
What can yellow discharge indicate during pregnancy? Yellow discharge during pregnancy: possible causes, treatment, consequences 14th week of pregnancy yellow discharge

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in the life of every woman, which is sometimes overshadowed various diseases. They often appear as yellow discharge, and this is where many expectant mothers begin to panic. Important rule in this case, calm down and think sensibly. Moreover, yellow discharge is not always a pathology.

Yellow discharge is normal

Yellow discharge does not always “speak” of danger. In some cases this is quite normal phenomenon, and the expectant mother can calm down. Let us consider separately this manifestation of the body in the early and later pregnancy.

In the early stages

On early stages During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a hormonal change. Progesterone level ( female hormone) increases rapidly. In this regard, normal discharge becomes different: more viscous and abundant. Normally, they do not have an unpleasant odor and do not cause any negative feelings in a woman. Their color is white or yellowish, most often they are transparent. In this case, the expectant mother can calm down, since such discharge is completely natural.

In addition, at the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman may notice a few drops of reddish-yellow or dark yellow discharge on her underwear. This is due to the transplantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus, in other words, conception. Not every woman may receive such a signal, and many expectant mothers, seeing it, do not know about their pregnancy.
Seeing reddish-yellow or dark yellow discharge on her underwear, a woman often does not yet know that she is pregnant

My conception was not accompanied by any unusual discharge. But I already knew that I was pregnant, because in this, as in the previous pregnancy, I had a strong desire to sleep. In addition, my new position was accompanied by severe nausea.

In the later stages

During the normal course of pregnancy, they become different - more watery and liquid. This is explained by the predominance of the same progesterone in a woman’s body, which promotes the permeability of blood vessels and the vaginal mucosa. Because of this, the discharge becomes abundant. Normally they are transparent white or yellowish, without any impurities.

A couple of weeks before giving birth, the expectant mother may observe the vaginal discharge of a dense mucous lump. It happens different colors, from yellowish to brown. This is the so-called mucus plug, which protects the baby from infection. The time has come for her release, after which after some time (it is different for everyone) the baby should appear.

Don't be surprised if you don't see the mucus plug come out, as in some cases it comes off right before you meet your baby.

Yellow discharge as a sign of disease

This is where the positive forecast ends. Most often, yellow discharge is a sign of various health problems. Let's take a closer look at them.


  • severe itching and pain in the vagina, external genitalia and when urinating;
  • copious foamy discharge of a yellow-green color with an unpleasant odor;
  • heaviness and burning in the lower abdomen;
  • frequent stools.

Other signs are weakness, general fatigue, and increased body temperature. The mucous membrane on the genitals becomes bright red, with pinpoint hemorrhages. However, the disease can occur in a sluggish form. In this case, the above discharge appears before or at the end of menstruation.

During the birth process, the baby will pass through the birth canal contaminated with trichomoniasis, which can lead to infection. Newborn girls are especially susceptible to the disease, since they have a short urethra, through which Trichomonas easily penetrate the bladder.

The problem can be diagnosed by taking a vaginal smear and culture. If the disease is confirmed after 12 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor sometimes prescribes drugs - imidazole derivatives. They are taken in short courses, which is not effective enough, but is necessary during pregnancy. Up to 12 weeks, treatment is carried out with vaginal medications (Ginezol, Clotrimazole, etc.). The drugs must be prescribed to both partners.

Vaginal tablets Clotrimazole is prescribed before 12 weeks of pregnancy


Chlamydia is common venereal disease genitourinary system, the causative agents of which are chlamydia. First, they infect the mucous membranes of the body, after which they enter the epithelium and harm immune cells.

Chlamydia is detected in 10% of women registered for pregnancy at the antenatal clinic.

During pregnancy, the presence of chlamydia can be determined by the following signs:

  • discomfort when urinating;
  • itching in the vagina;
  • pain in the pelvic area;
  • yellowish increased discharge.

One of the signs of chlamydia is pain in the pelvic area

Scientists have come to the conclusion that it has negative impact during pregnancy and can cause infertility. Due to the disease, the fallopian tubes become inflamed, adhesive process. With chlamydia, the expectant mother is exposed to the following diseases:

  • Reiter's syndrome (urethritis, conjunctivitis, arthritis);
  • urethral stricture (narrowing urethra due to cicatricial changes in the urethral mucosa);
  • fetal death in early pregnancy or premature birth in late pregnancy (due to placental insufficiency, leading to poor oxygen supply to the fetus);
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs (endometritis, salpingitis, etc.).

