
Sports nutrition for weight loss for women: which is considered the most effective. How to choose sports nutrition and fat burners for weight loss

Sports nutrition contribute to effective fat burning and a set of lean muscle mass. Here is a list of the top 8 supplements.

A good, hard training regimen is the only way get a lean, toned body. Physical activity releases endorphins, which make you feel much better. As you know, about 80 percent of the result depends on a healthy program. What is not considered is the power of sports nutrition for weight loss. For women, having these 8 essential elements in your diet will speed up weight loss, enhance lean muscle growth, and improve general state health.

Whey Protein

One of the two milk proteins. The main characteristic of whey is its digestibility. After it enters the body, it is quickly broken down, directing its amino acids to muscle tissue. This is useful because at certain times of the day (especially in the morning, before and after training), the healthy "lean" whole proteins that are commonly recommended (eggs, chicken breast, lean meat, fish) are digested too slowly and have little effect.

But whey supplies more than just protein to the body. It contains peptides (protein fragments) that stimulate blood flow to the muscles, which is especially useful before training, because in this way the muscles receive more oxygen, nutrients and hormones just when they are most needed.

Take 20 g of whey protein (diluted with water) immediately after waking up, within 30 minutes before training, and 20 g within 30 minutes after training. A portion as a snack between main meals will not hurt.

NO boosters

Raise the level of nitric oxide in the blood. Nitric oxide relaxes the muscles that regulate blood vessels, causing them to increase in diameter and allow more blood to flow through them to the muscles. After all, blood supplies oxygen and nutrients such as glucose, fats and amino acids. The more the muscles get these nutrients, the more energy is released - so you can train harder for more long period time – contributing to faster recovery after training, which means stronger muscles that can be trained more often.

Don't forget that blood contains a high percentage of water, which is pushed through the wide blood vessels into the muscles, creating the "muscle pump" effect you experience when you exercise. This "pump" stretches the membranes of the muscle cells, causing the cells to enlarge. In addition, nitric oxide supports lipolysis, which is the release of fat from body fat cells and their subsequent burning.

Look for products that include the following ingredients: arginine, citrulline, GPLC (glycine propionyl-L-carnitine), or pycnogenol. Take NO once a day 30-60 minutes before your workout.

Fish fat

The two essential omega-3 fatty acids are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Fish oil is very beneficial. It supports health and, most importantly, it activates genes that stimulate the burning of excess fat.

Take 2 g fish oil three times a day - for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The second of two milk proteins. Whey and casein are very different, although they have the same origin. It is slowly digested, which means that it provides a constant supply of amino acids for several hours. This makes it ideal to consume at certain times, such as before bed, when the body is preparing to go without food for seven to eight hours.

In fact, a study by the Weider group found that patients who took casein before bed had an easier time building up. muscle mass than those who took casein in the morning. Another study showed that subjects who consumed a mixture of whey and casein after exercise experienced increased muscle growth compared to subjects who took whey alone.

Take 20 grams of casein before bed. You can drink a 10g casein and 10g whey shake after your workout.

BCAA amino acids

Three amino acids (isoleucine, leucine and valine) that share a branched molecular structure. The unique structure of BCAA amino acids determines their unique properties that have a positive effect on the body. BCAA amino acids will increase the duration of training - they can be fuel for muscle tissue and control muscle fatigue. BCAA amino acids are also directly involved in the creation of new muscle tissue as a building material and directly as a builder.

Leucine, in particular, promotes protein synthesis, a process that stimulates muscle growth. BCAAs also increase growth hormone levels, lower cortisol levels, and increase insulin levels, an anabolic hormone that is critical for replenishing muscle tissue after exercise.

Take 5-10 g of BCAAs before and after workouts.

An amino acid-like compound that naturally accumulates in muscle tissue. The most basic function of creatine is to help muscles create "fast" energy during exercise. exercise. , you will increase the amount of energy that the body can count on by developing increased endurance and strength. The compound also fills muscle cells with water, increasing their size and causing them to stretch to promote growth.

