
How to motivate yourself to quit. How to quit smoking - the right motivation

09.02.2018 Narcologist Mikhail Konstantinovich Transition 0

How to set yourself up to quit smoking?

Convincing yourself to quit smoking is the primary task for a person intending to overcome a bad habit. When quitting smoking, the body initially experiences physiological failure. Endure the initial ones painful sensations and a certain algorithm of actions allows you to psychologically set yourself up for a successful outcome. The key to defeating nicotine addiction is to set yourself up to quit smoking based on your personal emotional characteristics.

The smoker's brain regularly stimulates the desire to pick up a cigarette and get fleeting pleasure. The results of numerous scientific research, documentaries and practical experience are not able to convince an addict to actually quit smoking. The right attitude to combat smoking is based on a person’s desire to change his life and those close to him for the better.

Analysis mental reasons addiction will help establish that there is no need for the habit. IN general view motivation to fight smoking can be positive, negative, encouraging, ideological and material, depending on the person’s temperament.

Motivation for men

The male half should take into account the decrease in overall efficiency and performance, and positive mood due to their addiction. Taking into account the urgency of the financial issue and the personnel policies of organizations, the image of a heavy smoker negatively affects the serious career prospects of the employee, and the level of physical fitness decreases.

Motivation for women

A woman should consider the possibility of not being able to conceive or give birth to healthy children or a pleasant home environment in the future. Smoking can undermine proper development baby at any stage of pregnancy. Because of addiction The time that can be spent on caring for one’s own appearance and household chores is seriously reduced.

What is the harm?

Toxins obtained by the body during smoking are especially dangerous to health. Detailed analysis negative consequences is able to set you up to quickly quit the habit:

  1. The threat of lung, oral cavity and larynx cancer is caused by the tars and carcinogens that are part of cigarettes.
  2. Toxic gases and their compounds (nitrogen, hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide) reduce hemoglobin levels, which provokes oxygen starvation.
  3. The narcotic substance nicotine is responsible for addiction and stimulation of the body to smoke another pack.
  4. Carbon monoxide is responsible for possible damage to artery walls.
  5. After the body is excited, a process of physical exhaustion follows. Disturbances occur in the human psyche.

The accumulating negative impact in the future can provoke a heart attack, stroke, premature aging and irreversible changes endocrine system. The negative effects of smoking especially quickly affect the condition of the teeth. Men are at risk of dysfunction of the reproductive system.

What do we lose after quitting smoking?

At the beginning of the fight against smoking, a person experiences fear of a sudden change in his usual routine. Regular excuses appear, victory over the addiction is postponed until the next month, six months, etc. In especially difficult cases, you can contact a psychologist who will give individual advice.

The best way to start fighting imaginary fears and addiction is to set yourself up for positive changes in your health that will happen in the future. At this stage, the recommendations of psychotherapists come down to ignoring the regular urge to smoke a familiar cigarette.

Preparing the body

There are 2 ways to combat smoking: sharp and systematic. The first will be a serious test of willpower, subject nervous system difficult test. You can give up the habit using this method provided you are emotionally stable. If a person is not ready for drastic changes in the body, then it is necessary to quit the addiction gradually. Reducing the dose of nicotine, together with moral suggestion, has a complex effect on the nervous system.

Preparation may require help from others. It is necessary to enlist the support of relatives, persuade colleagues and acquaintances not to provoke conflict situations, which may affect psychological state.

Regardless of the method adopted, the first week will be characterized by the manifestation of withdrawal syndrome, which can be expressed in the form of headache, insomnia, and shortness of breath. You need to find the strength within yourself and persuade your body to refrain from consuming cigarettes or possible substitutes in the form of smoking mixtures. It is important not to change your decision, diet, sleep for systematic cleansing of the body.

Strong points

A smoker needs to force his body to stop using cigarettes at the usual hours of the day. The most common are morning urges, the desire to smoke after eating, drinking coffee, in situations of idleness and stress, in the company of smoking friends and colleagues. To solve the problem, it is recommended to drink green tea, natural juices, get distracted by solving puzzles or playing sports. A beneficial effect on the psychological state of those who decide to get rid of nicotine addiction provides swimming, exercise classes and morning jogging.

