
Correction of the curvature of the legs: modern methods and methods. Non-surgical and surgical correction of curvature of the legs

The beautiful shape of the legs has long occupied the minds of the entire female sex. Yes, and men, of course! They are the standard of beauty along with a thin waist, luxurious hair and healthy skin. Girls who have crooked legs are rather shy, they do not allow themselves to wear short skirts, they feel constrained on the beach or in the pool, they cannot fully liberate themselves in male society.

As soon as the ladies realize that they do not have perfect legs, they immediately begin to dig on the Internet and look for photos of “the same ones”. But do not worry if the legs do not meet the standards, there are many factors that affect their structure: age, gender, race. Let's consider what classification of the lower extremities exists, how to hide the shortcomings of the legs, and also give a few useful tips how to fix crooked legs.

What are they - straight legs? There is a basic rule by which the ideal form is determined: contact in 4 places. The photo below shows that these are the following points:

  • middle part of the thighs;
  • mid-calf;
  • knees;
  • heels.

If these parts are in contact with each other in the indicated places, then the girl is the owner of beautiful legs, and she can safely wear outfits of any length! With various deviations from this rule, it must be said that there is a curvature of the legs, which is divided into the following types, their photos are given below:

  1. if only the heels are in contact, and in the region of the knees and lower leg there is a kind of gap, then this means that the lower limbs have an O-shaped curvature;
  2. if the knees are the only point of contact, we can talk about an x-shaped curvature. With this shape of the legs, the ankles are divorced.

Based on the classification of deviations, the types of curvature are determined.

False curvature of the legs

It does not depend on the formation of bones. This is exclusively a feature of the formation of soft tissues of the lower extremities, usually deviations are visible in the thighs and lower legs. Often referred to as poorly developed muscles or non-standard fastening of the calf muscles. If a girl wants to correct such crooked legs, then it is enough to go through a set of special exercises. After a while, the fair sex will be able to wear any mini-skirts without hesitation!

The true curvature of the legs depends on the structure of the bone skeleton itself. In this case, only surgery can correct the shape.

How to independently determine the structure of the legs?

Exist the simplest test by determining the curvature of the lower extremities, thanks to which at home you can determine whether your legs are crooked or not:

  1. it is necessary to stand exactly in front of the mirror: knees and heels are closed, socks are slightly apart;
  2. check: if all the above 4 points are in contact and there are no gaps between them, then we can safely talk about ideal legs;
  3. if, with tightly closed feet, the knees do not close, but a deformation in the shape of the letter O forms, then we speak of an O-shaped curvature;
  4. and if, on the contrary, with closed knees the feet are separated, then there is an X-shaped deformation.

What are the reasons for the deformation?

In addition to searching the Internet for photos showing crooked legs, girls ask questions: why did the shape of the legs suddenly deform? There are several main points due to which the ideal legs have become crooked, in order to avoid this, you must adhere to the basic rules:

  1. try so that the weight of the body is never concentrated on one leg, do not sit cross-legged for a long time;
  2. in rare cases, wear shoes with very high heels, the right shoes can correct this shortcoming;
  3. never stand on one leg, because it can bend under the weight of its own body;
  4. give up the habit of putting socks inside, such a seemingly harmless pose can deform the limbs great;
  5. if a woman often carries a heavy bag on one shoulder, this can also deform the shape of the legs, and even the spine;
  6. if a woman’s favorite sleeping position is on her side, then it is better to refuse it. Experts come to the conclusion that such a pose eventually bends the legs.

How to avoid surgery?

Naturally, any girl who does not have perfect legs wants to know how to hide crooked legs or correct their shape without lying on the operating table. If the curvature of the legs is insignificant, then it can be hidden with properly selected clothes, but if the crooked legs are already very “striking”, then special corrective exercises will help to get out of the situation.

Here is a set of such exercises:

  1. Stand on the floor, feet should be shoulder-width apart, now rise on your toes, trying to stretch as high as possible.
  2. Perfectly correct the deformation of the legs will help the old exercise - a bicycle. Lying on the floor, spin imaginary pedals for a couple of minutes.
  3. The next exercise is scissors. Lying on the floor on your stomach, take your legs off the floor by 20-25 cm.
  4. Also, a funny frog pose will help to make the legs even, for this you need to squat down, spreading your legs as wide as possible. In this position, you need to sit for about 5 minutes, over time, bring the duration of the interval to 20 minutes. A rather difficult exercise that perfectly strengthens the muscles of the thighs and lower legs.
  5. An excellent exercise for the hips is the following: you need to lie on your side and raise the leg that is in contact with the floor, you need to hold it for at least 20-25 seconds. Then you need to turn to the other side and repeat with the other leg. If you feel that one leg is weaker than the other, then it needs to be given a greater load.
  6. Do not forget about the daily stretching of the thigh muscles, the following pose is perfect: standing on the floor, bend the leg at the knee and bring the heel to the buttocks, stand for about a minute, make an approach to the other foot.

In addition to a set of exercises, daily jogging, simple squats, and exercises on an exercise bike will help to correct the curvature of the lower extremities. All exercises must be done on a regular basis. If you resort to them from time to time - there will be no result.
If physical exercises do not help to get rid of this physical defect, then without expensive surgical intervention not enough. In this case, correcting the legs on the Ilizarov apparatus, cruroplasty, will help. These operations are quite complex and require strength, patience and a rather impressive sum of money.

We select a wardrobe

Almost any flaws in the figure or body structure can be hidden with the help of clothes. If you wear the right things, others will never pay attention to uneven legs. On the Internet or glossy magazines, you can always find a photo of a wardrobe specially created for the fair sex, who have problems with curvature of the legs. Here is what is ideal for those who want to hide the indicated physical defect:

  • uneven legs will always cover maxi skirts, especially now they are at the height of fashion. It is better to choose skirts made of dense, high-quality fabric that will not deform when walking. And to distract the eyes of others from the legs, you can make a bright accent on the belt, bright jewelry.
  • But in no case should you wear skirts that reach the middle of the calf, such a cut will immediately emphasize their curvature.
  • For girls with uneven legs, wide trousers or straight-cut or loose-fit boyfriend jeans are perfect.
  • It is necessary to avoid jeans with bleached stripes, to abandon the vertical or bright pattern.
  • You should not refuse capris, just remember that they are free below the knee.
  • Boots with a wide top will help to hide the lack of legs, but it should be soft leather or suede shoes.
  • If the legs are quite full, you can afford heels, but girls with uneven and skinny legs better to forget about studs.
  • Tight plain tights will help to hide the deformation perfectly, but a large abstract pattern will draw undue attention to your legs.

If nature has not awarded a woman with perfect legs, then this is not a reason to get upset and withdraw into yourself. You can always find a way out, do various exercises, hide the curvature with the right clothes, because almost any flaw can be hidden or corrected, there would be a desire!

Slender legs have long been considered one of the components of the standard of female beauty. Owners of long, even legs are happy to demonstrate their advantages, sometimes turning them into a serious weapon that smashes the representatives of the courageous half of humanity on the spot. Many girls dream of wearing short skirts and shorts, catching the admiring glances of their fans. Well, what about those who were deprived of nature?

What determines the shape of the legs

The shape of any part of the body, including the legs, depends on genetic, ethnic and gender characteristics. In fact, it is as individual as, for example, the shape of the auricle or nose. With age, the body undergoes various transformations - the articular-ligamentous apparatus weakens, subcutaneous fat, muscles degrade, body weight grows, creating additional loads on the skeleton, etc. For these reasons, the shape of the legs also changes.

What is false curvature and how does it differ from true curvature

Ideally, the legs should have several points of contact - at the knees, in the area of ​​​​the convex part of the shins and at the ankles. Orthopedic surgeons distinguish between true and false curvature of the legs. These two states are fundamentally different. True curvature is the result of structural features or deformation of the bones of the lower extremities. False - a consequence of the disproportionate distribution of soft tissues (muscle and fat) with the correct location of the skeletal bones.

True curvature, in turn, can be varus, i.e. resemble the letter "O", in which the knees do not touch, or valgus - when the shape of the legs is similar to the letter "X". In this case, on the contrary, the knees touch, and the ankles are taken away from each other.

