscles, and nerves. To do this, a small part is separated from the suspicious area, which is then treated with paraffin. This will allow the sample to be subsequently cut into layers one micron thick.

Prepared sections are stained in an immunohistainer and then examined under magnifying instruments, identifying various deviations from the norm.


  • Tumor pathologies - histological techniques determine the degree of malignancy of the tumor in order to subsequently select the most appropriate tactics for its removal.
  • Clarification of the nature of the inflammatory or other pathological change.
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes against the background of oncological processes to exclude advanced oncological pathologies.
  • Infertility and gynecological disorders. In this case, the internal functional layer of the uterus - the endometrium - and the muscular layer - the myometrium are examined.
  • Microscopy of pieces obtained during operations, curettage and other medical procedures.

The analysis reveals:

  • Different kinds tumor foci, including metastases to the lymphatic system.
  • Precancer is a lesion prone to malignancy.
  • Inflammatory and other pathological disorders.
  • Blood stasis, thrombosis.

Histological analysis is a lengthy procedure, so it takes up to 2 weeks. After this period, the patient receives its results. Unfortunately, it is impossible to understand them without fundamental knowledge of medicine.

Results and interpretation of histology analysis

How to decipher a cancer diagnosis. For this, doctors around the world use a special classification adopted in all countries. This is the TNM classification where,

  • T is for seals.
  • N - involved in the lesion process The lymph nodes.
  • M - metastatic formations in body organs.
  • Often numbers are indicated with these Latin numerals, and additional symbols are also used, for example

  • TX tumor that appeared for the first time but was not evaluated.
  • NX - there is no way to understand how badly the lymph nodes are damaged.
  • Tis – malignant cells are present, but they have not reached deep levels.

The results of histology tests are given to the patient in the form of a written report. It will indicate whether there are or are not abnormalities in cells and tissues. But not everyone will be able to decipher the result. To correctly interpret histology analyses, the minimum required is medical education. Information about the study conducted is indicated on Latin using medical terms.

When contacting a private medical clinic, you will receive the conclusion in your hands. The form will contain the following information:

  • patient's personal data;
  • what type of tissue was taken for study;
  • sample collection site.

Next, the method and time of the study are indicated. What solutions were used to study the tissue samples taken - information is also indicated in the form. The main conclusion about the histology parameters is described at the very end. Don't worry if you see a lot of information. This does not mean that many abnormalities or pathologies have been found.

The specialist who conducted the study lists not only possible tumors, but also the detection of all tissues. You are unlikely to read the conclusion in Latin on your own. Therefore, after receiving the test results, consult a doctor, who will also advise you about possible treatment or preventive measures. Regardless of whether the histology results may be positive or negative, no recommendations are indicated in the conclusion.

Biopsy is not diagnostic

This is the name of a puncture or excision, during which fragments are taken for subsequent tissue-cellular examination. Therefore, biopsy tests do not exist. This term is completely incorrect.

There are several options for taking a biopsy:

  • Excision – Completely removed organs or tumor nodes are examined. Conducted after operations.
  • Scarification– cutting off a thin layer. It is used to identify superficial forms of oncological processes or other pathologies.
  • Incisional – only a part of the affected organ or a fragment of a formation is examined.
  • Plucked, in which a piece of biomaterial is taken with biopsy forceps.
  • Fine and thick needle– is carried out using sharp needles of different diameters inserted into a biopsy gun. When the device fires, the needle goes deep, cutting out a small “column” of stronger structures - bones, cartilage.
  • Loop – used to identify diseases of the genital area, urinary tract and ENT organs. In this case, samples are taken with a radio knife. The radio wave device immediately seals the vessels, preventing bleeding.
  • Strokes-imprints , taken from a wound or ulcer with a spatula or stiff brush.
  • Strokes obtained by applying a glass slide to the surface under study.

IN modern medicine All types of obtaining biomaterial, except for taking materials from the surface of the skin and outer membranes, are carried out under ultrasound or other hardware control. This makes it possible to carry out the procedure as accurately as possible and take pieces from the desired areas.

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Can a histology test be wrong?

