
Why is it uncomfortable to sleep on the left side of a pregnant woman? Healthy sleep for pregnant women

Sleep is vital for a person, since it is during sleep that all the body’s resources are restored. Everyone has their own habits associated with night rest - a favorite pillow, a comfortable bed, a certain level of lighting, and, of course, body position. Some people fall asleep only lying on their stomachs, while others cannot imagine how they can even just lie down like that. During pregnancy, the lifestyle of any woman changes, this even applies to sleeping position. Some positions are considered potentially dangerous for the unborn baby, so you will have to change your habits. Let's find out the safest and most comfortable way for a pregnant woman to sleep.

What is the best position to sleep in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester?

Good sleep is extremely important for the expectant mother, since only if this condition is met, the woman will be calm, attentive and will not constantly feel tired. Let's look at the recommended sleeping positions for each trimester:

  1. first three months The fetus is still too small, and visually the pregnancy is generally invisible. Because of this, absolutely any comfortable sleeping position is allowed, as long as the sleep is sound and complete, so that the body can rest well. It is worth changing the usual position only if sleeping in it begins to bring discomfort - this is often associated with an inflection of the softened isthmus of the uterus. Painful mammary glands can also cause difficulties. Doctors recommend immediately getting used to sleeping on your side, so that later there will be no difficulties with changing habits;
  2. second trimester is marked by the fact that expectant mother already boasts a noticeable rounding of the abdomen. Despite the fact that the fruit is not yet too large and well protected, excessive pressure It is not advisable to rest on it, so sleeping on your stomach is prohibited. It would be best to lie on your side, and for comfort, place a small pillow or bolster between your legs. If at first it is not very comfortable to sleep in this position, do not worry - you will soon get used to it;
  3. on the third, In the last trimester of pregnancy, the only acceptable and safe position is lying on one of the sides. To improve blood circulation and the functioning of the excretory system, the upper leg should be slightly elevated, so it is better to place a pillow under it. A soft pillow under your stomach won't hurt either. The best option It will be necessary to purchase a special pillow for pregnant women that provides support for all these areas.

It is worth noting that at night, not only body position is of great importance, but also other factors ensuring healthy sleep:

  • mattress recommended medium hardness;
  • the mattress should follow the contours of the body well, so you should opt for a good orthopedic option;
  • You should not give preference to dependent and too soft spring mattresses, since when the father turns over on the bed during sleep, this will create oscillatory movements and discomfort for the mother and child;
  • sleep should be healthy, that is, you need to get enough sleep, observing the rule of 8-9 hours of sleep at night;
    You need to get up in bed smoothly, without sudden movements.

Video: how to sleep better during pregnancy

Healthy sleep- this is an integral element of the psychological health and peace of mind of the expectant mother, so insomnia definitely needs to be fought. Which sleeping positions will be most comfortable and how should a woman with big belly– shown in detail in this video.

Sleeping positions and why they are dangerous for pregnant women

When the fetus is large, it in any case creates pressure in abdominal cavity and some difficulties with the functioning of organs and the circulatory system. To avoid problems, it is important to position yourself correctly during sleep so that this pressure does not increase and harm neither the child nor the mother.

Why you can't sleep on your stomach

Sleeping on the stomach is one of the most common problems of pregnant women, as this position is loved and preferred by many. Does this body position pose a danger to the fetus? There are two opposing answers to this question:

  • there will be no harm, but only for early stages. Since there is no big belly yet, the fetus is small in size and does not yet exert any pressure on internal organs, which means that in the first trimester you can sleep in absolutely any position, as before;
  • after the first twelve weeks, that is, one trimester, you will have to give up this habit, since lying on your stomach can harm the baby. Despite the fact that the fetus inside is reliably protected amniotic fluid and the muscles of the uterus, when the mother is positioned on her stomach, unnecessary pressure is still placed on it. For many mothers, it’s quite easy to give up the habit; you just need to imagine that you are lying with all your weight on your unborn child, and the desire to sleep on your stomach will immediately disappear. Difficulty in this body position can also be increased sensitivity breasts, observed in later stages.

Experts recommend unlearning to sleep on your stomach from the first days of pregnancy, since if you start this issue only when the belly begins to grow, then in the first place there will be a risk of returning to your favorite position unconsciously, during sleep.

