
How to quickly learn English. How to learn English quickly and easily

English is one of those rare disciplines that thousands of adults strive to learn. Alas, not everyone can boast that they have actually learned it over the years of study. But life demands, the employer demands, and sometimes the soul also demands. Let's try to figure out which strategy is best to use when besieging a fortress called " English language"and what is the probability of its conquest.

Motivation for learning a foreign language

Let's start with the main thing - what motives prompt you to do this. They are the ones who, as a rule, determine the outcome of the entire undertaking. According to my observations, everyone who wants to learn English can be divided into approximately 4 groups. If you arrange them in order of increasing chances of success, you get the following:

1. My husband (wife) speaks excellent English and shames me that I can’t put together two words. And I will take it and prove it!

You can't imagine a worse motivation! It contains a powerful negative towards the subject being studied. After all, in fact, what you need is not a language, but the love and acceptance of a partner, while English acts as a barrier between you and a loved one. Who loves obstacles like this, raise your hand! Nobody? I guessed this, because I don’t remember a single successful case of learning a language with such motivation. And if you are going to a tutor or to a course with bitter thoughts about your own imperfection, then it is better not to waste your money.

2. We need to finally learn it, otherwise English is everywhere around. And in general it can be useful.

The goal is quite vague, and success can only be achieved if you find a talented teacher who can truly interest the student in Complex Object and irregular verbs, or you will suddenly discover remarkable abilities for language. Otherwise, after 10-15 lessons you will give up on everything and decide that happiness is not in English.

3. At work, knowledge of the language is required - for business trips and communication with foreign partners and colleagues.

Good motivation, in most cases leading to success (of course, adjusted for the student’s abilities). The reason for failure in this case is dislike for the work itself.

4. English is needed for a specific personal purpose: getting a job, marrying a foreigner, passing a language exam to study abroad.

Such motivation is a real gift for a teacher! With a successful choice of learning method, the result is almost guaranteed.

Where to go to study?

So, you have determined your motivation and assessed the likelihood of success. Now the classic question arises: where to go to study?

1. Courses (language school) in Russia

This option is good for those whose motivation is vague, and whose level of knowledge is either zero, or what in the methodology is usually called false beginner - “false beginner” (I once taught, but forgot everything). The same teacher will always conduct group classes more interesting and lively than individual ones, if only due to the fact that he will be able to use more activities - ways of practicing the material. Well, a competitive atmosphere, of course, is much more conducive to mastering English than one-on-one lessons.

How to choose courses?

The first method is similar to the one with which we select good doctor, hairdresser - based on recommendations from friends. The second is based on my own impressions. A self-respecting institution is unlikely to deny you the right to attend one lesson, and if it refuses, then this is a reason to think about whether you should connect your language future with this school. But if after the first lesson you want to take a second one, then feel free to bring the money to the cashier.

Attention: native speakers as teachers are not an absolute plus! Be sure to ask if they have a pedagogical education or at least experience working as a teacher in Russia. After all, English-speaking people may simply not understand the difficulties we face. For example, an English teacher may not pay enough attention to practicing the use of "am", "is" and "are". How does he know that in Russian these forms of the verb “to be” (“is”, “is”, “essence”) have long disappeared from the language? Therefore, sometimes even those language schools where exclusively native speakers teach are sometimes forced, at the request of an entry-level group, to invite Russian-speaking teachers.

2. Tutor

It is better to contact him if you are faced with specific goal— after all, only with a tutor you will be able to organize classes as convenient as possible for yourself in terms of time and format. For example, if at work you deal with logistics, then in the courses no one will give you vocabulary on this topic specifically for you, and you will simply set such a task for the tutor, and he must complete it.

Attention: during the selection process, state as clearly as possible what your goal is, and ask with passion whether he has experience working with the vocabulary you need. For example, if you import goods from abroad (which is why you learn an international language), and the prospective tutor has never translated negotiations or corresponded on this topic in his life, then his lessons are unlikely to be useful.

Where to look for a tutor?

Advertisements are hung on poles either by those who are just trying their hand at this profession, or by specialists who are not in much demand. Good professionals are passed from hand to hand, and sometimes a line forms for them. There are also specialized sites with the word “tutor” in the name, accessing which will not cost you anything - the commission is paid by the teacher himself. Those who are registered on these sites, as a rule, try very hard to satisfy customer requests as much as possible, since their rating and the number of orders depend on the reviews subsequently received by the administration.