Consume 2-5g of creatine (depending on form) before and after workouts.

beta alanine

One of the essential amino acids. When beta-alanine and another amino acid, histidine, meet, an amazing thing happens - they combine and form the compound carnosine. Carnosine increases the size, strength and endurance of muscles and promotes the burning of excess fat. Since the amount of carnosine the body can produce is directly related to the content of beta-alanine, it makes sense to supplement the amount of beta-alanine.

Use 1-3 g of beta-alanine immediately before and immediately after your workout.


A mixture of adequate amounts of essential micronutrients. Simply put, a multivitamin / multimineral complex will fill all the gaps in the diet. This will help avoid certain other vitamin and mineral deficiencies that can result from eating a monotonous diet, reducing calorie intake, or increasing the body's loss of vitamins due to exercise. Micronutrient deficiencies can lead to low level energy and limit the growth of muscle mass, increase in strength and loss of excess fat.

Look for a complex that provides at least 100% daily dose vitamins C, D, E and most B-complexes and at least 100% zinc, copper and chromium. Take once daily with food, such as breakfast.

Friends, in this article we will talk about sports nutrition for weight loss. We will introduce you to the TOP 5 most effective supplements that will help you lose weight. So let's get started!

1. Fat burners

They include a whole range of drugs. One-component (consisting of one active ingredient) and complex fat burners can be distinguished.

In the sports nutrition market, you can find wide range similar drugs.
They include several active ingredients, each of which affects the body in a certain way. Usually, similar drugs have at least three functions:

  • Appetite suppression
  • Acceleration of metabolism
  • Increase in body temperature

All of the above effects contribute to faster weight loss, so it is recommended to take complex fat burners, although they are somewhat more expensive than single-component ones.

The intake of fat burners, together with a well-organized training program, is considered one of the most effective methods to quickly get rid of extra pounds. However, they have a number of contraindications for problems with the heart, central nervous system, increased blood pressure etc.

Therefore, be sure to consult with a competent specialist in this field, who will help you understand the variety of supplements and tell you about the intake, course and contraindications.

2. L- carnitine

L-carnitine is similar in effect to fat burners, but is not. The principle of action is based on increasing the rate of delivery of fatty acids to the place of utilization, that is, to the muscles, where this fat will be used as energy.

In addition, it has a positive effect on the cardiovascular vascular system and does not have side effects.

Suggested Use #1: Take 1 serving (1500-2000 mg) 30-40 minutes prior to aerobic exercise, in the morning immediately after sleep. Drink it on an empty stomach. Without aerobic exercise, l-carnitine as a fat burner is practically useless.

Option number 2: l-carnitine can be used as a "accelerator" of metabolism. So the daily dosage of 1500-2000 mg should be divided into several doses of 300-500 mg, for 30-40 minutes. before meals and before exercise.

The course of admission is an average of 1.5 months, then a 2-week break.

3. Protein

Protein by itself does not contribute to weight loss, but it helps to preserve muscles. This is necessary so that weight loss occurs mainly due to the burning of fat, and not muscle tissue, and you look better and more aesthetically pleasing.

In addition, protein intake will help to better adjust the diet, partially cover the need for sweets (tasty protein with sweeteners and without sugar) and also play important role in snacks, providing the body with protein without excess fats and carbohydrates. It is better to choose whey protein isolate.

Protein is taken for weight loss at the rate of an average of 1-1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. But you need to remember that your regular diet should be rich in protein.
Best mixed with water or skim milk.


BCAAs work on the same principle as protein, since protein is essentially a chain of amino acids. Just amino acids do not contain any fat or carbohydrates. They are absorbed in a matter of minutes, but their cost is higher.

Good for recovery after physical exertion, when taken in the morning immediately after waking up and in between meals. With limited funds, take either protein or BCAAs.

