
Morning exercises are a set of exercises. How to do gymnastic exercises at home (for children)

Speer attributes his success in the gym to years of gymnastics training. She helped him focus on more than just building muscle and strength. He targeted a mixture of endurance, stability, balance, power and muscular strength. And he became the athlete he is today. (We are sure that he got his “cubes” in the same way). Take his example and include these eight gymnastic exercises in your workout today.

"Boat" and "swing"

These basic exercises work gymnasts' abs and teach them to tense all their muscles at once, which Speer says is absolutely necessary in the sport. Here's why this is important for you: the stronger and more stable you can hold your position, the better you will be able to transfer force from your upper body to your lower body without wasting energy. This means you can more effectively perform squats, throws, pushes, lifts, jumps, punches and kicks, as well as running.

How to do it: Lie on your back, straight legs together, hands behind your head. Tighten your abs, lift your legs, head and shoulders five centimeters off the floor. Freeze. Your body should take the shape of a banana, from your fingers to your toes. This is a "boat". Hold the position for at least 30 seconds and then start swinging to increase the intensity. This is a "swing". Your abs will get another workout, Speer promises.

Bent body pull-up

As Speer says, this is the only way gymnasts do pull-ups. And they advise everyone else. Because in a bent position, the stability of the entire body increases, which allows you to concentrate more effort on lifting the body to the horizontal bar. It also works more muscles, including the glutes and biceps, and works the lats and abs together.

How to do it: Grasp the horizontal bar with an overhand grip, hands hip- or shoulder-width apart. Hang. Tighten your abs, squeeze your hips, and point your legs slightly forward so that your body forms a stretched C. Maintain this curve throughout the exercise. As you pull yourself up, imagine that you are pressing on the top surface of the bar and focus on pulling your belly button up. Look straight ahead and touch the bar with your upper chest. Get down.

Angle squat

Gymnasts perform this exercise on parallel bars or rings. "This isometric exercise builds strength and endurance in your abs, hip flexors, lats and triceps,” says Speer. If you can hold for 20-30 seconds, your core is really strong.

How to do it: sit between the paralets or, if there are none, between two hexagonal dumbbells. Grab the handles, tense your arms, lower your shoulders down, bend your knees and lift them and your butt off the floor. Hold for 30 seconds. Return to the starting position. When you can easily hold for 30 seconds with bent legs, try doing the same with straight legs.

Planche push-ups

Gymnasts perform the planche exercise to demonstrate their remarkable upper body strength and endurance. But this is aerobatics, so Speer recommends planche push-ups, that is, shifting the weight forward as you approach the floor. This will help to better develop the pectoral and deltoid muscles, as well as the core, muscles and connective tissues in the wrists and shoulders.

How to do it: Take a push-up position, arms straight, palms at shoulder level, body straight. As you bend your elbows, allow your chest and shoulders to move forward until your palms are level with your chest or ribs. Hold, then return to the starting position.

Forward somersault

“Turls are the basis of acrobatics in gymnastics,” says Speer. “They improve spatial thinking and body control.” Yes, you are unlikely to do a backflip, but you should master the somersault well. "This is the simplest and effective method avoid injury from a fall."

How to do it: on a mat, grass or soft surface. Sit down, place your hands on the floor 3 cm from you, slightly wider than your shoulders. Bend your head between your hands, push your feet off the floor so that your hips go over your head. When your feet are up, push off with your hands and use the moment to get back to your feet.


Every gymnast should be able to do the splits. “But it takes time to learn,” says Speer. “What is required is sustained effort, not tension.” Well, why do you need this? To strengthen the flexibility of your biceps, hip flexors, and your overall form, as Speer says. For most men, these muscles are always toned due to constant sitting. And the more elastic they are, the better you will perform almost any exercise on bottom part bodies.

How to do it: It is important not to force yourself, not to go beyond comfortable sensations. If you feel pain, stop immediately. From a standing position, take a step forward and lower yourself down until the knee of your back leg touches the floor. Keep your torso straight, slowly straighten your front leg and move your foot forward as far as possible. Gently push your hips towards the floor. To make it easier, you can rest your hands on small boxes, benches or yoga blocks.