3. An ideal combination of the two previous options - invite a tutor to your office and train a group of specialists

This requires initiative and organizational skills from you. But the effort is worth it! From experience I can say that a better way to learn a language within your native country has not yet been invented.

4. English courses abroad

How effective is it? You shouldn’t put excessive expectations into a two- to three-week trip. You will get a good result only if the family where you will be accommodated is suffering from lack of communication and is ready to regale you with conversations in the language you are learning from morning to night. If the members of this family prefer communication with a TV/computer or sound sleep, then the language environment - what you went to learn the language abroad for - shrinks to a minimum. Of course, a sociable person (by the way, think about whether you are one) will always be able to start a conversation on the street, in a store, or in a bar, but still... Still, find in the contract concluded with a travel agency a clause on the possibility of replacement families living during the learning process.

5. Conversations with an expat

Those whose knowledge is at the “Pre-Intermediate, moving to Intermediate” level can improve it in conversations with an expat (foreigner living in our country). This method is wonderful because, in addition to excellent language practice, you gain a wealth of knowledge about the country where your interlocutor is from. However, I emphasize that your level of English should be such that you can participate in at least a simple small talk. Expats offer their services on various websites. On some, you can listen to samples of teachers’ speech, look at photographs and evaluate their experience. Yes, expats’ time is not cheap – but the results are worth it!

6. On your own

You can keep your English in a state of alert without meeting native speakers. There would be self-discipline, and there would be plenty of materials for independent work! To begin with, a few words about such a classic option as reading. If your level of knowledge allows you to read only adapted books, then please, please, do not buy books from Russian publishing houses without the recommendation of a teacher. Yes, they are an order of magnitude cheaper than their Western counterparts, but their level (Beginner, Elementary, etc.) is determined by the authors according to the principle “as God dictates.” While in the Western methodology there are very clear criteria for how much vocabulary and grammar a student should know at each specific level. Publishing houses such as Penguin, Pearson-Longman, Oxford, Cambridge have been supplying the entire world market with adapted literature, divided into levels, for decades - and there are no equals in this area yet.

But, without wanting to offend my native country, I want to say that Speak Out magazine, published by Glossa Press, is a real treasure for everyone who learns English. The articles in it are always written or edited by native speakers (so no “Russian English”!), at the bottom of each page there is a glossary with transcription, and the most interesting topics are selected.

For visual lovers, there are educational series. One of the most loved by students all over the world is Extr@. You can download it in many places, for example, on the website, where it is conveniently divided into chapters. The language level is Elementary, gradually becoming Pre-Intermediate, the style is comedic, the actors’ pronunciation is excellent and very clear, the topics are universal (acquaintance, dating, job search, shopping, holidays, etc.). The main characters are two English girls and two guys, one is the girls’ compatriot, and the other is an Argentinean, who naturally came to learn English. Along the way, he teaches girls to dance tango and... In general, I wish you a pleasant viewing!

For those who consider themselves a serious person and much more advanced in language, I suggest watching popular science films from the BBC. But I don’t recommend feature films, unless, of course, you think that your language is at the Proficiency level. Fast, sometimes slurred speech, a lot of jargon, tricky jokes, unusual realities... It won't take long to reach a state of complete frustration!

Even more serious people can visit the TED website, where there is a huge selection of lectures on the most different topics. Practice shows that in general even those whose level is Pre-Intermediate can understand them. And if it is higher, then you can even enjoy the lectures. In general, the lecturer’s measured speech is exactly what a person learning any language needs.

Just don't try to learn English by watching the news! The speech of television and radio announcers is officially considered the fastest in the world.

7. International guest network СouchSurfing

To summarize, I want to say that English, like any other foreign language, will certainly be conquered by those who perceive it as a life-changing opportunity, and not as a dull duty. To the one who opens the textbook with joyful anticipation. To someone who takes advantage of the slightest opportunity to apply their knowledge. Do you know what case in my practice was the most successful? When a girl who recently broke up with her boyfriend decided to open up new horizons in life with the help of English. After two years of learning the language from scratch, she was invited to work on the Russian team of the Discovery Channel. Not a bad result, right?