The dangers of sleeping on your back

The position on the back is not considered dangerous for the baby, but this position will also have to be abandoned during sleep - it is dangerous for the mother’s body (the restriction again applies to the second half of pregnancy, when the fetus is already quite large in size and weight).

This position is undoubtedly much more comfortable than on the stomach, but the baby can put pressure on the blood vessels behind the peritoneum, bladder and other organs. Because of this, circulatory disorders are diagnosed, blood stagnation in the pelvis can be diagnosed, and the risk increases varicose veins veins are forming constant pain in the back and may even cause such an unpleasant ailment as hemorrhoids. Also, the location on the back complicates the functioning of the kidneys and the normal outflow of bile. Most dangerous complication compression of the mother's vena cava is considered (accompanied by frequent dizziness, disturbances heart rate, numbness of the limbs and difficulty breathing) and impaired blood flow to the placenta. Thus, sleeping on your back can cause many problems with your well-being and health.

We have already figured out why it is better for pregnant women to sleep on their side, but which one exactly? There are also some nuances here. Experts say that from a physiological point of view, it is better for both mother and baby if they sleep on the left side. This helps not only normalize blood flow and relieve painful sensations from the back, but also reduce the load on the heart muscle. However, if you feel discomfort in this position, then you shouldn’t torture yourself - you can safely roll over to the other side, it’s not harmful, the main thing is not to sit with a big belly on it or on your back. To make the position most comfortable, it is often recommended to bend your knees and separate them with a pillow or bolster. This will allow you not only to sleep soundly, but also to feel good. During this time, it is permissible to turn over from one side to the other several times, but this must be done slowly and carefully, without sudden movements.

A special pillow is the best helper

It will help you to sit comfortably on your side, which you can either purchase or make yourself. Today, the choice of such devices is very wide, pillows can be different forms and sizes that are selected according to the height and preferences of the mother.

So, we can distinguish the following main types:

  • in the shape of the letter U - it allows you to comfortably support the stomach and legs, and when turning over to the other side there is no need to shift the device. However, this pillow is quite large, so it will be difficult to place it on a small bed;
  • J-shape. A more compact version of the first pillow has all the same advantages, however, when turning it over, it will still have to be rearranged;
  • C and G shaped pillows. They can be used not only for sleeping, but also for conveniently placing and feeding the baby when he is born. These options are also quite large and take up a lot of space;
  • in the shape of the letter I. This is the simplest and most compact option, which will provide no less significant help during pregnancy than other types.

Such devices will help create the most comfortable conditions for sleeping on your side and normal functioning of the body during such a crucial period. They are comfortable, help you relax, and are quite affordable, which makes them very popular.

Sleep disorders occur in 80% of pregnant women. This is caused by emotional instability and physiological changes, occurring with the body and organism of a woman. To protect the baby from the unpleasant consequences of intrauterine hypoxia, it is necessary to gradually get used to new positions during night rest.

The first weeks after conception, a woman constantly feels sleepy. This is due to the fact that the body begins to rebuild and expend more energy. Discomfort appears due to an enlarged uterus, changes hormonal background. Therefore, in the second trimester, the girl suffers from insomnia, she has nightmares, and sleepwalking worsens. Reasons this state the following:

Also be restful sleep provoked by uncomfortable pastels, tight clothing, extraneous noise. During pregnancy, a woman feels the heat more sensitively and cannot tolerate it. Therefore, if the bedroom is stuffy, it will be very difficult to fall asleep.

Advice! If you are prone to allergies and have chronic diseases upper respiratory tract It is not recommended to grow indoor flowers in the bedroom or sleep with pets. To minimize development allergic rhinitis, regularly carry out wet cleaning.

Choosing a suitable position for expectant mothers to rest at night

From the first days a woman becomes pregnant, she needs to completely reconsider her lifestyle. The girl refuses bad habits, physical activity, changes nutrition. The changes also concern the favorite positions in which she sleeps. Due to the expanding belly, the usual position becomes physically uncomfortable and dangerous for the baby. To get enough sleep even on later, you need to go to bed correctly.

Until the 12th week, you are allowed to sleep as you like; with the onset of the 7th month of pregnancy, the woman is limited to only resting on her side. To prevent your whole body from hurting the next morning, you need to periodically change your position.

