
How not to sleep when pregnant. What is the best position to sleep in during pregnancy?

The expectant mother should have a good rest. Quality sleep is especially important. There are many small details: the correct position in bed, which varies depending on the gestation period, a certain posture, the presence of special devices. All this is important not only for psychological comfort, but also for maintaining the health of the fetus. How should you sleep?

Why is it important for pregnant women to sleep well?

Proper sleep is an important task that any expectant mother should perform. This is important for:

  1. Complete fetal development. This is the absence of a mechanical effect on the child from the outside and good blood flow in the mother-placenta-fetus system.
  2. Proper functioning of organs in contact with the uterus or located next to it.
  3. Creation of a favorable psychological background.

Comfortable sleep allows you to enjoy motherhood. Stress, fatigue, fatigue arising from systematic lack of sleep not only worsen mood, but also form a negative attitude towards the child deep in the subconscious.

In the 1st trimester, the question of choosing a sleeping position should not be acute for a woman. A pregnant woman can choose absolutely any position that will not cause her discomfort and will not harm the fetus. In the early stages of pregnancy, you only need to occasionally lie down in certain positions in order to accustom your body.

From about 12-14 weeks, when the stomach grows and becomes noticeable, it becomes not very comfortable to sleep on it, and it is extremely dangerous, so it is recommended to sleep on your back until 28 weeks. This position is the most physiological.

Starting from the 3rd trimester, the uterus with a growing baby reaches a significant size. A heavy organ puts strong pressure on the ureters, kidneys, rectum, and blood vessels (inferior vena cava, abdominal aorta).

If the rules of rest are not observed, development is possible:

  1. Disorders of the placental blood flow. This state leads to fetal hypoxia, delayed growth and development.
  2. Hemorrhoids.
  3. Varicose veins of the lower extremities.
  4. Back pain of unknown etiology.
  5. arterial hypotension.
  6. Kidney pathology. Against the background of ischemia and violation of the outflow of secondary urine caused by squeezing pelvicalyceal system and ureters, infection with the development of pyelonephritis, kidney abscess and other infectious complications is possible.
  7. Stopping the process of defecation and digestion due to squeezing the intestines, especially the rectum.
  8. Disorders of the heart. The condition is caused either by compression of the inferior vena cava and a sharp drop in preload, or by compression of the abdominal aorta and a multiple increase in afterload. Both conditions are extremely dangerous and can lead to sudden cardiac arrest.

Which side is better to sleep on?

Sleeping on your back in the last stages is not the most best idea(more details in the article: why pregnant women should not sleep on their backs for a long time?). To prevent accidental rollover on your back during sleep, you can put a pillow.

In the 2nd trimester, you can sleep on any side, preferably on the one to which the back of the baby is turned. You can find out the location of the fetus by the results of ultrasound.

From the beginning of the 3rd trimester, you can only sleep on your left side. This is due to the risk of squeezing the liver and right kidney(when lying on the right side), which are located 1.5-2 cm below the left. Squeezing the liver leads to stagnation of blood in the inferior vena cava and disruption gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and ureter - to pyelonephritis. For greater sleep comfort, you can put special pillows under your feet that prevent you from rolling over in your sleep.

Sleeping on the left side is recommended in any position of the fetus. With a transverse or oblique presentation, you need to be located on the side to which the baby's head is turned. The breech presentation of the fetus can be corrected by itself with the constant presence of the pregnant woman on her left side.

How to get out of bed during pregnancy?

Getting up from a supine position during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. This leads to increased load on the ligamentous and supporting apparatus of the uterus, as well as on neighboring organs.

To prevent possible damage, you need:

  1. Turn sideways. It is better if this side is left. If not, on the one that is closer to the edge of the bed.
  2. You need to lower your legs from the bed and lean on your elbow on the side on which the pregnant woman will sleep on her side.
  3. Slowly take a vertical position, leaning with both hands on the sleeping place and lowering your legs down.
  4. Get up nicely. It is advisable to use some kind of stable object to help to ease the load on the muscles of the back and abdominals. The back of a chair or armchair, a handrail on the wall, or another person will do.

