
Why is it recommended for pregnant women to sleep on their left side? Correct sleeping positions during pregnancy

Expectant mothers, after they find out about their pregnancy, have to deny themselves many things so as not to harm the baby.

And this applies not only bad habits, eating habits, but also sleep.

With pregnancy, the urge to go to the toilet at night becomes more frequent, torments and cramps. From about 5 months the problem of choosing a position for night rest is added.

The breasts become full and painful, and the fetus develops quickly and the stomach grows rapidly (especially starting from the second trimester). Therefore, it is very difficult for a woman to find a comfortable position that would guarantee a good night's rest to recuperate.

Choosing a place to sleep

About how to sleep during pregnancy, many pregnant women think. However, few people know that you need not only to monitor your posture, but also to provide an optimal surface for a comfortable position of the body.

Choose a mattress of medium firmness. Surface sleeping place should completely follow the contours of your body, maintaining the spine in a natural physiological state. This effect is best achieved orthopedic mattresses.

When choosing a mattress take into account the fact that you will sleep on it together future dad. Therefore, make sure that the bed does not spring too much, as this may cause strong vibrations on the surface during a night's rest when one of the sleepers turns over. And such movements on the surface often cause discomfort to both mother and fetus.

Pay attention to the size of the sleeping bed: it should be comfortable for the expectant mother, so that she has enough space for proper rest and comfortable sleep.

Choosing a sleeping position

As for the correct position, then It's best to sleep on your side. Stop sleeping on your stomach for another early stage pregnancy.

Also Night rest on your back is contraindicated, since the fetus presses on internal organs(liver, kidneys, intestines). As a result, the pregnant woman develops difficulty breathing, worsens blood pressure, and lowers blood pressure.

In mother's pose on the back the baby in the womb may be compressing the inferior vena cava, which runs along the entire spine, which can lead to a decrease in blood flow. As a result, the expectant mother feels unwell.

A if the compression is prolonged and regular, then this can also negatively affect the condition of the fetus: due to insufficient blood supply, and therefore nutrients, the baby’s heart rate decreases. And the consequences of such violations are sad and irreversible.

Try first of all to think not about your preferences (how you want to sleep during pregnancy), but about the health of the baby.

Monitor your health and if you notice any deterioration during sleep, change your position to the correct one. To avoid automatically turning over on your back at night, place a large pillow that will not allow you to change your body position.

Doctors advise sleeping on your left side, since lying on the right side can lead to compression of the kidney. And in the correct position, not only the blood flow to the placenta will improve, but also the functioning of the kidneys, which will significantly reduce the size of the arms and legs, and the pressure on the liver, which is located on the right, will be reduced.

This also makes it easier for the body to get rid of waste and excess liquid, and the heart can work fully. You can also practice an intermediate position: pillows will help you take it, which will prevent you from completely turning over onto your back.

About special pillows

If your baby protests mom's position, even if you're lying on your left side, place a small, flat pillow under your belly. And to reduce the load on the pelvis, place another pillow between your legs.

You can buy special pillow for pregnant women, which is shaped like a banana and has the most suitable filling.

For transverse presentation of the fetus, doctors recommend sleep on the side where the baby's head is. But you can’t just lie in this position all night. Therefore, change positions.

With breech presentation You should turn over from side to side 3-4 times.

If none of the suggested positions suits you, use pillows to try to achieve a semi-sitting position.

Perform special exercises regularly physical exercise for pregnant women. They will provide falling asleep quickly and sound sleep.

Just do gymnastics during the day, because a lot of time should pass before resting at night for complete relaxation and calmness after exercise.

Before bed give up intense mental activity, including from books with TV.

It’s better in the evening to listen to a calm, quiet, pleasant song that will put you in the right mood, allow you to relax and prepare for bed.

Stick to your daily routine. A certain schedule will set the body to fall asleep and wake up at the same time.

Don't sleep during the day so you don't suffer at night.

Walk more fresh air . Walking outside before bed, as well as ventilating the bedroom, sleeping with the vent or window open warm time years will make your sleep deep, calm and sound.