Many patients, after receiving a histological conclusion about the presence of a malignant tumor, want the result to be erroneous. But, unfortunately, errors in histology are extremely rare. This research method is considered the most accurate and, in some studies, allows not only to determine the presence of malignant cells, but also the cause of their appearance.

With cancer, the color of urine changes, it becomes red and cloudy due to the increased number of leukocytes and red blood cells in it. Ketone bodies, proteins, sugars, as well as all kinds of bacterial agents are recorded. In addition, there may also be tumor markers in the urine that are visible to the doctor.

In modern medicine, more and more methods are used to study and detect various diseases, deviations from the norm, and neoplasms. Histology is one such method.

This is the direction in scientific medicine, which is at the intersection of cytology and embryology. With the advent of this research method, it became possible to identify conditions that previously could only be judged by late stages development of the disease.

Histology is a direction in biology and medicine that studies the condition of the entire organism through various tissues of human organs.

A histology study is carried out by taking a tissue sample of an organ and examining it in detail with a microscope. Very often, histology is used in the field of gynecology and oncology.

What does histology study?

When conducting histological examination, the main attention is paid to the study of human body tissues at the cellular level. It is such a detailed study that allows doctors to accurately diagnose an illness or prevent the development of such a terrible disease as cancer.

Types of tissues studied by histology This science already at the cellular level helps to establish any pathological process

, starting in healthy organs. With the help of microscopy, it is possible to identify mutations in organs, foreign bodies and the emergence of oncological tumors.

Histology analysis is considered a very important and most informative type of research in gynecology. Women Health generally depends on the functioning of the genital organs, so warning various diseases or their treatment is already on early stages can significantly improve the patient’s standard of living.

With the help of histology, it has become possible to determine the causes of infertility or miscarriage in young women with similar problems. Many gynecological diagnoses can be made only after this examination.

In gynecology, there are 5 main types of histological studies:

Type of study Indications and features of the procedure
Definition of OncologyIt is carried out when new formations or tumors of unknown nature (benign or malignant) are detected at an appointment or after an ultrasound scan. To determine their quality, diseased tissues are collected for further research.
Analysis for miscarriage or frozen pregnancy, infertilityIt is carried out to establish the true cause of what happened. Explains the causes of infertility
Uterine tissue analysisAllows you to determine the causes of bleeding, pain, the nature of neoplasms, and the quality of the endometrium.
Ovarian tissue examinationPrescribed for any detected types of tumors.
Histological examination of the cervixIt is carried out by cutting out a small part of the cervical tissue for examination. The study gives an idea of ​​the presence of erosions, condylomas, oncology, and dysplasia.


Histology is a study that necessarily requires compelling evidence.

The gynecologist must prescribe a histological examination, in addition to other tests, if the following complaints and symptoms are detected:

  • pain syndrome of unknown origin in the lower abdomen;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process;
  • prolonged bleeding;
  • abortion;
  • in case of miscarriage or discovery of a frozen pregnancy;
  • examination of fetal tissue in case of abnormalities during pregnancy;
  • the appearance or removal of all new formations;
  • heterogeneous endometrium according to ultrasound results;
  • the presence of many cysts on the ovaries;
  • leukoplakia;
  • studying after removal the qualitative composition of cells of papillomatous formations and polyps.

Timely diagnosis facilitates early initiation of treatment.

Histological examination of the endometrium

The study of the inner layers of tissue of the cervix and the uterus itself, called the endometrium, allows you to monitor the functioning of the ovaries, diagnose any pathologies and diseases on the initial stages, identify endometrial hyperplasia.

To collect materials for laboratory research scraping is carried out from internal walls uterus. If bleeding continues, do not wait until your scheduled period begins; tissue sampling is carried out immediately.

After curettage, the stained tissues are sent to the laboratory for analysis. Sometimes the Van Gieson technique is used for these purposes.

On stained sections, you can determine the features of the endometrium and its structure. Healthy, unchanged glands differ from sick ones in shape; they have a saw-tooth shape, with lightly colored cytoplasm. And there must be a secret inside them.

Histology of the cervix

Histology of tissues taken from the cervix is ​​carried out if there is concern about the occurrence of precancerous, precancerous conditions or the presence of inflammation in this organ. A small particle of material is taken from the surface of the neck for analysis; the sampling is performed without opening it.

