
"non-standard technology lessons in elementary school."

3.Teaching tools for technology lessons in primary school.

Another important component of the methodological system of labor training in primary school is teaching aids. They can be represented schematically as follows:

Means of education

Textbooks Didactic visual


Fine natural

Drawing - materials, tools

GIK - tools collection


Tables - layout, pattern

Photos - sample

In labor training lessons it is used a large number of a variety of teaching aids. They are necessary so that the teacher can familiarize students with the object of labor and the progress of work on its production; with the tools that will be used in processing the material, with the techniques for working with these tools; with the materials from which the products will be made, with their properties and processing methods. Natural visual aids are widely used in the teaching process. This is, first of all, a sample of the item being made, its development or pattern, materials and tools used in lessons. Let's look at some of the learning tools.

A sample object creates in children a general idea of ​​the object of their upcoming work activity. A sample is a specific object that, when examined, will be mentally dissected into individual component parts, further analysis of which will allow us to determine the actions and operations necessary for the manufacture of the entire product. The absence of a sample, especially at its first stage, makes the children’s performance of the operations necessary for production random and unconscious. The inability, lack of time or reluctance of the teacher to prepare a sample for the lesson and correctly organize work with it by showing and dictating the actions performed, which sharply reduce the teaching and developmental effect of labor training lessons.

The presence of a sample and the correct organization of work with it evoke active conscious actions, serves the development of logical thinking, and teaches observation. The description of the sample develops coherent speech, enriches the vocabulary with special terms denoting space, the shape of objects, their relative positions and spatial movements performed with them, and connects children’s speech with their life and work.

Unfolding or cutting a product is of great benefit when analyzing a sample, when reading graphic images, when assembling a product and when monitoring the progress of work, that is, every time when you need to correlate parts and the whole. Students understand the design better.

A development is a combination of all points of its surface with a plane in which all lengths remain unchanged (drawn without valves).

A pattern is a pattern with additional parts to help with assembly (flaps).

PTK (subject technological map) is a sequential series of operations showing the progress of work on the manufacture of a product, i.e. The manufacturing process is represented by a number of blanks made of the required material.

A workpiece is a production item from which, through further processing, a finished product is obtained (sheets of paper, pieces of fabric, foam rubber, wire, etc.), i.e. these are materials. The workpieces are attached in the required order. Such a map is easily perceived by children, since if necessary, you can touch the workpiece with your hands and carefully examine each stage, which is very important when teaching first-graders; it is used to organize independent work

Materials, tools and devices will be considered visual aids only at the time of familiarization with them. During the technology lesson, hand tools are used: scissors, awl, needle, etc. a special group consists of control and measuring instruments: ruler, square, compass.

Drawing is an image of objects made with an indication of their sizes, scales required for manufacturing

GIK (graphic instruction card) It differs from PTK in that the manufacturing process is presented in the form of technical drawings.

To more successfully achieve the goal set in the lesson, teachers primary classes It is recommended to use several learning tools in combination.

Thus, when choosing teaching aids, the teacher must take into account the degree of preparedness of students to perceive more specific (natural) or more conventional (visual) visual aids, as well as the students’ knowledge, skills and abilities.

Questions for self-control

1. Define the concept of “principle” 2. Expand the content of the principle of systematicity and feasibility.3. What groups of methods are used when studying technology? 4. Describe the demonstration method. 5. Justify the need to use teaching aids in technology lessons.


1. Kruglikov G.I. Methods of teaching technology with a workshop. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002.

2. Kupisevich Ch. Fundamentals of general didactics. - M.: Prsveshchenie, 1986.

3. Rozhnev Y.A. Methods of labor training with workshops in educational workshops Enlightenment, 1988.- M.

4. Freytag I.P. Lesson of technical work in primary school. -M.: Prsveshchenie, 1977.

Lecture No. 3 Features of organizing a technology lesson

in primary school

1. Requirements for technology lessons

1. Requirements for technology lessons.

The lesson is the main form of organizing educational work at school. In order for the lesson to achieve its goal, the teacher must take into account some requirements, which include the following:

Taking into account the unity of educational and educational processes;

The focus of the educational process on the formation of a creative personality, an active life position of students;

Social orientation of work and educational activities;

Didactic certainty and clarity of lessons;

Compliance with all didactic principles of teaching;

Taking into account psychological and physiological characteristics junior schoolchildren.

Technology lessons, compared to other subjects studied by schoolchildren, have a number of specific features that need to be taken into account when organizing the learning process. In most cases, the bulk of educational time is allocated to practical work of students (in the traditional program, in the “School of Masters” program and others). It should also be noted that all objects of labor made by children find practical application at school and in the family. During the lesson, students work with various hand tools, so it is necessary to teach students safety rules and ensure their mandatory implementation. In order for the learning process to be effective in school, there must be training for primary school students. If this condition is met, children will be accustomed to precise work,

2.Types of technology lessons in primary school.

The following stages are typical for any technology lesson: 1) setting the goals of the work task and educational objectives of the lesson for students; 2) Preparation for the performance of a work task; 3) Organization and preparation of the workplace; 4) Students completing a work assignment; 5) Summing up the lesson.

The types of lessons are determined according to different criteria: by content (on processing fabric, paper, etc.); by method of delivery (lessons - excursions, film lessons, lessons on making products yourself); according to learning objectives (lessons on the formation of polytechnic knowledge, labor skills, on consolidating knowledge and skills, combined lessons.

Depending on the purpose, the lesson can be classified into one of the following types: a lesson in learning something new; review lesson; a lesson to consolidate, improve and develop knowledge, skills, a combined or combined lesson, a control lesson - testing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

A lesson in learning new material. The main goal is to introduce students to the processing of new material. They are usually carried out at the beginning of studying a topic.

Repetition lesson. The purpose of this type of lesson is to help students become fluent in using tools.

A lesson in consolidating, improving and developing knowledge, skills and abilities. The main goal is to provide students with the opportunity to use their existing knowledge, skills and abilities in new conditions when solving problems of a different type, that is, creative work is assumed. Conducting lessons of this type requires students to know all the techniques for processing the materials needed to make a product.

Combined lesson. The most commonly used lesson type, as it contains all the main stages, but each of them can contain any elements inherent in other lesson types.

At present, we should turn to those specific grounds that are the most essential and determining for labor training. Konysheva N.M. highlights lessons based on the content of the work. There are three main types of lessons:

1. Rational-logical (solving logical problems). Rational-logical tasks require a fairly rigid and conscious analysis of the design and the establishment of a completely definite, unified logic of work. Such tasks include everything that is primarily comprehended by the mind and less evaluated emotionally: puzzle applications, three-dimensional design, symmetrical cutting tasks, bookbinding, marking, calculation and measurement constructions, etc. The main thing in such work is to analyze the design, identify what principle the relative arrangement of parts is subject to, establish methods of work, etc. These problems are solved rationally; In such lessons, calculations, calculations, sketches, drawings, diagrams are appropriate.

2. Emotional and artistic (creating an artistic image).

These lessons involve the search and implementation of an original artistic image that expresses emotional condition or some artistic idea. These are, for example, various artistic compositions on a plane, modeling from plasticine, sculptures from natural materials. Such work cannot be carried out according to a rigid plan. When completing these tasks, the child does the work independently as much as possible. The teacher’s task is to awaken as much as possible and, if possible, expand and enrich the imaginative impressions of children.

3. Lesson on new working techniques. It is expected that most of the training will be devoted to demonstration and step-by-step development of specific practical actions. Such lessons are held in cases where it is necessary to master some labor-intensive, but practical techniques that are necessary and used in many jobs, such as cutting, weaving, and sewing. During these lessons, no special experiments are carried out; certain properties are studied along the way in the process of practical work.

The nature cognitive activity For students, lessons can be divided into reproductive and creative.

Lutseva E.A. identifies the following types of technology lessons: lesson-excursion, lesson-research and lesson-workshop. Let's reveal the features of these lessons.

Lesson – excursion is educational or research in nature

Educational excursions are conducted to museums, accessible production, service institutions, etc. The main task is to give children an idea of ​​the labor process of people and to cultivate respect for their work. But even in them, you can set research tasks for students, for example, asking employees of an institution or production about the characteristics of their work, the materials used, the technology of their processing, etc. (for example, in craft workshops - decorative and applied works).

Excursions with a predominance of research activities and observations are mainly associated with going out into nature, outside, i.e. when getting to know the surrounding world - the biosphere and technosphere. Nature is considered as the source of all materials with which children work - natural, artificial and synthetic.

Lesson – exploration includes appeal to personal experience children and involves conducting observations, small studies, generalizations, identifying and understanding information-cognitive or constructive-technological problems, and formulating the identified problem.

Finding ways to solve a problem includes conducting experimental observations, practical research (for example, the properties of materials); search practical exercises (search for design features, determination of the method of performing a technological operation, etc.)

The discovery of new knowledge involves voicing and recording observed phenomena, discussing the solutions found based on real objects, and choosing the optimal solution; generalization includes the formulation of new knowledge and skills; application of new knowledge in various situations.

Workshop lesson also involves the discovery of new knowledge, but unlike a research lesson, this process includes:

Performing trial and search exercises;

Observation, study of the structure of complex components of the product;

Observation of a complex structure in disassembly.

An example would be the topic of the lesson “Marking parts using a template” in 1st grade. After a general analysis, a trial exercise is organized in the correct execution of the marking technique using a template (applying a template to the workpiece, tracing along the contour and simultaneously holding the template with your hand, checking the correctness of the operation performed by applying the template.

3. Preparing the teacher to conduct a technology lesson.

Conducting any lesson, in particular a technology lesson, requires very careful preparation from the teacher. To do this, the teacher must have a good knowledge of the content of the curriculum, properties, production, technology of materials processed in lessons, characteristics and operating techniques of hand tools, and much more.

The process of preparing a teacher for a lesson can be represented by the following stages: familiarization with the program and textbooks; preparation of material base for lessons; familiarization or preparation of thematic lesson planning to determine the place, purpose and educational objectives of a specific technology lesson in the system of other lessons; writing lesson notes.

Since the system of technology lessons should be built on the gradual complication of the work methods used by students, both practical and mental, then after familiarizing themselves with the course program, the teacher writes out the knowledge and skills that students must master during the school year; take into account interdisciplinary connections; rely on the plan of educational work of the class and school.

The process of planning work for the year can be divided into two stages: long-term planning; drawing up calendar and thematic planning.

Long-term planning is drawn up for an entire academic year or half a year and involves identifying from the total number of hours allocated for studying each section how many hours there will be in each quarter. After this, a calendar-thematic plan of work for the year, quarter or half-year is drawn up, which reflects the topic of each lesson and their sequence indicating the number of hours. In technology programs, the sequence of lessons is not indicated, so the teacher himself needs to think through a reasonable alternation of studying different work techniques in order to ensure a variety of types of work for students and the possibility of transferring work operations from one material to another.

It is very difficult, especially for novice primary school teachers, to determine each specific lesson topic. Many methodologists and teachers pay attention to the following problem: the topic of the lesson is often formulated based on the name of the product that will be manufactured or on the basis of the material used, but this should not be the case. Any product is only a means to implement the content of the lesson.

As an example of wording, we can cite some topics proposed by N.M. Konysheva. based on the textbook “Wonderful Workshop” for 2nd grade.

When writing a lesson summary, the teacher indicates: the serial number of the lesson; the topic of the lesson, the product that the students will make; lesson objectives; materials, equipment and tools necessary for work. It should also indicate what kind of visuals will be used in the lesson and whether special training is expected for students.

4.Methodological analysis of technology lessons.

The analysis of the technology lesson can be presented as follows (based on materials from Lutseva E.A.).

1. Correspondence of the lesson topic to the content of technological education.

2. Place of the lesson in the system of lessons on this topic.

3. The relationship between the topic of the lesson, its purpose and educational objectives (training, development and education).

4. Type of lesson (excursion, research, workshop, project).

5.How the assigned tasks were solved (teacher’s activities and students’ activities):

1.1. What methodology was used: reproductive (explanatory-illustrative) or productive (activity-based, problem-based).

If reproductive, then the validity of its use to solve developmental problems.

1.2. The degree of informativeness of the cognitive and informational part of the lesson (random, subject - technical and technological nature).

1.3. Completeness of the analytical part of the lesson (analysis of a sample or samples):

Use of visual material (for what purpose: to illustrate the teacher’s explanation or a source of discovery of new knowledge);

Whether the children's previous experience was used;

Questions for students (to state what was observed, to repeat what was previously learned, to reflect, to find a new solution to a problem);

How new knowledge and skills were introduced (demonstration followed by repetition of the technique, independent reflection and trial search exercises);

The teacher’s reaction to incorrect answers (does not pay attention and skips, corrects himself, transfers to a problem situation)

1.4. How was the planning of the upcoming practical work carried out (ready plan, determination of the order of work by students);

1.5. The degree of independence of students in their practical work (depends on the analysis of the task (ascertaining or comprehensive), the availability of a base of developed high-quality practical skills).

1.6. Did all the students complete the work? Typical difficulties.

1.7. The quality of practical work performed (quality of skills being reinforced, new skills).

1.8. Teacher’s personality (nature of communication – authoritarian or democratic, pace of speech, appearance, encouragement)

6. At what points in the lesson were educational tasks solved?

7. Was the lesson generally developmental in nature (the ratio of the active activity of the teacher and students. The students should be the most vocal in the lesson - this is development)

Since there are several technology programs currently available, other options for analyzing a technology lesson should be considered. Konysheva N.M. proposes to analyze the lesson in two stages: self-analysis and analysis and evaluation of those present in the lesson.