What can interfere with sleep, how to deal with it?

interfere good sleep and rest during pregnancy can be anything, from a stormy stream of thoughts and emotional lability women and ending with the pathologies present. Most common causes sleep disorders:

  • hormonal changes;
  • limited desired positions for sleeping;
  • back pain;
  • baby movements;
  • frequent urges to urination;
  • heartburn;
  • dyspnea;
  • swelling in the legs, leading to cramps, goosebumps, numbness;
  • itching in the area of ​​stretch marks on the abdomen.

The full sleep of the expectant mother is a guarantee of the health of the baby in the womb. A woman is obliged to do everything to protect herself from factors whose influence can disrupt the normal course of sleep.

Also, to ensure quick falling asleep and sound sleep, it is recommended:

  1. Ventilate the room before going to bed.
  2. Keep the bedroom at the right temperature. In 1-2 trimesters it is 22-25 degrees, in the 3rd trimester it is not higher than 21, but not lower than 19.
  3. Have a light snack 30-40 minutes before bedtime. This will allow you to load the gastrointestinal tract a little and get rid of dyspeptic disorders (heartburn, belching, etc.).
  4. Sleep in loose and comfortable clothes. There are many special pajamas for pregnant women.
  5. At night, sleep on orthopedic mattresses and use special pillows for pregnant women.
  6. To eat well. Nutrition should be complete, and food should be rich in vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements. It is better to give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits.

How not to sleep in early and late pregnancy?

How not to sleep during early and late pregnancy, and why is it harmful? Starting from the 15th week of pregnancy, it is not recommended to sleep on your stomach. This leads to compression of the uterus and the fetus in it. The uteroplacental blood flow is disturbed, hypoxia may develop, which in the future is manifested by a delay in the growth and development of the child, less often by defects in internal organs and systems and other anomalies. The most severe case mechanical damage fetus and its intrauterine death.

From the 28th week of pregnancy, it is forbidden to sit on your back. Preference should be given to the position on the side. Two strong formations in a woman's body are the uterus and the spinal column. When positioned on the back, they compress all the organs between them, leading to many violations of their functions.

Compression of the inferior vena cava leads to a reduction in return venous blood to the heart, a sharp decrease in the volume of circulating blood. There is acute blood loss in the body of a woman in position. Compression of the abdominal part of the aorta leads to even more catastrophic consequences. The afterload on the heart is maximum, which contributes to a significant increase blood pressure(up to 200-250 mm Hg). Under such conditions, cardiac arrest or hemorrhagic stroke can occur.

No less dangerous is compression of the kidneys and ureters. This leads to stagnation of blood and waste products. A favorable environment is created for the reproduction of many microorganisms that contribute to the infection of the renal tissue and the development of pyelonephritis.

Pillows for pregnant women and other useful devices

There are many specialized pillows for pregnant women. They are very soft, have a comfortable shape for the body and help you fall asleep quickly. In addition, these devices prevent the woman from turning during sleep.

The table shows the main types of pillows.

The formCharacteristicsFeatures of use
horseshoeLarge, comfortable, provides support for all parts of the body and prevents rollover during sleep.The stomach is located on the front roller, the back rests against the back, the head lies on the rounded part of the pillow.
"Bagel"Covers the whole body, helps to support the back, head and stomach.The "horn" of the pillow is clamped with legs, embraced with hands top part"bagel", while the stomach rests on the side roller, and the back is located between the "horns".
G-shapedPractical, compact, but not suitable for many because of the protruding "tail".The "tail" of the pillow is placed under the stomach, the legs wrap around the lower side roller, the head lies on a spacious rounded part.

In a state of pregnancy, a woman has to take care not only of herself, but also of the unborn child. Sleep is an important part of human life. On its quality depends the moral and physical health. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to pay attention to sleep and try to always get a good night's sleep.

Many women talk about during pregnancy. These changes result in deterioration appearance, irritability, depression. These psychological factors aggravated by pain in the lower back, heaviness in the legs.

