
Mole for sewer cleaning. How to use Mole to clean sewer pipes? Instructions for using the Mole pipe cleaner

New products are constantly appearing on store shelves household chemicals. However, many housewives continue to use those products that have been tested and saved from various troubles for more than one year. Similar products include the drug “Mole” - a liquid for cleaning pipes. This product has been in great demand for many years. After all, this product is of excellent quality and good effect.

Remedy for blockages "Mole"

Today, to eliminate various blockages formed in pipes, various chemicals. Such products perfectly dissolve all kinds of contaminants and effectively fight fat deposits. The “mole” for pipes was made in the middle of the last century. However, the product is still in great demand.

Customer reviews of this substance are mostly positive. After all, the product copes with its tasks perfectly. It quickly and easily removes any blockages. And all this thanks to its composition.

Release forms

Today you can purchase the “Mole” product in various packages and forms. The drug is sold in the following form:

  1. Granular powder.
  2. Gel.
  3. Translucent liquid.

The most economical option is gel. It spreads quite slowly over surfaces due to its thick consistency. As a result, the product is spent much more economically. However, in case of severe blockages, when the water practically does not drain, it is worth using a drug that is available in liquid form.

Today you can buy the drug “Mole” in any package. Products are packaged not only in large containers. If necessary, you can buy a small sachet, which is designed for just a few uses. It is also possible to purchase a concentrate, which is diluted in approximately 10 liters of water.

“Mole” product: composition

Today, the “Mole” pipe cleaner is produced in different forms. On store shelves you can find the product in liquid or powder form. The composition of the drug remains unchanged, even despite various shapes release. What does “Mole” contain? Pipe cleaning products of this type include:

  1. Sodium hydroxide. This is the active substance. Its share in the drug is about 40-60 percent.
  2. This component is contained in the drug, produced in liquid form. The share of water is no more than 25 percent.
  3. from 5 to 10 percent.
  4. Non-ionized surfactants: no more than 10 percent.

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid can act as a filler in the Mole product. The share of this component in the composition is only 5-10 percent.

Operating principle

Many people are probably interested in how “Mole” works. Pipe cleaners with this composition can clean even hard-to-reach places. Most often, blockages form in:

  1. Knee.
  2. Bends.
  3. Siphon.
  4. Places where individual parts are joined, on which there are rubber sealing rings.

In other words, a blockage occurs where there is a possibility of clinging to the surface of the pipe. A fatty film may accumulate over the entire surface of individual parts. It is on this that particles of debris stick. As a result, this first leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the pipes. Gradually, a plug forms, which does not allow waste to pass freely and flow into the sewer.

“Mole” can cope with this problem. Pipe cleaners help dissolve and then soften the deposits that have formed. After this, debris and grease that has fallen off the pipe walls are simply washed off with running water.

When using household chemicals to remove blockages in pipes, it is worth remembering that the use similar drugs leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. This can be explained by the fact that hydrogen sulfide is released during the decomposition of calcified deposits. To avoid this phenomenon, you should choose products that contain fragrance.

Before using the composition, experts recommend warming up the system a little by turning on hot water for a few minutes. This will enhance the effect.

After the required time has passed after pouring the product, you need to pour about two liters into the system hot water, and then work with a plunger. Such manipulations will allow the drug to penetrate deeper.

Consumer Reviews

Judging by the reviews, the drug “Mole” for cleaning pipes has a number of advantages. What are the main advantages of using this product? Here are just a few of them:

  1. It is very easy to use the drug "Mole". Pipe cleaning products are poured into the drain hole. If necessary, the powder should be diluted to form a liquid solution. After this, you need to wait a while and then rinse the system with running water by opening the tap. As you can see, the whole process takes a minimum of time and does not require large expenses.
  2. Rapidity. This is another advantage of the product that consumers indicate in their reviews. cleaned very quickly with this product. It usually takes less than 90 minutes to dissolve even a very large clog.
  3. No dirt. Those who have used a cable to clean pipes at least once in their life know how unpleasant it is. After all, during the process of removing the blockage, a lot of dirt is wrapped around the tool, which will have to be washed off. When using the “Mole” product there is no such need. However, there is no dirt either.
  4. Low cost of the drug "Mole". Pipe cleaning products from imported manufacturers have high price. The drug "Mole" is no different from them in safety and effectiveness.

