
How to get rid of a round face. How to remove cheeks at home. Exercise - video

The appearance of a person can spoil not only, but also extra pounds. In society, it is generally accepted that they are deposited only on the abdomen and thighs. But overweight, distributing throughout the body, certainly "finds a shelter" in the area of ​​​​the nasal wings. Therefore, many people have such questions as how to get rid of their cheeks, or rather from their plumpness, and why this problem occurs.

Thick cheeks - causes

In the photo - a girl before and after liposuction of the cheeks

Heredity is the main reason why a person has full cheeks. Alas, dealing with them is almost impossible. To do this, you need to constantly monitor yourself, do massage, use, do gymnastics, eat right, etc. In addition to the “inherited” fullness of the cheeks, their condition is negatively affected by maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle in the form of unhealthy eating. In this case, the face is deposited body fat.

How to "correct" cheeks

Exist like cosmetic procedures for face lifting and folk ways. The former include liposuction and massage (it can be done at home), and the latter include all kinds of masks.


If there is a need to get rid of fat in the cheek area quickly, then this can be done only by resorting to the services of surgeons. Having done liposuction, they “pump out” excess fat in problem areas of the face with the help of injections. This procedure is very effective, but it poses a threat to human health and is expensive.

Gymnastics for the cheeks

Important! All of the following exercises for the cheeks will help tighten them, reduce their roundness, tone the skin in these areas. To achieve the desired results, you need to do exercises daily.

List of exercises for correcting the cheeks:

All exercises for the cheeks must be done constantly, even if the desired results have already been achieved, so that there is no return to their previous form.

If it is not possible to get rid of the cheeks with the help of a beautician, then you can reduce them at home by doing a massage. It will help maintain skin elasticity and improve its tone. Before working on the cheeks, it is necessary to hold and apply on it nutritious cream. Then massage with your fingertips skin covering, lightly pinching it. You need to do this in a clockwise direction, moving left-up-right-down. The starting and finishing point for the hands is the chin. Such a massage is enough to do 1-2 times a week.

Lifting mask

In the photo - a lifting mask is applied to the girl's face from chubby cheeks

There is another way to get rid of cheeks at home. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of any honey with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil and one egg yolk until gruel forms. The mass is applied to the face with a special brush for 20 minutes. To wash it off, use an infusion of chamomile. After that, a moisturizer should be applied to the skin.

It doesn’t matter for what reason the cheeks have become chubby, in no case should you sit idly by, because a person is always met by appearance. And reach desired result, as can be seen, various cosmetic procedures, masks and massage for cheeks.

On the video: plump cheeks. How to get rid

Human physiology is such that energy reserves (or, more roughly, fat deposits) do not choose one or more locations on the body, but are evenly distributed over all its parts. And in order to lose weight in the stomach, hips or cheeks, you have to get rid of excess weight basically. This frustrates some girls to tears, who dream of maintaining large breasts after a diet that makes the waist thin and flexible. These dreams will have to be abandoned, as well as the hope of narrowing the face in the presence of other plump sirloins.

When planning to lose weight in the face, be prepared to work on overall harmony and health. And only if, with a thin figure, you still have rounded cheeks, we can talk about the structural features of the face that make it childishly cheeky. Wide cheekbones and lower jaw naturally widen lower part face, making it visually complete. But even such a constitution is not a sentence and not a referral to a plastic surgeon. Remember the old dandelion cartoon that had "such thick cheeks on such a thin stem"? If he managed to get rid of them, then we can.

Ways to get rid of chubby cheeks
Suppose there are big problems with overweight you really don’t, and all efforts should be directed specifically to reducing the width of the face. To do this, you will have to discipline yourself to follow a few rules that will slowly but surely make your cheeks narrower. To make your cheekbones completely sunken, like Kate Moss's, that is, to change the physiology, they are unlikely to be able to, but they are quite capable of significantly adjusting the oval of the face.

Mode and composition of nutrition.