In the evening, take warm water, but under no circumstances hot bath. And after 20-30 minutes you can go to bed and rest. Sleep won't take long to arrive.

Helps improve sleep aromatherapy. Place a herbal bag on the pillow with lemon balm, hops, thyme, immortelle flowers, hazel or laurel leaves, hop cones, pine needles, rose petals, geranium herb. Drop a little onto the aroma lamp essential oil lavender. It has a pronounced calming effect.

Wear comfortable and pleasant clothes for the night. Be sure that pajamas or a nightgown must be made of high-quality and natural material, for example, knitwear.

Don't accept any sleeping pills without prior consultation with a doctor. After all, the majority similar medications contraindicated during pregnancy.

While pregnant, you may be recommended a tincture

The pregnancy period is associated with some difficulties during sleep. You can no longer afford to sleep in your usual positions, much less on your stomach. We will tell you in our article how to sleep correctly and comfortably without causing harm to your baby, and without experiencing discomfort yourself.

Sleep is no less important for a pregnant woman, and the condition itself constant drowsiness does not leave her throughout the entire first trimester. But experts identify a number of forbidden sleeping positions, which at first glance seem absolutely harmless and familiar. There is an unspoken list of prohibited sleeping positions during pregnancy:

  • Sleeping on your back;
  • Sleeping on the right side;
  • Sleeping on your stomach.

Experts identify these positions during sleep as unsafe. This is due to the fact that being in any of these positions poses a high risk of harm to the health of the mother and unborn baby. Each of these positions puts a certain amount of pressure on the uterus, pelvic organs and blood vessels. Due to improper and sometimes even uncomfortable sleep, you risk provoking the development of pathologies in the fetus (we will consider each of these positions in more detail).

Of course, it is not possible to change your favorite sleeping position in an instant, but we are given the entire first trimester to do this. Yes, in the first three months the baby develops slowly and your tummy is not so noticeable; during this period, try to slowly get used to sleeping in a different position. It is better not to sleep on your back during pregnancy, since as your tummy increases in volume and weight, it is already noticeably pressing. The kidneys and liver suffer greatly from this pressure. We also note that the uterus, which has increased in volume, begins to strongly compress the full vein, the task of which is to move blood from the heart to the extremities. This pose can also cause oxygen starvation fetus, which in the future will negatively affect not only the birth process, but also the health of the baby.

Sleeping on your back is considered extremely dangerous during the third trimester, when the entire load is on your back. female body is at its most critical size. In addition to all of the above, let’s also say that when long stay in this position, the expectant mother provokes shortness of breath, which most often ends in fainting. Of course, everything we have said concerns only long-term sleep itself.

If you lie down on your back for a few minutes during the day, it will not affect your health in any way.

As for sleeping on your stomach, it is better to immediately abandon it as soon as you find out that you are pregnant. Even in the very early stages of pregnancy, this is not safe; doctors explain this by the fact that while sleeping on your stomach, the entire weight of your body puts pressure on the pregnant uterus. This pressure increases the tone of the uterus, and as you already know from our previous articles, this is dangerous due to termination of pregnancy (miscarriage). To wean yourself off, you again have the first trimester, in which your tummy is not yet large and the uterus is just beginning to grow, but still sleeping on your stomach is extremely dangerous.

Therefore, try to program your thoughts that such a dream can harm the baby, then on a subconscious level you will avoid this position even in your sleep.

If we talk about whether it is possible for pregnant women to sleep on their side, then the answer is definitely yes. The only thing that experts emphasize is that at the physiological level it is still recommended to sleep on the left side. But still, let's note that sleeping on the right side is not critical.

During the second trimester, sleeping on the right side is not prohibited, but in the third trimester it is recommended to choose the left side for sleeping.

In fact, by taking an uncomfortable position while sleeping, your baby will definitely give a signal that he is uncomfortable. Doctors recommend sleeping on your left side based on anatomical structure person, for example right kidney The left side of the head is located slightly higher, so an older baby will put more pressure on it when sleeping on the right side; also, when choosing this side, the baby puts pressure on the ureter.

