
Psychologist workshop for preschool teachers: “Protecting the rights of a preschool child. Speech by a teacher-psychologist at a seminar-workshop for heads of preschool educational institutions of the region

Setting up the audience to perceive information and attract attention.

Dear teachers, I ask for your attention and support. I would like to present my game training session.

To make the goal clear to you, let’s dive into history.


So, the Roman Emperor Diocletian, after 20 years of successful expansion of the empire, suppressing uprisings and civilizing the barbarians, gave up on everything and went to the countryside to grow cabbage, as evil tongues claimed. For the next 16-odd centuries, ungrateful descendants considered ancient Roman an ordinary madman, and only recently psychiatrists gave him an accurate diagnosis - the emperor burned out at work.

Syndrome professional burnout is a state of mental, emotional and physical exhaustion that manifests itself in professions related to people. This is a feeling of fatigue, insomnia, negativity towards work, people, children, guilt, anxiety, irritability.


I invite here those who experience something similar or would like to save themselves from this condition. I need 8 participants.

Note that the emperor was remembered for 16 centuries. In order to be remembered even longer and only with kind words, take care of yourself right now.

Exercise – energizer

I am glad to welcome you all. To get some exercise after work, I suggest playing a game. On my command, you need to line up along a certain line as quickly as possible.

- “Line up by height”, - “By shoe size”, - “By eye color starting from light” (from light to dark), - by middle name alphabet, - by date of birth.

Questions to discuss the exercise:

  • What helped you build faster?
  • Would the game take place if everyone were the same in eye color, height, etc.?

The conclusion that the guys come to is: We are all different, but we have fun and interesting together.


Let's get acquainted. As a rule, in training groups it is customary to call each other by name, so for a while forget that you have a middle name.

Stand in a circle. Take turns calling what you would like to be called today. You have to express your mood and inner state in different ways. Pull out cards that say how you need to express yourself (others guess).

Conclusion: Sometimes it is easier to express yourself through images than to tell in words and find the right words. You need to look inside yourself more often. In some cases, this will help you help yourself in time, in others, it will teach you to live here and now.

Before I tell you the purpose of our meeting, I want to show you a little experience.

I invite you to sit down (the participants are already divided into 2 teams as they sit down, the chairs are around 2 tables on which there is also water, a glass, gouache, a brush, glitter, and straws).

Let's conduct an experiment. There is a glass of water in front of you. What kind of water? (Transparent, clean.) What can your internal state be compared to? Thoughts? Feelings? Emotions? Mood? You like it when everything is calm inside you. (What can help us with this.)

Add shine. Now what happens to us? (A sparkle of joy and happiness, they say a sparkle in the eyes) Do we like this state? (which can help us with this.)

In front of you are paints, a brush, water, straws and a glass. Show experimentally the condition psycho-emotional stress. (Let me remind you that the state of mental, emotional and physical exhaustion is accompanied by a feeling of fatigue, accompanied by insomnia, negativity towards work, people, children, guilt, anxiety, irritability.)

The purpose of the training session is announced:

The purpose of our lesson is create a model that helped preserve our psychological health.

I invite you to a creative workshop (teachers sit around a table with salt on it).

Look, there is salt sprinkled on the tables. What can it be used for?

Now we will try to turn the salt of life into joy.

I invite you to be alone with yourself for a few minutes and listen to your feelings. Ask yourself “What am I feeling, experiencing, thinking right now?” You can close your eyes for a moment to listen to yourself. Focus on this question for a few seconds and think about what colors you could use to reflect your emotional state.

Open your eyes. Now we will create your rainbow of moods.

In front of you is salt and multi-colored chalk. Choose the first color of salt that somewhat resembles what you felt now. (Optionally, you can choose ready-made colored salt.)

Pour some salt onto a piece of paper and begin to color it with chalk. Let's get some sleep. Just do it very carefully so as not to mix the layers of sand, otherwise instead of a rainbow in the bottle you will end up with dirty sand - brown. So let's get started

Screw on the lid. The craft is ready!

Next color, etc. until you fill your vessel with rainbow mood.

You can take a wire and try to create some kind of pattern very carefully so as not to mix extra layers. This is how Egyptian masters create creative sand drawings.

This can be done in groups with children; you can color the salt using chalk.

Bottom line: Showcase your masterpiece. Look at the rainbow in the bottle (jar) carefully and say what comes to your mind when you look at it - associations. Does this have anything in common with your inner state sensations?

What do you think we used to try to clean our glass? (Salt, paints, plasticine, sand are methods of art therapy or creativity.)

