
Is it possible to see cervical cancer during an ultrasound procedure? Is it possible to detect a cancerous tumor using ultrasound diagnostics? Is it possible to detect cancer with ultrasound?

Ultrasound can detect the early stages of uterine cancer, including cervical cancer. This is explained by the fact that the tissues affected by the oncological process differ in structure from normal ones. In addition, there is a change in blood flow, which can be assessed using Doppler ultrasound. Therefore, in order to see cancer at preclinical stages, a combined diagnosis using ultrasound (vaginal access is the most informative) and Doppler ultrasound is required.

Ultrasound using a vaginal probe

Endometrial (uterine) cancer is a malignant tumor, the development of which is associated with hormonal disorders(excess estrogen or increased sensitivity tissue receptors for these hormones).

On ultrasound, uterine cancer is visible in different ways. There are two main options:

  1. Nodular variant, in which the tumor is limited in size and is often localized in the fundus.
  2. Diffuse (widespread).

Uterine cancer can be detected in the early stages, when the tumor is minimal in size, only with the help of transvaginal ultrasound. The study that is carried out through the anterior wall of the abdomen to detect this pathology is not informative - it is skipped clinical cases at the second and third stages. Therefore modern ultrasound diagnostics in oncology means performing only vaginal ultrasound!

Neoplasm in the uterus

The accuracy of the results obtained by this method can be increased by simultaneously performing Doppler measurements - assessing blood flow. During a malignant oncological process, blood circulation increases, and the vessels lose resistance (their tone decreases), and the direction of blood flow also changes (turbulence appears). Therefore, all perimenopausal women are recommended to undergo Doppler testing once a year. This study can most reliably of all non-invasive diagnostic methods identify the PRE-CLINICAL stages of uterine cancer. If it shows deviations from the norm, then invasive examination methods are required - a biopsy with histology. This approach can protect a woman from a malignant process.

Now let's look at the ultrasound criteria for each form of endometrial cancer. The nodular form on ultrasound is characterized by the following criteria:

  • An echo-positive formation that protrudes into the uterine cavity.
  • Its shape is irregular oval or round.
  • Lumpy contours of the formation, except for the wall, which is connected directly to the myometrium.
  • Fuzzy outline of the base of the pathological formation.
  • Interruption of the contour of the uterine mucosa (M-echo) at the place where the tumor comes from.

Diffuse form of cancer in the uterus ultrasonic signs divided into two subspecies:

  • Diffuse-infiltrative - a change in the uterine wall, in which discontinuity of the contour, infiltration, corroded borders, etc. appear.
  • Lumpy-infiltrative.

Tumor of the uterine body

In some cases, the only sonographic criterion that indicates uterine cancer is hematometra, an accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity. But there may also be the presence of serozometra - an accumulation of mucous fluid. In principle, it is quite difficult to differentiate the nature of the fluid using ultrasound. It's important that it's there. If such a picture is detected, then there must be caution regarding the oncological process, especially when this picture is detected in a woman who is in menopause. With a more thorough examination, it is possible to detect a change in the wall or the presence of plus tissue (or a defect).

Cervical cancer

It has now been proven that the leading cause of cervical cancer development is a woman’s infection with a certain strain of the papilloma virus. It is capable of changing the genetic program of cells and transferring them to the stage of uncontrolled division, in which there is no differentiation stage. As a result, the organ is destroyed by defective cancer cells.

You can suspect something is wrong using a transvaginal ultrasound examination. A very important diagnostic criterion for cervical cancer is the detection of the so-called “pearl necklace”. This is an early ultrasound marker of malignancy, that is malignant degeneration cells. It looks like hyperechoic formations that have a rounded shape. They line up like a string of pearls. If this symptom is detected, then it is necessary to carry out histological examination. The detection rate of malignant transformation of the cervix in this case is very high.

Stages of cervical cancer

Ultrasound can also identify hypoechoic zones that have a diameter of less than 6 mm. They are also a fairly specific sign indicating the early stages of cervical cancer. However this sign may also occur with other pathological processes in this area. That is, it is not specific, but requires an additional diagnostic search.

Doppler testing can also provide valuable information when cervical cancer is suspected. To determine the degree of risk of this pathology in a particular woman, it is important to evaluate the following parameters:

  • Study the course and number of vessels in the cervix.
  • Measure maximum arterial velocity.
  • Measure the maximum velocity in the veins.
  • Assess the resistance index.

