
What causes diarrhea? Diarrhea after drug therapy - why does it occur and how to treat? Normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

Often, medications can cause diarrhea. Despite all the undeniable benefits they bring to the body, medications can easily contribute to such negative phenomena. Diarrhea after taking them is not a rare phenomenon, often occurring in people long time taking different groups of medications. It is worth initially understanding the cause and learning to minimize the consequences of this phenomenon.

Why does drug-induced diarrhea occur?

There are several answers to this question at once. There are a number of characteristic causes that contribute to diarrhea after taking medications:

  • Replacement of beneficial bacteria with pathogenic ones. Staphylococcus, candida, salmonella and others are abundant in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Active irritant effect on the intestines by various groups of drugs.
  • Dysbacteriosis. A sharp decrease in enzymatic bacteria in the large intestine.

It is completely clear why drug-induced diarrhea occurs. In the vast majority of cases, it continues until the course of drugs is completed or discontinued.

Medicines that can cause diarrhea

Not every drug can cause intestinal irritation. Here the question is not about individual intolerance, but about a specific action various groups medicines. There is a wide range of medications that can cause loose stools. If a similar situation is observed in children, then it must be dealt with as quickly as possible, since this means not only a frequent urge to defecate, but also discomfort in the child. In addition, dehydration may occur. Such drugs must be urgently abandoned, as the consequences can be much worse than the effect obtained.


At first glance, it seems that it is simply impossible to do without these drugs. They help fight various kinds of infections and bacteria. Antibiotics actively perform their function and at the same time cause severe harm to the body. Often correct technique The drug does not lead to harmful consequences, but an overdose of an antibiotic has a general negative effect on the body. Each drug has its own pharmachologic effect capable of being expressed in different ways. Among the most popular antibiotics are the following:

  • Lincomycin. The drug is administered intramuscularly. Causes pain with severe cramps in the abdominal area. Active seething in the intestines. Diarrhea is common and can quickly cause dehydration. In case of such reactions, the prescription is canceled.
  • Augmentin. Despite the high effectiveness of the drug, not every human body reacts correctly to its components. Often the patient feels noticeable deterioration leading to vomiting and diarrhea. Additionally, the functioning of other body systems may deteriorate. If diarrhea does not go away, it is recommended to discontinue the drug.
  • Canephron. A good herbal antibiotic. It is the herbs that make up its composition that provoke the appearance of diarrhea, since they have a pronounced choleretic effect. Diarrhea often lasts about a week.
  • Pimafucin. Actively fights antifungal infections. Diarrhea will end immediately after stopping the drug.
  • Nurofen. Despite all the benefits of this antipyretic drug, its active effect extends to the adrenal glands. It is their oppression that causes diarrhea. Most often, young patients are susceptible to such manifestations.

Antibiotics have a different spectrum of action. But, if they cause side effects, then their use should be abandoned.

Diarrhea after taking birth control

A number of drugs aimed at preventing unwanted pregnancy can also cause diarrhea. Loose stools after taking a contraceptive are rare and only a small list of drugs can affect the occurrence of such a problem. Watery discharge can be caused by this hormonal drug like "Jess". Despite the fact that it simultaneously combats facial rashes and hormonal instability, adverse effects in the form of loose stools are often observed.

Normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

It is these medications that are aimed at restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract after the negative effects of antibiotics. But not rarely, they are also the direct provocateurs of the appearance of liquid feces. Despite the fact that tablets that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract should provide immediate benefits, they can only intensify the problems. This problem is most pronounced in children younger age, for whom any bloating and subsequent bowel movement become a real problem. The most common problems are caused by the following medications that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • "Creon" - enzyme preparation often causing, along with diarrhea, severe nausea and discomfort in the abdominal area. Diarrhea goes away only a few days after stopping the medication.
  • "Linex" provokes temporary diarrhea that occurs on the 3-5th day of taking the drug. The diarrhea ends almost immediately. But a number of components can negatively affect the human body and increase discomfort.
  • Enterofuril causes diarrhea only in exceptional cases, often due to an overdose of the drug.
  • "Bifidobacterium" is designed to normalize intestinal flora. Instead, the probiotic may have the opposite effect and cause diarrhea.

Despite the fact that drugs that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract almost never pose a real threat, it is recommended to be especially careful when taking them and abandon them at the slightest sign of diarrhea.

How to treat drug-induced diarrhea

Knowing that you can cope with the problem yourself, you should try to solve it without additional medical intervention. How to cure drug-induced diarrhea? First of all, it is advisable to stop taking those medications that provoke such ailments. Literally in the first days you will notice a real improvement in your condition. In both adults and children, stool will normalize and bowel cleansing will become stable.

Diet will also not be superfluous in this case. Proper balanced nutrition, and refusal harmful products, will have a gentle effect on the intestines. In addition, you can always use medications that can improve the patient’s condition.


Many will already look at any medications with caution, since folk remedies can solve the problem of diarrhea caused by medications. They are almost always at hand and can serve faithfully.

The following folk remedies that are effective for diarrhea should be distinguished:

  • Vodka with salt. Despite all the skepticism of the method, it really helps. You need to take about 100 grams of vodka and mix with a teaspoon of salt. Drink in one gulp. The visible effect occurs within half an hour.
  • Cumin oil. Pour a few drops of cumin oil onto a piece of refined sugar. Eat. The effect is noticeable after taking 3-4 pieces of sugar.
  • Sagebrush. Pour a glass of boiling water over the wormwood collection. Leave for half an hour. Drink up. You need to drink at least 3 glasses of the drink every day.