Most effective way This is a job with regular use of English. Cramming from textbooks gives only a short-term effect; what you have learned is forgotten very quickly.

As a person who came to grips with old age and only then began to intensively study English (because school and university couldn’t leave anything in my head), I can say that the main thing in learning anything, not just a language, is self-motivation and perseverance. Just make “learning English” one of your main goals, even set a time frame if it’s convenient for you and just go for it. At one time I did just that and started doing literally everything in English: watching movies and TV series (on ororo you can watch with subtitles), reading books and short stories, listen to music and just TALK. Unfortunately, I don’t have friends with whom I could chat in English, so I signed up for group conversation classes at englishdom, which I’m incredibly happy about. This gave a very powerful impetus to the development of my English colloquial speech. So an adult can learn English, the main thing is to really want to do it!

11/19/2015 19:07:16, Mrs Beauty

Great article! Both useful and interesting! I enjoyed reading the article, thank you! I want to brag - I’ve already found an English tutor, I’ve looked into the World of Tutors for an English tutor, I haven’t used the services yet, I’m asking the price, but I’m sure that the knowledge gained will pay for all the costs and in the end I will achieve my dream - to learn English!

I studied English at the Linguist I school, from scratch to conversational level (I was preparing for a train abroad). I believe that studying in specialized schools is best option, at home you won’t be able to get your pronunciation right, and besides, not everyone is able not to be lazy and study at full capacity on their own. And as a linguist, for example, we also attended meetings with native speakers - very interesting events, excellent training specifically for the conversational level. We watched films in the original language, and studied, studied, studied... Perhaps these were my most vivid and useful impressions over the past year. Well, now I’m waiting for a trip to the city of my dreams - London, where I will finally try out the acquired skills in practice!

The article is very useful! But, unfortunately, not everyone is able to learn on their own. For example, no matter how much I try, it doesn’t work. I don't have enough patience and time. And, frankly speaking, laziness :) So at some point I freaked out and turned to the Moscow language school "Divelang". A huge advantage of this school is the opportunity to choose your own teacher. I just love it when the teacher is on the same page with the students. Still, with such people you feel easier. I wanted to learn English. After the first trial lesson, I signed up with teacher Dmitry. I was completely satisfied with his method of conducting classes. It was immediately obvious that the man was a true professional. Each lesson of Dmitry is special and unlike the previous one. Very pleased with my choice.
Well, needless to say, I now know the language perfectly :)

Thank you! The article is wonderful and very motivating. I agree 100% that not every native speaker is a good teacher, but if you find one, the language barrier goes away very quickly, plus this is an opportunity to learn about life in another country first-hand, and to look at life in Russia from the outside. There is a lot that is obviously perceived by them as something completely incomprehensible. Another great way to learn a language is to exchange knowledge with a foreigner. He is English to you - you are Russian to him. It's cheaper, more interesting and useful.

26.11.2012 15:11:01, Shokolat

The best attitude is cramming. I can’t do it through myself. Well, and a teacher who will push you.

Comment on the article “How can an adult learn English?
7 best strategies "

Recently I have been slowly trying to learn English. Well... I’m not only trying, I’m learning. Off topic, but the question is, how do you teach yourself >.


Of course to Australia! You want it yourself :)

Start preparing for some exam. For example, FCE, CAE. If a tutor is expensive, you can take courses. The preparation block will definitely include practical skills. For many people, some kind of “drive” is required, especially the amount of money paid is disciplined. I can also play sports myself, but I can only do it regularly in a club. Many people do the same with English. And the first rule in learning languages ​​is regularity of classes.

Then I’ll ask about children learning a foreign language. Do you think it makes sense to learn English from the age of 5 in the “2 times a week for an hour” mode?


one of the meanings is that when he goes to school, English will be his favorite subject, and not a nightmare. Because he will still know something in advance, and it will be easier for him + interest in foreign languages ​​at school will be discouraged immediately and for a long time. and if it (interest) already exists, then no school horror stories are scary

Under certain conditions it will be useful.