If we are talking about a person’s health, we will always say that “Sleep is the key to health,” let alone a pregnant woman, who is not only at risk for her condition, but also the eternal desire to sleep never leaves her . During pregnancy, you should sleep as much as possible and even arrange for yourself quiet time during the day. We have already told you that the most optimal sleeping position during this period is considered to be sleeping on the left side; it is in this position that minimal pressure is placed on the body, and to also try to improve the bed, experts recommend bending your leg at the knee and putting it on a pillow .

Also remember that you only need to sleep in a well-ventilated room without foreign odors (for example, glue from fresh wallpaper or household chemicals).

Advice for pregnant women for proper and comfortable sleep is elementary and simple. The fact is that sleep is an important component in the daily routine of the expectant mother, but for some reason every pregnant woman tries to find a hundred excuses and problems that, on a psychological level, prevent her from falling asleep. To begin with, just set yourself up for positive emotions, throwing all the rubbish of experiences out of your head; cheerful or relaxing music will help you with this.

  • the room should be well ventilated;
  • before going to bed, take a warm shower;
  • take an evening walk;
  • eat properly throughout the day.

Let's talk more about the need proper nutrition during pregnancy, in addition to the fact that balanced diet necessary for fetal development, it is also important for general condition pregnant. So, by consuming insufficient vegetables and fruits, or by completely overloading the body with harmful - heavy foods, you increase the load on the body. digestive system, which will subsequently prevent you from falling asleep, and will also lead to constipation. Another important factor is sleepwear.

Sleepwear should be made of natural fabric, pleasant to the touch and not restrict movement.

So, a great assistant During pregnancy, you will have a strictly prescribed daily routine, in which you can even prescribe meal times. This way your body will get used to regular, measured sleep at the same time. If falling asleep at night is problematic, then you should exclude daily naps.

Currently, many doctors advise pregnant women to sleep exclusively on their left side. But why? What's wrong with sleeping on your right side or napping on your back? It turns out there is a good medical reason for this.

As the fetus grows larger, it naturally begins to put increased pressure on the mother's internal organs and blood vessels. This may become annoying or painful sensation when a growing child plops down on bladder mother or kicks her in the intestines.

But the reason why a pregnant woman should sleep only on her left side is not just for comfort.

The decisive reason for this advice is the inferior vena cava, a large vein that runs along the right side of the spine and is responsible for returning blood from the lower half of the body to the heart.

If a pregnant woman lies on her back, the fetus is more likely to compress the inferior vena cava, reducing the amount of blood returned to the heart. There are not many studies comparing pregnant women sleeping on their right and left sides. However, in theory, there is significantly less potential compression of the inferior vena cava on the left side.

Why is this compression bad? Less blood pumped into the heart means less blood pumped out of the heart - this means decreased blood pressure for the mother and a decrease in oxygen levels in the blood for both mother and baby. (Mom’s blood carries oxygen to the baby).

Majority healthy women and fruits should be able to compensate for a slight decrease cardiac output, but compression of the inferior vena cava can be a greater risk for pregnant women who already have problems with blood pressure or respiratory system.

For example, pregnant women who have asthma or sleep apnea (a condition in which breathing often stops at night) may already have trouble delivering optimal amounts of oxygen to their bodies or their babies. When such conditions are combined with the reduced blood flow that occurs with supine positioning, their effects can compound each other in dangerous ways.

For example, a number of studies have shown that sleeping on your back in late pregnancy may be associated with more high risk stillbirths. Evidence of this connection continues to accumulate. These alarming trends have been repeated often enough that most doctors have no hesitation in recommending that pregnant women avoid sleeping in a supine position.

What happens if you sleep on your right side during pregnancy?

It's hard to say since there haven't been many studies specifically comparing left and right sides as a sleeping position during pregnancy. Experts say there is not much evidence that sleeping on the right side is worse than sleeping on the left.