The right folk remedies help get rid of many problems. And the main thing is that it is quite easy to overcome drug-induced diarrhea if you know what to use to fight it.

Diarrhea after taking medications is not uncommon. The main thing is to initially identify the problem that caused the discomfort and bloating and solve it based on the situation. And then no medications will be able to interfere in the fight for the health of both adults and children.

Diarrhea from pills is quite common. After all, today there are a huge number of diseases for which no less number are taken. medicines. It is worth noting, however, that such synthetic products not only help get rid of the cause of the ailment, but also often become the culprit of new pathologies in the body. As a rule, diarrhea from pills occurs only if the patient is taking medications that are aimed at eliminating bacterial infections. But first things first.

Severe irritable bowel

It is not so important why you developed this disease, because in any case such a deviation is accompanied unpleasant sensations in the abdominal cavity. According to patients, with this pathology they feel quite intense pain, a sensation of fluid transfusion, as well as gas formation and bloating.

In most cases, diarrhea from pills goes away on its own after stopping the medication. But if this does not happen, and the patient feels the following symptoms, then you should definitely make an appointment with a therapist. So, what should be the reason for going to the clinic:

  • A temperature of more than 38 °C appeared.
  • Diarrhea occurred in an infant or an elderly person.
  • The stool has become tarry or black with blood in it.
  • Diarrhea from the pills is accompanied by unbearable abdominal pain.
  • Diarrhea lasts intensely for more than 2 days.

Other reasons

In addition to taking antibiotics, diarrhea can occur for other reasons. Among them, we can especially highlight any infections, unhealthy and unbalanced diet, poisoning with toxic substances, digestive disorders, diseases of internal organs, stress, etc. Moreover, the regularity and type of stool can vary significantly depending on what problem caused the diarrhea. .

How to treat?

If you have diarrhea, it should be treated immediately. Indeed, with prolonged and intense diarrhea, your body may become dehydrated. Typically, such therapy consists of directly eliminating the true cause of the mentioned deviation, as well as observing strict diet and taking special medications. As for the latter, remedies that help get rid of diarrhea can be classified as follows.

Treatment of patients with diarrhea is primarily determined by the disease from which it is a consequence. However, regardless of the nature of the main pathological process There are some general principles for the management of such patients: strict adherence to dietary recommendations, as well as the use of symptomatic drugs that affect individual mechanisms of diarrhea - disruption of cavity and parietal (membrane) digestion, absorption of food ingredients, electrolytes and water, intestinal motility.

The nutrition of patients with diarrhea should help reduce intestinal motility and secretory activity of the mucous membrane, while ensuring optimal digestion of food and absorption of its ingredients.

In the event of acute diarrhea or exacerbation of chronic diarrhea, nutrition should be as mechanically and chemically gentle as possible. Foods that increase intestinal motility and secretory activity of the mucous membrane should be completely excluded from the diet: fatty, fried, spicy foods, seasonings, smoked foods, canned food, foods with a large amount of plant fiber. It is recommended to consume boiled or mashed dishes, as well as steamed ones.

During the period of remission with mild diarrhea, diet 4c is prescribed, which provides for the exclusion or limitation of the above products, although it is allowed to eat food in unground form. When the condition improves, the consumption of sweet varieties of berries and ripe vegetables is allowed.

With hypolactasia, milk and dairy products are excluded; all patients with celiac disease are prescribed a gluten-free diet - all products made from cereals (wheat, oats, rye, barley) are excluded.

Drug treatment for diarrhea

In acute bacterial diarrhea, the question always arises about the advisability of prescribing antibacterial drugs. It is important to remember that in general, the use of antibiotics is characterized by a high frequency of side effects, a negative impact on the normal intestinal microflora and the risk of developing severe complications, including anaphylactic reactions, pseudomembranous colitis, etc. Therefore, the use of antibacterial drugs for acute intestinal infections is limited to strict indications:

Cholera, shigellosis, typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever;

Intestinal infection through sexual transmission (chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis);

Severe prolonged diarrhea in patients with intestinal infection caused by Salmonella spp. (including non-paratyphoid group), Campylobacter jejuni, Yersinia spp., Escherichia coli (strain 0157:H7);

Infectious inflammatory diarrhea caused by invasive bacteria, especially in immunocompromised patients, the elderly, those with severe medical conditions, and those with prosthetic heart valves.

If there are indications for antibacterial therapy, fluoroquinolones, amoxicillin, macrolides, co-trimoxazole, and tetracyclines are most often used. Other antibiotic monotherapy regimens are also possible.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the prevalence of strains of intestinal pathogens resistant to co-trimoxazole, chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol) and tetracycline. Therefore, in many cases, the drugs of choice include fluoroquinolones, which are highly effective against almost all pathogens of bacterial intestinal infections.

To treat moderate intestinal infections, so-called intestinal antiseptics are sometimes used - antibiotics that, after oral administration, are not absorbed from the intestine and do not have a general effect, providing an antimicrobial effect only in the intestine. The advantage of these drugs is that they have a fairly wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity and relatively little disrupt the balance of the intestinal microbial flora.

