
Recipes for delicious drinks to help you lose weight. Drinks for quick weight loss

Slimming drinks help tune your metabolism, reduce your appetite, and cut down on your daily calories. What drinks are worth paying attention to? The answer is simple.

Drinks to help you on your way to weight loss

Many women who want to lose weight start looking for methods to effectively and safely burn fat and, as a rule, find a lot of useful tips for making miracle drinks at home - these are various drainage combinations with green coffee, ginger, lemon, cinnamon, sesame, vinegar , collecting herbs and others. However, research by nutritionists proves that simply drinking drinks for weight loss is not enough if you drink and eat more than you burn. Remember this.

Everyday drinks that help you lose weight

1. Drink cold water with ice

Exactly this available remedy for those who want to lose weight good help immune system. What could be easier - just drink water! At the same time, you can consume an additional 100-150 calories per day and at the same time lose 10 kg per year. Why?

  • 1. Our body will have to burn calories (or fat) in order to heat the ice water to body temperature.
  • 2. Water before meals reduces appetite, promotes rapid satiety.
  • 3. Water allows your liver to utilize fat and thus has a positive effect on metabolic processes.
  • 4. Replacing sugary soda, store-bought juices, and alcoholic beverages with water can create a deficit of hundreds of calories per day. For example, to burn 500 ml of Sprite with a calorie content of 150 kcal, you need to run on a treadmill for 40 minutes.
  • 5. The rate of fluid intake can be calculated as follows: weight (kg) multiplied by 30 = N fluid. So, with a weight of 60 kg, you need to drink 1 liter 800 ml of liquid, including tea, juice, soup, water.

2. Drink skim milk

Milk is known to be an excellent source of calcium. And as Canadian studies show, the more calcium in the diet, the faster weight loss. Basically, this happens for several reasons.

Firstly, calcium is involved in the processes of fat utilization, due to the activation of the enzyme (lipase), which, in turn, breaks down fat in the body. The norm of calcium per day for an adult ranges from 800-1200 mg.

Secondly, a diet enriched with calcium (dairy and sour-milk products) suppresses appetite and we eat less. But, the lack of calcium in the body really prevents us from losing weight!

In order to feel the effect of calcium on the body and achieve the desired effect, limit yourself to fat-free or with low content fat (up to 3%) dairy products.

3. Drink whey rich in protein

Whey protein helps burn more fat (lipolysis), suppresses appetite, by stimulating the production of the hormone cholecystokinin; regulates blood sugar and insulin levels.

Whey protein, like other high-protein foods, has a thermogenic effect (heat generation), and with it, basal energy expenditure increases, which means that the body is working hard to digest protein (protein), stimulating the burning of subcutaneous fat.

Whey is perhaps the most effective dietary product on the menu of a woman who wants to lose weight. If you notice that you are putting on a little weight, drink 2-3 cups of whey milk a day from time to time and you will maintain your desired weight forever.

4. Drink green tea

Losing weight knows that it is difficult not to lose weight, but to maintain the result. Green tea for that matter great helper. It harmoniously and naturally helps to maintain the achieved result.

Medical research shows that green tea and its extract reduces fat accumulation in the abdomen. Drink green tea instead of regular tea, lose more calories and lose weight. To health.

Green tea contains caffeine, which increases metabolism (metabolism) - burning calories and fat, gently suppresses appetite, which naturally leads to weight loss; helps to control the level of glucose in the body, has a pronounced diuretic effect, so that the body gets rid of excess fluid.

The catechins and polyphenols in green tea are involved in thermogenesis, which is when the body burns fat for energy. You can drink up to 1 liter of green tea per day, both in pure form and diluted with skim milk. The only thing is that it is recommended to brew it not with boiling water, but with water heated to 75-80 degrees.

5. Black coffee

If you need an extra boost in the morning and afternoon, coffee is the best choice compared to energy drinks. Why are energy drinks bad? Most of them are just calorie bombs!

Studies have shown that drinking coffee in moderation (about 2-3 cups per day) prevents the development of cancer. Coffee has a diuretic effect, will help relieve fatigue, increase energy and concentration, lower blood glucose levels; rich in antioxidants.

But according to experts from Australia, coffee in the amount of more than three cups a day leads to the accumulation of fat, because it contains chlorogenic acid (although previously, this substance was considered useful).

However, we are interested in coffee in terms of weight loss. Main value coffee in that it contains caffeine, which suppresses appetite, increases metabolism, provides high endurance in the gym, helping to turn fat into energy.