When self-analyzing, the teacher can rely on the following questions:

Which of your plans was achieved best?

What moments were unexpected and how did you manage to navigate this situation?

What conclusions can be drawn?

Were all questions addressed to students formulated correctly and clearly?

What did the teacher fail and why?

Have all assigned tasks been completed?

For methodological analysis of the lesson by those present, you can use the following points:

    Indicate the type of lesson by content.

    The appropriateness of the formulated lesson objectives. Match them to the type of this lesson.

    Correspondence of the teacher’s actions to the type of lesson and the assigned tasks.

    The adequacy of the teacher’s actions to those planned in the lesson.

    The feasibility of using reproductive and creative tasks.

    How the educational value of the lesson was realized

    The appropriateness of the forms of work organization used.

    Correctness, accuracy, expressiveness of teacher speech.

    The teacher's ability to establish contact with students.

    Formation of an attentive, interested and sympathetic attitude towards each other among students.

    To what extent have the tasks been solved?

    Assessing the teacher’s behavior and performance in general

Thus, we examined the features of a technology lesson in primary school.

Questions for self-control

1. List the requirements for technology lessons. 2. Select the types of lessons by content 3. List the types of lessons identified by N.M. Konysheva. and describe them. 4. What stages does the teacher’s preparation for a lesson include?

Lecture No. 6 Formation of graphic skills in technology lessons.

2.Methodology of working with visual aids

1.Types of graphic aids. Elements of graphic literacy.

In the Technology Program. / Comp. Khotuntsev Yu. L., Simonenko V. D. / graphic skills include the following groups of skills: distinguish between graphic images and symbols on them, read and use subject and graphic maps; draw lines of different thicknesses and directions along a ruler and template; read and use control and planning markings, drawings of parts; build rectangles, divide them into parts using a square or ruler; mark geometric figures having different shapes.

The program guides primary school teachers to use the basics of graphic literacy and elements of technical drawing in labor lessons. Teaching children to read simple blueprints and technical drawings and make markings is carried out in the process of students performing a variety of practical work, making from paper, cardboard and other materials.

Graphic visual aids include technical and artistic drawings, sketches and drawings, technological maps, graphic instruction cards (GIC)

The drawing is carried out according to the established rules of graphic representation using drawing tools and observing scale, and a sketch is the same drawing, but done by hand.

In an artistic drawing, an object is depicted from one point of view as it actually looks and is done by eye. A technical drawing more accurately conveys information about an object and is done in isometry (the ratio of all sides is 1:1:1) indicating the dimensions required for the manufacture of the depicted object.

The technological map depicts instructions on the progress of the product, presented in the form of technical drawings, showing methods for performing the necessary operations and the necessary materials and tools.

A drawing is a document containing an image of the document in several projections. The drawing is carried out according to the established rules of graphic representation using drawing tools and observing scale. The drawing gives a complete idea of ​​the shape of the object, its types, and sizes. Even the most simple craft difficult to manufacture without a drawing, sketch, technical drawing. All drawings are made according to state standards. The depiction of objects in the drawings is carried out according to the rules of projection, and can be carried out on several planes. In the drawings, these projections are called views: frontal - front view; horizontal – top view; profile – left view.

When making a drawing, the contour and development details are highlighted; the dimension lines are equally distant from the contour lines and are drawn as a solid thin line with arrows on the cone. They are limited by a high (thin) line. The sizes are marked above the size lines, in the middle.

To correctly execute graphic images, you need to know the meaning of the symbols of the drawing lines and their practical use.

The main line is the line of the visible contour, object, detail. In elementary grades, it is used to designate a line of a visible contour, lines of a segment, a cut, an incision, to designate a slot. The main line can be drawn with a thickness of 0.6 to 1.5 mm. (on demonstration tables it can be enlarged several times so that students sitting at the back of the class can see it).

Technology lesson in elementary school
(making an applique for Defender of the Fatherland Day).
Goal: formation of aesthetic and moral orientation among juniors
schoolchildren, development of regulatory universal educational activities.
 to develop children’s knowledge about the holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day”.

consolidate knowledge of military professions: tank driver, sailor, pilot,
border guard, submariner;
 expand practical skills in making appliqués;
 develop attention, imagination, creativity;
 develop the ability to plan your activities;
 cultivate neatness and interest in making gifts with your own
Multimedia projector for demonstrating presentations; applique
for each child: printed poem, inscription
“Congratulations!”, emblem with anchor, triangle - vest, set
templates, cardboard, colored paper, album sheet, scissors, pencil, glue,
black felt-tip pen.
During the classes
I. Organizational point:
II. Preparatory part of the lesson.
He is brown and clubfooted,
Catches fish with a powerful paw.
And he also loves honey!
Who will call the sweet tooth?
Bear - sailor Nikolai Dick
Clubfoot often bear
The kids call it.
This is not true at all
The bear walks like a sailor.
Sailors on the high seas
We learned against our will,
So as not to go overboard,

So the bear walks important,
Like a brave sea sailor,
Looks carefully into the distance
And he doesn’t growl to no avail.
So in vain his guys
They call him clubfoot,
This is not true at all
The bear walks like a sailor.

III. Practical part.
1. Research:
Show application. Do you like the application? Why do you think
Was this work made? (So that it could be given as a gift). Who can have it?
give? On which holiday?
The men's holiday is approaching - Defender of the Fatherland Day.
Who are called defenders? Defenders of the Fatherland?
What branches of the military do you know?
What troops did your dads serve in? (if they don’t know, advise at home
It's nice to receive a gift on a holiday. We need to have time to prepare gifts
dads and grandfathers. Of course, the most desirable and original will be
a handmade gift.
Carefully examine the finished application. What materials and
Are the tools needed to make it?
(To make a postcard you will need a sheet of colored cardboard, which
will be the basis of the application, colored paper, a white sheet, a simple pencil,
glue and scissors.)
Is it nice to receive a job that was done carelessly as a gift? Yours
diligence is the key to accurate application.
2. Preparation for the practical part. Safety precautions:
For work to bring joy to you and your loved ones, it must be...
above all, safe. Let's remember the rules safe work with scissors
and glue. (Children's answers)
Rules for safe work with scissors
1. Keep your work area tidy.
2. Before work, check the serviceability of the tools.
3. Do not use loose scissors.
4. Work only with working tools: well adjusted and
sharpened scissors.
5. Use scissors only in your own workplace.
6. Watch the movement of the blades while working.
7. Place the scissors with the rings facing you.

8. Feed the scissors rings forward.
9. Don't leave scissors open.
10. Store scissors in a case with the blades facing down.
11. Don't play with scissors, don't bring scissors to your face.
12. Use scissors as intended.
Rules for safe work with glue
1. When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.
2. Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the work on
at this stage.
3. Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, carefully
holding her close.
4. Wash your brush and hands well with soap after work.
3. Practical work
– And now we can begin practical work.
The presentation accompanies the stages of work
What color of cardboard is preferable to use for the background? Why not
Preferably blue? Brown?
Preparing the base onto a sheet of colored cardboard, gluing white stripes
frame.slide 3
C reverse side paste congratulations in verse slide 4

Thank you, dear daddy,
Why did you get me!
I love a clear smile
She's like light in a window!
I want you to be happy,
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!
Trace, cut out and glue the bear Slide 5.
Cut out a shirt from blue paper and put it on the bear Slide 6.
Glue the corner of the vest. -Slide 7

Glue on the ears, nose, and paws from light pink paper. -Slide 8
Add eyes and a black nose. - Slide 9
Wear a white hat - Slide 10

Add a puddle and a boat. It is important that the boat does not merge with
background. We glue the sail only at the corners, giving it volume.
We decorate the hat with an anchor and glue the inscription “Congratulations!”

Currently, society is putting forward new demands for the labor training of schoolchildren. The main goal of school education is the formation of a creative, productively thinking personality who masters universal educational activities and interconnected methods of transformative activities.

This is due to the fact that in the modern information and computer method of production, the ability to search for optimal (best) ways to create products becomes dominant.

From teachers and preschool teachers In connection with the transition to technological education, a large number of questions arise about how to teach children in order to implement the stated tasks in practice. The practice of labor training and education shows that teachers and educators are reluctant to move to the use of new means and methods of teaching.

This is due to the fact that in the programs and methodological recommendations published in recent years for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren on this issue, they find very scant information. Mainly in methodological manuals, are given detailed instructions about how to make a specific product. That is, the learning process comes down to “getting used to it.”

In addition, in most schools, on the recommendation of the SES, a one-hour lesson is allocated for a labor lesson in the first grade. This means that on one day of the week children can only carry out the organizational part technological process, and implement your plan in practice in a few days.

Thus, in order for children to leave the lesson with a ready-made object of work, teachers have to spend the minimum allotted time on the organizational part of the lesson, and organize practical activities according to the “do as I do” principle.

Observations show that in the first grade children have poor ideas about how to organize workplace, do not know how to maintain order in the workplace during work, experience difficulties in planning and evaluating the results of work, do not know how to transform and use the necessary information, etc. And this inevitably leads to difficulties in implementing comprehensive development child's personality. With such a lesson organization, the technological component of work activity remains outside the boundaries of the pedagogical organization. There is a violation of the integrity of the pedagogical process.

We propose to consider the methodology for organizing a technology lesson for younger children school age, studying from 6 and 7 years old. The proposed methodology was tested in teaching children the technology of processing various materials under the experimental program “Design for Beginners” in educational institutions in Yekaterinburg and the cities of the Sverdlovsk region and gave positive results.

Methodological foundations of a technology lesson in primary school

A survey we conducted among primary school teachers and preschool teachers showed that most often practicing teachers experience difficulties in developing notes and in formulating the goals and objectives of a particular lesson and activity. Mostly allowed typical mistakes- this is the omission of a number of stages of the lesson and a discrepancy in the assessment of the children’s activities and the tasks assigned to them.

Each lesson represents an integral part or stage in the educational process, therefore it has both specific and general elements. The most common elements are: organization of upcoming activities, communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson, updating and testing of knowledge, presentation of new material, consolidation of new and learned material, instruction, independent work and the final part.

Technology lessons, as indicated in the educational program, are conducted according to a schedule - in grades 1 and 2, one lesson per week, and in grades 3 and 4, two lessons per week. The lesson system allows you to organize clarity and order in the implementation of labor training and education and correctly normalize the educational work and rest of students.

Basic requirements for organizing and conducting technology lessons

Let us name the main requirements from these data.

1. When designing a technology lesson, it is necessary to clearly and clearly define the purpose and results of the designed activity.

2. Taking into account the material base of the classroom, the experience of students and the experience of the teacher himself, and based on the goals and objectives, age characteristics students, select educational and visual material. When choosing objects of labor, the teacher must take into account the level of difficulty that students will have to overcome when making it.

3. Taking into account the purpose of the lesson and the specifics of the educational material, the teacher selects teaching methods.

4. When designing the stages of a lesson, the teacher allocates time for the timely start and end of the lesson, organizes the intellectual and practical activities of students, determines the time dynamic pause, monitoring and evaluation of activities.

5. Each technology lesson should have developing and educational functions.

6. At each stage of the lesson, the children’s activities should be assessed. Taking into account the identified deficiencies, it is necessary to organize timely correction of erroneous movements and actions.

The effectiveness of a technology lesson largely depends on its preparation. For each topic, the teacher must be able to select not only educational, but also additional educational material. Before starting to study the topics of a new module, the teacher should check the availability technical means training (TSO), laboratory equipment, labor items, tools and product samples, all necessary materials, check the serviceability of all tools and devices, study the rules of safe work, sanitary requirements to conduct technology lessons. Immediately before the lesson, the teacher prepares the board and ventilates the classroom.

Types and structure of technology lessons

Technology lessons can be classified according to didactic goals and objectives(a lesson in acquiring new knowledge, a test lesson, a lesson in consolidating what has been learned, a combined lesson); according to prevailing methods used in labor training (lesson-conversation, lesson-excursion, film lesson, practical lesson); by content(lesson on fabric processing, paper processing, processing of various materials, technical modeling, etc.)

Each lesson is conducted according to a pre-planned plan. The set of elements included in the lesson and arranged in a certain sequence and relationship is called the structure of the lesson.

Structure lesson-conversation And lesson-excursion is based on the study of materials science, production processes, electrical phenomena, etc. Such lessons provide the most complete understanding of the processes and phenomena being studied.

Theoretical lessons usually used as introductory words when starting to study new topic or new technology. In these lessons, a significant portion of the time is devoted to the technological component of the activity.

Lessons consolidation of learned theoretical knowledge or mastered practical skills are structured so that students have the opportunity to realize their capabilities in the practical (performing) component of the activity.

On combined lessons time for organizational and executive components of activity is distributed approximately equally. At such lessons, observations and experimental work are organized, new information is given, previously studied material is deepened, practical work is organized, design skills are mastered, etc., and an opportunity is provided to test technological and labor skills.

Practical lessons Most often they are organized in nature or in the process of mastering self-care or housekeeping skills. A small portion of time is allocated to organizing children’s activities in such lessons. Instruction before starting work is carried out in the form of a joint discussion between the teacher and students about the upcoming activity.

On test lessons The teacher organizes children's activities to test knowledge or practical skills. The organizational part of the lesson, in this case, is devoted to providing clear instructions and the requirements of the design specification - a detailed list of criteria for the actions, operations, parts or object of work to be performed.

When developing the structure of a lesson, the teacher needs to think form of organizing children's activities.

In the classroom, technology is used both individually, as well as group and collective forms of organizing child labor. To conduct experiments and observations in the classroom, working in pairs is most appropriate. The group form of organizing child labor is more often used when organizing exhibitions, in design work, in activities organized like competitions, in design. The frontal form of organizing activities is used more often in organizing the cleaning of territories and premises, in the process of studying new material, etc.