  • First of all, you need to gradually accustom yourself to fractional nutrition. Such a rhythm of energy consumption helps to activate the metabolism and get rid of any unnecessary deposits in the body. Eat small, frequent meals, don't fill your belly full, and love the slight feeling of hunger that signals that your body is in need of nutrients, and not just an empty appetite.
  • When choosing products, give preference to crispy vegetables and fruits, cereals, whole grain pastries - in general, everything that requires thorough and long chewing. Such a diet is good in two senses at once: it supplies digestive system fiber necessary for smooth functioning, and trains facial muscles supporting your cheeks.
  • Provide your body with sufficient fluids. Soups, juices, teas are great sources of moisture, but none of them can replace a simple clean water. Starting with the obligatory morning glass of water on an empty stomach, drink during the day at least two liters of drinking, and preferably mineral, still water and flavorings. It is allowed to add only natural lemon juice, which also contributes to vitaminization and cleansing of the body.
  • An excellent tool to lose weight face, it is green tea. Pure large-leaf, with jasmine or ginger - it normalizes water-salt metabolism, malfunctions in which often cause rounding of the face. The same applies to other organic teas, so feel free to indulge yourself with hibiscus, mate, pu-erh and oolongs. Avoid only instant tea drinks and artificial flavors. They only whet the appetite and do not bring any benefit to your body.
  • You will have to give up alcohol, rich pastries and refined sweets. These products contain a large number of carbohydrates that retain fluid in the body and contribute to edema. Because of high degree soft tissue permeability human face excess intercellular water accumulates there. Replace Candy chewing gum, and a cake - a sweet apple. The brain will receive a signal about the sugars that have entered the blood, but the stomach will receive much less heavy and harmful raw materials for processing.
  • The daily routine and food intake is also very important for reducing the volume of the face. To avoid morning swelling try not to drink a lot of fluids before bedtime, and plan your main meals during daylight hours. In the evenings, avoid salty and spicy foods and gradually give up salt altogether in favor of natural spices of plant origin.
Gymnastics for the face and massage.
  • Sitting or standing, tilt your head back as much as possible and feel the tension in the neck muscles. Forcefully open and close the lower jaw until you feel muscle fatigue. Such a workout should be done in the morning and in the evening, and with regular exercises, you will soon notice that the “second chin” has decreased and tightened.
  • Alternately turn your head to the right and left, trying to touch your shoulder with your chin as far as possible. Complicate this exercise by preventing the head from turning with your hand and strongly overcoming this resistance.
  • Hold a pencil or felt-tip pen with your lips and try to draw any picture with it. The more detailed and accurate your drawings are, the faster and more effectively the facial muscles responsible for the area between the cheeks and lips will strengthen (it is this area that is often plump, giving the face an anecdotal, as if overfed look).
  • In the evening, after removing makeup, take a terry towel, soak it in water or herbal decoction room temperature and twist into a tight bundle. With this bundle, pat yourself on the cheeks and chin, as if “tamping” the soft tissues inside and accelerating blood circulation in them.
  • Professional cosmetologists know the technique of a special tightening facial massage. Go to at least one session of such a procedure to remember the basic movements and techniques. At home, you can do self-massage, repeating the passes of a specialist from memory. This is not too complicated a technique, but it should be done carefully so as not to damage the delicate skin.
  • Gymnastics for the body, which forms a beautiful posture, miraculously affects the face. In fact, there is no magic here, and cheek enlargement is often associated with stoop and the habit of sleeping lying on your stomach. Watch your back and shoulders to prevent sagging cheeks and a double chin.
Cosmetic procedures.
  • Face masks are a universal care product that allows, among other things, to make the face thinner. To achieve this result, choose tightening masks and natural peels. Elastic skin looks smoother and tighter, it does not create excess volume in the cheeks. The best known ingredients for effective weight loss faces: gelatin, honey, oatmeal, cosmetic clay and egg white.
  • Compresses based on herbal decoctions (chamomile, linden, string) with the addition of brewer's yeast and vitamin A tighten the skin and make the face thinner. With this composition, you need to moisten gauze or a flap of cotton fabric, cover your face and neck with it and lie down quietly for about 15 minutes (at least a couple of times a week for a month).
  • Most beauty salons offer a whole range of procedures that contribute to the correction of facial contours: mesotherapy, myostructural massage, chemical peeling. Basically, they act on the facial muscles, forcing them to stay in good shape and keep the cheeks taut.
Ways to mask chubby cheeks
Facial slimming is a rather lengthy process, but you can speed up the result with visual techniques:
  1. Black and white face correction. A technique that makeup artists constantly use to make contours clearer, and features more prominent and expressive.
  2. Lip augmentation. The perception of proportions is such that nearby objects are compared with each other. It is not necessary to insert implants under the skin of the lips - it is enough to skillfully emphasize their volume with the help of pencils of two shades.
  3. Loose hair. Straight strands cover part of the cheeks and visually hide the width of the face. A bang, like any horizontal line, on the contrary, expands it.
This better ways make your face look thinner. They act gradually, but with a clear implementation of the instructions, they will make your features chiseled and more subtle. In addition, the face inevitably loses weight with age, so sooner or later the cheeks will shrink by themselves.

