
Inhalipt spray helps or not. Inhalipt for children - treating a sore throat

Latest update of the description by the manufacturer 01.07.2002

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Active substance:


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Composition and release form

1 can (30 ml) with an aerosol contains sodium norsulfazole and soluble streptocide 0.75 g each, thymol, eucalyptus oil and peppermint oil 0.015 g, ethyl alcohol 1.8 g; 1 cylinder in a cardboard box.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory.

Sulfonamides disrupt folate synthesis in microbial cells due to antagonism with para-aminobenzoic acid. Vegetable oils have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and refreshing effects.

Indications for the drug Ingalipt

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs and oral mucosa (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, aphthous and ulcerative stomatitis).



Directions for use and doses

By inhalation, spray the suspension into the oral cavity for 1-2 s. Irrigation is carried out 3-4 times a day with preliminary rinsing of the mouth with boiled water.

Storage conditions for the drug Ingalipt

At a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Ingalipt

aerosol for local application- 2 years.

aerosol for topical use - 3 years.

Instructions for medical use

Instructions for medical use- RU No. P N001570/01

date last change: 15.07.2013

Dosage form

Topical spray


20 ml of the drug contains:

Active substances:

Sodium sulfanilamide – 0.5 g,

Sulfathiazole sodium – 0.477 g,

Timol – 0.01 g,

Eucalyptus leaf oil – 0.01 g,

Peppermint leaves oil – 0.01 g;


Glycerol – 1.4 g,

Ethanol 95% – 1.2 g,

Sucrose – 1.0 g,

Polysorbate 80 – 0.6 g,

Purified water – up to 20 ml.

Description of the dosage form

A light yellow to dark yellow liquid with a characteristic odor of a mixture of thymol and menthol, located in a bottle sealed with a crimp microspray with a dispenser and a spray nozzle with a guide tube. When the drug is pressed on the spray nozzle, it forms a stream of liquid droplets dispersed in the air at the outlet of the bottle.

Pharmacological group

Antimicrobial combination agent.

pharmachologic effect

Combined preparation for local use.


The soluble sulfonamides included in the drug have antimicrobial effect against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, causing diseases oral cavity and pharynx. Thymol, eucalyptus leaf oil and peppermint leaf oil have an antifungal (against fungi of the genus Candida), antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic effect.


The drug forms a therapeutic concentration mainly at the site of inflammation. Sodium sulfanilamide and sodium sulfathiazole are partially absorbed. Both drugs bind back to blood proteins: sodium sulfanilamide by 12-14%, sodium sulfathiazole by 55%. During the process of biotransformation, acetylated forms of drugs are formed, in the form of which they are excreted by the kidneys. The half-life of sodium sulfanilamide is 10 hours, sodium sulfathiazole is 1.2 hours.


Acute and chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, larynx and nasopharynx: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, aphthous and ulcerative stomatitis.


Individual intolerance to sulfonamides, essential oils or other components of the drug.

Directions for use and doses

Before irrigation, rinse the mouth and throat with warm boiled water. Necrotic plaque is removed from affected areas of the oral cavity (ulcers, erosions) using tampons. Place the guide tube at an angle of 90° to the bottle. The end of the tube is inserted into the oral cavity and the spray nozzle is pressed 3-4 times, directing the flow of liquid to the treated areas. Irrigation is carried out 4-5 times a day every 2-3 hours. To avoid clogging, it is recommended to blow out the spray nozzle with the guide tube after use or rinse it with boiled water.

Side effects

Individual intolerance and allergic reactions to the components of the drug, a short-term burning sensation or soreness are possible.


Systemic effects when using the drug as directed are unlikely, which allows the simultaneous use of other medicines without the danger of their interaction with the components of the drug.

Release form

Spray for topical use, 20 ml in neutral glass bottles, sealed with a crimp microspray with a dispenser and a spray nozzle with a guide tube.

Each bottle is in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 5°C to 25°C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

1 year. Do not use the drug after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Available without a prescription.