Coffee with various additives

If you add whipped cream, sweet syrups to a mug of black coffee, then the calorie content of the aromatic drink will increase to 500 calories! If you don't like regular black coffee, then dilute it with a little skim milk and add stevia (a natural sweetener) so as not to exceed your daily calorie intake.

6. Drink yogurt-based smoothies

Healthy yogurt-cocktails reduce appetite, are enriched with calcium - dairy products, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, help to normalize the intestinal microflora, remove toxins and toxins, and strengthen the immune system.

On this, perhaps, we will end our review. Normalization and optimization drinking regime will allow you to take your weight under control, get rid of the gained kilograms. At the same time, do not forget to be active and happy.

Home drinks for slim figure- this is not a fantasy ... With their help, losing weight is not so sad, they reduce the feeling of hunger, remove metabolic products, and help say goodbye to excess fluid.

Every person who wants to lose weight, whether a man or a woman, is able to do it on their own, while spending a minimum of time and money. One has only to make some efforts, and the result will appear very quickly. It is enough to adhere to proper nutrition, devote at least an hour a day to sports and apply additional methods weight loss, such as massage or contrast showers.

Many people know the principles of proper nutrition, healthy food, but not everyone knows that in addition to healthy diet foods, there are also drinks that promote weight loss.

Similar products are sold in any pharmacy, but their usefulness is doubtful, since the composition may contain artificial and chemical substances. Easier and cheaper to prepare drinks for effective weight loss at home from those components that are at home. Their effectiveness is undeniable. Such drinks help to reduce appetite, speed up the metabolism in the body, cleanse toxins, remove excess liquid relieving edema.

Drinks to help you lose weight

  • Water

The most useful and affordable drink for weight loss is pure plain water. The benefits of water are in its ability to remove harmful substances and compounds from the body. It does not contain calories, improves metabolism, reduces appetite and fills the body with energy. For excellent cheerful health and a positive mood, you need to drink about two liters of purified water per day, as well as a glass of water in the morning, after waking up. You need to choose only pure spring water without gas.

  • Green tea

It has long been known for its irreplaceable properties. It contains antioxidants that help keep you young. This tea invigorates, instantly burns calories, helps cleanse the entire body, and reduces appetite.
Choose green tea good quality, natural, preferably sheet. In order to reduce weight with this drink, you need to drink about six cups of tea a day, naturally, without adding sugar to the cup. The effect will be doubled if you add lemon or ginger to the tea.

  • ginger drink

- Excellent fat burner. Thanks to this product, metabolism is instantly accelerated, the work of the digestive system and intestines improves, and excess calories are destroyed.
For weight loss, you can prepare a ginger drink at home. Must be poured into a thermos hot water but not boiling water. Put the juice of one lemon, a teaspoon of grated ginger, a little cinnamon. The drink is infused for an hour, you should drink at any time, instead of regular tea.

  • Water

This water is used for weight loss, cleansing the body of toxins and is very popular in recent times among lovers of various diets.
To prepare a delicious drink, you will need: one fresh lemon, finely chopped, a teaspoon of dried ginger root, a bunch peppermint, one, chopped into cubes. Pour these ingredients with two liters of plain water and insist overnight in the refrigerator. The next day, the entire drink must be drunk.

  • homemade lemonade

Lemonade is not only a very tasty drink that quenches thirst, but also extremely healthy. You can use it every day as an additional source of vitamins.
To prepare this drink, you need to squeeze the juice of three lemons into cool purified water, add honey to taste, mix.

  • Cocktail "Freshness"

Pieces of lemon, mint and parsley must be chopped with a blender, add water and honey. The cocktail is ready.

If you wish, you can prepare any drinks for weight loss at home: juices from low-calorie fruits and vegetables, lemonades and cocktails. It is allowed to mix different ingredients, experiment and look for new tastes.

There is nothing more difficult than losing the last 2-4 kilograms.

You work out at least 3 times a week, spend a lot of time preparing the right food, walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, etc.

But all this hard work seems to be in vain when you step on the scale and see that the arrow is standing still.

Really these last kilograms will never go away?

Although frustrating, these stubborn weight readings should not be the determining factor in your weight loss efforts. As long as your body weight is in the healthy BMI (body mass index) range, you have nothing to worry about.