Directions for use

To get positive result, you must use the product correctly. If the drug is in liquid form, then shake the container with the solution before use. After this, you need to pour from 200 to 250 milliliters of the product into the drain hole of the bathtub or sink.

When cleaning pipes, you need to act carefully so that the composition does not get on exposed skin.

If “Mole” for pipes, reviews of which are mostly positive, is in powder form, then you need to pour granules into the drain, and then pour several glasses of water into it.

After the procedure you need to wait about 90 minutes. During this time, the remedy should take effect. The system must be flushed to completely break through the plug. To do this, you need to turn on the tap, preferably with hot water.


The composition of the drug "Mole" contains caustic components. It is for this reason that some precautions should be taken when working with the drug. First of all, you should use protective gloves.

If the composition gets on the skin, it must be washed off immediately using large number liquids. Otherwise, irritation may occur. If skin red, then you should apply Beponten.


Clogged pipes are the most common problem in sewer and drain systems. And among the numerous chemicals used to dissolve blockages and prevent their occurrence, Mole for cleaning pipes is always popular. This is what we will talk about in today’s material.

"Mole" is domestic drug, designed for blockages of varying complexity.

Purpose and scope

Being an alternative to plumbing cable, traditionally used for cleaning pipelines, the “Mole” cleaner is also used as a means of preventing, with systematic preventive use, from interfering with the normal functioning of sewer lines.

“Mole” is actively used not only in everyday life of an ordinary house or apartment, but also:

  1. trade and catering enterprises;
  2. dry cleaners and laundries;
  3. medical institutions;
  4. hotels;
  5. beauty salons, etc.

Composition of the cleaning product

The active components of the “Mole” cleaner, regardless of the form of release, are alkalis, which are responsible for dissolving fats:

  • Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda or caustic soda), the concentration of which is about 40 - 60%.
  • Potassium hydroxide in a concentration of 5 – 10%.

Percentage active active ingredients determines the effectiveness of the drug against blockages. As a rule, cleaners labeled “Turbo” / “Tornado” / “Strengthened” / “Ultra” (see photo) effectively cope with blockages of almost any degree of complexity.

In addition to alkalis, the list of chemical ingredients invariably includes:

  • Modified ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (5 - 10%), softening water and softening solid organic inclusions.
  • Non-ionized surfactants (surfactants) in concentrations up to 10%, activating a chemical reaction.
  • Distilled water (5 - 25% - in liquid and gel preparations).

Some varieties of “Mole” contain flavorings that ultimately do not affect the cleaning result.

Description of the ingredient composition of the cleaner manufacturer in mandatory reflected on the drug packaging.

Types and forms of release of the drug "Mole"

"Mole" is available in three types:

  • gel;
  • liquid;
  • dry (in the form of powder or granules).

The packaging format is determined by consumer demand. The most popular segment is aimed at the average consumer:

  1. For powder products, these are sachets weighing 100-250 g, designed for one-time use, or packages weighing 1 kg for multiple use.
  2. For liquid and gel - containers with a volume of 250 ml. or 1 l.

For commercial facilities, the cleaner is usually purchased in concentrate format in containers of 5 - 10 liters.


Gel-like products, characterized by a thick translucent consistency, are considered the most economical. Slowly spreading over the surface, the gel envelops the surface of the pipe, cleaning it.

Gel cleansers are considered less effective compared to other types, but the most gentle on human health.

It is preferable to use Mole Gel to remove plugs located shallowly in the sewer system and to prevent the deposition of dirt inside the pipeline.


Liquid “Mole,” although it belongs to the cheapest category, is considered the most effective against deep-seated blockages.

The only negative is the need to be careful when working with the chemical. Being highly concentrated, upon contact with skin it causes chemical burn.

