
Experiences of German doctors in concentration camps. What experiments did the Nazis conduct on people?

In 1947, there were 23 doctors in the dock at Nuremberg. They were tried for turning medical science into a monster that was subservient to the interests of the Third Reich.

January 30, 1933, Berlin. Professor Blots Clinic. Normal medical institution, which competing doctors sometimes call “the devil’s clinic.” Alfred Blots is not liked by his medical colleagues, but they still listen to his opinion. It is known in the scientific community that he was the first to study the effects of poisonous gases on the human genetic system. But Blots did not make the results of his research public. On January 30, Alfred Blots sent a congratulatory telegram to the new Chancellor of Germany, in which he proposed a program of new research in the field of genetics. He received the answer: “Your research is of interest to Germany. They must be continued. Adolf Gitler".

What is "eugenics"?

In the 20s, Alfred Blots traveled around the country giving lectures on what “eugenics” was. He considers himself the founder new science, his main idea is “racial purity of the nation.” Some call it a fight for healthy image life. Blots argues that the human future can be simulated at the genetic level, in the womb, and this will happen at the end of the 20th century. They listened to him and were surprised, but no one called him “the devil doctor.” Yudin Boris Grigorievich, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, claims that “eugenics is a science (although it can hardly be called a science”) that deals with the genetic improvement of humans.”
In 1933, Hitler believed German geneticists. They promised the Fuhrer that within 20-40 years they would raise a new person, aggressive and obedient to the authorities. The conversation was about cyborgs, biological soldiers of the Third Reich. Hitler was excited about this idea.
During one of Blots' lectures in Munich, a scandal broke out. When asked what the doctor proposed to do with the sick, Blots replied “sterilize or kill,” and that this was precisely the purpose of eugenics. After this, the lecturer was booed, and the term “eugenics” appeared on newspaper pages.
In the mid-30s, a new symbol of Germany appeared, the glass woman. This symbol was even shown at the World Exhibition in Paris. Eugenics was not invented by Hitler, but by doctors. They wanted good for the German people, but it all ended in concentration camps and experiments on people. And it all started with a glass woman.
Boris Yudin claims that doctors “incited” German leaders to Nazism. At a time when this term did not yet exist, they began to practice eugenics, which in Germany was called racial hygiene. Then, when Hitler and his associates came to power, it became clear that it would be possible to sell the idea of ​​racial hygiene. From Professor Burle’s book, “Science and the Swastika”: “After Hitler came to power, the Fuhrer actively supported the development of German medicine and biology. Funding for scientific research increased tenfold, and doctors were declared the elite. In the Nazi state, this profession was considered the most important, since its representatives were responsible for the purity of the German race.”

"Human Hygiene"

Dresden, Museum of Human Hygiene. This scientific institution was under the personal patronage of Hitler and Himmler. The main task of the museum is mass propaganda of healthy lifestyle. It was in the Museum of Human Hygiene that they developed a terrible plan to sterilize the population, which Hitler supported. Hitler insisted that only healthy Germans had children, so the German people would ensure the “thousand-year existence of the Third Reich.” Those who suffer mental illness and physical disabilities, should not force their offspring to suffer. This speech had to do not so much with individuals as with entire nations.

In the hands of Hitler, eugenics turned into the science of racial murder. And the first victims of eugenics were the Jews, because in Germany they were declared an “unclean race.” According to Hitler, the ideal German race should not “contaminate” its blood by mixing with Jews. This idea was supported by doctors of the Third Reich.
Eugenics professors developed laws of racial purity. According to the laws, Jews did not have the right to work in schools, government agencies, or teach at universities. And first of all, according to doctors, it was necessary to clear the scientific and medical ranks of Jews. Science was becoming an elite closed society.
In the mid-20s, Germany had the most advanced science. All scientists and doctors who worked in the field of genetics, biology, obstetrics and gynecology considered it prestigious to undergo an internship in Germany. At that time, a third of doctors were Jews, but after the great purge in 1933-1935, German medicine became completely Aryan. Himmler actively recruited doctors into the SS, and many joined because they were supporters of the Nazi cause.
According to Blots, the world was originally divided into “healthy” and “unhealthy” peoples. This is confirmed by genetic and medical research. The goal of eugenics is to save humanity from disease and self-destruction. According to German scientists, Jews, Slavs, gypsies, Chinese, blacks are nations with an inadequate psyche, weak immunity, and increased ability to transmit diseases. The salvation of the nation lies in the sterilization of some peoples and the controlled birth rate of others.
In the mid-30s, on a small estate near Berlin, a secret facility was located. This is the Fuhrer's medical school, its activities are patronized by Rudolf Hess, Hitler's deputy. Every year, medical workers, obstetricians and doctors gathered here. You couldn’t come to school of your own free will. The students were selected by the Nazis, the party. SS doctors selected personnel who took advanced training courses at the medical school. This school trained doctors to work in concentration camps, but at first these personnel were used for the sterilization program in the second half of the 30s.
In 1937, Karl Brant became the official boss of German medicine. This man is responsible for the health of the Germans. According to the sterilization program, Karl Brant and his subordinates could use euthanasia to get rid of mentally ill people, disabled people and children with disabilities. Thus, the Third Reich got rid of “extra mouths”, because military policy does not imply the presence of social support. Brant completed his task - before the war, the German nation was cleared of psychopaths, disabled people and freaks. Then more than 100 thousand adults were killed, and gas chambers were used for the first time.