Conclusion: we are now learning to express our inner state, everything that has accumulated in the soul with the help of creativity. It can be difficult to understand, let alone express in words what you feel - but it is easier to express it in creativity, besides, it relieves accumulated mental stress, helps you calm down or simply concentrate. We have now connected the world of fantasy and the world of reality with the help of an invisible bridge.

You did it great.

Creativity, both a child and an adult, realized in the process of art therapy, makes it possible to express and reproduce internal feelings, experiences, doubts, conflicts and hopes in symbolic form, experiencing once again important events, because spontaneous visual activity is capable of expressing the hidden content of mental life.

The second test awaits us.

Instructions: I want to invite you to play a game called Andersen has a fairy tale with the same name. In this fairy tale, the fairy was given galoshes of happiness for her birthday, which she decided to give to people to make them happier. The person who put on these galoshes became the most happy man. The galoshes fulfilled all his wishes; he could be transported to any time or era. So, I suggest you put on these galoshes and become a happy person.

Of course, there will be obstacles on the path to happiness, but you are wearing lucky galoshes.

So, we break into two teams, stand in a line - count on cats and panthers. Kitties to the right, panthers to the left.

Let's compete. Your task, wearing galoshes, is to overcome all obstacles (I’ll demonstrate how to complete the relay):

  • (bumps) - we overcome the bumps of unpleasant, haunting, disturbing, dark thoughts (we walk over them in galoshes);
  • (path) is a river of anxiety, worries, fears. (you need to walk along it in an unusual way, never repeat it);
  • (barrier) - your bar is low self-esteem (I can’t, I won’t succeed);
  • A swamp (hoop) of ignorance of others. Think about how to cross it so as not to get stuck in the same swamp;
  • ahead is the goal (pedestal with a medal) - victory (here you have a moment of joy of victory: your gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, exclamations - which will help you convey the feeling of victory) rejoice a little;
  • We return as a proud winner - we pass the baton;
  • The next participant runs.

Summary in interview form:

1. How did you manage to overcome these obstacles so quickly?

2. How do you feel?

3. Did your colleagues help you?

4. Do you have more positive emotions from winning and overcoming such difficult obstacles?

5) What conclusions did you draw for yourself?

7) What in life helps you overcome obstacles on the way to your goal?

8) In life, what is the most difficult thing for you to overcome or cope with?

(A basin with fish filled with water opens.)

In front of us is a basin with fish. You have fishing rods. your task is to catch as many fish as possible in the bucket while the music is playing. The music stops and you approach the aquarium. We do everything quickly, otherwise the fish will suffocate without water.

We approach the aquarium and release only those fish that will serve as reserves of strength for us, thanks to which we can withstand troubles, something that helps us maintain our vitality.

All that remains is to guess what all these fish in the aquarium could be called? (You can use brainstorming.)

These are our resources.

Every person needs resources - these are sources of reserves of strength, thanks to which we can withstand troubles, something that helps us maintain our vitality.

Conclusion: This is how we tried today, in symbolic language, to build a certain model of our psychological health.

We all managed to do this together in such a relaxed manner!

Reflection: Let's go in a circle and express our opinion about the last meeting and its significance for you (each participant in turn expresses his thoughts, feelings and sensations).

What feelings did you experience?
What new did you learn, what did you learn? What are you thinking about?
How will this be useful in the future?

The presenter summarizes: the ability to relieve one’s psychological and emotional stress, positive thinking, awareness and development of our resource state, as well as the positive emotions that we received from the meeting today can help us feel better, lift our mood and sense of self. And if peace, love, and positivity reign in our own home, then we can create, give, and bring love to the little houses of children’s hearts.

The health of a teacher is necessary not only for his professional activities, but also for the health of children, our students. A healthy teacher means healthy children.

Exercise “Applause” (2 min)

Goal: to cheer up and finish the lesson on a positive emotional level

I would like to end our meeting on a positive note. I would like to give everyone the feeling of victory and applause. I approach any member of our training group and begin to applaud. (Help the audience - the young participants overcome so many obstacles and remain positive.) Then this participant chooses the next one from the group, whom they both applaud. The third chooses the fourth, etc. The last participant is applauded by the whole group.

Anastasia Kozlova
Workshop for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Art therapy as a means of preserving the psychological health of children”

Goal: to acquaint teachers with experience in conducting and organizing classes with elements of art therapy.

1. Teach teachers to promote self-knowledge of the child, awareness of his characteristic features and preferences;

2. Teach to develop the child’s social and communicative behavior skills, mental and speech activity, fine motor skills;

3. Promote the manifestation of children's creativity with non-traditional materials;

4. Form adequate self-esteem.

Main part:

So what is educational art therapy? Literally translated, this concept means art therapy.