Dangerous positions

There are dangerous sleeping positions for pregnant women that are completely excluded. Women who continue to follow their habits increase the risk of developing intrauterine pathologies. You should not lie on your back, especially when the fetus begins to quickly gain weight. The expectant mother will sleep restlessly, and the baby will suffer from oxygen starvation.

If you regularly rest lying on your back or stomach, this will lead to the following consequences:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • breech or transverse presentation;
  • increased activity of the baby, entanglement of the umbilical cord;
  • dizziness, loss of consciousness, apnea;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • convulsions;
  • swelling of the legs, arms, face;
  • circulatory disorders in the pelvis;
  • lower back pain.

It is recommended to monitor your condition and position while resting. But this does not mean that a woman should not sleep, so as not to accidentally harm the baby and herself. As long as the fetus is within the symphysis pubis, it is safe from external pressure. Lying on her stomach from the 22nd week becomes impossible, the pregnant woman is uncomfortable, so she independently refuses this position.

Mid-pregnancy restrictions

In early pregnancy, you are allowed to use familiar positions. The middle of gestation is the most favorable and safe period. At this time, the woman does not experience toxicosis and is less emotional. From 18 to 28 weeks, the fewest complaints about restless sleep are received. While your tummy is small, you can rest for a while on your back.

Important to know! If you have twins or the placenta is attached to the anterior wall, then already in the middle of pregnancy it is recommended to sleep exclusively on your side. Also, be sure to create comfortable conditions for yourself with pillows, blankets, and a comfortable mattress.

Late bans

In the third trimester, a large belly appears, which makes it difficult for a woman to breathe, walk, sit and sleep. To avoid aggravating the condition and harming the developing fetus, follow these rules:

  1. Don't sleep on your stomach, it's dangerous.
  2. Regular sleeping on the back disrupts the normal course of pregnancy; frequent compression of the lower hollow vessel occurs.
  3. Minimize sleeping on your right side, as the enlarged uterus in this position puts pressure on the kidneys. If a woman was diagnosed with cystitis or pyelonephritis before pregnancy, pressure can trigger a relapse of the disease.

Choosing comfortable and safe sleeping positions during pregnancy in the last months is very difficult. A woman will have to sacrifice her comfort for a short time for the sake of the baby.

Advice! Pay attention to the movements; if they increase in any position, the child may be uncomfortable or there is not enough oxygen.

Sleeping on your left side

The best positions recommended for sleeping and daytime rest during pregnancy are lying on your side, as well as resting with a pillow sandwiched between your legs. From the 36th week you need to lie on the left side more often, since the vena cava runs along the right side of the uterus. Regular compression of the vessel leads to poor circulation.

Sleeping on your left side affects pregnancy in the following ways:

  • sufficient oxygen supply to the fetus;
  • reduction of swelling, normal functioning of the kidneys;
  • reducing the load on the heart;
  • sound and healthy sleep;
  • no pain in the lower back and pelvis.

If the ultrasound showed a transverse presentation of the fetus, the gynecologist should warn you about the peculiarities of sleep. You can’t sleep on the side that your baby’s bottom is on. Therefore, if it is on the left side, the pregnant woman needs to lie on her right side.

The best position for a woman expecting a baby

If a woman is uncomfortable sleeping on her side, you can try resting in a semi-sitting position. Pillows should be placed under your back and head. Thus, the vena cava is not compressed, the uterus does not come into contact with the diaphragm, shortness of breath and snoring disappear.

To relieve swelling and fatigue from your legs, you can place a soft cushion under them while you dream. This position helps reduce the load and therefore prevents the development of varicose veins. The main thing is that you feel comfortable. If you suffer from heartburn, it is recommended to lie on your left side more often. If excessive fetal activity occurs, change position.

Other positions allowed during pregnancy

Unfortunately, the choice of sleeping position is limited by physiological characteristics. If the abdomen is large due to the anterior insertion of the placenta or multiple pregnancy, the most correct position is reclining. Until the third trimester, you can tuck your legs towards your chest. To avoid triggering cramps, do not stretch.