Small changes detected after the study most often indicate the presence of inflammation, erosion or benign tumor. A large number of changed cells indicate a precancerous condition and the presence of a malignant neoplasm.

Histology of the uterus

To prescribe a histological examination of the uterus, indications are needed, such as abdominal pain of an unclear nature in the lower part, uterine bleeding, formations and tumors when palpating the organ.

The collection of material for examination is carried out simultaneously during hysteroscopy for diagnostic purposes.

This intervention is an examination of the internal tissues and surface of the uterus using an optical device specially designed for this procedure, called a hysteroscope. The doctor removes a piece of tissue under anesthesia (usually general, but sometimes only anesthesia is used). Selected tissues are sent for histological examination, which will help determine the cause of disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive organ and distinguish malignant tumor

from benign (for example, fibroids).

Ovarian histology

Ovarian histology is performed by inserting a puncture needle through the abdominal wall. It penetrates into the ovaries themselves and selects material for analysis directly from questionable areas (cystic or tumor in nature). The process of tissue collection is carried out under the control of an ultrasound machine, this allows tissue collection specifically from areas that cause suspicion.

Histology is a study that can be carried out to determine the causes of a frozen pregnancy. In this case, tissue obtained from the deceased embryo is sent to the laboratory for research. Starting from the 2nd trimester, the dead fetus has to be removed by curettage of the internal cavity of the uterus.

Causes of frozen pregnancy. Statistics

Histology analysis helps determine the causes of missed abortion in order to prevent recurrence of the situation.

Thus, it is possible to determine what caused the death of the embryo - viruses or infections, especially genital infections, diabetes or hormonal imbalance in a woman, abnormal structure of the genital organs.

Histology after curettage

Curettage of the uterus and its cavity is a complex process of collecting the endometrium, so it is performed in the operating room under anesthesia or anesthesia. The procedure takes more than half an hour. When curettage, the material is collected with a curette. All received biological material

collected in a test tube and sent to the laboratory. Indications for this procedure are problems with pregnancy (miscarriage, infertility), endometrial hyperplasia. Also, material can be collected when removing the placenta remaining after childbirth.

After curettage, tissue samples obtained directly from the uterus itself are examined. To do this, part of the epithelium is removed and the material is biologically selected after it is removed from the uterus.

At what period of the cycle is tissue sampling performed?

Tissue collection for histological examination is carried out immediately before the onset of menstruation to minimize blood loss. Interference with the body's functioning in the middle or end of the cycle can cause bleeding, early onset of menstruation and subsequent disruptions. Only the attending physician himself has the right to appoint a day for collecting material for histology analysis. There is no need to worry before performing the procedure, since collecting the material will not bring painful sensations or discomfort. Inside the uterus and genitals there is a minimal number of nerve endings that are responsible for pain or.


Preparing for analysis

Most often, before sending for a histology analysis, the attending physician prescribes a number of other studies.

  • For example:
  • blood analysis;
  • smears for cytology;

If the results of these tests raise suspicions of more serious abnormalities, then histological examination will help establish an accurate diagnosis. Since the collection of material is most often carried out in a hospital setting, the date of the test is set in advance, by agreement with the doctors who perform the collection of the endometrium and the study itself.

To obtain more reliable results, it is recommended to refrain from: 1-3 days before the appointed date:

Toilet the genitals should only be done using warm water without using any intimate hygiene gels.

Within a couple of weeks, the patient should stop taking any medications unless they are absolutely necessary, and nutritional supplements. The doctor should be warned in advance about the use of any medications, since some of them may affect blood clotting.

How is a histology analysis done?

To obtain tissue samples, several basic methods of collecting material are used:

The correctly chosen method of removing material for analysis and its volume influence the obtaining correct result. Therefore, it is very important for the physician to select the appropriate sample collection method for each particular case.

Histology is a complex study that must be carried out by a pathologist who is a specialist in the study of tissues human body. After collecting the material, it is important to properly prepare the tissue for examination.