TO intestinal antiseptics include:

Nitrofurans (nifuroxazide, furazolidone);

Non-fluorinated quinolones and quinolines (chloroquinaldol);

Non-absorbable sulfonamides (sulgin, phthalazole);

Non-absorbable aminoglycosides (polymyxin M sulfate, rifaximin, etc.).

Bacterial preparations (eubiotics)

When treating patients with infectious and non-infectious diarrhea of various origins, especially with the simultaneous use of antibiotics, it is advisable to prescribe bacterial preparations (eubiotics) that help restore normal intestinal microflora: bifidumbacterin, bifiform, lactobacterin, linex, bactisubtil, enterol, normaflor, acylact, hilak forte, etc. Most of these drugs contain a culture of normal bacteria intestinal microflora (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, streptococci, enterococci, etc.), which have the ability to protect the body from colonization and adhesion of pathogenic microbes. By contacting epithelial cells, they stimulate the macroorganism’s defense mechanisms, including the regeneration of the mucous membrane.

The listed bacterial preparations are widely used to treat dysbiosis, which develops with any (organic or functional) damage to the small and large intestines, accompanied by diarrhea. Linex, bactisubtil, bifiform, enterol are highly effective.

Linex contains cultures of bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium and Streptococcus faecium. The drug maintains and regulates the balance of intestinal microflora and has an immunostimulating effect. It is used for dysbiosis, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, abdominal pain caused by intestinal pathology. Take two capsules 3 times a day after meals with a small amount of liquid. It is allowed to take Linex simultaneously with antibiotics.

Enterol is a lyophilized culture of Saccharomyces boulardii. The drug is especially effective for diarrhea associated with the use of antibiotics.

Bactisubtil is a combined preparation that contains the culture of Bacillus cereus, calcium carbonate, white clay, titanium oxide and gelatin. This combination is especially useful for diarrhea, as it not only helps restore intestinal microflora, but also has a distinct antidiarrheal effect. Bactisubtil is taken 1 capsule 3-6 times a day for 5-10 days. For chronic diarrhea, the effect is possible even when using smaller doses.

Bifiform contains cultures of Enterococcus faecium and Bifidobacterium longum bacteria. The drug is highly effective for diarrhea of ​​various origins.

Antidiarrheal drugs

In the treatment of secretory diarrhea, regardless of its genesis, agonists of intestinal opiate receptors are widely used. Loperamide inhibits the release of acetylcholine and prostaglandins, reduces intestinal motility, increases the tone of the anal sphincter and has an antisecretory effect. Unlike narcotic analgesics, loperamide has a selective effect only on receptors of the intestinal wall. Loperamide is used to treat acute and chronic diarrhea, excluding diarrhea caused by antibiotics. For acute diarrhea, loperamide is prescribed 2 tablets (2 mg) once, then 2 mg after each bowel movement until stool normalizes and there is no bowel movement for 12 hours. There is a lingual form of loperamide, when taken (2 tablets per tongue) the effect occurs already within 1 hour.

Imodium-plus is a combination drug that contains loperamide (2 mg) and simethicone (125 mg). The latter adsorbs gases, eliminates flatulence and promotes rapid cessation of diarrhea.

Octreotide is a synthetic analogue of somatostatin. The drug reduces the secretion of growth hormone, vasointestinal peptide (VIP), serotonin, gastrin, insulin, glucagon, thyroid-stimulating hormone. In gastroenterological practice, it is used to relieve symptoms of tumors of the gastropancreatic endocrine system (carcinoid syndrome, VIP-producing tumors, gastrinomas). Octreotide can also be used as an effective antidiarrheal agent, including for diarrhea in patients with AIDS. Octreotide is effective for secretory diarrhea of ​​various origins, as well as in patients with symptoms of impaired absorption, due to a decrease in secretion and restoration of impaired absorption of water and electrolytes.

These drugs have a protective effect on the mucous membrane, adsorb toxins, some bacteria, water and gases, promoting the formation of formed stool.

Diosmectite is a substance of natural origin with pronounced adsorbing and enveloping properties. Diosmectite increases the amount of mucus, exhibiting a protective effect on the mucous membrane. Constipation may occur when taking the drug.

Magnesium aluminum silicate colloidal hydrate has pronounced adsorbing properties. The drug binds bacteria and toxins, reduces intoxication and normalizes flora. Due to its astringent effect, it reduces inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

Adsorbents and ion exchange resins

Medicines in this group have the property of selectively adsorbing bacteria, toxins, poisons, drugs, endogenous metabolites (for example, cholesterol, urea), as well as liquids and gases in the intestine. When used, the volume of intestinal contents decreases, peristalsis slows down and the frequency of bowel movements decreases, intoxication and flatulence decrease. Activated carbon, lignin processing products and polymer drugs based on polyvinylpyrrolidone are used as adsorbents.

Cholestyramine is an ion exchange resin and is used in clinical practice mainly as a lipid-lowering agent. Cholestyramine binds to small intestine bile acids, which stimulate the secretion of water and electrolytes into the intestinal lumen. In addition, cholestyramine adsorbs microorganisms, viruses, toxins and poisons.

Restoring water balance

Rehydration (replacing lost fluid volume) is a critical goal in the treatment of many patients with diarrhea. For acute diarrhea, it is advisable to administer oral solutions containing electrolytes and glucose. An approximate composition could be as follows: per 1 liter of water - 3.5 g of sodium chloride, 2.5 g of potassium chloride, 2.9 g of sodium citrate, 15 g of glucose. Every 5 minutes, take 50 ml of solution for 3-5 hours.