Structure of a technology lesson in primary school

The technology lesson is complex in its structure, because... during its course there should be formed O Students acquire not only practical labor skills and abilities, but also general labor skills that are based on mental operations.

  1. Setting the goal, topic, work and educational objectives of the lesson.
  2. Preparing to perform a work assignment.
  3. Organization and preparation of the workplace.
  4. Completing a work task.
  5. Summing up the lesson.

The name of these parts of the lesson indicates the content of the children’s activities. Each part (stage) of the lesson consists of several elements. The order of their arrangement during the lesson A depends on educational objectives, lesson content, children’s preparedness, etc.

Structural comp about the lesson notes

Organizing time:

Organizing children from recess to lesson, checking readiness for the lesson.

Conversation and presentation of the lesson topic:

Introducing students to the topic of the lesson. Here the knowledge is summarized and replenished A children’s knowledge about the purpose of the product, the history of its creation, the materials from which the product is made, their properties, and production. The conversation should be based on life experience students with the involvement of visual aids And body row. The conversation is combined with a story, accompanied by a display of natural and visual aids. The topic of the lesson can be b is given to students, both at the beginning of the conversation and in the middle or end (at the discretion of the teacher).

Experiments and observations:

This stage lesson is included when getting acquainted with new materials and their properties. The main goal of this stage is to include the child’s analyzers in the knowledge of objects in the surrounding reality.

A demonstration of individual technological techniques is carried out (depending on the lesson, this may or may not be present).

Product sample analysis or

Analysis of sample design ed. e lia:

This stage is very important and is aimed at creating in children a general idea of ​​the volume and nature of the work task. The main goal is to determine by students, together with the teacher, constructive and technical O logical features of the work task. If possible, do it yourself I a thorough search for rational ways to implement them, identify important T new and unknown. Conducted in question-and-answer form (dialogue O howl). The teacher asks leading questions, the children answer. Questions should and We need to be correct and literate. Aimed at clarifying the design To tions of the product, parts, details, method of their manufacture, connection, creation P leniya, compositional features, etc. The stage is organized based on a product sample, technical drawing, and activation of safety rules With no work. An oral description of the sample can be organized using O I will ask the teacher the following questions:(I.P. Freytag “ Technical labor lesson in primary school", p. 11, sample analysis):

  • What is this product? What is its purpose? What is its general shape?
  • What parts does it consist of, what is the purpose of each part? Which part is the most important (or most time-consuming)? What is the shape of each part?
  • What parts is the product (or each part of it) assembled from? How many one A which ones? How many different ones? What is the shape of the parts? How are they connected? e parts in the product: movable, fixed, connector? What is the connection made with? Are additional parts or pieces needed for assembly? TO A What is the design feature of the product?
  • What materials is the product made of? What are their properties? Why were they used to make the product?
  • What tools will be needed for the job?

For example, the teacher shows a sample of the product (Fig. 1, a), made in ma With headquarters 2:1, and asks students questions:

What is this? What can this product be used for? (This is a bookmark, we will need it for the textbook).

What parts does a bookmark consist of? What is the purpose of each? (A bookmark consists of a base and decoration).

Which part is the main one? (The main part is the base, it can serve as a staking d without any decoration).

Which part is the most time-consuming? (Decoration).

What is the shape of the base? How many parts does it have? (The base has four X coal mold, it is made of one piece).

What parts does the other part decoration consist of? (The ornament of the decoration is made up of a circle and parts of a circle).

How many and what details make up the ornament? Draw them and count the number of identical ones. (Students called to the board depict 1 whole circle, 2 half circles, 4 parts of ¼ circle and 6 parts of 1/6 circle (Fig. 1, b). O With Talented students draw on sheets of paper.).

How many whole circles will need to be prepared for all the parts? (4 whole circles).

How are the parts connected to form a product? (Parts are glued on).

What materials is the product made of? (The base is made of dense b at magicians, decoration from thinner and more colorful).

What other material will be needed? (You will need glue).

What tools will be needed for the job? (For work you will need a pencil, compass, ruler, scissors, brush and everything necessary for working with glue).

Planning for the upcoming tic activities of children:

Oral drawing up of a general plan for upcoming labor actions based on the PIK or GIK, TIC and a sample of the product. According to the maps And The teacher must provide instructions, showing step by step and discussing with the children the sequence of work actions.

When introducing a child to the product of labor, based on the PIK or other IC, the teacher asks leading questions. Every detail is a help p e the child in understanding what is shown in the picture or drawing, what is the basic shape, dimensions, what operations need to be performed. There is collective planning of work in which the whole class takes part. This stage involves choosing and finding the optimal afterbirth A performance of the product. We start with the question: “Where do we start? A bot? , "What will we do next?" etc. Carrying out planning with op. O drawing on a drawing (GIK), it is necessary to take into account that children in elementary school do not build a drawing, they perform technological operations: markings, drawing e knowledge and other operations. Students work according to the teacher’s finished drawing.

To start working on the drawing, you need to read it using the following questions(Freitag " Technical labor lesson in primary schools With sah", p. 15, drawing reading, GIC, PIC):

Questions for reading a complex drawing:

1. Reading the image.

What is shown in the drawing? Prove it! Show the entire image of a blank part or development. Show the parts of the product on the drawing and name them. What shape is the zag? O forging the part or developing it (if it is geometrically correct)?

2. Review of product design.

How will the parts of the product be connected? (Movable, motionless, plugged in). S p O by what power will the connection be made?

3. Reading sizes.

What are the dimensions of the workpiece parts? What does such and such size mean? What about b What is the overall size of the workpiece?

4. Planning of technological operations.

What operations need to be performed to manufacture the product? What does line such and such mean? What is the procedure for performing these operations (marking along the dimensions T specific sizes, dimensions, marking according to private dimensions, bending, cutting along the contour and cuts, assembling the product).

For example:

  1. review of the product drawing.

(What is shown in the picture? What can this product be used for? e Lie? This is an envelope for storing scraps of fabric, paper or seeds.)

(What is its general shape? Rectangular.)

(What parts does the product consist of, what is the purpose of each? Front and rear d The front walls form the envelope itself, the side flaps for assembling the product, more b Use the top flap to close the envelope.)

(How many parts is the product assembled from? The product is made from one part a development, more precisely, a pattern.)

  1. review of the drawing.

(What is shown in the drawing? Unwrapped envelope. Prove it! If you mark and cut out such a unwrapped pattern, bend it along the fold lines and glue it together, it will be n vert. Accompanied by display on the drawing.)

(Show and name the parts of the product in the drawing and picture. The student names and shows.)

(What are the dimensions of the front wall of the envelope? 90*60mm. What can you say about the dimensions back wall? They are equal to the dimensions of the front wall. What does it mean? A Do you think the size is 15*60mm? This is the size of the side flap (etc.). What are the dimensions T What is the size of the entire workpiece? 120*145mm.)

3. work planning.

(What operations need to be performed to manufacture the product? In what order should they be performed? Marking, then cutting to overall dimensions, folding A cutting, cutting along the contour, gluing.)

Reading the Operational Drawing of the Reamer

Using the example of reading an operational drawing of a boat development details of the counting material.

What is shown in the picture? General view of the “Boat” product. What is its general shape? The ship has the shape of a square, but with its corner turned downwards.

What is shown in the first drawing? Blank for a boat: it is square and its sides are 5 cm. What needs to be done based on the drawing? Mark and cut blanks 5*5cm.

What is shown in the second drawing? Marking lines are drawn from corner to corner. The workpiece needs to be marked.

What is shown in the third drawing? Cut line. The workpiece needs to be e follow the marking line to the center.

What is shown in the fourth drawing? Fold line. One part of the triangular shape needs to be folded along the marking line.

What is shown and what needs to be done based on the fifth drawing? Spread the bent part with glue on the front side and glue it.

On the operational drawing, the image itself is read first, then the size e ry and conditional lines that help determine the operations necessary for making O heating of the product.

Reading the Graphic Instruction Card(GIK).

Always carried out after analyzing the sample or its drawing. An example of reading a graphical instruction card (GIC) for making a paper stack n chika:

  • What is shown in the first picture? Blank for a cup.
  • What shape is it? It is square, but one corner is turned down.
  • What is shown in the second picture? Fold line. Need a blank O live corner to corner.
  • What is shown in the third picture? Folded workpiece. She became tr e coal form. What else is shown in this picture? The fold line is shown. You need to fold the bottom right corner.
  • Look at the fourth picture to see how to fold the lower right corner O lok? The corner should touch the opposite side of the workpiece, its connection O The bare edges are directed in the same way as the bottom fold. What else is shown in this picture? Fold the lower left corner in the same way as the right one.
  • What is shown in the fifth picture? Folded workpiece. Fold line p O indicates that you need to bend the top corners. To do this you need a workpiece R Bring the top corners down.
  • What is shown in the sixth picture? The upper corners are bent in two directions And opposite sides. The workpiece must be turned upside down. Glass g about comrade

Reading the GIK is more difficult for students in that, in addition to reading the image itself, the dimensions and conventional lines that help determine the operations necessary to manufacture the product (as when reading an operational drawing), it is necessary to indicate with a word all the spatial changes in the workpiece when making a product from it.

In parallel with the analysis of the GIC, PIK or TIC, a plan is being drawn up A students' work on the product and in practical activities with practical e skim actions of students, i.e. the order of operations, which is drawn up using action verbs (mark, cut, paste, draw, etc.); the plan can be drawn up orally, and a note on the board is made in advance and opened only after it has been drawn up. At this stage, we activate the rules of safe work in the course of a certain order of operations. If the implementation of the product is designed for several lessons, then planning of the work time is carried out. Teach e They outline how many points of the plan can be completed in this lesson. After finishing the joint planning of the children’s upcoming practical activities, we once again repeat the entire process of work, using the plan on the board (if there are difficulties, IR), asking the weakest students A students or those who were distracted during the analysis. Then we ask the class: “Are there any questions about making the product?” If necessary, we answer questions, then close the work plan on the board and the children And get to work.

Practical work on making a product:

This stage is reserved for¢ the majority of the lesson, approximately 25-30 minutes, depending on the total duration of the lesson. Practical work can be completed independently with individual instruction from the teacher. A spoken by the teacher or under the commentary of the teacher, children.

Forms of practical work:

Individual: the student independently evaluates the tasks facing him, outlines ways to complete them, mastering all technological e ski process.

Collective: it makes sense to conduct it when there is no opportunity to n individual production of the product, quite brightly and clearly O demonstrate certain artistic ideas or if for the purpose of O It will take too much time for an individual student to cook.

Group: children perform individual products in groups, after which they can be combined into a common composition.

During practical work, the teacher provides individual assistance O power for students, helping to cope with difficulties or performing individual operations, supports children’s creative decisions, demons T presents to the class the most successful and interesting ideas of individual children.

Teacher’s control over the progress and quality of students’ technical performance O logical operations can be carried out visually.

Once the product has been manufactured, it is checked in action and, if necessary, modified.

During all practical activities, students’ self-control is also important. According to the time of implementation: preliminary, corrective, ascertaining. Particularly important in the elementary grades is corrective (for methods of self-control, see Freytag I.P. Formation of the ability to independently O control in labor lessons // Elementary school, 1985. No. 6).

Lesson summary:

An exhibition and analysis of students’ work is being held with a collective O viewing and discussion.Quality criteria are determined e knowledge of labor operations (accuracy and quality of marking lines, then h accuracy and quality of cut lines, accuracy and quality of fold lines, accuracy and quality of assembly, etc.). Methods for organizing the assessment of children’s work can be different: collective assessment by children of St. O their work displayed on the board, individual assessment of the work by the teacher (when walking around the class or calling students to the table as they finish their work, etc.). Also dThey must express an overall assessment of the products, noting the quality of the work, the availability or T lack of a creative idea, etc. The teacher should encourage children not only for their own achievements, but also for the ability to see them in the work of other students. Conclusions about the lesson are drawn (repetition and generalization of what was covered in the lesson) and 2 marks are given: for work and for performance. l understanding of technological operations.The teacher's overall assessment of the class's work.

Cleaning workplaces.

Children under the guidance of a teacher quiet clean their workplaces.

Making a technology lesson summary

Type of labor : Determined according to program sectionto which this topic relates.For example: processing of paper and cardboard, processing of fabric, with A maintenance, technical modeling, OKORM.

Subject : Reflects the main content of the work in the lesson.The topic should not be confusing b to the product name (dog, hedgehog, etc.), which is only a means, p O allowing the planned content to be implemented. Also, the topic cannot be formulated O may also be used as the name of the material or technique used, type of work (paper, fabric, natural materials or “Applique”, “Paper plastic”, etc..). The topic could be formulated, for example, like this: « Making a bookmark using the pl method e Tenia" or "Making a model of a Karelian house", etc.

Object of labor: This specific productwhich the child must do himself. On example: panel “Flowers”, Christmas tree toy “Lantern”, model of a truck, etc.

Goal: Only one is always formulated and is determined taking into account the following comps about nentov:

To expand polytechnic horizons; acquaintance with properties, types, p about the consequences.

Training in planning work using a sample, graphic drawing, instruction cards.

Formation and improvement of practical skills.

For example: Teach students how to make decorative appliqué or Teach and h prepare a sculpture of a pet (of your choice) from plasticine or Teach and h prepare a model of a truck...

Tasks :

A) educational: Aimed at developing general and specialized knowledge and skills in students:

the ability to organize your work and your workplace, a place for collective work,

ability to analyze work assignments and plan work,

ability to use technical drawings, instruction cards,

Ability to mark material different ways, as well as basic technological operations.

possession of knowledge about production, properties of materials, as well as basic technological operations.

possession of knowledge about people’s professions, technology, etc.