In cancer they change as follows (average data):

  • Vascularization increases.
  • The speed of blood flow in the veins and arteries increases.
  • The resistance index decreases.

Therefore, all patients at risk for developing cervical cancer should undergo transvaginal sonography in combination with Doppler ultrasound. But if there is such a possibility, then these two studies should be carried out on every woman, even if she is not at risk. The frequency of their holding is at least once a year.

Diagnostic tactics after ultrasound

In cases where sonography reveals deviations from normal structure the wall of the uterus, including its cervix, additional diagnostic tests. This is due to oncological alertness, which should be present in every doctor, especially if the patient is perimenopausal. At this time, the risk of cancer is especially increased.

So, the studies that can and should be carried out to clarify the diagnosis are:

  • Hysteroscopy.
  • Biopsy.
  • Diagnostic curettage.
  • Determination of the level of oncological markers.
  • Radiography and others.

However, an accurate diagnosis can only be established after examining the morphological structure of the tissue sample taken. In oncology, this is considered the “gold” standard. Ultrasound does not provide a 100% guarantee of the absence or presence of cancer in an organ! It can only be used to suggest the likelihood of a precancerous or cancerous condition.

Is it possible to see it on an ultrasound? A qualified oncologist will answer this question. Nowadays, malignant tumors have become widespread. A tumor can affect any human organ, and cervical cancer is the leading cancer among women. Therefore, it is very important to identify the disease as quickly as possible, since this will be the key to successful treatment. Ultrasound examination of the uterus makes it possible to detect the disease by early stage, there is a chance to save life.

Is it possible to see cervical cancer on an ultrasound?

Although the ultrasound machine is the most accurate, without additional tests the diagnosis cannot be established. In other words, ultrasonic method only gives an accurate description of all the changes that are present in the cervix. Modern devices can identify the smallest change, but no more. And it’s up to the doctor to decipher what kind of change this is. When identifying alarming symptoms the doctor prescribes full examination

body to identify pathology or exclude cancer.

You need to prepare for the UDI procedure. To begin with, they do a cleansing enema. During the week before the ultrasound examination, a woman should avoid foods containing protein. An hour before the procedure, you need to drink water, the volume of liquid will be advised by the doctor.

  • Nowadays, there are 2 ways to conduct research:
  • transabdominal;


When using the first method, the bladder must be full so that the uterus is clearly visible.
When using the second method, the bladder must be completely empty. The specialist uses a vaginal sensor. It is inserted into the vagina and examined. This method is more informative than the transabdominal one. With its help, you can more accurately diagnose an incipient disease. But in the early stages of cancer formation, ultrasound may not be an effective diagnostic method. In the best way

is colposcopy - the study of cells in the laboratory.

How to detect cervical cancer on ultrasound Can cervical cancer be seen on an ultrasound? Every woman should understand that a malignant tumor on the cervix often develops over several years before it appears in sight, and the manifestation of the first pain

indicates that the cancer has already spread throughout the body. Women take the first steps in the fight against cancer only when the tumor begins to bother them. But it is already too late.

  • changes in lymph nodes;
  • uneven contours;
  • vascular disorder;
  • degree of cancer of the cervical wall;
  • cancer damage to other organs;
  • the appearance of metastases;
  • tumor definition;
  • dysplasia.

The tumor can only be detected with modern equipment. Such equipment will be able to detect and detect the presence of a tumor from 3 mm.

Thanks to modern equipment, the doctor can determine, and this gives a chance to start treatment on time. Ultrasonography It is carried out comprehensively, all pelvic organs are examined in parallel.

The only thing that an ultrasound machine cannot detect is cervical erosion. It is known that it is precisely this disease that, in its advanced form, leads to the appearance of malignant tumors. Experts strongly recommend not to avoid a traditional examination by a gynecologist. This manipulation will help eliminate all risks to your own health.

As for the device itself, it has practically no contraindications. People can take this test of different ages and with different indications. And with the help of this equipment, it is possible to detect even the appearance of the initial stage of cancer, dysplasia.

Ultrasound indicates the appearance of tumors on the cervix or the extent of metastases. But at the initial stage of cancer, ultrasound cannot determine the nature of the origin of the tumor. In other words, the doctor will not be able to answer whether the tumor is malignant or benign. The type of tumor can only be determined in the laboratory based on a biopsy.

Comprehensive definition of cervical cancer

There are currently several effective ways detect uterine cancer. The quality of the ultrasound machine influences the correct examination, since it is quite difficult to detect the development of pathology with outdated models. The fact that the specialist conducting the ultrasound has experience is also important, since the result of the examination and the diagnosis often depend on him. If there is a suspicion of a cancerous process, then it is worth undergoing additional examinations.

There are several types of cervical cancer, one of them is, insidious disease. The problem is that women sometimes seek help very late, and practically nothing can be done.

is one of the types of malignant tumors, which is distinguished by its strong aggression and rapid course.

Carcinoma can quickly spread metastases throughout the pelvic organs. And when pain appears, precious time is lost. An ultrasound will not determine the origin of the cancer, but will help determine whether a tumor exists. Therefore, it is very important to undergo regular examination.

Prevention measures

People feel helpless in the face of cancer. This disease does not spare either adults or children. A person, having learned about the diagnosis, believes that he is doomed. But, although uterine cancer has become the second most common cancer in the world, there is a chance for successful treatment. The only condition: the disease must be diagnosed at an early stage. And this can only happen if the woman is regularly examined by a gynecologist.
Every specialist strongly recommends performing an ultrasound once every six months. Such measures will protect a woman from possible problems. This diagnostic method will help protect against possible risks: even if a tumor is detected, it will be an initial stage that can be successfully treated.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that no one is immune from the serious occurrence of a serious illness. Today there are drugs that help protect the body from possible risks. But how effective vaccination is, time and reviews will tell. It is necessary to take time for regular examination. This is the only way to protect yourself from dire consequences or recover from a dangerous illness.

Pancreatic cancer can be detected on ultrasound early stages development of the disease. But, as a rule, this does not happen: due to the mildness or absence of symptoms, patients rarely consult a doctor for initial stages pathology. A pancreatic tumor is detected accidentally when a patient visits for another reason. When performing an ultrasound, not only the primary tumor is determined, but also metastases with secondary foci.

What is pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer is malignancy, developing from the ducts or epithelium of the glandular tissue of the organ. Is serious illness with a poor prognosis. If detected at a late stage, it is only possible palliative treatment, since rapidly spreading metastases quickly affect not only nearby but also distant organs. Only 20% of patients are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at stages 1-2, when it is still operable and does not metastasize.

Methods for diagnosing pathology

For determining malignant formation Laboratory and functional diagnostic methods are used for the pancreas. The latter can be invasive (performed with violation of the integrity of the skin) and non-invasive. Ultrasound examination of organs abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space (ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and the abdominal cavity, echography) is considered safe diagnostic methods, has no contraindications, is prescribed immediately to exclude gross pathology, is a screening tool, is effective at initial and more late stages diseases. It is based on the use of ultrasonic waves.

Using this method, you can find out:

  • pancreas shape;
  • the size of the organ as a whole and its component parts;
  • parenchyma density;
  • the presence of neoplasms and their distribution within the gland and beyond its borders.

The sensitivity of ultrasound is 73.8%, the specificity is 75%, and the accuracy is 74.3%. Enlarged regional lymph nodes during ultrasound examination are detected in 30-47%, upper abdominal and retroperitoneal - 78.9%, liver metastases - in 46-74% of cases.

In 30% of cases, ultrasound may not provide diagnostic results due to the patient’s:

  • obesity;
  • ascites;
  • special topographic location of the organ.

For a more detailed study, checking ultrasound results and clarifying the diagnosis, other methods are used:

  • ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography);
  • MRPHG;
  • biopsy with further microscopic examination of tissues taken for analysis.

MRI and CT with contrast are more highly sensitive diagnostic methods. CT, compared to MRI, is a more dangerous procedure due to the high radiation dose. For MRI, which is performed in a magnetic field, there are some limitations (the presence of metal implants in the body). Using this method, tumors as small as 2 centimeters are detected.

ERCP is dangerous due to complications, so it is used less frequently.

Symptoms of the disease

Due to the peculiarities of the location of the gland, which is in direct contact with all digestive organs, and the close functional connection with them, the appearance of pronounced clinical symptoms indicates an advanced pathological process.

The clinical manifestations of pancreatic cancer vary slightly depending on the location of the organ lesion. But regardless of the location of the tumor, the following occurs:

The pain sometimes does not have a clear localization, but is most often determined in the epigastrium, left or right hypochondrium, and radiates to the back. The location where the pain symptom is determined depends on the area of ​​the gland affected by the tumor. The cause of pain is:

  • blockage of the common bile duct or Wirsung duct;
  • peritoneal phenomena due to exacerbation accompanying inflammation developing in tissues adjacent to the tumor;
  • compression of nerve trunks.

As the disease progresses, dyspeptic disorders increase:

  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • belching air due to flatulence;
  • vomit;
  • stool disorders - diarrhea, constipation.

An important symptom of the disease is sudden weight loss. The patient is progressively losing weight due to digestive disorders and cancer intoxication caused by tumor decay products. Atypical tumor cells that quickly divide lose their functions - they do not produce enzymes. As a result of compression of the Wirsung duct or common bile duct by the growing neoplasm, the entry into the duodenal lumen stops:

  • pancreatic juice with enzymes and their breakdown of proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
  • bile, in the presence of which fats are broken down.

In addition, obstructive jaundice develops - one of the main diagnostic criteria for pancreatic head cancer. Its appearance is associated with obstruction of the common bile duct or metastases that have penetrated into the gates of the liver. If the bile duct is damaged, this sign may appear in the early stages of tumor development. Bile accumulates in the lumen of the gallbladder due to compression of the common bile duct. An enlarged bladder is detected, which can be palpated due to its significant size. In addition to icterus of the skin, mucous membranes and sclera, painful itchy skin due to bile acids entering the blood and skin.

At later stages, symptoms progress and new ones appear. They are defined:

  • location of the tumor;
  • tumor size;
  • penetration of the pathological focus into nearby and distant organs;
  • the nature of the spread of metastases.

With a tumor of the body and tail of the pancreas, vascular thrombosis is detected - they develop 4 times more often than with cancer of the head. If there are large tumors in the body or tail, they can be identified by palpation. Splenomegaly may develop, which is associated with metastasis of the tumor to the spleen, portal vein vessels, or with the formation of blood clots in them.

Early symptoms and signs of pancreatic cancer

At the beginning of its development, pancreatic cancer may be asymptomatic. Signs of illness that appear on different stages, are often ignored due to their nonspecificity: as a rule, they are mistaken for symptoms of pathology of other digestive organs.

At the beginning of the development of the disease, epigastric discomfort appears. It can be expressed by:

  • unclear pain without clear localization;
  • dyspepsia (nausea, sometimes vomiting, constipation or diarrhea);
  • disturbance of food perceptions;
  • decreased appetite.

Secondary signs of pancreatic cancer

Over time, as the disease develops, changes increase. May develop:

  • diabetes;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • pancreatic stool;
  • obstructive jaundice.

Diabetes mellitus, if the patient has not previously suffered from this disease, develops when a tumor affects the tail of the pancreas. This is due to the predominant location of the islets of Langerhans with beta cells that produce insulin and alpha cells that synthesize the insulin antagonist - glucagon. With insufficient insulin formation, the formation of glycogen from glucose is disrupted with the subsequent development of diabetes mellitus.

Glucagonoma is formed from the α-cells of the pancreas; with their uncontrolled division, diabetes mellitus with all its symptoms also develops ( constant dryness in the mouth, excruciating thirst, frequent urination, further progressive damage important organs). This occurs due to excess secretion of glucagon, which can increase blood sugar levels by breaking down glycogen found in the muscles and liver. The tumor can become malignant over time, causing it to begin to grow uncontrollably.

Hypoglycemia occurs when a tumor arises from the β-cells of the islets of Langerhans: the insulinoma begins to intensively produce insulin (insulinoma). In cases of insulinoma development, 70% are adenomas, 30% are aggressive, rapidly growing adenocarcinomas.

Pancreatic stool has characteristic appearance: gray, With greasy shine(poorly washed off) and foul odor. Repeats several times a day.

As the process progresses, obstructive jaundice develops, accompanied by:

  • positive Courvoisier's symptom (enlarged, painless gallbladder due to impaired bile outflow);
  • icterus of the skin, sclera and mucous membranes;
  • acholic (discolored) feces;
  • dark urine.

As the disease progresses, icterus increases, and painful itching, intensifying at night. At the same time, the pain becomes more intense. This can occur in later stages due to the growth of metastases into the portals of the liver.

As the size of the tumor increases, a person quickly loses weight, even with a normal amount of food eaten, due to disruption of its absorption processes.

Ultrasound signs of a pancreatic tumor

Due to the peculiarities of the topography of the pancreas and asymptomatic malignant formation in the initial stages, pronounced clinical picture, for which the patient seeks help, manifests itself late - at the final stages of the disease, when treatment is no longer effective. Therefore, diagnostic detection of pancreatic tumors at the stage of minimal manifestations of the disease is especially important.

When performing an ultrasound, you can see a characteristic echo sign of a cancerous tumor - a significant increase in a separate part of the gland or a bulging of its contour. In 50-80% of cases, the head of the pancreas is involved in cancer. Even a small tumor is clearly visible at the head end on ultrasound. This is due to the following reasons:

  • clearer visualization of the head of the gland compared to its other parts;
  • relatively rapid compression of the common bile duct, accompanied by the appearance of changes in sonography in a short time.

An oncological process in the form of a small tumor in the tail is detected on ultrasound much less frequently. The presence of a neoplasm of this localization is indicated by the signs described in detail in the ultrasound transcript (its protocol). Research may show:

  • impaired form of the pancreas;
  • increased dimensions of the tail section.

The tumor may affect the entire pancreatic tissue - multicentric growth. The picture that is visualized on ultrasound resembles diffuse edema for acute pancreatitis.

With pancreatic cancer, the contours of the organ change: they become unclear, but, unlike chronic pancreatitis, they do not have irregularities or jagged edges. At the location of the tumor, bulges are visualized that penetrate into the surrounding tissue in the form of tongues. All this is described in detail in the ultrasound report.

Mostly cancer formation The pancreas is hypoechoic and does not contain internal echo structures. But there are tumors with diffusely defined echo signals or high-intensity echo signals in the center of the node in the absence of them at the periphery of the tumor. The border between the altered tumor and the rest of the gland tissue may be unclear, but is always approximately visible due to the difference in echogenicity of normal and pathological tissue. Despite the similarity of the tissue structure of the formation (especially if it lacks areas of structures with increased density) with a cyst, ultrasound, using the effect of distal enhancement, makes it possible to differentiate a malignant focus from a liquid formation.

Can an ultrasound show pancreatic cancer?

In most cases, having only the results of ultrasound of the pancreas, it is difficult to unambiguously determine the presence of a tumor, its invasion into neighboring or distant organs, and also to differentiate small-sized (up to 3 cm) cancer tumors from areas of local inflammation of the pancreas. According to published studies by some authors, the sensitivity of ultrasound for detecting pancreatic tumors is more than 90%. Other works provide the following values ​​for diagnosing pancreatic cancer:

  • Ultrasound – 84%;
  • CT – 88%;
  • consistent use of ultrasound and CT – 97%.

In the presence of a tumor in the head of the pancreas, data from the dilated Wirsung duct are analyzed: with cancer, smooth and uncompacted walls are revealed, in contrast to their changes with chronic pancreatitis. If the diameter of the main excretory duct is equal to approximately half the thickness of the pancreas itself, this is one of the signs of a malignant process.

Dilatation of the common bile duct and smaller intrahepatic ducts is possible.

The expansion of the common pancreatic and Wirsung canals also occurs in the presence of a formation that compresses them in the circumference of the duodenal papilla of Vater.

Ultrasound can diagnose compression and displacement of nearby vessels - the inferior vena cava and mesenteric vein. This is observed both in chronic pancreatitis and in tumors, but in the case of a malignant tumor it is more pronounced. When the tumor is localized in the head of the pancreas, the superior mesenteric vein shifts in the ventral direction, and when the node reaches a large size, the head itself shifts.

Examination algorithm using ultrasound

Created based on ultrasound data general algorithm examinations for accurate diagnosis pancreatic cancer:

  • transcutaneous research in B-mode in real time - used to detect tumors and is a screening method with which the examination of the patient begins;
  • color Doppler scanning or ultrasound in B-mode using CO2 as contrast - for differential diagnosis of malignancy and inflammation of the pancreas;
  • color Doppler scanning in color flow mode(color Doppler mapping) or EDC (power Doppler mapping) - establishes the relationship of the tumor with nearby vessels.

Transcutaneous B-mode imaging

Transcutaneous ultrasound in B-mode is the most common method for studying parenchymal organs. Provides a two-dimensional, two-color image of the organ being studied on the screen. Allows you to see:

  • circuit;
  • localization;
  • tumor stage.

It is one of the screening methods for pancreatic pathology.

Real-time B-mode ultrasound for pancreatic cancer is based on the detection of direct and indirect signs diseases. Direct signs are the identification of a single focus or cavity with a clear boundary of heterogeneous density between the tumor and normal tissue. Changes in the parenchyma of the pancreas are the main sign of an existing neoplasm; they are observed with ultrasound in 80% of cases. Based on the intensity of signal reflection, a tumor (its echogenicity) can be:

  • hypoechoic;
  • hyperechoic;
  • isoechoic;
  • mixed.

Indirect signs are:

  • expansion of the common bile duct and pancreatic duct (more than 3 mm);
  • a significant increase in the size of the pancreas in the area of ​​the neoplasm.

Extension bile ducts in the liver is possible in the presence of a tumor in the head of the pancreas or lymph nodes in the area of ​​the hepatoduodenal ligament.

Depending on the size of the formation, the size of the gland may be unchanged or locally or diffusely increased.

To diagnose pancreatic cancer, a method with the Doppler effect, named after the Austrian physicist who discovered it, is used. In this case, a color image of the reflected ultrasonic signal is obtained. Unlike conventional ultrasound, this method is based on the reflection of ultrasound by moving objects, for example, blood cells in the vascular bed - red blood cells. Due to the changing frequency of the signal reflected from them, vascular pathologies are identified, the differences between benign neoplasms and malignant tumors are determined, and the following is assessed:

  • speed;
  • direction of flow;
  • blockage of blood vessels;
  • collaterals.

This procedure has no contraindications and is not observed side effects, the patient is not exposed to radiation - it is absolutely safe. With the help of color flow, a color image of the blood flow is displayed, any circulatory disorders in the organ are visible.

Color Doppler scanning using Color Doppler or EDC modes

An additional method for the differential diagnosis of a malignant process and inflammatory changes in the pancreatic parenchyma is the use of color Doppler examination in the Color Doppler and EDC modes.

When using the methods, it is determined:

  • presence and patency of blood vessels;
  • the nature and speed of blood circulation in them.

If pancreatic cancer is suspected in a patient with duplex scanning noted:

  • absence or a sharp decline blood flow through the vessels inside the tumor;
  • the presence of collateral vascular networks with arterial blood flow.

EDC is essentially a more advanced color Doppler mapping. Its difference from Color Doppler, in which the color-coded frequency shift of the Doppler signal is visualized on the screen, lies in the display of numerous signals from moving objects (red blood cells) - this method maps the energy characteristics of the signals.

What other pathologies can be detected using ultrasound?

It is necessary to differentiate the echographic image of cancer from diseases of the pancreas or other organs of the digestive system, which may give a similar clinical or ultrasound picture. They can be suspected or detected during sonography:

  • local forms of pancreatitis;
  • cancer of the major duodenal papilla;
  • pseudocysts;
  • lymphoma;
  • metastases.

It is tactically important to take into account clinical and laboratory data in combination with biopsy results.


  1. Lemeshko, Z. A. Ultrasound diagnosis of gastric diseases. M. GEOTAR-Media, 2009
  2. Maev, I.V. Ultrasound diagnosis of diseases of the digestive system. Tutorial. Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. M. Federal State Educational Institution VUNMC Roszdrav, 2005
  3. Abdullaev R.Ya. Modern echocardiography. Kharkov, 1998
  4. Bluth E.I., Benson K.B., Ralls F.W., Siegel M.D. Ultrasound diagnostics. Practical solution clinical problems. Volume 1. Ultrasound examination of the abdomen. Honey. literature Moscow, 2010
  5. Mitkov V.V. Doppler sonography in the diagnosis of diseases of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas and their vessels. M. Vidar, 2001
  6. Shchupakova A.N. Clinical ultrasound diagnostics. Minsk 2004

Many people are interested in whether cancer will be visible on an ultrasound? It depends on the stage of the cancer and how deep in the tissue it is located. For example, bone cancer or metastases in them will be shown by x-ray. Let's look at the problem in more detail in the article.

Cancer diagnosis using ultrasound

For diagnosing cancer in the early stages, ultrasound is simple, effective and quick method diagnostics The doctor may diagnose you using other methods of determination. For example, MRI, X-ray or biopsy, etc., but ultrasound examination painless and completely safe and very informative, therefore, it is prescribed to most patients. Screening will 100% show whether you have a tumor in your organ or not and what stage it is at?

Ultrasound technologies are improving and a specialist can do an ultrasound of the intestines and stomach and determine whether there is cancer in those organs or not? This examination is possible due to the fact that ultrasound scanners have an elastography function. Using it, the specialist will record the spectrum of blood flow in the vessels and evaluate the tissue structure in suspicious areas.

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland

Many patients who had problems with thyroid glands and the doctor suspected a tumor in them, the specialist sent them for an ultrasound. The tumor will be detected quickly, but whether it is malignant or benign needs to be determined. In a suspicious node, the ultrasound specialist assesses the condition of the vessels.

The device records the spectral characteristics of the blood flow in the node. Additionally, the doctor will refer you for a biopsy of this area and the established diagnosis will be 100% confirmed by several examination methods. Additionally, lymph nodes are examined. According to the theory, cancer cells can enter them.

Examination of blood vessels in the brain

If the doctor suspects a tumor in the brain, he will most likely prescribe you an MRI rather than an ultrasound. An ultrasound examination with duplex scanning can reveal a lot. What is the condition of the vessels in the brain, are they displaced, is there a developed vascular network, which shouldn't be there? If the latter is detected, the patient is given a referral for an MRI. An accurate diagnosis will be established.

Ultrasound of the peritoneum

If the area of ​​cancer localization is in the abdominal cavity, then using an ultrasound scan. They will help to identify, for example, primary tumors - hepatocellular neoplasm, metastases or cholangiocarcinoma.


When an uzologist performs a diagnosis gallbladder, often finds polyps in it. They need to be monitored once every six months or a year, with repeated ultrasound diagnostics. Polyps can develop into malignant tumors. If the diagnostician has a lot of experience, he will notice on the screen Vaterov’s tumor, which is a nipple.


Is it possible to see a tumor in the pancreas on an ultrasound? It's quite difficult. The picture on the screen is blurry. It is especially difficult to see and difficult to establish a correct diagnosis in obese people. Ultrasound examination is an inexpensive, accessible method and therefore, first of all, patients are referred to it.

When a doctor examines the pancreas, he pays attention to the condition of the lymph nodes at the porta hepatis with the retroperitoneal lymph nodes. If they are enlarged, then it makes sense to prescribe the patient a CT scan, which will help identify malignant neoplasms.


During ultrasound, the spleen is clearly visualized. Fortunately, cancer almost never occurs in this organ, nor do metastases form.

Stomach with intestines

In recent years, ultrasound has often examined the stomach and intestines. These organs are located quite deep in the human body and an ultrasound will accurately show only a grown tumor, or rather, a specialist will recognize it 100%, and smaller tumors can be interpreted as natural processing products.

Will an ultrasound show for sure that a patient has cancer if it is stage 3 or 4? An ultrasound specialist will 100% confirm that a person has neoplasms, because there are already many noticeable ones in the body pathological changes. In advanced cases, the doctor will see metastases in the stomach and even determine their size.

To make the diagnosis as accurate as possible, the following procedures are performed:

  1. Before the examination, the patient is instructed to drink 300 to 500 ml of plain boiled water on an empty stomach. the main thing is that it does not contain gas. The specialist will ask you to lie down on the couch and you will change positions, and he will examine your stomach from all sides or in different projections.
  2. The 1st projection is done when the patient assumes a supine position, and then lies on his left side. Later en right. He rises from the couch and the projection needs to be captured while he is standing. The projection will show how large the tumor is and how it has grown into nearby tissues and organs.

Ultrasound of the stomach is considered an auxiliary method. An experienced specialist will notice cancer at an early stage. Especially when it affected the upper layer of the stomach, the muscles. But in the later stages, the lesions are larger and better visualized and interpreted by an ultrasound specialist.

"Tip: If you suspect cancer, after the ultrasound, ask to be referred for an x-ray of the stomach."


Ultrasound diagnostics of the kidneys will show whether the patient has renal cell cancer, transitional cell neoplasms, Wilms cancer with metastases. The diagnosis is accurate. Additionally, a biopsy and other tests are performed.


Ultrasound will help you see cancer in bladder. Benign polyps also grow there, but they can develop into cancer. A cystoscopy is required, then the diagnosis will be considered 100% confirmed.

Mammary gland

The doctor will refer you for an ultrasound examination + elastography. These methods for diagnosing breast cancer are very informative. No matter how old you are, ultrasound waves reflected from tissues will show whether there is cancer and at what stage or not? After menopause, try to undergo examinations once a year, or starting at age 40.


Does an ultrasound machine show uterine cancer? Yes. The neoplasm can be either inside the organ or on its neck. When the appendages are examined, it will be established that there are neoplasms in the ovaries or endometrium, since they have excellent echogenicity. Perhaps the patient’s tissues are all healthy.

It is difficult to establish that the endometrium is affected. The doctor may think that this is benign fibroid, but in fact it is malignant cancer.

"Advice: Don't worry too early; in addition, you will be referred for a biopsy."