If the pregnancy is otherwise healthy and the woman absolutely cannot sleep on her left side, then there is no harm in this, since lack of sleep can be much worse for pregnancy outcomes than the slight risk of compressing the inferior vena cava when you lie on your right side.

Research shows that pregnant women who don't get enough sleep—less than 5 or 6 hours a night—are likely to be at increased risk of gestational diabetes, and possibly even preeclampsia. Getting enough sleep is very important during pregnancy, experts say.

Pregnant women need daily good rest. They need an 8-hour night sleep and 2-3 daytime siestas of 40 minutes each. Correct postures for sleeping during pregnancy, they create comfortable conditions for the woman to rest and provide a comfortable position for the baby.

The meaning of body position

The choice of sleeping position is influenced by gestational age.

In the 1st trimester, women rest in their usual position. At this stage, the stomach is not an obstacle to rest, and the fetus is still too small to be harmed by an uncomfortable position.

In the 2nd trimester, the belly increases significantly. A woman has to look for comfortable positions to fall asleep. From 19-20 weeks expectant mother It is forbidden to lie in bed on your stomach and back.

In the third trimester, the belly becomes so large that a pregnant woman simply cannot sleep on it. It is prohibited to rest on your back in the later stages. Sleeping on your side - best way for relaxation. The ideal option is the “lying on your left side” position.

Women carrying a child inevitably have to choose a comfortable sleeping position. It is impossible to rest in one position for 7-9 hours. During pregnancy, poses that can relieve muscle tension and eliminate painful sensations in the lower back and other parts of the spine. Doctors advise sleeping on the left side or reclining.

On the left side

Lying position on the left side in the shape of the letter “C” - perfect way rest during the night and nap. In the correct position, it is comfortable to lie with a large belly.

  • the kidneys and liver are not compressed;
  • swelling does not occur;
  • blood circulates freely through the vessels;
  • oxygen starvation does not occur in the mother and fetus;
  • muscles relax, muscle spasms disappear;
  • passes pain syndrome in the back.

This sleeping position is especially important in the 3rd trimester. When you rest on the left side, the kidneys relax and their work improves. A woman wakes up in the morning without swelling on her face and limbs, with an even heart rate. There are no uncomfortable sensations in the spinal canal and pelvis.

However, there is a situation when doctors will recommend that the mother sleep on her right side. If the child is in a transverse presentation and his head is on the left, he cannot sleep in this position. The baby feels comfortable when the woman lies on the right side.


It is difficult to sleep all night only on the left side. During sleep, a person changes position at least 3-4 times. Reclining is another correct position in late pregnancy. Expectant mothers begin to practice this method of rest from the 20-24th week.

By taking a reclining position (not sitting), the woman gets rid of discomfort, relaxes, falls asleep quickly. To find a comfortable position, place a pillow under your back. If you fail to lie down correctly, the body will immediately respond.

A pregnancy pillow helps you get comfortable in bed. A device in the shape of a horseshoe, banana, bagel or boomerang is very helpful for women. An intricate pillow is used when you want to comfortably tuck your belly or fold your legs. It is placed under the back if you intend to rest in an elevated state.

In a semi-recumbent position, a woman:

  • breathing becomes easier;
  • the diaphragm stops squeezing the lungs;
  • the fetus receives sufficient nutrition and oxygen.

Sleeping positions that are best avoided

In the middle of pregnancy, women should avoid resting while lying on their stomach, back, or right side. Learning to fall asleep in the right positions is easy. After just a few nights, the body will get used to resting in a new comfortable position..

On the right side

All doctors are against sleeping on the right side. In this position, a woman:

  • blood circulation is impaired;
  • the grown-up baby compresses the uterine arteries;
  • the fetus experiences oxygen starvation;
  • the child does not receive enough nutrients.

Of course, during the night there is a need to change position. Women periodically turn on their right side. But sleep on this side should be short-lived. After a short time, it is better to take one or another comfortable position: turn on your left side or sleep reclining.