The goal of art therapy is to harmonize the development of personality through the development of the ability of self-expression and self-knowledge.

Its essence is that through drawing, games, fairy tales, and music, art therapy provides an outlet for inner discomfort and strong emotions, and helps to understand one’s own feelings and experiences. As Edith Kramer (psychologist) said, this is a method associated with revealing a person’s creative potential and understanding one’s inner world.

According to Eastern wisdom, “a picture can express what a thousand words cannot express.” According to V.S. Mukhina and other researchers, drawing for children is not art, but speech.

Each line and each color has its own character, its own mood. With their help, the child conveys everything that is inside him. All this indicates that educational art therapy is closely related to the development emotional sphere child, and is one of the varieties of its improvement.

By drawing, the child finds himself in a fairy tale filled with joy, mutual understanding, and success.

Now let's talk about the types of art therapy:

Isotherapy– one of the areas of art therapy; psychotherapeutic work using methods fine arts. Isotherapy is based on the psychology of creativity and uses the beneficial effects of drawing for psychotherapeutic purposes. The goal of isotherapy is to increase the emotionally positive background, create favorable conditions for the successful development of the child.

Fairy tale therapy - psychological counseling using fairy tales, a method of practical psychology. Fairytale therapy uses the potential of fairy tales in a variety of ways, opening up the imagination and allowing one to metaphorically express certain life scenarios. Various fairy tales are selected for fairytale therapy: folk, original, as well as specially developed, correctional and many others. Writing fairy tales by a child and for a child is the basis of fairy tale therapy. Through a fairy tale, you can learn about children’s experiences that they themselves are not really aware of, or are embarrassed to discuss with adults.

Music therapy– one of the areas of art therapy, implements psychotherapy with the help of music. The use of music can be active or passive. With active music therapy, the child gets the opportunity to play musical instruments. In passive mode, by listening to specially selected music, the necessary psychotherapeutic effect is achieved. Music therapy helps to overcome internal conflicts and achieve inner harmony.

Play therapy- a type of psychotherapy that uses the therapeutic effects of play to help a child overcome psychological and social problems hampering personal and emotional development.

Color therapy– method psychological correction using color. Within the framework of traditional psychology, studies have been repeatedly conducted on the effects of this or that color on the psychological state. Color therapy uses the data from these studies for practical purposes to create a harmonious state of the individual during color therapy sessions.

Pedagogical art therapy is a magical land. There the child will learn to be himself, begin to understand the feelings of others, and use emotions as a means of communication. Magic, humor and a fair attitude towards good and evil living in fairy tales, the bewitching and amazing sounds of music, as well as the wealth of images and colors of the works of great artists and the kids themselves will help us cope with difficulties. It is important to find a special key to the soul of every child. Filling the child’s inner world with vivid impressions, helping him master a variety of techniques and drawing techniques, I rejoice at every new success with him. All children love to draw. In their small masterpieces they convey their attitude towards the world around them and give the opportunity to express their “I”.

The floor is given to the teacher additional education in fine arts Topic of the message: “Isotherapy in working with preschool children”:

Isotherapy is one of the areas of art therapy (art treatment); psychotherapeutic work using fine art methods. The goal of isotherapy is to increase the emotionally positive background and create favorable conditions for the successful development of the child.

Drawing is a creative process that allows a child to feel and understand himself, express his thoughts and feelings, and free himself from conflicts and strong feelings. Drawing develops sensory-motor and visual-motor coordination. Its advantage is that it requires the coordination of many mental functions. It is no coincidence that the expression “They draw with their heads, not with their hands.” Artistic self-expression is associated with strengthening mental health child, and therefore can be considered as a significant psychological and correctional factor.

"Cartoons" and computer games, often replace creative types of visual activities for modern children: drawing, modeling, appliqué. As a result, children develop various emotional problems - fears, aggressiveness, behavioral disorders, etc. Drawing classes help the child overcome this vicious circle, restore his emotional balance or eliminate his behavioral disorders. When he transfers his feelings, emotions, experiences onto paper, he returns to the world of children's creativity, returns to himself. Multiple people are talking about this scientific research children's drawings of the past and our present.

“Young children spontaneously express their personality, their individual thoughts and experiences by various means expressions – drawing, modeling, playing, etc.”

Isotherapy has an individual correctional and developmental focus, and is successfully used for children with problems social adaptation, emotional-volitional instability, low self-esteem, low performance, behavioral disorders. The use of art as a therapeutic factor in education is accessible to educators, and no special medical knowledge is required.