5. Vitamin and mineral complex

All metabolic processes, muscle growth and fat breakdown proceed with the direct participation of vitamins and minerals, so it is difficult to imagine good results without such supplements.
And since diet for weight loss limits their intake with food, taking vitamins becomes important. Reception mode as indicated on the package, or on the advice of a specialist.

Using the above supplements in combination, you will significantly bring yourself closer to the desired weight and improve your well-being!

Diet and exercise are known to many ways to deal with overweight, but modern man, accustomed to the fast pace of life, does not want to wait and depend on the internal processes of his body. Accelerate results and do more effective fight with fat, just designed sports nutrition for weight loss. Reasons for the appearance overweight can be very diverse, therefore, supplements are developed taking into account such features: someone needs to reduce their appetite, others need to speed up their metabolism, and still others need to remove existing fat reserves. In addition, sports nutrition for weight loss can supply the body with the necessary nutrients, as well as create positive thinking aimed at achieving the desired goal.

Sports nutrition for sports

It makes sense to take additional special supplements for weight loss only for people who are overweight. fat mass. In order to draw objective conclusions about the advisability of using sports nutrition for weight loss, you should measure fat fold, located 3 cm away from the navel, which should be more than three centimeters. This criterion allows you to assess the need for taking the following supplements:

  • Fat burners. This supplement to the main nutrition during sports allows not only to accelerate the processes of fat breakdown, but also to suppress appetite, reduce the absorption of fats and carbohydrates from the digestive tract, and increase training performance. An important condition taking these drugs are sports, otherwise they will not give any effect. Most often, the main component of fat burners is caffeine, guarana, chitosan, chromium picolinate, synephrine, green tea extract, naringin.
  • L-carnitine. This supplement resembles a fat burner in its effect, but its principle of action is somewhat different: it does not burn fat, but rather increases the speed of its delivery to the disposal site. The best time to take L-carnitine is in the morning (on an empty stomach after waking up) and half an hour before the start of an aerobic workout.
  • A complex of three essential amino acids (BCAAs). This supplement is the main material for building muscles, allows you to protect them and keep them in the conditions of the training process. However, it can also be successfully used in sports nutrition for weight loss, as it has the ability to suppress appetite and speed up the process of fat breakdown.
  • Protein. Any proper nutrition during sports involves a sufficient intake of protein, which is the basis of muscle tissue. Protein in in large numbers is present in foods such as cottage cheese, eggs, meat, fish, dairy products, however, under the condition of intensive training, it is almost impossible to cover the entire body's need for this substance with food alone. Protein is a must in sports nutrition for weight loss, as it is actively used to reduce body fat, stimulate muscle growth and maintain a healthy physical shape.
  • Vitamin and mineral complex. Nutrition during sports should include the use of such supplements, especially in cases of dieting, since vitamins and minerals play huge role in all metabolic processes, muscle growth and fat breakdown.

In addition to the main supplements, additional sources of essential polyunsaturated acids, as well as blockers of fats, carbohydrates or cortisol, can be used in sports nutrition for weight loss.

Dietary nutrition during sports

fast and effective weight loss cannot be achieved only by the consumption of special food additives. A very important role in this process is played by the correct combination of a fitness diet with strength training and cardio sessions.

Basics proper nutrition when playing sports:

Quality control of consumed products;

Fractional nutrition;

Use of natural and non-canned products;

Dietary diversity.

When compiling a menu, it is important to remember the 4-3-2-1 rule, in which:

  • "4" means the number of servings of protein that should be eaten throughout the day, while one serving means:

150 g fatty or 200 g lean fish;

120-150 g chicken breast;

200 g of seafood;

200 g of kefir (no more than 2.5% fat);

200 g tofu;

180 g fat-free cottage cheese;

6 egg whites.