With false curvature, in most cases, a gap is formed between the convex parts of the legs, forming a spindle-shaped defect. However, there are also combined cases when valgus and varus curvature also have a false character due to the “looseness” of the joints in case of age-related or traumatic ligament disorders. The diagram below shows the types of curvature of the legs, with the exception of the combined type: it is a combination of false curvature with non-closing of the knees.

a - closure at three points ( perfect legs); b - non-closure of the knees (true O-shaped curvature); c - non-closure of the ankles (true X-shaped curvature); d - non-closure of soft tissues of the upper third of the legs (false curvature)

It is enough to pay attention to the shape of the legs of a newborn to understand that we all come into this world with such a “flaw”: the legs resemble the letter “O” and level out by about two years. In some cases, by the age of three, the curvature occurs in the opposite direction, giving the legs the appearance of the letter "X", however, by the age of six or seven, the legs of most children straighten completely.

When is an operation needed?

Almost any type of curvature of the limbs today can be effectively eliminated.. In some cases, this can be achieved independently, and in more complex cases, with the help of a surgical operation.

Surgical intervention is performed with any true curvature, since it is associated with the structure of the skeleton. It is impossible to straighten the bones by any procedures or exercises. In such cases, they resort to special orthopedic operations with the installation of the Ilizarov corrective apparatus on the bones of the lower leg, the use of which gives the maximum result.

As for the need for surgery for a false curvature of the legs, it is carried out only when conservative methods corrections (gymnastics, massage, physiotherapeutic procedures) did not have the desired effect. In this case, surgical correction of the shape of the lower leg is performed either by cruroplasty or by lipolifting.

Restoring the shape of the lower leg with cruroplasty (photo)

Back view. Scars are almost invisible

In the first case, the surgeon installs corrective silicone implants on the patient's inner segments of the lower leg, and in the second case, he uses his own fatty tissues for plastic surgery, removing them from the abdomen. With both methods, the implants are inserted through small incisions, after which the skin is stitched together with a cosmetic suture, which will not be noticeable later. Operations are performed under general anesthesia.

Plastic surgery of the lower legs with the help of silicone implants has significant drawbacks - the liners, which are installed through the incision under the knee between the muscles of the lower leg, can move over time, again violating the shape of the leg. In this case, they will need to be removed. In addition, with implants installed, unfortunately, you can not play sports.

Special sets of exercises

The proposed universal complex consists of nine simple exercises that you can do at home. The main condition for success is regular gymnastics. If you do it from time to time, then you should not count on a good result. For greater clarity and convenience, you can look at the pictures below.

  1. Rise on tiptoe, holding on to the back of a chair. You need to do the exercise 10-15 times in 5 sets.
  2. Do the same movement while standing on one leg. The number of lifts in this case can be reduced.
  3. Stand on a slight elevation so that the heels hang freely, for example, on a plank or block, and then rise on tiptoe, followed by touching the heels of the floor at the bottom point. Do the exercise in three sets lasting 25-30 seconds each.
  4. Jump as high as you can without bending your knees. It is necessary to do three sets of 5-6 jumps.
  5. Do the jumps described above, but on one leg.
  6. Sit on a chair and put a heavy object on your knees, and then raise your legs on your toes 40-50 times. The recommended weight of the item is 5 kg.
  7. Sit on the floor and press your feet against the wall with tension. Fix the position for 5 seconds, then relax for 10-15 seconds and repeat the exercise 3-4 times again with the same interval.
  8. Squat down without lifting your heels off the floor, while trying to touch your buttocks to your calves. It is necessary to do 3 sets of 12-15 squats.
  9. Do the same squats as described in the previous exercise, but at the same time stand with your toes on a slight elevation (5–7 cm). It is allowed to hold on to the support.

A universal set of exercises for correcting the shape of the legs (hints for instructions)

How to fix depending on the type and degree of curvature

We bring to your attention another set of special exercises, which is designed for various curvature options. First you need to perform exercises to warm up the muscles:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lift your toes, trying not to tear your feet off the floor and tensing all the leg muscles as much as possible.
  2. Standing in the same position, tighten your fingers, also straining the muscles of your legs.
  3. Put your heels together, toes apart. With the tension of the leg muscles, gently rise on your toes, spreading and bringing your heels together.
  4. In a sitting position, spread your legs and lift your socks towards you, leaving your heels on the floor. In this position, spread and bring your feet together until you feel a slight pain.
  5. In the same position, bring and spread your heels, resting your fingers on the floor.
  6. Lie down on the mat and spin the “bike” with your feet for a few minutes.

After you have warmed up the muscles, you can proceed to special exercises that correspond to the curvature of your type.

For O-shaped

  1. Lie on your back and do the "scissors" first in a vertical plane, and then in a horizontal one. Gradually increase the exercise time.
  2. With your back straight, slowly squat with your knees together. Try to sit as deep as possible.
  3. Get on your knees, put your hands on your belt, spread your feet apart. Squat down slowly, trying to touch the floor with your buttocks.
  4. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, then without taking your feet off the floor, bring your knees together and spread them apart.
  5. March on the inside of your feet.

For X-shaped

  1. While holding on to the table, try to pull your knee higher, helping yourself with your hands, and then turn it back, as ballerinas usually do. Do the exercise alternately with each leg.
  2. Sit on the mat in Turkish, and pressing on your knees, try to bring them as close to the floor as possible.
  3. In a sitting position, connect the soles of your feet and also press on your knees, trying to touch the floor with them.
  4. Lie on your stomach and in this position, connect the soles, spreading your knees apart. Try to stay in this pose for 3 minutes, and then strive to bring the exercise to 15 minutes.
  5. Do the previous exercise, only in the supine position, trying to touch the floor with your knees.
  6. March on the outside of your feet.

Exercises to correct the shape of the legs (video)

Healing yoga

Yoga classes are also very useful for improving the shape of the legs. Among the main tasks of yoga is the spiritual, mental and physical improvement of a person. This ancient practice can do a lot, including the ability to influence the correction of the shape of the legs. Perhaps you did not know, but in yoga there is a whole direction that deals with such issues - Iyengar Yoga. If you choose for yourself this way of correcting the shape of your legs, you should be aware that the path will be long and difficult. A few unsystematic exercises will not bring any benefit - it takes months, or even years of hard training with full dedication, but the result will be impressive.

You need to do it under the guidance of an experienced instructor and repeat the exercises at home. Iyengar yoga strives to help a person achieve the correct position of the body - the one that nature intended for him. It is believed that under the influence of special asanas, not only muscles, but also bones can change shape, since there is a constant renewal of tissues at the cellular level in the body, including bone tissues. In the Iyengar asana complex, there are special exercises in which the legs are stretched with weights and belts, and the arch of the foot is set in an anatomically correct position, which improves posture and gait.

How to straighten your legs with Iyengar yoga (video)

What else can help

There are several other options for correcting the current situation:

  • A good effect can give regular jogging barefoot on the sand.
  • Massage. As for massage, it can be considered as an independent measure to eliminate the curvature of the legs only in childhood- up to three years. For adult patients, massage is recommended to enhance the effect obtained from practicing special exercises.

As we can see, getting rid of the curvature of the legs is quite possible - just start working on yourself. Moreover, each owner of not quite ideal legs should remember that this problem will absolutely not overshadow her impression if the girl’s personality is bright, interesting and meaningful. As they say, our problems are not outside - they are in our head ...

Beautiful slender legs are everyone's dream. Hundreds of techniques have been developed and thousands of articles have been written on how to fix crooked legs. Straight legs are not only a guarantee of attractiveness and self-confidence, but also a guarantee of health and proper functioning of the entire human musculoskeletal system. However, the reality is that not everyone can boast of slender legs and are very complex about this. In vain, you should not despair: the shape of the legs, even in adulthood, can be changed. And it is not necessary to resort to surgery for this.

Before figuring out how to fix crooked legs (how to make legs straight, change their shape), you should find out which legs are crooked, which are normal, and what are the options for curvature of the lower extremities. We are all not perfect and not symmetrical, and not every curvature is a pathology. In addition, from the point of view modern science the shape of the legs can be considered the norm (the legs are even) if they touch at three points: in the area of ​​the hip, knee and ankle joints.

Based on this, three types of curvature of the lower extremities were identified.

  1. Legs "X" (X-shaped legs).
  2. Legs "wheel" (O-shaped legs).
  3. False curvature of the legs.

O-shaped legs (legs "wheel") are very easy to determine at home. To do this, you can stand right in front of the mirror and look at your limbs. If the legs are O-shaped, then starting from the top of the thighs, they will diverge and close only at the ankles. This shape of the legs can be easily corrected without surgery at home, if you use a set of special exercises or a device for correcting crooked legs (for example, legs can be aligned using the Ilizarov apparatus).

To determine the X-shape of the legs, you also need to stand up straight and look in the mirror. If the legs are X-shaped, only the knees will touch each other, while the ankles will diverge to the sides. And this shape of the legs can be corrected without surgery at home, if you do exercises to align the limbs or use special devices to straighten the legs.