Powder and granules

Dry “Mole” is available in one of two formats: powdered or granular. Granules generally contain more active ingredient. But both types quickly and well cope with severe blockages.

Some powders are a concentrate that requires prior dissolution in water.

What are the differences between different types?

When choosing one type or another, you need to take into account the specific characteristics of each:

  • The concentration of the active substance, on which the quality of pipeline cleaning depends.
  • Period of action: from several minutes to 3 hours.
  • Method of application.

Why do clogs occur in pipes?

The main reason for the formation of blockages is the tortuosity of the pipeline. So most of them are formed in siphons and at turns. However, pipes often become clogged in straight sections of the sewer system, which are characterized by an uneven internal surface:

  1. roughness of internal walls;
  2. protrusion of seals at the junction of pipeline elements: rubber gaskets, tow, etc.

Clinging to uneven surfaces, fats, food debris and other solid household waste (hair, fish scales, etc.) are layered on top of each other and tightly glued into a poorly soluble mass, blocking the gap in the pipe and emitting an unpleasant rotting odor.

The principle of operation of "Mole"

Reacting with fatty oils and collagen deposits, active ingredients(alkalis in combination with acid and surfactants), generate heat, soften and break them down, promoting the movement of the blockage and its leaching further into the sewer under the influence of ordinary running water.

Advantages and disadvantages of "Mole"

The “Mole” cleaner has a number of advantages in comparison with Russian and imported analogues:

  • Highly effective in combating blockages varying degrees complexity.
  • Possibility of cleaning even hard-to-reach areas of the pipeline.
  • Performance.
  • Simplicity and ease of use.
  • No dirt that cannot be avoided when working with plumbing cable.
  • Affordable price category.

There is only one drawback - the need to be careful when using the drug. However, careful precautions must be taken when handling any chemical.

Instructions for use

Using "Mole" is particularly simple.

To avoid the need to disassemble the plumbing, the product is simply poured into the sink drain hole.


The ingredients included in Krot are not safe for humans. Their contact with the skin or mucous membranes provokes a chemical burn, and contact with the eyes leads to loss of vision. Allocated during the process chemical reaction caustic hydrogen sulfide causes suffocation.

Compliance with passive safety measures will help avoid health problems:

  • Carry out work only with protective rubber gloves.
  • It is better to wear a mask or respirator on your face.
  • It is recommended to protect your eyes with special glasses.

If you still cannot avoid troubles, you must:

  1. Wash areas in contact with the chemical with a weak solution. boric acid and sufficient running water. If necessary, seek help from a doctor.
  2. If poisoned, drink at least 2 liters of water and immediately go to the clinic.

Methods of application

The manufacturer indicates how to use this or that product on the label.

  • It is advisable to warm up the sewer first by pouring a small amount of hot water into it.
  • Shake the liquid or gel product before use without removing the lid.
  • 200 - 250 ml of cleaner is poured into the sink drain hole or 100 - 150 g is poured. powder.
  • If using Mole powder, slowly pour 200 ml of water on top.
  • The time specified by the manufacturer is waited.
  • If the blockage is serious, it would be a good idea to run a plunger for a couple of minutes, first pouring 2 liters of hot water into the sink.
  • Finally, the pipeline is washed with running water for 5–10 minutes.

If the sewer is severely clogged and it was not possible to clear it the first time, it is recommended to repeat the operation again, increasing the period of exposure to the drug.

Can this product be used on plastic pipes?

The ingredients included in Krot are 100% safe for all types of pipes, incl. and plastic.

How to prepare a homemade analogue of “Mole”

Using familiar products in everyday life, you can prepare an analogue of “Mole” at home:

  1. Soda and vinegar.

250 g of baking soda (if available, then caustic) soda is poured into the drain and 100 ml of table vinegar is poured. Foaming will mark the reaction; to enhance the effect, it is recommended to close the drain hole tightly. After 10 - 15 minutes, the sewer is washed first with hot and then with cold water.