At severe course acute diarrhea (in 5-15% of cases) it is necessary to use parenteral fluid administration. More often, intravenous infusions of crystalloid solutions are used - Trisol, Quartasol, Chlosol, Acesol or saline.

Drug-induced diarrhea

A phenomenon such as watery diarrhea, characterized by very frequent loose stools, is caused not only by pathogenic bacteria and viruses or a non-infectious disease, but also by taking a large number of medications. In this case, drug-induced diarrhea develops. Most often, the acute form of the pathology appears after treatment with antihypertensive, antacid drugs and antibiotics or consumption of large amounts of food additives with magnesium. Why does diarrhea occur after taking medications? Drug-induced diarrhea has the following reasons for its development:

  • Strong irritant effect, which many drugs used to treat various diseases can have on the intestines;
  • This type of loose stool appears due to a decrease in the number of enzymatic bacteria in the large intestine;
  • Also, drug-induced diarrhea can be caused by the replacement of beneficial bacteria with pathogenic ones, such as candida, staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa or salmonella.

Poisoning with an excessive dose of antibiotics also contributes to the occurrence of diarrhea. Watery stools in this case are not accompanied by other symptoms and disappear some time after stopping the drug.

Diarrhea after medications

After taking medications, diarrhea appears quite often in a child or adult patient. Oddly enough, it can also be provoked by those means that are intended to normalize the intestinal microflora. This type of loose stool is not very dangerous, but when it develops in a child, its manifestations can be quite unpleasant. Such diarrhea in babies is always accompanied false urges to defecation, rumbling in the stomach and flatulence. Because of this problem arises, it is worth taking a closer look at such medications as Creon, Linex, Bifidumbacterin and Enterofuril. Despite the fact that their action is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea is possible after a treatment course:

  1. In children themselves early age motility disorders of the gastrointestinal tract often occur. Most effective method Treatment in this case is considered to be the appointment of Creon. The action of this drug is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the digestive organs. But there are also situations when diarrhea from Creon appears. A side effect such as drug-induced diarrhea that occurs in a child after taking Creon is always accompanied by nausea and a feeling of discomfort in the stomach. To avoid the occurrence of such symptoms, all prescriptions should be performed only by a pediatrician;
  2. Diarrhea may also appear after using Linex. Drug-induced diarrhea when prescribing Linex is transient and goes away within the first week of therapy. It appears due to the fact that some children may have hypersensitivity to certain components of the drug. Diarrhea caused by this medicine is not dangerous and goes away quickly. Also, if a negative effect of Linex appears on the body, you can start taking its analogues;
  3. A probiotic such as Bifidumbacterin can also cause drug-induced diarrhea. It occurs due to the baby’s individual reaction to the components of the drug. In this case, Bifidumbacterin should, in consultation with a pediatrician, be replaced with Bifiform baby.

Also, some babies may develop a symptom such as drug-induced diarrhea even after Enterofuril, which is an antiseptic and is prescribed simultaneously with Linex or Creon. Drug-induced diarrhea occurs mostly due to an overdose of the drug. To avoid the appearance of these symptoms, Enterofuril is used in the treatment of both watery bowel movements and vomiting only as prescribed by a specialist. Contraindications for the use of Enterofuril are either the age of the baby up to 1 month, or its prematurity.

Drug-induced diarrhea from anti-inflammatory drugs

After taking drugs that kill a large number of bacteria and eliminate the inflammatory process, such as Augmentin, Pimafucin, Canephron, Nurofen and Lincomycin, diarrhea also occurs quite often. It manifests itself as a side effect of their action or becomes a consequence of a possible overdose of the drug. To figure out how to avoid negative symptoms, expressed in drug-induced diarrhea, which can be provoked by taking these drugs, you should consider each of them in more detail:

  • The pharmacological action of Augmentin is aimed at the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases that are caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug. But this drug can cause different age groups and severe side effects from various systems. The gastrointestinal tract reacts to this medication with diarrhea and vomiting. In the event that diarrhea begins after Augmentin, it should be excluded from the prescription and replaced with an analogue;
  • Drug-induced diarrhea from Pimafucin may also occur in most patients using this antifungal antibiotic for medicinal purposes. Due to the fact that this drug causes minor harm to the intestinal microflora, diarrhea caused by Pimafucin goes away on its own after its discontinuation;
  • Canephron can also cause stomach upset. Diarrhea that appears while taking it usually lasts about a week. Related this symptomatology with the fact that Canephron contains medicinal herbs, having a choleretic effect;
  • Diarrhea often appears after Nurofen. It is a good anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drug, but due to possible side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, it is not suitable for all patients. Nurofen gives such reactions due to the fact that it has a depressing effect on the adrenal glands. Most often, children suffer from this action;
  • Drug-induced diarrhea after Lincomycin administered intramuscularly can also occur in patients of any age. Diarrhea in this case is accompanied by spasms and seething in the intestines. It is recommended to discontinue the prescription of Lincomycin when these symptoms appear, so as not to provoke possible dehydration of the body.

In addition, you should remember that you should never take any medication on your own. Only a specialist can prescribe it.

Diarrhea while taking birth control pills

Some medications designed to prevent unwanted pregnancy can also cause frequent, watery bowel movements. This is especially true for a medicine like Jess. When exposed to this medication on the body, you can get rid of acne. Jess also provides therapy severe form premenstrual syndrome.

