
Picture of a man for children. Human organs: location in pictures

Good morning, Dear friends!

Over the weekend, I made a small poster for my daughter with body parts using the example of a cute boy.

With it, you can clearly explain and show where a person has: head, hair, mouth, ears, eyes, forehead, neck, palm, finger, wrist, stomach, navel, chest, legs, knees, heels, feet, etc. d.

In addition, I also inserted an image of a hand and a listing of the names of all fingers here - thumb, index, middle, ring, little finger. The daughter looked at it with interest.

This educational material about parts human body I recommend for viewing both the smallest children from 1 year old, and for older children. Show it several times a day, ask the baby to find in the picture where this or that part of the human body is. Or you can just hang it on the wall and from time to time come up and examine it.

Good luck to all.

poster in pictures

Mini poster: "Body Parts for Kids" can be downloaded here:

Cards and photos

Here you can download and print a selection of educational cards for your child on the subject of a person and the structure of his body. Cards are designed for ages 1 and up. They will introduce your baby to the main parts of the human body in an easy and accessible form, and they can also be included in developmental classes in kindergartens, schools early development, elementary school and just at home.

Parts of the body and human organs.

Human body - complex mechanism, unknown and unusual. The mechanism is keenly sensitive and has the ability to think. Understand the device human body not only important, but also extremely interesting!

Let's try to reveal the secrets of the structure of the human body.

Of the six billion people who inhabit our planet, not even two are absolutely similar to each other. Although one hundred trillion microscopic cells that make up the body of each person make all people on Earth 99.9% similar in structure.
All our cells, feelings, bones, muscles, heart, brain must work without errors. Nature has arranged everything wonderfully.


Outside, we are protected by a velvety layer of protein-rich cells - our skin.

The skin is the largest organ of our body. The skin protects us from mechanical damage, thanks to it we are able to feel pain and gentle touches. The skin on the palms, feet, tongue and lips is especially sensitive.

Also, the skin is a heater and a supporting cooling system. constant temperature body. To do this, more than 2 million microscopic skin pores per hour are capable of producing about 2 liters of sweat. Sweat evaporates from the surface of the skin and cools the body.
In one month, a person's skin changes completely. Old skin particles die off, and new skin is constantly growing. We shed up to 700 grams of skin per year.

Kilometers of blood vessels stretch to skin cells. And every square centimeter of skin is inhabited by hundreds of bacteria.
An amazing substance is produced in the skin - melanin. The amount of melanin determines the color of the skin, hair and even eyes. The more melanin, the darker the skin. When we sunbathe, our skin darkens precisely from the increase in the amount of melanin under the action of sunlight.


Eyes one of the most important organs person. The eyes make it possible to notice and follow everything that interests us.

The outer part of the eye is called cornea. The cornea captures light, and in order for it to do its job better, we moisten it every few seconds. How do we do it? We blink for this and the eye does not dry out.

The cornea sends a beam of light through the pupil to the retina. The retina processes the signal and sends it along the nerve endings to the brain. So we can see!


But even if you have perfect eyesight, everyone needs ears. Our ears, like locators, pick up the surrounding sounds. However, this is not the only function of the ears.

They do not just hear - the ears are also responsible for balance. Jumping, running or even normal walking is impossible without a device hidden by nature in the depths of the ear - vestibular apparatus. Thanks to this device, a person learns to skate or bike and not fall.


Man is endowed with a unique gift - the ability to speak. This opportunity is provided by the vocal cords.

Vocal cords- these are two plates located in the throat. They vibrate like guitar strings. Muscles we change position vocal cords. When the exhaled air stirs these strings, the sound of the voice is produced.


The real reason air comes out through the mouth is the breath.

It is difficult to overestimate breathing. Man can only live for a few minutes without air. In one breath, we draw in half a liter of air and so 20,000 times a day.

Passing through the throat, the air enters the right and left lungs. Here the air is filtered from dust and harmful substances. Through the lungs, oxygen from the air enters our bloodstream. This is followed by exhalation, turning oxygen into carbon dioxide we exhale the exhaust air.
And when we breathe with the help of receptors in the nose, we can pick up odors. A person is able to distinguish up to 1000 aromas.