Women are almost always dissatisfied with their appearance, sometimes they are sunken. Chubby cheeks, of course, look very attractive.

However, with age, the natural elasticity of the skin is lost, thereby provoking hollow cheeks and. There are several methods to answer the question: how to make cheeks plump? Consider them in our article.

Professional methods

It is possible to return the cheeks to their former plumpness thanks to professional cosmetic and surgical methods.

Here are the most popular ones:

  1. Lipolifting- the essence of the method is the transplantation of the patient's own fatty tissues, by microinjection into the cheeks. Usually, tissues are taken from the thighs and buttocks, then such tissue is treated in a special way and only then injected into the cheeks.
  2. Implantation- an implant made of dense silicone is inserted through an incision under the lower eyelid, attaching to the bone or soft tissues. Thanks to this method you can adjust the shape of the cheekbones and cheeks, give them the desired volume.
  3. Reinforcing the skin with threads- extremely thin gold threads fix the skin to the bone, creating a mesh on the cheek, around which new collagen fibers grow. As a result, the elasticity of the skin appears, and the sagging of the cheeks remains in the past.
  4. Contour plastic- consists in the introduction of filler preparations into the deeper layers of the skin. This procedure is an excellent replacement operating methods, cheeks acquire the desired tone.

Common to all of the above procedures is that they all lead to an increase in the volume of the cheeks, creating a rejuvenation effect.

Chubby Cheek Exercises

How to make plump cheeks, the fitness industry knows. For this, a whole range of special exercises has been developed (for example,), which effectively prevent flabbiness of the skin and hollow cheeks, help.

All exercises, for all their excellent performance, are quite simple to perform:

  1. It is necessary to take a deep breath, then puff out your cheeks strongly, not forgetting that you need to keep your lips closed. Next, you should press your palms on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cheeks, strongly resisting these pressures from the inside. After 5 seconds, exhale, gradually relax. Repeat steps 10 times.
  2. Massage the cheeks with the tongue from the inside, simultaneously with outside strain them strongly, resisting pressure. If everything is done correctly, then the tongue and cheeks get tired quickly enough. Feeling a strong tension, the exercise must be completed.
  3. To perform this exercise, you need to type in your mouth warm water, then actively squeeze it with your cheeks, trying to keep your lips tightly closed. After a minute, release oral cavity from the liquid, take a break. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  4. Opening your mouth and stretching your lips as much as possible in the form of the letter “O”, you should try to smile, without ceasing to draw in your lips. This action must be continued until a feeling of severe fatigue occurs.
  5. Insert index fingers into the mouth so that the back of the palms are located towards each other. The fingers should be between the cheek and the lower teeth. Move deeper and deeper until a small pillow is felt with your fingers. When this happens, bend your fingers a little and hold them in this position for a few seconds, gritting your teeth. It is important to ensure that in no case do not stretch the corners of the mouth. All movements are recommended to be repeated 5 times.
  6. Medium and index fingers put on the lower teeth. Lower your jaw, trying to be still. Try, as it were, to return the jaw to its original position, creating tension in the muscles, but without closing the mouth at the same time, slightly raise the lower jaw.

The first results from the above exercises will be visible after a week: the muscles of the cheeks will be significantly strengthened and slightly increase in volume.

How to make cheeks plump: folk recipes

The most useful cosmetics are natural, that is, those that nature itself gives us. Therefore, folk cosmetology offers its secrets on how to make plump cheeks at home.