These are just a few of the health problems caused by the disease. If a woman suffered from chlamydia during pregnancy, then the baby best case scenario will be born with slight muscle tone. In the worst case, the disease can provoke severe lesions nervous system. There is a high probability that a child of an infected mother will be born with the following symptoms:

  • low body weight;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • vitamin deficiency.

If chlamydia appears late in pregnancy, the baby may become infected. Most often the kidneys, liver, and pancreas are affected.

To diagnose the disease, smears are taken from a pregnant woman. In some cases, an analysis of fetal infection is necessary, for which amniotic fluid is collected. Often, with chlamydia, other microbes are present in a woman’s body, so the doctor general examination. After this, in accordance with the identified problems, a drug treatment. Most often, the doctor prescribes macrolide antibiotics.

If chlamydia occurs, the expectant mother should not self-medicate, as this is dangerous for both the fetus and her.


Gonorrhea is an infectious disease caused by gonococcal bacteria. It can be asymptomatic in the expectant mother, but sometimes a woman notices the following signs:

  • urination, accompanied by pain and frequent urge;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • vaginal green or yellow discharge;
  • spotting, sometimes bleeding.

Gonorrhea is an infectious disease caused by gonococcal bacteria

The chronic course of the disease in a woman develops after the birth of a child. In this case, there is a high probability of gonococci entering the blood (sepsis). Due to this complication, damage to the nervous system is possible, respiratory tract, joints, development of cardiovascular pathologies. Infection with gonorrhea in the second half of pregnancy can lead to gonococcal arthritis.

As for the baby, the infection cannot bring him any danger, but its presence next to the child is far from safe. When infected in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, gonococcus provokes inflammation in the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage. If bacteria enter the body of a pregnant woman after the 20th week of pregnancy, intrauterine infection of the baby may occur, which is manifested by gonococcal sepsis and chorioamnionitis (inflammation in the membrane of the membranes), which often causes early rupture of amniotic fluid.

The baby can become infected while passing through the birth canal. In this case, the eyes of the child suffer, who may remain blind. Gonorrhea is diagnosed by taking a smear from the vagina of the expectant mother. Most often, when a disease is detected, a woman is given the antibiotic Ceftriaxone intramuscularly once. If sepsis develops, the dosage of this drug is calculated for several days (approximately a week).

Typically, gonorrhea occurs together with chlamydia, so the doctor may additionally prescribe Erythromycin orally.

Nonspecific inflammation as a cause of yellow discharge

Nonspecific diseases, which are characterized by yellow discharge, also occur in a pregnant woman. Let's look at the most common of them.


During pregnancy, many women experience. Changes in hormonal levels and low level immune deficiencies can lead to this problem, which is otherwise called “vaginitis.” This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix with profuse white, yellow or pale gray discharge, accompanied by an unpleasant odor of rotten fish. In some cases, heavy discharge does not appear, and the disease is asymptomatic. Usually you can find out about its presence after taking a smear from the vagina for microflora.

On initial stage diseases bacteria spread throughout the vagina and cervix, then can move to the uterus and lead to premature birth. With this disease, a woman recovers poorly after childbirth, and the sutures applied often take a long time to heal and tend to fester. Vaginitis entails the following problems:

  • infection of the placenta, which leads to the following disorders:
    • problem in the normal functioning of the placenta;
    • improper metabolism of nutrients;
    • inadequate exchange of oxygen between mother and baby;
  • infection of the amniotic fluid, and, as a result, the development of the following problems:
    • weakened immunity;
    • pneumonia;
    • developmental delays in the baby;
  • infection of the fetus, which can lead to its death.

Vaginitis is treated using medications, which are different in each case and depend on the type of disease and the woman’s trimester of pregnancy.
Treatment of vaginitis is carried out using medications, which are different in each case and depend on the type of disease and the trimester of pregnancy of the woman.

If colpitis is detected at the end of the term, the expectant mother undergoes a sanitation procedure birth canal, which will protect the child from infection and help him be born healthy.