If a woman does not get enough sleep in the listed positions and feels tired, it is necessary to pay attention to other causes of development restless sleep. Relax on a comfortable bed; it is advisable to purchase an orthopedic mattress and special pillows for pregnant women. When preparing for bed, turn off the lights and TV everywhere, and put your phone on silent mode.

You should not constantly monitor your position while resting, and if the position is incorrect, you should unnecessarily worry about the condition of the baby. Following these rules will allow you to completely relax, which contributes to sound, good sleep.

The most comfortable positions for daytime rest

Daytime sleep is necessary for a pregnant woman to full recovery strength, especially if she continues to work or does not get enough sleep at night. The most comfortable position is reclining. If you don't want to sleep, you can sit on a soft chair. For greater comfort, place a pillow under your back and place your feet on a pouf.

If a girl suffers from insomnia or sleeps restlessly, it is necessary to refuse nap. One of the causes of the disorder may be insufficient physical activity during daylight hours. It’s better to do something you love after lunch, read a book, go for a walk fresh air.

Use of pregnancy pillows

You can ensure the correct position while sleeping at home using ordinary sofa pillows. They need to be placed under the neck, lower back, and legs. This design is inconvenient because when changing positions you have to shift the rollers for a long time.

There are many special devices that will help a pregnant woman find a comfortable position and get a good night's sleep. Pillows are made with different fillings and shapes. When purchasing them, consider the size of the bed.

Using pillows makes it easier to accept correct poses for sleep during pregnancy:

  1. On the left side. Place a pillow between your legs, your legs should be in a position comfortable for you. Any form of roller is suitable for this pose.
  2. On the right side. A pillow is placed under the stomach and left leg. The most convenient is the U-shape, which allows you to change position during the night without twisting the roller.
  3. Reclining. The pillow should be located under the neck, back, lower back, and it is also recommended to slightly raise your legs. For this pose, you need to choose bulky rollers in the shape of the letters G, C, O.

If you are experiencing severe pain in the lower back, before choosing, you should consult a gynecologist. If you are not prone to allergies to synthetics, it is better to buy a pillow made of polystyrene foam or holofiber. These fillers will keep their shape and will not decrease in size over time.

During pregnancy, be sure to avoid dangerous sleeping positions that put pressure on the abdomen or inferior vena cava. You shouldn’t wake up every hour and control yourself, listen to your feelings. If the baby begins to move actively, it is necessary to change position. In the last month, especially when increased tone, lower back pain and gestosis, it is best to sleep on the left side.

When pregnant, a woman has to take care not only of herself, but also of her unborn child. Sleep is an important component of human life. The moral and physical health. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to pay attention to sleep and always try to get a good night's sleep.

Many women talk about it during pregnancy. The result of such changes is deterioration appearance, irritability, depressive state. These psychological factors aggravated by pain in the lower back, heaviness in the legs.

Acceptance can correct the situation emergency measures to improve sleep quality:

  • buy soft, pleasant-to-touch bedding;
  • use a special pillow for pregnant women;
  • spend more time in the fresh air (especially before bedtime);
  • ventilate the bedroom;
  • drink a glass of soothing tea before bed (in recent weeks it is better to replace it with aromatherapy sessions);
  • choose the most comfortable position.

Which side to sleep on during pregnancy

For a woman who is not pregnant, there is no problem with choosing a position. She can sleep on her back, not her stomach, on either side. Pregnant women have to take care of their own health and the safety of the fetus. As their belly increases, they have to give up the pleasure of sleeping on their stomach and then on their back. There are two options left - on the right or left side.

The position on the left side is considered the most comfortable and useful. Blood circulation is not disturbed in it, and the fetus receives the oxygen necessary for development. But it is not a panacea. Much depends on the presentation of the fetus. When transverse, it is recommended to lie on the side in which the baby’s head is located.

It must be taken into account that the sleeping position should not be static. It should be changed 3-4 times a night.

Pregnant women can sleep on their back only in the first 28 weeks. As the fetus enlarges, the uterus begins to put pressure on organs located in the lumbar region:

  • vena cava;
  • intestines;
  • bladder.

As a result, the woman feels discomfort, frequent urge to urination, which negatively affects the quality of sleep. Main danger, which occurs while sleeping on the back - disruption of blood flow and, accordingly, oxygen supply to organs, including the placenta. The child begins to experience oxygen starvation, begins to be active, which also does not contribute to proper rest. At the first signs of restless behavior of the baby, you must immediately change position and turn on your side.

