
Diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment. FCM of the mammary glands

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What it is? Fibrocystic mastopathy (FCM or fibroadenomatosis) is a pathological process that develops in the structural tissues of the female breast in the form of rapid cellular proliferation of glandular tissue, forming cystic neoplasms (cavities filled with fluid) or nodular ones.

Included in the register of benign pathologies. It does not present any difficulties in treatment if diagnosed early, but in advanced cases it can be an intermediate stage in the development of a cancerous tumor.

The disease affects almost half of the female population aged 30 and 50 years. It develops against the background of hormonal destabilization, provoked by an imbalance of hormones (the predominance of estrogen over insufficient progesterone synthesis), excessive hormonal activity, or its sharp decline or rise, often changing their cyclic level for one reason or another. In connection with this feature, the pathology is also called dishormonal hyperplasia.

  • The risk of breast cancer increases by almost a quarter in patients with a history of large cystic formations, the development of hyperplasia, adenosis, or proliferative mastopathy.

Forms and types of fibrocystic mastopathy (signs)

The clinical picture of damage to the mammary glands in fibrocystic mastopathy can manifest itself in various forms: diffuse, having several subtypes, nodular and non-proliferative.

Features of diffuse manifestation

Diffuse damage in FCM is caused by the development of a pathological process that covers the entire breast, manifested by a rather strong proliferation of connective (supporting) tissue structures, forming destructive foci of various shapes.

As a result of such dysfunction, processes develop that disrupt the structure of the ducts in the mammary glands and destruction in the alveolar-lobular tissues, contributing to the formation of small cystic-cavitary formations.

The genesis of diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy is associated with a genetic predisposition, and the development of the process is triggered by many negative factors - external character, the influence of neurohumoral disorders and imbalance of hormone synthesis. Based on the nature of the structural lesion, several types of this form are distinguished:

  • In the form of sclerosing adenosis - with excessive growth of the glandular component in the tissue structures and alveolar-lobular structure of the breast, manifested by its significant enlargement.
  • With a dominant growth of fibrous components in the connective tissue structure of the breast (fibroadenomatosis).
  • Pathology caused by a single or total lesion mammary gland in the form of fibrocystic formations filled with a liquid substance. Manifests itself as multiple tumor-like neoplasms.
  • Mixed type - simultaneous damage to connective tissue structures, ducts and lobular alveoli by cystic and fibrous neoplasms. At its core, it is a consequence of a running process. With such manifestations of fibrocystic mastopathy symptoms, treatment is a complex and lengthy process.

The severity of such clinical disorders is defined as minor, moderate or severe. It manifests itself in unilateral localization and bilateral - both mammary glands are simultaneously affected.

The disease itself is benign, but in the advanced stage, which turns into nodular pathology, there is a high risk of atypical cellular formations and oncological degeneration.

Signs of nodular FCM

As a rule, the development of nodular FCM is preceded by advanced and complicated diffuse process, manifesting itself as single or multiple dense nodular formations. Sometimes, nodular FCM is called focal.

On palpation, dense elastic formations with clear contours are detected, they are slightly painful and are not fused to adjacent tissues. Pain and swelling occur during menstruation.

A characteristic feature is that in the supine position, the lumps can be felt very rarely or not at all.

Nodes along the periphery of the chest usually do not tend to enlarge. The pain may be slight or not noticeable at all. Pathology is detected, usually during a random examination. And its manifestation can be purely individual.

Form of non-proliferative FCM

This term denotes a pathology of the mammary glands that does not have characteristic signs of excessive growth of glandular tissue in the breast with the formation of neoplasms and signs of intense cellular mitosis.

At the same time, no neoplasms are noted; significant or localized swelling of the breast is possible. Non-proliferative diffuse cystic mastopathy can be successfully treated with proper therapy.

The main symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary gland are manifested by painful seals and clear discharge from the ducts of the gland. Palpation and palpation of the chest reveals compacted areas with small and large formations.

Pain syndrome– differs in individuality, in each specific case. Pain occurs spontaneously or appears in response to touch. Unusual discomfort may be replaced by sharp pain even with a slight touch to the chest. The painful symptom of fibrocystic mastopathy manifests itself in varying intensity - it can be dull, shooting and twitching, accompanied by heaviness, puffiness and a feeling of pressure in the chest.

It is not uncommon for pain to spread to nearby lymph nodes, causing them to become enlarged and tense. They can be local and radiate to the axillary and humeroscapular areas.