Unit T-4

September 1939, Germany attacked Poland. The Fuhrer clearly expressed his attitude towards the Poles: “The Poles must be slaves of the Third Reich, because at the moment the Russians are beyond our reach. But not a single person capable of governing this country should remain alive." Since 1939, Nazi doctors will begin to work with the so-called “Slavic material”. The death factories began their work; there were one and a half million people in Auschwitz alone. According to the plan, 75-90% of those entering were to immediately end up in gas chambers, and the remaining 10% of people were to become material for monstrous medical experiments. The children's blood was used to treat German soldiers in military hospitals. According to the historian Zalessky, the rate of blood sampling was extremely high, sometimes even all the blood was taken. Medical staff from the T-4 unit developed new methods of selecting people for destruction.

The experiments at Auschwitz were led by Joseph Mengel. The prisoners nicknamed him “the angel of death.” Tens of thousands of people became victims of his experiments. He had a laboratory and dozens of professors and doctors who selected children and twins. The twins received blood transfusions and organ transplants from each other. Sisters were forced to bear children from their brothers. Forced gender reassignment operations were carried out. There have been attempts to change the color of a child's eyes by injecting various chemicals into the eyes, amputating organs, and attempting to sew children together. Of the 3 thousand twins who came to Mengele, only three hundred survived. His name became a household word for a killer doctor. He dissected living babies, tested women with electric shocks high voltage to find out the endurance limit. But this was only the tip of the iceberg of killer doctors. Other groups of doctors conducted experiments with low temperatures: how much low degree a person can withstand. What is the most effective way for a person to become hypothermic, and what is the best way to resuscitate him. The influence of phosgene and mustard gas on the human body was tested. They found out how long a person can drink sea ​​water performed bone transplantation. They were looking for a remedy that could speed up or slow down human growth. We treated gay men.
With the outbreak of hostilities on the military front, hospitals were overcrowded with wounded German soldiers, and their treatment required new techniques. Therefore, they began a new series of experiments on prisoners, causing them injuries similar to the wounds of German soldiers. Then they were treated different ways, finding out which methods are effective. Shrapnel fragments were injected to determine the stages at which operations were needed. Everything was carried out without anesthesia, and tissue infections led to the amputation of the prisoner’s limbs.
To find out what danger a pilot faced when an airplane cabin depressurized at high altitude, the Nazis put prisoners in a low-pressure chamber and recorded the body's reaction. Experiments were conducted on the use of euthanasia and sterilization, and the development of infectious diseases such as hepatitis, typhus and malaria was checked. They infected - cured - infected again until the person died. They experimented with poisons, adding them to prisoners' food or shooting them with poisonous bullets.
These experiments were carried out not by sadists, but by professional doctors from the special SS unit T-4. By 1944, the monstrous experiments became known in America. This caused unconditional condemnation, but the results of the experiments were of interest to the intelligence services, military departments, and some scientists. That is why the Nuremberg trial of the murderous doctors ended only in 1948, and by that time the case materials had disappeared without a trace, or ended up in US research centers, including materials on “Practical Medicine of the Third Reich.”

Doctors have always had a special attitude; they were considered the saviors of humanity. Even in ancient times, witch doctors and healers were revered, believing that they had special healing powers. This is why modern humanity is shocked by the blatant medical experiments of the Nazis.

The wartime priorities were not only rescue, but also the preservation of people’s working capacity in extreme conditions, the possibility of blood transfusions with different Rh factors, and new drugs were tested. Great importance was given to experiments to combat hypothermia. The German army, which took part in the war on the eastern front, was completely unprepared for the climatic conditions of the northern part of the USSR. A huge number of soldiers and officers suffered serious frostbite or even died from the winter cold.

Doctors under the leadership of Dr. Sigmund Rascher dealt with this problem in the Dachau and Auschwitz concentration camps. Reich Minister Heinrich Himmler personally showed great interest in these experiments (the Nazi experiments on people were very similar to atrocities). At a medical conference held in 1942 to study medical problems associated with work in the northern seas and highlands, Dr. Rasher published the results of his experiments conducted on concentration camp prisoners. His experiments concerned two aspects - how long a person can remain in low temperatures without dying, and in what ways it can then be reanimated. To answer these questions, thousands of prisoners were immersed in icy water in winter or lay naked and tied to stretchers in the cold.

Sigmund Rascher during another experiment

To find out at what body temperature a person dies, young Slavic or Jewish men were immersed naked in a tank of ice water close to “0” degrees. To measure a prisoner's body temperature, a sensor was inserted into the prisoner's rectum using a probe that had an expandable metal ring at the end, which was pushed open inside the rectum to hold the sensor firmly in place.

It took a huge number of victims to find out that death finally occurs when body temperature drops to 25 degrees. They simulated the entry of German pilots into the waters of the Arctic Ocean. With the help of inhumane experiments, it was found that hypothermia of the lower occipital part of the head contributes to faster death. This knowledge led to the creation of life jackets with a special headrest that prevents the head from immersing in water.

Sigmund Rascher during hypothermia experiments

To quickly warm up the victim, inhuman torture was also used. For example, we tried to warm up frozen people using ultraviolet lamps, trying to determine the exposure time at which the skin begins to burn. The method of “internal irrigation” was also used. At the same time, water heated to “bubbles” was injected into the test subject’s stomach, rectum and bladder using probes and a catheter. All victims died from this treatment, without exception. The most effective method turned out to be placing a frozen body in water and gradually heating this water. But a huge number of prisoners died before it was concluded that the heating must be slow enough. At the suggestion of Himmler personally, attempts were made to warm the frozen man with the help of women who warmed the man and copulated with him. This kind of treatment had some success, but, of course, not at critical cooling temperatures….

Dr. Rascher also conducted experiments to determine from what maximum height pilots could jump out of an airplane with a parachute and survive. He experimented on prisoners, simulating Atmosphere pressure at an altitude of up to 20 thousand meters and the effect of free fall without an oxygen cylinder. Of the 200 experimental prisoners, 70 died. It is terrible that these experiments were completely meaningless and did not provide any practical benefit for German aviation.