1. You are confident in the teacher and the quality of the classes. Unfortunately, in this area there is a very high probability of running into poor quality. In centers, beginners are often assigned to this age, those who do not speak their tongue in older groups. At the same time, I think, on the contrary, teaching children should be done by a person with an excellent language, plus have a special specialization in younger learners. Accordingly, such a specialist should be well paid, but in reality this is how payment works: parents are not morally ready to pay dearly for such classes (this is not the Unified State Exam :), plus, parents of children preschool age We are set up for free trial classes and recalculations for illness (at conference 4-7 in the spring I started a survey on this topic, the parents spoke unanimously). This attitude of clients practically makes it impossible to organize quality classes and adequately pay for the work of a great specialist. Centers find solutions: they hire inexperienced/unqualified teachers who can be paid little, they recruit many children into the group with the expectation that someone will always miss due to illness. And when everyone gathers, such an activity is no longer an activity, but a booth. Therefore, in most cases, the results of such activities are more than modest.

2.You as a parent are ready to ensure continuity of classes. Children quickly forget, and a month of vacation will give you a colossal setback, not to mention 3 months of vacation - it will be like a clean slate. If you are not ready to continue until school, do not start.

3. The parent provides a similar environment - videos, cartoons, songs.

4. Parents have realistic expectations of the results of such training. My youngest children are now 5, I put together a small group for them of that age. During the recruitment process, one mother asked me questions: what will the child be able to do at the end of the year. I told her the contents of the textbook, she was not impressed, apparently, she expected that in a year her little angel would babble fluently in English.

And yet, I see the advantages of early education, provided that all conditions are met, and I chose this path for my children. Apart from group classes, we don’t study at home, we just do homework. Within a month, the 5-year-olds completed their first unit.
We learned 4 colors, counting to 5 and each number separately (they didn’t know all of them in Russian, especially 3 and 4). 4 parts of the body, understand and perform simple commands Stand up, Color, Touch your head, Point. They know all the songs and chants by heart. My boys are worse than other girls in the group, because OHP. Yes, I consciously teach English to children with ODD - I don’t see any problems other than unclear sound pronunciation.

What results do I expect from this training, besides a very modest result in learning about 50-70 words per year? Children will get used to the sound of speech in another language, accumulate a passive vocabulary 2-3 times larger than what will be brought into active use, phonemic hearing will develop, there are a lot of elements of logorhythmics - all songs are sung with movements - this is also useful for general development Also. Development phonemic hearing will allow you to have good pronunciation and correct intonation of phrases in foreign language(the latter is practically impossible for many adult language learners). Passive perception of basic structures and bringing some of them into speech. This is a year without letters and learning to read. The letters will be in next year. The results are very pleasant and satisfying, although these activities take energy - don’t worry, mom. And in financial terms, this group is not commercially justified at all.

Problem with English. Son, 8th grade. This year I entered the lyceum in physics and mathematics. They are asked to learn large amounts of words, not only the translation word, but also the exact spelling.


Lingualeo. There is the best trainer for learning words. In fact, even I succeeded, and I’m a “hard nut to crack” ;) There you can learn 10 words a day for free. Give it a try. If you like it, buy it for a year, there are discounts very often. I played for several months, because I need to feed the lion with meatballs :) If only I had such a powerful and interesting resource in my childhood!!! I would know English without any teachers. Helped my son a lot at the time. In dictations, mine never scored below 5. And now there are so many new things that I want to try to learn again, even though it was scary in my summer...
Excellent development by our computational linguists.

Learning a foreign language, including English, is a painstaking and lengthy task. Many teachers answer the question: “how to quickly learn English”, “no way.” But if you suddenly face the need to master it in a short time, do not despair - it is still possible to do this. First, think about what fast means to you. If this is a period of 3-4 months, then congratulations - in such a time it is quite possible to learn English at a decent level. Of course, you won’t be able to master it 100%, and on the streets of Manchester you will be distinguished from a native a kilometer away, but you will be able to explain yourself and understand where you were sent.

Is it possible to learn English quickly?

What can you expect in a relatively short period of time - for example, 3 months of hard work? It all depends on your preparation. If we take the average option - school knowledge of the level “London is the capital of Great Britain“- then, with due diligence and perseverance, your approximate progress will look like this: You will learn to understand spoken language, distinguish individual words in it, explain yourself and express simple thoughts.

You will be able to correspond with foreigners and notice errors in Google’s automatic translation.

The most important thing. You will have a foundation for further language learning. All that remains is to increase your vocabulary and dive deeper into grammar.