The situation can be corrected by emergency measures to improve the quality of sleep:

  • buy soft, pleasant to the touch bed linen;
  • use a special pillow for pregnant women;
  • spend more time in the fresh air (especially before going to bed);
  • ventilate the bedroom;
  • drink a glass of soothing tea before going to bed (in the last weeks it is better to replace it with aromatherapy sessions);
  • choose the most comfortable position.

Which side to sleep on during pregnancy

For a woman who is not in a state of pregnancy, there is no problem with choosing a pose. She can sleep on her back, not her stomach, on either side. Pregnant women have to take care of their own health and the safety of the fetus. With the increase in the stomach, they have to give up the pleasure of sleeping on their stomach, and then on their backs. There are two options left - on the right or left side.

The position on the left side is considered the most convenient and useful. It does not disturb blood circulation, and the fetus receives the oxygen necessary for development. But it is not a panacea. Much depends on the presentation of the fetus. In case of transverse - it is recommended to lie down on the side in which the child's head is located.

It must be borne in mind that the position during sleep should not be static. It should be changed 3-4 times a night.

Pregnant women can only sleep on their backs for the first 28 weeks. With an increase in the fetus, the uterus begins to put pressure on the organs located in the lumbar region:

As a result, a woman feels discomfort, frequent urge to urinate, which negatively affects the quality of sleep. Main danger that occurs during sleep on the back - a violation of blood flow and, accordingly, the supply of oxygen to organs, including the placenta. The child begins to experience oxygen starvation, begins to show activity, which also does not contribute to a good rest. At the first signs of restless behavior of the baby, you must immediately change position and turn on your side.

Sleep on your stomach

In the early stages of pregnancy (in the first trimester), sleeping on the stomach will not harm the baby in any way. During this period, the uterus does not yet increase in size and does not exert pressure on internal organs. The only limitation may be the psychological state of the pregnant woman. Expectant mothers are afraid for their baby and prefer to immediately abandon this position.

In the second and third trimester, sleeping on your stomach is prohibited. The enlarged uterus is no longer protected pelvic bones. Despite the presence of additional restrictions in the form of amniotic fluid and membranes, the fetus may suffer.

What is the best position to sleep in during pregnancy?

A good rest can be obtained only in the most comfortable position for sleeping. Pregnant women have to deprive themselves of such pleasure for the sake of their own health and the safety of the fetus.

The choice of an acceptable sleeping position depends on the duration of pregnancy.

First trimester

  • on the back (the uterus is not yet enlarged and does not put pressure on the internal organs);
  • starfish (also has no restrictions);
  • on the side (the most comfortable sleeping position, especially on the left);
  • "fetus" (similar to the pose on the side, but due to the bent position of the spine, it is not recommended as a permanent one);
  • on the stomach (in the first trimester even it is acceptable).

Second trimester

  • on the back and a starfish (allowable at the very beginning of the period and for a short time, later the uterus begins to strongly press on the internal organs, which makes breathing difficult, disrupts blood flow);
  • on the side (pose has no restrictions);
  • "fetus" (permissible only at the beginning of the trimester, while it is still possible to tighten bent legs, not recommended for permanent sleep).

third trimester

  • on the side (in other positions, both the expectant mother and the baby feel discomfort).

You may be interested to know how the position of the body during sleep affects human health.

Prohibited sleeping positions for expectant mothers

The ban on sleeping in a certain position begins to operate only from the second trimester. In the first, if there are no individual contraindications, the expectant mother can sleep in any position convenient for her.

From the second trimester, pregnant women should refuse to sleep on their backs and on their stomachs. The last pose is especially dangerous, as a child can be injured in it.

Sleeping on your back compresses the vena cava, which is responsible for supplying oxygen to the unborn child.

A simple device - a pillow for pregnant women - will help relieve the stress that the body of the expectant mother experiences even lying on its side. They are available in several types, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. By choosing the most suitable pillow, expectant mothers will reduce the load on the spine, which experiences severe overload during pregnancy. You can choose a model that supports the stomach and allows you to comfortably put your legs. When choosing pillows, it should be remembered that during a night's rest it is necessary to change position, and the device should not interfere with these movements.

How to arrange sleep

Pregnancy is associated with sleep disorders, but the proper organization of the process will help eliminate all inconvenience.

