
What not to do before surgery: signs. Signs and superstitions before surgery

In addition to strictly following the doctor's instructions, always follow the signs in the hospital. This will protect you from complications and will not harm your health. Below you will read signs for patients, relatives and doctors.

Hospital superstitions

If you look through the window of the ward, this foreshadows the death of one of the patients. In the old days they believed that dead relatives could take on the appearance of birds. In this guise they come to warn their loved ones that they will soon be taken to the world of the dead.

You cannot change beds or move to another ward - you will have to stay in the hospital longer. If you believe signs about health, after discharge, you should walk around the hospital building clockwise in order to visit it less often in the future. You can walk around both a specific hospital building and the entire hospital territory.

Don't wish good morning doctor, for him this wish promises a difficult day. They don’t want a quiet watch, many doctors can even take this as an insult. Before bedtime in a hospital, you cannot say “good night” to doctors. All these wishes are bad omens for them.

There is such a superstition: forgetting something in someone else's house means returning to it. This sign also works in the hospital. Do not intentionally leave or forget things in the room so as not to return. But to get pregnant, leave any thing in the maternity hospital.

If you don’t want to go back there, believe me, what’s forgotten is ransom to the spirits for restoration of health.

Signs for the patient's relatives

Red and white flowers bring bad luck. Avoid them, choose bouquets of other colors.

To thank a doctor with a gift after completing a procedure or discharging a patient is a superstition that promises fast recovery after illness. It is impossible to express gratitude to the doctor before surgery. Something is bound to go wrong.

When collecting things for a relative in hospital, you cannot take new ones. They must be worn and washed by him at least once. This applies to both clothes and shoes.

Beliefs from doctors

Many doctors avoid treating their loved ones, surgeons do not operate on friends and relatives. But this superstition has a pragmatic explanation. It is not so easy to concentrate on the operation and forget about worrying about dear person. It is especially bad luck to treat your colleague. According to the observations of superstitious doctors, drugs work worse on them, and diseases often resolve in an atypical manner. Unwanted patients are red and hunchbacked, they are often unlucky.

  • Dropping a chair in the ward means a new patient will appear in the department.
  • You cannot put a blanket or blanket on a chair, this will bring death into the ward or department.
  • It is forbidden to sit on the table - to visit the deceased in the department or on duty.
  • In the intensive care unit they do not sit on beds - in anticipation of the arrival of a new patient.

If a patient's medical record falls to the floor, expect complications. You can neutralize the omen if you step on it before picking it up from the floor.

Changing personnel who should remain on duty is a bad omen. The watch will be hectic. This is also considered the last night going to work before vacation. Cheerful company or a date the day before - to problems. Don't sleep in socks while on duty so you are less likely to be disturbed. You cannot take off your medical uniform.

It’s good if the first patient of the day or shift is a man. If a woman, the shift will be difficult. They say the same thing when the first patient is a bedridden patient.

They try to keep the reception area in semi-darkness. It is believed that ambulances are going to the light. The darker it is, the fewer patients there will be. Signs about a broom It is advised to keep it near the entrance to the department to make work easier.

There are many medical superstitions; they are observed by both patients and doctors. The first observations of ancestors help to recover faster and spend less time in the hospital. Doctors' beliefs are designed to reduce the number of patients and make work easier.

It seems that this is so, it seems that they have no time for superstitions, but even astronauts do not have such a number of superstitions. What is most interesting is that surgeons, cardiologists, and ophthalmologists have the same signs. Let's try to figure out what concerns doctors' fears and their signs before operations:

