
Enterovirus infection in children symptoms and treatment. How to treat enterovirus in a child at home with medicines? Symptoms of the catarrhal form of enterovirus infection

Enteroviral infection is characterized by a variety of clinical forms and a large number of cases of asymptomatic course of the disease. Despite the high prevalence of infections in this group, specific treatment has not yet been developed. Different variants of the manifestation of pathology require an individual approach to treatment. In the treatment of enterovirus infections, medications, folk remedies and diet food.

What is a disease

Enteroviral infection - large group diseases that are characterized by a variety of variants of the course of the disease. Enteroviruses affect not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the central nervous, cardiovascular and muscular systems.

Most of the diseases caused by enteroviruses are asymptomatic or with cold symptoms similar to the usual acute respiratory disease.

Another option - the disease manifests itself in the form of:

  • herpangina;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • three-day fever without focal lesions.

In rare cases, when there is a pronounced immunodeficiency (congenital or acquired), enteroviruses can cause serious organ damage:

  • brain with the development of meningitis and encephalitis;
  • heart - with the occurrence of inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis);
  • liver, which can lead to hepatitis.

The main symptoms of infection and principles of treatment

The most common type of infection, which is manifested by general and local symptoms.

Common symptoms due to intoxication of the body:

  • high fever for several days;
  • chills, fever;
  • muscle pain;
  • headache, pronounced weakness.

Local or local symptoms caused by the specific ability of enteroviruses to infect the mucous membranes:

  1. Sore throat, redness and swelling of the palatine tonsils. In people with a weakened immune system, as well as in children, blisters form on the surface of the tonsils, similar to a herpetic lesion. This condition is called herpangina.
  2. Abdominal pain, stool disorders (diarrhea several times a day), nausea or vomiting. The stool with diarrhea is watery, the frequency reaches up to 10 times a day. This condition causes severe dehydration of the body.

The following symptoms are much less common:

  1. Meningeal, due to injury meninges. With this variant of the course of the disease, patients experience severe headaches, photophobia, nausea and vomiting (which do not bring relief).
  2. Associated with liver damage - nausea, yellowing of the skin and eye membranes, darkening of the urine and discoloration of the feces.
  3. Enteroviral exanthema - the appearance of specific rashes on the skin against the background of a fever. The spots, sometimes combined with blisters, are pink in color and disappear on their own after two or three days. Quite often in the center of a spot the site of a hemorrhage or small point hemorrhage is formed. In young children, the hand-foot-mouth symptom is sometimes observed: a rash with blisters occurs simultaneously in the mouth, on the palms and feet of babies.

Rash on the body with enterovirus infection

Enterovirus infection in adults, which is not complicated by damage to the nervous, cardiovascular system and manifests itself only in the form of fever and lung intestinal disorder treated at home.

The principles of treatment of enterovirus infection are as follows:

  1. Etiotropic therapy to reduce activity infectious agents. For this, antiviral therapy is used. Preparations of this group do not have a specific antiviral effect on enteroviruses, but increase the immune activity of the body's own cells and accelerate recovery.
  2. Symptomatic treatment, the purpose of which is the elimination of general and local symptoms. Medications are prescribed that relieve intoxication of the body (antipyretic, painkillers), as well as eliminating fluid deficiency. Since the main symptom of an enterovirus infection is dehydration of the body due to loose stools and vomiting, it is first necessary to replenish fluid loss.
  3. Activities aimed at strengthening the body's defenses. This is the intake of vitamins, a balanced diet and a therapeutic and protective regimen.

Medical treatment

Drug treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease, eliminating the symptoms of the disease and preventing complications.

Currently, for the treatment of enterovirus infections, it is customary to prescribe the following groups of drugs:

  • Antiviral - immunoglobulins and interferons.

Immunoglobulins are used in severe infections. This variant of the disease most often develops against the background of a pronounced decrease in immunity. A severe course of enterovirus infection occurs in people with congenital or acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS), as well as in newborns. In such cases, the drugs are administered intravenously in a hospital setting.

Alpha interferons, natural or recombinant. In the body, these substances are produced during the first contact of cells with the virus. Interferons have broad antiviral activity and are not specific to any particular type of pathogen. The use of these drugs in the first hours of the disease helps to increase the resistance of body cells to the action of the virus. Used as drops, spray, or injection.

  • Immunomodulators are drugs that stimulate the production of endogenous (own) interferon in the body. Viferon, Arbidol, Pleconaril and others are used.
  • Preparations for replenishing the volume of fluid. For this, rehydrants are prescribed - Regidron, Citroglucosolan or Gastrolit. The drugs are available in the form of powders, which, when consumed, must be diluted with water or saline. The composition of the powder includes glucose, sodium and potassium chlorides, as well as citrate.

These solutions, being absorbed in the intestines, not only replenish the lost volume of water, but also restore the electrolyte deficiency that inevitably occurs with profuse diarrhea.

The calculation of the required amount of fluid is carried out in the first hours of treatment as follows: for children - 20 ml per 1 kg of body weight, for adults - 750 ml of fluid per hour. Further, the fluid deficiency is replenished based on the patient's condition.

Dehydration is most dangerous for pregnant women and children. With severe dehydration in this category of patients, the fluid volume is replenished with the help of intravenous infusions of solutions: rheopolyglucin, glucose, and others.

Table: drugs and their action

Drug group Examples Indications for use / Action Features of use
Antipyretic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Nurofen, Theraflu, Efferalgan, Fervex They are prescribed to improve the general condition, eliminate fever and muscle pain, at a high temperature - above 38 degrees. Children and pregnant women from this group of drugs are allowed only paracetamol (Panadol) and ibuprofen.
Antibiotics Azithromycin, Erythromycin They have a bactericidal effect. Preparations of this group are indicated only if a bacterial infection has joined, since damage to the epithelium by viruses creates favorable conditions for its development.

Self-administration of antibiotics can lead to the development of dysbacteriosis, which will aggravate the intestinal manifestations of enterovirus infection.

Antihistamines Suprastin, Claritin, Diazolin, Pheniramine Assign for rashes. Most often, a vesicular rash appears with an enterovirus infection in children.

When using drugs, you must follow the dosage recommended by your doctor.

Enterosorbents Smecta, Enterosgel, Multisorb Reduce bloating, bind fermentation products in the intestines and viral particles. Means are contraindicated in some diseases of the stomach - a doctor's consultation is necessary.
Solutions for inhalation Tantum Verde, Miramistin Remove inflammatory processes. After the inhalation, temperature differences should not be allowed, go outside immediately after the procedure.

Photo gallery: drugs to combat enterovirus infection

Folk remedies

For bowel treatment:

  1. Water after cooking rice should be cooled and take half a glass, several times a day. Rice broth replenishes fluid deficiency and binds toxins in the intestines.
  2. Two hundred and fifty grams of berries are boiled for ten minutes in a liter of water. After that, filter, mix with 3 tablespoons of honey and take half a glass 3 times a day.
  3. Infusion of calendula leaves and mint. Equal parts of the herb (1 tablespoon each) are poured with a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, the infusion is ready, you need to take it three times a day.
  4. A decoction of elderberry and chamomile flowers. Equal shares of grass (half a tablespoon) are poured with a glass of boiling water and incubated for 20-30 minutes. The infusion is taken 3-4 times a day.