Special attention is paid to the ban on alcohol. In a state of intoxication, a person is not able to consciously control his desires and actions and is at risk of relapse. It is necessary to completely limit yourself to smoking and not succumb to possible persuasion and arguments with friends, set a goal and make every effort to achieve it.

To defeat smoking, a number of instructions have been developed that help relieve the stress on the nervous system:

  1. Eliminate all possible excuses for violating the accepted regime, do not convince yourself that one extra cigarette will not change anything.
  2. Recalculate your monthly smoking costs. The accumulated amount can motivate you to spend it more rationally for yourself or your family.
  3. In case of gradual refusal, set yourself up for step-by-step abstinence throughout the day. Designate for yourself certain control points, which will become a measure of your progress.
  4. Force yourself to get rid of cigarettes at home and at work, throw away all accessories associated with them.
  5. It is recommended to attend smoking cessation training to gain additional psychological assistance. At the beginning of such activities, it is proposed to take a test to identify the root of the problems with nicotine addiction.

What can a narcologist offer?

Some people find it difficult to quit smoking even if they follow a number of guidelines. If you are unable to overcome a bad habit on your own, it is recommended to contact a narcologist who can offer medical supplies to gradually get rid of nicotine. The services of a doctor are especially relevant when the patient is a teenager.

Medications are presented in various tablets, powders and patches. Patient reviews indicate high efficiency Tabex tablets. The effectiveness of the drug is based on the substance cytisine, which has an H-cholinomimetic effect. It creates discomfort and a feeling of overdose after smoking.

A certain category of products, for example, Zyban, are based on the principle of completely blocking the pleasure from the smoking process. The technique allows you to expose the nervous system to minimal discomfort. Before taking any drug, consultation with a specialist is required.


Victory over smoking depends on a person’s willpower and emotional stability. Currently, many options have been developed for the final abandonment of bad habit. The main factor in solving the problem is serious attitude to treatment, carefully following all doctor’s recommendations and contacting a narcologist if necessary. Quitting nicotine addiction will allow you to look confidently into a healthy future and open up a number of prospects.

Hello. In this article I want to talk to women who smoke.

If I said that smoking: causes cancer, increases the risk of heart attack and all this can shorten your life by as much as ten years!

You would probably nod, smiling, after all, you have heard all this more than once...

What if I say - “Smoking will reduce your chance of getting pregnant, and at 45 you will look 60!”

Maybe you are thinking?

If you've made the decision to quit smoking but need more motivation, read on.

Motivations for women - how to quit smoking!

Motivation 1. Smoking increases the risk of infertility and early menopause

This motivation to quit smoking is for women who want to have a child in the future - it is very dangerous for you to smoke and you definitely need to get rid of cigarettes, and demand this from your partner.

Smoking (even passive smoking) harms a woman's fertility. Here are the problems that await a woman who suffers from this addiction:

It takes longer to get pregnant.
High percentage of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.
The risk of infertility increases many times over.

I also want to warn you - girls, if your boyfriend smokes, your chance of getting pregnant also decreases.
Research shows that men who smoke have lower sperm counts and their sperm have low motility, which is the beginning of male infertility.
And also, when people start smoking near you, you become a passive smoker, which is almost as harmful for your unborn child.

How does smoking harm fertility?

Cigarettes have the ability to interfere with the reproductive process at every step:

Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals, some of which can damage the ovaries, increasing the risk of genetic abnormalities and increasing the risk of miscarriage.
Tobacco causes changes in the cervical mucus, making it more difficult for sperm to reach the egg.
Smoking also accelerates the loss of eggs that comes with aging and also impairs the body's ability to produce estrogen. By the way, low level This hormone promotes weight gain in women.

Quit smoking - and in just two months, your chances of conceiving will significantly increase. I think it’s a good motivation for women to quit smoking, what do you think?

Motivation 2. Smoking harms your children

This reason is a continuation of the first problem. A woman who smokes harms not only herself, but also her child - both the future and the already born.
For the future baby, these are problems with the heart, blood vessels, lungs, etc.
For a newborn, this is the first cigarette smoked at 6-10 years of age.

Here is a video that talks about all the “tobacco horrors” that are passed on to a child from his mother.

Get rid of this harmful addiction and let your children be healthy.

Motivation 3. Smoking causes tooth loss

Yellow teeth from cigarettes - everyone knows that!