Front and back balance

These exercises improve balance, leg strength, flexibility of the biceps femoris and hips in general.

How to do it: for the front, place your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms to the sides, raise one leg as high as possible forward. Squeeze your quads and tighten your core. Don't move your hips; they should remain level throughout the entire exercise. For the back, instead of lifting your leg forward, lean forward so that your torso is parallel to the floor, and then lift one leg back so that it forms one line with your torso.


This is to gymnastics what free throws are to basketball: an absolutely essential skill that takes a lot of time to perfect. But for you, this time will not be wasted: you will be able to strengthen your balance, core, flexibility, proprioception, shoulder and shoulder blade stability.

How to do it: Place your hands on the floor 15-30 cm from the wall, spread your fingers as wide as possible. Push your legs one at a time to get into a handstand against the wall and hold for as long as possible. If you can hold on for 30 seconds, try doing a stand that isn't against a wall. The main thing is to do it in a free place with a soft surface, so that if something happens, you can do a somersault.

Every Monday on AiF Health - new complex exercises for beauty and health. This week - 6 exercises with support that even beginners can do correctly.

Even simple sets of exercises are often beyond the power of beginners. They fail to do half of the exercises because they lack strength. And people do the other half incorrectly, because, again, they don’t have the strength to hold their back or stomach as they should. Correcting the situation is very simple - do all the same exercises, leaning on a chair, wall or door frame. An additional point of support will immediately make light exercise and feasible.

1.Light lunges

Lunges are a great exercise for your hips and buttocks. However, for beginners it often becomes traumatic because they lack the sense of balance to keep their feet and knees in the correct position. We offer a convenient and safe option.

Stand with your side to the support, place your hand on it. Place one foot in front of the other. Try to squat so that the knee of your front leg bends at an obtuse or right angle, but in no case at a sharp angle! If it's uncomfortable, place your feet wider. Straighten your shoulders, pull in your stomach, look ahead. Lower yourself, point your knee behind you standing leg to the floor. Do 10 times, switch legs and repeat.

2.Side squats

This is very good exercise for the inner thighs and buttocks.

Stand facing a support and place both hands on it. Spread your legs wide, do not turn your toes too far. Shift your body weight to one leg and squat down (not too deep). You should feel tension in the inner thigh of the second leg and in the buttock of the one you are squatting on. If you don't feel it, spread your legs wider. Stand up and squat on your other leg. Make sure your knees don't curl inward when you stand up. If this happens, reduce the depth of the squat. Do 20 times (10 times on each leg in turn).

3.Ballet for beginners

This exercise strengthens the thighs and buttocks, reduces the size of the calves and prevents the development of flat feet.

Stand facing the support, place both hands on it, lean lightly on them. Turn your shoulders, pull your stomach in. Stand on your toes as if in front of a choreographic machine. Slowly and smoothly walk one straight leg forward. Wrap your toe in a circle backwards on the floor, then back in the same arc. Make 4 circles back and forth and do the same with the other leg. If it is difficult to stand on your toes all the time, place your entire foot on the floor for a while, then return to your toes again. Repeat the exercise 10 times (5 sets on each leg).

4.Comfortable tilts

Bend-overs help shape your waist and tighten your stomach, but they themselves are quite dangerous for the lower back. We offer an option that, on the contrary, strengthens this area.

Stand facing the support, quite close. Place your bent hand on it at the waist. Spread your legs and straighten your knees. Without removing your hand from the support, lean in the other direction, trying to touch your knee with your other hand. Feel how one side of the body stretches and the other contracts. Repeat 12-15 times and switch sides.

5.Light push-ups

Push-ups are the best exercise for the muscles of the chest, shoulders, back and abdomen. However, this is true provided that you keep your body straight (your back goes as an extension of your legs, without bending in hip joint). When doing push-ups from the floor, even from the knees, beginners rarely manage to hold themselves like that - and as a result, there is no benefit from the exercise.