For the treatment of catarrhal phenomena, the following folk remedies are used:

  • Rinsing with a decoction of oak bark - helps with sores in the mouth as an astringent and antiseptic. A tablespoon of bark is poured with a glass of boiling water. After 40 minutes, the decoction is ready for rinsing, the procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a day.
  • Rinse with a combined decoction of chamomile and sage. To do this, one tablespoon of dry grass is poured into 300 ml of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 30 minutes.
  • Steam inhalation with soda.

Photo gallery: traditional medicine methods

Decoction of chamomile and elderberry flowers

Oak bark for making a decoction

At what stage can you get by with home therapy, and when is a hospital needed?

Treatment of dehydration is carried out by intravenous infusion of solutions in a hospital. Therapy of each specific case of the disease is carried out taking into account which organs are involved in pathological process. With inflammation of the heart, appropriate antibiotics and cardioprotectors are prescribed, with meningitis - rheological drugs, and so on.

Therapy of enterovirus infections in severe cases (meningitis, encephalitis, hepatitis, myocarditis) is carried out exclusively in stationary conditions.

Mild to moderate enterovirus infections are usually treated at home. The room in which the patient is located should be ventilated several times a day. Since the transmission of the virus occurs not only by airborne droplets, but also by the fecal-oral route, the patient must have individual dishes, as well as bath accessories (towel, washcloth, etc.).

If the temperature does not go astray for several days or there is discomfort in the heart, a severe headache, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

During the entire period of the disease, a patient with an enterovirus infection must adhere to a therapeutic diet.

Therapeutic diet

The nutrition of patients with enterovirus infection is quite strict, since it is difficult to achieve a quick recovery with medication alone.

Principles of nutrition in case of illness

  1. Enhanced drinking regimen to replenish fluid deficiency - at least two liters per day. The liquid should be warm, you need to drink often and in small portions - boiled and mineral water without gas, green tea and dried fruit compote without sugar.
  2. Food should be warm, easily digestible, liquid or pureed. You need to eat in small portions 5-6 times a day.
  3. You can not eat fresh vegetables and fruits. They must first be subjected to heat treatment (stew, bake, boil or steam).

Approved Products

  1. Liquid cereals on the water and cereal soups.
  2. Liquid vegetable purees from potatoes, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin.
  3. Boiled lean meat in pureed form.
  4. Baked apples, preferably daily, as they neutralize the toxins that are released during putrefactive processes in the intestines. It is these processes that accompany enterovirus infection.

Herbal teas and decoctions

Boiled meat, preferably in pureed form

Prohibited Products

The list of foods that increase intestinal motility or take a long time to digest includes:

  1. Fresh vegetables, berries and fruits.
  2. Cabbage and beets in any form.
  3. Fatty meat and fish of any kind.
  4. Dairy products - milk, cottage cheese, all fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.), butter (including vegetable), cheese.
  5. Any juices, freshly squeezed or canned.
  6. Bouillons from meat and fish.
  7. Fried, smoked, spicy dishes and pickles.
  8. Eggs.
  9. Fresh bread from any flour, muffin, confectionery(including sweets).
  10. Millet, barley, beans, peas.

Photo gallery: products, the use of which is undesirable in case of illness

Fatty meats, as well as dishes with a lot of spices

Fruits and berries
Flour and confectionery

Juices in any form

Sample menu in the first days of the disease (table)

After the condition improves, after a few days, the menu can be diversified with other products: steam cutlets, steamed omelettes without milk and boiled meat.

Features of treatment in children

Children often get sick in summer and spring - the so-called summer flu. Outbreaks of the disease occur in kindergartens, schools and camps. In most cases, the disease occurs with intestinal symptoms against the background of general intoxication. Children are characterized by viral exanthema - rashes "hand-foot-mouth". Severe forms - meningitis, myocarditis, etc. - are rare.

Symptom "mouth-hand-foot" a Alpha interferons

If a child has a sudden high fever, develops diarrhea, vomiting, or a rash, this is an indication for immediate appeal for qualified help. Dehydration in young children develops very quickly and if help is delayed, it can have irreversible consequences.

Severe forms of the disease are treated in a hospital. If doctors prescribe home treatment for an infection, then parents should ensure:

  1. Bed rest, separate dishes.
  2. Plentiful drink in small portions.
  3. Easily digestible food, fractional and small portions.
  4. Antipyretics.
  5. Vitamins.

Any medications for the child should be prescribed by the attending physician. Self-treatment of enterovirus infection in children is fraught with negative consequences.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about enteroviruses

What is the danger of the disease during pregnancy?

Enterovirus infection in pregnant women has a number of features and creates additional risks. Infection in the first trimester can cause malformations that are incompatible with life, provoke a miscarriage or miscarriage. For more later dates possible development of feto-placental insufficiency and intrauterine infection.

Treatment of enterovirus infection in pregnant women is carried out according to general principles. The only difference is that antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs should be prescribed taking into account the possible risk to the fetus (paracetamol and ibuprofen are allowed).

In addition, increased intestinal peristalsis can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus and the development of a threatened abortion. Therefore, such patients must be examined by a doctor who observes pregnancy.

Prevention of enterovirus infection

To protect yourself from enterovirus infection, you must follow some rules:

  • Drink only boiled water or drinks in factory packaging.
  • Wash hands before each meal, strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene.
  • When visiting the pool or swimming in water, do not swallow water.
  • Do not buy food in questionable places.
  • Keep dishes clean, wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly (after regular wash it is recommended to rinse them with boiling water).
  • It is necessary to regularly ventilate the premises, do wet cleaning at least twice a week.
  • It is important to avoid contact with infected people.

Video: details about prevention measures

The widespread occurrence of enteroviruses and the absence specific immunity makes almost every person vulnerable to diseases caused by pathogens of this group. Lack of specific antiviral drugs prescribes Attentive attitude a person to any symptoms that may indicate an infection with an enterovirus.

Enterovirus infection in children is a whole group of pathogenic microorganisms that can cause tonsillitis, conjunctivitis, dermatosis, damage to the heart, and other internal organs of the baby. The variety of flow forms is due to the large number of microbes related to enterovirus infection, physicians have more than 70 species.

Clinical signs differ depending on the strain of the intestinal virus, ailments are dangerous for the health of the baby, causing many complications. To avoid negative consequences, a timely appeal to the doctor will help, proper treatment. The lack of qualified assistance leads to damage to the nervous system, heart, internal organs and systems of the child.

Causes and ways of infection with enterovirus infection

Enterovirus (translated from Greek means "guts"), refers to a number of viruses localized in the gastrointestinal tract. It is here that the microorganism settles down, begins active life, disrupts the normal process of digestion in the baby. The main danger of pathogenic microorganisms of this group is that they can affect the nervous system of a child, tissues, internal organs.