R N001570/01 dated 2017-09-18
Inhalipt - instructions for medical use - RU No. LSR-000073 dated 2007-05-22
Inhalipt - instructions for medical use - RU No.

Inhalipt is a popular remedy for treating sore throat.

Included in active substances and essential oils have anti-inflammatory, antifungal and analgesic effects.

The main active ingredients of Inhalipt are soluble sulfonamides; they kill harmful microorganisms. A special feature is the effect on specific bacteria that reproduce only in oral cavity.

The effect of the drug is enhanced by peppermint essential oil, thymol and eucalyptus oil.

Auxiliary components are streptocide and ethanol.

Inhalipt is used externally to affect the throat and oral cavity.

The medicine is used for the following diseases:

  • ulcerative stomatitis
  • aphthous stomatitis
  • pharyngitis
  • tonsillitis
  • angina
  • for influenza and acute respiratory infections.

The medicine is sprayed onto the affected area. Spraying lasts 2 seconds, and up to 0.5 g of substance is released.

Ingalipt can be used no more than 5 times a day. Before spraying into the mouth and throat, they should be rinsed with boiled water and, if possible, washed with a soda solution. Inhalipt for children is used according to the same scheme.

Ingalipt is a safe substance, but some components may cause allergic reactions. They manifest themselves in the form of a sore throat, itching and burning, in rare cases side effects manifest themselves in feelings of nausea and even vomiting. Children may develop a rash all over their body. Pregnant women can also use Ingalipt, but they need to be careful if intolerance to some components occurs.

Inhalipt has a number of contraindications. The instructions indicate that the medicine should not be used if you are hypersensitive to essential oils and sulfonamides.

Also, Ingalipt is not used to treat children under 3 years of age, as this is fraught.

Inhalipt is effective and safe remedy, which is suitable for both adults and children.

Use of Ingalipt for children

It is officially believed that Ingalipt is used strictly for children from the age of three. During this period, the body is already stronger and there is less risk of unexpected physiological reactions.

The most dangerous moment a spasm of the larynx is considered, which is fraught with a reflex cessation of breathing. Nobody hides this fact, however, young mothers actively use Ingalipt for infants. What do doctors say about this?

It is generally accepted that negative physiological reactions are caused not by the components included in the spray, but by dosage form. In European countries, in such unforeseen situations, they will find themselves guilty before the law. pharmaceutical companies, but in our country the culprits will not be found, but will be noted as a specific reaction of the child’s body.

Pediatricians claim that Ingalipt contains no substances that could be dangerous to the life of a child. That is, the medicine can be used even by children under 3 years old, the main thing is to skillfully use the aerosol.

It is worth noting that Ingalipt is available in two forms: spray and aerosol. The spray is supplied in doses, and the aerosol is supplied continuously. Both forms must be used using a special technology, although the spray is safer for a child.

First you need to do it. The medicine is applied in small quantities to the tongue and a reaction is observed. If the child is calm, no redness or rash appears, then you can move on.

The spray is sprayed not onto the wall of the throat, but onto the cheek, from there the medicine flows down the larynx.

Children under one year old can apply the drug to the pacifier or give it from a spoon. Spraying Inhalipt into the larynx area is strictly contraindicated.

While taking the medicine, the child should sit upright, strictly upright. The course of treatment lasts no more than 7 days.

Reviews about the drug Ingalipt

Pediatricians and mothers prefer Ingalipt not only because of its high efficiency. The medicine tastes good. Children tolerate sweet drugs better, but this menthol spray does not cause disgust or discomfort.

Because the children's body weaker than an adult, then adverse reactions occur more often. A reflex cough appears due to a burning sensation in the throat, nausea may occur, which leads to loss of appetite and deterioration in general well-being. In rare cases, a rash may occur.

Other parents note that nothing helps their children except Ingalipt. The medicine is not addictive and does not negatively affect the body. The big advantage over analogues is low price for medicine.
It is best to start using Inhalipt on early stages illness or chronic forms if an exacerbation is suspected. If the form of the disease is already advanced, then Inhalipt alone will not be enough, and you may have to turn to antibiotics.