Of course, for short period It will not be possible to master the language flawlessly in order, for example, to get a job as a translator. But it is quite possible to develop the skills necessary for communication and fluent reading. Naturally, subject to a responsible approach to business.

10 tips on how to quickly learn English while studying on your own

  1. Test yourself first. Before making a plan for learning English and starting practical classes, go through. After this, it will be easier for you to create your own program, find suitable theoretical materials, select textbooks and tutorials. You should not rely on your subjective opinion, since even “average” English proficiency comes in three types: pre-intermediate, intermediate and upper intermediate. And each of these types has its own curriculum.
  2. Plan your time. In order to quickly achieve results, try to create a study schedule so that you spend as much time as possible during the day practicing English. Consider not only the time allotted for classes, but also the free time that you can also devote to learning English: while on the road or doing household chores, listen to English, podcasts, radio stations, read English texts. If you are on social networks or just reading news on the Internet, go to English-language sites.
  3. Write as much as possible. As you know, recorded information is retained in memory longer than information simply heard. Therefore, if you want to learn English as soon as possible, try to write a lot in it, take notes on new material: rules of grammar and phonetics, teacher lectures, listened to audio recordings. Write messages and letters to your friends in English, write essays, create your own topics on popular topics. Try writing a news article or text for a newspaper article.
  4. Surround yourself with English. Change the language of your phone, computer, tablet to English, do the same with all the programs you use. If possible, replace all Russian-language sources of information with English-language ones: news, books, radio, correspondence with friends.
  5. Record your progress. Keep a diary and write down in it every day what useful things you have learned: new words, grammatical structures, pronunciation and accent features. Monitoring your progress is important because it provides additional motivation.
  6. Learn entire phrases. If you want to quickly top up your vocabulary new vocabulary, train yourself to memorize entire phrases at once, rather than individual words. This will help you understand the rules for constructing sentences and remember the context in which certain words are used. Also, with the help of phrases, you will learn new phraseological units and idioms, master the rules of using prepositions and conjunctions.
  7. Learn synonyms and antonyms. Another technique that will help you quickly learn many new words is to memorize the word in conjunction with its synonyms and antonyms. When you look up the meaning of a new word in the dictionary, pick up several synonyms and antonyms for it there, and learn them along with it. This way you will learn significantly more words and become familiar with word formation.
  8. Think in English. This is difficult to get used to, and it is unlikely that you will be able to bring this skill to automaticity, but try to force yourself to think in English through an effort of will. For example, if you are thinking about what to eat for dinner, go through the possible options in your head, but only in English.
  9. Visualize. Every time you learn a new word or concept, visualize it in your mind. Place stickers with names at home: on furniture, appliances, dishes, food. Use special flash cards with illustrations.
  10. Remember that mistakes are good. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, otherwise you risk losing your motivation and enthusiasm. Take courage and speak English with others, communicate in English video chats and ask them to point out your mistakes so that you can correct them later.

10 tips on how to speed up language learning by studying with a teacher

  1. Study with a teacher who really interests you. When choosing a teacher, pay attention to how comfortable you are with him and how well you understand each other. It is always advisable to be “on the same wavelength” with the teacher.
  2. Choose a teacher who already has students whom he has helped achieve their goals - to successfully pass the Unified State Exam or an international exam such as IELTS, get a job in an English-speaking company, or enroll in a foreign university.
  3. Clearly state to your teacher your goal of learning English. This will help him make the most effective program training so that you reach the desired level as quickly as possible.
  4. Suggest lesson topics that interest you. A good teacher will certainly meet you halfway, and then learning English will progress more interestingly and quickly.
  5. Don't rush the teacher. In your haste, you may miss important topics, without which further learning will be very difficult.
  6. Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you don't understand something, be sure to ask your teacher about it. Answering your questions is one of its main functions.
  7. Always ask for more than they give you. Ask the teacher to give you additional materials, recommend useful sites and textbooks.
  8. Don't neglect your homework. Don’t think that if you study English with a teacher, you don’t need to study it yourself. Surely, joint classes will take place only a few times a week, and in order to learn the language quickly, you will have to learn it in your free time. The function of the teacher in this case is to direct your efforts in the right direction.
  9. Trust the teacher. If you have decided on a teacher and decide that he is right for you, trust him and give him the opportunity to teach you English.
  10. Don't be afraid to change your teacher if you see that the current one is not suitable for you. If after some time you feel that something is going wrong, that you are not progressing fast enough, try to figure out why. If you find that it is your teacher, try finding another one.

