
Address of maxillofacial surgery. Department of Maxillofacial Surgery

There is nothing irreparable, the main thing is to find an experienced specialist. Oral and maxillofacial surgery solves the most difficult tasks - restoration and preservation of jaw functions. In addition, a dental surgeon will help restore the old aesthetics of the face after accidents and serious illnesses.


You should contact the maxillofacial surgeon in such cases:

  • congenital defects of the upper and lower jaws, as well as deformities of the nose and lips;
  • mechanical injury maxillofacial zone - fractures of the jaw, nasal or zygomatic bones, damage to the soft tissues of the face and neck;
  • odontogenic infection is a neglected infection of the oral cavity, which is not amenable to conservative treatment(phlegmon, abscess, osteomyelitis of the jaw).

Other indications include diseases salivary glands, neuralgia trigeminal nerve, problems with the TMJ, the formation of polyps, tumors, the need to put implants and grafts of teeth or jawbone.

Diagnostic methods in maxillofacial surgery:

  • x-ray of the skull;
  • examinations with an intraoral camera;
  • three-dimensional modeling of the skull and soft tissues of the face.

Diagnosis scheme for maxillofacial injuries

Services of maxillofacial surgery in dentistry

  • removal of atypically located wisdom teeth (impacted and dystopic);
  • plastic surgery - lip and tongue frenuloplasty, gum smile correction, nose reconstruction;
  • tooth-preserving operations - resection of the root apex (removal of the infected area), hemisection (elimination of the damaged part of the tooth along with the root);
  • removal of benign neoplasms of the face and oral cavity- Tumors, cysts, flux;
  • replacement of sections of the temporomandibular joint (endoprosthetics);
  • sinus lifting (building up the bone tissue of the jaw for implantation of a dental implant);
  • orthognathic operations - correction of the position of the jaw or individual teeth in order to correct the bite and much more.

For pain relief, both local anesthesia (an injection of Lidocaine, Ultracaine) and general anesthesia(mask or intravenous). The duration of the anesthetic action is from 40 minutes to 2 hours, it all depends on the concentration of the drug and the complexity of the planned operation.

Pediatric maxillofacial surgery

The most demanded early plastic surgery on the face. The reason for this is congenital defects: nonunion of fragments of the lips, cheeks or forehead, deformation of the dental arch, curvature of the nose, etc.

Some operations should be carried out in the first days of a child's life. For example, when lip defects prevent breastfeeding.

Pediatric maxillofacial surgeons use the most gentle treatment methods, for example, plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip is performed with a laser instead of a traditional scalpel. This method is painless, bloodless and absolutely sterile.

Prices for maxillofacial surgery procedures

The cost of the most popular services in private dentistry:

  • initial consultation with a specialist - from 1000 rubles. (in some clinics - free of charge);
  • removal of a problematic wisdom tooth - from 10,000 rubles;
  • resection of the tooth root - about 8500 rubles;
  • sinus lifting - from 45,000 rubles;
  • plastic frenulum of the lips or tongue - 5000 rubles;
  • gum correction - from 6000 rubles.

In public clinics and hospitals, you can go through free treatment within the framework of the compulsory medical insurance program, as well as use the services on a paid basis.

Stages of correction of orthognathic occlusion by surgical methods

Clinics of maxillofacial surgery in Moscow


Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial facial surgery The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is the main institution for the problems of surgical dentistry; operations are carried out here in stationary conditions. The Institute is located on the street. T. Frunze, 16, not far from the Park Kultury metro station.

Clinic of the ChLH of the First Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenova

Here are graduates and leading professors medical university carry out all kinds surgical interventions and also use exclusive joining techniques bone fragments. It is located in the Khamovniki district (Pogodinskaya st., 1).

Center for Dentistry and ChLH on Vuchetich

Medical Center maxillofacial surgery created on the basis of MGMSU them. A.I. Evdokimov, provides inpatient and emergency dental care adults and children. The exact address is st. Vuchetich, d. 9a.

City Clinical Hospital No. 36

The MLS department has 120 beds, accepts patients affected by emergency situations. Everything is done here reconstructive operations on the facial skeleton. The hospital is located near the Partizanskaya metro station (Fortunatovskaya st., 1).