  • "3" - the number of servings of vegetables and fruits that are sources dietary fiber, while one portion corresponds to:

One grapefruit;

One medium sized banana;

1 large or 2 medium apples/oranges

200-300 g of vegetable salad without dressing or the same amount of any vegetables, except for potatoes, in a different form.

  • "2" - this figure should correspond to the number of servings of complex carbohydrates, which are an important source of energy, while one serving means:

200 g (boiled) any porridge;

150 g boiled potatoes;

50 g whole grain bread.

  • "1" means the amount of healthy fats in the daily diet, which can be represented by 30 g of unsalted seeds or any nuts, can also be used as a dressing 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Such nutrition during sports will allow you to lose weight with pleasure, since it does not provide for either calorie counting, or strict restrictions, or constant feeling hunger.

Features of sports nutrition for girls

The female body is more prone to the accumulation of body fat than the male body, and therefore the process of losing weight has its own characteristics. So, sports nutrition for girls should include:

1. L-carnitine is a natural and safe amino acid that speeds up the fat burning process.

2. Protein will be appropriate for sports that require special muscle strength, as well as for various diets, which are very often resorted to by the fair sex.

3. Vitamins, and preference should be given to those that were released by sports nutrition manufacturers - they focus on exactly those elements that are in more necessary for people who have physical exercise.

4. Collagen does not directly affect the process of losing weight, but girls need it to strengthen joints and improve skin condition.

5. Fat burners have always been and remain the most popular supplements for the fair sex.

Practically not used in sports nutrition for girls:

Gainers, which are high-calorie foods,

Creatine, the use of which is advisable only when doing strength sports,

Anabolic formulas that are dangerous for the natural female hormonal background due to the testosterone secretion stimulants they contain.

It should be remembered and understood that sports nutrition for weight loss is only aid on the path to slimness, which without diet and exercise will not make any sense.

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The problem of losing weight worries almost all people who have from a few extra centimeters at the waist to magnificent forms that completely envelop a slender body, hiding it. There are a lot of tips on how to regain a graceful figure on the Internet.

However, sometimes even long-term unquestioning adherence to diets and schedules does not give the desired result.

That is, at first a person loses weight, and at a certain stage, the arrow on the scales stops moving. At the same time, neither diet nor exercise at the fitness center helps. In this case, trainers, nutritionists and specialists sports medicine recommend not to despair, but to pay attention to sports nutrition.

The reasons that may lead to this state of affairs are discussed below.

Sports nutrition for weight loss: all the pros and cons

Barriers to weight loss can include:

  • Reduced metabolic rate (thin girls and guys usually quickly get energy from calories due to high metabolism, and full ones suffer from its slowdown);
  • Balance of calories in and calories out. That is, a further reduction in the caloric content of the diet leads to a deterioration in well-being, and at the same time, physical activity is quite high;
  • "Plateau" due to hormonal, or other, problems.

There are both supporters and opponents of the use of sports nutrition products for weight loss among specialists. Oddly enough, but both are right.

The modern industry that produces sports nutrition for weight loss offers the widest selection of these products. Among them are carbohydrate bars, fat burners (thermogenics) and liquid L-carnitine, essential amino acids BCAA and vitamin- mineral complexes. In addition, fat blockers are also included in this category, although athletes and coaches are skeptical about these drugs.

Sports nutrition helps to effectively lose weight, covering our body's need for proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements. At the same time, experts who do not recommend the use of sports nutrition warn, it must be borne in mind that it was developed for people professionally involved in sports. Therefore, it was designed to restore the expended nutrients during intense physical activity.

For ordinary people these funds can be "high protein" and "high carbohydrate".