7 useful places where you can quickly learn English


In general, this is a site for children, but who said that adults can’t use it too? The site presents educational games in English, which are especially useful for practicing spelling and pronunciation.

Youtube channel Sozo Exchange

The Sozo Exchange channel will be useful for quickly learning English, as there are many useful tips on correct pronunciation and getting rid of a foreign accent.

YouTube channel Daily English Conversation

This channel will help you practice speaking. The videos on Daily English Conversation contain useful tips on sentence construction, slang expressions and modern vocabulary.

Dave's ESL Cafe

This is a forum for teachers and learners of English from around the world. Here you can chat with other students, exchange experiences and practice English grammar exercises.

Without desire nothing will happen. Patience and perseverance are also important. Having these three elements in your arsenal, you will begin to learn a foreign language faster and more effectively.

Constant practice is considered one of the main ways to quickly learn English. If, for example, today you decide to learn several phrases, then tomorrow you need to repeat the material you have covered, otherwise all the words and sentences that were in your head today will quickly be forgotten. You need to constantly train your language skills, using the Internet, books or friends to practice.

Start watching foreign music videos. The lyrics in songs are much lighter than in films. In addition, you can learn entire phrases at once, which are easier to remember in poetic form. At first, you can select video clips in which the picture matches the lyrics of the song. Even if you don't understand the words, the image will tell you what the performer is singing about.

If you easily understand the meaning of the songs, switch to films with original sound. No translations. Pause places you don’t understand and look them up in the dictionary desired value. You can also watch films with subtitles in Russian. A finished translation will not take as much time as it will take to find what you need in a translator.

Learn a phrase or a short sentence right away, not just one word. Thus, in the future, remembering one word from a learned phrase, you will easily remember the second, which will be associated with the first. This method will allow you to memorize several words in a row in a short time. In addition, learning associations will broaden your horizons, teach you how to arrange words, and use language correctly.

Contact people who speak English fluently. In general, in order to quickly master a foreign language, it is better to immerse yourself in the language environment. By constantly communicating in a certain foreign language, listening to new speech every day, you can achieve desired results fast enough.

Don't cram words. This method will lead to nothing. Try to understand the meaning of what you are currently trying to learn. Try to combine the word with other, already familiar phrases and phrases, create short sentences.

Few people haven’t thought at least once: “What a pity that English didn’t work out at school” or “I knew it at school, but now I’ve forgotten.” But in modern world We are increasingly faced with situations where knowledge of a language would be most useful. And then it starts: “It’s too late”, “I’m not that age anymore”, “There’s no time”, etc. There may be many excuses, but perhaps it is not as difficult and time-consuming as we think?

When talking about quickly learning a language, this cannot be understood as deep knowledge of it. To be literate written speech or free reading of books will take a little more time. But to master spoken English in order to be able to special problems communicate with native speakers when traveling, watch films without translation, news on foreign channels - this is quite possible.

The first thing you need to decide is the minimum volume vocabulary and grammar. 3000 words of general use will be enough to understand 70% of everyday speech. If we take into account that many people simply “stamped” about 300-500 words from their school knowledge, then the volume to study is noticeably reduced. Grammar is limited to three verb tenses (past, present, future), three verb forms (affirmative, negative and interrogative), participle and gerund stems. You don't need anything else for everyday communication. In colloquial speech, residents of English-speaking countries simplify their speech and distort words just like you and me. Therefore, even if you make mistakes sometimes, they will definitely understand you.

Let us highlight the main points that must be followed throughout the emergency language learning course.

  1. Spend at least 1-2 hours a day studying.

  2. Memorize 17-20 new words every day. No more need - it will be a mess in your head. No need to open a dictionary and learn everything. When you read grammar theory, these 20 words will be found in the examples. You can also open any text or dialogue in the textbook. If possible, write them down in a dictionary with transcription - this will make it easier to memorize, since many people have very good visual memory.

  3. Start your grammar study every day by briefly reviewing yesterday’s material. Don't overload yourself with information. For example, study only one form or one tense of a verb per day, but in detail, with examples and exceptions.