The experiences of children captured in the drawings are easily accessible for perception and analysis, since children are more direct and spontaneous in expressing their feelings, their drawings have not been “censored by consciousness.” It is in the drawing that not only the level of development of graphic skills and mastery of drawing techniques is reflected, but also intellectual development, personality and character traits. The value of isotherapy is that techniques and techniques can be used in individual, subgroup, and group work with preschoolers of all age groups.

Practical part: educational psychologist:

1. Exercise “Lottery” (game therapy)

Goal: development of thinking, motor skills, imagination.

Instructions: A magic chest appears in front of the participants, containing a surprise.

Each participant takes out a note with the task, reads it and completes it.

Solve the riddle

Tell a poem

Give a compliment to the neighbor on the right,

Say the tongue twister “Mom washed Mila with soap”

Sing a verse from any song,

Walk through the hall like a model.

2. Exercise-game “Rain in the forest” (music therapy, appendix 1)

Goal: relaxation, development of empathy.

Instructions: participants stand in a circle, one after another - they “turn” into trees in the forest, listen to the text and perform actions.

Teacher of additional education in fine arts:

3. Task “Combinatorial games”

Fill the space of the sheet with low and high arcs

Paint the space between the arcs (color of choice)

See the image, complete the details, decorate with a pattern.

4. Task “Synchronized drawing with both hands”

1. Place both pencils at the same point

2. Draw a symmetrical object with your right and left hands simultaneously.

5. Task “Involuntary drawing to music” (Grieg. Suite “Peer Gynt”)

1. Freely intersecting lines form a pattern.

2. Color the space between the lines

3. Add details to the composition.

Reflection: educational psychologist:

Game "Applause for each other"

Goal: relieve tension and fatigue, thank all participants for their work.

All participants sit in a circle. The presenter begins to clap his hands and looks at one of the participants. The two of them start clapping. The participant whom the presenter looked at looks at the other participant, including him in the game. Thus, all participants begin to clap.


Classes in art therapy or with elements of art therapy give children the joy of learning and creativity.

Having experienced this feeling once, the child will strive in his drawings, applications, games, etc. to talk about what he learned, saw, and most importantly experienced and felt.

Thanks for your participation! See you again!

Appendix 1. Text for the exercise “Rain in the Forest”

The sun was shining in the forest, and all the trees stretched out their branches to it. Stretch high and high to keep each leaf warm.

(we rise on our tiptoes, raise our arms high, move our fingers).

But a strong wind blew and began to sway the trees in different directions. But the trees are held tightly by their roots, stand steadily and only sway.

(swing to the sides, tensing the leg muscles).

The wind brought rain clouds, and the trees felt the first gentle drops of rain.

(participants lightly touch the back of the person in front with light finger movements)

The rain is falling harder and harder.

(intensify the movement of the fingers along the back)

The trees began to feel sorry for each other, to protect from strong blows rain with its branches.

(we run our palms along the back of the person in front).

But then the sun appeared again. The trees were happy, shook off the extra drops of rain from the leaves, leaving only the necessary moisture. The trees felt freshness, vigor and joy of life within themselves.

Participants: preschool teachers: presenters, consultant - educational psychologist, “guests” in the studio - teachers.

1 presenter. Good afternoon The program “The Domino Principle” is on air.

2 presenter. Good afternoon A consultant - educational psychologist - takes part in our program.

1 presenter. For successful pedagogical activity The teacher must be able to take communicative positions depending on with whom and when he comes into communicative contact.

2 presenter. When communicating with children and their parents, work colleagues, the management of a preschool institution, members of their families, and depending on the situation, the teacher takes certain communicative positions: “above”, “equally”, “under”.

1 presenter. The topic of our meeting today: “Games that are played..., or communication games for teachers.”

2 presenter. Today we will analyze the main situations in which the teacher finds himself and describe the psychotechnical side of the implementation of communicative positions. In this case, the main attention will be paid to special exercises aimed at developing internal funds, helping the teacher to correctly navigate the situation.

1 presenter. Every educator knows how difficult it is to have a conversation with some parents who take a defensive position and try to justify their own non-interference in the upbringing of the child.

2 presenter. From others we hear: “ Kindergarten should educate, not us.”

1 presenter. But sometimes parents ask: “The child does not listen to us. Help".

2 presenter. In any of these cases, the teacher should strive for a constructive dialogue with parents. Meet our first guest.

The circle talks about ethics

And he knows a lot about design.

He will sing, dance - everything is for you!

Grandfather Khalimon is just great!

1 guest. Good afternoon I have 10 years of work experience. With every group of parents I could always find common language regarding the upbringing and education of children. This year I just can’t establish interaction with the parents of my students.

1 presenter. And what does this mean, please tell us in more detail.