If there is false curvature (the limbs, as expected, touch at three points, but look crooked), there is no defect in the joints, and even more so, the bones are not broken. In this case, the muscles are to blame for the unattractiveness of the legs - they are either overdeveloped, or the muscle mass is insufficient. It is easiest to correct this form at home, straightening your legs will not be difficult.

To correct false curvature, it is enough to systematically do special exercises for the muscles of the lower extremities.

Reasons for changing the shape of the legs

Why are the legs prone to curvature, and what could be the consequences of the curvature of the lower extremities? The human body, as already noted, is not symmetrical, so everyone has a curvature of the legs to one degree or another. If the legs look unattractive (they are X-shaped, O-shaped, “wheeled”, or there is a false curvature), their shape can be completely corrected without surgery at home using specially designed exercises.

It is possible to align the legs without surgery, first of all, because their curvature lies not in bone defects (the bones, in the vast majority of cases, are normal), the curvature of the limbs is also not inherited. Legs "X" or "wheel" - an acquired phenomenon: the cause of the curvature is in some divergence of the joints (stretching of their ligaments), and the joints are plastic, and their displacement can be corrected.

The fact is that during the period of a person growing up (the time when bones, joints and ligaments are strengthened), the legs change shape several times. The baby is born with "wheel" legs (O-shape). During the first two years of life, the limbs straighten a little, but already at the age of 3 they bend again, this time acquiring the shape of an "X". The legs become straight again by the time the baby goes to school, but in adolescence, during a period of intensive growth, the limbs can again bend in one direction or another. And if you do not resort to treatment, the legs with the letter O or X will remain with a person forever, which can significantly damage health, especially in old age.

Correction of the curvature of the legs by one method or another is necessary for normal operation human musculoskeletal system. If the legs are not straightened, if their shape is not made normal, the weight of a person during physical exertion will be distributed unevenly, which can significantly damage the joints (first of all, it will negatively affect the knees) and the human spine. Subsequently, this can cause diseases such as arthrosis and arthritis. In old age, the limbs will be very sore, and may even lose their working capacity.

Straightening or alignment of crooked legs is also necessary because if the deformation of the joints is not stopped, it will increase every year, especially if a woman gains excess weight or during pregnancy.

Aligning the legs

You can correct the curvature of the legs yourself at home with the help of a set of special exercises. These exercises should work in two directions: correct the axes of the legs and return the knee joints to their place; pump up muscles and shape the contour of the legs and hips.

Target Performance
To straighten the legs with a “wheel”, such exercises will help. Alternate abduction and abduction of the limbs when they are on towels; swing legs in the supine position; swing your legs up, with the support of your hands behind; static and dynamic exercises to strengthen the press (for example, yoga boat pose); squats with toes apart.
You can fix your legs with an "X" thanks to such exercises. Butterfly: you need to sit with your knees apart and your feet flattened; walking on the outside of the legs; squats in a position where the knees are located above the feet, and the feet are parallel to each other.
With false curvature of the legs, such exercises are relevant. Rises on socks, rolls from socks to heels; running and jumping on straight legs; springy squats without taking your heels off the floor; swing forward and to the side.

If all the methods described above turned out to be ineffective (or there is simply no desire to perform special corrective exercises), you can always resort to surgical intervention. Such an operation to align the legs is quite expensive, but very effective. Its essence lies in the fact that spokes are inserted into the bones of the lower leg, to which the orthopedic apparatus is attached. After the operation, two stages follow: correction and fixation, during which the shape of the legs is normalized. The period for correcting crooked legs with surgery is approximately 55 days, plus or minus 5 days, depending on individual characteristics patient.

As for the false curvature of the legs, in addition to performing special exercises, it can be easily eliminated with the help of contouring, and specifically, by implanting implants into the calves. Such implants, or silicone pads, have a density equal to the density of the calf muscles, and it is impossible to determine their presence by touch. Silicone pads are inserted under local anesthesia over the middle part of the calf muscles. The seam after the operation will be invisible, since the incision is made under the knee.

Silicone pads cannot deteriorate - their guarantee is for life.

True X-shaped curvature (valgus deformity) is manifested by the presence of a distance between the feet with tightly closed knees in a free stance.

Classification of the shape of the legs (Artemyev A.A., 2001):

  1. True X-shaped curvature (valgus deformity);

Below is a video on how to fix crooked legs

Correction of X-shaped legs. Part 1. Dangers and consequences

Correction of X-shaped legs. Part 2. At what age to do the operation

What is X-shaped curvature

This classification allows you to independently determine the shape of the legs and decide on the correction of curvature.

The "ideal" shape of the legs involves the closing of the knees, calves and feet and the presence of three gaps between them.

True X-shaped curvature is manifested by the presence of distance between the feet with tightly closed knees in a free stance. It can be conditionally considered that the deviation of the axis by 10-15° is a cosmetic problem, more than 15° - orthopedic. With a pronounced curvature, we are already talking about hallux valgus.

How common are X legs

The shape of the legs is an ethnic sign. X-shaped curvature of the legs is more common in residents of European countries. For surgical correction, the owners of such legs turn about 10-15 times less often than about the O-shaped curvature of the legs.
It is difficult to say how often among all people there are X-foot, but men resort to the services of surgeons about 2-3 times more often than women.

Manifestations and consequences of valgus curvature of the lower extremities

An interesting observation is noteworthy: in trousers, legs with a slight hallux valgus seem straight. Straight legs, especially for thin people, in trousers seem a bit like a wheel. With severe hallux valgus, X-shaped legs, on the contrary, are not only very noticeable in trousers, but even make it difficult to wear clothes. Highly frequent occasion to apply for surgical care, especially in men, there are problems in choosing model clothes.

Valgus deformity with in-depth examination is accompanied by underdevelopment of the condyles of the femur or lower leg, as well as flat feet. With age, these features can lead to the development and progression of various pathological conditions and therefore require correction as early as possible.

Three options for correcting the shape of the legs

You can be sure that we will make perfect legs in almost any case. The point is how long this process will take. We offer three ways to correct leg varus deformity:

  • Ilizarov correction (see details below);
  • Express method;
  • Improved express method.

Express methods involve fixation with a pin, which significantly reduces the rehabilitation time - in fact, you can start active rehabilitation as early as 19 days after the operation.

If you think you have a false curvature -

Features of the correction of the X-shaped legs

Principle surgical treatment- the same as at - only the direction of displacement is directly opposite.

In the process of correction in the interests of improvement appearance legs can be lengthened.

Surgical correction of the lower leg is technically simpler and has much fewer complications than hip surgery. However, with severe valgus deformity, it is necessary to correct the nominal segment that is curved.

Considering that the principle of correction of the X-shaped curvature of the legs is the same as with, the main features of the operation and postoperative management, as well as the cost of treatment, are the same in the treatment of both types of deformity.

Additional information and frequently asked questions

At the decision-making stage and during the correction process, additional questions often arise. Answers to them -. Here you can find out what examination you need to undergo before the operation, how to take a photo for a remote consultation and much more.

Often, hallux valgus is understood as deformity of the foot, including the first (big) toe (hallux valgus). Both valgus deviation of 1 toe and deformity (valgus and varus) of the knee joints are phenomena of the same order. They belong to static deformations, and the reason lies in the developmental features connective tissue. It cannot be considered a pathology. In many cases, these are developmental features. However, with age, such deformities can lead to serious problems. If one of these diseases is identified, an additional examination is needed to identify other deformities.

Such static deformities can be detected in early childhood. The child must undergo an additional examination to rule out any pathology. If you suspect a child, you need to show the orthopedist at least once a year.

In addition to classification, Dr. Artemiev introduced such terms and concepts as ideal legs, their true and false curvature.

What do these concepts mean, how to fix crooked legs at home? How to define your form? Find out the answers right now.

The beauty of the legs is a concept that everyone builds on a personal aesthetic perception. Just beautiful, that's all, you say. But it turns out that there are ideal legs, and their shape is calculated mathematically.

They should reach a length of up to 55% of your height, it is also necessary to observe certain proportions between body height and the volume of the hips and ankles. But the main thing is the rule of a straight line: if you draw an imaginary straight line from the middle of the thigh through closed knees and ankles, then three gaps will be visible along the smooth inner contour of the limb: from the crotch to the knee joints, under the knees brought together to the calves and from the calf muscles to the ankles. You have perfect legs. But nature has not endowed everyone with such. Anthropometric cosmetology is engaged in the correction of such defects.

The legs of many men and women have curvature, different in severity and divided into two types - false and true. What is it and what is their fundamental difference?