But it’s not all “surprises”! Dentists have discovered that smoking people Non-smokers lose teeth twice as often.

What is the reason? The answer is gum disease.

According to research, heavy smokers six times more likely to develop periodontal disease.
Moreover, regular visits to the dentist do not improve the situation much. Even after five years of treatment for periodontal disease, a smoker loses teeth twice as fast as a non-smoker.

How does smoking damage gums and teeth?

Periodontal tissues, which include the gums and bone, hold teeth in place. They provide oxygen and nutrients to maintain the normal functioning of the tooth.

Reduced blood flow—smoking starves these tissues by cutting off oxygen and nutrients, causing them to age prematurely.

Smoking also suppresses the body's ability to fight pathogenic bacteria that naturally occur in oral cavity, leading to chronic inflammation. Over time, the bone begins to deteriorate, the attachment of the tooth weakens and, over time, it falls out.

Have you seen a beautiful woman without teeth? Stop smoking, save your teeth - not only women's motivation.

Motivation 4. Smoking causes early breast ptosis

Hmm... Ptosis... It’s not clear, and what the hell with it...

No! Breast ptosis is a gradual sagging of the breasts, which is accompanied by a decrease in volume and stretching. skin. But among the people it’s just sagging breasts. Which, you agree, is not very beautiful, especially among young women.

Smoking is one of the main causes of mammary ptosis!

British plastic surgeon Brian Rinke came to this conclusion.
He studied more than a hundred American women, on average about 30 years old, who wanted to undergo breast lift surgery.

His research showed that breastfeeding was not associated with sagging breasts... but smoking was.

How does smoking affect the early development of breast ptosis?

Scientists cannot definitively answer this question. Brian Rinke explains it this way: tobacco smoke, entering the bloodstream, destroys elastin.

Elastin is an elastic protein that allows tissues to repair and rejuvenate.

In addition, smoking damages the skin of the chest as well as the face, depriving it of oxygen and nutrients.

How will quitting cigarettes help?

Unfortunately, if the breasts are sagging, nothing can lift them - only surgery.
But the sooner you quit smoking, the sooner you will stop this unwanted process.

Motivation 5. Smoking causes wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes

Dermatologists say that smoking causes premature aging of the skin, even more than the ultraviolet rays of the sun. And the first sign of this, as always, is on the face – wrinkles and bags around the eyes.

How does smoking harm your skin?

The nicotine in cigarettes constricts blood vessels, impairing blood flow. And less blood flow means less oxygen and important nutrients like vitamin A.

Also, chemicals V tobacco smoke, damage to collagen and elastin, the fibers that give the skin strength and elasticity. As a result, smokers' skin begins to sag and wrinkle prematurely.

The same substances also damage the blood vessels around the eyes, causing dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Wrinkles also form as a result of the smoking process itself:

Puffing is a muscular action such as pursing the lips and retracting the cheeks. This leads to wrinkles, which is why a smoker tends to have a lot of wrinkles in the area upper lip and around the mouth.
If you squint your eyes to keep out the smoke, you will also get more wrinkles around your eyes.

The sooner you give up cigarettes, the fewer “smoker's lines” will appear on your skin.

I have everything. What are your motivations for women to quit smoking?
Write in the comments.

But at all times the most correct and in an efficient way, allowing to achieve positive results in any case, there was good motivation. And quitting smoking is no exception. If you can identify your key motivations, quitting smoking will be much easier.

Let's look at the main benefits of quitting cigarettes that can serve as motivation for almost anyone:

1. Blooming appearance

Smoking leaves a very noticeable mark on a person’s appearance. Because of this habit, chickens always look older than their years, and signs of aging appear much faster and more clearly in them. As you know, smoking reduces the level of oxygen in the blood, and nicotine blocks the production of collagen, as a result, wrinkles become 5 times more noticeable than in other people, and the skin takes on a flabby and dull appearance. Hair also suffers from a lack of oxygen - it becomes weak, loses color, begins to split and fall out. In addition, premature graying is possible. As for the teeth, they acquire a not very beautiful yellow tint, and a plaque called smoker’s plaque begins to form, which results in the formation of tartar. And this is not the entire list of the influence of cigarettes on a person’s appearance.