1 guest. First case. The mother of one boy tells me that her son is constantly bullied by other children in the group. I decided to “play along” with my mother. Suddenly, without even suspecting it, I began to make excuses: that, you know, I have 20 of them and it’s quite difficult to give them all due attention. But I will try to prevent this from happening again. In this case, I did not feel a response. We failed to cooperate.

2 presenter. Tell me, please, have you had any other cases of misunderstanding between parents?

1 guest. Yes, they were. Here's another example. Mom came and I started saying that... She began to complain about the lack of time: “We come home from work late, we have to do things around the house, and also do homework with the elder.” I felt sorry for her, reassured her, and promised to do something. This is where our interaction ended. Now I don’t know how to act so that cooperation with parents takes place at a higher level.

1 presenter. Thanks for your interesting story. Now I would like to hear the opinion of the audience. What mistakes, in your opinion, did Elena Alexandrovna make?

A discussion is taking place.

2 presenter. As we have already said, our guest today is an educational psychologist. Tell our teachers how to act in a situation where it is necessary to establish cooperation with parents?

Educational psychologist. The main goal of communication with parents is to take on the full brunt of the correction and not to make excuses or aggressive actions, but to unite with the parents to help the child. What needs to be done for this?

In the first phase of communication with your parents, you resist its emotional impact. To do this, you need to find a neutral state, hold out for 10-15 minutes, during which the parent will express his complaints to the kindergarten and to you personally. Feeling your neutral position, the parent will gradually “cool down.” Now I will briefly describe to you the method of conducting a constructive dialogue developed by American specialists.

  • Discuss the problem, not the child’s personal qualities.
  • Consider the personal interests of parents.
  • Look for options.
  • Don't trust genetics.
  • We are together, not against each other, but against the problem.

1 presenter. Thank you. We hope that your advice will help not only our guest, but also all the teachers present.

2 presenter. Our next guest:

The wallpaper is glued - a sight for sore eyes!

Approach each work with inspiration.

Meet our guest Tatyanka!

Valeology fan!

Good afternoon They say about you that you are very professional. I can't imagine what problems you might have.

2nd guest. Thank you for your kind words. Yes, in fact, for me, kindergarten is home. I love my job very much and devote almost all my time to it. Perhaps this is my problem.

2 presenter. Do you want to say that you don’t have any problems at work? But still, what happened?

2nd guest.. IN lately the husband began to behave aloof. I don’t understand the reasons for his behavior. Everything is in order in the house: I strictly control the children, they are obedient, and perform their household duties well.

1 presenter. What is your husband's job?

2nd guest. He is a military man.

1 presenter. So, maybe he is having difficulties at work?

2nd guest. No, he says everything is fine. I don’t even know what can be done to restore our relationship with my husband and save the family.

2 presenter. I think that many of you have encountered a similar situation. How can this be? Let's think together about how to prevent this from happening. What is the reason for this behavior of the husband, and often the children?

A discussion is taking place.

2 presenter. What will an educational psychologist tell us about this?

Educational psychologist. Extensive experience in consulting work allows us to highlight some typical mistakes that teachers allow in their family life.

In their relationship with their husband, they often also strive to teach and educate, as in kindergarten. They treat their husband as one of their students and constantly educate him, considering themselves a kind of moral and ethical standard.

When communicating with their own children, teachers make two main pedagogical mistakes. In one case, an overworked and overtired mother does not “get around” to her own children, and they grow up without receiving proper attention. In another case, on the contrary, children are excessively “educated”: at home by their mother-teacher, at school by teachers’ demands to conform to a certain “child of a teacher” model.

1 presenter. What happened in our guest’s family? Why did this situation arise?

Educational psychologist. Everything here is much simpler than you think. The fact is that the husband was psychologically tired of the clarity, organization and plannedness of family life. Since his work is very clear and standardized, he especially needed freedom, peace and relaxation at home. And Tatyana Iosifovna, not understanding this, organized something militarized at home. Therefore, the husband did not rest at home, but was in constant tension.

1 presenter. How to avoid these mistakes?

Educational psychologist. You need to control your psychological state and be able to change it in time when you come home from work. If you manage to stop being a teacher and turn into a soft, warm, “simple” woman who loves her loved ones, then necessary words and actions will come by themselves. Of course, there are also some psychotechnical exercises that will help relieve stiffness, tension, and excessive self-control.

Exercises are being carried out« Head», « Hands».

Educational psychologist. And one more simple piece of advice. As you approach home, try to forget about work. Think about your family, your loved one. Think about what good things you had and still have, remember how you met him, how he gave you flowers for the first time. When you approach the door of your apartment, smile, throw off the burden of your profession, stop being a teacher. When the husband opens the door, he will see a calm, loving woman.