Research in the field of genetics was very important for the fascist regime. The goal of the fascist doctors was to find evidence of the superiority of the Aryan race over others. A true Aryan had to be athletically built with correct body proportions, be blond and have blue eyes. So that blacks, Latin Americans, Jews, gypsies, and at the same time simply homosexuals could in no way prevent the accession of the chosen race, they were simply destroyed...

For those entering into marriage, the German leadership demanded that a whole list of conditions be met and full testing be carried out in order to guarantee the racial purity of children born in marriage. The conditions were very strict, and violation was punishable by up to the death penalty. No exceptions were made for anyone.

Thus, the legal wife of Dr. Z. Rascher, whom we mentioned earlier, was infertile, and the couple adopted two children. Later, the Gestapo conducted an investigation and Z. Fischer’s wife was executed for this crime. So the killer doctor was overtaken by punishment from those people to whom he was fanatically devoted.

In the book by journalist O. Erradon “Black Order. The Pagan Army of the Third Reich" talks about the existence of several programs to preserve the purity of the race. In Nazi Germany, “mercy death” was widely used everywhere - this is a type of euthanasia, the victims of which were disabled children and the mentally ill. All doctors and midwives were required to report newborns with Down syndrome, any physical deformities, cerebral palsy, etc. The parents of such newborns were pressured to send their children to “death centers” scattered throughout Germany.

To prove racial superiority, Nazi medical scientists conducted countless experiments measuring the skulls of people belonging to various nationalities. The scientists' task was to determine external signs, distinguishing the master race, and, accordingly, the ability to detect and correct defects that do occur from time to time. In the cycle of these studies, Dr. Joseph Mengele, who was involved in experiments on twins in Auschwitz, is notorious. He personally screened thousands of arriving prisoners, sorting them into "interesting" or "uninteresting" for his experiments. The “uninteresting” were sent to die in gas chambers, and the “interesting” had to envy those who found their death so quickly.

Joseph Mengele and an employee of the Institute of Anthropology, 1930s

Test subjects were expected terrible torture. Dr. Mengele was especially interested in pairs of twins. It is known that he conducted experiments on 1,500 pairs of twins, and only 200 pairs survived. Many were killed immediately so that a comparative anatomical analysis could be carried out during autopsy. And in some cases, Mengele inoculated various diseases into one of the twins, so that later, having killed both, he could see the difference between the healthy and the sick.

Much attention was paid to the issue of sterilization. Candidates for this were all people with hereditary physical or mental illnesses, as well as various hereditary pathologies, these included not only blindness and deafness, but also alcoholism. In addition to the victims of sterilization within the country, the problem of the population of enslaved countries arose.

The Nazis were looking for the cheapest and fastest ways to sterilize large quantity people, which would not lead workers to long-term disability. Research in this area was led by Dr. Carl Clauberg.

Carl Clauberg

In the concentration camps of Auschwitz, Ravensbrück and others, thousands of prisoners were exposed to various medical chemicals, surgical operations, and x-rays. Almost all of them became disabled and lost the opportunity to procreate. Injections of iodine and silver nitrate were used as chemical treatments, which were indeed very effective, but caused many side effects, among others, cervical cancer, severe abdominal pain, and vaginal bleeding.

The method of radiation exposure of experimental subjects turned out to be more “profitable”. It turned out that a small dose of X-rays can provoke infertility in the human body, men stop producing sperm, and women’s bodies do not produce eggs. The result of this series of experiments was radioactive overdose and even radioactive burns for many prisoners.

From the winter of 1943 to the autumn of 1944, experiments were conducted in the Buchenwald concentration camp on the effects of various poisons on the human body. They were mixed into the prisoners' food and the reaction was observed. Some victims were allowed to die, some were killed by guards at various stages of poisoning, which made it possible to conduct an autopsy and monitor how the poison gradually spreads and affects the body. In the same camp, a search was conducted for a vaccine against the bacteria typhus, yellow fever, diphtheria, and smallpox, for which prisoners were first vaccinated with experimental vaccines and then infected with the disease.

Ahnenerbe - secret institute occult sciences, which united many scientists of Nazi Germany, who, along with the ruling elite of the country, were remembered in history as great villains.

The blood-twisted philosophy of the Second World War, the ruthlessness, and numerous secret projects of an organization with an ominous appearance at the same time bear the stamp of incomprehensible mystery and inexhaustible mystery.

The development of secret superweapons, occult powers, secret underground lairs and the attraction of powerful ancient artifacts - here perfect recipe organizations of worldwide crime. They say that since then, the technique has been declassified, and you will find everything about selling the soul on our website.

There may be more rumors than truth in this matter, but the Nazi ideas that matured in the Ahnenerbe laboratories covered a wide range of activities from the material to the mystical and otherworldly. The Nazis really advanced deeply in scientific research expeditions and collected a huge number of ancient relics.

Fantastic and often completely absurd experiments were rooted so deeply in the dark world of mysticism and occultism that many of them did not become widely known as too ridiculous and incredible.

Hitler, Ahnenerbe, the legacy of our ancestors.

Hitler, and many of the Nazi leaders, had a huge interest in the field of the occult, which is quite well documented. In fact, the Nazi Party was originally organized as a cabinet of occult brethren, until their rise to a destructive political force.

An extremely increased interest in the occult caused the formation of a secret intrigue - the Ahnenerbe Institute. A very real and complete clan of mystics, originally founded on July 1, 1935 by Heinrich Himmler (the notorious SS leader), Hermann Wirth and Darre.