2. Chance to live 10 years longer

Nicotine and other harmful substances contained in cigarettes have a negative impact on human health. Repeated studies by scientists have proven that smokers live on average 10 years less than non-smokers. But that's only average, and in many cases, smokers lose many more years of life, because cigarettes can cause many diseases - lung cancer, emphysema and others. Therefore, the faster you can quit smoking, the more years of life you can save.

3. Reduced risk of heart attack or psoriasis

It's no secret that smoking is one of the main causes of heart disease and cardiovascular system. In the process of smoking, a person's blood vessels narrow, which impairs the blood supply to all organs. In addition, blood clotting increases, which can result in blood clots. Nicotine provokes the release of adrenaline, and as a result muscle walls arteries begin to actively contract, pressure increases and heart rate increases.

Smoking also leads to overload immune system, and often the latter begins to mistakenly attack healthy skin cells, resulting in psoriasis.

4. Better and longer intimate life

Smoking and sex are practically incompatible. According to research, 94% of people who are dissatisfied with their intimate life are smokers. Those who do not have this harmful habit receive more pleasure and vivid sensations during intimacy, and the intimate act lasts longer. You should also take into account the fact that the risk of developing a disease such as impotence in male smokers increases by 60%.

5. Saving money

As an experiment, calculate how much money you spend on cigarettes per week, month, year. I assure you that the results will surprise you, because a person who smokes a pack of average-priced cigarettes a day could easily go on vacation for a week with that money. And these are only the costs of cigarettes and lighters, but in fact the amount of losses is much greater, because it also includes the money you spend on eliminating the consequences of smoking. This may include costs for cosmetologists, dentists, cardiologists and other specialists with whom you will have to meet. It turns out that you yourself are paying for the appearance of illnesses and troubles.

6. Getting rid of insomnia and improving sleep quality

Smokers often suffer from insomnia to varying degrees. Nicotine “excites” the smoker’s body, increasing heart rate and increasing blood pressure, which obviously doesn’t help much sleep soundly And good rest. Problems can manifest themselves in difficulties falling asleep, excessive sensitivity to sleep, tossing and turning, and getting up in the middle of the night. In people who smoke for many years, the addiction becomes so strong that they begin to wake up and smoke a cigarette in order to satisfy the need for nicotine.

7. You do not poison your loved ones, and do not turn them into passive smokers.

The addict’s environment is constantly in the so-called “risk zone.” It is unlikely that smoker's relatives enjoy constantly inhaling cigarette smoke. In addition, passive smoking is not much less harmful than active smoking. Therefore, a smoker ruins the life not only of himself, but also of the people who are dear to him and are constantly nearby.

8. Preservation of intelligence and memory levels

Another negative consequence of this addiction is the deterioration mental abilities. Although nicotine has some stimulating effect on the body, and in the short term the brain is slightly activated, but the constant lack of oxygen dulls over time brain activity, and harmful substances can cause mental retardation and many serious brain diseases. For example, smoking at least half a pack of cigarettes a day increases the risk of dementia by 40%.

9.Healthy offspring

Causing many problems with human health, smoking cannot but leave its mark on the offspring. This is especially true for women, since the set of eggs in their body is not renewed, so all the adverse effects on them will be reflected in the health of their children. Smoking can even cause DNA changes. Toxic tobacco smoke during pregnancy can even cause various physical and mental disabilities in a child. Thus, a baby who has not even been born yet is already suffering from the frivolity of his parents.

Smoking also has a bad effect on the quality of male sperm: the number of sperm decreases significantly, they become inactive, but in addition, the abnormal morphology of the sperm increases significantly, which has a bad effect on future offspring.

10. Enjoying life more

For non-smokers the world around us more bright and colorful. They perceive smells better, they are less likely to have vision problems, they are less susceptible to depression, and they are more successful in both personal and professional life. business sphere. Oddly enough, but cigarettes, which are often used to relieve stress and nervous tension, have a similar effect only in the short term. In the long term, they only exacerbate these problems. And the absence of a pack of cigarettes at hand or a ban on smoking in a certain place completely contributes to the emergence of this same nervous tension and stress.