In the responsible business of caring for their appearance, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers have successfully used the recipes of home cosmetics accumulated for centuries.

sugar scrub
Combine 250 ml of melted shea butter with 200 g of sugar, mix thoroughly, leave the mixture in the refrigerator until it hardens; Apply the product on the cleansed area of ​​the cheeks with massage movements, after 5 minutes wash with warm water. As a result of using this scrub, there is an improvement in the elasticity and tone of the skin on the cheeks, which allows you to look younger.

apple mask
Cut 1 ripe apple into pieces, mash well with a masher to the consistency of the sauce, apply on the skin of the cheeks with gentle in a circular motion, after a quarter of an hour, wash off the mask with water at room temperature. The effect of using this mask is to prevent tissue damage, wrinkles, dull complexion.

honey mask
1 tsp mix honey with 1 tbsp. papaya pulp, evenly distribute the resulting mass over the skin in the cheek area, after 10 minutes immediately wash with warm water. With regular use of a honey mask, the skin will become more elastic, which will certainly affect the beauty of the cheeks.

Careful skin care with the help of proven recipes of folk cosmetology will certainly lead to positive results.

Now you know all the secrets on how to make your cheeks plump. One has only to devote a little time to systematic everyday work on oneself and the result will not be long in coming.

Question answer

Question: Can an allergic reaction occur after lipolifting?

Answer: allergic reaction should not occur, since your own fat tissue is introduced during the procedure.

Question: What kind of apple is best for making an apple mask?

Answer: For greater effectiveness of the apple mask, it is best to take the Red Delicious variety.

Question: How many times a week do you need to do gymnastics for the cheeks?

Answer: For the plumpness of your cheeks, do gymnastics daily.

Eliminating the problem of swelling of the cheeks should begin with determining the causes of their occurrence. Based on this, it will be possible to understand whether you have to work hard to get the desired appearance, or you will need to change your lifestyle a little, and the question of how to get rid of cheeks will be decided by itself.

What causes chubby cheeks

Most often, the problem of how to get rid of cheeks occurs in a person along with the appearance of excess weight. In this case, the solution to the problem is on the surface - try to change your diet and add physical exercise. This method is very effective, because our face is losing weight in the first place.

The most difficult thing is for people whose mothers and grandmothers were still looking for ways to get rid of chubby cheeks forever. If you inherited a bright blush, then it will be much more difficult for you to acquire the desired appearance. But still, nature can be defeated if you follow fairly simple tips.

How to get rid of cheeks: simple ways

  1. Give up drinking alcohol in the evening, and also control the amount of water you drink - it should be no more than 2 liters per day.
  2. Eliminate heavy and fatty foods from your diet in favor of fresh vegetables and fruits.
  3. An effective way to remove swollen cheeks is self-massage. With a little pressure with the pads of your fingers, in a circular motion, walk from mandible up to the ears or lightly pat the cheeks with your fingers. Do this small massage several times a day. In less than a week, you will notice that getting rid of cheeks is much easier than it seems.
  4. Special exercises will not be superfluous: standing or sitting on a chair, straighten your back and stretch your crown up, carefully turn your head from side to side. It is performed three to four times a day for 20 turns per approach.
  5. Reduce cheek volume and water procedures. Sign up for a pool, make compresses from a decoction of herbs (linden, chamomile, St. John's wort, mint, sage, yarrow), wipe your face twice a day with an ice cube.

Makeup is a girl's best friend in the fight against chubby cheeks

All of the above methods are very effective, but only if they are faithfully followed. But the effect will appear in no less than three weeks, so if you are interested in the solution of how to get rid of the cheeks at least visually, then pay attention to competent makeup. Skillfully executed, it literally in a few minutes will make the face more elongated.

Choose a peach or terracotta blush and draw a sharp line from the cheekbone to the ear, while smiling slightly. Just do not overdo it with the intensity of application - the shadow on the cheek should look as natural as possible.

If you still can’t eliminate big cheeks, think about how to turn it into your dignity. Indeed, soon sharp cheekbones may go out of fashion, and then you will become the most charming girl!

Chubby cheeks adorn only babies; on an adult face, they do not look very aesthetically pleasing and attractive. How to remove cheeks - this question worries many people, regardless of age and gender. In order to solve this problem and, you need to determine the main reason why the cheeks are this size and how this can be changed.