Cervicitis is inflammation of the cervical canal. The cause of its occurrence is various pathogens (Escherichia coli, Candida fungi, gardnarella, bacteria, etc.). This infection can quickly spread throughout the body of a pregnant woman, so it is especially dangerous. Because of this, the following can happen:

  • miscarriage;
  • fetal freezing;
  • intrauterine underdevelopment.

Usually the disease occurs in conjunction with other infections, so its treatment is complex and always individual. Cervicitis is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • mucopurulent discharge;
  • itching and burning in the vagina.

Cervicitis is characterized by itching and burning in the vagina

Vaginal candidiasis

Vaginal candidiasis - inflammatory disease vagina and genital tract, caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Otherwise known as thrush, it is characterized by a curdled white or yellowish discharge that may increase as the disease progresses.
Vaginal candidiasis is an inflammatory disease of the vagina and genital tract caused by fungi of the genus Candida.

In addition to curdled discharge, the expectant mother may experience the following manifestations:

  • pain when urinating;
  • redness and swelling of the vagina;
  • vaginal burning and itching.

The problem can be determined using a smear on the vaginal microflora or bacterial culture. In case of illness, the doctor prescribes systemic antifungal drugs local drugs(usually Nystatin suppositories), and also recommends taking local antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

If you have thrush, you cannot self-medicate - only a doctor will prescribe effective therapy.

Thrush caught me by surprise in the last month of pregnancy. Not only was it difficult to move anyway, but these discomfort. The doctor prescribed me suppositories - I don’t remember what they are called. After that, my condition got better, but still not completely. The thrush did not affect the newborn baby, but I treated it for several months after the birth.

Other reasons

Yellow discharge may not always indicate the presence of an infection. Sometimes they are associated with completely different reasons.

Allergic reactions

White-yellow copious discharge in a pregnant woman sometimes occur as a result allergic reaction. Usually, you may notice irritation of the skin or mucous membrane on the external genitalia. With such symptoms, the expectant mother should urgently consult a doctor who will determine the allergen. For the problem to disappear, you need to eliminate its contact with the woman’s skin. Most often, allergies in expectant mothers occur when using the following things and products:

Intimate hygiene products can cause allergies in the vagina and cause yellow discharge

During pregnancy, allergies may appear to things that were previously used without problems.

During pregnancy, especially in the last months, I had vaginal irritation like an allergic reaction. I quickly realized that this was the problem, because when I saw the panty liner I felt sick: it was rubbing against intimate place, causing discomfort. I decided to replace it, and only then, if there was no result, go to the doctor. Instead of the notorious pads, I bought special wipes for intimate hygiene, which are completely natural. In principle, you could do without them by using regular toilet paper. After getting rid of the pads, everything immediately went away, and I was joyful and happy again.

Leakage of amniotic fluid

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, a woman may notice light yellowish discharge -

While expecting a child and preparing for motherhood, all women want to be absolutely healthy, but this does not always work out that way. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor every change in your body and start treatment on time.

In the early stages of pregnancy, women are hormonally in a state that resembles the second phase menstrual cycle. Normal At this wonderful time, thanks to an active increase in the blood, the nature of vaginal discharge, the so-called leucorrhoea, changes. They become thicker and more viscous in consistency, and their number increases. At the same time, they retain their transparency or slightly whitish color, do not have an unpleasant odor and do not cause any unpleasant sensations in the fair sex. Remember, there should be no itching, burning, or irritation.

informationColor change leucorrhoea most often indicates development pathological process. In most cases, a gynecologist can make a preliminary diagnosis based on the color of the discharge and suggest the cause of the pathology.

Yellow discharge

Why does yellow discharge appear during pregnancy, and what could cause this color? Unfortunately, most often this pus, which is formed due to inflammatory process. Inflammation is local reaction body to the penetration and damaging effects of any infectious agent. As a result of complex physiological processes aimed at protecting our body, pus is produced. It includes:

  • lymphocytes;
  • macrophages;
  • dead cells of local tissues;
  • microbes

Most often, yellow discharge during pregnancy is also accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

The reasons for their appearance depending on the period

Yellow discharge in 1st trimester

At this time, the coloring of leucorrhoea yellow most often occurs due to the following reasons:

  • inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

Yellow discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy is often its first and only symptom.

additionally The reason is an infection, to identify which it is necessary to undergo a general smear for flora, culture with determination of antibiotic sensitivity and be examined for sexually transmitted infections. Based on the test results, the doctor will prescribe you necessary treatment.