By giving up cigarettes, each person finds his most important motivation or motivations that drive him. It may or may not be one of the above, but the algorithm is approximately the same for everyone:

  • defining a goal (quit smoking)
  • determining motivation to achieve a goal
  • choosing a refusal method (for example, Carr's method, willpower, etc.) or aids(such as , etc.)
  • choice of psychological assistants (non-smoking counter, diary keeping, etc.)
  • quitting cigarettes

And now you are already moving towards a healthy, free, non-smoking life. And after some time, you begin to notice colossal changes in your appearance, well-being and life in general.

Let's consider the motivation to quit smoking for men:

  1. Reducing the risk of heart disease, including heart attack. Nicotine causes the development of cardiovascular diseases, and, as is known, it is mainly men who suffer from them.
  2. Life extension. Statistics show that people who smoke live about ten years less.
  3. Maintaining potency at the proper level.
  4. Significant savings of money, which can later be spent on making your dreams come true, rather than cigarettes, which are so harmful to your health.
  5. Problems at work due to frequent smoking breaks.

Motivation to quit smoking for women

Unfortunately, now smoking women almost as many as men who smoke. Therefore, it is worth considering the motivation for how to quit smoking for women separately:

  1. Premature aging, deterioration appearance: the appearance of yellow teeth, wrinkles, bags under the eyes, hair becomes dull and sparse.
  2. Problems conceiving a child, risk of miscarriage, risk of illness in the baby.
  3. There is a lot of free time, because on average, smokers spend an hour a day on smoking breaks. But this time can be spent to benefit yourself and your health. For example, you can go to the gym.
  4. Financial benefit. Calculate how much you spend on cigarettes and think about how many things you can buy with that money. Also, don’t forget to add money for cosmetic procedures to the amount received.
  5. More pleasure from life.

Increasing motivation to quit smoking

If the motivation above is not enough for you, we offer you a few more options:

  1. Creating a new image - yourself without a cigarette.
  2. Suppression of internal conflicts. Many thoughts arise in the head of someone who quits smoking: “how not to relapse,” “what will smoker friends think.” For every such thought you need to find an answer and always remember it.
  3. Communication with like-minded people. With constant support from each other, people achieve the desired result faster than alone.


Smoking is slow suicide. That's rightscientists call it.

Tobacco smoke contains it There are more than 4,800 chemical compounds, and almost all of them are toxic, carcinogenic, or capable of causing mutations. Scientists know for sure about 69 carcinogens contained in cigarettes.

In such smoke contains it These include substances such as arsenic, lead, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia and others.

If that's not enough reason to quit smoking, then here are some shocking facts about smoking and cigarettes:

Harm of smoking

1. Every year, passive smoking kills hundreds of thousands of people.

2. Every day about 15,000,000,000 cigarettes are smoked in the world.

3. Approximately 1/3 of all smokers live in China. Among the “leaders” in terms of the number of smokers are Cuba, Lebanon and Mongolia.

4. There are about 47,000,000 smokers in Russia.

5. Every tenth smoker in Russia is a woman, and approximately 60% of all smokers are men.

6. According to scientists, abstinence from alcohol and cigarettes, as well as proper nutrition And physical exercise can prevent 30% of all types of cancer.

7. Despite the fact that he underwent more than 30 operations related to oral cancer, Freud did not stop smoking.

8. The nerve endings beginrecover in just 48 hours after a person quits smoking, thereby helping the person normalize their sense of smell and taste.

9. About a third of all people on Earth smoke.

10. Studies have shown that cigarettes can cause hair to turn gray much faster.

Briefly about the dangers of smoking

11. Smoking increases the risk of heart attack by 200-400%.

12. The filter that supposedly protects the smoker is called cellulose acetate. It takes from 2 to 10 years to completely decompose. It is made of synthetic materials, and the smoke that passes through it is harmful not only to humans, but also to the air and soil.

13. Every 6 seconds, one person dies around the world from smoking and smoking-related illnesses.

14. Studies have shown that every smoker shortens his life by about 18 years.

15. Smoking tobacco through a hookah will deliver 25 times more tar into your body than a regular cigarette.

The harm that smoking causes to the human body

16. At the moment, more than 16,000,000 people already suffer from smoking-related diseases. About 9,000,000 of them suffer from very serious diseases.

17. Research has shown that 9 out of 10 cancers are caused by smoking. Here are several types of cancer that smoking causes: cancer of the throat, mouth, nasal cavity, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder and cervix, as well as acute myeloid leukemia.