On the stomach

Resting on the stomach during pregnancy is only permissible in the short term. You are allowed to rest in this position for up to 12 weeks. Until this time, the uterus does not rise above the pubic bones, and the embryo is still small. The child is protected amniotic fluid and shells, muscle tissue uterine and abdominal cavity.

From the 13th week, sleeping on the left side is the best position for pregnant women.

From the 20th week, women are completely prohibited from resting while lying on their stomach. In this case, the mother's body squeezes the fetus. As a result, the baby suffers from hypoxia and nutritional deficiency.

On your back

For pregnant women, lying on their back is not suitable for sleeping. Rest in this position is prohibited for the following reasons:

  • the child squeezes the intestines, kidneys and liver;
  • pain occurs in the back;
  • severe swelling appears;
  • hemorrhoids worsen;
  • breathing is impaired.

The fetus, located in the mother's womb, strongly compresses the inferior vena cava. A large vessel runs along the spinal canal. Blood circulation through the narrowed lumen slows down. When a woman's blood circulation is poor, the metabolic processes. An imbalance of substances negatively affects well-being and health.

The child suffers from constant compression of the vein. Fetal development slows down. The baby is not receiving enough nutrition and oxygen. The baby's heartbeat becomes upset and severe complications, leading to irreversible pathological processes.

If a woman carrying a child takes the correct positions in bed, then she gets a good night's sleep and keeps herself and her baby healthy. Special devices - pillows for pregnant women - help you to have a good rest.

Expectant mothers should not only spend full time during the day, but also properly organize their sleep. Night rest helps restore resources spent during the day, relax muscles and normalize work nervous system. All this is important for the full development of the fetus. The article covers the issues of how to choose the correct sleeping position for pregnant women, which side is better to sleep on, and how to organize the most comfortable sleeping place.

How to choose a sleeping position?

Expectant mothers should know that body position during sleep affects a number of functions and conditions of the body. Postures influence:

  • relaxation spinal column and proper blood circulation;
  • blood supply to the brain;
  • hormone production;
  • strength of ligaments and joints;
  • supplying the body with oxygen and proper breathing;
  • proper functioning of muscle tissue;
  • cardiac activity and blood pressure;
  • full digestive activity.

Reference! It is important to understand that a woman’s morning well-being indicates how her sleep went. If she feels cheerfulness and a surge of strength, then the sleep was complete, but if the state is more like a “squeezed lemon,” then the body position was completely unsuccessful for maintaining and restoring strength.

Some women sleep quite comfortably on their backs, although this position is not the most suitable, as it leads to stagnation of some organs due to constant pressure on the epicenter of the spinal column. Experts do not recommend that expectant mothers sleep on their stomachs, especially when it comes to late dates their pregnancy. With such sleep, the spine is deformed and leads to constant lack of sleep and more serious consequences.

Doctors consider sleeping on your side to be the most suitable position. This body position helps you relax and fall asleep faster. In addition, this pose helps eliminate snoring and ease breathing, eliminate unpleasant symptoms such as belching and heartburn, and also prevent other digestive problems.

The only disadvantage of the lateral position during sleep is numbness of the fingers or even the entire hand, since sometimes pinched nerve endings and poor circulation occur. But this problem can be easily dealt with with the correct position of the hand due to a comfortable pillow and the organization of a comfortable place to sleep.

Which side to choose for sleeping during pregnancy:

- right side

In the early stages of pregnancy, young mothers can sleep quite comfortably and get enough sleep on their right side. In later trimesters physiological characteristics The left side is more suitable for the body. Many women worry about the fact that the heart is located on the left and, supposedly, this is dangerous. But posture during sleep does not have any effect on cardiac activity. The beating of the heart and the flow of blood to it are in no way disrupted.

The right side is also comfortable due to the location away from all vital important organs. On the left side is the liver and bile ducts that function freely and do not cause discomfort. The spine assumes a free and comfortable position, swelling does not form, pressure on the bladder does not occur, and blood circulation in neither the mother nor the child is impaired.

Besides, right side allows your engorged breasts to rest freely without squeezing them. The development of mastopathy and other breast diseases is excluded.