To do this, the required steps are carried out:

  • fixation of tissues in a special liquid that prevents tissue breakdown and rotting;
  • dewatering of material (or wiring) for compaction;
  • filling the material with paraffin or another suitable preparation, thus obtaining a solid block from which sections are made;
  • cutting a solid block with a special microtome into thin plates;
  • staining the thinnest plates on glass slides with special preparations;
  • conclusion - covering the resulting sections with another glass slide with a special medium that facilitates their long-term storage;
  • studying the resulting preparation under a modern (electron, light, scanning, fluorescent) microscope.

In cases where accelerated analysis is required, emergency freezing of the obtained tissues is carried out right in the operating room, the prepared materials are cut into thin layers and the preparations from them are studied under a microscope.

What does histology analysis show?

It is necessary to prescribe a histological analysis in cases where it is necessary to confirm the presence of cancer cells in the body. The study will show their presence even in the earliest stages of the disease, which are asymptomatic. This will help you start treatment in a timely manner and achieve a full recovery.

A histology test performed after a miscarriage or other pregnancy problems will reveal the causes of these problems. Reproductive doctors have great success in combating various causes of infertility with the help of this research.

The main thing is to make an accurate diagnosis and find out the nature of the disease, otherwise “blind” treatment will not only not produce results, but can also cause harm.

Also, histology can show the condition of the organs of the female genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract to determine the presence or absence of inflammation, abnormalities in the development of organs or other pathologies.

How long does a histology analysis take?

The time it takes to receive the results of a histology test depends on the clinic the patient goes to. But if the laboratory test is carried out correctly, you will have to wait at least a week for the conclusion. Usually, you can pick up the finished result within 10 days.

The period may increase if the clinic where the material was collected does not have its own laboratory. In such cases, the selected materials are prepared on the territory of the collection site and taken for research. Delivery of tissues and then results may take 2-3 days.

If during surgery there is a suspicion of malignant neoplasm, the operating surgeon takes the material directly in the operating room, and a tissue specialist immediately conducts a rapid analysis. If concerns about the presence cancers are confirmed, the oncological neoplasm is immediately removed.

Results and interpretation of histology analysis

The pathologist is responsible for the analysis itself, its conduct and the issuance of results, but the decoding and interpretation of the results issued is the responsibility of the attending physician. Correct diagnosis he must make a diagnosis based on the results of not only histology, but also all other prescribed studies, such as blood tests, urine tests, and smears.

Having discovered many unfamiliar Latin words and symbols in a written conclusion, you should not panic and draw premature conclusions. The result is always given in the form of Latin terms, so without the appropriate education, there is no way to understand it.

The conclusion of a private laboratory must indicate the time and place of collection of the studied sample, the type of tissue examined, as well as information about the solutions used during the research process. The result is described at the end of the form; no recommendations for treatment are indicated there.

Can a histology test be wrong?

Histological analysis, like any other, can be erroneous. But histology, as experts say, is the most accurate method of research that the percentage of erroneous results is very small.

Its unreliability can be determined by conducting a repeat study. In any case, when making a complex diagnosis, such as oncology, the doctor will refer the patient for additional examination to confirm the presumptive diagnosis.

The patient also has the right to request a sample of his material at the place of analysis in order to send it for study to another laboratory.

The indicators will be more accurate if a larger amount of material has been studied and selected correct method tissue collection. Incorrect collection and subsequent incorrect storage of tissues will also give an incorrect interpretation of the analysis. It is important to choose a clinic and doctor who have experience, positive reviews and the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct such complex studies.

What to do after receiving the result

After the patient receives the result from the laboratory, it is worth waiting for a consultation with the attending physician. There is no point in decrypting the received data yourself, since only an experienced attending physician will be able to correctly interpret them, based on previously obtained results of other tests and the patient’s medical history.

If the specialist has doubts, he will refer the patient for re-examination. And if the patient himself has doubts and uncertainty about his doctor, he can turn to another doctor with all his tests. In the same way, you can send your material for study to another laboratory.

There is no need to panic when receiving a referral for a histological examination. Histology will help identify and prevent the development of cancer.

This is a study that allows an accurate diagnosis to be made at the earliest stages of the disease, and even in a precancerous state. In this case, it is very important to find out about the disease as early as possible. In addition, histology will help solve the problem of infertility and miscarriage. Now this is especially true for many dozens of families.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about histology

How is histological examination performed: