
Otipax for infants. Otipax: instructions for use of ear drops for children of different ages

Young children suffer from otitis, which can occur with the slightest cold. How to correctly cure developing otitis media?

The most common drug for treating otitis in children is Otipax ear drops, which are sold at any pharmacy. Drops Otipaks" can be dripped to children of any age.


The drug contains phenazone and lidocaine. The first is responsible for the elimination of inflammation, and the second - for pain relief.

Such a balanced composition eliminates the symptoms of otitis media as quickly as possible and treat the inner ear. The drug "Otipax" is not an antibiotic, non-addictive, non-toxic and suitable for children up to a year.

How to apply?

The drops are a yellowish liquid enclosed in a vial with a total weight of 16 g. Instructions for use suggest dripping these ear drops 2-3 times a day, 3-4 drops into the outer ear canal. It is important to remember that the drops must be warm before instillation. Therapists recommend using the drug in a course lasting no more than 10 days. Side effects include allergic reactions and irritation.

In order to use Otipax drops more effectively for both children and adults, you can first drip them on a cotton flagellum, and then insert them into the child's ear. The instruction suggests horizontal position head during drug administration.

Instructions for use also states that the drug is forbidden to be used for violations eardrum or hypersensitivity to components. Remember, the eardrum is broken or not - only a doctor can determine! Do not prescribe Otipax ear drops on your own. The doctor also determines how many days you can drip, how many drops, and how many times a day will be optimal for curing otitis media.

"Otipaks" is approved for use during pregnancy and lactation, but is prohibited for use by athletes, as it gives positive result during a doping test. The instruction involves consulting a doctor on the use of such drops.

average price for the drug is about 200 rubles.

Indications and contraindications

The drug can be used in the following cases:

  • otitis media or otitis externa;
  • inflammatory process middle ear in young children and pain in it;
  • ear congestion;
  • hearing loss in barotrauma.

Contraindications for use are:

  • damage to the eardrum;
  • individual intolerance.

Side effects include ear irritation and allergic reactions.


There are both positive and negative reviews on ear drops "Otipaks"

Positive reviews on drops contain the following statements:

  • relieves ear congestion and sharp pain from the first application;
  • convenient nozzle allows you to drip the exact dose;
  • low price;
  • quickly cures otitis media.

Negative reviews contain the following opinion:

  • causes allergies and rashes;
  • short shelf life after opening - only six months;
  • eliminates only the symptoms, and not the source of otitis.


The first analogue of Otipax is Sofradex drops. They contain 3 antibiotics, but they do not have an anesthetic component. In addition, they are not suitable for young children due to the content of hormones. Also, Sofradex drops have many side effects, and the doses are cumulative, which can lead to allergies. Sofradex can be used for 4 days.

The second analogue is Anauran ear drops. It contains 2 antibiotics and 2 painkillers. But fundamental difference These two drugs is that "Otipaks" is designed to relieve pain and inflammation, and its analogue "Anauran" kills the microorganisms that caused otitis media or inflammation. "Anauran" has an ototoxic effect, that is, it cannot be used constantly. Application can be expected for 5 days.

The third analogue is the drug "Otinum" based on an antibiotic. It is weaker in strength than Otipax. Some therapists suggest using these drugs in combination, that is, you can drip one drop in the evening and the second in the morning. Analog "Otinum" can be used within 10 days.

The drug "Otofa" - the fourth analogue ear drops"Otipax". It is cheaper than the compared drug and is intended for the treatment of the outer and middle ear. It is usually prescribed for intolerance to lidocaine. Plus "Otofy" in use with a damaged eardrum, when all other drops are contraindicated.

In general, any analogue of ear drops can be used instead of Otipax drops, but in any case, consult your doctor before using this or that drug.

Be healthy!

Worries a lot of guys early age. "Otipax" for children (reviews, photos are presented in the article) is often used for such ailments. The drug has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, treats otitis media in people of different ages. There are contraindications, therefore, before using the drops, a consultation with a doctor is required.

Composition and form of release

"Otipaks" for children (reviews ask you to pay attention to the short shelf life medication, it is equal to six months from the moment of opening the vial) is the drug of choice for ENT diseases and contains two active substances. These are lidocaine hydrochloride and phenazone. The first is a local anesthetic, which helps to quickly relieve pain. The second substance is characterized by anti-inflammatory properties, acts as an antiseptic, anesthetizes. The combined combination of these components enhances the effect of the drug and accelerates the moment of recovery. Auxiliary ingredients in the preparation are sodium thiosulfate, glycerin, ethanol, water.

Produced in a glass bottle with a volume of sixteen grams of amber color. It is a clear and colorless liquid substance, odorless. The bottle is twisted with a cap and has a convenient transparent dropper for injecting the solution into the ear. The medicine is packaged in cardboard box and is sold with instructions for use.

The tool is produced by the French company "Biocodex".

pharmachologic effect

Otipax is combination drug local action.

The active substance phenazone is an analgesic-antipyretic. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

The second active substance - lidocaine - is characterized as a local anesthetic.
The combination of phenazone and gives more high effect than using these substances separately from each other. This combination of components provides faster anesthesia, lengthens the analgesic period and increases the intensity of the impact on the sore spot. Glycerin and sodium thiosulfate, which are included as additional components in the composition of the product, soften the tissue of the hearing aid, which makes it possible not to injure it.

The main use of the drug was found in otitis media in acute stage development. In this case, the earlier the treatment of the disease began, the faster the recovery process will begin. The use of medication for early stages allows you to avoid suppuration, progression of the disease and Drops are prescribed when inflammation of the ear is the result of complications of the transferred respiratory diseases. The medicine should be used when the first signs of the disease make themselves felt, these are congestion of the hearing aid, discomfort in the ears, ringing, violation auditory perception. The medicine is also used in barotraumatic otitis media.

The drug has a lot of advantages. They talk about the rapid relief of the patient's condition when using the drug "Otipaks" for children reviews. The description of its active ingredients once again proves this. The pain in the ears disappears five minutes after the introduction of drops into hearing aid, and the inflammatory process begins to decrease after thirty minutes.

Indications for use

"Otipaks" is intended for outdoor symptomatic therapy, as well as to get rid of ear pain in both children and adults.

Direct indications for use are:

  • otitis medium degree severity during an exacerbation;
  • otitis media that occurs after the flu;
  • barotraumatic otitis.

With caution, drops are allowed to be used by infants, pregnant and lactating women.


In case of excessive sensitivity to active and additional components, it is not recommended to use Otipax drops reviews. For children, this recommendation is especially important.

Before starting the application, it is necessary to make sure that the eardrum is intact. In the case of using "Otipax" with a perforated eardrum, complications may develop.

It is acceptable to use drops in women during pregnancy and lactation, but provided that there is no damage to the eardrum. It is claimed that no discomfort occurs during treatment with Otipax for children reviews.

Instructions for use

Ear drops used only locally. They are instilled into the ear two or three times a day. Three or four drops should be administered at a time. So that the cold solution does not come into contact with the bottle before use, hold it in your hands for several minutes and warm it.

The course of treatment with Otipax (reviews for children recommend using the drug already in the initial stages of the disease, then it acts quickly and effectively) should not exceed ten days. After 48-72 hours, you need to contact the ENT doctor again to confirm the diagnosis and clarify the correctness of the treatment.
Adults are most often affected by otitis media(that is, a disease of the middle ear), passing in an acute form. There is also barotraumatic otitis media, which can be obtained from flying in an airplane, diving to a depth, scuba diving, and so on. "Otipaks" for therapeutic purposes in children is used in doses that are prescribed for adults.

To inject the drug correctly, the head must be tilted to the side that will be opposite to the side of the drug administration. After instillation of the solution into the ear canal, this position must be maintained for a few more seconds.

Benefits of using

More than once proved their effectiveness drops "Otipaks" with otitis media in children. Reviews of some mothers, whose babies get sick often, call them a real salvation and say that they help to quickly cure otitis media.

The use of this drug has several advantages:

  • fast local anesthesia, as well as anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect;
  • significant reduction pain syndrome during the first 5-15 minutes after the drug is injected into the ear;
  • versatility of the drug: it is approved for use as in infants, and in older children, if necessary, adult patients can use it;
  • external use of the drug causes a minimum of adverse reactions.

These positive features explain the demand and popularity of the drug among doctors and patients.

special instructions

The use of ear drops is permissible only with an intact eardrum. If it is perforated, then there is a risk of a number of complications due to the interaction active components With internal parts ear.

Athletes should be aware that the drug contains active substances that can give positive reaction in laboratory anti-doping tests.

There are no known facts about an overdose of the Otipax drug (ear drops). Reviews (for children, the drug is prescribed very often) they say that the medicine quickly eliminates pain in the ears.

Clinical Trials

The drug has passed clinical research. The subjects were adults, children of different ages, pregnant and lactating women. The drug was administered to patients with eustachitis and catarrhal otitis media. Patients were administered four drops of this drug three times a day. In particular difficult situations the dose was increased or Otipax was combined with other drugs, including antibiotics. This use of ear drops gave an efficiency of 99 percent. On average, pain in patients passed after ten minutes.

As practice has shown, a single use of the drug does not give a lasting result; for a long-term effect, the drug must be used for at least three days.

During the entire time of testing, none of the opponents had allergic reactions.

Drug interactions with other drugs during clinical trials was not found.

Side effect

The medicine may cause some side effects. Among them are allergies, hyperemia of the ear canal, irritation. To prevent this from happening, you should follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor and do not abuse this remedy.

Storage conditions

So that the drops do not lose their medicinal properties, you need to follow the rules for storing the drug. The shelf life of an unopened bottle of Otipax is five years. After opening, the shelf life of the medicine is reduced, as already mentioned, to six months. You can not use the medication after this period.

The otitis media should be stored at a temperature not exceeding +30 °C. "Otipax" during storage should be kept in a cool place out of the reach of children. The medicine should not be exposed to sunlight.

The cost of drops, analogues

The drug is quite common, and it can be found in any pharmacy. The price for it fluctuates around 200 rubles. It is released without a prescription, but despite this, it cannot be used without a doctor's prescription.

If the drug did not fit for one reason or another, then it can be replaced with Otirelax or Folikap ear drops. They possess similar action and similar composition. The cost of these drugs is on the same level as Otipax and fluctuates around 200 rubles.

Otipaks are ear drops released for the treatment of ENT diseases (mainly the treatment of otitis media). This medicine has an effective analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

When using these ear drops, after 5-7 minutes, there is a decrease in inflammation, a decrease in pain, and after 25-30 minutes the pain completely disappears.

Can Otipax be used for children?

This drug belongs to topical drugs (it affects only that part of the body with which it directly interacts), which is important in the treatment of babies. Therefore, Otipax is recommended for the treatment ear diseases in children (as well as infants). In particular, Otipax is prescribed for the treatment of purulent, external and viral otitis media.

However, the drug should not be used for damage to the eardrum, as the active substances of the drug can enter the bloodstream and adversely affect the child's body. Before use, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Indications for use

This medicine is prescribed to relieve inflammation and eliminate pain for adults, children, and infants. Drops are prescribed for such diseases:

  • Barotraumatic otitis.
  • Chronic otitis media.
  • Otitis media acute form during the period of inflammation.
  • Ear pain due to acute viral infection.
  • Abscess of the external auditory canal.
  • Otitis as a complication after influenza.

Release form of the drug

This medication comes in the form of ear drops. Produced in a dark glass bottle, the volume of which is 16 grams. A convenient dropper is included for injecting medication into the ear. The solution itself has a clear, colorless color and a pronounced smell of alcohol.

The shelf life of the drug (from the moment the vial is opened) is six months. It is not recommended to store for a long period of time, and it is strictly forbidden to use the drug after the expiration date (see the date on the package).

Instructions for use for adults

It is important to warm the bottle in your hands before using the medicine so that there is no discomfort from contact of the cooled solution with the skin of the ear canal. Then you should unscrew the cap from the bottle and put on the dropper dispenser. Turn the vial upside down, slightly tilt your head and drip the prescribed dose. As a rule, for the treatment of otitis media, adults are prescribed to use the drug 2-3 times a day, 4 drops each.

After the procedure, for greater efficiency, you can put a cotton swab in your ears. When inflammation should be instilled not only sore ear but also healthy, as there is a risk of spreading the disease. The recommended course is from 5 to 10 days. The drug should not be used for more than ten days.

How to use Otipax for children?

Before treating children, you need to consult a doctor for advice, it will be he who will determine exact dosage for your child. As a rule, infants and babies up to a year old are prescribed 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day. For a child from 1 to 2 years old, the dose is 2-3 drops, and children from 3 years of age and older should be instilled by 3-4 drops 3 times a day.

It is worth remembering that for less discomfort, before use, you need to heat the bottle with drops in your hands. Replace the cap with a dropper dispenser. Tilt your child's head and give the required amount of medication. After the procedure, it is recommended to put a cotton swab in the baby's ear.

The effect is noticeable after the first application, and the inflammation goes away after 5-6 days of therapy. It is forbidden to use the drug after 10 days.


The main components of drops are lidocaine(2%) and phenazole(four%). As you know, lidocaine is the strongest pain reliever. It affects the nerve endings, slows down the movement nerve impulses. Phenazol is an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. Excipients in the drug: ethanol, purified water, sodium thiosulfate, glycerol.

Side effects

It is unlikely, but when treating otitis media with these ear drops, itching, skin rash, irritation, swelling inside the ear and other allergic reactions may occur. However, if you follow the doctor's recommendations, side effects can be avoided.


It is forbidden to use the drug if the eardrum is damaged. The components of the drug can enter the bloodstream and cause complications in the patient's body. Also, you can not use the medicine if it is incompatible with one of the constituent drops.


There are several drugs that are similar in active substances and mechanism of action:

  • Otirelax.
  • Folicap.
  • Versatis.
  • Reopirin.

80% of children suffer from otitis at an early age at least once. Therefore, in home first aid kit parents are encouraged to keep ear drops. Pediatricians are often advised to buy Otipax. But if misused remedy won't do any good. Consider how in what cases the medicine helps, how to use it, and when is it dangerous for the child?

Otipaks - ear drops with a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Composition and action of the drug

Otipax drops have two active substances (in brackets - their content in 1 gram of the product):

  • phenazone (40 mg) with anti-inflammatory action;
  • lidocaine (10 mg) with analgesic properties.

Thanks to these components after instillation, pain in the ear is relieved for several minutes, inflammation decreases. The effect of the application lasts at least 1.5 hours.

The composition also includes Excipients to obtain a convenient form of the drug. This is purified water ethanol, glycerin and sodium sulphate.

Attention! Otipax does not belong to antibiotics, because it does not have an antibacterial effect.


The drug is prescribed for pain relief and relieving inflammation in otitis media:

  • external (boils, abscesses);
  • average (if the integrity of the eardrum is not broken);

Otitis media is the most common form of the disease in children.

  • barotraumatic (earned as a result of sudden changes in pressure).

Drops begin to be used if:

Important! There are no age restrictions. Even newborn children can bury Otipax. The drug is also suitable for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Manufacturers, prices, release forms

Otipax comes in the form of ear drops. It is a clear and colorless (yellow tint is allowed) liquid with an alcohol odor. Sold in 16 g bottles of glass that does not transmit light. The container is packed in a box, which additionally includes a dropper in a paper-plastic blister and instructions for use ().

Otipax is produced by the French company Laboratories Biocodex. The average price of drops in Russian pharmacies is 250 rubles.

Dosage and reception

To give Otipax to a child:

  1. Clamp the vial in your fist and warm its contents.
  2. Lay the baby on its side, with the affected ear up.
  3. Straighten the ear canal by pulling back auricle(In older children and adults, you need to pull forward).
  4. Drop the medicine in the dosage chosen according to age and leave the child in this position for several minutes.
  5. To treat the second ear, lay the baby on the other side and repeat steps 3-4.

The sooner the treatment is started, the sooner the recovery will come.

You need to drip Otipax 2-3 times a day for 6-10 days:

  • newborns and up to 1 year - 1 drop;
  • from 1 to 2 years - 2;
  • from 3 and older - 3 or 4.

Important! Komarovsky draws the attention of mothers to the fact that it is possible to bury any medicines, unless the eardrum is damaged (not perforated).

You can check it with the LOR. Do not warm the ear or drip anything into it without examining the child by a doctor. Otherwise, the liquid will penetrate into the middle ear, which can cause complications: otitis media or internal, hearing loss.

Julia writes in a review:

“We tried Otipax for the first time about 5 years ago. Since then, the drug has always been in the first-aid kit. I am using it for my son. He visits the swimming pool, and sometimes he begins to suffer from ear pain after diving. I use only one day: during this time I instill 3 drops three times. The next day is nothing to worry about. Only I noticed that if the disease is started, the drug does not help. Have to take more strong means. Therefore, I try not to miss the first signs of otitis.

The effect of the drops is observed after 5 minutes of taking the medicine.

Contraindications and side effects

Otipax is contraindicated for children with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. For medication use children's body may respond with an allergic reaction in the form of swelling, redness and itching in the ear canal.


Other medicines are also used to treat otitis media in children. Short review analogues of Otipax on the active substance:

  • Folicap (drops in the ear, Russia). Active ingredients: lidocaine (10 mg per 1 g) and phenazone (40 mg per 1 g). Actions: local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory. Suitable for newborns. In a bottle of 15 g of the drug.
  • Otirelax (ear drops, Romania). The active ingredients are lidocaine (10 mg per 1 g), phenazone (40 mg per 1 g). The drug has local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Can be applied for children from birth. The price is about 175 rubles for a 15 ml bottle.

Attention! Otirelax and Folikap - the same Otipaks. Only drugs are manufactured in different countries.

Otolaryngologists often prescribe remedies with other active ingredients for otitis media:

  • Normaks (ear drops, India). The main substance is norfloxacin. It renders antimicrobial action, suppressing the activity of bacteria - the causative agents of the disease. Not recommended for children under 12 years of age. Cost - from 90 rubles for a bottle of 5 ml.
  • (ear drops, France). Contains three active component: hormone dexamethasone, antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin. Properties: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic. Forbidden for children under 2.5 years. The price is about 270 rubles for 10.5 ml.

An analogue of Otipaks-Polydex is an antibiotic of local application.

  • Sofradex (ear and eye drops, India). The tool has a similar effect with the drug Polydex. It also contains dexamethasone, but gramicidin and framycetin act as antibiotics. Cannot be used for babies. In Russian pharmacies, a 5 ml bottle costs about 300 rubles.
  • . It consists of three main components: polymyxin and neomycin with antibacterial action, as well as lidocaine, a local anesthetic. Not recommended for babies under 1 year old. The bottle contains 25 ml of the drug, the average cost is 330 rubles.
  • Otofa (ear drops, France). The active substance is rifamycin with an antimicrobial effect. Can be used for newborns. The cost is about 200 rubles per 10 ml of the drug.
  • . The main component is choline salt salicylic acid, which has a local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Fits for the treatment of otitis in children from birth. Price - 150-200 rubles per bottle of 10 ml.
  • Candibiotic (ear drops) a wide range action, India). The composition includes four active substances: clotrimazole with antifungal and chloramphenicol with antibacterial action, as well as lidocaine with a local anesthetic effect, beclomethasone dipropionate with anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. A drug contraindicated for children under 6 years of age. The average cost in Russia is 250 rubles per bottle of 5 ml.
  • Tsipromed (ear drops, India). The main component is ciprofloxacin with an antibacterial effect. Not recommended for use by children under 15 years of age. Price in Russian pharmacies- 150 rubles per 10 ml.

Instead of drops for otitis, solutions are sometimes prescribed:

  • boric acid 3%(Russia). The agent has a local antiseptic effect. Cannot be used to treat infants. Cost - about 20 rubles per bottle of 25 ml;
  • dioxidine 0.5% or 1%(Russia). The drug has antimicrobial properties. It is not recommended for children under 7 years of age. Produced in ampoules of 10 ml. The price for 10 pieces is 300-400 rubles.

Important! The list of medicines against otitis media is presented for guidance only. Do not choose the treatment for the child on your own. After the examination, the doctor himself will determine which drug will be the most effective and safe in your case.

Be sure to consult your doctor!

Advantages and disadvantages of Otipax

Compared to others medicines used in the treatment of otitis externa and otitis media, Otipax has the following advantages:

  • Does not apply to antibiotics (the drug is not hostile to beneficial microflora).
  • Copes well with pain (not all ear drops contain an anesthetic component).
  • Can be used for children from birth (most products cannot be used to treat young children).

But drops have a minus - severe form otitis media bacterial nature Otipax is unlikely to cure. You will need an antibiotic.

This confirms Oksana's review:

“At the age of 3, my daughter developed otitis media against the background of a cold. The first time I tried to cure it folk methods, but Sony's condition worsened. She completely refused to eat, did not sleep well. Therefore, we went to the doctor, and he prescribed Otipax. Dropped 7 days. The pain subsided only for a while after using it and returned within two hours. Improvements were not observed, and we were recommended to change the drug: we bought drops. Symptoms of the disease disappeared on the fourth day. The doctor said that it was possible to do without antibiotics for initial stage when I unsuccessfully tried to treat the ear with warm compresses.

And so the therapist speaks about the drug, Cherkasova Sofia Anatolyevna:

“Otipax is a fast-acting drug widely used to treat children from birth and adults. Relief can be felt after 5 minutes: the pain in the ear subsides, and the child begins to behave calmly. Appetite and sleep come. But it’s bad when mothers think that they themselves can make a diagnosis and choose treatment, and it’s not necessary to go to the doctor. To be able to only dose the medicine strictly according to the instructions in this case is not enough. Otitis is a disease in which no action can be taken until the tympanic membrane is examined by an ENT. In the event of a rupture, liquid will penetrate into the gap. If she reaches auditory ossicles hearing loss. Sometimes it's an irreversible process."

Otipaks - drops with a mild anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, the drug is suitable for the smallest. But it is advisable to use it at the first symptoms of otitis: a neglected disease is difficult to treat with these drops. Be attentive to the health of the child and do not neglect visits to the doctor if the child complains of earache.

Alisa Nikitina

Inflammation of the ear can cause serious problems with health and the rapid development of severe consequences.

That is why at present, in their treatment, preference should be given to agents with combined formulations, such as: It refers to local agents with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

As the main active ingredients of the drug Otipax contains:

  • Phenazol, which belongs to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in a volume of 40 mg, as well as lidocaine hydrochloride, which represents an analgesic group, in a volume of 10 mg.
  • Of the additional components of Otipax, the presence of such substances as sodium thiosulfate, water and small amounts of glycerol, ethanol, etc. should be distinguished. The latter do not pharmacological effect on the body.

Release form

Principle of operation and properties

The pharmacological action of Otipax is achieved due to the main active ingredients:

  • Due to phenazole, which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, which has an analgesic state to a small extent with the development of anti-inflammatory effects. The action is achieved by blocking cyclooxygenase, which leads to inhibition of the synthesis of prostaglandin components.
  • Thanks to lidocaine, which is local anesthetic, there is a violation of the conduction of pain impulses due to blocking or antagonistic influence to sodium or calcium, which are components of membrane complexes. Due to the combination of substances, a rapid analgesic effect develops, in addition, its intensity and duration increase. There is stimulation of mucus thinning, which facilitates its removal through the ear cavity through the Eustachian tube or eardrum.