The most dangerous enteroviruses include: Coxsackie A, Coxsackie B, poliomyelitis, echoviruses, type 68-71 enteroviruses. Enteroviruses are very tenacious microorganisms, they can exist on the surface of the Earth for up to two months. In the refrigerator, their lifespan increases even more; when frozen, viruses are stored for more than two years. Microorganisms are resistant to an acidic environment, so they do not care about gastric juice. Enteroviruses do not always kill products containing alcohol.

What kills pathogens? Enterovirus dies at a temperature of more than 50 degrees Celsius, disinfection, drying, under the influence ultraviolet radiation. Only these methods can cope with pathogenic microorganisms.

Enterovirus is able to live in the nasopharynx, intestines, mucous membranes of the eyes and oral cavity. The virus is particularly contagious, so enterovirus infection is usually epidemiological in nature. This is especially true for children's institutions (kindergartens, schools). Children between the ages of three and ten are most susceptible to the disease. Breastfed babies have the immunity of the mother, after switching to independent nutrition, weak protection quickly disappears.

The incubation period varies, depending on the immunity of the baby, the type of virus, other unforeseen factors, it can be several days up to one month. Infection often occurs in summer or autumn. Enteroviruses are able to survive in food, water, soil, virus carrier for a very long time, so the infection is ubiquitous, often found in children.

Physicians distinguish several main ways of transmission of enteroviruses:

  • from a sick person to a healthy person. Interestingly, the virus is transmitted not only through the nose, mouth, eyes, but also through the hands. If one family member is infected, the chance of other members being infected increases many times over;
  • contaminated food. Often a child catches the virus after eating poorly washed vegetables and fruits;
  • contact-household. Pathogenic microorganisms feel great in the environment, the contact of the baby with contaminated objects (toys, towels, plates) threatens to become infected.

Often, children are carriers of enterovirus infection, this category of the population is sick more often than others, their immunity is weak, they rarely follow the rules of personal hygiene. As mentioned above, children under the age of 10 get sick, if a baby is infected, this can signal serious health problems, complications in this case are very common. It is important for young parents to find out the reason for the poor health of the crumbs, be sure to consult a doctor.

Clinical picture

How to determine the course of an enterovirus infection in a child? The question is quite complicated, even for experienced doctors. Clinical picture with such a disease blurry. The virus is able to infect the internal organs of the child, the central nervous system, so the symptoms can be specific and non-specific. Signs of damage by an enterovirus may be similar to the course of acute respiratory viral infections, acute intestinal infections, and other diseases. A blood test will help confirm or refute the diagnosis. Only on its basis treatment is prescribed.

Enterovirus infection in children is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • characteristic rash. Doctors call skin rashes enteroviral exanthema. Any formations on the skin of the baby appear 2-3 days after the increase in body temperature. Typical area of ​​localization: arms, back, neck, face, chest, legs. Rashes are small red dots that resemble formations in measles, other viral infections. Sometimes bubbles form in the throat, lips, mouth, palms, feet;
  • elevated body temperature. This symptom is typical for the course of SARS in children. At the beginning of the onset of the disease, the fever appears rapidly, then subsides a little, appears again. Seizures high temperature are undulating. Fever lasts no more three days, the child noticeably weakens, feels a slight malaise;
  • often in a small patient there is vomiting, diarrhea. These symptoms are caused by damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Signs appear suddenly, just as disappear without a trace. Diarrhea is accompanied by bloating, dehydration. It is important to replenish fluid loss in time by applying home rehydration therapy methods;
  • in initial stage there are symptoms similar to the course of colds: cough, runny nose, perspiration, sore throat, it is painful for the child to swallow. This aspect makes it difficult to correctly diagnose, parents begin to treat the baby with the wrong methods;
  • pain in the muscles. Often the baby feels discomfort in the chest, back, much less often in the arms and legs. Muscle spasms are paroxysmal in nature, lasting from several minutes to half an hour. Absence necessary treatment leads to the transition of temporary pain into a chronic one.

Additionally, doctors identify several symptoms that are less common than others:

  • swelling of the limbs;
  • increased tearing, noticeable redness of the eyes;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • there is a decrease in appetite, sharp pains in a stomach;
  • enlargement of the lymph nodes located in inguinal region, under the chin.

Methods and rules of treatment

How to treat an enterovirus infection in a child is determined by the doctor. Mild cases can be treated at home. Nervous system damage, fever long time unable to bring down the fever), problems with the heart, kidneys - indications for hospitalization of a small patient. There are no specific drugs for enterovirus infection, treatment is aimed at eliminating non-specific symptoms, compliance with special rules accelerates the recovery process.

  • keep bed rest. Rest and sleep are the best "medicines" in the fight against the disease;
  • in most cases, the disease is accompanied by elevated body temperature. Children are given antipyretics, it is allowed to use rectal suppositories (if there is no severe diarrhea), preparations in the form of a suspension. For such purposes, Paracetamol, Ibufen and others are used;
  • restoration of water-salt balance is necessary to normalize the condition of a small patient. Diarrhea, frequent vomiting may lead to dehydration. The treatment of this situation consists in drinking plenty of water, using Regidron, it is allowed to give compotes and fruit drinks to the crumbs;
  • to increase the immunity of the baby, interferons are prescribed (non-specific medicines, they prevent the reproduction of pathogens, strengthen the defenses of the child's body);
  • antibiotics are prescribed in cases where a bacterial infection is attached, chronic form currents. The specific drug is chosen by the doctor; it is strictly forbidden to give the crumbs potent medicines on their own;
  • special diet. Includes an abundance of protein foods (lean meat), dairy products are allowed in small quantities. It is forbidden to give fresh fruits and vegetables to the baby, boiled vegetables, baked apples are suitable. It is strictly forbidden to feed the baby with fried, smoked foods, soda, sweets. The diet must be followed until complete recovery, preferably a few more days after its onset;
  • it is important to isolate the child for the duration of treatment from all family members. Allocate crumbs separate bed linen, dishes. When in contact with the baby, put on a gauze bandage, then wash your hands thoroughly, change clothes.

Important! Multivitamin preparations, immunostimulating drugs are prescribed by a doctor. It is forbidden to give a child various folk remedies on his own. Any therapeutic actions must be agreed with the attending physician.

Possible Complications

Negative consequences after infection are rare. Complications occur in isolated cases, often the disease disappears on the seventh day after the onset of the course of the disease. The lethal outcome of the pathology is extremely rare. The appearance of negative effects is seen in children with HIV infection up to a year old, babies with a weak immune system, and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Learn about treatment folk remedies at home.

Instructions for the use of children's Anaferon are described on the page.

At the address, read about what and how long to treat Infectious mononucleosis in children.

Preventive measures

Avoiding infection with an enterovirus infection is quite difficult, especially for children. Their immune system has not yet strengthened, there are a lot of carriers of the virus around.