The respiratory system allows you to make sounds, recognize odors. Each breath provides our body with energy and makes the heart beat.

Heart and circulatory system.

Oxygen is required for every cell in our body. It is the blood that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. About four liters of blood run through the arteries, veins and capillaries. There are very, very many such vessels, large and very tiny, in humans. The length of all human vessels reaches 96,000 kilometers. This is our circulatory system.

But what makes the blood run like this long way? Certainly, a heart!

This indefatigable pump pumps periodically all the blood through the body, saturating every cell of the body with oxygen. And then the blood flows back through the veins, taking harmful substances from each cell, and thus cleanses the human body. All the blood passes through the body in less than a minute without stopping for a moment
If you add up all the strength of the heart in one day, then this strength is enough to lift a school bus.

Sometimes the blood flows even faster. This happens when we burn more oxygen. For example, we run, jump or dance. And while eating, more oxygen is required for our stomach. Even while reading, the brain needs more oxygen.

However, blood does more than just carry oxygen. Each drop of blood contains up to 400,000 white blood cells that fight the body's enemies. They are constantly on guard - they track down viruses and bacteria. These heroic blood cells are called - leukocytes.

But we need not only air, but also fuel - food.


Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals- All the substances we need are taken by the body from food. The main goal of digestion is to take away all the most valuable from each piece of food eaten.

The process of digestion begins even before food enters our mouths. One has only to think about food or see a delicious sandwich, saliva begins to be produced. Saliva contains special substances - enzymes They are the first to break down food. The human body produces half a liter of saliva in one day.

The tongue pushes the food chewed by the teeth into the esophagus and through the esophagus the food in the form of a paste enters stomach. In the stomach, food is affected by a very caustic gastric juice, and the walls of the stomach mix it, turning it into a liquid porridge. The stomach itself absorbs very few substances, it only prepares and transfers food to small intestine . Already there, for five hours, food will be squeezed out useful material that pass through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. Almost all useful substances will be delivered to the largest internal organ person - in liver. Here they are sorted and sent to all the cells of the body so that they grow and work well.

The next 20 hours in the large intestine will absorb the remaining beneficial substances. And what cannot be digested will leave our body.


In our body, from the tips of the fingers to the top of the head are about 650 different muscles. They make up almost half the mass of the human body and allow us to move various parts of the body, often without even thinking about it. Without muscles, we couldn't run, blink, talk, or smile. When we pronounce even one single word, we have more than a hundred different muscles working. And for walking, almost 200 muscles of the body are required. Imagine how many muscles work when you dance, swim or play tag.
But the muscles could not hold the body without a reliable frame - the bones.

Skeleton, bones.

206 amazing bones are distributed throughout the human body, forming a perfect skeleton. The bones are extremely strong and at the same time very light. Bones grow and the size of the human body depends on the size of the bones. Joints connect bones and allow bones to move from side to side, up or down.


All parts of the body and its organs are very complex, but they are all controlled from one center - everything is controlled by brain.

With the help of nerves stretched throughout the body, the brain monitors all parts of the body - the ears, eyes, skin, bones, stomach - the brain is responsible for absolutely everything. Thanks to the electrical and chemical impulses of the brain, we think, remember, feel, act.
It is the brain that makes us human. Perhaps this is the most unexplored and mysterious part of our body.

Even when we fall asleep, all the organs of the body continue to work - we breathe, the heart beats, new cells are born. We are living!

It will not be difficult for many novice artists to draw flowers, trees, houses. But when it comes time to draw people on paper, they get lost. Because they don't know how to draw a human body correctly. If you don't succeed either, don't even think about giving up. Thanks to several techniques, you can quickly learn this.