But if you are in a hurry to lose weight in order to put on your favorite outfit for the upcoming solemn event, then you should pay attention to those the drinks you drink.

I want to note right away: fat-burning drinks should not serve as a substitute for a healthy diet!

I definitely don't want you to go on a liquid diet in an attempt to lose weight quickly, potentially leading to failure. We've all seen how juice diets and purges end. I mean mood swings, irritability and lack of energy.

On the contrary, these super effective fat-burning drinks (when paired with a healthy diet and regular exercise) will help boost your metabolism and suppress your appetite throughout the day, so you'll burn calories and curb unwanted food cravings.

So, here is my TOP 13 weight loss drinks that will help you shed those stubborn last pounds.

H2O for weight loss

1. Water

We all know that we need to drink plenty of water, but many still do not.

You may not like the lack of taste or frequent trips to the toilet, but if you want to lose weight, then this is a must.

I have already said that just 500 ml of water can speed up the metabolism by 30% within 90 minutes. But if you still doubt it, here is another confirmation.

Participants in one study drank approximately 500 ml of water before each meal. As a result, they managed to lose 44% excess weight within 12 weeks!

That is, you can get rid of the hated last kilograms without radically changing your usual diet and training program.

The main thing is to drink water throughout the day, and not overstrain, trying to drink the daily norm before eating. I would advise drinking half a liter of water in 20 minutes before meals so that you do not feel the fullness of the stomach and can eat normally and not be left hungry after that.

2. Water with lemon

I know that water can be fresh and not very attractive to drink. Forcing yourself to drink it in large quantities can be a serious problem. That's why the next few drinks, including water with lemon, are a real lifesaver.

Instead of resorting to sugary soda, add lemon juice to your water. This will greatly improve its taste.

If you drink it with meals, it will improve digestion and also help stimulate metabolism during long time after eating.

As I said before, lemon water will not directly lead to weight loss, but will only help prevent unwanted bloating, which so prevents us from wearing our favorite clothes.

By the way, forget about late dinners before going to bed, because after eating a certain period of time is needed to digest food. Only then can you go to sleep.

Do you want to be in best form? Start your day with lemon water!

As soon as you wake up, drink a glass warm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice. This will dramatically increase metabolism and improve digestion, which is very important in the process of losing weight.

I believe that this drink is better than morning coffee, as the latter can lead to dehydration.

Most of my clients do not consider coke water as a fat burning drink.

But one cup of coconut water contains only 46 calories. According to one study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, it can lower cholesterol.

During this experiment, rats given no a large number of coconut water, there was a drop in low-density lipoprotein and triglycerides (bad cholesterol).

If you find it difficult to give up flavored sugary drinks or orange juice then coconut water is a great choice for you.

I should warn you that some brands of coconut water contain sugar, which will negate the benefits of the drink, so be careful when choosing it.

Lose weight with tea and coffee

Recently, a lot of "miraculous" tea drinks have appeared that help to lose weight. However, don't waste your money on them.

It is better to pay attention to some varieties of tea that are really able to reduce weight and increase the metabolic rate.

White tea is one of my favorite drinks. I appreciate it for its light taste and aroma. In this regard, it is the complete opposite of black tea.

Black tea can be bitter, but white tea is always mild.

Studies have proven that white tea is able to break down fat and prevent the formation of new fat cells.

In addition to the fact that white tea helps to lose weight and contains a large amount of antioxidants, it has another great advantage - it is not processed as deeply as other varieties of tea.

If it is simply brewed in boiling water (without unnecessary sweet additives), then this will fully reveal its taste properties. The perfect drink for weight loss!

5. Oolong

Oolong and rooibos are two types of tea that not too many people prefer. But in vain! After all, they are especially useful for those who want to get rid of extra pounds.

A 3-day study conducted by the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center and published in LiveStrong examined the effects of oolong tea consumption on the human body. Scientists found that those who drank 4 cups of tea increased energy expenditure by 3% and burned 67 calories more than those who drank 4 cups of water.

The study also showed that the tea group experienced a 12% increase in fat oxidation. This once again proves the beneficial properties of oolong tea for weight loss.

6. Rooibos

Rooibos tea has the same benefits as oolong tea.

Unlike white, green, oolong, and black teas (all of which are leaves from the same plant, Camellia sinensis), rooibos is an herbal tea made from the crushed leaves of the rooibos plant.

However, rooibos has one property that makes it similar to green tea in particular - it contains flavonoids. These are, in fact, antioxidants that help fight against free radicals resulting from malnutrition and slagging of the body.