For example: introduce the concept of “Application” and its types...

b) developing : Aimed at improving the child’s sensory sphere, h the development of his figurative and logical thinking, spatial representation, cons T manual and creative abilities, as well as the development of fine motor skills (fine muscles of the fingers).For example: developing fine motor skills in students...

c) educational : They assume education in a row positive qualities and damn x A character: hard work, perseverance, patience, accuracy, frugality, etc.For example: nurturing a careful attitude towards materials.

Equipment :

a) materials : - this is what the product will be made from,for example: paper, cardboard, glue, natural materials...

b) tools : - this is what the product will be used to make, for example: but faces, pencil, ruler, glue brush, stack...

c) devices : - this is what helps to perform the product, for example: templates, glue enamel, a cloth for rubbing glue, a box for litter...

e) visibility : - this is what helps to imagine the future product and its manufacturing process about cooking, for example: a sample of the product in full size and in an enlarged size (so that children sitting at the last desks can see it clearly), instructions And onal maps, literary, illustrative series.

Graphic design of the board:

During the classes : presented in a table

Structural units of the lesson:

Teacher's activities:

Suggested answers and student activities x xia:

Organizing time

Conversation and message of the lesson topic

Experiments and observations

Product sample analysis or

Product design sample analysis

Planning the upcoming practical e children's activities

Practical work on making a product

Lesson summary

Cleaning workplaces

Methodological analysis of a technology lesson

First stage - self-analysis and assessment.The topic and tasks are named. The program of action that was outlined to achieve the objectives is briefly outlined, and the plan is justified n The structure of the lesson, the logic of choosing these stages. Comparison of the planned course of the lesson with its actual course, analysis of the reasons for deviation from the original plan, justification for the and marriages and failures.

Self-analysis of the lesson.

Was it possible to implement the planned plan? Which of your plans was achieved best? What moments in the lesson were unexpected?

Does the content of the lesson meet the requirements of the program, are there any deviations? e niya? Why?

Were all questions and tasks addressed to children competently and clearly formulated? about the Vans?

Have you noticed any mistakes of your own, including speech ones?

Have you paid attention to the formation of logical ability to analyze, compared And draw conclusions, give examples; special observation skills e niya, work with tools? What are the reasons for non-compliance (insufficient s fulfillment) of these requirements?

How were the educational, educational, developmental tasks of the lesson solved? Dosti Are they chickpeas?

Is the planned lesson structure followed?

Was there a differentiated approach to students in the class during the learning process? e nia? Did all students actively participate in the lesson? Was time wasted? How to avoid this?

What visual aids are used? different stages lesson? Their effectiveness in news?

In self-analysis, it is necessary to draw conclusions for yourself, in which it is advisable to evaluate the following:

How fully the lesson objectives were achieved.

The correctness of the chosen methodology, didactic materials, TSO, etc.

Difficulties in preparing and conducting a lesson, which are caused by:

  1. level of students' preparation;
  2. their attitude towards work;
  3. the level of material and technical base of labor training;
  4. the level of the methodological base of labor training;
  5. characteristics of the class and individual students;
  6. level of personal theoretical and practical training; personal characteristics O of the trainee himself.

General self-assessment of the lesson (what of the plans was implemented, the reasons for failures).

Second stage of lesson analysis- discussion of the lesson with colleagues: student interns, methodologist, teacher.

What type of content can this lesson be classified as?

How appropriate are the lesson objectives? Do they correspond to the type of this lesson?

Does the planned system of actions of the student trainee correspond to the type of lesson and the assigned tasks?

To what extent are the real actions of the student trainee in the lesson adequate to what would happen? s What was originally planned?

Which tasks in the lesson were reproductive and which were creative in nature? A how much were they worth? What developmental moments can be noted?

How appropriate are the forms of organization of work used in the lesson? A who are? What is overall rating speech of a student trainee (its correctness, accuracy, expressiveness; mastery of special concepts and the appropriateness of their use and niya)?

What is the general assessment of the behavior and activity of the student trainee in the lesson (level O a touch of intelligence, ability to manage a class, goodwill, demanding b ity, competence, artistry)?

Was the student trainee able to establish contact with the children, follow the logic of their answers and take into account the students’ judgments in the dialogue?

Did the lesson develop an attentive, interested and engaged student? T positive attitude of students towards each other? What did this mean?

To what extent have the tasks been achieved overall? What are the grounds for this judgment? e niya?

What wishes might a student intern have?

Grades are required for technology lessonsspecific aspects of the lesson:

  • organization and methodology of induction training;
  • compliance with safety regulations;
  • self-control, independent work of students;
  • level of use of technological documentation;
  • compliance with graphic culture in the classroom;
  • the use of new tools, devices and work techniques.

Standards for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities of students in technology in primary school

In 1st grade, students are not given marks for their knowledge and skills, but are given a verbal assessment: good, excellent. If the work is done poorly, the teacher shows the student what and how to change or do to make the product better. Grades are given starting from 2nd grade for the performance of the product as a whole, for individual technological operations; for the ability to draw up a work plan, conduct experiments, determine the properties of materials, etc. A correctly name materials and tools, determine their purpose, name the rules for safe work with them; for the ability to distinguish between flowers and ornamental seeds and ovo sch ny plants, for growing plants and caring for them.

Implementation of the product as a whole

Mark "5" awarded for error-free and accurate execution of the product with O observing safety rules for working with tools (taking into account the ability to choose a tool in accordance with the material used, as well as maintaining order in the workplace throughout the lesson).

Mark "4" is set taking into account the same requirements, but correction is allowed without violating the design of the product.

Mark "3" exhibited if the product is not made accurately enough, but without violating the design of the product. For demonstrated independence and creative performance l The grade for completed work can be increased by one point or assessed with an additional mark. A product with a design violation that does not meet its intended purpose is not rated e becomes unfavorable, it is subject to correction and alteration. For the finished product during inspection h All students are given a grade on their work. (Tests are carried out every quarter and at the end of the year. They can be a test of mastery of individual operations after a certain number of lessons or as a final lesson on types of work.)

2. Separate technological operations

Mark "5" awarded for accuracy of execution various types markings, ra With cutting materials; correct bending; making uniform stitches; accuracy of making products from designer parts according to the sample or drawing; be h erroneous recognition of large seeds of vegetable and flower and ornamental plants, proper care behind indoor plants without adult reminders; economical and p A rational use of materials and tools depending on their purpose; ability to draw up a work plan on leading questions (2nd grade), independently with O make a plan after a collective analysis of the product design (3rd grade), draw up a plan after an independent analysis of the product (4th grade); the ability to demonstrate a product in action (2nd grade), with an explanation (3rd and 4th grades).

Mark "4" is set if the student made an inaccuracy (up to 3 mm) when marking, when cutting deviation from the marking line by 1 mm, irrational use of m A terial; maintained order in the workplace after the teacher’s reminder; upon recognizing A when researching 4-5 types of seeds, he made no more than one mistake; drew up a work plan for the recovery I general questions of the teacher (2nd grade), together with the teacher (3rd grade), independently composed A made a plan for the upcoming work with 1 error (4th grade).

Mark "3" is set if the student made an inaccuracy when marking: from 3 to 10 mm in the 2nd grade, from 2 to 5 mm in the 3rd grade, up to 2 mm in the 4th grade; used material uneconomically (2nd grade), irrationally used material and tools (3rd grade), maintained order in the workplace only with a reminder from the teacher; when recognizing seeds and shoots, he made 2-3 mistakes; when working with designer parts, he loosely tightened the nuts and did not use the locknut; when drawing up a work plan on leading questions, the teacher made 3 logical errors (2nd grade), when drawing up a work plan together with the teacher, he made 3 logical errors (3rd grade), when independently drawing up a work plan for the manufacture of products, he made 2 logical errors (4 th class). For aboutъ efficiency of assessing the knowledge and skills of students, it is necessary to keep records of mastery of the rules O grammatical requirements for each child. An approximate scheme for recording program knowledge and skills for 1st grade is given below. By analogy, a teacher can draw up a diagram for grades 2-4. Assessment can be objective if the teacher plans to survey and observe students. In the lesson plan, he writes down the names of 3-4 students, whom he will observe how they maintain order in the workplace throughout the lesson, 3-4 students, whose ability to accurately mark details on the material, 3-4 students skills correctly and accurately cut along marking lines, the next 3-4 students will have the ability to carefully work with glue, perform stitches or work, observing the rules for safe work with tools in technical or agricultural lessons T military labor. If a student copes poorly with the task that the teacher checks, then the teacher is obliged to show the child again how to do the work correctly. In this at In tea, the assessment is given after several lessons. This is how individual work with students is carried out in the classroom.Thus, the teacher gives several grades for a lesson, but all of them will be assigned for certain knowledge and skills.

Forms of student work

Independent preparation and conducting technology lessons using modern technology e exchange technologies.

Preparation and conduct of various types of extracurricular work in the artistic and aesthetic cycle of disciplines.

Professional skills and knowledge

The student must:

  • know primary educational standard general education by technology (see appendix);
  • be able to select the content and optimal methods of training and education, both With nurturing effective learning activities, activity, independence, and cognitive interest of students;
  • be able to analyze the content of experimental (alternative) programs and textbooks, make necessary changes to the content of the material being studied, select and develop didactic and visual material;
  • master the methods of humanizing the educational process in science and a primary school;
  • be able to carry out an individual approach to students, combine individual b nual, group and collective activities of junior schoolchildren in academic and extracurricular work in artistic and aesthetic disciplines;
  • be able to develop materials for conducting the educational stage of the experiment and implement them in practice at school.

Criteria for assessing student activities

When evaluating a lesson, the methodologist should focus on skills, compiling Yu that form the basis of the teacher’s activities in preparing and conducting a lesson. When analyzing a lesson taught by a student, the methodologist is guided by the following criteria:

The student’s ability to determine the place of a given lesson in the system of the entire topic;

The ability to correctly formulate the topic, lesson goals, and implement them in the lesson;

The ability to determine the structure of a lesson in accordance with the purpose and logical connections between individual fragments;

The ability to organize children’s cognitive activity in the classroom, ensure the choice of optimal teaching methods and techniques;

The ability to set an educational task and implement it in the content of the lesson and in the choice of method;

The ability to formulate questions and tasks for students, put them in a certain sequence evidence;

Ability to organize work with a textbook and other teaching aids in the classroom;

Ability to establish interdisciplinary connections;

The ability to control the process and results of educational work, evaluate student achievements.

As a result, the methodologist determines whether the goals of the lesson have been achieved, whether the intended plan has been implemented, expresses his wishes for the student’s further work and evaluates the lesson as a whole.

“Excellent” - given for a lesson prepared independently and creatively (Art. e the level of independence increases from stage to stage of teaching practice), at which the assigned tasks are solved; the content and scope of the educational material are correctly determined e rial; optimal methods and techniques of work were used; students have mastered the lesson material; they have formed the necessary ideas and concepts on the topic; maximum b but students’ independent work has intensified; the stages of the lesson are followed and with them O dimension; visual materials and other teaching aids are effectively used e nia; grades are given objectively; the student did not make factual and methodological errors, discovered general, pedagogical and speech culture.

“Good” - given to a lesson that satisfies all the basic requirements for an excellent lesson, but has some vagueness in the work of the student n that; the student made minor factual and methodological errors; did not sufficiently maintain the proportionality of the stages of the lesson, etc.

“Satisfactory” - given for a lesson in which the goals and objectives are not fully achieved; the work was unclear in nature, some errors were made in the design O zheniya factual material.

“Unsatisfactory” - given for a lesson in which the goals and objectives were not met. s full; full students did not understand the material; the student made rough factual and method And logical errors; The cognitive activity of students was not stimulated.

The mark “unsatisfactory” is also given for failure to attend class without a valid excuse. And ranks and without warning.






  • acquisition initial technological knowledge, labor skills and abilities, their applications e knowledge in practical activities;
  • formation ideas about the role of human labor in the creation of objects in the surrounding world, initial ideas about the world of professions;
  • development creative abilities,spatial imagination, sensory and fine m o torics of hands in the process of various types of technological activities;
  • upbringing hard work, perseverance, respect for people and results y yes;
  • mastery practical ways of planning, organizing and objectively assessing one’s activities, applying the rules of cooperation in collective activities;
  • receiving experience in practical activities to create personal and social value And my objects of labor.

The implementation of these goals is achieved as a result of mastering the following educational content.

general labor knowledge, abilities, skills and methods of activity

Human labor activity. World of professions ( general idea about the features of various private professions). Traditional crafts. Family work traditions.Objects of the man-made world.Modern technology.The impact of human technological activities on the environment and human health (general view). Organization of labor activities. Fast A setting goals, planning, evaluating your activities. Distribution of working hours. Implementation development of cooperation andcooperation in the labor process. The ability to rationally place tools and materials in the workplace, restore order in the workplace after completion e activities. Compliance with safe labor practices when working with various tools n tami and materials. Modeling of simple objects (initial design skills): putting forward an idea, search for a solution and collective selection of the best option,choosing the means to achieve the goal,product manufacturing, evaluation of results.


(practical experience).

Variety of materials: natural materials, wood, paper, cardboard, metal, fabric, plastic materials (naming, comparison, use). Areas of application of various materials. Selection of materials according to their properties. Preparing materials for work. Berezhnoe and with use and economical spending materials Finding and applying information to solve e practical tasks: determining the shape, dimensions, assembly sequence and manufacturing e research of products according to drawings, diagrams and drawings. Marking parts using templates and using marking tools (ruler, square, compass). Using measurements to decide e of practical and educational tasks. Product quality assessment and control. Identification of defects and their elimination.