They are quite simple. At the same time these helpful tips will help you to complete the necessary task:

  • Even if you don't plan to turn your sketches into color illustrations, use a pencil at the very beginning. He will allow you to correct the drawing at any time.
  • Don't push hard. Do all movements only with light strokes. If you make a mistake or want to redraw an element of the picture, you do not have to suffer by erasing thick lines with an elastic band.
  • Practice every day. Don't be discouraged if you don't know how to draw a body. Believe in yourself!
  • Watch your posture. You cannot give all your attention to the drawing by sitting incorrectly.
  • If you're serious about art, study other people's techniques, go to art galleries, buy themed books. Experienced artists are well acquainted with how to draw the human body.
  • If you are copying from an already finished drawing, do not be afraid to make mistakes. Remember that you don't have to portray the exact same character. It will be much better if it turns out differently.

body proportions

At all times Special attention was given to the relationship between figures. Before drawing the body, you need to know its correct proportions. The height of the figure of an adult is 8 of his heads, of a teenager - 7. This part of the student's body can be positioned 5 times in length, the baby - 4. The size of the arms should reach the middle of the thigh, while the elbows should be on the same level with the waist, and the knees should be exactly in the middle of the leg. The length of the legs is 4 heads, and the head, together with the body, is half the height of the entire figure. The fingers of the lowered hand are located in the region of the middle of the thigh. The height of the foot is the size of the nose. And its length is the same as that of the forearm. The height of the female head is equal to the distance between the prominent points of the chest, the male - half the width of the shoulders.

Differences between male and female parameters

The average height of a man is about 170 cm, women - 160. Hands strong half humanity is long and muscular, when so the arms of the girls are a little shorter. But the legs of women are longer (in relation to the body). Men have a strong physique, broad shoulders and a short torso. female body longer, shoulders often shorter than hips. Men have a thick neck, girls - on the contrary, thin. As for the muscles, in men it is strongly marked. At the same time, the contours of the body are sharp. At the same time, in women, the outlines are soft, the shapes are round, the fat layer is larger. The male foot is massive, large, the female foot is much smaller in size.

We draw a man

The following master class shows how to draw a man's body:

  1. Start at the top. Draw a small circle, draw a curved line from below. You should get the shape of an egg, only turned upside down.
  2. Draw the neck by sketching two straight lines. As a guide, take the distance from ear to ear.
  3. Draw a long (2-3 head width) horizontal line so that it is perpendicular to the neck. It determines the location of the collarbones.
  4. At the end of the two lines, draw small circles. the same size are the shoulders. Sketch two ovals a little lower, slightly longer than the height of the head - these are the biceps.
  5. In the place where the biceps begin, outline the body of the body. Geometrically, it will look like this: an inverted trapezoid is the chest, vertical straight lines are the torso, an inverted triangle is the pelvis. Place above last geometric figure mark with a dot - there will be a navel.
  6. On both sides of the triangle, draw two circles (most of them should be outside), and immediately below them - long ovals. They will be hips.
  7. Below are two small ovals for the knees. Let it intertwine a little with the hips. And even lower - for the shins.
  8. For the legs, draw two triangles, at the very bottom.
  9. Try to draw show jumping of the body, add details, come up with clothes for your character.

We draw a woman

Now that you know the basics and have learned how to work with the male silhouette, you can learn how to draw the female body:

  1. Start with the most important thing - draw a vertical line. To represent the torso, place an inverted triangle at the top of the torso.
  2. Inside the resulting triangle, draw another one looking up. Draw two circles at the corners of the inner figure to represent the breasts. If you did everything right, the first one should be on the right and the other on the left of the line drawn earlier.
  3. Just below the main triangle, draw a circle of equal size. His top part should go a little beyond the triangle. This will be the pelvis.
  4. To draw the hips and legs, draw two curved lines from the top of the circle. And below - two more, but shorter. Some should look like brackets.
  5. Add lines and details, dress up the girl.

Done, now you know how to draw a girl's body.

Summing up

Using the techniques presented above, you can draw almost any person - an adult man and woman, a teenager, a child. The main thing to do is follow the instructions, learn how to work according to the scheme. After a while, you yourself, without anyone's help, will draw beautiful and proportionately correct characters on paper. Don't get discouraged if something doesn't work out for you. You can try again at any time.

Remember one more thing important rule: The artist's work does not end when he understands how to draw the body. It is also necessary to think over the hairstyle of the character, his style, give him emotions, portray the character. In other words, with the help of a pencil, “breathe” life into it. Learn the art of drawing, improve your skills - and you will definitely succeed!