Candidates and doctors of medical sciences are accepted in the maxillofacial department, 55 beds are equipped in total, 20 of which are for children. The clinic is located near Mira Avenue - st. Shchepkina, d. 61/2.

The easiest way to find specialized doctors is in specialized institutions maxillofacial surgery. The list of clinics is under this article.

  • Reconstructive surgery in full, using stereolithographic models, individual endoprostheses and implants from various materials.
  • Traumatology. Rendering emergency assistance patients in hospital and outpatient settings. Treatment of injuries of the soft tissues of the face, fractures of the bones of the facial skeleton using the latest certified methods. Original techniques for fixing bone fragments are used. Performed surgery patients with chronic fractures, as well as defects and post-traumatic deformities of the bones of the facial skull.
  • Treatment of benign neoplasms of the jaws, if necessary, combined with the filling of bone defects to achieve guided tissue regeneration.
  • Treatment of benign neoplasms of soft tissues maxillofacial area - lateral and median cysts of the neck, neoplasms of the salivary glands, etc.
  • Cosmetic surgery- a full range of operations that eliminate the signs of physiological aging and correct aesthetic deficiencies:

Along with the above operations, the clinic performs surgical correction bite (orthognathic surgery), all types of tooth-preserving operations; qualified extraction of teeth of any level of complexity, including wisdom teeth, is carried out under local / combined anesthesia or under general anesthesia.

Dental implantation. Performing bone grafting on the lower and upper jaw(augmentation of the alveolar process), its various variations using surgical templates, osteoplastic materials and autografts; the use of world-leading implant systems to achieve maximum aesthetic and functional results with subsequent prosthetics.

Orthopedic treatment in the presence of defects and deformities of the upper and lower jaws using innovative equipment and materials.

In addition, many other operations are performed, which you can learn about by visiting our clinic. Professors, associate professors and assistants of the department actively participate in the medical and advisory work of the clinic, carry out the most complex surgical interventions.

Services provided in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the First Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenov:



  • Conduction, infiltration anesthesia
  • Premedication
  • Neuroleptanalgesia
  • Intravenous anesthesia
  • Endotracheal anesthesia

Surgical dentistry

  • Tooth extraction: simple, complex
  • Removal of supernumerary, impacted and dystopic teeth
  • Resection of the apex of the tooth root
  • Hemisection or root amputation
  • Cystotomy, cystectomy
  • Alveolitis treatment
  • Hood excision
  • Gingivectomy
  • Periostotomy
  • Compactosteotomy
  • Surgery for odontogenic migratory granuloma
  • Operation cystotomy of the jaw within one tooth
  • Sequestrectomy:
  • Opening an abscess
  • Opening of phlegmon
  • Operations on maxillary sinuses ah - Operations on the maxillary sinuses
  • Puncture of the maxillary sinus
  • Opening of the maxillary sinus acute sinusitis
  • Maxillary sinusectomy
  • Plastic surgery of oroanthral communication within one tooth
  • Plastic surgery of oroanthral communication within two teeth
  • Oroanthral plasty for more than two teeth
  • Cystogaimorotomy

Maxillofacial Surgery

  • Bougienage, catherization, salivary duct lavage
  • Sialo- or fistulography
  • Removing a stone from a duct salivary gland
  • Removal of the retention cyst of the minor salivary gland
  • Removal of the submandibular salivary gland
  • Total parotidectomy
  • Subtotal parotidectomy
  • Parotidotomy
  • Operations removal of a soft tissue benign neoplasm of the mucous membrane of the mouth, skin, subcutaneous tissue of the face and neck
  • Surgery to remove benign bone tumors of the jaws
  • Surgical treatment of wounds of the face, neck up to 2 cm
  • Splinting
  • Reduction of dislocation of the lower jaw
  • Imposition of an extrafocal apparatus ECO, EK, EK-1D, CITO
  • Reposition zygomatic bone crochet Limberg
  • Reposition of the bones of the nose
  • Metal osteosynthesis
  • Plastic surgery