Stand facing a wall at arm's length from it. Place your palms shoulder-width apart at chest level.

Rise up onto your toes and push up against the wall, placing your heels on the floor only at the very end of the exercise. Lower your chest, stomach and top part hips - this will allow you to maintain a straight body-leg line and get the desired effect from the exercises. Do 6–12 times.

6.Chest and arms

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take the mop so that your palms are significantly wider than your shoulders, and lift it to chest level with your arms outstretched. Tighten your arms and shoulders, bend your arms forcefully, bringing the mop closer to your body. Touch the top of your chest, straighten your arms with tension, bend them again with force and touch the bottom of your chest. Do 30 of these cycles, rest and repeat. Remember to tense your muscles more than the movement itself requires.

Get good with every Monday -

Sports should be played at any age, and there are different exercises. The basis of gymnastics is school complexes, which are done from 5-6 years old. Let's look at what simple programs beginners can do and what trainers advise.

Born in sport healthy body. Even simple ones gymnastic exercises for beginners they will make their muscles toned. It is important to overcome laziness and start training. If this morning work-out, then first you need to wake up, do bath procedures, drink a glass of water, and then you can start exercising.

The training atmosphere is created by music, clothing, equipment, and furnishings. If you practice at home, the place should be free of corners, furniture and valuables. The room has enough space and access to fresh air.

Benefits of training

Gymnastics lessons are held both at home and in the gym. The only difference is that in the first case, a person takes lessons from videos or does exercises based on pictures. And in the second - under the supervision of a coach. Both options have a good effect on the body and you don’t need to think that without help there will be no result.

Any physical exercise influence appearance body:

  • Improves muscle definition.
  • Increased flexibility.
  • Mobility.
  • Body endurance.
  • Breathing improves.
  • The functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal tract is improved.

Gymnastics is divided into general education, toning, athletic, and health-improving. Each has its own effect on the body and improves it. For beginners, there are different exercises that are repeated day after day. With the development of muscles and endurance, movements become more complex and load is added.

Physical therapy is prescribed only by a doctor. It is not recommended to do it without permission.

Depending on the sore spot, gymnastic exercises for beginners are selected.

For an athletic type, a person needs sports equipment. Weighting agents include weights, barbells, expanders, and strength training equipment. Classes with music, exercises without interruptions and at a certain pace are toned. General education gymnastics is considered the most popular.

Universal movements

Even light training affects all organs and systems. They can be used in any sports activity. Suitable for both children and adults. You don't need any special preparation to perform these exercises. There are complexes for beginners and professionals.

Exercises can be done with or without apparatus. Sometimes they combine in one complex different types movements. Exercises for gymnastics:

  • One foot in front of the other. We lunge forward first with the first, then with the second. The legs are bent at the knees until an angle of 90 degrees is formed. At first, you can hold on to a wall or chair and place your feet wider. Over time, add dumbbells. Repeat 10 times on each leg.
  • Side squats – legs spread wide, weight transferred to one side and doing a squat. There should be a burning sensation and tension in the muscles. Do 10 times.
  • Hands on the back of the chair, back and legs straight. We stand on our toes, move our right limb forward and draw an imaginary circle. Repeat with the other leg. First we draw a circle away from ourselves, and then towards ourselves. Do 10 times in each direction and with both legs. This gymnastics exercise for beginners develops coordination and balance.
  • Tilts for the waist - we stand straight, one hand on the hip, and the second rises and leads the body to the side. Muscles stretch and tense. Do 15 inclines.
  • Push-ups - for beginners there is a lighter option - an exercise from the knees. You can also lower yourself first not by fully bending your arms, but as far as your strength allows. The main thing is to keep the body in good shape so that the stomach and butt are pulled in. You can do push-ups from the wall or from the sofa, and only then from the floor. For beginners, repeat 5 times.
  • Chest and arms - you need to take a stick or mop. Place your arms wide so that it is comfortable to straighten them. Tighten your limbs and shoulders, bend with effort and press the projectile to the upper part of your chest. When tense, the arms return to a straight position and bend again under the bottom of the chest area. Repeat 10 times up and down.