  • teach your child the rules of personal hygiene. Before each meal, wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds;
  • buy filtered water, tap liquid is strictly prohibited for drinking;
  • wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating;
  • buy food only in trusted places that have quality certificates;
  • swimming in open water should be only in specially designated areas. Where water is stagnant, the risk of infection increases many times over;
  • allowed to do specific vaccinations against poliomyelitis. This method will protect the baby only from this strain of the virus.

Enterovirus is dangerous with complications, requires mandatory medical attention. Self-medication is not allowed especially with regard to children. In time, call the doctor at home, be sure to follow his recommendations.

For several decades, scientists around the world have been trying to fight various kinds of diseases. Sometimes they manage to develop an effective vaccine. However, today many patients still remain without effective treatment.

Enterovirus infections are considered relatively new diseases. The viruses themselves, and there are about 60 types, scientists learned to isolate only in the middle of the last century. This is what today explains a large number of questions related to the method of transmission of the disease, possible complications and methods of treatment.

Enterovirus infection includes a group of acute infectious diseases that are diagnosed not only in the adult generation, but also in children. In the past few years, for example, well-known intestinal viruses have begun to cause outbreaks of mass diseases around the world. In this article, we will talk in more detail about what constitutes an enterovirus infection in children.

general information

As noted above, enterovirus infection is a broad concept that unites a whole group of ailments. They arise as a result of the multiplication of a large number of a wide variety of viruses belonging to the Coxsackie and ECHO families. Pathogens enter the patient's body from a sick person through the digestive tract or through the membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Already at this stage, the so-called enterovirus infection begins to develop. The incubation period can last from two hours to several days. Then there is a breakthrough of the virus directly into themselves The lymph nodes, and after - in circulatory system. It is at this time, as a rule, that the first symptoms begin to appear in a small patient. Clinical signs common to all pathogens of this infection. After that, penetration into the internal organs occurs, with each virus “sneaking” into a certain part of the body. As a result, there are various clinical forms such a disease as enterovirus infection in children. Photos of small patients can be viewed in medical reference books or specialized magazines.

It is important to note that most often this problem is faced by children of preschool age. Symptoms in young patients are especially pronounced. Enterovirus infection in infants is rarely diagnosed, but in this case, the risk of severe complications is very high.

Long-term stable immunity after an illness, according to experts, is not formed.


Enteroviruses got their name because after the onset of the infection itself, they begin to actively multiply precisely in the gastrointestinal tract. Scientists conventionally divide all viruses into two groups. The first includes all those that use DNA as a genetic material, and the second - those using RNA. Absolutely all enteroviruses belong to the second group.

On the other hand, scientists also divide these pathogens into three groups:

  • Polioviruses.
  • Echoviruses.
  • Coxsackie viruses.

According to experts, the Coxsackie virus begins its active reproduction mainly in the pharynx, causing angina, in the myocardium and meninges. The pancreas, pleura, and liver may also be affected.

Echovirus actively multiplies in the liver, lungs and adrenal glands.

The source of enterovirus infection, according to doctors, is a sick person. This disease is mainly transmitted by airborne droplets or the fecal-oral route. This virus enters the human body, as a rule, through the mucous membranes of the upper airways or through the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, an allergic reaction occurs in these systems of internal organs. It can manifest itself as symptoms of acute respiratory infections, pharyngitis, or impaired intestinal function. After that, the viruses are already freely distributed throughout the body, gradually accumulating in its different parts.

Enterovirus infection in children is usually diagnosed in late summer or early autumn. The highest incidence rates are recorded among patients aged three to approximately 10 years.

Common symptoms characteristic of all forms of infection

  • Fever, which is accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature to about 37.5 degrees.
  • Regular headaches.
  • Weakness, fatigue, dizziness when changing body position.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Capriciousness and irritability.
  • Sore throat when swallowing.
  • Runny nose, stuffy nose.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Vomiting, nausea.
  • Loose stool with mucus.
  • Pain in the bones.

Features of the disease

Most often, enterovirus infection in children occurs after direct contact with a sick child, his toys, or after drinking raw water.

Breastfed babies have immunity, which they receive with mother's milk. However, it does not differ in its durability and fades away almost immediately after the end. breastfeeding. As noted above, enterovirus infection in children under one year old is dangerous for its complications.

This disease is characterized by the fact that the incubation period is no more than 10 days. As a rule, this disease occurs suddenly and proceeds in acute form. It is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, chills, severe headache. These are not all the symptoms of enterovirus infection in children, in each individual case they may differ slightly.

Variants of the course and forms of the disease

  • Enteritis. In young patients, first of all appear aching pain in the abdomen, increased gas formation, as well as liquid stool with small lumps of mucus. Appetite, as a rule, is reduced, and bouts of nausea are observed immediately after eating. In addition, against the background of intestinal damage, the temperature may rise.
  • Enteroviral fever. This is one of the most common forms of the disease today, which begins with a sharp increase in temperature (up to approximately 39 degrees). Then the child develops sore throat, weakness throughout the body, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, and vomiting. Primary symptoms last no more than seven days.
  • Herpetic angina. On examination, a rash with small herpetic vesicles is revealed on the arches of the pharynx and on the mucous membrane of the pharyngeal wall. There is a severe pain in the throat, only aggravated by swallowing. A slight increase in temperature is possible. Very often, children refuse to eat because of painful sores. The causative agent of the disease is the Coxsackie virus group A.
  • epidemic myalgia. Symptoms of enterovirus infection in children in this case are manifested in the form of severe pain in the muscles in the intercostal space and abdomen. Discomfort occurs with a deep breath or the slightest movement. In the first few days, primary signs of general intoxication are possible.
  • Enteroviral uveitis. With this form of the disease, damage to the apparatus of the eye is observed.
  • Enteroviral rash form. Various types of rashes appear on the body immediately after a high temperature. In this case, enterovirus infection in children is accompanied by such symptoms. Rash and intense fever timely treatment gone in four days. It is important to note that with this form of the disease, patients do not have itching and peeling.
  • Viral pemphigus of the extremities. This form of the disease manifests itself in the form of small convex vesicles filled with fluid. Such a vesicular rash appears on the palms, between the fingers and in the oropharynx. Very often, this disease is accompanied by fever, which lasts no more than two days.
  • Enteroviral meningitis. Occurs after the virus damages the vessels directly to the softest shell of the brain. Patients tend to experience severe headaches and sudden rises in temperature, which is accompanied by impaired consciousness, nausea and vomiting.
  • Enteroviral infection in newborns. In this case, damage to the meninges occurs. The disease itself proceeds in a severe form and often ends fatally.


The primary signs of enterovirus infection in children, which were discussed above, should alert parents. In this kind of situation, it is recommended to immediately seek qualified help from the appropriate specialist, who, after the examination, will prescribe treatment.

Diagnosis of infection is carried out on the basis of a pronounced symptom complex, taking into account epidemiological data. Mandatory for diagnosis is the confirmation of the disease in the laboratory (determination of the titer of the so-called specific antibodies by means of ELISA, RPGA or RSK, as well as the detection of enterovirus RNA by PCR).