In the early stages, most drugs are not used due to harmful effects on the fetus, therefore there is a list of diseases that begin to be treated only after 10 weeks, and more often later - after 12.

  • Cervicitis – inflammatory lesion of the cervix.

The examination is the same as for colpitis, plus an analysis for herpes and human viruses. It is advisable to undergo colposcopy - examination of the cervix with a special device that allows you to enlarge the image several times.

  • , or candidiasis.

Abundant white and often even yellowish discharge during pregnancy is one of the manifestations of this disease, which is unloved by all women.

In its occurrence main role physiological immunosuppression plays a role in the period of preparation for motherhood. It can be aggravated by taking antibiotics, synthetic underwear, scented pads and intimate hygiene products.

  • Bacterial vaginosis may also be one of the reasons for the appearance of yellow-white discharge during pregnancy. It constitutes a violation normal microflora in the vagina, accompanied by an unpleasant “fishy” odor from the genital tract, leucorrhoea often becomes “bubbly”. It is not transmitted sexually.
  • Infected abortion.

Yellow discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy along with fever, chills, and inflammatory changes in the blood often indicates the penetration of infection into the uterine cavity, and sometimes blood poisoning. This happens with criminal abortions performed outside medical institutions, without observing sanitary rules. Fortunately, this is now very rare.

Yellow discharge in the second trimester

During pregnancy, yellow discharge during this period occurs for the same reasons as in the first trimester, but the prognosis for the expectant mother and child during this period is more favorable due to expanded treatment options.

Yellow discharge in the third trimester

By this time, all the systems and organs of the fetus have already formed, and its active growth begins.

  1. Yellow discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester, along with the above reasons for the early stages, can occur due to infection of the membranes of the fetus and infection of the amniotic fluid. This pathology is called Chorioamnionitis. It poses a great danger in the later stages due to the risk of intrauterine infection of the baby. It can occur during childbirth, during a long anhydrous period. Except pathological discharge accompanied by fever and poor blood tests ( large number leukocytes in blood and smears).
  2. On the eve of childbirth, usually at 37 weeks and a little later, the mother’s body begins to actively prepare for the birth of the baby. At the same time, the cervix shortens, begins to soften, and its canal gradually opens, and discharge occurs. Its quantity is about 20-30 ml. Color varies from white to yellow, often streaked with blood. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon that does not require seeing a doctor.

important From all of the above, you can draw a logical conclusion for yourself, expectant mothers, that the coloring of leucorrhoea yellow in 99% is pathological in nature.

Even if you have a short period of time, say 9 weeks, and you have not yet registered, you should not delay contacting a gynecologist. It is easier to defeat any disease at an early stage.

Dark yellow discharge during pregnancy - this is one of the unfavorable symptoms during pregnancy. In general, clear or whitish discharge during pregnancy is acceptable. Even if they are of a brighter color, this is not a reason to panic, because there are many reasons for their occurrence. First of all, you need to see a doctor.

The main cause of dark yellow discharge during pregnancy is the accumulation of pus in the vagina, due to the development of staphylococcus or E. coli. E. coli often develops after oral sex. Often, the presence of dark yellow masses from the vagina indicates the development of an infection in the ovaries. Moreover, it could begin to develop even before pregnancy.
Also, discharge of a similar color indicates the development of sexually transmitted infections. In this case, they may have a dark yellow or even brown color. Foamy yellow masses with a pungent and unpleasant odor are often noticed.
But if they have a slightly yellowish tint, then this is not a reason to worry, since this is within normal limits. The cause of harmless discharge can be attributed to the effect of the hormone progesterone.
Dark yellow discharge may indicate various infections occurring in the pregnant woman’s body. These include the following:

  • Thrush. A common disease that can manifest itself due to various factors (allergy to powder, wearing synthetic underwear, poor nutrition, poor hygiene). But most often, curdled masses with thrush have a white tint, but there are also cases when they were yellow.
  • Salpingitis indicates inflammation of the fallopian tubes. Typically, this disease occurs with elevated temperature and pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Bacterial vaginosis is accompanied by a yellow discharge with an unpleasant fishy odor. They have an unusual character: sticky, viscous and thick.
  • Colpitis is accompanied painful sensations during sexual intercourse, can be both in early and late stages of pregnancy.
  • Cervicitis often presents without symptoms. But during pathology, the following signs of the disease may appear: itching, burning, frequent and painful urination.