1 presenter. Thank you, Natalya Yuryevna, for your help. And now we invite you to relax a little and play with us. “Our meeting is just a song. We all need to sing it together!” We tell you a line from a song, and you guess it and perform the verse.

  • “...what makes you rich without money” (Galkin, Pugacheva).
  • “... because you are walking along the alley” (“Old Maple”).
  • “... the river begins, and what about friendship...” (“Smile”).

2 presenter. They sang beautifully! And now we invite the last participant in our program.

Here is building 2 - Lyudmila Shot.

He will tell you how a raccoon lives.

A poet about bunnies, about little mice,

About hedgehogs, about bear cubs.

3rd guest. Good afternoon Without special prefaces I’ll go straight to the problem that has been bothering me for several days now. One of my colleagues talks to me very dryly. I turned to her with a request to replace me for one day. She refused me rather rudely and is now acting very distant. To my question “What happened?” She doesn’t really tell me anything, just “Learn to talk.”

1 presenter. How did you ask her to help you out?

3rd guest. I don’t even remember anymore.

1 presenter. You know, we asked your colleague what happened. She said that your request sounded something like this: “Come to me tomorrow for the second shift,” i.e. most likely not as a request, but as an instruction or order.

What happened in this situation, dear colleagues? What in Lyudmila Anatolyevna’s behavior caused her colleague’s indignation and dissatisfaction?

Viewers' opinions.

Educational psychologist. The answer here is completely obvious: the inadequacy of the communicative position. The position of “above” is unacceptable at work, in communication with a colleague.

Yes, indeed, for many it is not easy to quickly move from a position “above” to a position “equal” immediately after communicating with children. I offer you an exercise that will help you feel the positions “above”, “equal” and choose the most acceptable one for yourself.

Exercise in progress« Pressure».

Educational psychologist. And one more practical piece of advice: when communicating with a colleague, try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. This is one of the most important factors internal desire for full dialogue.

1 presenter. Thanks a lot.

2 presenter. So, today we talked about the main mistakes that we make when communicating with people nearby. We hope that our practical advice helped you rethink some aspects of your life. Finally, I would like to wish you: “Love each other!”

1 and 2 presenters. Respect each other! Goodbye!

Psychological workshop for preschool teachers prepared by N. Bocharov

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Slide captions:

Workshop for educational psychologists of preschool educational institutions Topic: “Prevention of psycho-emotional stress in preschool children.”

Emotions mean the experience of one’s own state.

Emotional distress can lead to psycho-emotional stress and various types behavior.

Psycho-emotional state

The main signs of emotional and muscle tension in children. 1. Bad dream. The child has difficulty falling asleep and sleeps very restlessly. 2. The child’s fatigue after an activity that recently was very easy for him. 3. The child becomes touchy for no reason, often cries for insignificant reasons or, conversely, becomes too aggressive. 4. Absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, lack of self-confidence and strength, restless restlessness also indicate discomfort. psychological state. A child in this state often seeks approval and support from adults and “huddles” closer to them. 5. Previously, antics and stubbornness, fear of contacts, and a desire for loneliness are observed. The child stops participating in the games of his peers, and at the same time he has difficulties in maintaining discipline. 6. Sometimes a child constantly chews or sucks something that has not been noticed before. Sometimes he has a persistent loss of appetite. 7. Trembling hands, shaking the head, twitching of the shoulders, playing with the genitals, night and even daytime urinary incontinence. 8. They lose weight, look exhausted, or, on the contrary, they experience symptoms of obesity. 9. Memory disorders, difficulty imagining, poor concentration, loss of interest in everything that previously caused activity.

How do children usually feel in this situation?

irrational lifestyle, lack of freedom of movement, insufficient stay at fresh air, poor nutrition and its poor organization, improper organization of sleep and rest for children, authoritarian style of communication with children of adults in the absence of attention and care for them, unreasonable restriction of freedom of children, intellectual and physical overload, unfavorable days in geomagnetic terms and bad weather conditions factors, associated with a variety of family and peer relationship problems. Adverse effects on the emotional state of children

Basic means of prevention and correction of psycho-emotional stress in children. Gentle mode medical indications. Comfortable organization of routine moments. Holidays.