Laboratory verification of primary pathogens can be carried out in completely different biological fluids (wash from the nasopharynx, blood, scraping with skin rashes, faecal sample, etc.).

Various forms of infection require additional differential diagnosis with measles, scarlet fever, poliomyelitis, SARS, etc.

What should be the treatment?

After the onset of the primary symptoms discussed above, parents in without fail together with children should seek qualified help from a specialist. The doctor after a detailed diagnostic examination usually prescribes therapy. Seek help traditional medicine Not recommended. How to overcome such a disease as an enterovirus infection in children?

Treatment primarily depends on the severity of the course of the disease and the condition of the patient. With mild to moderate severity, therapy involves the removal of primary symptoms. At high temperatures, antipyretic drugs are prescribed. To reduce catarrhal phenomena in the throat, rinses and inhalations are recommended.

Doctors very often prescribe multivitamin complexes as maintenance therapy, where vitamin D plays the largest role. The thing is that it is involved in the production of a peptide, which is of paramount importance for the functioning of immune cells.

In order to avoid dehydration due to vomiting or diarrhea, small patients are given intravenous infusions of special solutions. The dosage and the specific drug are selected on an individual basis based on how enterovirus infection occurs in children.

Treatment of a severe form requires a different approach. In this case, children are prescribed corticosteroids and diuretics. The latter are used to correct the water-electrolyte composition. It is important to note that in severe forms of the disease, hospitalization is often required.

Treatment at home

  1. Antiviral drugs (tablets "Interferon", "Viferon"). It is recommended to start using these drugs at the first symptoms.
  2. Antipyretic drugs. In this case, it is better to give preference to the drug "Ibuprofen" in the age dosage. This tool not only lowers the temperature, but also breaks a kind of pathological chain of an inflammatory process that has already begun in the body. On the other hand, Ibuprofen has good analgesic properties, which is necessary for bone and muscle discomfort.
  3. Antiseptics for the oral cavity. Any herbal sprays and special lozenges are suitable here.
  4. Painkillers (tablets "Ketorol", "Analgin", etc.).
  5. Vasoconstrictor drops for the nasal passage.
  6. Enzymes ("Festal", "Pacreatin"). These drugs are recommended to be taken with food.

Nutrition Features

This disease, in particular intestinal enterovirus infection in children, in addition to proper treatment requires a special diet. It is compiled by a doctor on an individual basis.

First of all, it is recommended to exclude from the diet all those products that directly increase intestinal motility. All sweet and floury, fatty, smoked meats, carbonated drinks, as well as black bread fall under the ban. What should be the nutrition for such an ailment as an enterovirus infection in children?

The diet involves the use of lean meat (turkey and veal), boiled vegetables, cereals on the water. Sugar-free dried fruit compote and biscuit cookies are allowed.

During an illness, it is very difficult for the body to digest heavy foods, so it is recommended to give preference to light meals.

Despite all the above restrictions, the child's diet should be as balanced and varied as possible. Only in this case it will be possible to overcome such a problem as enterovirus infection in children.

Food with the above restrictions should be continued until complete recovery.

It is extremely important to follow drinking regimen small patient to avoid dehydration. The child can be given herbal infusions (only on the advice of a doctor), ordinary non-carbonated water.

Forecast and preventive measures

This disease in young patients, as a rule, proceeds in a mild or moderate form. Subject to all the recommendations from the doctor, the children recover very quickly. In the case of a severe course of infection, the prognosis is most often not the most favorable. Complications from the nervous system can even end in death or even leave serious functional impairment.

Prevention of enterovirus infection in children implies compliance with the well-known rules of personal hygiene. Small patients with this disease must be isolated. Unfortunately, modern medicine cannot offer an effective vaccine against this problem.


In conclusion, it should be noted that one should not be afraid of such a problem as enterovirus infection in children. Photos of healthy and happy little patients clearly prove that it is possible to fight the disease.

Enterovirus infection is not considered a dangerous disease. Of course, children are somewhat more difficult to cope with such a serious problem. If parents timely seek qualified help from a doctor and strictly follow all his recommendations, very soon the child will forget about the insidious disease.

Enterovirus infection refers to acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract caused by enteroviruses.

At the moment, more than 60 types of pathogens of enterovirus infection are known. All of them are divided into 4 groups depending on the serotype. Most often, enterovirus infection is provoked by the activity of Coxsackie and polio viruses. The danger of enterovirus infection lies in the fact that its pathogens are extremely resistant to the action of aggressive environmental factors.

They can long time persist in moist soil and water, then entering the human body through city water supply or contaminated food.

What it is?

Almost all types of enteroviruses are pathogenic for humans. Their danger lies in the fact that enteroviruses are microorganisms that are extremely resistant to various environmental factors. Outside the body of the carrier, the virus can live for a long time, for example, in feces, in milk, as well as in sewage liquids and even in chlorinated water, they remain viable for up to 3-4 months. Microorganisms can live in moist soil, from where they get into some foodstuffs (root crops, vegetables), can infect animals and often live in water. Together with water and food, the virus enters the human body - this means that the most common route of spread of the pathogen is fecal-oral.

The name "enteroviruses" is due to the fact that, after penetrating the body, through the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract or digestive tract, the virus multiplies, accumulates and causes local inflammatory response, which is manifested by symptoms of herpetic sore throat, acute respiratory infections, pharyngitis or intestinal dysfunction. As a result of subsequent viremia, viruses are hematogenously spread throughout the body and settle in various bodies and tissues, due to which the patient may experience symptoms of various ailments.

There are 23 serotypes of Coxsackieviruses of the enterovirus A subgroup, and 6 types of the enterovirus B subgroup. Among the ECHO viruses, 32 serotypes are known. In addition, there are human enteroviruses of groups 68 to 72 (68 types, 70 types and 71 types are somewhat more common than others). Enterovirus 70 provokes the development of hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, and type 72 virus corresponds to the causative agent of the hepatitis A virus. Enterovirus D68 is also known, which is highly contagious, and several years ago provoked an epidemic in the United States.

All types of pathogens show high resistance in the environment, are ubiquitous in nature, normally tolerate negative temperatures. They are not deactivated. antiseptic solutions such as lysol, ether, 70% ethanol solution. Microorganisms can be destroyed by exposure to temperatures above 50 degrees Celsius, drying, antiseptics. The natural reservoir of existence is only a person - a sick person or a virus carrier. Enteroviral pathogens are 20-30 nm in size, contain a small amount of capsomeres without any shell, with cubic symmetry of the capsid.

How can you get infected?

The causative agents of enterovirus infection enter the external environment from the intestinal tract and nasopharynx, which determines the main routes of infection: airborne, water, food, contact-household. The role of individual factors in the mechanism of transmission is not completely clear, so the timing of the incubation period may vary depending on the condition. immune system human, the characteristics of a particular type of virus and environmental conditions.