1. True

This distortion is the result anatomical features or deformities of the skeletal bones of the thigh and lower leg. In this case, the lower limbs form an arc, as it were. The cause of true, that is, bone curvature, is most often hereditary genes or diseases suffered at a young age, such as rickets, or metabolic disorders.

Such curvature is a disproportionate distribution of the soft tissues of the thigh and lower leg with an even, defect-free position of the skeletal bones. We can say that false curvature is the appearance of curvature in its real absence.

True curvature is divided into two types:

O-shaped, or varus

People who have such a bone deformity are said to have wheeled legs or like a football player. Wherever the discrepancy begins - from the level of the thigh or the area below the knee, all the same, in the end, the shape of the legs will look like the letter "O". Of the three ideal points of contact, the knees will “fall out” - they do not close with such a deformation.

X-shaped, or valgus

In this case, the knees, on the contrary, close tightly, but the ankles cannot come together. As a result, the shape of the lower limbs resembles the letter "X" and such people are said to have "X" legs.

We offer a simple verification mini-test:

  1. Stand straight in front of the mirror, bend one limb and observe the kneecap of the straight supporting leg. If it is shifted inward - you have an O-shaped deformation, outwardly - an X-shaped one.
  2. Put your hands on your belt, do a simple squat at a slow pace. Watch your knees: with an O-shaped curvature, they tend to the sides, with an X-shaped curvature, they want to connect, if the legs are even, they bend parallel to the feet.

An x-ray will help to finally put an end to this issue. She will not be deceived by false curvature - in the picture, the axis of the leg, no matter what impression the disproportionately distributed muscles make, will be straight.

It is impossible not to say that the distortion of the lower extremities is not only a problem of aesthetics. It can harm the legs and back. But today, almost any curvature lends itself to straightening and alignment - it can be carried out independently or using special techniques.

Peculiarity! There are cases when valgus and varus refer to false curvature. As a result of age-related changes or ligament injuries, joints not fastened by them can become loose, as a result, the knees stop closing. On your own, it can be difficult to figure out why the shape of your legs is distorted, and to distinguish between false curvature and true curvature.

False curvature - what to do to win?

We emphasize right away that false deformity of the legs is not a pathology. She does no harm physical health, a is only an aesthetic defect. This means that we are quite capable of correcting the curvature of the legs without surgery.

How to correct and correct the true curvature? We will start the correction with the correct physical activity. The result, depending on the degree of deformation, can be seen in six months or a year, and even completely get rid of the defect. But time and effort will not be wasted - your body will improve and strengthen in general, you will look and feel much better. And the proposed complexes can be performed not only in the gym, but even on your own at home.

How to make the legs even with this type of defect? The impact should be aimed at strengthening the adductor muscles, as well as the inner surface of the thigh and lower leg. So, we present you exercises for crooked legs at home.

  1. Walking on the inner arches of the foot and on the heels with outward looking socks, lifting on the toes and other exercises for the calf muscles.
  2. Running or walking up stairs, lifting up on your toes with each step. Can be replaced by "Stepping on the bench."
  3. Squats: as deep as possible with knees brought together, the second type is the ballet "Plie". The legs are spread as wide as possible, the socks look in different directions, the emphasis during movement is on the inner surface of the thigh. Read more about all types of squats here.
  4. Leg swings to the side from a standing position - free or with sports rubber.
  5. Raises of straight legs: one leg lying on its side, alternately from a sitting position with support on the hands behind
  6. "Scissors" vertical and horizontal or "Bicycle".
  7. Lunges. Move the weight of the body to the heel of the working limb, lifting from the lunge - without a jerk with tension in the buttocks, not the knee.
  8. Breeding. Feet - shoulder-width apart, bring your knees closer and apart without tearing off the entire surface of your feet from the floor.
  9. Cross "twine". Not only straightens, but also lengthens the limbs.

Classes must be held three times a week, every other day. Walking takes 5-10 minutes, with the connection of hands can be considered a warm-up. Each exercise is 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

To correct the O-shaped curvature of the legs, it is useful to engage in speed skating, ballet and swimming. Also look at the video how to straighten your legs with exercises:

Below you can see photos of o-shaped types in women before and after training:

The abductor muscles of the outer surface of the thigh are subject to study.

  1. Walking on the outer arches of the foot.
  2. The so-called "Walking on your knees" and other exercises to strengthen the muscles around the knees.
  3. Weighting is gradually increased from session to session.
  4. Swing the leg to the side with the toe pulled over - from a position with emphasis on the knees and elbows, lying on your side or standing.
  5. Side lunges. The step to the side should be wide, arms extended in front of you, heels do not come off the floor.
  6. Squats - regular or with the ball sandwiched between the knees.
  7. Static exercise "Stool against the wall."
  8. Abduction of the knee. Standing on one leg, pull the second knee higher and turn it as far back as possible for you (such an element can be seen in ballet). Do it in turn for each limb.
  9. Turkish squat. In this position, press on your knees, bringing them as close to the floor as possible. Do the same, slightly changing the position and connecting the soles together.
  10. Lying on your stomach, connect the soles, and spread your knees apart. Hold for at least 3 minutes, gradually bring the time up to 10-15 minutes.

Such exercises are also performed 3 times during the week, for each exercise - 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Sports that will benefit those with X-shaped legs are yoga, breaststroke swimming, equestrianism and cycling.

In the above complexes, the load is directed to the target muscles and, in combination with stretching, can increase the volume of the calves, correct the hips and shape of the legs.

We present you a photo of x-shaped legs in women before and after exercises:

Important! The most effective exercise for adding volume to the calves is lifting on the toe. For building muscle mass you need to do not 50 or more repetitions, but 12-15 in three approaches, preferably with an additional weight of 10-20 kg until a slight burning sensation in the muscles during the last repetitions. Remember to stretch, keep your knees slightly bent during the exercise, and position your feet correctly with your toes in or out, depending on the problem.

True curvature - 5 ways to correct

Unlike the false curvature of the legs, where efforts to eliminate it must be directed to work with muscles and fat deposits, the true one is skeletal deformity. And here we need more effective methods, with the involvement of medical specialists. What is proposed for this today?

There are two options for orthopedic surgery:

1. Surgical intervention with the installation of the Ilizarov apparatus on the bones of the lower leg

10 days after installation, the process of bone correction begins, which consists in a compression effect on the bone by regularly tightening the nuts for 1.5-2 months.

Application is recommended not earlier than 14 years of age. After removing the device, active physical activity is excluded for 4-6 weeks. This method can be called traditional, but, according to experts, its application gives the maximum result.

2. Operation in the clinic plastic surgery called cruroplasty.

It can be carried out according to two methods - installation on the shin area, in the calf muscle area, corrective silicone implants of the required shape and size, and lipofilling, when a volume is formed on the same leg area from fat cells pumped out from the patient's abdomen. The operation lasts an hour and a half, rehabilitation takes 1.5-2 months. The disadvantages include the fact that over time, the implants can move on their own, distorting the shape of the leg, as well as a ban on sports.

As an independent measure of influence, massage to correct the curvature of the legs is effective only for children under the age of three.

It can help adult patients only if the key to the problem with the limbs lies in the back area, and an experienced chiropractor undertook to eliminate the defect.

But still the massage remains an auxiliary measure it is not able to completely eliminate the deformation of the bones.

The principle of operation is the horizontal extension of the column of the spine and legs.

With regular exercise, it gradually relieves spasms and tension in the bones and joints, restores blood circulation, and lengthens the limbs.

This device consists of three belts adjustable in length, which grab the legs in three places.

In this position, you should perform a number of exercises described in the instructions.

It will help provide a few little tricks.

  • Overlays.

Skin-colored silicone correctors will help to visually correct the curvature and create the appearance of an increase in the volume of the calves. They must be attached directly to the limb - from the inside, in the region of the calf muscle. After that, you can wear tight tights or tight jeans.

  • Proper clothing.

To hide crooked legs with clothes, your wardrobe needs straight classic trousers or jeans, straight-cut breeches, skirts or maxi or midi length dresses - flared and puffy godet, boots with a free shaft and over the knee boots to wear with shorts or a short skirt.

Check out the photos below before and after correcting the true curvature with various methods:

If you have embarked on the path of correcting the false curvature of the legs, try to say goodbye to a few bad habits:

  • sleep on stomach after all, in such a position the spine does not rest and a difference in the length of the limbs can form, but it is often quite insignificant. The effect of constantly sleeping on your stomach is the same as carrying a bag on one shoulder;
  • cross your legs while sitting and cross your legs while standing;
  • walk in high heels which keeps the muscles tense. The result is a deterioration in blood circulation and lymph flow, pain and swelling in the limbs, the development of varicose veins and the formation of cellulite.