Monday and Friday should not be physically and intellectually overloaded. Need to provide child's lung entry into the working week and a state of satisfaction with one’s stay in preschool institution at the end of the week. Each day should be as different as possible from the previous one in place, time, and form of organization of classes. Let's not forget that nothing depresses the psyche more than a series of monotonous everyday life. The daily routine should provide time for individual contacts between each teacher and children on the basis of informal communication. Between classes of high intellectual and physical activity there should be at least 48 hours of fasting. Therefore, you need to create a microcycle (for a week) and a macrocycle (for a month) of intellectual and physical activity. The morning and evening of one day a week should be devoted to games between the teacher and the children. Moreover, the role of the teacher in the game is determined by the children. In the daily routine, time is allocated for carrying out therapeutic and preventive measures, psychotraining, relaxation breaks, etc. Time for children’s independent activities, when they can go beyond the group and study in the art studio, library, gym or just go visit a friend from a neighboring group. When developing a basic daily routine, you should be guided by the following principles.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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This material contains practical methods and techniques aimed at developing teachers’ ability to independently maintain psychological health, which is the basis of professional longevity.



Workshop “Preserving the psychological health of teachers”

Target: create conditions for teachers to develop the ability to maintain their own psychological health, which is a prerequisite for professional longevity.


  1. introduce teachers to health-saving technologies for preserving psychological health.
  2. show and practice techniques for relieving muscle tension based on working with your own body;
  3. development of communication skills of teachers;
  4. relieving emotional stress among teachers.

Equipment, materials: markers, scissors, newspaper clippings, pencils, Whatman paper, paper, pens.

Preliminary work:selection of newspaper clippings about health, writing letters for relatives and close teachers.


I. Introductory and organizational part:

Teachers sit in a circle. Good afternoon, dear teachers. At the beginning of our lesson, I ask you to think and for each letter of the word HEALTH, name what it gives us.

Z – significance, wonderful well-being.

D – longevity, kindness, trust.

O – charm, charm

R – joy, determination

B – faith, admiration, inspiration.

E – naturalness.

II. Theoretical part

Time places increased demands not only on the personal qualities of teachers, but also on the level of their physical and mental health. A healthy and spiritually developed teacher receives satisfaction from his work, has high level efficiency, activity, creativity, strives for improvement, prolongs professional longevity.

Pedagogical activity is saturated with various kinds of tense situations and various factors associated with the possibility of increased emotional response.

The adverse effects of stressful factors or situations cause double stress in the teacher: information stress (associated with information overload, the need quick adoption decisions at high degree responsibility for the consequences) and emotional stress (characterized by the emergence of emotional reactions in the teacher).

The 16th century French philosopher M. Montaigne said: « To enjoy your own profession means to be a Master of your craft. To be a Master is to live in harmony with yourself and the world. The path to mastery is like climbing a mountain with full buckets of water... How to keep the buckets full while climbing to the top? How to maintain the joy of life, optimism, brightness of feelings, richness of emotions, while fulfilling great mission Teacher, Teacher - master? In your opinion, how can this be done? (discussion with teachers).

III. Practical part

We have repeatedly said that psychological health depends only on the person himself. Every person has ups and downs, without them there is simply no life. And, of course, each person chooses for himself the methods of self-regulation and mood for activity.

I offer you several such exercises.

Exercise “Don’t drop the vase”

Imagine that you are carrying a heavy vase with a large bouquet. To avoid dropping the vase and ruining the bouquet, your arms are extended forward. Holding the vase like this is uncomfortable, hard, and your hands become strained.

Tighten your fingers and fully tighten both arms. Tighten it up even more! Hold it like this. It’s hard for you to hold your hands in this position, but you can’t drop the vase. Your arms are tense from your fingertips to your shoulders. Carefully place the vase on the floor and place your hands on your knees. The arm muscles are relaxed. Rest. Listen to your feelings. Your hands are heavy, pleasantly relaxed and warm.

It often happens that a person feels a feeling of heaviness in his soul and thinks about something negative. This exercise helps you get rid of negative information.

Exercise "Cat"

Let's remember how a cat behaves when rushing at prey. Let's show how the cat released its claws (demonstration). Hold your fingers outstretched and bent at the joints for as long as possible. My hands became tense and stiff. Feel how tiring and unpleasant this state is. And now the cat has removed her claws! The hands calmly fell to the knees, the fingers relaxed. Record your sensations in a relaxed state. How do you feel when you are tense? When relaxing?

Color therapy

We know that color has a beneficial effect on a person’s emotional state, let us rest and look at the many bright colors in our world, remember the positive moments of our life and relax(musical color therapy with relaxation text overlay)How did you feel? What were you thinking about in that moment of relaxation?

Exercise to practice expressiveness of intonation

Due to the variety of activities of a teacher, it happens that we cannot always construct our statements, distracting from the main thoughts. Our intonation affects the quality of information perception and the level of intensity of its memorization. Let's work on intonation.

1) Say the same phrase in completely different ways: “I am healthy, successful, calm»








Methods of maintaining health with finger exercises. She is recommendedJapanese acupressure specialist Yoshiro Tsutsumi. This exercise is for those who have decided to return themselves to working condition, to become a cheerful person, full of ideas and inspiration.