Production of planar and volumetric products from various materials. Basic technical O logical operations: cutting, sculpting, embossing, weaving, bending, folding. Methods with O unification of product parts. Sequence and brief description of operations. Decoration and finishing of products. Creation of products and decorative compositions according to your own plans.

Assembling products from designer parts. Typical details. Mastering the techniques of assembling and dismantling products from designer parts.Assembly of models and mock-ups of machines, mechanisms, and R architectural structures, electrical appliances from designer parts. Manufacture of a product according to a technical drawing, assembly diagram, sample. Making changes to the product design. Checking the model in action. Creating a product according to your own design.

Housework. Minor repairs to clothing and household items. Decorative design about household utensils and housing. Simple book repair.

Understanding the purpose and use of household appliances.Modern Appliances . Safety precautions for usehousehold electrical appliances. Economical consumption of electricity to three-energy.



  • talk about the role of work in a person’s life;
  • represent the consequences of the influence of human technological activity on the environment Yu living environment and human health;
  • name the scope and purpose of various machines, technical devices and n instruments;
  • name the properties and areas of application of various materials.
  • Be able to:
  • based on observation, compare and highlight the features of the content of various professional with this;
  • organize and plan one’s own work activities and monitor its progress;
  • model simple objects from mechanical construction parts and various materials according to your own design;
  • identify materials by external signs using different sensations;
  • based on comparison, correlate the properties of materials and their scope of application;
  • obtain the necessary information about the object of activity using pictures, diagrams and drawings;
  • evaluate the results of your activities in accordance with the assigned task.


  • follow the sequence of technological operations during the manufacture and assembly of products e lia;
  • apply information to solve technological problems;
  • make products from available materials according to a sample; sketch, drawing;
  • assemble models of simple objects from construction kit parts according to a sample, sketch, assembly diagram e me;
  • carry out decorative design and finishing of products;
  • carry out minor repairs to clothing and household items;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene and safe methods of working with materials, tools at cops, electrical appliances;
  • cooperate in the labor process.
Home > Lesson

T.B. Vidovskaya






Council of State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education

Anzhero-Sudzhensky College

"____" ___________________ G.

Reviewer: G.V. Stepanenko , teacher of methods of visual arts at the State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education Anzhero - Sudzhensky Pedagogical College. V Vidovskaya T.B. . Organization of technology corners in elementary schools: guidelines for students. – Anzhero-Sudzhensk: State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education Anzhero-Sudzhensk Pedagogical College, 2008 – 41 p. These recommendations contain advisory and methodological material on organizing technology lessons taking into account the requirements of developmental education, and an approximate structure of manual labor lessons. Suggested: sample lesson summary; methodological analysis of a labor training lesson; conversations, laboratory work on working with paper and cardboard, fabric and fibrous materials, plastics; riddles, crosswords, puzzles and proverbs used in labor lessons. Methodological recommendations are addressed to students of the Pedagogical College, teaching methodologists, and supervisors of teaching practice in specialty 050709 Teaching in primary grades. ©GOU SPO Anzhero-Sudzhensky Pedagogical College © Vidovskaya T.B., 2008


Types of manual labor lessons………………………………………..

Classification of lessons according to the content of the work………………….

Classification of lessons according to the nature of students’ cognitive activity……………………………………………………….

Lesson structure…………………………………………………….



Annex 1……………………………………………………….

Appendix 2……………………………………………………….

Appendix 3……………………………………………………….

Appendix 4…………………………………………………….


It is very important for the future teacher to understand those scientific positions that determine the selection of specific content for manual labor lessons. In a comprehensive school it is necessary to prepare the creators of the modern subject environment (in the broadest sense of the word) and its consumers, i.e. people who understand quite well what a harmonious living environment is. The content of labor lessons constitutes an integral system. Their distinctive feature is that they are based on objective-practical activity, which in turn provides the child, first of all, with sensory knowledge of reality. The need to create these recommendations arose because students take the discipline “Methodology of teaching labor technology with a workshop” in the first year of study, and technology lessons are taught in the second year. Methodological recommendations developed for students of specialty 050709 will help refresh students’ previously acquired knowledge. The proposed advisory and methodological material will assist students in organizing cooperation with students in technology lessons. The purpose of the proposed recommendations is to help ensure general developmental, creative activities.


Systematization of labor lessons is possible for various reasons: by materials used in work, by educational operations, by didactic goals, methods of organization, etc. If we start, for example, from didactic purpose, then the typology of manual labor lessons will be the same as any other lessons: lessons on learning new material, lessons on repeating and consolidating acquired knowledge and skills, generalization lessons, control lessons, and probably the most common type (as in other academic subjects in primary school) there will be a combined labor lesson. Of course, any other classification accepted in didactics is also applicable to these lessons, since this academic subject is built on the same principles as all others. In determining the types of manual labor lessons, it makes sense to turn to those specific grounds that are the most essential and determining for labor training.

Classification of lessons according to work content

Three main types of lessons can be distinguished: a) rational-logical (solving logical problems); b) emotional and artistic (creating an artistic image); c) formative techniques and practical work skills. The characteristics of cognitive processes and the nature of activity in each of them are directed differently. Rational-logical tasks require a fairly rigid and unambiguous analysis of the design and the establishment of a completely definite, unified logic of operation. Such tasks include everything that is predominantly comprehended by the mind and less evaluated emotionally: for example, puzzle applications (the so-called planar design), volumetric design, symmetrical cutting tasks, bookbinding work, marking, calculation and measurement constructions and calculations, etc. Many of them are constructed by analogy with mathematical tasks or psychodiagnostic tasks aimed at testing spatial constructive thinking and analytical abilities. The main thing in such work is to analyze the design, identify what principle the relative arrangement of parts is subject to, establish methods of work, etc. These problems are solved rationally; In such lessons, calculations, calculations, sketches, drawings, diagrams are appropriate. The creativity that students exhibit here will be predominantly of an intellectual nature. Of course, most often there are works in which rational-logical tasks constitute only some part of the entire activity. Products that do not imply any artistic diversity at all are quite rare. Even those forms and compositions that are created purely rationally, thanks to their

Calibrated, harmonies are usually not devoid of artistic expressiveness, and the work of students in such lessons itself is of an aesthetic nature. However, the main content of work in such lessons is, as a rule, a logical analysis of the design of the product. Unlike them emotional and artistic tasks involve the search and embodiment of an original artistic image that expresses an emotional state or some artistic idea. These are, for example, various artistic compositions on a plane, toys from eggshells, modeling animals from plasticine, sculptures from natural materials, etc. In such work there is no place for strict regulation; they cannot be carried out according to a single plan. Moreover, it is unlikely that any kind of “work planning” would be appropriate here at all, since it would contradict its very character and psychological nature artistic creativity. Each such product is “composed” by creatively combining materials, and the direction of the search may change as the work progresses. In general, in such lessons, all means (including materials, methods of processing them, etc.) are most often presented to children in a variety of options, since they relate to the special artistic content that each student seeks to express in his work. If these tools turn into only a set of technical techniques and rules, then they will immediately, automatically, become indifferent to this content, which will deprive students of any meaning. When performing emotional and artistic tasks, the child, if possible, will independently determine the color, shape of individual parts of his product, and their overall composition. He can also independently select the material and the most suitable methods of processing it. With all these means he tries to express some idea, convey a mood, attitude, create an image. The teacher’s task in such a lesson is to awaken as much as possible and, if possible, expand and enrich the children’s imaginative impressions. As you can see, the types of lessons indicated above differ significantly in their tasks and content, therefore, the organization of children’s activities in them should also be different. At the same time, the names of products and the formulation of topics that are offered to students may even have a certain similarity. As for the materials and methods of processing them, they may generally be the same, and this circumstance will not in any way affect the characteristics of a particular lesson. For example, in the textbook “Skillful Hands” for grade 1 there are two lessons in which paper applications depicting birds are made (pp. 36-37 and 40-41). The first job of creating an image with a bird is a typical logical task. Students through rational reasoning establish patterns, in accordance with which the feathers in the bird’s tail alternate in color and size, and must accurately reflect these patterns in the appliqué. And the second work involves the creation of an artistic composition “The Birds Have Arrived!”, in which, through a certain rhythmic arrangement of paper-cut birds, first-graders express mood the coming spring, its “movement”,

Her rhythms. In both cases, when announcing the topic of the lesson to the students, you can say that “today we will create appliqué pictures with birds.” However, does this mean that the management of work in both lessons will be the same? No, on the contrary, the lessons will differ markedly. It is known that the main work of explaining the task is carried out in the process introductory conversation. It is at this stage of the lesson that the active work children, the results of which are then embodied in the product. The main purpose of the conversation is update children’s existing knowledge and ideas and supplement them with new ones, in the volume and quality necessary for successful performance of work. Based on this general didactic requirement for the introductory conversation, we understand that in the first of the lessons under consideration it does not make sense to use serious artistic and figurative material; There is also no need to dwell in detail on the signs of spring, its images. Taking this into account, the album provides appropriate visualization: a color wheel, a small model of a bird, from which students determine the total number and order of feathers; Templates are also provided, using which children can complete the task of classifying feathers by size. All this will help children understand the patterns in accordance with which the application was created. During the conversation for this Lesson, the teacher directs the logical reasoning of the children; it is also necessary to update their knowledge about various colors (but not at all about color as a means of artistic expression, but simply to make sure that each student can distinguish, for example, blue from light blue and distinguishes all other colors, i.e. will be able to solve the corresponding task) and the ability to compare individual elements by size. Additionally, in this lesson, you can offer first-graders another logical problem: since out of the seven feathers in the tail of a bird, two smallest, one largest and four medium ones stand out (accordingly, three templates of different sizes are offered), is it necessary to mark each feather separately or can streamline work? First-graders enjoy solving similar problems, which are quite appropriate here. And for completing the artistic composition “The birds have flown!” completely different knowledge and ideas will be relevant, for example, how nature comes to life with the onset of spring, how birds fly in, how they rhythmically line up in flight, and what different states can be conveyed by different spot rhythms (the arrangement of bird silhouettes in the composition). It is desirable that this image in the minds of children be as bright and lively as possible, therefore, as an illustration for this lesson, the textbook “Skillful Hands” provides a picture depicting the flight of birds (high above the ground, against the backdrop of a spacious and bright sky). The teacher can use other similar visual materials, as well as a filmstrip or video showing birds in flight, so that children get an idea of ​​the expressiveness and variety of flying silhouettes, their orderly and rhythmic formation during flight, etc. In the introductory conversation to such works, they use

Artistic works (musical, poetic works, paintings) that will help each child “see” the corresponding image and create a plan. According to this plan, the student will select the material and find suitable ways to process it. For some image, for example, a piece of paper needs to be cut, for another it needs to be torn off, and for a third it needs to be crumpled into a ball or bent. Technologies and work practices are used creatively and meaningfully; The child himself can choose the material and the method of processing it, depending on the effect that needs to be obtained. Another thing is that a first-grader still has little idea of ​​exactly what effects and through what techniques can be achieved, because he does not have enough practical experience. But such tasks are aimed at expanding this experience. During the introductory conversation, the teacher can demonstrate analogue samples of creative works and draw the children’s attention to what techniques the author used in them; must be shown several possible ways use of certain materials. Children should have a choice, and the techniques shown should allow for the possibility of creative combinations. In addition, in such lessons, the creative discoveries of individual children are demonstrated as they work, which further expands first-graders’ ideas about the possibilities of materials and stimulates them to independently search. It should be borne in mind that some lessons involve the combination (but not mixing!) of rational-logical and artistic principles, and the development of practical techniques is included to one degree or another in almost every lesson. For example, cutting out a snowflake from paper develops students’ spatial thinking and their ability to analyze the design (since this form is specially constructed from symmetrically located links). At the same time, in it nature itself combined strict mathematical calculation with the grace of lines, harmony and sophistication of the design, which create a vivid artistic impression. Therefore, in the lesson, while mastering the principle of making a figure with several axes of symmetry, we still place the main emphasis on the figurative side of the work. The rational-logical and artistic directions are combined in a very special way in those classes that are devoted to the manufacture of products with a specific utilitarian purpose (potholders, dishes, packaging, etc.); Most of them are in the design education course. These are the lessons artistic design, beauty and rationality are inextricably fused in them. How should a teacher approach their development? In the same way, i.e. based on the main substantive core of the work. The fact is that for some of these products the decorative function is predominant (and the design is completely subordinate to it), for others, on the contrary, the main meaning of the product lies in its function (and the decor is of an applied nature). For example, a flower vase or greeting card should first of all be expressive in appearance and highly artistic. Therefore, the shape, size, design features and everything else in these