But if Jess is the cause of diarrhea, you should change the contraceptive drug. Its further use raises concerns not only from possible dehydration, but also due to the lack of contraceptive effect caused by large amounts of watery feces.

Drug-induced diarrhea

The occurrence of watery diarrhea against the background of frequent bowel movements is provoked not only by pathogenic microflora or non-infectious diseases, but also by the use of medications. Development acute form Drug-induced diarrhea is associated with the use of antacids, antihypertensive drugs and antibiotics, or with the consumption of excessive amounts of magnesium-containing multivitamins and nutritional supplements.

Causes of drug-induced diarrhea

Drug-induced diarrhea develops due to the following reasons:

  • strong irritant effect on the intestines of certain medications;
  • decreased fermentation function in the intestines due to inhibition of bacterial flora;
  • replacement of beneficial microflora with pathogenic ones.

Taking antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs Augmentin, Nurofen, Lincomycin, Pimafucin also often causes diarrhea. Loose stools are a side effect or appear as a result of an overdose of the drug.

Taking drugs with a diuretic effect - thiazide diuretics ("Hydrochlorothiazide", "Clopamide", "Indapamide"), furasimide and ethanol - has an irritating effect on the intestines. The use of medications also increases secretion and intestinal motility:

  • “Muscarine”, “Metoclopramide”, “Pilocarpine” - drugs of the cholinergic group;
  • “Physostigmine”, “Neostigmine” - cholinesterase inhibitors;
  • “Theophylline”, “Caffeine” - methylxanthine agents.

Medicines containing gold, quinine, colchicine and para-aminosalicylic acid can directly damage the cellular structure of enterocytes in the intestine. Taking medications can cause malabsorption (lack of absorption in the small intestine) with severe diarrhea syndrome.

Taking cytostatics and antitumor drugs - Methotrexate, Arabinoside, Rubomycin, Actinomycin D - always damage enterocyte cells. The dose, type and duration of drug use determine the severity of the damage. It may be a mild enzymatic disorder cellular structure, and ulceration of the intestinal membranes. In this case, diarrhea will also have different symptoms.

Drug-induced diarrhea can be caused by the use of laxatives in uncontrolled dosages. Taking Lactulose, Manitol, Sorbitol and Xylitol causes diarrhea with osmotic symptoms.

Adverse consequences

The use of antibiotics, in addition to dysbacteriosis, sometimes causes deep damage to the walls of the large intestine with destructive processes and the formation of pseudomembranes. The pathology may develop with the first dose of the drug or develop gradually. Symptoms of diarrhea due to pseudomembranous colitis are characterized by fever, acute pain in the lower abdomen and other signs of colitis.

Treatment Basics

1. Discontinuation of the drug that causes drug-induced diarrhea, if it is not vital, or replacement with a drug similar in action, but different in composition.

2. Taking enterosorbents for speedy absorption chemical elements and compounds that adversely affect the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Energy sorbents:

3. In case of profuse or prolonged diarrhea of ​​a medicinal nature, if there is a suspicion of possible dehydration of the body and a violation of the composition of the intestinal microflora, appropriate medications are taken.

Diarrhea in an adult (diarrhea) - what to do, treatment

Who doesn’t know from television advertising what to do if diarrhea occurs in adults? Take a “magic” pill that will instantly stop diarrhea! However, any doctor will say that such “treatment” will not help at best, and will do harm at worst. Firstly, medications for diarrhea do not act instantly, they only reduce intestinal motility, and secondly, the use of such medications is contraindicated in a number of diseases. What to do when you suffer from loose stools?

Diarrhea in an adult: causes and symptoms of diarrhea

Diarrhea is not a disease, but a symptom that indicates problems in the gastrointestinal tract or in the body as a whole. Therefore, it is impossible to cure diarrhea without knowing what causes it. Diarrhea is defined as the passage of loose stool either once or with an increased frequency of bowel movements. If such a violation goes away within 2-3 weeks, we're talking about about acute diarrhea, over 21 days - chronic.

IN in good condition the body of a healthy adult excretes 100–300 g of formed feces daily or at other intervals that are comfortable for a particular gastrointestinal tract. Liquefaction and accelerated evacuation of stool occurs due to a sharp increase in water content: with diarrhea, stool is 90% liquid. The amount of feces suggests the etiology of diarrhea:

  • disturbances of intestinal motility usually do not increase the daily volume of feces; it is excreted frequently, but in small portions;
  • if the problem is in the absorption of substances by the intestinal wall, there is a significant increase in the volume of feces due to the mass of undigested food.

The main causes of loose stools in adults:

  • indigestion after a heavy meal with “heavy” dishes;
  • mild food poisoning;
  • intolerance to certain foods ( allergic reactions, hypolactasia);
  • taking certain medications (laxatives, antacids, antiarrhythmics, anticoagulants, synthetic sweeteners);
  • stressful state (excitement, fear, fright, in which diarrhea is the result of the release of hormones);
  • traveler's diarrhea (associated with changes in climatic conditions and diet).

Such diarrhea usually goes away within 3-4 days, and the patient will most likely be able to associate the onset of diarrhea with previous events.

However, the causes of diarrhea in an adult can be more serious:

  • infection with bacteria, viruses, protozoa (dysentery, salmonellosis, stomach flu);
  • inflammatory diseases digestive organs (gastritis, hepatitis, UC (nonspecific ulcerative colitis), ulcers);
  • functional organ failure (deficiency of certain enzymes);
  • gastrointestinal diseases of unknown etiology (Crohn's disease);
  • toxic damage (poisoning with lead, mercury).