  4. As soon as the main part of the grammar is mastered, start watching familiar films without translation, then move on to unfamiliar presentations and dialogues. In a word, try to create an English-speaking environment for yourself.

After 2-3 months the result will be obvious. But if you want to maintain your knowledge and improve, don't stop practicing and expanding your vocabulary. Maybe not so intensely and not every day, but be sure to read, listen, write. Only knowledge will stay with you for a long time.

Video on the topic

Without knowing slang, one cannot confidently say that a foreign language has been fully mastered. English is no exception. While abroad, it will be difficult to understand a local resident without knowing the phrases and words used in everyday life.

It is impossible to determine exactly which words and phrases can be called slang. After all, slang is dependent on time. Every year new expressions are added and old ones disappear. But learning them is not that difficult.

The best way to learn slang

Undoubtedly the best way Learning local slang is always about communicating with a native speaker. It is worth understanding that slang can be completely different in different cities. What can we say about the difference between England and the USA. When studying slang, this is worth paying attention to special attention.

By communicating with local residents, you can not only learn English quite quickly, but also start using words such as:
Fox is a beauty;
Awesome - amazing, impressive;
Swag – cool, cool;
Pretty boy - braggart;
Nut – crazy, abnormal;
and many others.

You can go to some city in England, you can go on language exchange courses, but this is an expensive pleasure. If there is no financial or other opportunity, then the Internet will come to the rescue. There is a huge amount social networks, where you can meet an Englishman. You can communicate via ICQ, Skype, or any other convenient program.

A more complicated method

But what to do if there is no way to communicate with native speakers?

It's simple - you need to watch films and read magazines. But they must be in English. It is also worth considering that the material must be new. This is important because slang changes very quickly. And if you take outdated material, then it will not be useful when studying slang.

Non-classical textbooks

Various dictionaries are widely available in bookstores. The options are very varied. Out of thousands possible options you just need to find a slang dictionary and purchase it. Then you just need to memorize phrases and words, and then try to correctly insert them into the text.


You can communicate in spoken English for free. In many major cities Meetings for English language learners are sometimes organized. Over a cup of coffee you can talk on any topic, talk about films and music, and also learn slang.


Slang makes it possible to make a conversation “live” and rich. Of course, you can do without it, but the speech will be boring. Having studied local phrases, you can confidently communicate and fully understand the indigenous people. But it is worth remembering that in each region slang phrases can have completely different meanings. Without knowing the meaning of the word, it is better to refrain from using it.

Video on the topic

Useful advice

If you have a well developed auditory memory, try learning English through audio books. Listen to interesting short news, poems or fairy tales.

Modernity dictates its conditions. First of all, it is necessary to realize that without the English language, in general, now there is nowhere. Both in tourism and in business.

It would seem that we know everything. This requires persistence, persistence and more persistence. However, not everything is so rosy.

Many of you are faced with the following problem: So many years have passed, and all you have learned is to read English. Regarding writing, it’s also a stretch. For whom? You understand everything, just like Pavlov’s dog, but you can’t say it.

What's the problem?

The answer may not seem obvious, but it is fair. In order to learn sufficient level It takes a couple of years to read fluently. If you're lucky, you'll learn to write passably and even construct some English word forms. And of course, don’t be shy to admit that your grammar sucks on both legs. That's how overall result training in traditional methods learning English.

You can also visit and view jokes (yes, I almost forgot - you need to study in good mood- it’s more productive), as well as other sites.

You should definitely read English newspapers, sometimes watch the BBC channel (only if you understand 95%!).

You can also buy an mp3 player and download audio books (this is after several months) - you can listen to them both in the subway (as for Moscow and St. Petersburg and other cities where it is available), and on the bus along the way to work and back home.

Don't be afraid to communicate via Skype. This way you will learn English even more. Find online interlocutors who, like you, want to communicate. Install your client and go ahead.

The golden rule in learning spoken English

So we get to the golden rule. Although it is not gold at all, but platinum. The latter, by the way, is more expensive than gold.

Listen, listen and listen again. Listen to understandable material, and many times.

This is, in fact, how it is formulated. How, where is it? And the paragraph above.

Let me explain: initially listen 80% of your time, 20% read. As the complexity increases and you progress, switch to the formula 50 to 50, then 20 to 80. With due diligence, move on to the last formula after a year. To the 50/50 formula - in six months. Don't try to speak English. It will only come out mmm... ahh... uh... which will then affect your real conversation.