  1. Soda and salt.

200g of salt and 100g of soda are mixed and dissolved in 200 ml of water. The resulting solution is poured into the pipe and left for 15–30 minutes. Then you will have to work hard with a plunger for 5–10 minutes and flush the drain with running hot water for 5 minutes.

Note! It is doubtful that folk remedies, but these recipes are entirely suitable for preventing their occurrence. The components included in the composition will prevent the deposition of fats in the pipes.

Despite the fact that the “Mole” product has been produced for a long time, it has not lost either its relevance or popularity in the market. This is explained by a combination of three component qualities - low cost, ease of use and high efficiency: Mole perfectly cleans pipelines and sewers; he is able to completely restore their capacity.

Mole product for pipes from a Russian manufacturer, one of the most powerful

Clogged drains. removing the siphon is accompanied by an abundance of dirt and unpleasant odors, therefore, a chemical method of dissolving stuck fat, hair and other elements becomes a life-saving panacea for housewives. Reviews from those who have used “Mole” to clean pipes are clear: the product justifies the cost of purchasing it, and the result exceeds expectations.

Types of blockages

Blockages are formed not only due to debris (hair, sand) or food waste entering the system from outside. Processes occur inside the water supply that contribute to clogging: metal pipes rust, fallen flakes accumulate in the system, and salts dissolved in the water are constantly deposited. Conventionally, the causes of blockages can be divided into several types:

  • rust and mineral deposits;
  • sand, suspended matter, scale, various debris, dirt;
  • organic waste: fat deposits, food debris, hair, soap deposits.

The mechanical method of removing blockages or pneumatic punching of plugs is quite complex and inconvenient to carry out at home. waste for the sink, in order to prevent blockage of the drain, can only be done in the kitchen, and it is better to clean the drain of the bathtub, sewer, and toilet with chemicals. with the help special means, among which Mole for cleaning pipes, is effective and more acceptable for domestic conditions, since it directly eliminates the cause of the blockage without human intervention.

Mole gel, an analogue of Tiret, but it is almost 2 times cheaper

How does Mole pipe cleaner work?

The chemical components included in the “Mole for Pipe” product soften, corrode and peel off mineral and organic substances on the walls of the pipeline over the course of an hour and a half. Their remains are washed into the sewer, and the patency of the pipes is restored in full. The composition of the Mole product determines its effectiveness and does not depend on the form in which the drug is produced: powder, gel, liquid.

Composition of the clog remover

It includes:

  • distilled water;
  • surfactants (surfactants);
  • sodium hydroxide (NaOH);
  • ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA);
  • potassium hydroxide.

The main “working” component of Mole’s composition for cleaning pipes is sodium hydroxide, or caustic soda. It removes blockages without human effort, corroding the substances clogging the pipeline.

Advice. To maintain effectiveness, the product is sealed after use - with prolonged contact with air, sodium hydroxide swells and loses its properties, turning into carbonate.

According to consumer reviews, the most economical type of Mole for cleaning pipes is gel-type. It is easier to dose, the gel consumption is less than liquid. However, if the blockage is cork and the water hardly leaves, it is better to use a liquid product - its penetrating ability is higher.

Instructions for using the product for sewer plastic pipes

Use Mole to clean pipes as follows (dry powder):

  • Place in 1-2 tablespoons of the product.
  • Pour 200 g (about a glass) warm water.
  • Leave to act for 1-2 hours.
  • Open the tap and flush the pipe with a running stream of water, flushing the softened residues down the drain.

Mole liquid or gel is used in a similar way - 200-250 g of the product is poured into the drain (water is not needed), left for 1-2 hours to act. Before opening the cap, shake the bottle to mix the contents.

Mole powder in small packaging, for one-time use

The remaining unused Mole is hermetically sealed and stored out of the reach of children. Handle it with care - the caustic alkali corrodes the skin, causing a chemical burn. If it gets on open areas of the body, wash off the liquid with plenty of running water. For safety reasons, it is recommended to work with the product wearing rubber gloves, although in practice, careful housewives can do without them if handled with care. Almost all housewives use mole for cleaning pipes.