To increase the effectiveness of sports nutrition preparations with a simultaneous decrease side effect You can follow a few rules:
  • Vegetarian soups and bars contain soy protein and pea isolate, as well as wheat and one of natural oils: soybean or linseed. They are designed to quickly satisfy hunger, but not as an addition to your meal, but as independent dishes. That is, they can not be used as an appetizer or dessert. They can be eaten in the second breakfast or immediately after a workout to restore strength if you feel unwell due to a lack of carbohydrates. The advantages of these funds are their low calorie content, low content of "slow" healthy carbohydrates and the absolute naturalness of the ingredients. The disadvantage of these products is the deficiency, which must be taken additionally in the form of pharmaceutical proteins (BCAA).
  • Protein shakes in 100 gr. powder contains 40 grams of protein, which is half the daily human need for this useful nutrient. Fully restore the deficiency of this building material of muscle tissue per day can be 200 gr. protein shake. Athletes consume them most often for breakfast, before or after an intense workout. In addition to proteins, such cocktails often contain essential fatty acids: Omega 3 and Omega 6, which improve the condition of cardio-vascular system.
  • It is better to develop a diet for weight loss together with a nutritionist. Sports nutrition is convenient in that you do not need to cook several dishes and you can quite accurately calculate the amount of necessary nutrients, since a regular diet gives approximate parameters due to various additional substances in the composition of the products.
  • When including sports nutrition products in the diet, it is necessary to maintain a balance of nutrients. So, for example, excess can lead to significant weight gain due to an increase in muscle and lipid tissue.

The best fat burners are sports nutrition?

Sports fat burners are different from pharmaceutical products for weight loss, helping to break down fat, in that they “work” only during and after training, while the rest, or thermogenics without physical activity, are considered multicomponent dietary supplements.

Sports nutrition for burning fat is used for:

  • Stimulation of the metabolic process during training and an hour or two after it;
  • Increasing the effectiveness of sports activities by releasing energy from the breakdown of adipose tissue and the ability to train longer and much more intensely;
  • Activation of the process of lipolysis and thermogenesis, resulting in increased heat generation from brown adipose tissue.

What is the best fat burner for women?

Due to the fact that nature has rewarded a woman with not as much muscle volume as men, engage in sports training she is not worth it as hard as the stronger sex does. Therefore, the developers of fat burners that are suitable for everyone, but at the same time ideal for women, made sure that the process of lipolysis (fat breakdown) should take place both in the gym and while relaxing on the couch after it.

Important!!! If the seller of sports nutrition assures you that the fat burner will "eat" adipocytes and you will lose weight with it, eating whatever you want and lying on your side - this is a myth.

To lose weight on the couch, you need to take a thermogenic, sweat in the gym, swim, and only after that lie down.

Sports fat burners for women have a minimal risk of developing adverse symptoms. This is the most safe drugs sports nutrition, unlike men's with an increased concentration of individual components.

And lastly, the possibility of correction should be taken into account in the dosage of a female sports thermogenic. Those that are taken 1-2 capsules per day have practically no effect on adipose tissue.

Lipo-6x is considered one of the most common and for the “weaker” sex. A complex, well-chosen composition of the drug provides it high efficiency. Short-acting fat burners help you achieve results in the gym, long-term fat burners help you consistently reduce body weight after a workout.

Lipo-6x contains:

  • Synephrine - safe analogue ephedrine, which stimulates adrenergic receptors, which speeds up metabolic processes and increases the duration of training;
  • Yohimbine - promotes the absorption of energy in the tissues of the body, reduces blood pressure and has psychostimulant properties. Yohimbine also neutralizes the components of the drug that increase blood pressure;
  • Acacia Rigidala - stimulates the production of hormones thyroid gland that affect the acceleration of metabolism;
  • Guggulsterones - block the process of lipolysis in digestive tract and help to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • Caffeine - stimulates an increase in physical endurance and acceleration of metabolic processes.

Side effect of Lipo-6x: insomnia, arrhythmia or arterial hypertension- usually associated with late administration of the drug or an overdose. To normalize the condition, you need to reduce the standard number of capsules (4 per day) to 3, 2 or 1. But more often this is not necessary.