Sleeping on your stomach

In the early stages of pregnancy (in the first trimester), sleeping on the stomach cannot harm the baby in any way. During this period, the uterus does not yet increase in size and does not put pressure on the internal organs. The only limitation may be the psychological state of the pregnant woman. Expectant mothers feel fear for their baby and prefer to immediately abandon this position.

In the second and third trimester, sleeping on your stomach is prohibited. The enlarged uterus is no longer protected pelvic bones. Despite the presence of additional restrictions in the form of amniotic fluid and membranes, the fetus may suffer.

What is the best position to sleep in during pregnancy?

Complete rest can only be obtained in the most comfortable sleeping position. Pregnant women have to deprive themselves of such pleasure for the sake of their own health and the safety of the fetus.

The choice of an acceptable sleeping position depends on the stage of pregnancy.

First trimester

  • on the back (the uterus is not yet enlarged and does not put pressure on the internal organs);
  • starfish (also unlimited);
  • on the side (the most comfortable position for sleeping, especially on the left);
  • “fetal” (similar to the position on the side, but due to the bent position of the spine, it is not recommended as a permanent one);
  • on the stomach (even this is acceptable in the first trimester).

Second trimester

  • on the back and a starfish (permissible at the very beginning of the period and for a short time, later the uterus begins to put strong pressure on the internal organs, which makes breathing difficult and disrupts blood flow);
  • on the side (the position has no restrictions);
  • “embryo” (permissible only at the beginning of the trimester, while it is still possible to tighten your bent legs, not recommended for constant sleep).

Third trimester

  • on the side (in other positions, both the expectant mother and baby feel discomfort).

You may be interested to know how body position during sleep affects human health.

Prohibited sleeping positions for expectant mothers

The ban on sleeping in a certain position begins to take effect only from the second trimester. In the first, if there are no individual contraindications, the expectant mother can sleep in any position convenient for her.

From the second trimester, pregnant women should stop sleeping on their backs and stomachs. The last position is especially dangerous, as the child can be injured in it.

Sleeping on your back leads to compression of the vena cava, which is responsible for supplying oxygen to the unborn child.

A simple device - a pregnancy pillow - will help relieve the stress that the expectant mother's body experiences even while lying on her side. They are available in several types, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. By choosing the most suitable pillow, expectant mothers will reduce the load on the spine, which experiences severe overload during pregnancy. You can choose a model that supports your stomach and allows you to rest your legs comfortably. When choosing pillows, you should remember that during night rest you need to change position, and the device should not interfere with these movements.

How to organize your sleep correctly

Pregnancy is associated with sleep disturbances, but proper organization of the process will help eliminate all inconveniences.

  1. Expectant mothers are advised to choose a comfortable mattress and soft bedding.
  2. A pregnancy pillow will be a real salvation when your spine needs relaxation.
  3. Walking before bed will replenish your oxygen supply, which is beneficial for both mother and baby.
  4. Aromatherapy sessions will calm the nervous system.
  5. Compliance with the regime will help the body to rest regularly and fully.

By following these tips, you can easily regain restful sleep during pregnancy. Improved well-being will have a positive impact on the health of the unborn child, and the long-awaited baby will be born absolutely healthy.

Every person needs daily good rest, because it is at night that the body restores the resources spent during the day. Chronic lack of sleep alone can cause the development of a variety of diseases. Therefore, the need for healthy sleep is vital.

During pregnancy, this issue becomes even more higher value: loads on female body during this period there are simply enormous changes, it works in an intense mode, and from the first weeks of pregnancy the expectant mother feels all these changes with increased fatigue and an irresistible desire to take a nap.

It’s unfortunate, but it is precisely during pregnancy, when full, healthy sleep is so important for a woman and her unborn baby, that there are 1001 reasons why a mother cannot sleep. The heartbeat quickens, the urge to urinate increases, nervousness and anxiety increase, digestion is disrupted, and in the end, it begins to cause obvious discomfort and makes it difficult to choose a comfortable position for sleeping.