Step by step - to the feet of your dreams.

Much that is a tragedy for us is perceived by others as something insignificant or even imperceptible. Spectacular beautiful legs are the dream of any girl. But there are no such people who would not have their own special beauty at all. Learn to correctly place accents in appearance, to be interesting interlocutor and, of course, do not leave your dream of having beautiful legs. Even women after forty can correct defects. Go to it step by step, achieve your goal using our advice and recommendations - and you sure everything will work out!

The natural curvature of the legs is not a disaster at all:

  • firstly, there are not so many ideal legs by nature;
  • secondly, it is quite possible that you are simply exaggerating your small defect.

Today, the problem of curvature of the legs can be radically solved either by orthopedic straightening or plastic surgery. Such operations are very painful, debts and expensive, and the most offensive - they are often disappointing. But is it worth resorting to drastic measures when there are other methods that are much simpler, more accessible and harmless. Correction of the curvature of the legs can be done by physical and manual influence.

It is possible to correct the curvature of the legs with the help of exercise, simulators and manual methods of influence.

Before proceeding with the correction of the legs, be sure to visit an orthopedist. It will help determine:

  • Which curvature do you have (true or false):
    • true curvature is determined by the deviation of the bones from the vertical axis;
    • false - asymmetry or insufficient development of the muscles of the calves or thighs.
  • Curvature Shape Type:
    • O-shaped or X-shaped
  • Cause of curvature:
    • natural defect,
    • muscle features,
    • biomechanics of the knee.

You can also check the falsity or truth of the curvature and the shape of the curvature yourself by straightening your legs until the knees and feet are in full contact.

Before choosing a way to straighten your legs, you need to determine your type of curvature.

The verification test is described in detail in the article Leg Straightening Surgery.

In the curvature of the legs, nature often turns out to be nothing to do with:

In most cases, the curvature of the legs is a defect acquired during incomplete bone growth.

  • Our habits may be to blame:
    • the habit of standing in a pose, leaning on one leg and weakening the other;
    • a pose in which the feet are turned toes inward;
    • the habit of eating a lot - as a result, a lot of weight leads to a curvature of the legs.
  • Also, the cause of asymmetry or curvature of the legs can be life itself with its daily stress:
    • in jumpers, the push leg is usually more developed;
    • in professional jockeys, O-shaped curvature of the legs is possible, etc.
  • The cause of X-shaped deformity can be valgus deformity of the foot (clubfoot) - turning the foot outward:
    • Such a defect is often formed in early childhood, when the development of the musculo-ligamentous system of a baby who has begun to walk is insufficient, or the child has a lot of weight.

False curvature is corrected by pumping up the corresponding muscles of the thigh or lower leg with the help of physical exercises and simulators - this way you can correct the shape of the legs by closing too large "openings" between the legs or smoothing the outer contour.

However major degree curvature usually leads to a violation of the biomechanics of the knee joints.

Screening test for knee joints:

  • with an O-shaped form, the patella on a straightened leg is displaced inward;
  • with an X-shaped - outwards;

    During the test, bend one leg, and on a flat leg, determine the displacement of the patella.

  • in the first case, the knees go to the sides when squatting;
  • in the second, they seek to unite.

    As you squat, be aware of which direction your knees are moving.

There is no longer a false, but a true curvature, which cannot be corrected by developing the calf muscles.

True curvature of the legs due to displacement knee joint can be corrected with the help of manual impact on the knee joint in combination with a set of exercises for joints and muscles.

The following exercises help with this type of curvature:

Examples of exercises to correct the curvature of the legs

  • Walking on the inside of the foot.
  • Walking on heels with toes out.
  • Squats in the "ballet" position: socks are divorced as much as possible.
  • Exercises for the adductor (internal) muscles of the thigh and lower leg:
    • free leg abduction to the side in a standing position;
    • leg abduction with shock absorber - rubber cord;
    • lifting the leg to the side in a standing position sideways to the support;
    • side leg lift.
  • Alternate rises of straightened legs in a sitting position, leaning with your hands behind.
  • Cross movements with straight legs ("scissors") in the prone position.
  • Exercises with straight legs connected together (connect legs with belts or special correctors):
    • Lie on the floor with your feet on the wall. Sitting down, stretch your hands to the wall.
    • Lie on the floor, stretching out, then pull the feet towards you.
    • Lying on your back, slowly, without raising your torso and head, raise your legs to a height of 30 cm from the floor, then also gently lower them.
  • The cross split stretch is a very effective way to straighten and lengthen your legs.

Sports preferred for O-shaped curvatures:

  • skating;
  • skating skiing;
  • ballet dances;
  • swimming.

The long type of lower leg responds best to exercises, in which the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles are located low and are attached to the short Achilles tendon.

A short shin with a high position of muscles and a long tendon is less amenable to correction.

The following exercises are preferred for X-shaped curvature:

  • Walking on the outer sides of the foot.
  • Squats with the ball between the knees.
  • Turkish seating:
    • knees apart, heels connected;
    • a similar asana in yoga is the lotus position.
  • Exercises for the internal soleus muscle in a sitting position on a chair:
    • As a simple simulator, a shovel handle is used, which is placed on your knees.
    • Pressing on the handle of the shovel with both hands, at the same time slowly raise both shins on their toes and lower them.
    • After some time, we weight the stalk by hanging loads along the edges, for example, plastic bottles or buckets of water.
  • Exercise to train the medial head of the calf muscle:
    • It is performed on steps with safety net.
    • Stand on the bottom step of the stairs not on the whole foot (heels not on the step), turning your socks outward.
    • Holding the hands of an assistant standing above, slowly rise on your toes and lower (the heel should not go below the level of the step, in order to avoid stretching the Achilles tendon).

These exercises are performed three times a week:

  • three sets of 15 repetitions are done during the lesson.

Sports with X-shaped legs.

With X-shaped deformation fit:

  • equestrian and cycling,
  • breaststroke swimming,
  • yoga classes.

Video: Leg Correction Exercises.

The purpose of the classes is to train the quadriceps femoris muscle, but not to increase mass, but to work out its relief and shape.

To perform this exercise, you will need a simple leg extension machine.

The purpose of the exercises on the simulator is to correct the relief and shape of the quadriceps femoris muscle.

How the exercise is performed:

  • Sit on the simulator and first check how it is set:
    • when placing the lower leg under the stop, it should be no higher than one third of the length of the lower leg
    • if the stop is higher or lower, set it according to your anthropometric data
  • Starting the exercise, place the feet at a distance of 30 cm from each other.
  • Leaning back against the backrest and holding on to the handles, we slowly straighten our legs at the knees.
  • To correct the outer contour of the legs (with X-shaped curvature), the feet are turned with their toes inward when the legs are extended.
  • To correct the inner part of the quadriceps of the foot, you need to turn it outward.
  • You can not start classes with too much weight on the simulator - weight gain should be gradual.

At home, such exercises can be performed on a chair with weights on the legs.

Video: Straightening the legs while sitting in the simulator.

This very simple technique is proposed chiropractor, chiropractor Vitaly Gitt.

To select the correction method, the type of curvature of the legs is determined:

  • Curvature due to too close together or vice versa too divorced knees.
  • Curvature of the lower leg (mostly external O-shaped).
  • External curvature femur.

According to these types of defects, Gitt suggests the following repair methods:

The knee is corrected by the expansion of the joint space and the natural growth of the meniscus under impact.

To do this, daily for a minute in the morning and evening, you need to beat these areas with a small bag of tarpaulin (size 15x20cm) filled with sand or salt, on the inside of the knee with an O-shaped curvature or on the outside - with an X-shaped. The blows in the first days should be weak, then after adaptation, the strength of the blows must be increased

The defect is eliminated in the same way - by a gradual increase in blows to problem areas.

Strikes are a kind of microtrauma, due to which blood circulation and metabolic processes are stimulated, and muscle building occurs, which cannot be done with the help of physical exercises with too high or too low a curvature position.

This happens by building up the internal muscle:

  • in a sitting position on a chair, a small 20-centimeter ball is placed between the knees;
  • the ball is compressed-unclenched at a fast pace for one to two minutes.

The buildup of both the meniscus and muscles with such methods is minimal, but even a few millimeters produce a good visual effect.

To obtain tangible results, these procedures must be performed at least six months.

As you can see, correcting the curvature of the legs is completely in your hands.

Video: Slim legs through yoga

The human body is asymmetrical, it happens that this leads to a curvature of the lower extremities. The curvature of the legs is divided into types:

  • O-shaped;
  • X-shaped;
  • Legs with a wheel;
  • false curvature.