Studying prostate gland, elastography is used with Doppler examination vascular condition. In malignant neoplasms, recognizable signs. The diagnosis will be accurate.

How often can screenings be done?

If you are over 35 or 40 years old, you can conduct research on: the thyroid gland, peritoneal organs, urinary tract annually. Women, do not forget to regularly examine your mammary glands. In addition to ultrasound, take blood and urine tests. Even if you do not have bad symptoms, you can be examined preventively.

This or that doctor will give you a referral for an ultrasound of other organs. The examinations are not expensive, and you will have peace of mind that everything is fine with you. Early diagnosis cancer with timely treatment will save and prolong your life.

Ultrasound examination - to detect a tumor in the breast. Scanning is based on the piezoelectric effect, which causes mechanical vibrations, resulting in the formation of ultrasound. Its waves are similar to those of the sea when you throw a stone into the water.

The wave propagates until its strength weakens or it hits a physical obstacle. A tumor in the mammary gland is a physical body that stops the ultrasound wave. The displayed image shows how this wave flows around the tumor - this is what breast cancer looks like on an ultrasound.

The information collected from the sensors is received and processed by the computer, after which it is displayed in the form of an image on the monitor screens.

Using ultrasound, you can evaluate cancer parameters:

  • density of malignant neoplasm;
  • consistency;
  • size;
  • location;
  • condition of local lymph nodes.

Clinical picture of breast cancer

In the first stages of development, a malignant tumor does not manifest itself symptomatically. The first signs of cancer are observed in the later stages. The main symptom is the presence of a painless lump. Most often they appear in the upper outer side of the chest, sometimes reaching the edge of the gland. Cases of bilateral cancer have also been recorded.

The first manifestations are deformation of the skin and retraction of the nipple - this means that the tumor has begun to grow into the skin. Bloody fluid may be discharged from the nipple. The volume of local lymph nodes increases, which usually causes discomfort in women.

Externally, on the skin, a woman can observe protrusion of veins and a violation of the symmetry of the glands, both in shape and size. It is important to remember that these symptoms do not necessarily appear together at the same time. In some cases, cancer makes itself felt with isolated signs. However, the presence of a large tumor is almost always the key symptom.

The clinical picture of oncology depends on its form:

  1. Mastitis-like cancer. The mammary gland enlarges very quickly, it swells and becomes painful. The skin of the chest turns red, the local temperature rises, and becomes rough. Often mastitis-like cancer looks like acute mastitis, therefore, a woman should not neglect the disease and leave the process to chance.
  2. Erysipelas. The skin of the chest and surrounding areas become red. The edge of the redness is torn and uneven. Local and general temperatures rise.
  3. Armored form. Characterized by speed pathological process. Carcinoma infiltrates spread throughout the skin and blood vessels. This phenomenon leads to rough compaction of the skin, it becomes like a shell. Coarsening of the skin can spread not only to one breast, but to the entire surface chest. The armored form is an extremely unfavorable course of the disease.
  4. Paget's cancer. This variety affects the nipple tissue and areola. In the first stages, the skin in these places begins to peel off, and the nipple suffers from dryness. Skin irritated, a feeling of discomfort and pain occurs. As the disease progresses, metastases spread through the bloodstream deep into the chest, where a standard painless lump is formed. Paget's cancer develops slowly, over several years, and reveals itself only as cracks in the nipples.

In the later stages of oncology formation, general symptoms intoxication:

  • headache;
  • irritability and low mood;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • increased body temperature;
  • lack of appetite.

The rate of development of the cancer process depends on hormonal levels and the woman's age. Most often, young girls suffer from fulminant forms of carcinoma, when in older women a malignant neoplasm can develop up to ten years.

Indications for breast ultrasound

An ultrasound examination should be performed when a woman has illnesses genitourinary system: cervical erosion, dysplasia, neoplasms.

Diagnosis of breast cancer using ultrasound

Ultrasound is the main research method, along with mammography and. The diagnostic method allows us to identify malignant tumor in the first stages of its development.

General rules and methods of treatment

There are such methods of treating oncology:

  1. Surgical – removal of the tumor and preservation of the aesthetic appearance of the breasts. Prosthetic glands can be performed.
  2. Radiation therapy. The oncologist prescribes radiotherapy before and after surgery. The main task is the elimination of metastases and tumor cells.
  3. Chemotherapy. Used when treatment surgical methods impossible. Medication therapy consists of a course lasting up to six months.