Morning workouts

Gymnastic exercises are good to do in the morning. To warm up the body and awaken it. Before each lesson, you need a short warm-up and then stretching. In the morning you can do the following exercises:

  • Running in place – 5 minutes.
  • Stretching - arms in a lock raised above your head, stretch up, back straight, you can stand on your toes. Do 3-4 approaches for 10-15 seconds.
  • Rolls - feet shoulder-width apart, while inhaling we stand on our toes, while exhaling we stand on our heels. Repeat 20-25 times.
  • Rotations - head, hands, elbows, shoulders, arms, feet, knees, legs, torso, pelvis. Work each part of the body 10 times.
  • “Kitty” - stand on 4 limbs. As you inhale, your head tilts and your back bends. Hold position 8 with a count. Then bend over reverse side so that there is a deflection. Hold on too. Repeat 10 times.
  • Push-ups – do from your knees or the classic version. 5-10 times.
  • Stretching - bend to the sides, sit on your knees and bend over, stretch your arms in front, stretch your legs.

Along with gymnastics and exercises, it is important to observe drinking regime. It is necessary to replenish the water balance so that the body does not become dehydrated. Liquid also improves metabolism.

You can freely practice gymnastics at home if you know where to start. Trainers give the following advice to beginners in sports:

  • Regular training – 2-4 times a week.
  • Duration – from 30 minutes.
  • Do not eat anything 40 minutes before class.
  • Do warm-up and stretching.

Since stretching is always done after classes, it also needs to be done correctly:

  • The exercises are not done in jerks.
  • Muscles do not stretch before strength training.
  • First they work on in large groups, then over the little ones.
  • Breathing is not held when performing movements.
  • Each exercise should have delays of at least 20-30 seconds.

If a person does gymnastics in the morning, then there is no need to quickly get out of bed. It is advisable to do a couple of breathing exercises and self-massage. You need to wake up completely.

People with various diseases It is worth consulting with a doctor so that gymnastics at home does not become destructive and there are no exacerbations. You need to follow the rhythm of your movements. Track your pulse and breathing. If shortness of breath occurs or discomfort, then it is recommended to reduce the load.

Before training, you need to choose clothes. Suits made of cotton fabric are suitable for sports. Pants and T-shirts are roomy for free movement. You can choose leggings. For training at home, you don't need slippery socks, but for outdoors, you need sneakers.

It is allowed to supplement activities with walking or running. A serious reason for canceling gymnastic exercises would be illness or heat. Other reasons are not acceptable.

If a person does not play sports, but wants to lose weight and improve his health, simple gymnastics at home will suit him. According to the saying, movement is life. Kinesitherapy - movement treatment - will help every weight loss supporter overcome obesity and other diseases. In addition to the healing effect, physical exercise improves mood. Even for beginners, regular gymnastics at home gives them self-confidence and a surge of vigor.

"With help physical exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine,” said physician Joseph Addison.

In a general sense, kinesitherapy is physiotherapy(massage, manual therapy, physiotherapy, modern views– hippotherapy, dolphin therapy, rehabilitation exercises using medical devices). Most methods are used only in medical institutions, and therapeutic exercises - at home. For beginners, simple training complexes have been developed to strengthen all muscle groups, suitable for losing weight.

The general complex of kinesitherapy is suitable for every patient, regardless of age and health status. To select exercise therapy for specific disease you should consult a doctor.

Daily training (lasts 15-30 minutes).

Warm up in a standing position: stretching with raising your hands clenched into fists; rotation and tilting of the head in different directions.