Legs in the shape of the letter "O" are noticeable in a person standing, closing the limbs together, but the knees do not touch each other. "X" is determined by the contact of the knees, the ankles diverge to the sides. "Wheel" - when the knees and ankles do not touch each other. False curvature - the bones are even, the legs seem crooked. Curvature appears with improper development of individual muscle groups.

It is difficult to achieve the result of ideal legs, but small deviations from the norm are not a reason for tragedy and the development of complexes. For selected people, medical intervention will be the way out of the situation.

In many cases, it is possible to correct the situation on your own, without recourse to medical workers. Create beautiful legs is achievable at home, without medical care and sports instructors.

curvature of the legs

Excellent results are achieved with regular exercise. Before starting the exercise, it is worth determining the lack of limbs. You will need to stand near the mirror, move the limbs together, take a good look. Often the legs are straight, just a little weak, without strong muscles, which creates difficulties for the owner. If you constantly perform exercises to straighten the legs at home, it remains possible to get a good result, correct the curvature of the limbs.

Known complexes of simple exercises, doable at home, leading to the desired effect. To be successful, remember:

  • It is forbidden to stand on one leg or cross limbs;
  • High heels are rarely required;
  • You need to sleep on your back;
  • It is forbidden to redistribute the weight on one leg;
  • No need to carry the bag on one shoulder.

Professional simulators for straightening limbs at home have been developed, the exercises are simple and show good results. You can get a noticeable effect by doing ten standard squats three times a day.

Initially, you will need to remove excess fat located on the lower leg, thighs. It is worth walking more, cycling, rollerblading, performing more simple active movements.

Lie sideways, on top of a hard surface, tighten your muscles. Raise up the leg on which you are lying, as far as possible, hold it in the raised position for twelve seconds. Then turn the other side, repeat the movement with the second leg.

It is important to perform exercises constantly, daily, four times for a limb. The selected exercise helps the thigh muscles become stronger.

Stand up straight, head slightly raised. Straighten your back, pull in your stomach. The muscles of the body should be in a relaxed state. One leg is bent back and held by the hand, the muscles of the other are stretched. Charging for one leg continues for twenty seconds. Then the limbs are changed, the exercise is repeated again. Do it regularly, preferably twice a day.

Sit on the floor, straighten your back, take the toes of one foot, slowly, without sharp jerks, pull towards you. Stay in this position for seven seconds. Repeat the exercise for the second leg.

Take a standing position, the leg is placed in front of the other, leaving a walking distance. The back is straight, no need to roll forward or backward. We start doing lunges. Use a special platform for classes, in this way the load increases, the result improves.

The stance is similar to exercise 4. Slowly bend the front leg at the knee, tear off the heel of the second leg from the floor in parallel. After transferring the weight to the toe of the leg located behind. It is required to take a position when both limbs are bent at the knee at a right angle. Hold on for a few moments, return to starting position. It is recommended to spread your arms in different directions, such a movement helps to maintain balance. The exercise is done fifteen times, in two sets.

Leg straightening

It is shown to treat the curvature of the limbs with the help of the Sport-1 simulator. The device provides the ability to do exercises for certain muscle groups. This includes squats, jumps, lunges, and calf raises. Constantly practicing, performing the exercises the required number of times, the legs become embossed, gradually leveling off. It is possible to treat curvature with the help of yoga.

For this type of curvature of the legs, many exercises are known. Corrections are possible with the execution of movements:

  • Walking on the inside of the foot.
  • Walking with heels, the toe points outward.
  • Spread your socks as far as possible, squat.
  • In a standing position, move your leg to the side.
  • Raise your leg while lying on your side.
  • Sit down, lean your hands behind you, raise straightened legs in turn.
  • Lie on the floor, raise the limbs up, make crossing movements, slowly, lowering to the floor.
  • Close your legs with belts and correctors (specially created), after stretching out lying on a hard surface, then pull your feet towards you. Perhaps an occupation where the body with the head does not come off the floor, the legs smoothly rise up and down.
  • Stretching "twine" helps to straighten the legs.

Having an “O-shaped” curvature, it is enough to close the legs tightly when standing straight, as tightly as possible. The tension should become as strong as possible, fix the position for five to seven seconds.

Put your feet shoulder-width apart, do squats, twenty times, connecting your knees. Then sit down, legs should be extended. With a quick movement of the foot, turn outward, and the muscles at this moment are tense. We do twenty exercises. Then, kneeling, spread your socks on different sides, try to sit on your heels, on a hard surface. Twenty sets are repeated.

With such a curvature, experts advise swimming, figure skating, ballet dancing, and skating skiing.

The result of the exercises is noticeable at the elongated bootleg, where the gastrocnemius, soleus muscles are located, with a low location, they are located on the short Achilles tendon. A short shin reveals a high location of the muscle and an elongated tendon, which is less amenable to correction.

For the curvature of the limbs of the "X-shaped" type, several exercises have been developed. Start jumping rope, gradually increasing the number of jumps, walk outside feet, squat with the ball sandwiched between the knees. It is recommended to cross your legs, sit down, quickly rise without the help of your hands, do the exercise thirty times.

Hip stretch

New exercise: back straight, feet together. Spread the legs as far as possible, fix for five seconds. The back is kept straight, feet together, do not come off the floor.

For the soleus internus muscle, a sitting exercise is suitable. A shovel handle or a similar stick is placed on your knees. You will need to press down hard, at the same time the shins rise on their toes and fall. After a series of classes, the stick should be weighted, heavy weights should be hung around the edges. Exercises are performed at least three times a week for three sets, fifteen repetitions.

Hip deformity appears when the internal muscle is built up. You will need to sit down, fix the ball between the knees small size, suitable twenty-centimeter. Squeeze, unclench the ball at a fast pace, for two minutes.

If you practice regularly, in a month a small result will become noticeable, in six months it will turn into a tangible and visible one.

Some girls, because of the crooked toes, are very complex, more often in the summer, when it is customary to wear open shoes. When straightening the toes, several simple exercises have been created that can be done at home.

It will help walking on tiptoe, it is useful to squeeze, unbend your fingers, straining your muscles. Orthopedists do not advise wearing shoes in the apartment, or wearing light, open shoes.

The above exercises are easy to perform and accessible to a person. Curvature can be corrected at any age. With desire and diligence, the work ends with a victorious result. To achieve greater efficiency from classes, you will have to gradually increase the number of loads, it is useful to consult with a sports instructor about the selected set of exercises. Perhaps the trainer will approve the chosen complex or recommend his own set of exercises, created specifically for leg correction, taking into account the characteristics of the body.

There are no cons to the above exercises, but there are many pluses. With the help of classes, the legs will become slender, pumped up, acquire an aesthetic relief. It does not matter whether physical activity, yoga treatment or the Sport 1 simulator will be useful. Improves well-being, benefiting the body.

You can't be lazy! For smooth and beautiful legs, you will have to work regularly. Exercise at least twice a week. For several sessions, the result cannot be achieved, the temporarily unwanted curvature of the legs will hide under a long skirt, over the knee boots or tights with a large pattern.

Exercises for the O-shaped curvature of the legs is an effective therapeutic technique that, with a regular and systematic approach to classes, will help to correct and correct their shape without surgical intervention. How to overcome the curvature of the lower extremities with the help therapeutic gymnastics? What exercises will be most effective and how to perform them correctly?

Curvature of the legs is a widespread problem that can have many causes. Specialists distinguish 2 types of curvature of the lower extremities:

  1. X-shaped curvature - is a deformity of the legs, in which the patient cannot connect the ankles if the hips are closed.
  2. O-shaped curvature - is a deformation of the internal contour of the limbs (from the ankle to the perineum). When the patient joins the legs together, they resemble a wheel in appearance.

It is necessary to fight with the curvature of the lower extremities. The problem not only gives the patient psychological discomfort and reduces self-esteem, but also negatively affects the gait, as well as the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

According to experts in the medical field, the curvature of the legs, the appearance of which is due to hereditary, genetic causes or past traumatic injuries, is practically impossible to correct. This problem can only be dealt with by surgery.

However, in all other cases, physiotherapy exercises can bring very tangible, impressive results. According to Irina Krasikova, gymnastics will be especially effective in case of curvature of the legs in young patients, because their bone tissues are soft and elastic and lend themselves well to external influences.

Regular and conscientious classes will help adult patients as well. After about a year of training, the leg will become much slimmer and smoother!

Curvature of the legs is a cosmetic defect, usually visible to the naked eye. However, before starting classes, it is recommended to make sure that you really need a correction.