  1. Expectant mothers are advised to choose a comfortable mattress and soft bedding.
  2. Pillow for pregnant women will be a real salvation when the spine needs relaxation.
  3. Walking before bed will replenish the supply of oxygen, which is useful for both mom and baby.
  4. Aromatherapy sessions will calm the nervous system.
  5. Compliance with the regime will help the body to regularly and fully rest.

By following these tips, you can easily regain restful sleep during pregnancy. Improving well-being will positively affect the health of the unborn child, and the long-awaited baby will be born absolutely healthy.

The side position is one of the favorite positions for pregnant women. In this position, nothing presses on the growing tummy and does not interfere with the normal blood supply to the placenta. Can expectant mothers sleep on their right side or should they prefer the left side?


Specialists from the University of New Zealand conducted a study in which 155 pregnant women took part. Based on the test results, it was concluded: expectant mothers should not sleep on their right side in the later stages. Is this tactic justified?

Obstetricians believe that sleeping on the right side provokes compression of the inferior vena cava. In this position, the vein is squeezed less than in the supine position, but there is still a possibility of vascular compression and impaired blood flow in the pelvic organs. At the same time, the placenta also suffers - an organ that provides the child with all the necessary nutrients and oxygen. Prolonged oxygen starvation provokes the development of hypoxia and leads to a delay in the physical development of the fetus.

Chronic hypoxia also affects the formation nervous system baby. Brain neurons are extremely sensitive to lack of oxygen. In the case of hypoxia, they are damaged, the formation of connections between brain regions is disrupted. All this leads to a delay in the development of the child soon after his birth.

Sleeping on the right side has a negative effect on work digestive tract. In this position, in the later stages, there is a strong pressure on the liver and gallbladder. The outflow of bile is disturbed, its stagnation occurs. There is heartburn, belching, bloating, constipation. There are pains in the epigastrium and right hypochondrium, indicating a malfunction in the digestive tract.


In contrast to all of the above, cardiologists strongly recommend that pregnant women sleep on their right side. In the position on the left side, the load on the heart and the large vessels emanating from it increases. There is a failure of the rhythm, interruptions in the work of the heart muscle. Sleeping on the right side can be especially dangerous for women suffering from chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system.

What's the best way to sleep?

In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman can sleep the way she likes. As long as the uterus does not go beyond the womb, the baby is not in danger. In the position on the right side, the expectant mother can sleep and spend the night comfortably.
In the second trimester, you should focus on the well-being and condition of the fetus. If there is no discomfort in the position on the right side, you can continue to sleep in this position. If any unpleasant symptoms appear, you need to roll over to your left side.

  • dizziness;
  • difficulty breathing or shortness of breath;
  • tachycardia;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • heartburn;
  • flatulence and bloating.

If you find any of the unwanted symptoms, you need to urgently change the situation. Roll over should be gradual, without sudden movements. In the position on the left side discomfort leave on their own.

For comfortable sleeping on your side expectant mother it is worth using special arched pillows. These pillows are specially designed for pregnant women. They allow you to unload the muscles, relieve the load from the lower back, reduce swelling during varicose veins veins. During sleep, a pillow can be placed between the legs so that the knee of one leg is completely elevated. In this position, sleep will be as comfortable and safe as possible.

With the onset of conception, pregnant women radically change their lives. With the growth of the tummy, you have to update your wardrobe, learn the right gymnastics or yoga for pregnant women. With the approach of childbirth, you have to learn how to sleep during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. It’s just that by the last trimester, many patients have disturbed sleep, a large belly makes it difficult to sit comfortably on the bed. In this regard, mothers have a lot of questions regarding sleeping positions during pregnancy.

Cool baths provide positive impact for general well-being

Choosing a comfortable sleeping position is not at all easy and depends on the gestational age. Pregnant in the early stages, it is good to sleep in any position familiar to her, because there is no stomach yet, and the embryo is still quite tiny and it is simply impossible to harm it with an uncomfortable body position. The only obstacle to normal sleep can be toxicosis and related conditions. Sometimes sleep does not go by itself, depressive surges roll in at night, and during the day it exhausts drowsiness and fatigue. Hormonal changes noticeably affect the condition of the mother, but in the first trimester of pregnancy there is still the opportunity to sleep normally on the stomach.