Literally meaning "inherited/heritage from the ancestors", the Ahnenerbe began as an institute dedicated to the study of archaeology, anthropology, and the cultural history of Germanic heritage. In reality, it was much more - a search for evidence of the Nazi theory, according to which the Aryan race is the best creation of God, and is destined to rule the life of the planet!

It was imperative for the Nazi High League to find fundamental evidence to support their twisted ideology. To this end, this shadowy organization finances numerous expeditions and archaeological excavations around the world: Germany, Greece, Poland, Iceland, Romania, Croatia, Africa, Russia, Tibet and many other places in search of the lost secret runes of antiquity.

Artifacts and relics were searched, the ruins of crypts were searched, everything was done in search of ancient scrolls - evidence that could strengthen the claim that the Aryans were the dominant race over all.

Tibet carried special meaning for the scientists of Ahnenerbe, because it was believed that it was here that the great civilization of antiquity lived. It is in these places that the pure, ideally built Aryan race originates. They became convinced of the idea that their greatest ancestors still lived in these places, hiding in huge underground cities.

The Ahnenerbe is an organization branched from science to the occult, which, given the pedigree of its organizing fathers, is not surprising. Hermann Wirth was a Dutch historian obsessed with the idea. Future SS leader Himmler is well known for his ardent fascination with all things occult to a manically disturbing degree.

In fact, Himmler was something of a madman, caught up in a grandiose desire to one day replace Christian religion one of his own decisions. He was one of the driving forces behind the steady divergence in the Ahnenerbe from its original purpose and increasing role towards the occult. In such a pulsed mode, this sinister organization lived and grew, spreading throughout the world with the tasks of fantastic quests.

Agents of the Ahnenerbe, in search of lost lands and ancient relics, visited remote areas of the world, climbed all the crypts available to them; they were not afraid to disturb the bones of the dead; they searched for mystical texts, magical objects, ancient curiosities, and bizarre paranormal sites, collecting supernatural artifacts of all kinds.

With official Nazi approval, the Ahnenerbe Institute expands to 50 branches, covering everything from long-range weather forecasting, archeology and spaceflight to supernatural research. Significantly, the Nazis intensified their operations in search of such legendary miracles as the Holy Grail, the location of Atlantis, the spear of Destiny, with which the Roman warrior Longinus ended the suffering of Christ on the cross.

Groups also searched for various portals to ancient lost lands, including Atlantis, conducting expeditions under the influence of an equally secret organization known as the Thule Society. The mysterious land called "Thule" was also considered the true birthplace of the Aryan race. The discovery of a fantasy land as desired by the Nazis would grant them vast superhuman powers: telekinesis, telepathy and levitation, abilities they had lost through centuries of interbreeding with "inferior races."

The Nazis' manic desire was to create powerful weapons based on the technologies of their ancestors. The idea spread boldly throughout the organization's "scientific" divisions, which actively sought to develop new technologies based on ancient lost or forbidden knowledge, mystical texts, alien technologies, as well as their own secret research.

Members of the Ahnenerbe were deeply interested in the possibilities of the occult, magic and psychic powers to use as weapons against their enemies. To this end, various projects dedicated to research in this area have been opened. They even tried to create assassins who could kill using astral projection.

Among many other strange projects, they wanted to develop the use of magic spells as weapons, and even penetrate through the astral plane into the future - and this was not considered something impossible and prohibitive.

There is much speculation that the organization was very interested in finding and using alien technology to create weapons, allegedly in one of their searches they managed to find a crashed ancient UFO! All this may seem absurd, but in the case of the Nazis this is no joke, some of their projects were too revolutionary. Many Nazi figures in power believed fervently in these many programs and projects, investing a lot of money and manpower.

In the case of the Ahnenerbe and the Nazis in science, we see malicious and sinister human experiments carried out in secret lairs and secret laboratories. This is especially noticeable when the Ahnenerbe became part of the Institut für Wehrwissenschaftliche Zweckforschung (Institute for Military Scientific Research) during World War II, where all the incredible research and development was discovered that began the dark era of horrific experiments on concentration camp prisoners.

Most of these projects had dubious goals and results, but all of them were extremely ruthless in content, demonstrating a lack of respect for human life"not Aryan". In fact, the Nazis did not perceive the prisoners as human beings at all.

Reality Ahnenerbe, Dr. Rascher and his experiments.

One of the most famous examples of the use of the Ahnenerbe is a project to determine the physical limits of pilots who fly increasingly modern Luftwaffe aircraft. A series of experiments was supervised by Ahnenerbe director Wolfram Sievers and the notorious SS doctor Rascher. Concentration camp prisoners, requested for this purpose from Himmler himself, were used in the experiment - since none of the "true Aryans" were crazy enough to be willing to voluntarily participate in such a dangerous experiment.

Rusher had unlimited access to helpless people to use in his crazy experiments. He placed prisoners in portable vacuum chambers reminiscent of medieval torture devices to simulate different altitudes in flight. The capsules simulated pressure at various altitudes during rapid ascents of the aircraft, as well as the state of free fall without oxygen in order to analyze the consequences and impact of such situations on the human body.

Most subjects could not withstand inhuman experiments that push people far beyond the physiological limits of the body. I note that Rasher was surprisingly cruel even to those who survived the experiments. When Himmler offered to mitigate the fate of the survivors as payment for their “services,” Rascher refused, saying that all the prisoners were Poles and Russians and therefore did not deserve amnesty or pardon.

Rusher's thirst for human suffering is insatiable, and disgusting experiments come one after another. In one such experiment, more than 300 prisoners became experimental “material” in order to find out how long German pilots could survive if they were shot down over cold waters.