It is worth noting that these diseases could not have occurred during pregnancy. It’s just that during pregnancy, a woman’s immunity decreases, against the background of which diseases begin to manifest themselves.
If the dark yellow discharge gives way to brown or bloody, this may be a symptom of the development of erosion, premature birth, or the presence of polyps. During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, treatment of cervical erosion is unacceptable; it should be done before pregnancy or only after the birth of the baby. Polyps should not be removed; they will fall off on their own over time, but in some cases, curettage is performed after childbirth.

Early discharge

Yellow discharge in early pregnancy comes in different shades. It is also important whether they are accompanied painful sensations. It is their course that determines whether they are acceptable within normal limits or indicate the development of pathology. And in order not to miss the development of the disease in the early stages of pregnancy, you need to consult a doctor who, after examination, will determine the nature of the deviation and, if necessary, prescribe treatment. Sometimes even an experienced gynecologist cannot make an accurate diagnosis, so it is necessary to take a smear for analysis.

If, in addition to this symptom, during pregnancy a woman is tormented by other sensations that cause discomfort, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. To the number dangerous symptoms in the early stages of pregnancy include the following:

  • Unpleasant smell.
  • Severe itching and burning of the perineum.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Pain during urination.

Sometimes yellow discharge indicates allergic reactions or poor hygiene. In this case, they are not dangerous for a woman if she eliminates their appearance in time. You should not self-medicate; it is better to completely trust the doctor.

Discharge in late pregnancy

All the reasons for the appearance of yellow discharge in the early stages of pregnancy are also relevant for the second and third trimester. But a few weeks before childbirth, during the restructuring of the body, yellow discharge of a different nature may appear. At this time, the mucous plug may come off, which looks like jelly. It can come off in parts or completely. Cork has a different shade: from beige to yellow - this is within the normal range. But if it is dark yellow, this should alert the expectant mother, as it can be dangerous for the child.

Also, dark yellow discharge during pregnancy may indicate amniotic fluid that leaks a few weeks or hours before birth. If they are dark yellow in color, you should immediately consult a doctor.

As a rule, the presence of dark yellow masses on underwear indicates the development of pathology. That is why you need to carefully monitor your health and the changes occurring in the body. Almost always, discharge of this kind is accompanied by unpleasant sensations: itching, burning, pain in the abdominal area and an unpleasant odor. In order to avoid the occurrence of such an unpleasant symptom, you need to be careful at the stage of pregnancy planning.


Throughout pregnancy, the female body undergoes numerous changes. They are necessary for its restructuring and preparation for growth, fetal development and upcoming birth. At this time they appear various secretions reproductive system, to which the expectant mother should pay close attention. These include yellow discharge during early and late pregnancy.

Causes of yellow discharge during pregnancy

  1. External reasons. It may be an allergy caused by the use hygiene products, gaskets. To eliminate this cause, you need to replace soap or other intimate hygiene products with a hypoallergenic one. It is preferable to wear underwear made from natural fabrics; water treatments, especially in the summer.
  2. Physiological features. Various things happen in a woman’s body during pregnancy. physiological changes. They affect the endocrine glands, in particular the nature of the secretions. In the absence of itching, redness, fever and odor, yellow discharge in a pregnant woman is considered normal.
  3. Internal inflammation. This can be inflammation of the uterus, ovaries, bladder and other organs of the genitourinary system. As a rule, the causative agents of these diseases are various harmful microorganisms.
  4. Infectious diseases. They are characterized by changes in the color and odor of the discharge. Among such infections, sexually transmitted diseases are especially dangerous for a pregnant woman.
  5. Dysbacteriosis. The nature of the discharge will change if the vaginal microflora is disrupted.
  6. Colpitis. The vaginal mucosa is the first to respond to a genital tract infection. The cause of its inflammation can be such microorganisms as: streptococcus, staphylococcus, chlamydia, trichomonas, mycoplasma, etc.
  7. Cervicitis. Yellow discharge during pregnancy, itching and burning can also be a symptom of cervical inflammation. The causative agents of the disease are the same microorganisms as in colpitis, only they are localized in cervical canal or uterus. The gynecologist will prescribe treatment after the appropriate tests have been completed and a colcoscopy has been performed (a detailed examination of the canal with a special device that magnifies the image several times).
  8. Thrush or candidiasis. Excessive yellow discharge during pregnancy with itching, either white or yellow, may be a sign of a fungal infection. may appear by various reasons: due to wearing synthetic underwear, as a reaction to pads or intimate hygiene products, due to the use antibacterial drugs. But often the disease manifests itself due to decreased immunity. Since Candida bacteria are opportunistic microorganisms of the vaginal microflora, pregnancy causes their active reproduction.
  9. Bacterial vaginosis. This disease is also called gardnerellosis. It develops against the background of changes in the vaginal microflora, as a result of which the lactoflora suffers. It is replaced by bacteria and organisms - gardnerella and anaerobes. The main cause of vaginosis is changes in hormonal levels, which also occur during pregnancy. The main symptom of the disease is yellow discharge with a specific “fishy smell”.
  10. Infected abortion. This surgery, after which they remain severe complications. They can occur due to infection entering the uterine cavity, surgery if there are contraindications to it, or remnants of the fertilized egg after cleaning.