Depending on the form of release of the drug (powder, gel, liquid), the rules of use and dosage differ, detailed instructions instructions for use are located on the packaging.

The low price of mole for cleaning pipes (on average 70 rubles per 1 liter) makes it an affordable, popular and constantly in demand product. Mole is used to clean sewers or to prevent pipeline blockages. IN for preventive purposes It is enough to apply it once every two months.

Practical conclusions about the cleaning product

The Mole cleaning product is universal and suitable for all types of pipes - metal, metal-plastic or PVC. The Mole product for plastic pipes is safe, but it can corrode the sealing rubber or glue on which the joint is set. This can happen if you violate the technology for its use - leave it in the drain for more than 2 hours or rinse it after use with insufficient water.

To enhance the effect of the Mole cleaning agent for sewer pipes, housewives recommend warming up the sewer with a stream of hot water before using it, leaving the tap open for several minutes. At the same time body fat will melt, and the Mole will have to soften the remaining deposits.

Another practical method of enhancing the action of the Mole is to use a plunger to penetrate deeper into the pipeline. An hour and a half after the product has been poured into the drain hole, two liters of water are added there and pushed deep into the drain using a plunger. The mole will reach deeper layers of mineral deposits and fat layers.

Mole is produced in containers of various sizes; it is more advisable to buy as much as is used at a time: if the lid is not tightly closed and in contact with air, the caustic soda included in the composition will lose its properties. The presence of aromatic additives, which some manufacturers use, does not affect the activity of the drug, although its cost increases.


Mole for blockages is a leader among chemical agents for removing blockages. If used carefully, it will not cause harm, but will easily perform important work for cleaning drainage and sewer pipes. Mole pipe cleaner works 100 percent.

Sewer pipe cleaner Mole is chemical agent which helps clear blockages in pipes. It is produced in Russia and is the most popular on the market; it is used exclusively for certain blockages, so it is always necessary to select the appropriate formula. The main component of Mole is alkali, which, interacting with water, forms foam and with its help begins to dissolve fat and soap, which are main reason clogging formation. The composition also contains distilled water, which prevents the alkali from reacting before the moment when chemical solution will fall into the pipe.

Applicable this remedy for cleaning pipes in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen. The Mole functions most optimally in the kitchen; it quickly deals with blockages formed from fat and food debris. In the bathroom, the Mole cleans the pipes a little slower. An additional purpose of the cleaning solution is to clean the side walls of the sewer, which prevents future blockages. The product removes the film on which household waste accumulates.

There are several varieties of this tool:

  • liquid preparation;
  • granular preparation.

Liquid Mole is used to clean pipes in which water has accumulated (for example, in the kitchen sink). You pour the product directly into the pipe. It contains two types of alkali and antiseptic bacteria.

The granular preparation contains only one type of alkali and an additional component that dissolves the alkali in water, which is necessary for the alkali to take effect. Granules are more popular due to the fact that Mole in granules is sold in more convenient packaging.

Mole pipe cleaner has been popular for decades. With its help, it is possible to maintain the functionality of the household by successfully combating blockages that occur in pipes.

At the same time, the relevance of the Mole cleaning product remains today, which has not been affected by changes that have occurred with sewer pipes and wastewater. The former have mostly become plastic, and the latter have changed their chemical characteristics, but the substances included in the famous product still cope with their task.

The most obvious advantages:

  1. Ease of use, due to the absence of the need to disassemble the siphon.
  2. Keeping it clean, which could not be achieved if a device in the form of a metal brush was used.
  3. Quick removal of blockages.
  4. Instantly ready to use, since it is not assumed that any preliminary procedures are required.
  5. Low cost compared to other similar anti-clogging products.

Varieties of "Mole"

The modern market offers the sewer pipe cleaner in question in several versions, depending on the shape and packaging. When you go to the store for “Mole”, you may encounter what you will be offered:

  • powder, which is a granular mixture;
  • liquid;
  • gel.