Attention! In order to unload the right shoulder, you need to try not to focus on it. To do this, the shoulder is pushed forward a little, preventing poor circulation in the muscles of the forearm and wrist. For a sore back, this pose is the most comfortable. For greater comfort, you can place a small soft pillow between your knees. This measure stabilizes the position of the spine and normalizes pressure from the hips and buttocks.

- left side

Many experts are inclined to believe that the best position for sleeping is on the left side. Left side influences following processes in the body:

  • blood, oxygen and all nutrients flow freely to the placenta;
  • the pressure on the urinary canal decreases and the woman sleeps more peacefully and does not experience a premature urge to urinate;
  • The spinal muscles relax to the maximum and the spine assumes the most comfortable position;
  • there is no excessive stress on the liver area;
  • swelling of the extremities is reduced, convulsions are almost completely eliminated.

The left side for sleeping should be used by women from the 27th week of pregnancy. It is during this period that the blood supply to the uterus is ensured most fully with the left-sided position of the body. The fetus in this sleep position develops as comfortably and fully as possible. All organs relax and work in full mode without the slightest glitch.

Important! If a transverse or pelvic presentation is diagnosed, you should fall asleep on the side where the baby’s head is located. This choice is due to the gradual transition of his body to a normal position before childbirth.

Why is baby's position important when choosing a sleeping position?

Pregnant women should be observed by a gynecologist throughout the pregnancy. The examinations he conducts help maintain the health of the mother and unborn baby from the very beginning. early dates fetal development. It is the specialist who will be able to accurately select the appropriate sleeping position that will be comfortable for the mother and not cause discomfort to the child.

Determining your sleeping position on your own can sometimes be very difficult. This is due to the fact that the expectant mother’s sensations are dulled due to unusual new reactions of the body. It is sometimes simply impossible for a woman to determine in what position a child is comfortable. It is in this case that she needs a doctor’s advice.

How to organize a sleeping place?

The comfortable state of the woman and the health of the baby depend on the organization of the sleeping space and place to sleep. In order to sleep fully and get enough sleep, you need to follow simple recommendations for arranging a sleeping place:

  • Selecting a mattress. It should be quite tough, but also soft at the same time. The spine on such a mattress should take an even position.
  • Pillow. For a comfortable position of the head, it should be soft enough and have small sizes. It is best to choose a pillow with synthetic filling to avoid allergic reactions from the body. She should not raise her head much above the level of the bed, but only slightly support her neck without affecting the position of the spine.

For your information! For pregnant women, specialized pillows are produced that are U-shaped and about 150 cm long. These models are very comfortable for sleeping. In addition, they can be placed between the knees for the most suitable side-lying position. For such pillows, it is better to choose hypoallergenic fillings and cotton pillowcases.

  • Bed sheets. It is better to purchase cotton products that need to be washed at least once a week.
  • Blanket. The choice of covering material should be approached especially carefully. If the blanket is too thin, the woman will experience discomfort due to hypothermia. On the contrary, a blanket that is too warm contributes to an increase in body temperature and malfunction of many organs. It is best to choose breathable natural fillers that have a thermoregulation function. Such blankets are not cheap, but they are simply necessary for the health of the mother and unborn child.

The room should be completely dark during sleep. To do this, thick curtains or blinds are hung on the windows. The air in the sleeping area must be constantly updated. For these purposes, it is best to open the window to micro mode in the summer, and the door to the room in the winter.

To ensure good sleep, bedding must be clean and fresh. You should also regularly do a general cleaning of the room with a damp cloth, be sure to wipe the dust on the cabinets and keep the windows clean. You should not get carried away with aroma candles or other air fresheners; it is best to ensure a natural flow of air into the apartment.

Choosing a sleeping position is an exciting moment for any pregnant woman. She needs to know that the position on the back and stomach is the most suitable for the full development of the fetus. It is best to choose the left or right side for sleeping. You should also carefully approach the arrangement of your sleeping place.

Especially for- Elena Kichak