With the onset of the second trimester, toxic ailments subside, the moral and psycho-emotional state stabilizes. Now, it would seem, you can sleep restful sleep. But in the second trimester, the condition is overshadowed by the inevitable growth of the baby, which leads to an increase in the tummy. Therefore, the 2nd trimester is considered a period of major changes. A pregnant woman needs to start moving more carefully, holding her tummy, not carrying heavy weights, choosing the most comfortable positions in order to fall asleep quickly and get enough sleep. From about the middle of the second stage of gestation, it is already forbidden to lie on the stomach and sleep on the back.

With the onset of the last trimester, the patient has a very hard time, but she will have to be patient. The uterus increases as much as possible, so the woman no longer sleeps on her stomach, even if she really wants to. Positions on the back and abdomen are strictly prohibited for a pregnant woman, so mothers modestly doze on their side during the entire last trimester. This position is considered ideal if in the third trimester the patient prefers to rest on her left side.

Other factors

If the pregnant woman is very swollen lower limbs, which is not at all uncommon in late gestation, it is recommended to put a roller under them. I sleep on my side, but the baby suddenly starts to kick hard - such complaints of mothers to an obstetrician-gynecologist can be heard quite often. If this happens, you must immediately change position, usually the baby begins to show dissatisfaction when he lacks oxygen, so he demands to reduce pressure on the stomach.

If you happen to get pregnant, then for a long time you need to choose the most comfortable position for yourself, which will help relieve tension, unload the spine and lower back. It is impossible to lie still throughout the night, so doctors recommend alternating the left and right sides during the rest. Try to get used to sleeping on the left side in the position of the letter C in the early stages, then it will become much more comfortable to sleep with a big tummy.

Which side is best for pregnant women to sleep on?

Many pregnant women have no idea how to sleep properly in the last weeks of gestation.

  • Doctors in general give the same recommendations for all patients - it is best to sleep on your side during pregnancy.
  • You can’t rest on your back for a fairly simple reason - the fetus puts a lot of pressure on intraorganic structures like the intestines, kidneys or liver, which leads to severe pain in the back, exacerbation of hemorrhoids or respiratory difficulties, so pregnant women should not sleep in this position.
  • If the patient often rests on her back, then the baby, while inside the uterus, will put pressure on the hollow inferior vein passing along spinal column, and this is dangerous by reducing blood flow. As a result, the mother's health worsens.
  • If such squeezing is observed regularly, then this can negatively affect fetal development, because against the background of insufficient blood circulation, there is a lack of nutrition for the baby, his heartbeat is disturbed, which leads to irreversible consequences.
  • Experts recommend how to sleep better. This should be done on the left side, since lying on the right side can provoke squeezing of the renal structures, which will lead to increased swelling.

First of all, you need to think about the condition of the baby, and not about your preferences. It is imperative to monitor your well-being, if in certain positions the pregnant woman feels discomfort, she becomes ill or even pain, then you must immediately change position and continue to avoid such a posture when resting. During sleep on the left side, it is easier for the body to get rid of excess fluid and metabolites, and the heart functions normally.

In the last trimester, it is not very comfortable to sleep even on the left side. To ensure the most comfortable position for herself, mom is recommended to put a pillow under her right leg, which must first be bent at the knee. This arrangement helps to increase blood flow to the placental structures, which leads to the baby receiving more oxygen, which is so necessary for full development.

What else do you need to know

The main thing is not to overeat at night

In addition, this position improves kidney function, which is most important for the third trimester. You will sleep in this position for at least one night, and in the morning it is noticeable how the usual puffiness has subsided from the face and limbs. In addition, this position relieves pain symptoms in the back and pelvis, optimizes cardiac activity.
But there are exceptions when mommy is not recommended to sleep on her left side in the third trimester. Why? You need to sleep on the right side, when the baby has taken a transverse presentation and his head is located on the left. In such a situation, resting on the right side of the body at night will help the baby to take the right position.