    • Hernioplasty
    • Taking the iliac crest
    • Taking a split skull bone
    • Taking a rib
    • Surgical intervention: resection of the upper and lower jaw
    • Elimination of ankylosis
    • Reconstruction of the zygomatic-orbital complex
    • Removal of scars by plastic surgery with local tissues
    • Scar removal with plastic free skin graft
    • Plasty of the red border of the upper and lower lips with local tissues
    • Blepharoplasty
    • Elimination of the microstomy
    • Plastic surgery with a skin flap on a pedicle
    • Plastic surgery with local tissues
    • Elimination of defects of the hard palate and alveolar process
    • Cheiloplasty
    • Formation of the Filatov stem
    • Velopharyngoplasty
    • Uranoplasty
    • Revision of the language and facial nerve
    • Subperiosteal frontotemporal lifting
    • Eyebrow plastic surgery
    • Temporal lifting
    • face lifting
    • Face lifting + SMAS plication
    • neck lift
    • Otoplasty
    • Rhinoplasty
    • Lipofilling
    • Liposuction of the penis
    • mentoplasty
    • laser resurfacing
    • Transplantation of own hair
    • Contour plasty with an implant of the fronto-nasal-orbital region
    • Contour plasty of the zygomatic-infraorbital-buccal region (without the cost of the implant)
    • Reposition eyeball with the lower wall of the orbit with fixation by an implant
    • Contour plastic surgery of the nose, forehead, chin, orbit

    What is required for hospitalization:

    • Blood tests:
      • General,
      • Biochemical ( total protein, albumin, glucose, creatinine, total bilirubin, sodium, potassium, AST, ALT, Gamma-GT, alkaline phosphatase),
      • coagulogram,
      • Blood type, Rh factor,
      • HIV, RW, HBS-AG, HCV.
    • General analysis urine
    • Fluoroscopy chest
    • Help from a therapist
    • Information about the rehabilitation of the oral cavity
    • 2 elastic bandages (anesthesia)
    • Copy of passport, copy of policy.

    Head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, University clinical hospital№ 4 Agafonov Alexey Alexandrovich Ph.D.

An oral and maxillofacial surgeon (MCS) is a specialist who studies all pathologies of the teeth, oral organs, bones of the facial skeleton, face, and neck from a surgical point of view. This specialist in Moscow is in charge of all the organs located in the face and neck.

What do oral and maxillofacial surgeons do?

The profession of oral and maxillofacial surgeon is inextricably linked with dentistry, but it goes far beyond this. In this branch of medicine, several areas have long stood out:

  • surgical care for anomalies,
  • facial reconstructive surgery,
  • surgical care for injuries,
  • help with deformations of the tissues of the maxillofacial region.

Patients come to the maxillofacial surgeon with a wide variety of fractures of the bones of the face, with inflammation, tumors, and congenital problems. A specialist in this field restores damaged functions, returns to patients physical health, as well as the lost beauty of the face.

Not only health depends on the maxillofacial surgeon, but in many respects the further fate of his patient, work, his personal life. Moscow specialists themselves say that a successful operation fills them with spiritual joy and allows them to experience complete job satisfaction. The profession of an oral and maxillofacial surgeon is indeed very important.

Very often he has to work in close cooperation with specialists from other areas - plastic surgeons, otolaryngologists, oncologists and others, since jaw pathology sometimes negatively affects the ENT organs. In some cases, with serious injuries, the participation of a neurosurgeon is required, and in case of cancer, an oncologist. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons in Moscow are treated for:

  • lymphadenitis,
  • periodontitis,
  • abscesses
  • difficulties with teething in children,
  • phlegmon,
  • periostitis,
  • osteomyelitis of the jaw,
  • odontogenic inflammation of the maxillary sinus, etc.

In what cases are referred to maxillofacial surgeons?

People are sent to the MSF in Moscow in case of emergency and planned situations. Planned operations carried out in the event of neoplasms, congenital pathologies, with inflammatory processes that can no longer be treated in another way. Emergency patients of the maxillofacial surgeon are all those who suffered in terrorist attacks, disasters, accidents, accidents and similar circumstances. Like any other surgeon, a specialist in maxillofacial surgery must be ready to start emergency surgical interventions day and night.