1st block of exercises, do lying on your back:

  • Pull your arm up, lifting your shoulder blade off the floor as much as possible – 8 times.
  • “Frog”: bent legs on the feet; spread your knees to the sides, fixing your feet – 7-9 times.
  • Half-bridge: hands on forearms, bent legs on feet; lift your body up, straightening one leg 5-6 times.
  • Hands behind your head, legs bent. Raise the top of the body 10-12 times.
  • To complicate the exercise: as you inhale, lift your body and tilt your bent legs to the side; as you exhale, lower your body and raise your outstretched legs. Repeat in the other direction, 7-9 times.
  • Hands at your sides. Simultaneously turn the head and legs bent at the knees in different directions, 15-20 times.
  • “Birch” against the wall: press your buttocks and feet against the wall, push off, straightening your lower back, 5-7 times.
  • Pull straight arms and legs perpendicularly upward, repeat 6 times.

2nd block of exercises:

  • Lie on your side, pull your straightened leg forward and backward 8-10 times.
  • Lying on your side, describe a circle with your straight leg 8-10 times.
  • Lying on your side with support on your elbow, pull your lower leg, bent at the knee, towards your chest 4-6 times on each side.
  • Do push-ups from the floor with crossed legs, hands inward, back straight, 5-10 times.
  • “Cat”: arch and bend your back while inhaling and exhaling 5-10 times.
  • Lying on your stomach, bend upward while lifting your body and head 6-8 times.
  • Sit on your heels, hands behind your head, head and chin forward. Turns in different directions, back straight, 10 times.
  • Sitting on your heels, straighten up, spread your arms to the sides and rotate your shoulders back and forth 6-12 times.
  • Kneeling, head down, chin pressed to the chest. Turn to the sides 7-10 times.
  • After completing the complex for beginners, a relaxing cool-down is carried out (lying on your back, relax, watching your breathing).

Health-improving acrobatics

When the proposed exercises strengthen the main muscle groups, gymnasts begin complex acrobatic positions and tricks. Many people dream of learning how to make a wheel. Making a wheel is not so difficult if the muscle tone is normal and there are no diseases accompanied by dizziness.

Kinesitherapy - gymnastics at home - is useful for losing weight and strengthens the skill of maintaining balance in different body positions. First you need to master a handstand against a wall. It's easy to do:

  1. Stand next to the wall, facing it;
  2. Bend over and place your hands on the floor;
  3. Shift your weight to your hands, lift one leg off the floor;
  4. Place your straight leg against the wall and pull up your other leg;
  5. Keep your balance by resting your heels on the wall.

For those who are no strangers to home kinesitherapy, after 3-6 months, balance exercises turn out well. It's easy to do a cartwheel from a handstand against a wall (with support at first) by slowly lowering one leg down the wall. The pelvis and second leg will automatically begin to move, the lower back will bend and spring, the arms will push the body off the floor.

Exercises against a wall with support are done until the body “remembers” the algorithm of the trick.

When it learns to balance easily, it’s time to try doing a half-turn handstand. You need to practice in a spacious room, lay mats on the floor.

The main condition for correctly performing the “wheel” exercise is to keep your arms and legs straight. Then the wheel will be smooth, in one plane. If you are afraid of not maintaining your balance, you need to train with a partner so that he can provide backup for the beginning gymnast. After a week of training, the wheel will turn out on its own.

Change your lifestyle

Those for whom kinesitherapy is primarily a means of losing weight should remember that home exercises alone are not enough. The following rules must be followed:

  • Stick to proper nutrition;
  • Do not eat an hour before training and 2 hours after it;
  • Drink at least 1.5-2 liters clean water in a day;
  • In addition to studying at home , connect swimming, running 2-4 times a week;
  • After a month of training, you should gradually increase the load: do more repetitions and combinations of exercises.

There are many sets of exercises for weight loss that are not related to kinesitherapy ( therapeutic exercises). They are aimed at young and healthy people who want to correct their figure. There are known exercises for losing weight in the abdomen, arms, legs, buttocks, and back - complex and varied.

But to those who suffer overweight and is not in good health, it is still better to do exercise therapy - and the weight will return to normal and your health will improve.

Recent beginners, after losing weight and strengthening all muscle groups, will be able to perform the wheel and other acrobatic exercises.