Many patients note the ease of use of the spray. The nozzle does not hold firmly, but the spraying is gentle. This is especially important for a child, since it will not cause discomfort and he will not be afraid.

It is not necessary to swallow the medicine for treatment. You can hold it in your mouth for a few minutes and then spit it out. This recommendation did not arise from empty space, so the question arises whether it is advisable to prescribe Ingalipt for a child under 3 years of age, given that the instructions prohibit this.

Doctors are also divided into two camps, the first of which claim that there is no safer and more effective means for treating children, the second - that not only the release form has a negative effect on the baby, but also the sulfonamide included in the composition. Therefore, the question of the possibility of treating a child under 3 years of age with Ingalipt remains open. The decision remains with the attending physician.

Ingalipt has been on the pharmaceutical market for a long time and does not leave its leading position among drugs for the treatment of throat diseases. It can be used for children starting from 3 years of age.

On video pediatrician will tell you how to examine a child’s throat:

  • How to cure chronic tonsillitis in a child, what remedies...

Inhalipt – time-tested antimicrobial drug, for more than forty years now, remaining popular in the CIS countries. This is an aerosol that has antibacterial, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effects. The demand for it is due to its low price and effective impact. It is freely used in treatment infectious diseases upper respiratory tract in adults, well, we’ll tell you in this article whether Ingalipt can be used by children.

Medicinal composition of the drug

In order to identify allergens and protect your baby, you need to know the list of components included in the structure of the drug. Inhalipt is a combined aerosol, the components of which can enhance the healing (therapeutic) effect of other drugs contained in its composition.

Among them:

  • Streptocide (sulfonamide) – the main thing active substance. Familiar to us since childhood, it is known for its antibacterial effects. The principle of its operation is quite simple - sulfonamide blocks enzymes secreted pathogens. This affects their life (their growth and development stops) and ultimately leads to death.

Side effects: allergic reactions, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea.

  • Sulfathiazole. It also has a bacteriostatic effect, prevents the proliferation of microbes, and slows down the synthesis of their enzymes. If used in its pure form, it can cause vomiting, dyspepsia, nausea, neuritis and allergies.
  • Glycerol (also known as glycerin) in the composition of the drug can have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. It has an osmotic effect, that is, it draws intercellular fluid from tissues, which leads to cleansing of the lining of the respiratory tract and getting rid of plaque. It is most useful for tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, stomatitis and pharyngitis.
  • Thymol is an antiseptic that is part of the essential oils of thyme (common thyme). Just like other components, it has a beneficial effect in the practice of treating diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Eucalyptus essential oil is a natural substance that is obtained from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree. It has a pronounced antitussive effect, which is why it is often used in the manufacture of lollipops. In addition, it has an analgesic and antiseptic effect, and heals damaged membranes of the respiratory tract. This essential oil is one of the most powerful remedies used in the treatment of respiratory diseases.
  • Peppermint essential oil is a natural component that is produced from dried peppermint leaves. In addition to the antitussive and analgesic effect, it is able to relieve spasms that occur during inflammation of the smooth muscles of the upper respiratory tract.

Read also

If you know that your child is allergic to one of the above aerosol elements, using it is strictly prohibited.

Can Ingalipt be used by children?

The instructions for the medicine clearly indicate that it can be used by children over three years of age. In fact, domestic pediatricians often recommend using this drug for children of a younger age category. An aerosol is the only form of medicine that can effectively treat a baby’s sore throat, because you can’t force him to inhale, dissolve a tablet, or gargle.

Doctors have different opinions on the use of this medicine. Some are in favor, while others are categorically against. The thing is that the components that make up Ingalipt can cause allergic reactions, allergies, for example. There are times when, after spraying a sore throat, the baby becomes covered skin rash or starts coughing. In general, the tolerability of this medicine is a purely individual matter. Many mothers are satisfied with the results of the treatment: after all, the spray is not only cheap, but also helps a lot.