How to become an oral and maxillofacial surgeon?

A doctor practicing in the field of maxillofacial surgery should receive more knowledge, as well as pass good practice and be prepared for serious challenges. In order to become a real maxillofacial surgeon in Moscow, you will need to study all the structural features of the skull and organs located in the face and neck.

Departments of maxillofacial surgery, where real specialists are trained for clinics in Moscow, exist in such large universities of the capital as:

  • MGMSU;
  • MMA them. I. M. Sechenov;
  • RNIMU them. N. I. Pirogov;
  • RUDN and others.

Famous specialists of Moscow

In 1927, the textbook "Fundamentals of Practical Traumatology" was published. It was edited by Polenov, and the section on facial trauma was written by Limberg. Huge contribution into the problem of maxillofacial surgery did Rauer. In the pre-war period, Lvov, Mikhelson, Uvarov, Entin, Evdokimov, Lukomsky, Kyandsky, Domracheva and many others were involved in facial traumatology and its surgical restoration. Pirogov also called wars a “traumatic epidemic,” but it was World War II that gave new experience to traumatic surgeons.

After its completion, maxillofacial surgeons continued to use this military experience. In Moscow, the leading role in post-war research was played by the staff of the Department of Surgical Dentistry, based at MGMSU. Research was conducted by Vasiliev, Rudko, Zausaev. Numerous works in the field of the introduction of plastic implants into maxillofacial surgery belong to Bernadsky, Gavrilov, Ivashchenko, Kasparova, Kulazhenko and many other specialists.

The most extensive and complex science is probably medicine. It did not stop, and does not stop developing, to this day. In its composition is a large number of independent and complex sciences. Among them are the following: cardiology; pulmonology; gynecology; andrology; dermato yu; phthisiology; obstetrics; ophthalmology; neurology.

Actually, there is no need to enumerate all the isolated sciences. Firstly, there are too many of them, and secondly, today we will talk about only one of its branches - surgery. Rather, about one surgical specialization - maxillofacial surgery.

What is maxillofacial surgery

This is a separate section of general surgery, which deals with the study and treatment of injuries, defects and diseases of the head, neck, hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity and maxillofacial region, jaws. In addition, in the area of ​​professional interests maxillofacial surgery surgical diseases of the teeth, bones of the facial skeleton, organs of the oral cavity (tongue, palate) fall under. maxillofacial part human body, is an area rich in blood vessels. Therefore, any inflammatory processes, which proceed aggravated, violently and painfully for the sick person. In addition to the fact that such processes are dangerous for the central nervous system, since the maxillofacial zone is located in close proximity to the brain, these diseases lead to deformation and the appearance of gross defects on the face, especially if wrong treatment. In any case, a timely appeal to specialists can protect you from such troubles.

What do specialists in maxillofacial surgery clinics do?

For ignorant persons unfamiliar with this area of ​​​​surgery, a reasonable question may arise: what do surgeons in this specialty do? What diseases are treated? You should immediately focus on the fact that all maxillofacial diseases can be divided into five main groups. These groups are built on the basis of the causes of occurrence and course clinical picture.

  • 1. Sharp and chronic diseases. These include (diseases of the teeth and jaws; organs of the oral cavity; tissues of the face and neck.). This type of disease includes: Periostitis; Periodontitis; Osteomyelitis of the jaw; Abscesses; Phlegmon; Lymphadenitis; Odontogenic inflammation of the maxillary sinus; Difficulty teething; Inflammation of the salivary glands; Inflammation of the temporomandibular joint.
  • 2. Injuries of soft tissues of the face and neck;
  • 3. Neoplasms of the face, jaws, organs of the oral cavity;
  • 4. Acquired and congenital defects of the face, jaws and organs of the oral cavity;
  • 5. plastic surgery maxillofacial area: Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty); Ear surgery (otoplasty); Nose surgery (rhinoplasty); Face contouring; * Circular facelift.

Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery Today it is considered the most complex and sought-after branch of medicine. After all, it is the face that determines the special individuality of a person, his appearance. In addition, a person's face is involved in some important functions. Among those:

Methods of maxillofacial surgery

Main methods of maxillofacial surgery surgical interventions of different directions are considered. Moreover, one should be aware of such a feature of modern facial surgery: for successful operations, specialists use the latest methods and technologies of medical influence, innovative materials, low-traumatic instruments. All these actions, in our maxillofacial clinic are aimed at providing the best postoperative results. In order to avoid the formation of coarse postoperative scars on the skin of the face, maxillofacial surgeons use gentle intraoral access technology to the operated object. This method guarantees the absence of surgical marks on the face, and the patient's quick return to normal life. Such operational method allows you to recover:

After undergoing a course of treatment in our clinic, you can again feel the pleasure of eating, regain your original carefree smile. What diseases are treated in the clinic of maxillofacial surgery? Above, it has already been said that our clinic occupies one of the leading places in the country. This is largely due to the fact that the specialists of our clinic try to find an individual approach to the treatment of each patient, to the identification of each clinical problem. Among such problems are the following:

  • - Perforation of the maxillary sinuses;
  • - Diseases of the temporomandibular joint (acute and chronic);
  • - Cysts;
  • - Tumors;
  • - Abscesses.

In addition to diseases of an acute or chronic nature, the clinic of maxillofacial surgery performs many other medical interventions:

Diagnosis of maxillofacial surgery

The main feature of our maxillofacial surgery clinics is that a number of specialists from other branches of medicine are involved in the treatment in this area:

Such actions are due to the fact that only when integrated approach can be installed correct diagnosis and prescribe the only correct, adequate treatment. In order to diagnose a disease or identify damage or defects, our clinic uses a thorough examination of each patient. Wherein:

If there is suspicion of malignant neoplasm, in without fail tissue biopsy is ordered. With a correct diagnosis, there is real opportunity to begin timely treatment. Used to diagnose injuries and defects latest method hardware diagnostics:

In conclusion, I would like to wish you, dear readers, good health!

Department of Maxillofacial Surgery on the basis of the GKB named after A.I. S.P. Botkin was formed as part of the implementation of the Moscow city CHI program, as well as federal program providing high-tech medical care. Today, the department has all the capabilities to provide specialized planned medical care to patients with various types pathology of the maxillofacial region.

The employees of the department are high-class professionals with extensive work experience, among them there are 2 candidates of medical sciences. The staff of the department is a friendly and close-knit team, working hard to ensure that the treatment is as effective as possible and the stay is comfortable.

Priority areas of activity of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery:

  • Reconstructive surgery of the consequences of traumatic injuries and burns of the maxillofacial region;
  • Reconstructive surgery in the treatment of patients with common benign neoplasms soft tissues and bones of the facial skeleton;
  • Dental implantation, including in patients with severe atrophy of the jaw bone tissue.

The list of operations performed in the department of the ChLH:

  • Osteosynthesis for traumatic injuries of the upper and lower jaws;
  • Operations for fractures of the zygomatic-orbital complex and bottom wall orbits (including using minimally invasive transconjunctival access);
  • Operations for paralysis of the facial nerve (including reinnervating operations, transposition of the temporal muscle, etc.);
  • Removal benign tumors salivary glands;
  • Removal of lateral, median cysts and fistulas of the neck;
  • Surgical treatment of vascular neoplasms of the maxillofacial region (including using X-ray endovascular technologies);
  • Surgery cystic formations upper and lower jaws;
  • Surgical treatment of chronic odontogenic sinusitis(including with the use of endoscopic techniques);
  • Removal of benign tumors of the soft tissues of the face and neck (including plastic defects with local tissues, as well as revascularized flaps using microvascular technology);
  • Removal of benign tumors of the bones of the facial skeleton (including one-stage plasty with bone autografts using microvascular technology);
  • Dental implantation (including the whole range of preparatory osteoplastic reconstructive operations).

Thanks to high level vocational training and technical equipment, the staff of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery No. 59 actively use and introduce into clinical practice the most effective minimally invasive, including endoscopic and computer technologies.

The department is designed for 10 beds, it has one-, two- and three-bed rooms. Each room is equipped with a private bathroom, refrigerator and TV.