If you want to save money, you should give preference to gel, since the existing consistency ensures that the product spreads slowly over the surface, which reduces its consumption. At the same time, serious blockages that almost completely block the passage of water are unlikely to be removed using a gel. In this case, it is advisable to choose a liquid form of the product to ensure its full penetration to the problem area in the pipe.

As for packaging, the Mole product can be packaged in fairly large containers and small bags designed for several uses. You can also buy a concentrated version of the product, designed to be diluted in 10 liters of water.

"Mole Turbo" (gel)

Composition: alkali, an optimized mixture of surfactants and sodium hypochlorite. Volume – 1 liter.

The effectiveness of the gel lies in the fact that, due to its shape and high content active substances Quite quickly dissolves blockages created by fats, collagen fibers, proteins and salts fatty acids. Counts good option for any pipes, regardless of the material they are made of.

"Mole Tornado" (gel)

Mole Composition: Water, 5–15% surfactant, sodium hypochlorite, sodium hydroxide. Weight – 1000 g.

Application: pour the gel into the drain hole, wait a little and rinse off the remaining blockage with water by opening the tap. If it does not help, then you should repeat the procedure again.

Typically, about 15 minutes is enough to remove the blockage. This product is suitable for use regardless of the type of pipes. The gel-like form of “Mole” and the sufficient content of active substances guarantee that the blockage will be removed.

"Mole Tornado" (pellets)

Composition: granular form, including inorganic filler and sodium hydroxide. Weight: 90 g.

Application: pour granules into the drain hole, eliminating the possibility of them getting on stainless steel and enameled surfaces. Add a small volume of warm water (about 40 degrees), and after a few minutes rinse the system. The procedure can be repeated if the desired effect is not achieved.

How does this work

Before you begin to study the principle of operation of the “Mole”, you should understand the essence of blockages that form in the following positions:

  • siphon;
  • bends;
  • joints between individual parts of the pipeline, sealed with rubber rings.

If we summarize the above list in a certain way, we can say that a blockage appears where there is a possibility of getting caught on something. Over time, the surface inside the pipe becomes covered with a film of fat, which becomes a kind of adhesive tape for various debris. Gradually it accumulates, the lumen of the pipe narrows critically and a plug appears, preventing the normal passage of waste.

The pipe cleaning mole is designed to cope with the softening and dissolution of deposits, doing this as efficiently as possible. Under its influence, fat and debris lose their adhesion both to each other and to the walls of the pipes, which allows the blockage to be washed away with running water. It is worth noting that Mole is also suitable for sewage.


The drug in liquid form cannot be used immediately without shaking. You need to shake the container a little, then measure about 250 mm, and then pour it into the drain hole. Please note that these instructions for use are only suitable for liquid products.

Mole for cleaning pipes, like any product that removes blockages, is toxic. Avoid contact of the drug with the skin.

As for the powdered “Mole”, the procedure here is identical to the previous one, that is, use the drain hole so that the product ends up inside the pipeline. Only in this case do you add the granules and make them active by adding a certain volume of water to them.

After carrying out one of the indicated procedures, all you have to do is wait for the product to show its effectiveness, which will take about 1.5 hours. The system will then need to be flushed to remove any remaining plug. This can be done using regular tap water (hot is preferable) by opening the tap.


Pipe mole contains quite a lot of caustic substances, which makes you think about safety rules, including, for example, the use of gloves for protection. If there is a hit:

  • on skin - rinse immediately with water. Treat the reddened area of ​​skin with Bepanten or any other drug with similar properties;
  • in the eyes - rinse them and try to get to the hospital as quickly as possible;
  • in the gastrointestinal tract - drink the maximum amount of water and seek medical help.

How much does Mole cost?

Mole is not the best expensive product and is in the economical range. Disposable bags of granules cost from 25 rubles. Liquid reusable products are more expensive, from 45 to 110 rubles.

By choosing Krot, first of all, you will save your budget. And only then do you buy effective remedy sewer cleaning.