As a rule, enterovirus infection proceeds quite easily and does not lead to any serious complications. However, advanced forms of enterovirus infection affect a variety of organs and systems, provoke the development of serious diseases, and in some cases end in death, which we actually observed during the Chinese epidemic.

Symptoms of an enterovirus infection

The intestinal form of enterovirus infection is characterized by severe pain in the abdomen, diarrhea (stool frequency - up to 10 times a day), debilitating vomiting and flatulence. With a respiratory form, the patient is tormented by a dry cough and runny nose. These symptoms may last one or one and a half weeks. On the part of the cardiovascular system, manifestations of enterovirus infection are myocarditis and pericarditis.

If a person is healthy, then an enterovirus infection is not capable of provoking him severe complications. Sometimes the disease is completely asymptomatic and resolves on its own. A severe course of the pathology is observed with a weak immunity of the patient (against the background of HIV infection, with cancerous tumors, with tuberculosis), as well as in young children, especially in newborn babies.

Symptoms are also distinguished depending on the type of enterovirus infection:

  • catarrhal symptoms. Most often, enteroviruses lead to disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory system. The patient develops a dry cough, stuffy nose, reddened throat, in parallel, there may be problems with the functioning of the organs digestive systems s. As a rule, an enterovirus infection that occurs in a catarrhal form passes quickly. A full recovery occurs after a week, complications do not develop.
  • Gerpangina. If an enterovirus infection proceeds according to the type of herpangina, then red vesicles form on the tongue, palate, and arches of the patient. They merge with each other, then open, and erosion appears in their place. Alternatively, merged erosions may disappear on their own in 3-5 days. In addition, the patient's salivation increases, the lymph nodes increase in size and become painful, and mild sore throats appear.
  • Damage to the digestive organs. Often enterovirus infection occurs in the gastroenteric form. The patient develops diarrhea, it can happen up to 10 times a day. A person complains of pain in the abdomen, suffers from vomiting, flatulence. Body temperature rises to subfebrile levels, appetite decreases. In young patients, catarrhal phenomena most often develop. Older children recover in 3 days, and children younger than 1.5-2 years old can get sick for 2 weeks or even more.
  • Serous meningitis. This form of enterovirus infection is observed frequently.

Symptoms from which a person suffers:

  • Fear of the world.
  • Increased sensitivity to loud sounds.
  • Inability to press the chin to the chest.
  • Increased pain when trying to raise the leg in the supine position.

There are several symptoms that allow doctors to diagnose meningitis. This is a symptom of Kernig and a symptom of Brudzinski. In the first case, the patient, while lying down, cannot straighten his leg, which will be bent at a right angle. This is due to the fact that the flexor muscles in meningitis are in increased tone. The second symptom is characterized by involuntary bending of the legs when trying to press the chin to the chest. They bend at the hip joint. When pressing on the pubis, the legs bend at the knees.

Serous meningitis in childhood accompanied by the occurrence of convulsions, an increase in body temperature to high levels, psycho-emotional arousal. The child becomes lethargic, but he is conscious.

Symptoms of the disease can persist for 2-10 days, sanitation of the cerebrospinal fluid occurs only by 2-3 weeks. After past illness may persist for a long time blood pressure and asthenic syndrome.

Other signs of enteroviral meningitis include: oculomotor disturbances, loss of consciousness, strabismus, absence of abdominal reflexes, fainting, foot clonus.

  1. Enteroviral fever. This type of enterovirus infection is also called the minor illness. The fever is characterized by a massive lesion, but it is rarely diagnosed, since those who fall ill for medical assistance are rarely addressed. A person's body temperature rises, which returns to normal after 3 days. Intoxication of the body is weakly expressed, the state of health is not strongly disturbed. It is for this reason that enterovirus fever is called a minor illness.
  2. epidemic myalgia. With this form of the disease, a person develops intense pain in the muscles. Pain in the stomach, back, arms and legs, rib cage. The pain has a paroxysmal course. It can last from a few seconds to 20 minutes. The disease disappears after a few days, but may be accompanied by repeated exacerbations, but relapses are short and less intense.
  3. Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis. The disease develops suddenly for a person. The patient develops photophobia, eyes begin to hurt, lacrimation intensifies. The doctor visualizes hemorrhages in the eyeballs. The conjunctiva swells, the eyelids are filled with blood, purulent contents are separated from the eyes. At first, the disease affects only one organ of vision, but after a short time it passes to the second. Enteroviral infection is not limited to the listed manifestations. The disease can proceed as anicteric hepatitis, encephalitis, neuritis optic nerve. Patients may become inflamed myocardium, kidneys, lymph nodes, pericardium, joints.
  4. Enteroviral exanthema. This type of exanthema is also called Boston fever. She manifests from the 2nd day after the infection happened. A person has a small rash on the face, on the legs and arms, on the trunk color pink. Sometimes there are small subcutaneous bruises (hemorrhages). After another 2 days, the rash completely disappears, after which the skin begins to peel off strongly, peels off in large areas. In addition to a rash, the patient may develop serous meningitis, herpangina and other forms of illness.

Symptoms of enterovirus infection in children

Enterovirus infection in childhood is most often manifested in the defeat of the digestive system, herpangina. Less commonly, serous meningitis or paralytic forms of the disease develop.

In preschools, mass outbreaks of the disease are often observed. The high-risk group includes children aged 3-10 years. The disease is transmitted mainly by the fecal-oral route. Mass outbreaks of enterovirus infection are observed in autumn and summer.

In children, the disease progresses rapidly. It is accompanied by fever, fever, headache, chills, dizziness, etc. Children complain of muscle pain. A rash appears on the skin, herpangina and diarrhea develop. The infection is accompanied by a runny nose and sore throat.


To date, there are 4 main methods for detecting the causative agent of the disease:

  1. Serological methods - determination of the pathogen in the blood serum. Early markers of an enterovirus infection include IgA and IgM, they determine a fresh antigenic stimulus, and IgG remain in the blood of an ill person for several years, or for life. For the diagnosis of enterreovirus infection, an increase in titer over a 4-fold value is considered significant.
  2. Virological methods - detection of the virus in feces, cerebrospinal fluid, blood, nasopharyngeal mucosa on cultures of sensitive cells. Excrements are examined for 2 weeks, in the first days of the disease, swabs from the nasopharynx, according to the indications of the CSF.
  3. Immunohistochemical methods - detection of antigens to enteroviruses in the patient's blood. The most accessible methods of immunohistochemistry are immunoperoxidase and immunofluorescence assays.
  4. Molecular biological methods - determination of RNA fragments of enteroviruses.
  5. Complete blood count - usually ESR and the number of leukocytes are normal or slightly increased, rarely hyperleukocytosis, neutrophilia, which is subsequently replaced by eosinophilia and lymphocytosis.

However, many diagnostic methods are not widespread due to the duration, complexity of the analysis and low diagnostic value, since due to the high number of asymptomatic carriage of enteroviruses, the detection of a virus in the analysis is not 100% proof of its involvement in the disease.