In such cases, it is not enough to simply stop the diarrhea: a diagnosis must be made and qualified treatment must be carried out, often in an inpatient setting. Concerning clinical manifestations diarrhea, they may be mild. This applies to ordinary indigestion, when in addition to loose stools, cramping pain in the abdomen and dyspeptic symptoms (boiling, bloating, severe accumulation of gases in the intestines (flatulence)) may be observed.

In case of food poisoning, the pain is accompanied by weakness, fever, nausea and vomiting, refusal to eat, and the temperature may rise. Similar symptoms are accompanied by intestinal infections and viral diseases.

Alarming signs that require immediate attention are symptoms of dehydration. Dry skin and mucous membranes, cracked lips, severe thirst, rare urination, darkening of urine occur with debilitating diarrhea, and this condition poses a great danger: the pulse increases, blood pressure drops, and muscle cramps may begin.

What to do for diarrhea in an adult - first aid

To prevent dehydration, the water and salts lost by the body must be compensated by drinking plenty of fluids: it is best to take rehydrating solutions (Rehydron and analogues); in their absence, you can drink saline solution, salted water, chamomile tea. Prevention of dehydration should begin as soon as it becomes clear that loose stools are not an isolated case.

Especially if the diarrhea is profuse and constant, has been going on for several days, and is accompanied by vomiting. It is also necessary to pay attention to the presence of blood in feces. It can appear with dysentery, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease.

Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor will select a specific treatment, but there are general rules that must be followed in any case of diarrhea. This is dietary nutrition, taking adsorbent drugs, enzymes.

Diet for diarrhea in an adult

The nature of the diet obviously influences bowel movements. Many foods have an irritating effect on peristalsis, and during diarrhea you should forget about them until complete recovery. These are spices, raw vegetables, plums and other laxatives.

Some foods have a fixing effect, so in the first few days of the diet you should limit yourself to the following set of dishes:

  • wheat bread crackers;
  • vegetable purees;
  • slimy porridge;
  • pureed meat and fish of lean varieties (steamed, boiled);
  • tea, blueberry jelly, bird cherry fruit infusion, rice infusion.

You can start the diet on a “fasting” day: drink only strong sweet tea (8-10 cups during the day).

If diarrhea is caused by lactose or gluten intolerance, then diet is the main, and often the only, factor in treatment. For these diseases it is prescribed therapeutic nutrition, completely excluding products containing milk sugar and the cereal protein gluten.

Diet is important: you need to eat often (every 3 hours) and in small portions.

The diet must be followed throughout the treatment and beyond, but after the first “hard” days, you can remove the restrictions and expand the diet, adhering to the following principles:

  1. Avoid foods that mechanically and chemically irritate the gastrointestinal tract (spicy, salty, sour, containing coarse fiber).
  2. You should not eat foods that stimulate the release of bile (fatty foods, tomatoes and carrots, grape juice, lingonberries).
  3. Remove “fermenting” and gas-forming foods from the diet - apples, cabbage, brown bread, milk.

Thus, we list the prohibited products:

  • any fried meat;
  • offal;
  • rich broths;
  • fatty fish cooked in any way, and lean fish if it is fried, canned, smoked;
  • milk, high fat cream;
  • scrambled eggs, hard-boiled eggs;
  • cabbage in any form, beets, spicy root vegetables, turnips, radishes, cucumbers;
  • canned vegetables;
  • mushrooms;
  • sour berries and fruits;
  • pastries and bread;
  • carbonated drinks, kvass, cold drinks.

What then can you eat for diarrhea in adults? Here is an approximate list of dishes from which it is recommended to create a diet menu:

  • steamed minced meat cutlets, meat puree(can be from “children’s” jars), soufflé;
  • boiled fish (such as pollock, cod), fish balls, steamed cutlets;
  • cereal cooked in water; you can add a little milk and a piece of butter to the finished porridge;
  • rice pudding;
  • puree soups with vegetable or weak meat broth;
  • boiled pasta;
  • fermented milk drinks;
  • fresh cottage cheese;
  • omelet, soft-boiled eggs;
  • boiled, baked or pureed vegetables: potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, green beans;
  • baked fruits in compote, some fresh strawberries;
  • jellies and mousses from berries and fruits;
  • white bread croutons, dryers, “Maria” cookies;
  • water, tea, compote, cocoa without milk.
Preventing dehydration

In addition to diet, it is important to organize the correct drinking regime. The fluid entering the body should be several liters in volume in order to fully compensate for the loss of water through diarrhea.

Since microelements are washed out with loose stools, plain water is not very suitable for drinking. It is better to take glucose-salt drinks, which will replenish the loss of electrolytes and maintain normal level blood sugar, and salt promotes fluid retention in the body.

There are special preparations for preparing rehydrating drinks, these are Regidron, Citroglucosolan, Gastrolit, but if they are not available, you can prepare the liquid yourself by diluting it in a liter of water:

Instead of potassium chloride, you can pour a decoction of dried apricots and freshly squeezed orange juice into the solution. You need to drink in small portions, but constantly throughout the day.