Subjects were subjected to freezing naked for 14 hours, or completely immersed in ice water for 3 hours. All this time their condition was carefully monitored. Then followed numerous different methods to revive them: scalding baths with hot water, or other unconventional methods- they were placed between naked women, who were also taken from concentration camps.

Another experiment was to test a substance called "Polygal" derived from beets and apple pectin. The drug, in capsule form, was expected to quickly stop bleeding, and Rascher saw it as a revolutionary solution for the treatment of gunshot wounds and for use in surgery.

In some cases, subjects had limbs amputated without anesthesia to test Polygal. Rascher was so confident that the drug was ready for production that he even created a company to produce it. Although Polygal never saw mass production, the capsule design led to the invention of the infamous cyanide capsule.

Multiple human experiments have explored possible treatments for deadly diseases caused by biological weapons. At the same time, they were searching for antidotes against wide range chemical weapons and poisons: injections exposed unwitting experimental subjects from concentration camps to various pathogens from poisons and deadly chemicals - this is how they looked for an antidote.

But even in death there was no peace for the exhausted martyrs. Many of the dead killed by these cruel experiments became part of a macabre collection of Jewish skeletons that were preserved for use in further research. The fascists from the organization “legacy of ancestors” did not give rest even to lifeless bodies.

Josef Mengele, a sadistic doctor at the Auschwitz concentration camp, also considered the possibility of somehow manipulating the human body. Mengele was particularly interested in identical twins, experimenting on hundreds of pairs of young children.

Monstrous experiments on children pursued the following goals: to change eye color, to study the possibilities of a mental connection between twins, for example, one of the twins was deliberately inflicted with pain and suffering, while they coolly observed how the other child felt at that moment.

In laboratories filled with suffering and pain, they arranged to infect one twin with typhoid or malaria, and then performed a blood transfusion from the brother/sister, finding out whether she would treat the infected person.
Numerous experiments with transplanting body parts from one twin to another, and even tried surgically connect twins to form Siamese twins.

The ultimate goal of the twin experiments was also a comparative analysis: when one of the twins eventually died, the other was killed by an injection of chloroform. Both bodies will then be dissected with laudatory German precision for careful comparative analysis.

Ahnenerbe: zombies and super-soldiers of Aryan blood.

The Ahnenerbe's use of human experimentation did not stop at finding human limits and limitations. Wandering among living and dead bodies, they searched for a mental connection between the twins, but the Nazis were also consumed by a great desire to improve the human form - to create super-soldiers of a great nation.

Among the methods of achieving the goal, the selective breeding process designed to produce people of “pure Aryan blood”, a project called “Lebensborn“, gained popularity. The project required ideal samples capable of having children without “impurities” in the race, which “contaminated” the human potential of the “superior race”.

The Ahnenerbe seriously believed that work in the field of genetics would help unlock the enormous potential of the mysterious psychic power, supposedly lost due to the "erosion" of their true heritage, which would then give them the opportunity to once again rule the world from the "lower races".

In many cases, those who were considered perfect specimens - according to Nazi criteria - blue eyes, blond hair and Scandinavian features, did not enter the program voluntarily. They were kidnapped or otherwise forced to participate in the project.

However, to achieve the required results, the ambitious project of high goals required many generations of careful selection, so the organization moved towards the goal by a shorter route.
A program designed to create super soldiers with enhanced physical capabilities for use on the battlefield without restrictions, included an experimental drug called "D-IX". A wild cocktail of cocaine and a strong stimulant (Pervitin) was mixed with the powerful painkiller eucodal.

It was believed that D-IX stimulates an increase in attention, concentration, fearlessness, heroism and self-confidence, increases endurance, strength, reduces sensitivity to pain to almost zero, reduces hunger and thirst, and reduces the need for sleep.

The drug was first tested on prisoners in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, and showed such encouraging results that the developers soon recruited participants from the military environment. Soldiers received the capsules and went on long hikes in harsh terrain in full gear.
And in fact, D-IX showed a dramatic increase in endurance and concentration in the subjects. Soldiers, having taken the drug, freely covered more than 100 km without stopping.

The truth is that the wrong side of the “power” capsule was that long-term use caused addiction to the drug. However, D-IX was a resounding success and was officially used in the field starting in March 1944, albeit in limited dosage.

Ahnenerbe: resurrect Hitler?

While D-IX, as well as its more advanced combat stimulants, do in fact exist, more mysterious things actually exist. Some conspiracy theories believe that the Nazis worked to bring the dead back to life using unknown means brought from Tibet and Africa.

An interesting incident related to this case was made in April 1945, when Allied forces captured the Bernterode military plant, located in the German region of Thuringia. When American intelligence officers investigated a tunnel inside the plant, they discovered suspicious brickwork disguised as part of natural rock.

The destruction of the masonry opened the entrance to an underground cave, which, as it turned out, contained huge deposits of stolen art and ancient relics. Many new Nazi uniforms were also kept here. But a more mysterious discovery awaited in the next chamber - four extremely large coffins were discovered here!

One of the coffins (real sarcophagi) contained the remains of the 17th century Prussian king, Frederick the Great, the other Field Marshal von Hindenburg and his wife. The fourth coffin did not contain the body of the owner, but had a plaque engraved with the name of Adolf Hitler.

Although the reasons why these remains were so carefully preserved are unknown, some have speculated that the Nazis had plans to resurrect or clone the deceased at a later time. - At this point, I don’t want to say that the Ahnenerbe literally expected to bring dead leaders back to life, but serious work was being done in the field of cryogenics, which was probably what they planned to do with Hitler’s body.

Much closer to the truth is the persistent rumor among a number of fans of secrets and conspiracy theories that the Ahnenerbe was actively pursuing projects seeking to create mindless zombies in order to send hordes of troops unafraid of injury to the enemy. Moreover, these would not be zombies at all, whose bodies would be raised from the dead.