Objects are thought out and executed based on the impression they should make. Such lessons should be classified primarily as artistic. The structure of products and the methods of their implementation must be analyzed, but this analysis is entirely subordinate to the main thing - how to enhance the artistic impression through the design, choice of material and its processing. And in such products, for example, as a pincushion, a notebook, or a brush stand, the main meaning lies in their useful function. This function must be expressed, first of all, through construction, which is the main subject of analysis in the lesson. Such activities are predominantly rational and logical in nature. Consider, for example, a lesson such as making a needle case in a cover (“Wonderful Workshop,” p. 112). Having focused the children's attention on the fact that the proposed design of the needle case is convenient for storing needles on the road, the teacher guides their further thinking. The product is flat and small so that it is convenient to put it in your wallet. But having the same cover dimensions (6x8 cm), the needle bed can open along the long or short side; Cover layouts may vary. The tasks of drawing sketches of developments and calculating their sizes are very appropriate in this case. Other calculations do not violate the logic of such a lesson. For example, based on the given size of the cover, students can calculate the dimensions of the fabric insert and the paper spine for covering it. Independent calculations in this case will help you better understand the design and will draw attention to the fact that the shape and size of all elements are interconnected. If the teacher simply ordered to work according to the instructions (even with all the necessary explanations why the details should be exactly as they are), the corresponding task would simply disappear from this assignment. As for the artistic design of this pincushion, it is enough to draw the attention of children to the fact that the decor of this product should be restrained. But making a packaging box for a New Year’s gift involves a more “equal” combination of the rational and logical principle with the artistic: children comprehend design boxes from the point of view of its function (depending on the size and proportions of the gift, the size and proportions of the box change) and think through decor, also based on the features of the function (not just a box, but New Year’s, fabulous packaging). IN similar cases The teacher should determine exactly where in the structure of the lesson logical reasoning will be appropriate, and where it is necessary to stimulate the decorative and artistic ideas of schoolchildren. The ability to determine in a particular work its main orientation (rational or emotional) is very important, because in accordance with it, the teacher chooses appropriate methods for guiding the activities of students. To help the teacher in solving this problem, these textbooks for each lesson provide a specific model for its organization. This model is presented in questions, in the formulation of tasks, and in clarity. All information is given very briefly and schematically, but it should be noted

Close attention, since it is she who is the “key” to building a lesson. The teacher can choose any additional material, which helps to better reveal the topic of the lesson, but this is not a mandatory requirement. For each work, our textbooks contain the necessary information that allows you to organize a full-fledged lesson. You just need to use it correctly! Lessons on learning new ways of working It is assumed that most of the time will be devoted to demonstration and step-by-step development of specific practical actions. Such lessons are conducted in cases where it is necessary to master some labor-intensive, but practical techniques that are necessary and used in many works, for example, weaving, sewing, etc. It is clear that, depending on the complexity and labor intensity of the method of work being studied, mastering it requires different time. If necessary whole lesson, then, of course, it will not be in the nature of training exercises, since children learn the necessary methods of work directly in the process of making products. It is entirely acceptable, and often desirable, for such options when learning a new way of working is immediately associated with solving a logical problem or developing a product design. As mentioned earlier, we demonstrate many not-so-labor-intensive techniques virtually constantly, quietly incorporating them into our arsenal creative activity children, especially in artistic works. As for the task of self-sufficient study of the features and properties of craft materials in the form of a “theory,” it is not set, and the teacher does not aim to conduct special experiments and observations. As we have already noted, previously any sensually perceived properties of things and phenomena have meaning for a person not in themselves, but only from the point of view of their vital meaning, and this meaning is best understood in cases where certain properties of materials are taken into account in practical work. If not included in a specific task, special information for a primary school student in itself has no practical meaning; it only burdens the memory with unnecessary information. It is very important that the teacher can clearly show the most diverse, sometimes unexpected techniques for using materials to express one or another conceptoriginal idea or design intent. For example, how the impression changes depending on whether the applique details are cut out with scissors (and have a clear, even edge) or torn off with fingers (which gives the contour a soft character, allows you to convey the air, etc.). During the design process, we note that, for example, the corrugation of paper allows it to withstand large lateral bending loads; Volumetric shapes made from a paper sheet (cube, cylinder, cone, etc.) also acquire new properties that differ from the properties of a flat sheet. All these techniques, of course, are based on the properties of materials, but studying them in elementary school is advisable precisely in the applied sense, in what is related to design, to creative work.

Classification of lessons according to the nature of students’ cognitive activity

From the point of view of the nature of cognitive activity, lessons can be divided into two large groups: a) reproductive; b) creative. They differ from each other mainly in the degree of cognitive activity and creative independence that the student demonstrates in the process of work. In organizing student activities, each of these types of lessons has its own characteristics. Reproductive activities assume the least degree of independence. They are most appropriate in cases where it is necessary to master the necessary system of specific knowledge or methods of action in a relatively short period of time. Lessons are usually organized in a reproductive way, in which it is necessary to master as clearly as possible complex and labor-intensive techniques for processing materials, marking methods, work rules, etc. Such lessons are found both in the first and in all other grades, since as the degree of difficulty increases Solved creative problems, as a rule, require increasingly subtle and complex practical actions. In addition, the program provides for the development of a variety of types of folk crafts. Respectful attitude towards folk traditions requires that the methods of activity developed over centuries be studied as carefully as possible. All this often involves turning to the reproductive type of lessons, in which the teacher demonstrates actions and explains them in detail, and students repeat, reproduce and remember as accurately as possible. Usually this means frontal training of the technique with the provision of individual assistance as needed. As already mentioned, mastering practical techniques should not become an end in itself. Based on the mastered methods of activity, students can perform creative work. Creative lessons assume that creative activity of students is predominant. The organization of these lessons requires the teacher, first of all, to have a clear understanding of the very meaning of creativity. The concept of “creativity” should perhaps be considered one of the most widespread and frequently encountered in the methodology of labor training. In everyday life (including in pedagogy) it is often generally identified with any crafts: exhibitions of “children’s creativity” are replete with products of a purely reproductive nature drawn, copied, and made according to instructions; Everything that a child has made with his own hands is completely unreasonably classified as “creativity.” Even more often in manuals for labor training one can find so-called “creative tasks” or special “creativity pages”, in which “creativity” is, as it were, mechanically attached to the whole

The rest of the (non-creative) work comes down to what the child is asked to contribute. whatever change into a craft, described to the smallest detail in strict instructions. For example, a student first copies a sample (say, a picture using the appliqué technique); The sample is accompanied by templates of all parts (including those that are easier and more expedient to make yourself), explanations are given about the materials and step by step instructions. After this, it is proposed to perform “creative” work; do the same picture, but change something in it. At the same time, it is not explained in any way what exactly should be expected from the changes made, whether the picture should convey a certain mood or whether it changes according to some logical principle - no, it’s quite simple anything do it differently than in the sample, and it will already be creativity! Meanwhile, the psychological nature of creativity has nothing to do with such tasks, and the teacher should understand this well. First of all, we note that creativity involves the creation of something new that does not yet exist in human practice. This could be a new scientific idea, a new artistic image, a new way of doing things, etc. As already mentioned, educational creativity usually does not have objective novelty; Schoolchildren usually discover what is already known to humanity as a whole. However, the essence of creativity remains the same for them: creative activity- discovery, independent search. Taking this into account, those that are the result of direct copying should immediately be deleted from the list of creative works. Taking into account the scientific, psychological and didactic foundations of creative activity forces us to make radical changes in the usual organization of manual labor lessons. First of all, this applies to tasks that would require the student to “independently” make a product, guided by an instruction card detailing the entire course of work. Unfortunately, this understanding of independence in school life is also quite common: “on your own” means on your own, separately from the teacher and from other students. But what is the educational meaning of such “independent” work? If a child works according to prescriptions and instructions, and at the same time makes everything down to the smallest detail according to templates, it does not matter whether these instructions are given directly by the teacher or they are drawn on a card. There is no independent work in this case! Such tasks contradict the scientific understanding of cognitive independence. Speaking about creativity, we should, first of all, pay attention to such works in which the younger student actively develops a product in accordance with the task. It is the task that creates a certain mindset for creative search, makes him think, search necessary methods actions, and not just mechanically copy. Creative activityorganically includes the formulation and solution of problemsituations: they may be of an artistic or logical type, but they necessarily constitute the very essence of the work. Based on this, it makes sense to general outline remind you what exactly in

The psychology of thinking is referred to as problem-based learning. As noted by A.V. Brushlinsky, with problem-based learning, the separation of the processes of obtaining new knowledge and its application is eliminated. With traditional (non-problem-based) training, the necessary knowledge and skills are formed before problem solving; Then tasks are offered in which the student must apply and consolidate this knowledge. With problem-based learning, new knowledge is acquired and discovered precisely in the very process of solving practical and theoretical problems. Of course, these tasks must be really included in the tasks offered to children. Let us illustrate the differences in the problem-creative and reproductive organization of students’ work in simple example. Let's say a teacher shows first-graders (who are learning origami techniques for the first time) how to make a shape similar to a tulip flower from a square of paper, while they compare the resulting product and image of the realflower. Next, the teacher suggests that you independently determine and perform additional folds so that the resulting shape more closely resembles an unopened tulip bud. For clarity, no paper sample is given and, naturally, methods of work are not shown. Only the real bud (or its image) is demonstrated, looking at which students they themselves must think how they can use the more revealed wide shape make it narrow. In this case, they acquire the necessary knowledge: about the figurative nature of origami, ways of obtaining certain forms in this technique, about the diversity of forms of nature, and not in finished form, but by making original creative “discoveries.”

Tulip using origami technique

Now let's try to imagine organizing the same work in a slightly different version. First, students, under the dictation of the teacher, make the same tulip (first “blooming”, then more closed); every time they have a sample in front of their eyes. Then they are given a sample of a slightly different type, where the same shape plays the role of a “bell,” and the task is formulated something like this: “Now make your own picture of a “Bell.” To ensure that children complete the task, patterns for the remaining parts are also provided. - leaf and stem. One might think that the differences between the two described

The most insignificant activities; in any case, in both classes, students do part of the work on their own. However, the second option, unlike the first, is built in the classic style of an information-reproductive lesson; “independent” work on it is purely reproductive, training, not creative in nature. Children essentially do not receive any new knowledge in this work and, of course, do not make any discoveries: the final result of the work (sample) is already before their eyes, the methods of work have just been mastered, all that remains is to consolidate them. How to structure a lesson - reproductive or creative - does not depend on the spontaneous desire of the teacher. This should be justified by the objectives of the lesson. Remembering that the meaning of objective-practical activity is to intensify cognitive processes and creativity, we each time think through which method will be most appropriate in a particular case. E
If the teacher understands the meaning of reproductive and creative activity, then in each of the lessons he will be able to properly organize the preparation of children for work. For example, a reproductive lesson is based on the use of a single model and allows for the construction of a single plan of action. Creative work is prepared and constructed completely differently. Application Artistic creativity, first of all, it involves the child creating an originalimage (expressing a certain mood, attitude, etc.) and the embodiment of thisimage by independently selecting the necessary funds. Therefore, such a lesson excludes work based on a model. At the same time, it is necessary to help students, firstly, to conjure up an appropriate image and, secondly, to find the most suitable ways to implement it. For this purpose, we still use samples in class, but they have a completely different educational meaning. These are not samples to be copied, but samples-analogs, which demonstrate Possible creative solutions assigned task. Using these samples, the teacher explains what exactly needs to be looked for, how it can be done, and what practical actions can be taken. Such an organization creative lesson stems from the psychological nature of creativity, which assumes that in the process of creative search a person still starts from something. “What does not resemble anything does not exist,” Paul Valery rightly noted. Just as creativity and thinking never deal with what is already absolutely known and fully known, it cannot deal with what absolutely it is unknown what has not at least partially entered consciousness. As we have already noted, real creativity is not any meaningless originality, but

Exactly targeted search,consistent with the task at hand. In order for the task and the direction of search to be comprehended by a person, they must be presented in one way or another; This is why there are preparatory, clarifying types of visualization. Let's say a child should compose a composition on some topic (for example, “Festive fireworks” or “Spring is coming!”). On empty space the image cannot arise. The corresponding samples are offered not for copying, but in order to awaken imagination and update existing knowledge. First of all, they give an idea of ​​the image and mood that should be reflected in the composition (in the first case - the mood of a holiday, a solemn and joyful state; images of bright flashes against a dark sky; in the second - the mood of approaching spring, the image of awakening nature: blue sky reflected in water, last snow, spring tree trunks). Samples help to capture this mood, and thus a target work: to express it through the creation of an adequate artistic image. And already he chooses for this image himselfappropriate means, materials and methods of work. Of course, he does this with the help of the teacher, but he does not copy or repeat instructions, but looks for his own solution. Organized in exactly the same way intellectual and logical creative works. First, the child is asked to understand the patterns according to which this or that design is made, and then he must complete the work using these patterns. The purpose of the work for the student, in this case, is to solve a specific problem, in accordance with which, he consciously uses materials and methods of activity. When considering the creative, exploratory activities of children, we should especially focus on the so-called artistic and combinatorial works. They also involve the creation of an original artistic image, but it is developed in a slightly different way, and this activity itself has a specific meaning for students. Artistic-combinatorial tasks are more reminiscent of a kind of play with material, a search for unplanned artistic effects, and the use of unexpected means. This work is very important for children because highest degree promotes the development of flexibility and originality of thinking. It should be remembered that all types of artistic creativity are built on a completely special basis, which does not involve putting forward “scientific hypotheses” (as in intellectual problem situations), but freely operating with appropriate images. It is these qualities that form artistic and combinatorial works. When completing them, schoolchildren, of course, also focus on some kind of plan, but it is specifically set in a very general form. In addition, such tasks are usually associated with the development of something unusual, outlandish, non-existent, so as not to hamper the imagination (this could be, say, a sketch of a house-car, an alien, a fantastic animal, etc.). For example, by constructing “unprecedented toys” (“Wonderful Workshop”, pp. 150-153), children can

Compose them directly as you work. The assignment says that “these toys are entirely a figment of your imagination.” Therefore, the child can experiment freely without fear of ruining the product. Similarly, work can be structured to “transform” a spot of arbitrary shape into some kind of image (“Skillful Hands”, pp. 46-47, “The ABC of Skillful Hands”, p. 57). In such cases, the design is dictated by the associations that arise in children when they see a given form. Initially, these associations may not be very clear, but as the image is embodied, they may change altogether. Stimulating creative work in artistic and combinatorial tasks, the teacher should encourage children to experiment freely and encourage any original solutions. Let us also pay attention to such lessons when schoolchildren create a product according to instructions from ready-made, fully marked parts, cutting them directly from the pages of the album. This is, for example, Santa Claus, a New Year's card, a mask, a frame for a desk. Why are such tasks needed if the main program setting is the development of creative independence, and not work according to instructions? The fact is that similar method allows you to quickly equip children with knowledge and experience in performing more complexdesign techniques(in particular, in paper plastics - techniques for modeling a three-dimensional form from a flat workpiece). All other ways to achieve the same result would require an immeasurably large and essentially unjustified investment of time. And in this case, having become acquainted with the technique, so to speak, “from the hands of the instructor,” the child, based on the finished result, somehow comprehends it, and subsequently consciously uses it in creative activity. In addition, all such tasks require not just reproductive action, but force a meaningful attitude towards work, and, where possible, stimulate creativity and targeted search. At the same time, while managing the technological side of the matter, the teacher, as in other lessons, directs the children’s thinking either along a rational-logical or artistic type. When creating, for example, a figurine of Santa Claus, first-graders, while mastering paper-making techniques common to all, have the opportunity to give the product originality and artistic expressiveness precisely through the creative use of these techniques.