Another reason for refusing Ingalipt lies in the very method of its use. Throat irrigation small child can cause a reflex cessation of breathing - laryngospasm. But there is a way out of this situation.

Instructions for use

Before use, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with boiled water and remove necrotic plaque from the affected areas of the mucous cavity with sterile swabs.

Inhalipt can be used no more than 5 times per day. After use, the sprayer is usually placed in a glass with clean water or blow thoroughly.

For children over 3 years old: remove the safety cap and place the sprayer on the aerosol can, then shake it a couple of times. Insert the free end of the spray into the oral cavity and press on its base for 1-2 seconds. Irrigation should be carried out 3 to 4 times a day for 7-10 days (depending on the intensity of therapy)

For children under 3 years of age: During the procedure, the baby must be in an upright position. To check the tolerance to the components, spray a drop of Inhalipt on the tongue. If everything is normal and there is no negative reaction, you can apply the aerosol behind your cheek so that it flows smoothly down your throat. Some mothers recommend spraying the medicine on the nipple or giving it from a teaspoon.

Indications for use

  • Treatment of sore throat (lacunary and follicular);
  • Aphthous stomatitis – small ulcers in the mouth;
  • Pharyngitis is an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx.
  • Chronic or acute tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils.
  • Laryngitis – inflammatory processes in the membranes of the larynx, vocal cords.

Side effects

Nausea and vomiting; general weakness; difficulty breathing; feeling of a lump in the throat; swelling at the site of contact with the medicine; burning sensation in the mouth; the appearance of involuntary reflex bronchispasm;

Ingalipt is a medicine in the form of an aerosol or spray used to treat infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic effects.

He has affordable price, compared to similar imported drugs, but at the same time it is very effective.

On this page you will find all the information about Ingalipt: full instructions on application to this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Ingalipt spray. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Antimicrobial cold remedy based on essential oils.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Available without a prescription.


How much does Inhalipt cost? average price in pharmacies it is at the level of 80 rubles.

Release form and composition

Dosage forms of Ingalipt are spray and aerosol for topical use.

1 bottle of spray contains:

  • 10 mg eucalyptus oil;
  • 500 mg soluble streptocide;
  • 477 mg sodium sulfathiazole;
  • 10 mg thymol;
  • 10 mg peppermint oil.

Spray excipients: sucrose, glycerol, polysorbate 80, 95% ethanol, purified water.

1 bottle of aerosol contains:

  • 15 mg eucalyptus oil;
  • 15 mg thymol;
  • 750 mg soluble streptocide;
  • 750 mg sodium sulfathiazole;
  • 15 mg peppermint oil.

Additional components of the aerosol: glycerin, sugar, polysorbate 80, 95% ethanol, purified water, nitrogen gas.

Inhalipt is implemented:

  • Spray – in bottles with a 20 ml dispenser;
  • Aerosol - in cylinders with a continuous valve of 30 ml.

Pharmacological effect

Ingalipt is a combined drug that has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect for infectious diseases of the throat.

The pharmacological effect of the drug is based on the combined effect of all its components. Part this drug includes:

  1. Peppermint oil– this component is obtained by squeezing fresh or dried leaves of the plant. The extract has antispasmodic, analgesic and distracting properties, eliminates dry cough and soothes the irritated mucous membrane of the oropharynx;
  2. Timol – natural component, has a pronounced antiseptic property and is used for treatment inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract;
  3. Eucalyptus oil– essential oil obtained from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree has antiseptic, analgesic and antitussive effects. Used for inhalation when respiratory diseases, has a pronounced healing effect on the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat damaged by inflammation, helps prevent congestion in tissues during inflammatory changes;
  4. Glycerol – has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, softens inflamed and irritated mucous membranes, relieves tissue swelling. Under the influence of this component, the tonsils are cleared of purulent plugs;
  5. Streptocide is the main active ingredient of the drug Ingalipt. It has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, relieves inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes, and serves to prevent the development of purulent exacerbations.