For these purposes, you need to stand up straight, closing your limbs, and try to relax the muscle groups of the lower limbs as much as possible (it is advisable to perform a check while standing in front of a mirror). After that, take a close look at your feet. According to the established standard, the limbs should touch each other at the following points:

  • feet;
  • knees;
  • middle part of the ankle.

If the legs are deformed according to the 0-shaped type, then they are in contact in the crotch and heels. In the case of an x-shaped curvature, they are connected exclusively in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe knees.

If you have identified obvious defects in the shape of your legs, then you need to deal with this problem. However, it is highly recommended to consult with a qualified orthopedic specialist before starting classes, especially when we are talking about small child or teenager.

In most situations, deformity and curvature of the lower extremities are caused by specific defects in bone tissue, weakening of the knee joint, or improper development of the muscle groups of the lower extremities. Therapeutic physical education in this case is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  1. Strengthening weakened muscle groups of the lower extremities.
  2. Correction of the functioning of ligaments.
  3. Rotation of the knee joint area to the anatomically correct position.

Thus, exercises help to get rid of the curvature of the legs. Moreover, according to numerous reviews by patients, with systematic daily training according to the scheme prescribed by a specialist, the results become noticeable in just a couple of months.

If you skip classes, do the exercises at half strength, gymnastics will have absolutely no effect. In addition, a preliminary consultation with an orthopedist is necessary, which will help develop the optimal set of exercises, taking into account the age category and the individual characteristics of a particular patient. Moreover, for some patients, such activities may be completely prohibited in case of diseases in which any increased load to the lower limbs.

Experts recommend starting any exercises aimed at correcting the shape of the legs after the muscles are sufficiently prepared and warmed up. The optimal warm-up includes the following types exercises:

  1. Standing on the floor, raise your toes, as if tearing them off the surface. At the same time, the foot is pressed harder against the surface.
  2. Do the exercise "Bicycle" (up to 10 repetitions).
  3. Sit on a chair and, legs apart, rest your heels on the floor. Raise your feet and begin to alternately turn them from side to side.
  4. Walk on your toes (3 to 5 minutes).
  5. Stand straight and begin to bend your toes, as if removing them under the area of ​​​​the foot.

Now let's consider effective complex exercises aimed at correcting legs with an o-shaped curvature:

  1. Walk on the inside of your foot.
  2. Do about 20 squats, while spreading the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe socks as much as possible.
  3. Stand up straight, lift your leg and take it as wide as possible to the side. Repeat the same exercise with the second one.
  4. Sit with your hands on the floor, straighten your legs. Start lifting the limbs one by one, while making sure that the leg remains perfectly flat.
  5. Lie on the floor, close your legs and begin to slowly raise and lower them. At the same time, make sure that the body remains motionless.
  6. Stand on one leg, straighten the other as much as possible and take it to the side. Do about 15 swings, then change the support and repeat the exercise.
  7. Sit on the floor and grab your leg with two palms, and then slowly lift it up and try to stay in this position for at least 5 seconds. After that, change the limb and repeat the exercise.
  8. Lie on the floor on your side and alternately lift straightened legs up.

The average duration of a workout should be at least half an hour. Start each session with a warm-up. You should train daily, and to achieve the fastest and most positive results, do this corrective gymnastics 2 times a day. Performing any exercises, try to keep your back as straight as possible, and your stomach - retracted. Now let's take a quick look at effective x-leg exercises:

  1. Do squats. Start with 15-20 repetitions, gradually increasing the number of approaches. good effect give squats with a rubber ball pre-clamped between the ankles.
  2. Standing, do lunges with your foot to the side, pulling the sock as much as possible.
  3. Walk on the outside of the foot (10 steps).
  4. Practice on the Swedish wall. Raising the legs on the floor of the stairs allows you to achieve very good results.
  5. Lie on your stomach, spread your knees as far as possible, and then try to connect your feet together.

In order for corrective gymnastics to be extremely effective and effective, it is important to follow the following recommendations of specialists:

  1. After each exercise, try to relax the muscle groups as much as possible.
  2. Don't skip workouts.
  3. Combine physiotherapy exercises with a course of corrective massage.
  4. At least 2 times a year, visit the office of physiotherapy exercises.
  5. Take up sports such as swimming and figure skating.
  6. Do stretching, learn to sit on the splits.
  7. Wear comfortable shoes.

O-shaped curvature is a serious problem that spoils the appearance and causes a lot of trouble. As a rule, this deficiency can be corrected thanks to regular, systematic classes in therapeutic corrective gymnastics. In order for the training to be the most effective, it is recommended to select a set of exercises together with an orthopedic doctor or an instructor in physical therapy. A combination of corrective gymnastics with massage and exercises gives a good effect. certain types sports.

The problem of curvature of the legs is quite common in people. However, it worries the weak half of humanity most of all. Of course, any woman strives to look more attractive and better. However, sometimes this is hindered by the deformation of the knee joints, which the lady received from nature. After all, it is this feature of the structure of the lower extremities that has a dominant type of inheritance.

Such a problem causes not only aesthetic discomfort. After all, this serious pathology, contributing to the incorrect distribution of body weight on the legs. And this further threatens the emergence of a number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. That is why the sooner such patients decide to correct the curvature of the legs, the lower the likelihood of a serious pathology in the future will be for them.

In medicine, the curvature of the legs is determined in a standing position, when the legs are shoulder-width apart, and the arms are “at the seams”. In this case, three types of such pathology are distinguished. Among them:

1. Deformation of the varus type. It is characterized by the contact of the feet. The legs of a person in this position are similar to the letter "O". There is no point of contact of the lower extremities in the knees. This type of deformation is called somewhat differently. This is an O-shaped curvature of the legs.
2. Valgus type deformity. In the same standing position, a person's shins may resemble the letter "X". This is another curvature of the legs. It is considered X-shaped. With it, you can close the legs, but it is impossible to do this with the feet.
3. False type deformation. It is a visually erroneous representation of the curvature of the legs. In such cases bone apparatus person is normal. However, there is an incorrect distribution of the muscular-fat membrane. This fact is the main one, visually giving the effect of curvature. With a false deformation, the feet and knees close, but it is very difficult to bring the calves to contact.
Without the presence of pathology, the shin part of the legs has some outward deviation relative to the mentally drawn vertical line. For men, this value is about five degrees, and for women - up to ten.

The most dangerous is the X-shaped deformity of the legs. It is most clearly reflected in the gait of a person. This creates the impression that the patient shakes his hips strongly. With a stronger degree of deformity, the effect of the buttocks jumping occurs when they rest on the leg.

With an O-shaped curvature, a reverse rotation of the foot occurs. This creates some instability of the patient during the transfer and provokes one-sided rubbing of the sole of the shoe. The danger of this form of deformation lies in the rapidly progressing flat feet.

In most cases, the deformity of the lower extremities is caused by hereditary factors. The following are causes that arose even in childhood. It's a lack of nutrients needed by the body for the correct formation of the skeleton, as well as injuries.

To date, some call one of the causes of deformity of the lower extremities too long application diapers. This should be kept in mind by new mothers. In addition, the causes of acquired deformity of the lower extremities may lie in the presence of a child:

Severe forms of rickets;
- osteomyelitis and other forms of bone pathology;
- disorders metabolic processes, especially trace elements such as potassium, magnesium and calcium;
- endocrine pathologies.

In adolescence, bone deformity can manifest itself with a deficiency in the body of vitamin D and calcium, as well as with insufficient exposure to fresh air.

The operation to correct the curvature of the legs is performed only with a certain shape of the lower extremities. The need for surgical intervention arises with a careful study of the contours of the musculoskeletal structure of the limbs, their biomechanical axes, as well as the ratio of the lines of the lower leg and thigh. In the language of the layman, doctors determine the harmony of the legs.

The main indicator for assessing the curvature of the legs is their biomechanical axis. It is a straight line mentally drawn through the points of the head of the femur, the middle of the patella and the center of the ankle. The difference between the anatomical and the resulting axis indicates the degree of curvature of the legs. Based on this indicator, doctors decide on the possibility of surgical intervention.

A special case is the false curvature of the lower extremities. She doesn't provoke pathological processes in the legs and gives a person inconvenience only in aesthetic terms. In such cases, the patient is advised to perform special exercises to correct the false curvature of the legs. This is a fairly simple and effective way to eliminate visual pathology. In some cases, silicone pads are used to carry out a similar correction of the curvature of the legs.

To date, the most effective way to correct the lower extremities is an operation to correct the curvature of the legs, during which the tibia is deliberately broken in several places. Next, the resulting fragments are compiled. With their successful fusion, the correct biomechanical axis is obtained.