Causes of cheek enlargement

In most cases, the appearance of roundness of the cheeks is heredity, which is very difficult to fight and almost impossible to change anything.

In this case, only a plastic surgery, but before you go to the doctor, you need to try other, simpler remedies.

First of all, in order to stick to a diet, do special exercises and visually correct the cheeks with makeup.

It is also possible to remove the cheeks with liposuction, but you need to think about possible consequences after such an operation. Not everyone will use this method, so you need to be patient and use less painful methods.

How to remove cheeks: basic methods

When communicating with a person, they pay attention to his face and plump cheeks, while not looking very aesthetically pleasing. To reduce cheeks quickly, you need to follow a diet, because when the weight begins to go away, the cheeks also become smaller.

Observe basic rules of proper nutrition:

  • remember: a diet is not starvation, but a proper balanced diet;
  • six meals a day;
  • limit your salt intake, because. it retains water in the body;
  • drink a glass of water 20 minutes before meals;
  • exclude sweet, fatty and fried foods;
  • eat fruits and vegetables;
  • You need to constantly eat foods rich in calcium.

A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition will not only reduce your weight, but also improve overall well-being and help reduce cheeks in a short time.

How to remove cheeks: exercises

Simultaneously with the diet for the correction of "chubby" cheeks, you can use exercises for the muscles of the face:

  1. Take air into your mouth and let it out gradually;
  2. Start clenching and unclenching your teeth without opening your mouth;
  3. Inflate each cheek in turn;
  4. Fold your lips into a tube and pronounce the sounds “o” and “y” alternately.
  5. Roll your tongue around with your mouth closed.

Repeat the exercises 10-15 times. The proposed complex will help reduce the cheeks, as well as make them toned, elastic and less noticeable. mimic wrinkles. Exercises must be performed every day and then the result will not keep you waiting long.

Surgical and cosmetic techniques

These methods are quite expensive, but at the same time, not always effective. In addition to all of the above methods of how to remove cheeks, there are also cosmetic procedures:

  • bioreinforcement;
  • biorevitalization;
  • thermage.

Also available in plastic surgery procedure such as resection of Bish's lumps, with the help of which the excess fat is pumped out of the cheeks. We must not forget that all these are extreme measures and it is better if you take care of your face by following the simple and accessible rules given above.

Visual reduction of cheeks with hair and makeup

You can visually correct chubby cheeks with the help of properly selected makeup and hairstyles. Darken your cheekbones with foundation and then apply powder.

Blush will also help, which you need to be able to apply correctly: fold your lips into a tube and apply a darker blush in place of the formed dimples.

But do not overdo it with makeup, it should be unobtrusive and simple.

Hairstyle visually can also help solve the problem of chubby cheeks. Opt for straight and smooth hair, without excess volume and high hairstyles. the main task- hair to hide the surface of the cheeks, thereby visually reducing the face (hairstyles cascade and bob).

Massage and masks for chubby cheeks

Another way to remove your cheeks at home is to massage your face: in the form of light patting, pinching and rubbing with a massage washcloth.

This procedure must be performed every day or every other day. Before starting the massage, cleanse the face or apply a compress of chamomile or calendula infusion for 20 minutes. After the massage, you need to apply a nourishing cream.

An additional way to combat chubby cheeks is drawing :

  • Mix egg yolk, 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. olive oil. Apply the resulting mixture for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  • Combine 1st.l. oatmeal and 1st.l. infant formula, add a little milk and stir. Apply the composition for half an hour and then rinse.
  • Apply the beaten egg white on the face for 15 minutes and remove the residue with warm water.

It should be done 2-3 times a week for 2 months.

Question answer

Question: What are the main causes of chubby cheeks?

Answer: One of the main reasons for the appearance of full cheeks is heredity and excess weight.

Question: What are the ways to get rid of enlarged cheeks?

Answer: Proper nutrition, salt restriction, exercise, massage, facial and correct application decorative cosmetics for corrective action.

Question Q: How often can you exercise?

Answer: It is advisable to start the exercises in the morning and do them every day until the result appears.

Question: What cosmetics can be used to visually reduce the cheeks?

Answer: For this purpose, you will need decorative cosmetics: Foundation, powder and blush, the correct application of which will visually make the cheeks less plump.