When the aerosol hits the mucous membranes, the patient notices significant relief painful sensations. Under the influence of the drug, swelling is relieved, an attack of dry, painful cough is suppressed, and microbes that provoke the inflammatory process are destroyed.

Indications for use

Inhalipt in the form of a spray and aerosol is used for the local treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (reviews from clinical experts suggest that the drug is hypoallergenic and has minor side effects).

Indications for use of the drug are:

  • follicular and lacunar;
  • (infectious and inflammatory disease of the pharynx);
  • (infectious and inflammatory disease of the larynx);
  • acute and chronic (infectious-inflammatory disease of the lymphoid formations of the pharyngeal ring);
  • (an infectious disease of the oral mucosa, accompanied by pustular foci - aphthae, and inflammatory changes).

Under influence medicinal substances, included in the drug for angina, inflammatory changes in the tonsils are quickly stopped. Timely treatment can serve as a means of preventing the development of sore throat in other infectious diseases of the mouth and throat. Inhalipt can be considered the drug of choice in the treatment of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract.


The drug should not be used in the following conditions:

  • at less than three years of age;
  • if you are intolerant to any of the components of the drug;
  • if you have a history of allergic reactions to sulfonamides or essential oils.

In children, more early age a special form of the drug can be used - Ingalipt for children. This medicine It has a composition that is safer for the child’s health and does not cause much harm to his body. But it can only be used in children over 2 years of age. This is due to the fact that medicines in the form of sprays should not be used in young children, as they can lead to unforeseen consequences, for example, suffocation. In general, Inhalipt for children is safe and effective remedy treatment of diseases of the throat and oral cavity.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Some experts adhere to the theory that ingalipt can be used during pregnancy. This theory is explained by the fact that ingalipt is capable of restoring damaged tissue and is also aimed at soothing irritated mucous membranes.

However a large number of Scientists and practitioners have proven that inhalipt during pregnancy is contraindicated and can even harm the developing fetus:

  1. Thymol, which is part of this drug, is completely contraindicated for a pregnant woman.
  2. Inhalipt contains sulfonamides. They have a strong effect on the body of a pregnant woman, thereby injuring her body.
  3. In addition to all that has been said, many women use ingalipt during pregnancy. But it’s not worth the risk, as it can cause severe allergic reactions. Even if a person has not suffered from such phenomena, the risk of “getting” an allergy increases by 200 percent.

What to do in this case? Contact your doctor who will prescribe other antiseptic medications that are safe while you are pregnant. And don’t forget about the instructions for inhalipt, which detail the indications and contraindications for use.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that the product is used topically. Before using the spray, the mouth must be rinsed with boiled water; ulcerated areas can be treated with a soda solution.

  • Inhalipt spray is sprayed into the oral cavity for one or two seconds (thus, 0.3-0.5 g of the drug is applied), having first removed the safety cap. Inhalipt is applied three to four times a day (no more than five times a day).

Instructions for using the drug Ingalipt for children are the same.

Side effects

Side effects are rare. Mostly allergic reaction expressed by swelling and redness. In rare cases, urticaria may occur. Digestive disorders are expressed in the form of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

If used incorrectly, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur.


In case of overdose, rinse your throat and mouth with water. In some cases, the use of enterosorbents is recommended. If necessary, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

special instructions

  1. People prone to allergies should consult a doctor before using Ingalipt.
  2. Within 15-30 minutes after irrigating the oral cavity, you must refrain from eating and drinking.

The antibacterial effect of sulfonamides, when used simultaneously, can be inactivated by derivatives of p-aminobenzoic acid, such as dicaine, anesthesin and novocaine.

Drug interactions

Negative drug interactions No inhalipt was detected with other drugs. Therefore, doctors often simultaneously local treatment spray or aerosol are prescribed antiviral and antibacterial drugs. They are selected according to the indications of the attending physician.

Inhalipt is antimicrobial agent, used for colds. It contains: sulfonamide (kills germs in the oral cavity); eucalyptus oil and peppermint(pain relief and inflammation elimination); thyme oil (especially effective in combating Candida mushrooms). Additional components are streptocide and ethyl alcohol. Inhalipt is available in the form of a spray or aerosol for irrigation of the mouth and throat.