Prohibited positions for the third trimester

In order not to cause accidental harm to the child, it is necessary to clearly understand that during pregnancy in the second half of the term, you need to give up sleeping on your stomach and back, even if mommy is not used to sleeping in other positions and tosses and turns for a long time, but cannot fall asleep. Resting on her tummy, mommy will put pressure on the baby, which does not bring anything good.

Lying on your back is prohibited due to the same pressure. The uterus causes compression of the intestines, vertebral structures, arteries and other organs. long sleep on the back provokes hyperedema of the limbs and pain in the spine. Sometimes, with such an incorrect body position, mommy even wakes up in the middle of the night due to severe lumbar pain. You just need to change the position of the body, soreness will immediately recede. Try to sleep so that you are comfortable and the baby does not suffer from excessive pressure.

Setting up a place to rest

How to ensure the most comfortable and relaxing holiday for themselves, many mothers think, so they begin to accustom themselves to correct location body. But you also need to watch what you sleep on so that the body is comfortable.

  1. Choose a medium firm mattress. Surface bed should repeat the outlines of the body and maintain the spine column in a natural physiological position. A similar effect is provided by orthopedic mattress models.
  2. When choosing a mattress, make sure that it does not spring too much. When the spouse turns around at night, he will cause strong vibrations, which will cause discomfort not only in the mother, but also in the fetus.
  3. Size matters. The bed should be comfortable so that mommy has enough space for a comfortable rest and good sleep.
  4. The room in which mommy sleeps must be ventilated before rest. Fresh air will inevitably help the pregnant woman to fall asleep soundly and quickly.

If mommy is too often worried about nasal congestion, heartburn, respiratory difficulties, then you need to sleep in such a position that the torso is elevated. Moms are often worried about cramps, which not only cause discomfort, but also cause pain. To quickly get rid of convulsive muscle spasm, you need to reach out to thumb the cramped leg and pull it up towards the knee.

It is impossible for a woman to control her posture during sleep, so it is recommended to use a pillow for pregnant women, which will help you sleep in a comfortable, and, most importantly, safe position for your baby.

Choosing a pillow

There is a huge selection of special devices

Experts have calculated that for complete comfort, mom needs to put at least 5 pillows under different parts of the body. Especially for pregnant women, a pillow was created that helps to calm down and take the most comfortable position. It is difficult for mothers to find a comfortable position for sleeping, often they want to lie down on their tummy, which is absolutely impossible to do. As a result of a sleepless night, Mommy wakes up irritated and nervous. With each sleepless night, the stressful state of the pregnant woman worsens, which provokes the development of severe depression.

If you use a pillow for pregnant women, then it will distribute the load on the spinal column, help muscle tissue limbs to fully relax, help you fall asleep quickly, come in handy after childbirth for more convenient feeding of the baby. Such pillows are the most various forms like a boomerang, a banana, the letters C, G, I, U, J or a bagel, so every, even the most fastidious mommy will be able to choose the most convenient option for herself.

Of no small importance is the pillow filler, which can be quite diverse, for example, synthetic fillers like polystyrene balls, holofiber, down of artificial origin, as well as natural fillers such as swan down, buckwheat husk, etc. If you use a pillow filled with holofiber or synthetic winterizer, it can noticeably decrease in size. They are too soft, so after childbirth they are unlikely to be suitable for comfortable feeding.

Buckwheat husks or polystyrene balls emit a specific rustling, which not all girls like. But such products keep their shape perfectly and do not shrink. It will be great if the pillow has a removable cover that is easy to remove and wash.

Pillows for pregnant women have both disadvantages and advantages.

  • If we talk about the shortcomings, then they include the large size of such a product. Also, the disadvantages include the heat, if you sleep on such a pillow in the summer, because the fillers retain heat, so it will be hot to sleep in an embrace with such a product.
  • Pillows have much more advantages, if only because they help eliminate pain in hip joints, lower back, neck and back in general.

The U-shaped pillow is considered the most comfortable, because it does not need to be turned over every time mommy changes her body position. There is also a minus - such a pillow will take up a lot of space on the bed, and you will have to sleep with it at some distance from your spouse, which not all mothers like.