The main important diagnostic method is a 4-fold increase in antibody titer in paired sera, which are determined using RTGA and RSK. And also PCR with a reverse transcription stage is a fast analysis, with high specificity, sensitivity.

Differential Diagnosis

Enteroviral infections should be differentiated from other diseases:

  • herpangina from fungal diseases (fungal stomatitis), from herpes simplex
  • epidemic myalgia - from pancreatitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, acute appendicitis, cholecystitis
  • enterovirus fever - from influenza and SARS of other etiologies;
  • serous meningitis in children - from meningococcal, tuberculous meningitis, or serous meningitis of other viral etiology
  • paralytic form - from diphtheria polyradiculoneuritis or poliomyelitis
  • enterovirus exanthema - from scarlet fever, measles, rubella, allergic reactions in the form of a rash
  • Gastroenteric form - from other acute intestinal infections, dysentery, salmonellosis, etc.

Treatment of enterovirus infection

Hospitalization is carried out selectively according to clinical indications, taking into account the possibility of treating patients at home. Treatment of mild forms of enterovirus infection in children and mild, moderate forms in adults is carried out at home, and the majority of such patients are known. An invariable condition is the observance of bed rest for the entire febrile period, as well as until the elimination of complications.

The diet is aimed at increasing immunity, reducing intoxication, rapid resolution of the inflammatory process, sparing the organs of the cardiovascular system and digestive systems, kidney function, preventing possible action medicines. The diet is differentiated depending on the condition of the patient and the stage of the disease.

  1. To increase immunological reactivity, a physiologically complete diet is prescribed with a sufficient amount of protein and an increased content of vitamins A, C, group B.
  2. To reduce intoxication, the introduction of a sufficient amount of liquid is indicated (preferably fruit drinks from blackcurrant, rosehip, chokeberry, lemon).
    All products are prescribed in a warm form, spicy, fatty, fried, salty, pickled dishes are avoided.

Etiotropic treatment

Etiotropic therapy includes antiviral drugs, which include:

  1. Interferons (grippferon drops with antiviral, immunomodulatory effects; viferon suppositories suppress the reproduction of the virus, have an immunostimulating effect).
  2. Interferon inductors (amiksin, lavomax, which have a pronounced immunomodulatory effect; cycloferon, which improves immune status patient, contributing to the production of interferons in the body, which has anti-inflammatory, antiviral action; anaferon for children and adults is an immunomodulator that stimulates both humoral (general) and cellular (local) immunities; aflubin - complex homeopathic remedy with immunomodulatory, antiviral, antipyretic action.).

Pathogenetic intensive care

In a hospital for severe forms of enterovirus infections, detoxification treatment is prescribed, for meningitis and meningoencephalitis - dehydration therapy using forced diuresis (diuretics) under strict control of laboratory changes in water-salt metabolism. With damage to the heart - cardioprotectors, the brain - means that improve blood circulation and rheological properties of blood. This section of therapy is possible only in a hospital.

Symptomatic therapy

Symptomatic therapy (antipyretic, analgesics, anti-inflammatory, antihistamines, intestinal adsorbents, nasal vasoconstrictors):

  1. Antipyretics (Nurofen, Panadol for children, Theraflu, Coldrex, Fervex, Efferalgan for adults) to reduce fever and improve general well-being.
  2. Anti-inflammatory therapy and analgesics - ibuprofen, paracetamol, ketorol - remove pain syndrome especially in myalgia.
  3. Antihistamines - diazolin, suprastin, claritin, zodak, zyrtec and others - to reduce the overall toxic-allergic reaction of the body.
  4. Adsorbents (activated carbon, white coal, smecta, polyfepam, enterosgel) - to bind toxins and viral particles in the intestine.
  5. With severe rhinitis, nose drops are recommended: nasol, nazol advance - convenience in the form, nazivin, aquamaris, tizin.
  6. When connecting a secondary bacterial infection- antibacterial agents, which in certain categories of patients (persons with chronic bacterial foci) are prescribed prophylactically. And the drug, and the dose, and the course is selected strictly by the attending doctor. Self-appointment and treatment threatens with the addition of unpleasant complications.
  7. Probiotics in case of development of enteritis (bifiform, yogulact, bifistim, bifidum forte, etc.) in order to activate normal microflora and combating enterovirus infection in the lesion.
  8. To intensify treatment for herpangina and the respiratory form, IRS-19, immudon, immunal are prescribed in order to maintain local immunity and prevent fairly rapid bacterial contamination.
  9. Distracting and local therapy includes steam inhalations with a soda solution, herbal solutions - sage, chamomile (which is important for catarrhal form and herpangina); irrigation of the pharynx with disinfectant solutions to avoid bacterial contamination of the affected area; anti-inflammatory eye drops for conjunctivitis.

Treatment of children and pregnant women should be carried out only by a doctor who will accurately determine both the group of drugs and the dosages required in this age group and at this gestational age.

It is undesirable to engage in self-medication for enterovirus infection, since the symptoms of the disease (as you can easily notice) are nonspecific, that is, they occur in many diseases. Therefore, it is easy for a person without special education to confuse a viral and bacterial infection, and, accordingly, to be treated in the wrong direction.

Dispensary supervision is established individually. On average, the recovery period for an infection lasts from 1 to 3 months. During this period, the sick person should not overcool, observe therapeutic diet no frills, drink vitamins, restore immunity. After the transferred forms with damage to the heart and nervous system, dispensary observation is required for 6-12 months with the involvement of a cardiologist, a neuropathologist. After suffering meningitis during the year, it is undesirable to fly, change the climate, and get vaccinated.


Enterovirus infection in most cases has a favorable prognosis for the child and ends full recovery. It poses the greatest danger to newborns and children with weakened immune systems, oncological diseases, HIV-infected.

Serious complications such as cerebral edema, epilepsy, mental disorders, increases in intracranial pressure are possible with enteroviral encephalitis, neonatal encephalomyocarditis, meningitis. In a severe course of the disease, there is a possibility of generalization of the infection, the development of pneumonia, acute respiratory failure, accession of a secondary bacterial infection.


Specific prophylaxis for enterovirus infection has not been developed. Main activities:

  1. Isolation of the patient
  2. room disinfection,
  3. regular ventilation,
  4. Compliance with hygiene standards and rules,
  5. Observation of contacts for 2 weeks,
  6. Prophylactic use of "Grippferon" or "Interferon" in drops,
  7. Carrying out hygienic education of children and adolescents,
  8. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene,
  9. Avoid hypothermia and drafts,
  10. Take vitamin complexes twice a year,
  11. Properly handle food.

How does enterovirus infection in children make itself felt? The symptoms of this group of diseases are very diverse, and parents are not always able to quickly recognize the insidious virus. How does the disease manifest itself in children? What is dangerous enterovirus infection for a child?

General information about the causative agent of the disease

Enterovirus infection is a whole group of diseases caused by certain intestinal viruses (enteroviruses). Enterovirus is ubiquitous and occurs even in the most remote corners of the globe. In recent years, there has been a trend towards activation of enterovirus infection around the world.