Helper pillow

But if you are not used to sleeping on your left side, then it will not be easy to train yourself. Moreover, even a woman accustomed to this position may experience noticeable discomfort during sleep due to her growing tummy. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be able to do without additional pillows.

Always keep several soft pillows of different sizes near you. With their help, you can choose the most comfortable position for yourself. You may have to spend more than one night searching for one, but it’s worth it.

Try placing one pad under your stomach and the other between your knees. In this case, it is recommended to stretch your left leg (if you are lying on your left side), and bend your right leg. A cushion under the lower back significantly improves your position and well-being.

In general, you can place pads wherever you deem necessary - as long as it is comfortable. If funds allow, be sure to buy yourself special pillows for pregnant women: they are designed taking into account your “pregnant” physiological needs and are very comfortable. A horseshoe-shaped pregnancy pillow allows you to take literally any position and will simply save you from insomnia.

As a last resort, if you can’t get comfortable, try using the same pillows to sit half-sitting and take a nap. But don't stop searching comfortable posture. You need to gain strength: there is childbirth ahead, which involves large energy expenditures, and then caring for the baby, which involves sleepless nights. So get some sleep now.

Have a comfortable and healthy sleep!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Your tummy has already passed the 19th week, you feel it not only during the day, when you have to walk and stand, but also at night, in a seemingly carefree lying position. What to do, the burden, although a little heavy, is pleasant. However, in order to get enough sleep and maintain the comfort of your belly at any time of the day, you will have to sleep according to the rules.

The time for free poses is over

If during your night's rest you are used to feeling free: turning over from side to side, sleeping on your back and stomach, then you will be able to enjoy your freedom only in the first weeks of pregnancy. That is, in the first two months. And then your cute habits of sleeping on your stomach or back will have to be put aside, since your baby will wean you off them for a while.

You no longer practice sleeping in the “stomach” position. Some weeks from the 12th. That same time when the uterus moved beyond the pelvis and the tummy began to round out. It’s even good that it has acquired a rounded shape, which is not very comfortable for sleeping on the stomach - there is no temptation and no opportunity to return to your favorite position.

According to doctors, you can sleep on your back up to . But even during this period, from the 19th to the 24th, no one canceled the vena cava compression syndrome. For those who don’t know: the inferior vena cava is located along the spine and when it is compressed, both the woman and the fetus can feel a lack of air. For the mother, this is fraught with tachycardia and dizziness, and for the baby there is a danger of hypoxia.

Choosing a comfortable position

The most correct sleeping positions during pregnancy are on your side. Preferably on the left, so as not to put pressure on the kidney. Additionally, sleeping on your left side is ideal for circulation. In this position, blood circulates unhindered and saturates the fetus with oxygen in the required volume.

And with this position, mom’s liver doesn’t get compressed and her back doesn’t hurt early in the morning.

Have you tried reclining?

Of course, 19–24 weeks is not enough time to even lie down. But if you just can’t lie down, something always bothers you and creates discomfort, try falling asleep reclining.

Place a pillow under your back, try to ensure that the position is truly “reclining” and not “sitting”. If you lie down incorrectly, your body will immediately “report” to you about this.

In the “reclining” position, you will not have difficulty breathing, the diaphragm will not put pressure on the lungs, and the baby will receive its portion of oxygen and nutrients and will not make any claims to you in the middle of the night.

Why is the one who sleeps on the right wrong?

Sleeping on the right side is not recommended by all doctors, because this position can harm blood circulation. The uterus, loaded with a fetus that is already quite noticeable in weight, puts pressure on the arteries, blocking the full supply of oxygen and nutrients to the baby.

Naturally, it is impossible to lie on one side (right, left) all night and feel good. You can turn over periodically, but try to sleep on the right side as little as possible.

Pillows - lifesaver

You can now fully use various forms of pillows. During this period they will play the role aids to find a comfortable sleeping position during pregnancy.

Long and horseshoe-shaped, pillows will help you out if you need to carefully position your tummy, rest your legs on something, or put something under your back.

If for certain reasons you have not acquired a factory pillow, then you can use a soft toy or create one yourself.

The parameters are as follows: 150 -180 cm in length and 30–50 in girth. And the design is made of cotton in the most cheerful and cheerful colors. Then your pad will also be an antidepressant.