Medicines to treat diarrhea in adults

  1. Sorbents are an important part of the treatment of diarrhea. They remove toxins, viruses, bacteria from the intestines, adsorb gases, and reduce bloating. It is recommended to take such drugs for intestinal infections and poisoning, but they must be taken separately from any other drugs (it is advisable to maintain an interval of 2 hours, otherwise the drugs will not be absorbed). If absorption in the intestine is severely impaired (enteropathy), sorbents are not prescribed so as not to aggravate the nutritional deficiency. The choice of enterosorbents is large, from traditional activated carbon (10 tablets) to modern drugs based on kaolin, calcium salts, bismuth (De-nol, Smecta), wood derivatives (Polyphepan, Balignin), magnesium and aluminum salts (Attapulgite).
  2. Drugs that reduce the production of intestinal mucus. They are taken on the first day from the onset of diarrhea. These are anti-inflammatory drugs such as Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Sulfasalosin. If Crohn's disease is detected, hormonal medications (Metypred, Prednisolone) are used for this purpose, of course, only with a doctor's prescription.
  3. Herbal medicines. Plants with astringent properties reduce intestinal secretion and peristalsis. These are oak bark, bird cherry berries, alder cones, chamomile, and cinquefoil root. Decoctions and infusions are made from plant materials to drink throughout the day. To stop diarrhea, any folk remedies with a fixing effect are suitable.
  4. Enzymes. If diarrhea is associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, enzymes help replenish the deficiency of digestive juices. Impaired absorption in the intestine also requires additional stimulation - medications based on pancreatin (Creon, Pancitrate, Festal, Mezim) are well suited for this.
  5. Antidiarrheals and others that reduce intestinal motility. The choice of drug also depends on the cause of the disease. Loperamide, a well-known substance whose drugs stop diarrhea (Imodium, Lopedium), cannot be taken for intestinal infections, since some of the pathogens will then remain in the body and not be eliminated. Loperamide preparations are effective for irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease. For enteropathies, hormones are prescribed that simultaneously paralyze the motor activity of the intestine and enhance its absorption capacity (Somatostatin, Octreotide). Antispasmodics also relieve excessive peristalsis (Papaverine, No-shpa).
  6. Antibiotics are prescribed by the doctor based on the results of the tests performed and the identified causative agents of diarrhea. As a rule, antibacterial drugs are recommended for intestinal infections wide range actions. In the case of a viral etiology of the disease, Arbidol and immunoglobulins can be used, but in practice such diarrhea goes away without specific treatment.
  7. Intestinal antiseptics are antimicrobials, acting exclusively in the intestines and not penetrating into the blood. They have a detrimental effect on staphylococci, streptococci, salmonella, E. coli, shigella and other infectious flora, but retain beneficial microorganisms. An example of such a drug is Enterofuril. A medicine called Intetrix also destroys dysentery amoeba and candida fungi.
  8. Probiotics. These drugs are indispensable in the treatment of diarrhea of ​​any etiology, since diarrhea, no matter what the cause, upsets the balance of the intestinal microflora. For example, Enterol is a complex antidiarrheal agent that works in several directions: it suppresses the activity of microbes, viruses, protozoa and fungi, removes toxins, restores the intestinal mucosa and strengthens local immunity, stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria. Preparations of specific flora (Hilak-Forte, Linex, Baktisubtil) help normalize the microclimate in the intestines.
  9. Intestinal immunomodulators. Modern doctors include in the treatment regimen for diarrhea a drug such as Galavit, which is recommended for any infectious diarrhea. Galavit relieves symptoms of intoxication and provides rapid improvement in the condition of adult patients (not indicated for children).

As an important piece of advice, it should be noted that diarrhea in an adult that has not gone away within 3 days is a reason to consult a doctor. Chronic diarrhea may indicate the presence serious illnesses, it occurs even in some forms of cancer.

It is also worth seeing a doctor if the temperature rises above 38 during diarrhea, signs uncharacteristic of indigestion or poisoning appear: rash, yellowness of the skin and eyes, dark urine, sleep disturbances. Constant excruciating pain in the abdomen should not be the norm (spastic pain before and during bowel movements is acceptable).

Black or green diarrhea, vomiting mixed with fresh or coagulated (dark) blood, fainting, signs of severe dehydration indicate that the situation is critical: it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Common Causes of Severe Diarrhea in Adults

Diarrhea is one of the symptoms of a number of diseases, so this manifestation is not diagnosed separately and is generally treated comprehensively. Before appointment general scheme For treatment, the doctor must find out not only the disease itself, but also the causes that are the causative agents.

Diarrhea can “take root” in the body of an adult for a long time, and the reasons why this symptom cannot be treated immediately are very different. Ordinary food poisoning, which does not have aggravating consequences, or failure of the gastrointestinal tract can be treated simply, and in some cases, for a full recovery, it is enough to adhere to a gentle diet. The most common causes of diarrhea are:

  • Colds and other diseases (gastrointestinal tract, infectious).
  • Malfunctions of the central nervous system, a consequence of deep stress.
  • Poisoning with toxic substances and food.
  • Seafood and fish. The cause of poisoning is some of the methods of preparation (dishes where products are present in raw form), improper heat treatment, expired consumption, violation of transportation and storage rules.
  • Eggs. Most often, people who love food from raw eggs, or soft-boiled.
  • Meat. The cause of poisoning is similar to those observed with the consumption of fish and seafood.
  • Water. Most often this is a liquid that does not undergo the necessary testing and cleaning.

With proper processing and compliance with sanitation standards, the infection that may be present in the products dies almost immediately.