Of course, correcting the curvature of the legs in a similar way can shock anyone. That is why medicine uses a number of techniques in its practice. They are designed to prove to the patient the painlessness and effectiveness of such an intervention, which is aimed at correcting the curvature of the legs. The clinic to which a person applies offers him special computer programs for viewing, demonstrating the prospect of correction in a particular patient. It also contains information about patients who have already undergone a similar operation.

The Ilizarov apparatus is most often used in cases where it is necessary to correct the O-shaped curvature of the legs, as well as deformities of the “X” type. This unique device guarantees a 100% effect.

It is important to remember that correcting the curvature of the legs is a personal matter for a person. Each patient is given time to consider the importance of the future cosmetic effect before undergoing such procedures. The only exceptions are cases high degree deformities of the lower extremities that prevent a person from moving and threaten with severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system in the future.

Artificial fracture or suppression of the bone, which is subsequently accompanied by fixation of fragments, is called osteotomy. After such an operation, the Ilizarov apparatus is used. With its help, fragments of the bone are fused. This process is done externally.

The level of modern orthopedics allows using wide range programs that control such bone correction.

The very next day after the installation of the Ilizarov apparatus, patients are able to move independently. Direct correction of the curvature of the legs begins on the tenth day. This happens with the help of a certain tightening of the screws of the device, which is strictly controlled by a computer program.

False curvature of the legs can be corrected with this modern correction method. With vagal and valgus deformities, this method is considered inappropriate.

The essence of cruroplasty is that with this method, special artificial implants are inserted into the subcutaneous tissue of the lower extremities. They are located in the femoral region of the legs.

The cruroplasty method guarantees aesthetically correct form in this part of the limbs.

This method is similar in its indications to the previous one. However, with this method, the false curvature of the legs is corrected using parts of the patient's fatty tissue, which are taken from other places. This allows you to level the defective areas. Most often, the intake of fatty tissue is carried out from the buttocks of the patient.

Lipofilling is a less traumatic method that is most suitable for people in terms of tissue survival.

With the help of such operations, a cosmetic effect is provided. medical indications does not exist for their use. Lipofilling and cruroplasty can be performed only at the request of the patient.

Many are interested in this question: "Is it possible to correct the curvature of the legs without surgery?". Yes. Legs can become slender without the participation of a surgeon. The easiest and fastest way to solve this problem is to visually correct the curvature of the legs. Reviews of many ladies recommend choosing the right clothes, for example:

1. Real miracles are created by mini-skirts, which are combined with over the knee boots, as well as tights, decorated with a large pattern.
2. Straight-cut trousers and jeans will help to hide figure defects.
3. Visually increase the curvature of the legs of the skirt to the knee and breeches. That is why you shouldn't wear them.

What other non-surgical methods are there to eliminate defects of the lower extremities? Many have been helped by exercises to correct the curvature of the legs. However, it is worth remembering that special training complexes help only with false defects. The legs are adjusted by increasing the volume of muscle mass.

So, the following exercises can increase the size of the calves:

1. Lifting on toes, performed with or without a load.
2. Alternately abducting the legs back in a standing position.
3. Lifting straight legs lying on your side.
4. Foot press, produced on a special simulator.
5. Strong compression of the legs between themselves in a standing position.
6. Squats, performed both with legs located shoulder-width apart, and connected together.
7. Running up the stairs. During this exercise, the legs should be raised with each step on the toes.

When performing exercises to correct the curvature of the lower extremities, one should take into account the fact that the calves are the muscles that respond least to training. That is why an increase in the volume of the legs with the help of exercises can occur only within one or two centimeters.

This technique is used to strengthen weak leg muscles and bring them into tone. Most often, the curvature of the lower extremities is eliminated by a special set of exercises that relax hard tissue areas and strengthen soft ones.

When conducting yoga sessions, it is recommended to tighten the legs with straps or draw them out with the help of special weights. Enough effective exercise is considered to be compression by the lower limbs of the bricks. This has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the legs and their muscles.

It is possible to get rid of defects of the lower extremities within 2-3 months. You only need to conduct regular classes at least three to four times a week.

What to do for those people who have defects in the lower extremities, but they do not dare to have an operation and cannot find time to perform special exercises? In this case, pads to correct the curvature of the legs can help them. But it should be borne in mind that their main task is only the visual concealment of an existing cosmetic defect.

The domestic market for medical products offers silicone pads that have the following characteristics:

Patented, that is, produced according to existing technology and in industrial conditions;
- made of natural silicone, which is not capable of causing irritation or allergies to human skin, does not emit any toxic substances and is completely safe for health;
- have sticky properties and therefore are well attached to the leg and do not slip off it;
- easy to clean, if necessary, both with ordinary household products and special ones that do not contain chemically active elements in their composition;
- in conditions of intensive use, they can last from five to seven years;
- have a dimension, that is, they have a different thickness depending on the dimensions of the legs and shins, as well as the degree of their curvature.

There is an opinion that such devices can only be worn by a woman under trousers. However, it is not. Silicone pads can be used with dresses and short skirts. Of course, there must be tights on the legs. Silicone has the ability to take on a shade skin which makes it invisible.

In the case when the lower limbs are bent in the form of the letter "O", it is recommended to wear pads with a maximum thickness. If the defect of the legs is of type "X", then the patient will need fine devices.

If you have difficulty choosing silicone pads, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

True X-shaped curvature (valgus deformity) is manifested by the presence of a distance between the feet with tightly closed knees in a free stance.

Classification of the shape of the legs (Artemyev A.A., 2001):

  1. Perfect legs;
  2. True O-shaped curvature (varus deformity);
  3. false curvature;
  4. True X-shaped curvature (valgus deformity);

Below is a video on how to fix crooked legs

This classification allows you to independently determine the shape of the legs and decide on the correction of curvature.

The "ideal" shape of the legs involves the closing of the knees, calves and feet and the presence of three gaps between them.

True X-shaped curvature is manifested by the presence of distance between the feet with tightly closed knees in a free stance. It can be conditionally considered that the deviation of the axis by 10-15° is a cosmetic problem, more than 15° - orthopedic. With a pronounced curvature, we are already talking about hallux valgus.

The shape of the legs is an ethnic sign. X-shaped curvature of the legs is more common in residents of European countries. For surgical correction, the owners of such legs turn about 10-15 times less often than about the O-shaped curvature of the legs.
It is difficult to say how often among all people there are X-foot, but men resort to the services of surgeons about 2-3 times more often than women.

An interesting observation is noteworthy: in trousers, legs with a slight hallux valgus seem straight. Straight legs, especially for thin people, in trousers seem a bit like a wheel. With severe hallux valgus, X-shaped legs, on the contrary, are not only very noticeable in trousers, but even make it difficult to wear clothes. A very common reason for seeking surgical care, especially for men, is problems in choosing model clothes.

Valgus deformity with in-depth examination is accompanied by underdevelopment of the condyles of the femur or lower leg, as well as flat feet. With age, these features can lead to the development and progression of various pathological conditions, therefore, they require the earliest possible correction.

You can be sure that we will make perfect legs in almost any case (see photo...). The point is how long this process will take. We offer three ways to correct leg varus deformity:

  • Ilizarov correction (see details below);
  • Express method;
  • Improved express method.

If you think you have a false curvature - look here.

The principle of surgical treatment is the same as for the correction of O-shaped legs - only the direction of displacement is exactly the opposite.

Appearance of a 38-year-old man with severe hallux valgus before and after correction

In the process of correction in the interests of improving the appearance, you can lengthen the legs.

Appearance and radiographs of a 56-year-old man with X-shaped legs before treatment and after correction (correction of the shape of the legs + lengthening of 4 cm).

Surgical correction of the lower leg is technically simpler and has much fewer complications than hip surgery. However, with severe valgus deformity, it is necessary to correct the nominal segment that is curved.

Radiographs of a man with post-traumatic valgus deformity of the right femur before surgery, during correction with the Ilizarov apparatus and after treatment

Considering that the principle of correction of the X-shaped curvature of the legs is the same as for the O-shaped curvature, the main features of the operation and postoperative management, as well as the cost of treatment, are the same in the treatment of both types of deformity.

At the decision-making stage and during the correction process, additional questions often arise. The answers to them are on a separate page. Here you can find out what examination you need to undergo before the operation, how to take a photo for a remote consultation and much more.

If you want to study the problem in more detail, we recommend that you refer to this book:

If you are interested in the issue under consideration, and you want to get Additional information or professional advice, call 8-909-641-36-41

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