Everything is much simpler and at the same time more terrible - a special medical procedure designed to destroy the intellect and destroy everything human to the very foundation. This was the recipe for creating tireless super-soldiers in the Reich army.

Yes, the Ahnenerbe really conducted many strange research directions that were extremely important for the “dark” organization. Here, all employees were deeply involved in various projects, research, studies of the occult and the supernatural, medical experiments and the development of secret weapons from the great ancestors. And no one knows for sure what they managed to uncover from the ancient secrets and comprehend from the sphere of the astral world.

With the end of World War II, the mysterious Ahnenerbe “dissolved” and disappeared. It is believed that much of the data, documents, ancient texts and artifacts that the organization has collected over the years have been destroyed or stolen by intelligence agencies.
In the absence of real evidence, it is impossible to fully illuminate the extent of their success in obtaining ancient relics and artifacts, so we are left with a lot of speculation and rumors regarding the dark legend of the Ahnenerbe.

Fascist Germany, in addition to starting the Second World War, is also notorious for its concentration camps, as well as the horrors that happened there. The horror of the Nazi camp system consisted not only of terror and arbitrariness, but also of the colossal experiments on people that were carried out there. Scientific research was carried out on a grand scale, and its goals were so varied that it would take a long time to even name them.

In German concentration camps, scientific hypotheses were tested and various biomedical technologies were tested on living “human material”. Wartime dictated its priorities, so doctors were primarily interested in practical use scientific theories. For example, the possibility of maintaining people’s working capacity under conditions of excessive stress, blood transfusions with different Rh factors were studied, and new drugs were tested.

Among these monstrous experiments are pressure tests, experiments on hypothermia, the development of a vaccine against typhus, experiments with malaria, gas, sea water, poisons, sulfanilamide, sterilization experiments and many others.

In 1941, experiments were carried out with hypothermia. They were led by Dr. Rascher under the direct supervision of Himmler. The experiments were carried out in two stages. At the first stage, they found out what temperature a person could withstand and for how long, and the second stage was to determine ways to restore the human body after frostbite. To conduct such experiments, prisoners were taken out in winter without clothes for the whole night or placed in ice water. Hypothermia trials were conducted exclusively on men to simulate the conditions experienced by German soldiers on the Eastern Front, as the Nazis were ill-prepared for winter. For example, in one of the first experiments, prisoners were lowered into a container of water, the temperature of which ranged from 2 to 12 degrees, wearing pilot suits. At the same time, they were put on life jackets, which kept them afloat. As a result of the experiment, Rascher found that attempts to bring a person caught in ice water back to life are practically zero if the cerebellum was overcooled. This was the reason for the development of a special vest with a headrest that covered the back of the head and prevented the back of the head from plunging into the water.

The same Dr. Rascher in 1942 began conducting experiments on prisoners using pressure changes. Thus, doctors tried to establish how much air pressure a person could withstand and for how long. To conduct the experiment, a special pressure chamber was used, in which the pressure was regulated. There were 25 people in it at the same time. The purpose of these experiments was to help pilots and skydivers at high altitudes. According to one of the doctor's reports, the experiment was carried out on a 37-year-old Jew who was in good physical shape. Half an hour after the start of the experiment, he died.

200 prisoners took part in the experiment, 80 of them died, the rest were simply killed.

The Nazis also made large-scale preparations for the use of bacteriological agents. The emphasis was mainly on fleeting diseases, plague, anthrax, typhus, that is, diseases that in a short time could cause mass infections and death of the enemy.

The Third Reich had large reserves of typhus bacteria. In the event of their mass use, it was necessary to develop a vaccine to disinfect the Germans. On behalf of the government, Dr. Paul began developing a vaccine against typhus. The first to experience the effects of vaccines were the prisoners of Buchenwald. In 1942, 26 Roma, who had previously been vaccinated, were infected with typhus there. As a result, 6 people died from progression of the disease. This result did not satisfy the management, since the mortality rate was high. Therefore, research was continued in 1943. And already on next year The improved vaccine was again tested in humans. But this time the victims of vaccination were prisoners of the Natzweiler camp. Dr. Chrétien conducted the experiments. 80 gypsies were selected for the experiment. They were infected with typhus in two ways: through injections and by airborne droplets. Of the total number of test subjects, only 6 people became infected, but even such a small number were not provided with any medical care. In 1944, all 80 people who were involved in the experiment either died from the disease or were shot by concentration camp guards.

In addition, other cruel experiments were carried out on prisoners in the same Buchenwald. So, in 1943-1944, experiments with incendiary mixtures were carried out there. Their goal was to solve problems associated with bomb explosions, when soldiers received phosphorus burns. Mostly Russian prisoners were used for these experiments.

Experiments with the genitals were also carried out here in order to identify the causes of homosexuality. They involved not only homosexuals, but also men of traditional orientation. One of the experiments was genital transplantation.

Also in Buchenwald, experiments were carried out to infect prisoners with yellow fever, diphtheria, smallpox, and also used poisonous substances. For example, to study the effect of poisons on the human body, they were added to the food of prisoners. As a result, some of the victims died, and some were immediately shot for autopsies. In 1944, all participants in this experiment were shot using poison bullets.

A series of experiments were also carried out at the Dachau concentration camp. Thus, back in 1942, some prisoners aged 20 to 45 were infected with malaria. In total, 1,200 people were infected. Permission to conduct the experiment was obtained by the leader, Dr. Pletner, directly from Himmler. The victims were bitten by malarial mosquitoes, and, in addition, they were also infused with sporozoans, which were taken from mosquitoes. Quinine, antipyrine, pyramidon, and also a special drug called “2516-Bering” were used for treatment. As a result, approximately 40 people died from malaria, about 400 died from complications of the disease, and another number died from excessive doses of medication.