What not to do

This is to stop the internal translation into Russian of phrases heard in a conversation in English, as well as the formation of an answer first in Russian, and only then speaking in English with synchronous recall of the rules.

No, no and no again. Avoid this method. Spontaneity and ease will come to you.

Your goal is to think in English.

Consolidating success

So, you understand English very well. At least you are sure of it. That's enough.

English is the language of international communication. It is understood almost anywhere on the planet, so it is in great demand. Many people want to speak English fluently, but do not know how to organize the language learning process so that it quickly gives the desired result. Some people study the language for years in various courses, from tutors and on their own, but do not feel any progress. Most of these people begin to think that they simply do not have the ability to speak languages. However, everyone has these abilities, and the lack of the desired result is caused by other reasons. One of the most common is the lack of a clear goal for learning a language. Such a goal could be travel, communication with foreigners, work or education abroad. With an attitude like “I’m learning English because everyone is studying it now,” it’s difficult to achieve a good result; It is very important to realize why exactly one is learning a language. Then the process of mastering it becomes more interesting.
Another reason is the desire to achieve a high level of English proficiency in record time. Quite often you can see advertisements for various intensive courses that promise that their visitors will “become fluent in English 2 weeks after the start of training.” Even with daily lessons lasting several hours, getting your tongue to high level in such a short period of time is difficult, because the brain does not absorb a large amount of information instantly. But in six months of regular classes you can achieve a good level. Some people study a language on their own, but this method is not suitable for everyone. Going to language courses after school or work is also not always convenient. In this case, it can be used for training modern technologies, which allow you to study with a teacher via Skype. For this purpose, there are various online schools, which are convenient because you can conduct a lesson from anywhere at almost any time. Our article, which compares the most popular schools where they study, will help you figure out your choice. However, even when studying with a teacher, you need to set aside a certain amount of time for independent work.
A very important point when learning a language is setting a time frame. For example, if a person wants to learn 300 foreign words per month, he must memorize 10 new words per day. Words learned out of context tend not to stay in memory for long. Many people who are fluent in foreign languages ​​advise coming up with unusual phrases or sentences with each word you study. This is especially useful for those words that have multiple meanings; If for each meaning you come up with a phrase that reflects its meaning, it will definitely not be forgotten.
Regular repetition is also necessary. In the case of words, a dictionary notebook is perfect for this, the sheets of which are divided into two columns - the word and the translation. Words must be entered there by hand and spoken while writing; this will allow you to use 3 types of memory at once - visual, motor and auditory. Such a dictionary is also convenient because thanks to it you can easily repeat words by simply covering the left or right column with your hand or a sheet of paper. Transcriptions cannot be written for all words, but only for those whose pronunciation is difficult.
However, language acquisition is not just about learning words. A very important aspect is understanding foreign speech by ear. In order to develop this skill, you need to regularly listen to various audio recordings. There are many English radio stations and audio books available now. Podcasts can be an interesting option - audio recordings lasting from 2 to 20 minutes, in which native speakers communicate on various topics in the form of a monologue or dialogue. Of course, listening comprehension of English speech also develops during classes with a teacher, but without listening to additional recordings, students get used to his voice and get lost when they have to hear someone else. Watching films, TV series and news in a foreign language is also very effective for understanding foreign speech. The advantage of this method is that while watching something on the screen, a person not only hears various phrases, but also sees how they are pronounced. On initial stage When studying, it is better to choose special educational series, the vocabulary and grammar of which are selected specifically for a given level of language proficiency.
Another method that helps in learning a foreign language is translating thoughts and simple everyday phrases into it. Over time, this happens automatically, and at the beginning of training it is useful to translate various everyday, frequently used sentences, check them with a dictionary and memorize them. You can also make a to-do or shopping list in English. It is very effective to communicate in a foreign language with someone who is also studying it: it allows you to train your pronunciation, speaking, listening comprehension and sentence building skills. You can construct phrases and sentences correctly only if you know grammar; She also needs to spend enough time doing exercises on all the topics covered.
In order to learn English quickly and well, you need to follow two basic rules: study regularly and pay attention to all aspects of the language. Then changes in the level of language proficiency will become noticeable after a short period of time, and studying it will turn into a pleasant and useful habit.