  • Be afraid of redheads. And this applies even to those who subsequently had to change their hair color. According to the famous surgeon, one of his patients had difficulty surviving the operation, and then she had to undergo treatment for complications. The therapy prescribed to her in such cases did not help well and there were few results. During another off-the-record conversation, the doctor found out that two years ago the woman dyed her hair brown-haired, but in fact she was red-haired. And this medical fear can be explained simply - it turns out that red-haired patients are subject to an increased pain threshold and they already require more painkillers than usual. They are very sensitive and require special attention.
  • Don't drop instruments and case histories. This is considered a bad sign; moreover, the patient may “earn” a relapse or complication. When an instrument falls to the floor during an operation, it is not picked up until the very end of the operation; moreover, they try to trample on it thoroughly.
  • Never change duty. Doctors try to do this only in extreme cases, they are convinced that the replacement doctor most likely will not have a free minute and will definitely get something like Gogol’s “The Night Before Christmas”.
  • Do not treat both their relatives and colleagues. Also is bad omen. Something must happen with the course of treatment or something must go wrong with the documents. It’s not for nothing that doctors have a joke about the 3 most serious illnesses, accompanying the patient - the presence of medical education, high rank or close relationship.

Other fears of doctors or medical signs

Well, we learned that doctors “don’t like” redheads and dropping instruments on the floor, and even on Monday, and what other medical signs are there with fears of doctors?

  • Beware of the words: “Doctor, you just saved me”, “Nothing hurts anywhere,” etc. Doctors seem to fear such treatment like fire. They say that if you want to express gratitude, it would be better to just say thank you. Also, according to them, people in white coats should be wary of wishes good afternoon, or evening, also a well-spent duty. As a rule, after such wishes, the entire day, evening, and entire shift are extremely restless.
  • Don’t try to brighten up your leisure time with something. You shouldn’t take your favorite book, cards, or interesting movie while on duty, hoping to pass the time. Hopes will not come true - this will not be necessary - there will be, as they say, a ton of work. And vice versa, when things are left at home, nothing extraordinary will happen during duty and it may even seem that it lasts for an eternity.
  • At the doctors The ambulance service is confident that if the team on duty on the first call went up to the 5th floor (five-story buildings seem to have no elevators), then the whole shift will be the same - the whole shift will have to walk up to the last floors. If the first patient turned out to be “difficult,” then you won’t be able to relax until the end of the shift—the more severely ill patients will come one after another.
  • For the reason restless watch, once again the light in reception department does not turn on (ambulances may flock to it) and the patient admission register is not kept open. And the emergency room should be “equipped” with an inverted broom; it is believed that it tends to ward off serious illnesses.
  • A famous Moscow maternity hospital No. 1 is famous for the fact that the doctors there, instead of wishing for a quieter shift, they tell each other to go to hell. This “good parting word” guarantees a calm shift with a small influx of patients. But they also have a backup option - in the emergency room, all shoes should be placed with their toes facing the exit.

  • More doctors in the maternity hospital they do not paint or cut their nails on the eve of the operation, they do not place or place knives or salt, they are not allowed to laugh and they are not allowed to raise their hands above their heads. If you neglect this, then you will expect trouble, it will be a difficult birth or C-section. It’s a good omen for them if after opening maternity hospital(temporarily closed for washing) a boy is born first.

Another medical sign has concerns that you cannot make love before duty, otherwise it will be very difficult.

Folk signs about vitamins and vitamin absorption

They say that a lack of vitamins is completely determined by a simple look at a person. The truth is somewhere nearby, but you should not rush to pharmacies for the coveted vitamins. This may be something else, and folk superstitions about vitamins do not say everything, and the absorption of vitamins is not at their best.

- Cracks have appeared on the lips - this means a lack of vitamin A. It could also be herpes, a signal of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, in particular it could be gastritis.

- When they fall out hair, significant problems with the amount of vitamin D, zinc and magnesium. And this can also signal anemia, an ulcer may develop, the problem can be associated with an imbalance of hormones, in particular there is an excess of testosterone.

- “My leg cramped”- signals a lack of potassium, magnesium, and also vitamins of the classical group B. The legs may “cramp” and damage the joints, in particular varicose veins veins

Vitamin absorption

Chemically produced vitamins are less absorbable than natural vitamins. When you read on the packaging that each tablet contains the daily dose of vitamins, you should be prepared that they will only be absorbed by half.

How vitamins are absorbed in the body largely depends on the quality of the supplements themselves and the state of the body itself, with existing stomach or intestinal problems, with endocrine system, vitamin supplements can simply “slip right through” without being absorbed at all. In such cases, taking medications should be agreed with your doctor.