What sports nutrition is suitable for girls?

The release of fat from cells, thanks to thermogenics, is a necessary process, but not sufficient. If the energy supplier, fat, is not recycled, then it will immediately go to the place where it was taken from. Liquid – L-carnitine helps to avoid its return.

This tool serves as a conductor of fat directly into the mitochondria, where a successful process of its utilization takes place. L-carnitine is considered a fat burner that does not affect the activity of the heart and blood vessels, and is not only safe, but also emollient. side effect thermogenics, means.

Leucine, valine and isoleucine - three essential amino acids (BCAA) - substances that prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue, normalize hydration, increase endurance, promote the process of lipolysis and. This complex is included in sports nutrition for girls to lose weight and protects their muscles from exhaustion.

Protein blends contain proteins with different periods release of nutrients: fast, medium and slow. This is a guarantee of a gradual and continuous supply of amino acids to the muscles. Proteins are an essential component of sports nutrition. If these nutrients are not enough, the body depletes its own muscles, which leads to a loss of strength and a deterioration in the quality of training.

Unlike previous drugs that can be used regardless of gender, vitamin and mineral complexes are developed taking into account the characteristics of male and female organisms. Diet, without which the process of losing weight is impossible, provokes a lack of vital essential vitamins, minerals. Therefore, vitamin and mineral supplements are necessarily included in the sports nutrition complex. They are optimized for physical activity and effective disposal of adipocytes.

Sports nutrition for weight loss - these are special natural preparations(no chemicals!), which have the ability to accelerate the process of thermogenesis of fats and rid the body of them. With the dream of, thanks to sports nutrition, you will have to part.

These funds are effective only in a "duet" with physical activity! Moreover, if you use them without the desire to melt fats in the gym, you can get problems with the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole. In addition to the ability of sports loads to burn fat, they ideally enrich tissues with oxygen, strengthen muscle tone and model a chiseled figure!

Many articles have been devoted to the problem of losing weight, the Internet is replete with advice on how to get the desired shape, how to follow diets. However, for sustainable results long time You also need sports nutrition for weight loss. Sports nutrition has become quite popular in recent times, but not among women, but mainly among men gaining muscle mass. The reason for this is the lack of information and myths about sports nutrition. We will talk about the benefits of sports nutrition for weight loss, as well as how to use it correctly and where to buy sports nutrition in Moscow in this article.

Indeed, realizing the harm of fatty and fast food, the world is striving for weight loss, gaining a beautiful body and healthy eating. However, healthy eating most people do not associate with nutrition “from jars”, which gives rise to a lot of myths about sports nutrition. Here are just a few of them:

  • "This is chemistry": proper sports nutrition has long ceased to be "chemistry" and is made only from natural ingredients. Pay attention to the manufacturer and consult with professionals. Buy food only from trusted outlets.
  • "It's only for athletes": initially such nutrition was developed for people whose activities are associated with heavy physical exertion, including athletes, since they consume a lot of calories, they need nutrition that maintains performance at the proper level. However, if you are trying to lose weight and are on a diet, then you also do not have enough nutrients to maintain vital energy, and sports nutrition is required in the same way.
  • "You can do without it": of course, you can do without sports nutrition, however, you must admit that it is quite difficult to give a full-fledged diet in the modern rhythm of life. balanced diet huge amount of time. You risk getting overwork and metabolic disorders from a lack of essential vitamins and minerals. Will you be able to continue losing weight, dieting and being full? The fact is that, having decided to lose weight, you increase physical activity, and your body requires compensation, as a rule, in the form of additional food, which in turn will be reflected in obesity. It is to restore strength and not get better that sports nutrition helps.

Why the extra weight doesn't go away

For many months now you have been sitting on a diet, denying yourself your favorite foods, but excess weight doesn't leave? The secret lies in the peculiarities of your body's metabolism - metabolism. Most often, overweight people have a low metabolism, that is, a low rate of metabolism and absorption of substances, and people with a lack of body weight have a high metabolism.