In order for mommy to have a full night's rest and sound sleep, the patient must adjust her life in accordance with some rules that she must follow daily throughout the entire gestation.

First, food. A pregnant woman is simply obliged to eat in a timely manner, correctly and balanced. You can not overeat, it is better to eat often and a little bit. It is necessary to have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime, so that the gastric contents have time to fully digest and not overshadow night sleep extra load. Also, before going to bed, it is necessary to exclude the use of caffeinated drinks, sweet soda, etc. It is better to drink a glass of warm milk with honey before going to bed.

Every day you need to perform special gymnastics for pregnant women, which will partly contribute fast falling asleep and sound sleep. Such training should be planned for the day so that the body has time to fully relax before a night's rest. Also, before going to bed, you should not watch TV, read books or engage in mental activity, it is better to listen to calm music in order to relax properly.

It is worth adhering to a certain daily routine, which will help accustom the body to fall asleep and go to bed. same time. If insomnia torments you at night, then it is better to give up sleep during the day, and before a night's rest, be sure to take walks. You also need to ventilate the room, and in the summer, sleep with an open window / window, which will help you sleep soundly and calmly at night.

You need to take a warm bath before going to bed, and after half an hour after it go to bed, then falling asleep will occur almost instantly. It is better to sleep in pajamas or a shirt made of natural knitted fabrics that are pleasant to the touch. If at some point, against the background of lack of sleep and irritation, despair and fatigue rush over, you should cheer yourself up with the fact that all mothers go through such inconveniences.

Expectant mothers should not only fully spend the daytime hours, but also properly organize their sleep. Night rest helps to restore the resources spent during the day, relax muscles and normalize the functioning of the nervous system. All this is important for the full development of the fetus. The article highlights the questions of how to choose the right position in a dream for women in position, on which side it is better to sleep and how to organize the most comfortable sleeping place.

How to choose a position for sleeping?

Future mothers should know that the position of the body during sleep affects a number of functions and conditions of the body. Poses affect:

  • relaxation of the spinal column and proper blood circulation;
  • blood supply to the brain;
  • hormone production;
  • strength of ligaments and joints;
  • supply of oxygen to the body and proper breathing;
  • proper functioning of muscle tissue;
  • cardiac activity and blood pressure;
  • complete digestive activity.

Reference! It is important to understand that the morning well-being of a woman speaks of how her sleep went. If she feels vivacity and a surge of strength, then the dream was full, but if the state is more like a “squeezed lemon”, then the position of the body was completely unsuccessful for maintaining and restoring strength.

Some women sleep quite comfortably on their back, although this position is not the most suitable, as it leads to stagnation of some organs due to constant pressure on the epicenter of the spinal column. Experts do not recommend sleeping on the stomach at all for expectant mothers, especially late dates their pregnancies. With such a dream, the spine is deformed and leads to constant lack of sleep and more serious consequences.

Doctors consider side sleeping to be the most suitable position. This position of the body helps to relax and fall asleep faster. In addition, this posture helps to eliminate snoring and facilitate breathing, eliminate unpleasant symptoms such as belching and heartburn, as well as prevent other digestive problems.

The only drawback of the lateral position during sleep can be called numbness of the fingers or even the entire arm, as sometimes nerve endings are pinched and blood circulation is disturbed. But this problem can be easily dealt with with the correct position of the hand due to a comfortable pillow and the organization of a comfortable place to sleep.

Which side to choose for sleeping during pregnancy:

- Right side

In the early stages of pregnancy, young mothers can sleep quite comfortably and get enough sleep on their right side. In the later trimesters physiological characteristics the body fits more the left side. Many women are worried that the heart is located on the left and, supposedly, this is dangerous. But posture during sleep has no effect on cardiac activity. The beating of the heart and the flow of blood to it are in no way disturbed.

The right side is also comfortable due to the location far from it of all vital important organs. On the left side is the liver and bile ducts that function freely and do not bring discomfort. The spine assumes a free and comfortable position, edema does not form, pressure on the bladder does not occur, and the blood circulation of neither the mother nor the child is disturbed.