The drug has the ability to act at the local level. It is not absorbed into internal environment, but acts locally on the mucous membranes and skin. A prerequisite for this there must be no damage to the mucous membrane.

Indications for use

Otipax ear drops have a narrow range of indications for use.

Among them, officially designated are:

  • Manifestations of otitis media in the form catarrhal forms currents.
  • Treatment of barotraumatic otitis.
  • Inflammation of the ear cavity, which is the result of an infection caused by the influenza virus.

Since cases of infection in the middle ear area, as well as the development of otitis media, are a common problem during the first years of life, it must be remembered that Otipax can be widely used for individuals childhood.

For children, Otipax is prescribed for the treatment of:

  • Eutachiites.
  • External otitis.
  • Various forms of purulent lesions of the ear cavity.
  • FROM preventive purpose prevention of the inflammatory process after the procedure for removing a foreign body.


Before using the drug Otipax, you must carefully read the instructions and exclude the presence of contraindications. Neglect of this moment can cause the development of serious complications.

Among the main contraindications are:

  • The development of a hypersensitivity reaction to any constituent component, mainly the main active ingredient.
  • The presence of a defect in the wall of the eardrum. This contraindication may cause hearing and mucosal disturbances. Most dangerous complication is the impact on the functioning of the middle ear, and the organs of the vestibular apparatus.

If there are contraindications, you should completely refrain from taking Otipax or carry out treatment under strict control of the condition of the ear cavity.

Side effects

When using Otipax, side effects can very often develop, which are not always caused by the presence of contraindications, but also by the possible development of allergies or other conditions.

Among them are the following:

  • Development allergic reaction, which appears, as a rule, after the first applications. This is revealed by redness of the ear cavity, the development of itching and burning, as well as possible swelling of the auricle or ear cavity.
  • The patient may feel sharp deterioration hearing due to ear edema.
  • Irritation of the ear canal with the manifestation of similar reactions.


Clinical cases of overdose with the use of Otipaks have not been recorded. Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that theoretically their appearance is possible.

These include the development of irritation and hearing loss, as well as the work of the vestibular apparatus. That is why the specialist should be attentive to the patient's well-being during treatment and assess the dynamics of the pathological process.

Otipax ear drops - instructions

Before you start treatment, you should carefully study the instructions for use of Otipax. Especially the part that concerns the rules of use and dosing regimen.


For an adult patient, there are no problems with the selection of dosage.

Otipaks - instructions for use for adults with otitis media:

  • For the above indications, the standard dosage is used with the introduction of up to 3-4 drops of Otipax solution into each ear cavity.
  • Usually, two or three times the use of Otipax is prescribed.
  • The dosage may be changed depending on the severity of clinical manifestations.
  • The average duration of therapy should not exceed 10 days.
  • The issue of its extension can be decided on an individual basis, subject to a thorough medical examination.

Mode of application

Despite the relative ease of use and dosing of Otipax, it is necessary to highlight the rules that relate to the preparation of the patient before their use.

These should include:

  • Initial processing of hands, by cleaning them using detergent or soap. This point is important because there is a risk of additional infection on the surface of the inflamed mucosa, where there is a decrease in local defenses.
  • It is required to clean the auricle not only from foreign objects, but also from the accumulation of earwax. To do this, carefully, without applying excessive pressure, it is worth cleaning the cavity with cotton swab. This will help increase the area on which the action of the main substance Otipax will take place.
  • Pre-Otipax must be heated. The solution needs to be brought to room temperature, since instillation of a cold solution can cause an increase in irritant effects. It is forbidden to heat Otipax with the help of specialized means to give desired temperature it is enough to hold it in your hands for a few minutes.
  • Must be inspected external state droppers, for defects.
  • The patient should be laid on their side, upside down with the diseased ear. To facilitate instillation and improve the penetration of willow media into the ear cavity, it is necessary to use the auricle behind upper part slightly pull, this will help open the ear canal, as well as improve the view of the area of ​​the pathological focus.
  • Cotton wool impregnated with vaseline oil in a small amount is made in advance. After instillation occurs, the ear cavity is closed with cotton. This ensures that evaporation and removal of substances into the environment, which improves the therapeutic effect.
  • Within 10 minutes after instillation of Otipax, the patient must lie down on the side opposite to the sore ear.