Loose stools with vomiting in adults

Vomiting and loose stools are dangerous symptoms, especially if they occur simultaneously and are accompanied by fever. The danger of manifestation is the rapid rate of dehydration and loss of the body necessary for normal operation microflora, especially if the situation cannot be controlled for more than 2 days.

The cause of vomiting and diarrhea may be:

  • Infection. Dysentery, intestinal flu, salmonellosis or other infections can create complex complications when entering the body. toxic poisoning, which provoke serious consequences.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including those that are considered difficult to treat (Crohn's disease).
  • Inflammatory processes that manifest themselves against the background of the development of ulcers and gastritis.
  • Chemical and food poisoning.

Why is profuse watery diarrhea dangerous?


Dehydration is one of the most serious factors that can not only disrupt the functioning of internal organs, but also cause serious changes. If you do not take measures to prevent dehydration and do not monitor the restoration of the required water balance, a person can completely weaken and subsequently die. Dehydration manifests itself as follows:

  • The amount of urine decreases, its color changes from light yellow to brown.
  • Weakness and dizziness appear.
  • Blood pressure drop.
  • A state of drowsiness appears, turning into loss of consciousness.

Not treatment of dysentery, typhus and others infectious diseases, in which diarrhea and loose stools are one of the leading symptoms, can lead to the development of severe dehydration, which in turn creates a risk of death.


Dysbacteriosis is a condition in which there are disturbances in the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, directly related to the functioning of digestion. With diarrhea, part of the beneficial microflora is washed out of the body along with the liquid. It takes time for the body to restore the microflora on its own, sometimes, especially difficult cases the period may vary in length.

At the first signs of dehydration and dysbiosis, specialists prescribe types of treatment that help keep the body normal. As restorative substances, there are a number of products on the market that contain enzymes and microorganisms that are beneficial to the body, with the help of which the balance is equalized.

When to see a doctor?

Experts do not recommend taking medications for diarrhea on the first day. This physiological manifestation is explained by the fact that in this way the body tries in a unique way to eliminate the consequences of poisoning and malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, and tries to remove toxins naturally. If diarrhea lasts more than two days, and the patient’s condition does not worsen, you need to go to the clinic. Which of the manifestations, in addition to diarrhea, are a reason to seek help from specialists:

  • If diarrhea occurs in young children or the elderly.
  • If diarrhea occurs for a long period elevated temperature which does not subside (+38 0 C) even after taking medications began.
  • When an allergic or psychosomatic reaction occurs while taking medications for the treatment of diarrhea.
  • If there is constant pain in the stomach area.
  • If diarrhea is observed in combination with other dangerous symptoms: vomiting, the presence of blood in the vomit and feces, a sharp deterioration in general condition.
  • If there are signs of severe dehydration.

What to do?

Diarrhea, while not an independent disease, belongs to the category of symptoms that, if manifested for a long time, must be treated comprehensively (if the cause is identified), or if the disease at an early stage could not be diagnosed, independently.

When using medications or folk remedies, you need to choose those that will help not only cure the symptom, but also protect the body from negative consequences diarrhea (imbalance, dehydration). If diarrhea appears against the background of other, equally complex symptoms, it is necessary to take a number of emergency medical measures:

  • If the reason was found out before the arrival of specialists, begin to carry out a set of actions that will help remove some of the toxins from the body: rinse with a saline solution or potassium permanganate diluted in water.
  • In addition to treatment, we must not forget about restoring water balance, so the patient should drink as much fluid as possible.
  • Organize proper nutrition.
  • Start taking medications (folk) remedies that will help relieve diarrhea and reduce the number of trips to the toilet.

Diarrhea, especially if it is frequent, is an insidious symptom and dehydration is one of the negative side effects that can cause serious harm to health.

To ensure that the body does not experience a lack of fluid, it is important to adhere to the drinking regime at the time of diarrhea. The list of permitted liquids includes:

  • Any high-quality water without gas.
  • Fruit and vegetable juices.
  • Compotes from fruits and dried fruits.
  • Lightly brewed black tea.

During the period of diarrhea, fermented milk drinks are excluded from the menu; these products are added after the diarrhea completely disappears and this is done primarily to restore the body's microflora.

An important point in the treatment of diarrhea and restoration of the body after its consequences is the organization of dietary nutrition. Of the permitted products, which, by their properties, will accelerate recovery after poisoning and other manifestations that provoked the appearance of diarrhea, folk and traditional medicine We advise you to pay attention to the following.

  • Biscuits, crackers from any type of bakery products.
  • Steamed omelette.
  • Boiled porridges: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal.
  • Dishes with a minimum amount of fat (vegetable or animal origin).
  • Baked fruits and vegetables.

For children during the period of acute manifestation of diarrhea, you can give vegetable purees, rice water, and dishes cooked in water.

How to treat?

If necessary, if specialists have determined the cause of diarrhea in cases where the symptom has been bothering you for more than 2 days, treatment is prescribed, both combined and separately, in order to restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. To treat diarrhea, you can use substances taken and prepared according to traditional medicine recipes, or purchased at any pharmacy.


Although not a separate disease, diarrhea as a symptom can cause many negative phenomena, so in some cases doctors insist to deal with it first. Of the medicinal substances that can be purchased ready-made, you should accurately determine the groups of substances and their healing properties; this will be done by a doctor who has studied the nature of the occurrence of diarrhea.