Besides, Right side allows you to freely locate the engorged breast and not squeeze it. The development of mastopathy and other chest diseases is excluded.

Attention! In order to unload the right shoulder, you need to try not to focus on it. To do this, the shoulder is pushed forward a little, preventing circulatory disorders in the muscles of the forearm and wrist. With a sore back, this pose is the most comfortable. For greater comfort, a small soft pillow can be placed between the knees. This measure stabilizes the spine and normalizes pressure from the hips and buttocks.

- left-hand side

Many experts are of the opinion that best pose for sleep - this is the left side. Left-hand side affects following processes in the body:

  • blood, oxygen and all nutrients flow freely to the placenta;
  • the pressure on the urinary canal decreases and the woman sleeps more calmly, does not experience premature urge to urinate;
  • the spinal muscles relax to the maximum and the spine takes the most comfortable position;
  • there is no excessive strain on the hepatic region;
  • swelling of the extremities is reduced, convulsions are almost completely excluded.

The left side for sleeping should be used by women from the 27th week of pregnancy. It is during this period that the blood supply to the uterus is provided most fully with the left-sided position of the body. The fetus in this sleep position develops as comfortably and fully as possible. All organs relax and work in full mode without the slightest failure.

Important! With a diagnosed transverse or pelvic presentation, it is worth falling asleep on the side where the baby's head is located. This choice is due to the gradual transition of his body to a normal position before childbirth.

Why is the position of the child important when choosing a sleeping position?

Pregnant women should be observed by a gynecologist throughout the entire period of bearing a child. The examinations he conducts help maintain the health of the mother and unborn baby from the very beginning. early dates fetal development. It is the specialist who will be able to accurately select the appropriate sleeping position that will be comfortable for the mother and not bring discomfort to the child.

It is sometimes very difficult to independently determine the position during sleep. This is due to the fact that the sensations of the expectant mother are dulled due to unusual new reactions of the body. It is sometimes simply not possible to determine in what position a child is comfortable for a woman. It is in this case that she needs the advice of a doctor.

How to arrange a bed?

The comfortable condition of the woman and the health of the baby depend on the organization of the sleeping space and the place to sleep. In order to fully sleep and get enough sleep, you need to follow simple recommendations for arranging a bed:

  • Mattress choice. It should be quite hard, but at the same time soft. The spine on such a mattress should take a flat position.
  • Pillow. For a comfortable head position, it should be soft enough and have small size. It is best to choose a pillow with synthetic filling to avoid allergic reactions from the body. She should not raise her head much above the level of the bed, but only slightly support her neck, without affecting the position of the spine.

Note! For pregnant women, specialized pillows are produced that have a U-shape and a length of about 150 cm. These models are very comfortable for sleeping. In addition, they can be placed between the knees for the most suitable side position. For such pillows, it is better to choose hypoallergenic fillers and cotton pillowcases.

  • Linens. It is better to purchase cotton products that need to be washed at least once a week.
  • A blanket. The choice of covering material should be approached especially carefully. If the blanket is too thin, then the woman will experience discomfort due to hypothermia. On the contrary, a too warm blanket contributes to an increase in body temperature and malfunction of many organs. It is best to choose breathable natural fillers that have the function of thermoregulation. Such blankets are not cheap, but they are simply necessary for the health of the mother and the unborn child.

The room should be completely dark during sleep. To do this, blackout curtains or blinds are hung on the windows. The air in the bedroom must be constantly updated. For these purposes, it is best to open the window to the micro mode in the summer, and the door to the room - in the winter.

To sleep well, bedding must be clean and fresh. You should also regularly do a general cleaning of the room with a damp cloth, be sure to wipe the dust on the cabinets and keep the windows clean. Do not get carried away with aroma candles or other air fresheners, it is best to ensure a natural flow of air into the apartment.

Choosing a sleeping position is an exciting moment for any pregnant woman. She needs to know that the position on her back and stomach is the least suitable for the full development of the fetus. It is best to choose the left or right side for sleeping. You should also carefully approach the arrangement of your bed.

Specially for- Elena Kichak