Rooibos also contains other antioxidants that are beneficial for weight loss - catechins.

In one study, scientists studied the effects of catechins and found that their daily use significantly reduces body weight, waist circumference and body fat (including subcutaneous fat).

Catechins are rich not only in rooibos and oolong, but also in green tea.

I really love green tea and even use it as the main ingredient for my fat burning drink, which I will talk about a little later.

According to one study, epigallocatechin gallate, found in green tea, oxidizes fats in the body 33% faster.

Here are some of the health benefits of this drink:

  • Metabolism improvement
  • Preventing the development of adipose tissue
  • Stimulating the breakdown of fat cells

Green tea also contains small amounts of caffeine, which can act as a metabolic booster.

Now let's talk about a much more aromatic drink. I mean mint tea.

Have you ever tried to take a sip of orange juice after brushing your teeth?

Yes, it doesn't taste good!

Approximately the same property has mint tea. It changes the perception of taste sensations by receptors, thereby helping to suppress appetite.

According to a study published in the Journal of Neurological and Orthopaedic Medicine, people who inhaled mint every 2 hours lost an average of 2.5 kg per month. The aroma of this plant sends a signal to the brain that it is time to stop eating food.

It will look weird if you start sniffing mint all day, so I recommend you drink mint tea. It will help you lose extra pounds and avoid embarrassing situations.

Drink it after lunch and dinner to quell the urge to snack before bed.

I have never felt the need to drink coffee every morning. But I know that many people simply cannot do without it.

But when it comes to losing weight, you should think about including this drink in your diet.

Here is what nutritionist Kathy Taylor has to say about this:

“Some studies have shown that drinking caffeinated coffee can speed up weight loss (to a small extent) and also prevent weight gain by suppressing appetite. Coffee also helps burn calories by stimulating thermogenesis, the process by which the body generates energy through the digestion of food. In addition, caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it can cause temporary weight loss by removing water from the body.”

No, this is not a reason to eat only coffee, since the lack of necessary for normal operation body nutrients can slow down metabolism. To remove excess water from the body, it is enough to drink 1 cup of this drink daily.

Remember that for every cup of coffee you drink, you should drink one glass of water. This is necessary to avoid dehydration.

Other drinks for weight loss

10. My personal fat burning drink recipe

I understand that sometimes you want something tastier than tea or water. In such cases, my fat burning drink will come to your aid.

I use green tea, cucumbers, oranges, lemons, ginger, fresh mint, and filtered water to make it.

11. Chia fresco

Because of my love for chia seeds, I use them in a variety of dishes, from chia puddings to an ancient Mexican energy drink called chia fresco.

This shake can also be used as a pre-workout shake.

To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 cups plain or coconut water
  • 1.5 tablespoons of chia seeds
  • 1.2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
  • Natural sweetener to taste (maple syrup or honey works well)

Cooking method:

  • Pour the chia seeds into a glass or other container of water and stir well. If the seeds sink to the bottom, use a container with a lid so the mixture can be shaken.
  • Let the drink brew for 10 minutes.
  • Add lemon juice and sweetener to taste.
  • The cocktail is ready!

In the stomach, chia seeds will increase in size, which will provide a feeling of fullness and satiety, while lemon juice stimulates metabolism.

If you use coconut water for cooking, you will deal a triple blow to the last extra pounds!

12. Aloe Vera Juice

We have previously talked about the benefits of aloe vera, but when it comes to losing weight, it becomes a real powerful weapon in the fight against excess weight.

Obesity Research & Practice published data from a 35-day study that examined the effect of plant sterols contained in aloe vera on obese rats. As a result, a significant improvement in the composition of the body of the experimental animals was revealed.

But what about the human body?

In one experiment, obese and diabetic (or pre-diabetic) subjects were divided into 2 groups. For 8 weeks, one group was given aloe vera gel and the other was given a placebo. Those who consumed aloe lost more fat than those who took placebo.

But before you include it in your diet, you need to consider one thing.

The fact is that aloe vera is a natural laxative. It may seem useful property for weight loss, but can lead to dehydration and decreased electrolyte levels.

In addition to this, some people have noted when using aloe vera side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps. So be careful.

13. Vegetable juices

One study found that "adults who drank at least 250 ml vegetable juice per day and adhered to a special diet, lost 1.8 kg in 12 weeks. While those who followed only a diet and did not drink juice lost only 500 grams.”