Here, in Dachau, in 1944, experiments were carried out to convert sea water into drinking water. For the experiments, 90 gypsies were used, who were completely deprived of food and forced to drink only sea water.

No less terrible experiments were carried out at the Auschwitz concentration camp. So, in particular, throughout the entire period of the war, sterilization experiments were carried out there, the purpose of which was to identify a quick and effective way to sterilize a large number of people without much time and physical effort. During the experiment, thousands of people were sterilized. The procedure was carried out using surgery, x-rays and various medicines. At first, injections with iodine or silver nitrate were used, but this method had a large number of side effects. Therefore, irradiation was more preferable. Scientists have found that a certain amount of X-rays can prevent the human body from producing eggs and sperm. During the experiments, a large number of prisoners received radiation burns.

The experiments with twins conducted by Dr. Mengele in the Auschwitz concentration camp were particularly cruel. Before the war, he worked on genetics, so twins were especially “interesting” to him.

Mengele personally sorted the “human material”: the most interesting, in his opinion, were sent to experiments, the less hardy to labor, and the rest to the gas chamber.

The experiment involved 1,500 pairs of twins, of which only 200 survived. Mengele conducted experiments on changing eye color by injecting chemicals, which resulted in complete or temporary blindness. He also attempted to "create Siamese twins" by sewing twins together. In addition, he experimented with infecting one of the twins with an infection, after which he performed autopsies on both to compare the affected organs.

When Soviet troops approached Auschwitz, the doctor managed to escape to Latin America.

There were also experiments in another German concentration camp - Ravensbrück. The experiments used women who were injected with bacteria of tetanus, staphylococcus, and gas gangrene. The purpose of the experiments was to determine the effectiveness of sulfonamide drugs.

The prisoners were given incisions, where shards of glass or metal were placed, and then bacteria were planted. After infection, the subjects were carefully monitored, recording changes in temperature and other signs of infection. In addition, experiments in transplantology and traumatology were conducted here. Women were deliberately mutilated, and to make it more convenient to monitor the healing process, sections of the body were cut out to the bone. Moreover, their limbs were often amputated, which were then taken to a neighboring camp and sewn on to other prisoners.

Not only did the Nazis abuse prisoners of concentration camps, but they also conducted experiments on “true Aryans.” Thus, a large burial was recently discovered, which was initially mistaken for Scythian remains. However, it was later established that there were German soldiers in the grave. The discovery horrified archaeologists: some of the bodies were decapitated, others had their shinbones sawn apart, and others had holes along the spine. It was also found that during life people were exposed to chemicals, and incisions were clearly visible in many skulls. As it later turned out, these were victims of experiments by the Ahnenerbe, a secret organization of the Third Reich that was engaged in the creation of a superman.

Since it was immediately obvious that such experiments would involve a large number of casualties, Himmler took responsibility for all deaths. He did not consider all these horrors to be murder, because, according to him, concentration camp prisoners are not people.

The medical experiments of the Nazis on people in concentration camps, even today, terrify the most resilient minds. A whole series of scientific experiments were carried out by the Nazis on innocent prisoners during the Second World War. As a rule, most experiments resulted in the death of the prisoner.

In one of the most famous concentration camps, Auschwitz, located in Poland, under the supervision of Professor Eduard Virts, disgusting experiments were carried out, the purpose of which was to improve the military weapons of soldiers, as well as their treatment. Such experiments were carried out not only for technological breakthroughs, the purpose was also to confirm the racial theory in which Adolf Hitler believed. After the end of the Second World War, the Nuremberg trials were held, in which twenty-three people were accused, who were essentially real serial maniacs, among whom were twenty doctors, as well as one lawyer, and a couple of officials. Subsequently, seven doctors were sentenced to death, five people received life sentences, seven people were acquitted, and four others were sentenced to various prison terms, which ranged from ten to twenty years' imprisonment.

°Experiments on twins°

Nazi medical experiments on children who were unlucky enough to be born twins and end up in concentration camps at the time were carried out by Nazi scientists to detect differences and similarities in the DNA structure of the twins. The doctor involved in this kind of experiment was named Joseph Mengele. According to historians, during his work Joseph killed more than four hundred thousand prisoners in gas chambers. The German scientist conducted his experiments on 1,500 pairs of twins, of which only two hundred pairs survived. Basically, all experiments on children were carried out in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.

The twins were divided into groups according to age and status, and were placed in specialized barracks. The experiments were truly monstrous. Various injections were injected into the twins' eyes. chemicals. They also tried to artificially change the color of children's eyes. It is also known that the twins were sewn together, thereby trying to recreate the phenomenon of Siamese twins. Experiments on changing eye color often ended in the death of the experimental subject, as well as infection of the retina and complete loss of vision. Joseph Mengele very often infected one of the twins, and then performed an autopsy on both children and compared the organs of the affected and normal organisms.

°Experiments with hypothermia°

At the very beginning of the war, the German air force conducted a series of experiments on hypothermia of the human body. The method of cooling a person was the same; the experimental subject was placed in a barrel of ice water for several hours. It is also known for sure that there was another mocking method of cooling the human body. The prisoner was simply thrown out into the cold weather, naked, and kept there for three hours. The goal of scientists was to discover ways to save a person exposed to hypothermia.

The progress of the experiment was monitored by the highest circles of the command of Nazi Germany. Most often, experiments were carried out on men to study ways in which fascist troops could easily endure severe frosts on the Eastern European front. It was the frosts, for which the German troops were not prepared, that caused Germany’s defeat on the Eastern Front.