What does the structure of the lesson depend on - the number of stages; their sequences? Should they always be the same or different? There can be only one answer: it all depends on the content and assigned tasks. Each stage carries a certain semantic and emotional load, and together they must be connected into a single, logically coherent whole. A lesson cannot be a kaleidoscope of isolated tasks. Like everyone

The creative act has its beginning; development and completion; 1.Organization of the lesson, establishment of order and discipline. 2. Preparing students for practical work (introductory conversation, story of the teacher);

    Practical work on making a product;

    Summing up the lesson; evaluation of the work done;

    Cleaning the workplace.

Lesson organization. As a rule, if no unusual procedure is planned for students to enter the classroom after a break, the children themselves approach their workplaces. At this time, children are excited, they have not yet calmed down after the break. We need to establish order somehow. There are several options. Sometimes the teacher offers to check if everything is ready for the lesson. Either let the children stand for a few seconds near their tables, or when the children do not have to be calmed and disciplined: just before the bell rings, the teacher, still outside the door, invites them to quietly enter the classroom and take their seats. Thus, the organization of a lesson is a necessary first structural element of a lesson of any type and content, but it can take place in different ways. Preparing students for upcoming practical work. The main purpose of this stage is to update the knowledge, skills and abilities of students: which will be used, replenished and developed in practical work; conversation, analysis of samples - analogues demonstrating possible figurative solutions; methods for constructing certain forms; demonstration of individual technological techniques; musical fragments, slide demonstrations, reading poems. Incorporating elements of play and fun into the lesson. An equally common technique for “preparing students for work” is riddles. Practical work on making a product for schoolchildren can be implemented in various organizational forms: individual or collective. Stage practical production products take up most of the lesson time. Along the way, the teacher provides individual assistance to students and helps them cope with individual operations. Might give me some ideas. Even if a child is working on his own product and implementing an individual plan, it makes sense to support children’s creative communication and exchange of ideas. If the teacher from time to time demonstrates to everyone some unusual solutions, especially successful ideas of individual children. Firstly, it creates an additional incentive for creative exploration; secondly, it helps students not to lose the main focus of their work. Summing up the lesson and evaluating the work done. The main point of this stage of the lesson is not to mark students. And its other content components are much more important. This is a) attracting children's attention to the results obtained, a general assessment of achievements; b) repetition and generalization of what was covered in the lesson; c) developing the ability to review and evaluate works

Each other; d) development of interest and attentive attitude to the creativity of others; e) formation of friendly relationships in the team. More often than other techniques, you can use the organization of an exhibition of student works with their collective viewing and discussion. Cleaning workplaces - each student must put work tools in order, collect garbage from the table and put away materials suitable for further work.


Focusing on developmental learning in labor lessons will help students and future primary school teachers in their difficult work of organizing technology lessons. For teacher-methodologists and heads of teaching practice, this material will help in the process of educational activities to orient students towards a deep and lasting mastery of knowledge, their integration in the process of preparing and undergoing teaching practice, as well as in the process of independent professional development.


    Konysheva N.M., Methods of labor training for junior schoolchildren: Fundamentals of design education. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 1999; Vygonov V.V. Workshop on labor training. – M., 1999; Skillful hands: A textbook-notebook on artistic work for the first grade of elementary school / Konysheva N.M., - M., 1998; Wonderful workshop: Textbook on artistic work for the second grade of elementary school / Konysheva N.M., - M., 1997; Our man-made world (from the world of nature to the world of things): A textbook on artistic work for the third grade of elementary school / Konysheva N.M., - M., 1997; Secrets of the masters: A textbook on artistic work for the 4th grade of primary school / Konysheva N.M., - M., 1998;


Sample lesson summary

2nd grade Lesson topic: Transformations of leaves (creating an image by association). Lesson objectives: 1) developing the ability to examine and study the shape of objects: 2) developing associative thinking, the ability to create an artistic image by association with the shape of an object, 3) developing techniques for creating a frontal composition; 4) strengthening the technique of gluing dried leaves and seeds onto a paper base. Materials,tools,equipment U students: in the middle of the far edge of the table on a stand is the suite textbook “The Wonderful Workshop”; dried leaves in large flat boxes and seeds (arranged in types in small boxes) - in front of the textbook: there is a backing sheet closer: colored paper and sheets of waste paper (10-15 sheets measuring approximately 10 x 15 cm) - in the far left corner, a brush in the stand and jar with glue in the right corner of the table. From the teacher: dried leaves various forms, color and size, sheet of paper approximately 20x30 cm; textbook. Board design At the top in the middle is written the topic of the lesson: “Transformations of leaves.” Below are analogue samples (compositions of dried leaves: owl, firebird, butterflies, fish in an aquarium) hung and covered with a curtain. During the classes

Lesson steps

1. Organizational moment - 1 min. Students enter the classroom and sit down.
2. Announcing the topic of the lesson - 2 minutes. - Look, the topic of today's lesson is written on the board. Read its title (Children are reading) - An unusual topic, right? What do you think our work will be? (Children make assumptions. Answers of this type are also possible: “We will make paintings from dried leaves, we will turn them into paintings...”) - We already made paintings from leaves last time, but we did not call it transformations. But today this word appeared - as if some kind of magic was expected! What could it be? (Perhaps the children will guess and say, for example: “We will turn leaves into different animals.” If not, then the teacher himself indicates the topic.) - To transform means to change the image. So we have to turn simple dried leaves into some kind of image. Let's try to guess: maybe someone is hidden in them, and we will help him free himself. We must be especially attentive and sensitive.
3. Working with the textbook. Analysis of analogue samples – 7 min. Open the textbook on p. 36. Read the text, starting with the title. (Several students take turns reading the text aloud. As they read, the teacher asks them to look at the examples mentioned in the text. Then he We open the analogue samples on the board and draw Lely’s attention to how well the image of each leaf in the compositions was guessed.) - Close the books and put them in stands. (At this time, the teacher again closes the samples on the board) .
4. Exercises. Associative thinking training - 5 min - Let's see how easy it is to be wizards. (Teacher by In turn, shows the children one or two sheets of paper in equal positions, placing them on a sheet of paper, and the students examine and try to guess what they look like. Several students name the images they saw, the rest evaluate their accuracy and originality. The teacher guides the process something like this: “Yes, indeed this leaf in this position looks like a dog’s face: here these upper teeth are like two ears hanging on the sides, and on the bottom there are small teeth that look like hanging wool. What else will need to be added to finally turn this leaf into a dog? That's right, eyes. Of what can they be made? From small flowers? Perhaps. Or from acorn caps." Demonstrates).
5. Practical work of students: 1) selecting leaves, creating an image - 7 min 2) gluing leaves 15 minutes. - Now look carefully at the leaves you have. In whom or what can they be turned into? Place the leaves and seeds selected for work on paper of a suitable color so that you get an expressive composition. Don't glue anything, I'll go through and look at all the work first. (Children create their compositions, and the teacher goes through By class and, if necessary, provides individual assistance.) - Everyone coped with the first part of the work; the transformations turned out to be very interesting. Now we need to complete the work. What needs to be done to prevent our creations from falling apart and disappearing? That's right, glue the leaves and seeds. Remember, in the last lesson we already got acquainted with the rules of this work. What do we know about this? (Children will probably remember that the sheet is smeared with glue from the wrong side, after placing dry newsprint under it. Then the sheet placed in its place in the composition and carefully rub through another piece of paper. You need to handle the leaves especially carefully, as they are very fragile.) - Try not to destroy the composed composition By turn, take the parts and glue them into place. (During the work, the teacher provides children with individual assistance as needed. While the students are completing the work, the teacher removes analogue samples from the board).
6. Exhibition and evaluation of works – 5 min. As the products are ready, the teacher secures them on the board with magnets - Let's see how successfully we worked as magicians today. Which of the transformations presented here seem most successful and interesting to you? Why? The teacher tries once again to attract the children’s attention to the accurate and original “playing out” of the original forms) - Your works will be on the stand by the end of the day, you will be able to look at them more carefully
Summing up the lesson -3 min. - Do you think any leaf can be turned into something? like it or not? How to guess who is hidden in it (Summarizing the children’s answers, the teacher leads them to the conclusion that it is necessary to carefully consider, study the natural form and only after that decide what can be made from it). - What have we learned today? (Carefully examine the leaves, guess who is hidden in them, and release these images.) - And I also want to add that you have begun to work more carefully; not a single fragile leaf has broken or torn today. This is especially important for wizards.
8. Cleaning workplaces The lesson is over. Everyone leaves the classroom so the staff on duty can start cleaning.


Methodological analysis of a labor training lesson

Typically, it is recommended to conduct lesson analysis in two stages. At the first stage, the lesson is analyzed and evaluated by the teacher himself. First of all he once again names its topic and tasks. Then he outlines in general terms what program of action was planned to achieve the set objectives, substantiates the planned structure of the lesson, and the logic of transitions from one stage to another. After this, he compares the planned course of the lesson with the actual course, analyzes the reasons for deviations from the original plan, and justifies achievements and failures. In this case, you can rely on the following questions:

    Which of your plans was achieved best?

    What moments in the lesson were unexpected?

    How successfully did you manage to navigate an unexpected situation?

    What conclusions can be drawn from this for future work?

    Were all questions and tasks addressed to children competently and clearly formulated?

    Did the teacher notice any of his mistakes, including speech errors?

    What failed and why (was there a deviation from the planned actions or were there some other reasons)?

    Have the assigned tasks been completed? From what facts can we draw a conclusion about this?

The second stage of the methodological analysis of the lesson is its discussion by colleagues: students, teacher, methodologist. We might suggest a discussion on the following issues:

    What type of content can this lesson be classified into (artistic, rational-logical, or a lesson in developing practical skills)?

    How appropriate are the lesson objectives? Do they correspond to the type of this lesson?

    Does the teacher’s planned system of actions correspond to the type of lesson and the assigned tasks?

    To what extent are the teacher’s actual actions in the lesson adequate to what was originally planned? How successful were the undertaken deviations from the plan?

    Which tasks in the lesson were reproductive and which were creative in nature, and how appropriate were they? What developmental moments of the lesson can be noted?

    How appropriate are the forms of organizing student work used in the lesson?

    What is the overall assessment of the teacher’s speech (its correctness, accuracy, expressiveness; mastery of special concepts and appropriateness of their use)?

    What is the general assessment of the teacher’s behavior and activities in the classroom (level of intelligence, ability to manage a class, friendliness, demandingness, competence, artistry)?

    Was the teacher able to establish contact with the children, monitor the logic of their answers and take into account the students’ judgments in the dialogue?

    Did the students develop an attentive, interested and sympathetic attitude towards each other during the lesson? What did this mean?

    To what extent have the tasks been achieved overall? What are the grounds for this judgment? What wishes could a teacher have?