In addition, subjects from the first group significantly increased the level of vitamin C and potassium in the body, as well as generally reduced carbohydrate intake.

I am a big supporter of juice consumption, but before spending money on a juice diet, there are a few things to consider.

First, not all juices are healthy.

Freshes can consist of too much fruit, which means they have high content Sahara.

You should consume no more than 2 servings of fruit per day, while some store-bought juices contain as many as 5 servings. If you want to lose weight, then this is too much.

But if you give preference to juices, which are based on products such as cabbage, cucumbers, lemon, cayenne pepper, celery, apples, then you may well lose a few extra pounds.

While on a juice diet, care must also be taken because you will not be consuming the fiber-rich fruit peel.

Fiber is essential for feeling full and functioning properly. digestive tract, so you're missing out on a lot if you don't eat the edible peel.

I would also be wary of concentrated vegetable juices like V8, as they often aren't as healthy as they claim to be.

Now you see that by supplementing a healthy diet and workout with these 13 healthy drinks for weight loss, you can achieve the desired results faster.

Arm yourself with this list and you won't have any problems in the process of burning the last stubborn fat stores. You will reach your goal in no time!

It is impossible to lose weight without any effort. Nutritionists all over the world say that to achieve the desired result, only limiting oneself in food is something from the realm of fantasy.

You can develop own plan to save your body and health.

Known Ingredients - healthy eating, sports, minimum stress and, of course, drinks.

Not some carbonated water, but infusions and decoctions that help cleanse the body and improve metabolism.

We know everything about such drinks: what is included in them, how to prepare and use them.

The fact that you drink more than 1 liter of such a liquid per hour or even per day does not mean that you will immediately lose weight.

Everything must be approached wisely. Follow our advice and lose weight.

Plum infusion

Why plums? These fruits contain magnesium, potassium, vitamin A and iron, and also remove toxins from the body and promote rapid weight loss.

Pour 100 g of washed plums with 2 liters of water. Set the plum water aside for 7 days. Store in refrigerator.

After a week, strain the infusion. Drink 1 glass of the prepared infusion in the morning on an empty stomach.

Infusion of wheat

Sterilize a liter jar. Fill it ¼ full with sprouted wheat. Add water.

Take the gauze and tightly close the neck of the jar. Wait 2 days and strain the infusion.

Such a tool is best stored away from direct sun rays. Take 150 ml of infusion before meals.

This is the right way not only speed up the metabolism, but also remove toxins from the body.

Decoction of dandelions

If you are planning to switch to proper nutrition to lose weight, start with this decoction.

It will cleanse the body of toxins and speed up the effect of the diet.

Fill a regular liter jar with yellow dandelion heads.

Boil water and pour boiling water over the flowers. Add to water 2 tbsp. l. honey.

Wait until the broth has cooled, and then send it to the refrigerator for 4 hours. Strain the decoction and drink instead of tea.

Sassi water

As you know, this is one of the most effective drinks for weight loss.

It relieves swelling, breaks down fats and relieves bloating.

In conjunction with proper nutrition this water prevents re-gaining weight.

Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon into 2 liters of clean water. Finely chop 1 medium cucumber and send to the same place.

Grind the ginger into a pulp and add 1 tbsp. l. to the rest of the ingredients.

Add 10 mint leaves and put everything in the refrigerator for 15 hours.

You need to drink 8 glasses of the drink a day for 4 days, and the food consumed should contain no more than 1,400 kcal per day.

Drink with cinnamon and honey

Cinnamon is known to help lower blood sugar levels. It also speeds up metabolism.

As for honey, it prevents weight gain. Add to 250 ml of water at room temperature 1 tbsp. l. honey and 0.5 tbsp. l. cinnamon.

Mix thoroughly. Drink 1 glass of this drink every morning on an empty stomach.

Drink with ginger and lemon

Removing swelling and removing excess fluid from the body, ginger promotes weight loss.

In combination with lemon, it stimulates the kidneys and regulates digestion.

Pour into a glass of water (250 ml). Add the juice of half a lemon to the water.

Grate the ginger root and pour 1 tsp into a glass. Stir the mixture. Drink a glass of this remedy every morning.

pineapple juice

Peel 1 ripe pineapple. Squeeze juice from pineapple pulp. Drink 1 glass of this juice every day.

It not only enriches the body with a large amount of vitamin C, but also relieves excess fluid.