Indications for use

  • (follicular or lacunar).
  • (including aphthous).
  • Pharyngitis (acute and chronic).
  • Loringitis (acute and chronic).
  • Tonsillitis (acute and chronic).

Ingalipt spray is effective for sore throat caused by viral diseases such as the flu.

Can it be given to children?

“Inhalipt” for children is sold in two types: spray and aerosol. It is preferable to buy a spray, because... it has a special dispenser that limits the volume of injected medicine.

Use spray ingalipt absolutely not recommended for children under 3 years of age, as indicated in the instructions of imported manufacturers. However, Russian pediatricians often prescribe the drug for children whose age is much less than 3 years. The instructions for domestic manufacturers say: “children under 2 years of age have no experience of use.”

In cases where the spray is injected into a child under 3 years of age, spasm of the larynx (laryngospasm) is possible, which can lead to respiratory arrest. The medicine in the form of a spray does not require inhalation or swallowing of tablets, which makes the treatment process much easier for young children.

Use and contraindications for children of different ages

Before using the spray, it is recommended to remove bacterial plaque from the oral mucosa. This is done with a cotton swab dipped in soda solution. Then, after removing the safety cap, the spray is sprayed into the oral cavity after pressing the spray head for 2-3 seconds. Any age Children are prohibited from spraying the spray into the larynx!

Children from 3 years old are irrigated 3-4 times a day for 7-10 days (depending on the intensity of therapy).

Children under 3 years of age, especially infants, must be in an upright position during the procedure. To check the tolerance to the components, you need to spray a drop of spray on the tongue. And if everything is fine after 2-3 minutes, you can apply the spray to your cheek. Under no circumstances should you spray into the larynx! For very young children, apply a little medicine to the pacifier or give 2-3 drops in a teaspoon.

It is possible to use Ingalipt for children under 3 years of age. only in exceptional cases, with 100% confidence in positive reaction child's body for the drug!

The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to essential oils, sulfanilamide and its other components.

Composition of Ingalipt

IN Russian pharmacies It is almost impossible to find Inhalipt specifically for children (without alcohol and essential components). In European countries there is a concept - “medicine for children”, but we have no alternative in this matter. Therefore, our Ingalipt “for children” consists of the same medicinal substances and herbal supplements as for adults: Sulfanilamide, its other name is streptocide. It has a strong antibacterial effect, and at the same time, does not disrupt the bioprocesses in microflora cells.

Peppermint oil gives antitussive and analgesic effect, and also relieves possible muscle spasms.

Glycerol removes pus deposits and helps remove excess moisture from the treated oral cavity and nasopharynx.

Eucalyptus oil relieves pain and accelerates the healing of the throat mucosa, relieves stagnation during inflammation, and acts as an antiseptic.

Side effects

Any medical supplies may cause allergies, so tests for increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Possible side effects when using Ingalipt:

  • Burning sensation.
  • Sore throat.
  • Nausea.
  • Weakness.
  • Vomit.
  • Cough.
  • Labored breathing.
  • Skin rashes.

To avoid laryngospasm, it is advisable not to use Inhalipt spray for infants!


If ingalipt is not available in the pharmacy for the treatment of children over three years of age, its analogues can be used. All of them are aimed at treating laryngitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis. The difference lies in the composition of the basic components:

  • Lugol (iodine), is allowed for children from 6 months only in the form of a solution.
  • Tantum Verd (contains benzydamine chloride).
  • Hexoral tablets or aerosol (chlorhexidine and benzocaine).
  • Cameton is an aerosol for the nasopharynx.
  • Chlorobutanol is used in conjunction with chlorhexidine, chloroform, and sodium docusate. Used in ophthalmology and ENT practice.


The average price of inhalipt spray in Russia fluctuates from 30 to 140 rubles, depending on the region. Small price and stronger effect distinguishes domestic drug from foreign.