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Starting to do something is always a rather difficult and responsible step. That is why it is necessary to approach it after weighing everything. It is important to prepare for classes in advance and purchase everything you need. Let's focus on gymnastics.

from Qigong and Bubnovsky

This type The sport is quite popular today. Beginner gymnastics is ideal for beginners. We'll talk about it a little below. After all, gymnastics, like all other sports, has its own rules and tasks.

Where do we start with gymnastics?

Before starting classes, decide on your goals, that is, what you want from your classes. If you just need to keep yourself in good shape, purchase good shape, then it will be enough for you to consider, and you can perform them at home.

Where do we start with gymnastics?

If you want to devote yourself to sports more professionally, then choose athletic or artistic gymnastics. This means that you must choose the right set of exercises for yourself.

But it’s still better to start with the help of an instructor. Having decided to study, you need to prepare for it. You will need to purchase a special gymnastics mat, clothes, and shoes that will not hinder your movements.

And of course, the most important thing is free time. If you study at home, half an hour a day will be enough. If you work out in the gym, then usually such classes take about an hour. You need to visit a sports club at least three times a week.

Rules for gymnastics

  1. To improve results, it is better to drink a cup of coffee before classes. Please note that it must be without additives.
  2. You can drink a lot of water during training. Water will help make your skin more elastic and flexible.
  3. Food, on the contrary, is prohibited. Make sure that classes are carried out on an empty stomach; eating immediately after training is also undesirable.
  4. The training consists of three parts. – this is a warm-up, we prepare our body for classes. Then we perform the main set of exercises. We always finish the workout with exercises to restore breathing.

  1. The main task is technique when performing exercises.
  2. All gymnastics must take place without stopping. We select a pace that is convenient for you.
  3. Sometimes it’s better to change, alternate them, change the sequence.
  4. Weights can be used. These could be dumbbells, balls and the like.

  • Let's warm up. You can run in place, squat, twist your torso and head, bend over, and jump.
  • let's go. We walk, raising our knees high. This will help you pump up your legs and lower abs.
Gymnastics exercises for beginners
  • we become straight. We hold on to a chair, handrail or any other support. Raise the leg bent at the knees, turn it to the side, then lower it. Then we do the same with the other leg.
  • push ups. If you find it difficult to perform this exercise in a plank while standing straight, you can start from a position on your knees.

Very popular and effective. It has a healing effect on the body as a whole, and has a positive effect on the spine and posture. Doctors often recommend this exercise to those who have suffered an injury, sprain or fracture.

Types of gymnastics for beginners

Exercising will help you recover much faster. There are two types of gymnastics.

The first option is gymnastics, which is aimed at the spine and working with it. There are also.

Let's start with spinal gymnastics. We start with the slopes. Pull your back muscles as hard as possible. We move to a kneeling position, placing our hands on the floor. We stretch our legs back one by one. The bridge you make from the floor will also help; rise as high as possible.

Adaptive gymnastics for beginners

  1. We put our hands on our stomach, inhale and exhale.
  2. We lie down on our backs. We raise and lower our torso.
  3. We perform the same exercise, but with the pelvis.
  4. Next, take a position on your side, move your knees towards you and push them back.

Very often I advise beginners to use another popular gymnastics. This . It is based on the Chinese teaching that our body is composed of energy called Qi.

Adaptive gymnastics for beginners

She comes to us from everywhere. Gymnastics helps to normalize its movement, put them in order, and thus improve general state body.

This gymnastics has its own. Basically, they are aimed at forcing your body to tense and hold it in a certain position.

It is also good to use for stretching the body. There are several varieties of this gymnastics. You can practice a special technique for losing weight, or you can use options for improving the health of the body.

Where can I find gymnastics exercises for beginners?

If you decide to do gymnastics at home and don’t want to turn to an instructor for help, then this is what will help you. With the help of the video, you can choose the necessary set of exercises and the technique for performing them.

Videos can be viewed on the Internet, you can download them or buy them in specialized stores. There is a video that shows you a variety of exercises, there is a video with theory, and there is a video with recommendations from doctors. You can find videos with ready-made gymnastics and a set of exercises, so you don’t have to create anything yourself.