After all, it is she who is the cause of puffiness and, as a result, excess weight.

Which of the recipes is closer to you? Stop on it. Don't overdo it by mixing multiple drinks and ingredients.

None of the drinks alone can cope with the problem of excess weight.

And if you stick to healthy lifestyle life, any of the options will be a wonderful and effective addition. Tell your friends!

Sweet soda, packaged juices are not energy drinks for weight loss. These drinks contain many harmful substances that do not bring any benefit to our body, moreover, they are also harmful. We all know that they are also very high in calories and are expensive: harmful and expensive.

The most affordable and right drink for weight loss is a simple pure water without gas. Using it for the preparation of drinks for weight loss in combination with different ingredients, you can achieve remarkable results.

Drinks for weight loss at home can be prepared with your own hands, without spending a lot of money and time on it. Of course, the taste will not be as intense and rich as the store-bought ones we are used to, but the benefits will be much greater. We will prepare a homemade slimming drink with a delicate refreshing aroma and fruity taste and not just one…

Drainage drinks for weight loss at home

Do not think that drinks for weight loss are magical remedy. If you really want to achieve results, then you should pay close attention to nutrition and start moving more actively. What does it take to make a slimming drink at home?

  • Ice or water. Take regular filtered water
  • Fruits. Fresh or frozen

Of course, it is better to use fresh fruit. But at the beginning of spring, they are expensive and not of very high quality, so you can use winter stocks - frozen fruits. Already closer to summer, use those fruits that grow in the garden or garden.

  • Use herbs. It is an excellent natural antioxidant that helps speed up the metabolism.

Add the herbs you like. Don't be afraid to experiment, they won't spoil the taste. Basically, mint, rosemary, thyme, sage, basil are used for such drinks.

What drink promotes weight loss? Of course, one that contains only natural fruits and does not contain artificial additives and flavors. It would be ideal if it does not contain sugar. To make the taste of the drink sweeter, you can use stevia or honey.

Ginger drink for weight loss

Chop ginger root, add hot water and boil for 20 minutes. Allow to cool to room temperature and can be consumed throughout the day with the addition of a slice of lemon or a spoonful of honey (to taste).

Ginger and lemon drink for weight loss

  • Green tea
  • Ginger
  • Lemon and honey - optional

Everything is very simple here: green tea is brewed in the traditional way. Then pour the tea through a strainer into a thermos. Add a small piece of ginger root there (you can use dry ginger). After about 30 minutes, the drink will be ready. Consume it by adding a teaspoon of honey or a slice of lemon.

herbal slimming drink

Brew a mixture of herbs with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Strain and take every morning on an empty stomach, 2 tbsp.

Herbal infusion gives excellent results in combination with a diet that limits the consumption of fatty smoked foods.

Lemon, orange and lime drink recipe

  • Water - about 2 liters
  • Lime - 1 pc.
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

We cut the fruits into circles, which still need to be cut in half. We put the fruit in a jug, slightly knead with a spoon so that they give juice. Fill the pitcher with ice and top up with water. Stir gently, close the lid and put in a cold place.

The drink can be consumed immediately after preparation, but it will be tastier if it is infused for 1-2 hours, and in a day it will have a richer taste and aroma.

This drink perfectly quenches thirst in the summer and fights extra pounds.

Drink for quick weight loss at home: raspberry water with lime

  • Water - 2 l
  • Lime - 2 pcs
  • Handful of raspberries

Lime must be cut into four parts, squeeze juice into a jug, throw raspberries and squeezed zest into the same place. Mix again with a spoon. Add ice, water to a jug of fruit, mix, close the lid - and refrigerate.

Raspberries are a source of antioxidants and are great for weight loss drinks, and lime, like all citrus fruits, is an unsurpassed assistant in the fight against excess weight.

Sassi water for weight loss

This drink is perhaps the most popular for burning fat and cleansing the body. It is good to cook it from fresh products in season.

Cut the lemon and cucumber into thin circles, tear the mint with your hands, add the ginger. Pour all this with two liters of clean filtered water and mix. Put in the refrigerator overnight to infuse. The drink is ready the next day. It must be drunk all and re-cooked the next day.

What to drink for weight loss at home is up to you to choose. Such drinks can be made from any fruit. You do not need to make such drinks a week in advance, because they can only be stored for 3 days.

Drink for weight loss lemon, honey and cinnamon: Video recipe

Lose weight with pleasure!