Research was carried out mostly in the concentration camps of Dachau and Auschwitz. A German physician and part-time Ahnenerbe employee, Sigmund Rascher, reported only to Reich Minister of the Interior Heinrich Himmler. In 1942, at a conference on oceanic and winter research, Rascher gave a speech from which one could learn about the results of his medical experiments in concentration camps. The research was divided into several stages. At the first stage, German scientists studied how long a person could live at a minimum temperature. The second stage was the resuscitation and rescue of a test subject who had suffered severe frostbite.

Experiments were also conducted to study how to instantly warm a person. The first method of warming up was to lower the subject into a tank of hot water. In the second case, the frozen man was settled on a naked woman, and then another one was settled on him. Women for the experiment were selected from among those held in the concentration camp. The best result was achieved in the first case.

Research results have shown that it is almost impossible to save a person exposed to frostbite in water if the back of the head is also exposed to frostbite. In this regard, special life jackets were developed that prevented the back of the head from falling into the water. This made it possible to protect the head of the person wearing the vest from frostbite of brain stem cells. These days, almost all life jackets have a similar headrest.

°Experiments with malaria°

These Nazi medical experiments took place from early 1942 to mid-1945, in Nazi Germany at the Dachau concentration camp. Research was carried out during which German doctors and pharmacists worked on the invention of a vaccine against an infectious disease - malaria. For the experiment, physically healthy experimental subjects aged from 25 to 40 years were specially selected, and they were infected with the help of mosquitoes that carried the infection. After the prisoners were infected, they were prescribed a course of treatment with various drugs and injections, which in turn were also at the testing stage. Over one thousand people were forced to participate in the experiments. More than five hundred people died during the experiments. The German physician, SS Sturmbannführer Kurt Plötner, was responsible for the research.

°Experiments with mustard gas°

From the autumn of 1939 to the spring of 1945, near the city of Oranienburg in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, as well as in other camps in Germany, experiments were carried out with mustard gas. The purpose of the research was to identify the most effective ways treatment of wounds after skin exposure to this type of gas. Prisoners were doused with mustard gas, which, when it reached the surface of the skin, caused severe chemical burns. Afterwards, doctors examined the wounds to identify the effective medicine against this type of burns.

°Experiments with sulfanilamide°

From the summer of 1942 to the autumn of 1943, research was carried out on the use antibacterial drugs. One such drug is sulfonamide. People were deliberately shot in the leg and infected with anaerobic gangrene, tetanus and streptococcus bacteria. Blood circulation was stopped by applying tourniquets on both sides of the wound. Crushed glass and wood shavings were also poured into the wound. The resulting bacterial inflammation was treated with sulfonamide, as well as other drugs, to see how effective they were. The Nazi medical experiments were led by Karl Franz Gebhardt, who was on friendly terms with the Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler himself.

°Experiments with sea water°

Scientific experiments were carried out in the Dachau concentration camp, approximately from the summer to autumn of 1944. The purpose of the experiments was to identify how fresh water could be obtained from sea water, that is, one that would be suitable for human consumption. A group of prisoners was created, which included about 90 Roma. During the experiment, they did not receive food and drank only sea water. As a result, their bodies were so dehydrated that people licked the moisture from the freshly washed floor in the hope of getting at least a drop of water. The person responsible for the research was Wilhelm Beiglböck, who received fifteen years in prison at the Nuremberg doctors' trial.

°Sterilization experiments°

Experiments were carried out from the spring of 1941 to the winter of 1945 in Ravensbrück, Auschwitz and other concentration camps. The research was led by the German doctor Karl Clauberg. The goal of the research was to sterilize a large number of people with minimal investment of time, money and effort. During the Nazi medical experiments they used: radiography, various medical supplies, as well as surgical operations. As a result, after the experiments, thousands of people lost the opportunity to procreate. It is also known that fascist doctors, on orders from the highest circles of Nazi Germany, sterilized more than four hundred thousand people.

During the experiments, iodine and silver nitrate were often used, which were injected into the human body using syringes. As German doctors have found, these injections are very effective. However, they caused many side effects, such as cervical cancer, severe abdominal pain, and vaginal bleeding. Because of this, the decision was made to expose prisoners to radiation.

As it turned out, a small dose of X-rays can provoke infertility in the human body. After irradiation, a man stops producing sperm, and a woman, in turn, does not produce eggs. In most cases, exposure occurred through deception. The subjects were invited to a small room in which they were asked to fill out a questionnaire. It took just a few minutes to fill out the questionnaire. During filling, the human body was exposed to x-rays. Thus, after visiting such rooms, people themselves, without knowing it, became completely infertile. There are cases when a person received severe radiation burns during irradiation.

°Experiments with poisons°

Nazi medical experiments with poisons were carried out from the winter of 1943 to the autumn of 1944 at the Bachenwald concentration camp, where approximately 250 thousand people were imprisoned. Various poisons were secretly mixed into the prisoners' food and their reactions were observed. Prisoners died after poisoning, and were also killed by concentration camp guards to perform autopsies on the body, through which the poison did not have time to spread. It is known that in the fall of 1944, prisoners were shot with bullets that contained poison, and then the gunshot wounds were examined.

°Experiments on the effects of pressure differences°

In the winter of 1942, experiments were carried out on prisoners in Dachau, for which SS-Hauptsturmführer Sigmund Rascher was responsible. After the war, he was executed for his inhumane crimes. The purpose of the experiments was to study the well-being problems of Luftwaffe pilots who flew at very high altitudes. The experimental subject was simulated at high altitudes using a pressure chamber. Historians believe that after the experiments, Zygmunt also practiced brain vivisection - a type of operation during which the person is conscious. During the experiments, eighty out of two hundred prisoners died, the remaining one hundred and twenty were executed.