Types and shades of yellow discharge during pregnancy

If yellow discharge during pregnancy changes shade or color, this may be the first reason why you should pay attention and consult a gynecologist. In order to determine the causes of violations and carry out correct treatment, you need to observe the color, consistency and smell of the discharge.

  • Light yellow discharge during pregnancy and transparent in the absence of an unpleasant odor is considered normal. In this case, there is no need to worry.
  • Bright yellow discharge. In this case, the body warns about the presence of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. Bright yellow discharge during pregnancy can cause infectious disease vagina.
  • Dark yellow discharge during pregnancy is quite warning sign. Dark yellow discharge during pregnancy indicates the activity of bacteria such as streptococci, E. coli, staphylococci, and gonococci. A small amount of them may have been present in the body before pregnancy, and the new position led to the growth of unwanted microorganisms.
  • Yellow-green discharge. If yellow-green discharge is present during pregnancy, accompanied by burning, itching and an unpleasant odor, then it can be argued that the cause is trichomoniasis, dysbacteriosis or gonorrhea.
  • Yellow-brown discharge. This shade indicates an admixture of blood in the discharge. This is fraught with considerable danger, both for the pregnant woman and for the fetus. Such secretions can be a sign of a frozen or ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption, miscarriage, or cervical erosion.

An increase in the abundance of discharge combined with a sweetish odor indicates leakage of amniotic fluid. You should seek help from a specialist.

If there is itching along with discharge, there is a high probability of an allergic reaction to intimate care products. To eliminate its signs, it is enough to stop using products containing allergens.

If yellow discharge during pregnancy is odorless and has a liquid consistency, it is the cause of an increase in certain hormones. This is the effect of estrogen that manifests itself in the second trimester of pregnancy. But if liquid yellow discharge during pregnancy is accompanied by itching, pain, and elevated body temperature, then an inflammatory process has begun in the body.

Thick yellow discharge during pregnancy is characteristic of the early stages of pregnancy. This is explained by the formation of a mucus plug and the action of the hormone progesterone.

Yellow discharge during early pregnancy

Yellow discharge during pregnancy in the first weeks after fertilization without itching, odor or pain is normal. This shade of discharge acquires due to the admixture of epithelial cells from the walls of the uterus and vagina, as well as as a result of the formation of a mucus plug.

Yellow discharge in the early stages of pregnancy with minor admixtures of blood does not always indicate possible danger. In the second week of pregnancy, the cause of blood spots may be the process of attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. If such discharge is accompanied by pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. The cause may be an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. Yellow discharge during early pregnancy usually has a thicker consistency, which is due to the action of female hormones.

Yellow discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy

Yellow discharge during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester becomes more abundant with a liquid consistency. As before, yellow discharge should be odorless or interspersed with any color.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester may appear for the same reasons as during all other stages of pregnancy. This period of gestation is more favorable for the necessary treatment in case of abnormalities.

In the second trimester, bloody impurities in the discharge are strictly unacceptable

Yellow discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy

From 37-38 weeks, yellow-brown discharge of a liquid consistency is possible. Yellow discharge in late pregnancy indicates the imminent birth of a baby. Also, however, an increase in the amount of discharge may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid, which indicates the imminent approach of labor.