For fat-soluble vitamins, these are A, E, D, the recommendation for use is with food where they contain vegetable oils, as an option - 20 - 30 minutes after a meal, when the digestion process is already very active.

Water-soluble vitamins, these include C, B, folic acids, have the property of rapid elimination from the body, their recommended use is between meals.

Some exotic elements

There are true vitamin fanatics, they monitor various pseudo-news appearing in the press, on television, on the Internet and may find something strange... for example, heart disease is associated with gold deficiency in the body vascular diseases, and with the help of selenium, erection is prolonged; the formation of low-quality tumors is associated with a lack of arsenic.

In fact, these substances in the body are so minimal that it’s better not to talk about their deficiency, much less about any effect. But these micronutrient fanatics common sense in spite of themselves, they “increase” these exotic microelements.

But when “gnawing” on gold can harm the contents of your wallet, then eating selenium with arsenic will lead to a serious threat to life or poisoning.

Well, how to overcome your fear of doctors, in particular the dentist, in this video:

There are certain folk signs before surgery that you must listen to. If ignored, surgery may have negative consequences both for the patient and the doctor.


When a person is admitted to the hospital and is facing surgery, a feeling of panic and fear immediately arises. To get rid of these discomfort, you should listen to folk signs.

  1. The patient should not take new wardrobe items with him. If they are new in the closet, then at least once put them on and walk around the house. The sign indicates that the deceased should be buried in new things. If you wear new things, the operation may not be very successful.
  2. The patient should not ask the doctor to move to another place (couch or ward). If you ignore this belief, you will end up spending more time in the hospital than you expected.

Go to the hairdresser before surgery

Attracting good luck in treatment

Go to the hairdresser. A new haircut or hairstyle will help get rid of negative feelings. Folk signs indicate that during hair cutting, part of the negative energy is cut off.

Prepare in advance all the things you need before the operation. Do not take with you those that you will need upon discharge. It’s better if one of your close relatives brings them to you later. If you take your discharge items with you in advance, you can linger in the treatment ward.

Actions of relatives

Folk signs about operations indicate that relatives should not wish good luck to the doctor who is performing the operation. Ignoring this prohibition can lead to the surgeon’s luck running out and the operation to go poorly.

Relatives should not be nervous before surgery

It is prohibited to bring tokens of gratitude - money or gifts - to the doctor before the patient is discharged. Early gifts can lead to many complications. As our ancestors believed, by your actions you positive result after surgery.

Relatives are not allowed to be nervous before the operation. They can be transferred to the patient. As a result internal organs will be tense, and complications may arise during the operation. You should not bring white or red flowers to the patient. They bring failures and misfortunes.

Red and white flowers cannot be brought to the hospital

Signs after surgery

Exists specific list folk signs that must be followed after surgery:

  • If you want to avoid returning to the hospital, after surgery, walk around the building in which you were lying in a clockwise direction. The sign indicates that by such actions you are closing the energy field, and the hospital will no longer attract you to itself;
  • Based on signs, forgotten things in the hospital contribute to a quick return to it, and the reason will lie in your irresponsibility. It is better to pack all your things in advance and not forget anything;
  • If a woman who was operated on during childbirth still wants to have a baby, then she just needs to leave some of her things in the room.

Superstitions for doctors

Instruments must not be dropped in the operating room. If the doctor notices that an instrument has fallen, you must immediately pick it up and knock on the operating table three times, otherwise the patient may experience complications after surgery.

It is impossible for doctors to change places during surgery. Folk signs indicate that this leads to complications and long stay in the operating room.

You should never operate on a patient on Friday or this will lead to the fact that the anesthesia will not work on the patient and complications will arise.

An experienced doctor will never operate on his colleague. This will lead to complications for the patient, and the medications will not give any result.

Folk signs are not only about determining weather conditions or a person’s future. With their help you can influence your health. Signs before operations are especially popular. With their help, the patient can prepare for surgical intervention and reduce the number of side effects.

Signs in medicine also interested scientists. Published in the journal Bulletin of Medical Internet Conferences scientific work“Superstition will also play a role in medical practice.” The researchers carefully reviewed medical forums and made sure that doctors actively use signs in their practice.