However, the metabolic rate can change over time different reasons. For example, with age, the metabolic rate decreases, or if you sit on a low-calorie diet for a long time, this can also lead to a low metabolism. A change in metabolic rate is very bad for the state of the body, so it is very important to maintain it, and in an effort to lose weight, it is important to maintain a balance of nutrients by combining diet and sports nutrition.

The metabolic rate also changes during the day. At night, the metabolism slows down - it becomes clear why it is highly recommended not to eat food before bedtime. After a person woke up in the morning, you need to wake up the body too - start the metabolic rate, that is, have breakfast. Further, so that the speed does not decrease, it is necessary to have snacks at least every three hours. This explains the recommendation to eat more often, but in smaller portions.

The human body is very complex mechanism, so if you eat only low-calorie foods and, even worse, starve, then the body stores nutrients at every opportunity, which will again be reflected in weight gain, not weight loss. Therefore, the stability and mode of eating food, as well as its composition and quality will be reflected in your weight.

Now let's focus on foods that speed up metabolism. First of all, these are proteins, which should make up about 30% of the total diet, while the norm is individual for each organism. Drink water, which helps the liver deal with the processing of fats. You will benefit from eating foods rich in iron.

Spicy spices will also speed up the metabolism, unless you have an ulcer or gastritis, which can worsen when eating spicy foods. Some fruits, such as pineapple and grapefruit, also increase metabolism. Nevertheless, it must be recognized that even the most varied diet is most often not able to give the body daily allowance useful substances and vitamins, which speaks in favor of sports nutrition that can solve this problem.

What sports nutrition to choose

From the foregoing, it follows that sports nutrition is an ideal dietary supplement for those who strive to lose weight, keep fit and always be in good shape. But how not to get lost in the variety of jars, baht offered by sports nutrition stores, with a description of the purposes of taking this or that type:

  • BCAA- This is one of the most important components of sports nutrition. BCAAs are branched chain amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. Taking bcaa allows you to control weight, maintain tone during training, and promote muscle growth.
  • L-carnitine- Contrary to popular belief, this is not a fat burner, the main task of this supplement is to deliver the consumed fats to the place of their processing, into muscle cells. One of the supplements that has no side effects and contraindications, however, taking it without aerobic exercise is useless for the body.
  • Vitamin - mineral complexes- all processes in the body proceed with the obligatory participation of minerals and vitamins, so the process of losing weight cannot be imagined without a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. The variety of complexes is due to the peculiarities of the female and male organisms.
  • Protein- the main task is to fill the body's needs for protein. Additionally recommended for admission: Omega-3 (polyunsaturated fats that lower cholesterol, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and promote weight loss), blockers of fats and carbohydrates (eliminate errors in diets).

The subtleties of taking sports nutrition

When taking sports nutrition for weight loss, it is important to maintain a balance. When taking proteins more than the norm, we gain weight, when taking less than the norm, we feel tired. Insufficient water intake leads to dehydration, excess water can cause swelling and even vomiting. In addition, it is necessary to observe the dietary intake, otherwise unpleasant surprises are also guaranteed. So, choosing sports nutrition and developing a weight loss program on your own is not effective, and sometimes unsafe, it is much more reliable to turn to professionals. Each person's body condition and lifestyle is unique, so a sports nutrition program should be tailored to your individual needs and goals.

The staff of the Gold’s Gym club network can develop an individual diet and offer a full range of new sports nutrition products. The cozy fitness cafes of the chain will offer you everything you need: here you can relax and treat yourself to delicious supplements before and after training. Protein shakes, fresh juices, bars, soups - the choice is great. Here you can have breakfast if you did not have time to have breakfast at home, or dine with light, low-calorie foods. You can find out about all the services and nutritional features by contacting the nearest club of the Gold’s Gym network.