  • Rub your palms together until they warm up, and then place them on your face. We close our eyes and feel relaxed.
  • Lightly irritate the points around the eyes with your fingertips, alternately clockwise (one minute).
  • We massage the eyebrows, alternating pressure from weak to medium and vice versa.
  • Massage the tips of your little fingers thoroughly for 2 minutes each.

Now I suggest you change your profession a little andbecome journalists. To do this, I propose to distribute roles. We have an editor, a journalist-interviewer, an artist-designer who designs the front page of our newspaper, and journalists. Your task is to create a small magazine or newspaper, come up with its name, come up with the name of the columns, after designing the newspaper, it is given to the editor and printed. Newspaper about teacher's health

Another psychological technique that is so safe and universal that psychologists recommend it as a " homework"to your clients. It will help you let go of some feelings and emotions that make you uncomfortable, react to them and become aware of them. This technique is effective for losses, breakups, resentments, guilt and other “social” feelings.

It can be used whenever you think you need it.

Letter writing technique.

You need at least 15 minutes of free time. At this time, no one should tug or disturb you. Dedicate this time exclusively to yourself and this exercise.

Prepare some blank sheets paper and pen. It is best to write by hand rather than typing on a computer. This way the effect is better.

Focus on your feelings and who is “to blame” for them. On the person they are associated with. Stay in this for a while.

Now start writing. Contact this person and write everything you want to tell him right now. Main task- express your feelings. The less censorship and control there is in your writing, the better. Swearing, ultimatums, accusations, angry reproaches, and name-calling are acceptable and encouraged. Whatever you want to say right now, even if you don't usually say anything like that in life. Remember that this is not just a letter, but a psychological technique. The more you open up, the better it will work.

Phrases like “you should have” or “I demand that”, “you owe me”, “I hate you” and so on are welcome.

Focus on treating the person. Don’t go into lengthy thoughts about “how” or “about what”. For example, if the reason for writing a letter is betrayal, you should not argue that “cheating undermines trust in couples and, according to research, blah blah blah.” Write “you are a goat, I believed you, and you are a male!”

It is important to address the letter to a person. Address your statements to the person. Tell him how you feel. What he should have done, what he should do now. Call him all the words you want. It is important to “breathe out” the letter. And a good exhalation is one that lasts until the end.

When you feel that there is nothing more to say, put down the pen. Now re-read letter. Re-read as many times as you see fit. Live through the emotions that have spilled out until they lose their power. And then destroy the letter. Two methods of destruction are recommended:

  • Burn. (Remember about fire safety);
  • tear into small pieces and flush down the toilet (remember the wrath of the plumber).

The methods are equivalent - choose any. The main thing is never, under any circumstances,do not give this letter to the addressee! This is very fraught. If you really need it, then it’s better to tell him the contents later. The letter itself is solely an expression of your emotions, and not a personal message for communication. You need to understand this.

I will ask you to write a “Letter to Your Health” today.Discussion of writing letters, what feelings and emotions arose.


“A woman came to God and asked for a lighter cross, otherwise her life was too difficult: her children were not happy, her husband was not treating her properly, and there were problems at work. God offered her a choice, took her to a warehouse where there were visible and invisible crosses. The woman held one - it seemed heavy, another one was also heavy, she tried all the crosses in turn and, approaching the exit, noticed a small cross. The lady was very happy, this cross suited everyone, and she firmly pointed out her choice to God. To which the Almighty answered her: “So this is your cross, you chose your cross!”

Dear women, I know that each of you bears your difficult cross with dignity, but each of you wants the world around us to be even better and even more favorable to us. First of all, love yourself and don’t let anyone doubt that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!

I am very grateful to everyone that you took the time and were not too lazy to come to class today. I would like to wish you health, women's happiness, tender Love, open smiles and Inner Harmony to you and your loved ones.

I have prepared letters for your loved ones. Give them to your relatives to read.

Electronic literature

Good afternoon.

I am very glad that my letter is now in your hands. I won't take up much of your time. I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for your support and always being there for your loved one.

After all, the profession of _________________________________ is complex and requires balance, calmness and love for children.

Wonderful, professional teacher. She will always come to the rescue and support difficult situation. This is also your merit.

For every person, his family is important and ___________________________________ is no exception.

It is in his family that a person feels needed, loved, happy and, of course, finds new strength for professional activity.

I wish your family prosperity and well-being, so that you always find the right words and love each other.

Educational psychologist

TO WHOM: relatives and friends


FROM: teacher-psychologist MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 16” Varushkina M.V.