The causative agents of diseases are various representatives genus Enterovirus. This large group includes such well-known viruses as Coxsackie and ECHO. The genus Enterovirus includes more than 100 infectious agents potentially dangerous to humans. Viruses are very persistent in the environment, which partly explains the ubiquity of the infectious diseases they cause.

A feature of enterovirus infection is a healthy virus carrier. In the human intestine, the virus can exist for up to 5 months without losing its properties. Thus, the source of infection can be completely healthy man, even unaware of the dangerous viral agents that have settled inside.

The disease is transmitted in three ways:

  • airborne;
  • fecal-oral;
  • vertical (from mother to fetus).

Enteroviral infection is more common in children and adolescents. The peak incidence occurs in summer and autumn. After recovery, long-term immunity is maintained for several years.

Basic forms

Enterovirus, penetrating into the body of a child, is able to settle in a variety of tissues. Epithelial and muscle cells, the nervous system and internal organs are not protected from the harmful effects of the virus. Quite often, the disease proceeds without severe symptoms, forming a stable type-specific immunity. The protective reaction of the body is produced only in response to the type of virus that entered the cells and caused a certain immune response.

The incubation period lasts 2-10 days. There are many forms of enterovirus infection. special attention deserve the following:


The causative agent of herpangina are Coxsackie viruses. The first signs of the disease occur acutely after 3-4 days from the moment of infection. Herpangina symptoms include:

  • high body temperature (up to 40 ° C) with relatively good health;
  • moderate or mild sore throat;
  • typical changes in the pharynx.

The fever lasts 2 to 5 days. During this period, the pharyngeal mucosa becomes hyperemic (red), after which single vesicles appear on it, filled with transparent contents. The blisters quickly open up and in their place ulcers appear, covered with a typical gray coating. Separate ulcers can merge with each other. Changes in the pharynx persist for 7 days from the onset of the disease.

Do not open the blisters yourself, so as not to bring a secondary infection into the oral cavity.

Serous meningitis

Meningitis is an inflammation of the lining of the brain. Caused by all groups of enteroviruses. The disease begins suddenly with a sharp rise in body temperature, weakness and chills. In the future, signs of damage to the membranes of the brain join:

  • neck stiffness;
  • severe bursting headache;
  • vomit;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • intolerance to noise and bright light.

To diagnose meningitis, cerebrospinal fluid is taken. In some children, against the background of the appearance meningeal symptoms a second wave of fever occurs.

epidemic myalgia

Another name for this pathology is Bornholm's disease. The causative agents of the disease are Coxsackieviruses and some ECHO serotypes. Signs of viral infection occur suddenly on the first day of illness:

  • high body temperature;
  • severe muscle pain (abdomen and chest area);
  • increased pain with any movement.

Attacks of pain occur every hour and last no more than 10 minutes. The fever persists for 3 days. Many children with myalgia develop typical symptoms of meningitis.

Consult a doctor at the first signs of illness!


Inflammation spinal cord occurs when affected by Coxsackie and ECHO viruses. The disease proceeds in the form of mild forms of paralysis. Recovery after the disease is quite fast. Persistent paresis and paralysis are not typical.

Heart failure

Myocarditis (damage to the muscular membrane of the heart) and pericarditis (inflammation of the heart bag) are characterized by a favorable course. Against the background of fever there are moderate pains in the region of the heart. On examination, muffled heart sounds are noted. Recovery from illness is fast enough. Serious consequences are not observed.

Enteroviral diarrhea

Signs of the intestinal form of infection are known to all parents:

  • frequent watery stools;
  • moderate abdominal pain;
  • rare vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • high body temperature.

In children under 2 years of age, diarrhea often accompanies a runny nose, sore throat, and other signs of a respiratory infection. The duration of the illness is no more than 7 days.

Enteroviral fever

Another name for this form of infection is "minor disease". Characterized by a moderate increase in body temperature without pronounced violation general condition. There may be mild catarrhal phenomena in the form of a slight runny nose and redness of the throat. Recovery occurs within 3 days. The disease is rarely diagnosed due to highly non-specific symptoms.

Enteroviral exanthema

"Boston fever" is manifested by typical rashes in the form of pink spots on the face, limbs and trunk. The rash occurs against the background of high body temperature on the 1-2 day of illness and lasts no more than 3 days. After the disappearance of the rash, no traces remain on the skin.

Various forms of enterovirus infection are often combined with each other. In the same child, manifestations of herpangina, myalgia or meningitis can be found at the same time. In most cases, the diagnosis is based on the typical symptoms of the disease.


Enterovirus infection in any form can cause the following pathology:

  • myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle);
  • pericarditis (damage to the pericardial membrane);
  • dysfunction of the heart valves;
  • heart rate changes.

The severity of complications can be very different, from minor functional disorders in the work of the heart to the formation of serious defects. It is quite difficult to predict in advance how the virus will behave in the body of a child. Do not confuse heart complications with a special form of enterovirus infection - acute myocardial and pericarditis. AT last case the disease resolves within 7-10 days without any consequences for the child.

Principles of therapy

Treatment of enterovirus infection in children, regardless of the form of the disease, can only be symptomatic. There are currently no effective medicines able to cope with the cause of the disease - enterovirus. For increase nonspecific immunity drugs are actively used human interferon. The virus does not become resistant to interferons, which allows the use of such drugs even with repeated infection.

Immunoglobulins are also used for nonspecific therapy of enterovirus infection. These funds increase the immunity of the child, allowing the body to cope with dangerous virus and its consequences. The most effective use of interferons for the treatment of infection in newborns and children of the first year of life.

In the treatment of enterovirus infection, antibiotics are not used. These drugs can be prescribed by a doctor only when a secondary infection is attached. In most cases, this treatment regimen is used in debilitated and premature babies.

Diet for enterovirus infection in children is of particular importance. In case of damage to the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The nutrition of the child should be varied and balanced in terms of essential vitamins and microelements.
  2. The frequency of eating - up to 6 times a day in small portions.
  3. In the early days of the disease, it is not recommended to eat fried, spicy and spicy foods. All dishes must be steamed or baked in the oven. For kids, it is best to serve familiar dishes in the form of mashed potatoes.
  4. On the first day of illness, the volume of food is reduced by 50%, on the second and third - by 30%. In the future, it is recommended to gradually return to the usual diet.
  5. During the entire period of illness, the child should drink as much as possible. It can be ordinary water, natural juice, fruit drink or compote. Weak sweet tea is allowed. With severe dehydration, saline solutions are prescribed.

If the enterovirus infection has not affected the digestive tract, a special diet is not required. The child can eat whatever he is used to, provided he is in good health.


Specific prevention of enterovirus infection has not been developed. Some experts recommend the use of interferon preparations to protect against possible infection. Before using interferons, you should consult your doctor.

Non-specific prevention includes daily ventilation and wet cleaning of the premises in which the child is located. Compliance with the simplest rules of personal hygiene and eating only proven foods significantly reduces the risk of developing an enterovirus infection in children and adults.