Application in childhood

A great inconvenience is the use of Otipax for young children.

This can be caused by the child's fear, as well as a severe painful condition.

The rules of administration will not differ from those used for adults.

In this case, it should be borne in mind that in some cases it is possible to instill the solution not into the ear cavity, but into the part of the turunda that is inserted into the ear.

Instructions for use Otipax for children:

  • Otipax is approved for use by persons whose age does not exceed one year. AT given period Optimum consider the use of Otipaks in the amount of 1-2 drops in one ear canal. In the period from a year to two, the dosage increases and amounts to 3 drops.
  • Preschoolers and faces school age apply Otipax 4 drops. The average frequency of administration is 3, it is possible to reduce it, but the excess threatens the development of side effects.
  • To completely eliminate inflammation, it is necessary to carry out full course therapy. Parents can notice an improvement in the child's condition after 2-3 days from the moment Otipax is used.

One-time instillations of Otipax lead to the fact that the inflammatory process is reduced only in insignificant degree leading to its recurrence and re-development after a certain time. In some cases, a transition to a chronic course is possible.

Application during pregnancy

Due to the lack of systemic effects of the drug, as well as the fact that there is no penetration into the bloodstream,

Otipax is approved for use by pregnant women. At the same time, the use is not affected by the gestational age and the course of pregnancy.

In the event that a pregnant woman develops otitis, Otipax, on the contrary, helps prevent the development of an increase in inflammatory response or its transition to the systemic current.

drug interaction

Before prescribing Otipax, one should consider the possible combination of it. pharmacological action with other drugs.

The simultaneous use of Otipax with other local agents is not recommended. If it is necessary to introduce additional components into the ear cavity, it is necessary to carry out a strict sequence, preventing their mixing.

No developmental data available negative consequences with the simultaneous combination of Otipax and other systemic drugs. Means with antimicrobial or anti-inflammatory activity, which are used systemically, help to cope standing with the pathological focus that has arisen much faster.

special instructions

They are as follows:


There is a large selection of drugs that exhibit similar properties, but each of them has its own characteristics, which is important for choosing the exact treatment tactics.

Among them, the following analogues should be distinguished:

  • Otinum. Drops that contribute to the removal of the inflammatory reaction and a slight decrease in pain irritations. Unlike Otipax, otinum contains in its composition the substance choline salicylate, which belongs to the derivatives of salicylates. Due to the absence of an anesthetic substance in the composition, the analgesic effect is less pronounced. In the event that it enters the middle ear cavity, an ototoxic effect develops. Approval for use in children over one year of age. Price from 200 rub.
  • Anauran. local drug, which, like Otipax, has a combined composition. Its action is to relieve pain irritation through the content of lidocaine, as well as providing an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect due to the contained polymyxin and neomycin. It is forbidden to use it in the presence of a threat or an already completed perforation in the eardrum. This is due to the development of ototoxic effects. The drug is most effective in otitis media and external. Anauran, as well as Otipax, is approved for use by children under one year old. Costs from 280 rub.
  • Sofradex. local remedy, which exhibits its anti-inflammatory effect due to the presence of framycetin and gramicidin, as well as dexamethasone glucocorticoid. It has the greatest effect in the treatment of ear inflammation compared to Otipax. It should be taken into account that antibacterial agents may have the property of ototoxicity, while the glucocorticoid component does not side effects. Approved for use by children over 7 years of age. Price 360 rub.
  • Otirelax. An agent that exhibits similar properties of Otipax due to the same active ingredient included in the composition. This is a generic, which recent times is more popular due to the relatively low price within 200 rub.


The average price for Otipax is aboutt 290 to 300 rubles.

Terms and conditions of storage

The duration of storage should not exceed 5 years. Storage should be carried out in a temperature regime that does not exceed 30 degrees.