Conversations and laboratory work in lessons on the topic “Paper and cardboard”

Paper is an artificial material invented and made by people from materials they find in surrounding nature. Notebook, blotter, cover, wallpaper are made from spruce wood (tell us how it is made). Experience 1. Why, before tearing a sheet of paper, if we need the edges to be smooth and straight, must the sheet of paper be bent? Fold the sheet in half and run a smoothing iron or fingernail along the fold. Straighten the sheet and tear it. The paper will tear at the edges of the fold line. Why? Because when we bent and then smoothed the fold line, the smallest fibers broke, and the connections between them were destroyed. And the sheet will definitely tear in a straight line. Experience 2. Determining the direction of fibers in paper. Take a square sheet of paper and mark it with the letters AA, BB. Take the edges of the sheet with your fingers and begin to tear the sheet in the direction from A to A, then also from A to B. Compare the tear lines, how different they are. In one case the break line is very uneven. Why is this so? In the case where the tear line turns out to be almost straight, we tore the paper along the grain. This happens because when the sheet was rolled under the rollers (calenders), the fibers themselves were installed along the sheet along the movement of the mesh. This means that when we need to tear a sheet of paper more evenly, we must first determine the direction of the fibers and then tear it; fold or fold along the sheet rather than across. Experience 3. Why does wet paper tear much more easily than dry paper? Take a strip of paper, cut it in half, leave one part dry and moisten the other with water. Carefully hang an object weighing 200 grams from the bottom of the dry strip, the strip will hold. If we wet the paper, it will spread. This happens because paper pulp fillers contain adhesives. The faster it dissolves in the water in which we wet the paper, the faster the fibers of wood from which the paper is made spread apart, because they are no longer connected to each other. Experience 4. Why do wrinkles appear on the paper when gluing various products with paper or when gluing relatively large parts made of paper, cardboard or other materials? To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, you need to know the properties of paper well. We apply glue to the underside of the paper, the moisture will penetrate deep into the sheet and meet wood fibers in some places, and fillers in others:

Paint, chalk; the sheet of paper is not uniform, some surfaces swell, others remain in the same state. The paper stretches somewhat - so it creases. We spread the paste onto the paper and leave it to dry; after drying, the paper will take on the appearance of a “cobblestone street”, and if this sheet is dried under a press, it will take on the appearance of a press. Experience 5. Let's compare paper and cardboard. Let's tear a piece of cardboard in the longitudinal and transverse directions, the tear line will be irregular shape. But if you first bend a sheet of cardboard and iron it, the tear line becomes smoother. This happens because the wood fibers that make up the substance of the cardboard are broken in a straight line and are easily torn. In cardboard, the fibers are arranged in several layers, one above the other. Therefore, you can cut the top layers of cardboard and leave the bottom layers intact - this makes it easy to bend the cardboard. Experience 6. Coloring cardboard and paper with colored pencils. When coloring paper or cardboard with pencils, we introduce finely rubbed graphite into the pores of the sheet. Experience 7. Painting paper with watercolor paint. If the paper is glued, the paint will spread; You can stop this spreading if you draw the contours of a figure with a pencil - the fact is that the pencil leaves behind a dent on the surface. The paper will color better if you wet it first. Experience 8. How to color paper on both sides? It is quite difficult to paint with a brush. It is better to dip a sheet of paper into the paint solution. Dissolve aniline paint powder in water, dip the sheet and hang to dry, securing it on both sides. Iron the dried sheet with a not very hot iron. Experience 9. Is it possible to make paper transparent? Lubricate the sheet with kerosene or sunflower oil. To make the paper fireproof, it must be wetted with an alum solution.

Conversations and experiments in lessons on working with fabric and fibrous materials

Experience 1. Let's take a small piece of cotton wool and look at it through a magnifying glass. We will see a lot of tiny fibers intertwined with each other. Moving apart, these fibers seem to interlock, hold on to each other, interlock one thread with another, and tiny weaves are formed. Experience 2. Let's make a thread of cotton wool, with different thicknesses in different places. An uneven thread breaks easily in places where it is thinner. And yet this thread is durable; any object can be hung on it. Let's weigh the object that breaks the thread - this will be the tensile strength, determined in grams. Compare the strength of homemade and factory thread. Factory-made threads are stronger, this is explained by the fact that in factories the threads are pulled by a machine at a constant speed and precisely calculated force. To obtain stronger threads, several threads are twisted together. The strength of factory threads is also explained by the fact that the threads are mercerized, that is, they are processed in a special way, the fibers are pressed closer to each other. Experience 3. How to make a thread stronger? 1. You can wet the thread and iron it along its length. 2. Weave the threads into a braid. 3. Weave several braids together to create a cord. Experience 4. Is it possible to distinguish between the face and the back of the fabric by touch? The front side has a more silky surface, the back side is rougher, less beautiful, sometimes not painted. Let's compare different fabrics by weave of threads. Some fabrics are see-through, others are not see-through at all. The more closely the individual threads in the fabric are pressed against each other, the denser the fabric. Experience 5. Why do people dress in clothes made of thick fabrics in winter, and in thin, translucent fabrics in summer? Air simply passes through the tiny holes between the weaves of the fabrics, the fabrics allow air to pass through. And the denser the fabric, the more air it retains. Warming up from the warmth human body, the air does not pass out, and a person is warmer in clothes made of thick fabric. And if it is very hot, then thick clothing does not allow hot air to reach the body.

Talks and labs introducing plastics

From wood processed by chemical methods in factories of artificial materials, many new wonderful substances are obtained - plastics. Toys are made from plastics. The threads are used to weave fabrics for clothing and make stockings, but they do not allow air to pass through. Nowadays threads from ordinary materials are also woven into threads of artificial fibers. Plastics can be manufactured with a wide variety of intended properties. Cellophane - transparent paper, can be painted in any color. Transparent oilcloth polyethylene films are very convenient. They are used to make bags, bags, etc. They can be washed, but they do not allow water to pass through. They can be produced in huge quantities and in any size. Organic glass - “plexiglass”, it is made in the form of plates and bars; any shapes can be cut out. Styrofoam - light as feathers, hard as wood, does not transmit heat and does not conduct electricity. Foam rubber - soft and stretchy, like a rubber sponge. They make pillows and rugs. They do not burn, do not allow heat to pass through, and can be painted any color. They don't smell, they're easy to cut, and they're durable. All of this material is recent. They were invented and made by scientists, engineers, craftsmen and chemical workers in chemical factories and laboratories. They will invent and make many more plastics with a wide variety of properties that people will need. Experience. Compare the pieces of plastic that are available in the classroom. Make a collection of plastics. Arrange transparent and opaque materials, soft and hard, spongy and dense, threads and fabrics made of artificial plastics. Draw pictures showing what is made from each sample.


Riddles, crosswords, puzzles and proverbs in labor lessons

PUZZLES A hand walks across the sky, touches the clouds, And under it there is a gale and thunder - A new house grows. (Construction crane). The guest will be received from the heart: They will hug you like that - don’t breathe. (Vise). I love directness, I am direct myself, I help everyone make a straight line. Draw something without me, now. Guess, friends, who I am... (Ruler). Two legs conspired to make souls and circles. (Compass). The tenacious mouth is angry with those who sit on the board in vain. (Pliers). Under New Year he came to the house such a ruddy fat man, but every day he lost weight and finally disappeared completely. (Calendar). Multi-colored sisters Are bored without water Uncle, long and thin, Carries water with his beard And the sisters are with him

Draw a house and smoke. (Paints and brush). Magic wand I have friends With this wand I can build a Tower, a house and an airplane, And a huge steamship. (Pencil) I walk next to the janitor, I shovel the snow all around, And I help the guys Make a mountain, build a house. (Shovel). Two ends, two rings, and a stud in the middle. (Scissors). He's thin, but his head is big. (Hammer). On one finger the bucket is upside down. (Thimble). Five brothers will be born together, but of different heights. (Fingers). I am higher than the house, And I can easily lift a huge load with one hand. Who, tell me, am I? (Crane). Neither a feather nor a wing And faster than an eagle It will only release its tail - It will reach the stars. (Rocket). What port has my friend been to, where there is no water around at all? But ships always came to this port with people and cargo. (Airport). It doesn’t fly, it doesn’t buzz, The beetle is running down the street, And the beetle’s eyes are burning, Two brilliant lights (Cars, bus). I went into the green house and stayed in it for a short time. This house quickly turned out to be in another city. (Railway carriage). I’ll spin, spin, and fly into the heavens. (Helicopter). Without legs and without wings, it flies quickly - you won’t catch it. (Time). I am all made of iron, I have neither legs nor arms, I can fit into a board up to my hat, and all I hear is a knock and a knock. (Nail). Here are the needles and pins crawling out from under the bench, they are looking at me, they want milk. (Hedgehog). The master sewed a fur coat for himself, but forgot to take out the needles. (Hedgehog). Hidden in this smooth Bronze-colored box is a small oak tree of Future Summer. (Acorn). What kind of bird: Doesn’t sing songs, doesn’t build nests, carries people and cargo. (Airplane) Amazing carriage! Judge for yourself: The rails are in the air, and he holds them with his hands. (Trolleybus). He touches the cloud with his wing in the boundless ocean, turns around - under the rays it casts silver. (Airplane). There are four legs under the roof, and on the roof there is soup and spoons. (Table) They don’t feed you oats, They don’t drive you with a whip, But when you plow, you pull seven plows. (Tractor) Guess easily and quickly: Soft, fluffy and fragrant, It’s black, it’s white, And sometimes it’s burnt. (Bread). In a linen country, along the Sheet River, a steamer floats back and forth, And behind it is such a smooth surface - 30 Not a wrinkle to be seen. (Iron) Light, not fluff, Soft, not fur, White, not snow, But will dress everyone. (Cotton) A toothy animal gnaws an oak tree with a whistle. (Saw). When conducting lessons in modeling, appliqué work and crafts made from natural materials, you can use the following riddles or solve crossword puzzles. The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up, didn’t want to sleep anymore, moved, started up, soared up and flew away. (Butterfly). An angry touch-me-not lives in the depths of the forest. There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread. (Hedgehog). There was a house, a wonderful house, and something knocked in it, and it broke, and from there a living miracle ran out, so warm, so fluffy and golden. (Chick). Parents and children have all their clothes made of coins (Fish).

Not a blacksmith, but with tongs.

The little animal is jumping, Not a mouth, but a trap. Both the mosquito and the fly will fall into the trap. (Frog). He sleeps in a den in winter under a huge pine tree. And when spring comes, He wakes up from sleep. (Bear). I wake everyone up on time, even though I don’t wind the clock. (Rooster). The muzzle is mustachioed, the fur coat is striped, He washes himself often, but doesn’t know how to handle water. (Cat).



Now I will ask different riddles, you must guess them. Make a word from the first letters of the riddles. This word, guys, is the name of the instrument. 1. The cloud is made of iron, and the cloud has a handle. This cloud walked around the garden bed in order. (Watering can).

    You're on horseback, with your legs behind your ears. (Glasses).

    Not the sea, not the land, ships don’t float, and you can’t walk. (Swamp).

    Dry - wedge, wet - damn. (Umbrella).

    She dived and dived, but lost her tail. (Needle).

    The door opened quietly,

And a mustachioed beast entered.

I sat down by the stove, squinting my eyes sweetly,

And he washed himself with his gray paw.

Beware, mouse race:

Went out hunting...

The general answer to the teacher's assignment is JIGSAW.

Crossword puzzle for the modeling lesson “Bear”

I arrange myself cleverly, I have a pantry with me, where is the pantry? Behind the cheek! That's how cunning I am. (Hamster). We walk at night, we walk, during the day, But we won’t go anywhere, We strike regularly every hour, And you, friends, don’t be afraid of us. (Clock) They don’t get angry, but twirl their mustaches. They don’t remain silent, but they don’t say a word. They walk, but don’t budge (Clock). They go around the clock, They don’t stand still for a minute, And everything is in one place. (Watch). Our auntie, a needle, drew a line across the field, Line after line, line after line, - There will be a dress for your daughter. (Sewing machine) Without a leg, but in a hat, One leg - and that one without a boot. (Nail). A mole has climbed into our yard and is digging the ground at the gate. A ton of earth will enter the mouth, If a mole opens its mouth. (Excavator). Little hand, little hand, what are you looking for in the ground? - I’m not looking for anything, I’m digging and dragging earth. (Excavator). There is a wonderful shovel in the world - On wheels, crooked and hunchbacked. But she begins to dig - She replaces a hundred shovels. (Excavator). Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch, Adults and little children love me. (Apple). What a miracle - a blue house, There are a lot of children in it, They wear rubber shoes, And they eat gasoline. (Bus). 32 Without accelerating, it takes off skyward, reminding one of a dragonfly. Our Russian... (Helicopter) is taking off. In a snowy field along the road, my lonely horse rushes and leaves a trace for many, many years. (Pencil). It flies like an arrow, buzzes like a bee. (Airplane). A house is walking down the street, taking everyone to work, not on chicken legs, but in rubber boots. (Bus).

The houses are located by the river"

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    To be held in high esteem, you must love your work. Where there is work, there is happiness. Without excitement, without care, do not expect joy from work. The skill will find application everywhere. The more science, the smarter the hands. If you hurry, you will make people laugh. Effort is the mother of success. Don't rush, just hurry up.
    Order is the soul of every business. They praise not only the work, but also the finishing. Such labors are the fruits. Know the value of minutes, the count of seconds. Those who have dexterity work smartly. Being together is not burdensome, but being apart is fine. Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him. A small deed is better than a big idleness. Every bird has its nose full. Without an ax you are not a carpenter, without a needle you are not a tailor. What goes around comes around. Darn the hole while it's small. It is not the gods who burn the pots. The master is afraid of every work. It's a bummer - the ship won't leave. As is the spinner, so is the shirt she wears. It's always a holiday for the lazy. Do it quickly - redo it. A big talker is a bad worker. Finished the job - go for a walk safely. Don't be in a hurry with your tongue - be in a hurry with your deeds. One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon. White hands love other people's works. Business time is fun time. Take a walk, but don't go on a walk. Seven times measure cut once.

Crossword for a lesson “Gifts of the Forest” - “Donkey”

When teaching a lesson at work with different materials You can suggest solving the crossword puzzle “Gifts of the Forest” - “Donkey”. 1. Grow on branches, in groups, covered with shells. (Nuts).

2. The gentleman flew, fell on the water,

Doesn't float, doesn't sink.

3. Oak does not spoil children,

Dresses without any fuss.

All his families

They wear skull caps.

4. Short and stocky, he decided to take a look at us, picking up a leaf with stuck needles under the fir trees in the morning. (Mushroom). 5. Every spring Paws of spruce old lamps are replaced with new ones. (Bumps). Let's get the word "donkey".


Material for conducting conversations on the development of creative and cognitive interests of students.

Modeling a house - “Izba”


1. Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,

A beetle is running down the street

And they burn in the beetle's eyes

Two shiny lights.


2. They don’t feed them oats.

They don't drive with a whip,

And how it plows -

Dragging seven plows...


3. What a miracle - the blue house,

There are a lot of kids in it,

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline.


4. It takes off high without acceleration,