According to the study, surgeons were the most superstitious. Scientists explain their observation by the fact that the work of these specialists is associated with great risk and stress. With the help of signs, people instinctively try to protect themselves.

We asked various medical specialists and found out what signs exist and whether they believe in them.

Get ready for the fact that you will drive “tirelessly.” And I’m not the only one who confirms that this sign works. Therefore, we immediately say - this is not for us. “ Good night“Have a good day on duty” - “but all this is not for us, this is all for the plumbers, electricians” and it’s like you’re running away from fate,” says Belyakov.

Based on experience, I act on a well-established principle: if one incomprehensible patient appears, I definitely try to figure it out with him. Because the next one will be the same. If I found out with the first one the causes of the disease and cured the person, then his double comes as a bonus,” says therapist Igor Yurkin. - I heal him quickly, the patient is happy. But if I didn’t figure it out at first, then the second one is for me as a punishment for mistakes. Patients may be of different genders and ages, but their diagnoses are the same.

Any operation is a great stress for the body. In many ways, its result depends on the patient himself. That is why you should prepare for surgery. Everyone should know how to do this correctly, because even people with good health. Read what you should not do before surgery, and what doctors strongly recommend, in our Questions and Answers section.

Can I have surgery if I have a cold?

Before any planned operation a thorough medical examination is carried out. You need to tell your doctor about all your serious illnesses. Do not hide anything, because the outcome of the operation largely depends on this.

The patient’s health condition is assessed by a surgeon and an anesthesiologist, tests and an ECG are prescribed. Based on all procedures, the doctor assesses the patient’s readiness for anesthesia. The operation is postponed if the patient has ARVI, high temperature, exacerbation concomitant disease. There is no need to hide from the doctor if you feel you are sick.

Should I shave before surgery?

Few people know that before surgery you should not shave, including your legs, notes The Daily Mail. A person can cause microscopic cuts. Any violation of the integrity of the cover increases the risk of infection. If you want to get rid of body hair, you need to do this a week in advance, microbiologists from London explain. But there are operations for which preparation still involves shaving. In particular, this includes removal of the appendix and caesarean section.

Do you need to go on a diet?

There is also a risk of sudden weight loss before surgery. Although some fat people and recommend losing a few kilograms to avoid possible problems with anesthesia, thrombosis and infections. Ideally, you should stop restricting your caloric intake about a week before surgery.

Can I take medications?

A separate issue is medications. Blood thinners like warfarin should not be taken before surgery, otherwise the blood will simply not clot. There is also a problem with medications that regulate blood pressure. On the contrary, they must be taken to the last. After all, pressure surges threaten either a stroke or uncontrolled bleeding. By the way, herbal remedies also needs to be taken into account. Garlic, ginseng and ginger are thought to increase the risk of bleeding.

Is it possible to drink and eat?

It is known that people go to the operating table with an empty stomach. It is forbidden to eat or drink six hours before anesthesia. In consultation with your doctor, you can take sedatives at night and in the morning so that you can sleep well and not worry too much. It is also necessary to avoid alcohol consumption.

Some patients deceive themselves by chewing chewing gum- this helps them cope with hunger. But this is not very good, because the stomach begins to produce additional acid. If this acid leaves the stomach in a state of complete relaxation during surgery, there will be big problems.

Is it true that you can’t go to surgery with a manicure?

This is absolutely true. Nails must be completely cleared of varnish, as it may interfere with the analysis of a person's breath. Nails should be cut short. This will also reduce the risk of spreading bacteria and will allow you to attach a sensor to your finger that reads oxygen levels. Doctors also advise taking a shower on the day of surgery. Since germs from the surface of the body can get inside during surgery.

Is it possible to smoke before surgery?

Smokers should quit cigarettes several days before surgery. In fact, even abstinence for a day will help. Lungs damaged by tobacco are more susceptible to infections. Post-operative infections are quite common among smokers. In addition, smoking makes the blood more viscous. In turn, stress and anxiety cause no less damage to the body. It is known that anxious people are more difficult to put to sleep; they have a reduced pain threshold and they are more likely to have side effects.