Typically, the pain syndrome increases during the “lunar cycle”, which is caused by hormonal surges. This symptomatology of mammary gland mastopathy is not typical for all patients. For some, pain does not appear at all, for others it is observed only during menstruation.

If there are characteristic common features FCM, this phenomenon is explained by the difference in compression of nerve endings or due to individual pain sensitivity. As the disease progresses, signs of fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary gland appear as more pronounced compactions and noticeable pain, regardless of the critical days.

Discharge from milk ducts- is individual characteristic and are not observed in all patients. In some cases, they may not appear at all, in others they can be very abundant (which sometimes makes it possible to independently identify the disease), or stand out from the nipples with slight squeezing.

  • The secreted secretion does not have a special odor. The color range ranges from whitish to dark shades, rather resembles the first discharge of colostrum after childbirth.

Threatening symptom– brown and bloody discharge. This sign is observed during an oncological process that destroys circulation in the small vessels of the breast and damages the vascular walls of the milk ducts.

If there are any signs of uncharacteristic discharge from the breast glands, and especially with a bloody admixture, it is necessary to quickly undergo an examination and begin immediate treatment for fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands.

Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy, drugs

The basis of treatment for fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary gland is the restoration of hormonal imbalance. Therapeutic methods are compiled on the basis of diagnostic examination results that reveal hormonal imbalance. In accordance with which, drugs are prescribed to correct hormonal levels.

The treatment process includes puncture aspiration biopsy cysts followed by sclerotherapy. This technique is applicable to cystic formations without signs of malignant degeneration and without symptoms of tumor development inside the ducts.

For multiple cysts, excessive tissue growth and signs of malignancy, the technique is used sectoral resection with mandatory histological examination of excised samples.

Surgical methods for treating FCM are carried out on the basis of reasoned indicators:

  • analysis confirming the malignancy of the tumor;
  • progression of tumor enlargement over 3 months;
  • repeated relapses of nodular pathology due to sclerotherapy or drug therapy diseases;
  • at high magnification cysts and fibroadenomas.

Operative techniques

Surgical techniques consist of:

  • Method of sectoral removal of formations with a small area of ​​adjacent tissue.
  • Cystic enucleation - removal cystic neoplasm by peeling method.

The operation is performed using local or general anesthesia. The duration of the surgical intervention is just over half an hour.

Conservative treatment of FCM

For tumors and nodes of small size, quite often, drug treatment with periodic monitoring by a specialist is sufficient. In the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy, the action of the drugs is aimed at stopping the causative factor of the disease, stabilizing the immune system and eliminating the background diseases that caused an imbalance of hormones (diseases of the thyroid gland and appendages).

Drug therapy includes:

  • Hormone medications are prescribed in the form of Duphoston or Progesterone, or Urozhestan, Progestogel, Livial and Tamoxifen.
  • Estrogen-gesta gene contraceptives - “Marvelona” or “Zhanina”, eliminating hormonal imbalance.
  • To eliminate excessive hormonal secretion - “Parlodel” class inhibitors.
  • NSAID drugs that reduce pain symptoms - “Nimik”, “Diclofenac” or “Nise”
  • Immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, decongestant and analgesic enzyme agents such as Wobenzyma, Mulsala, Lidase.
  • Iodine-containing drugs that regulate thyroid function and reduce proliferation - drugs “Klamina”, “Iodomarin”, “Iodine-activa”.
  • Dimexide compresses as an anti-inflammatory agent. For severe pain, add an Analgin and Demidrol tablet to the drug diluted with water.
  • To accelerate tissue regeneration and normalize metabolic processes, it is recommended to rub “Lekar” gel or “Api Bust” cream into the mammary gland.
  • Tonic and sedative tinctures – eleutherococcus, ginseng root, valerian, motherwort herb, vitamin therapy.
  • Potent herbal medicines - “Fitolon”, “Klamina” and “Mastodinon”, enhancing the effect medications.

Women over 40 years of age are prescribed steroids - Methyltestosterone, Methylandrostenediol and hormone injections (testosterone or progesterone). Efficiency of all transferred funds is caused only by complex influence.

Forecast options

Favorable prognosis is ensured by correct diagnosis and timeliness.

Only adequate therapy for an initially benign neoplasm can prevent the growth and transition of a pathological diffuse state into the nodal stage and malignant tumor.

Mastopathy or fibrocystic disease is a pathology that causes benign growth of breast tissue. Most often, fibroadenomatosis is diagnosed in women suffering from neuroendocrine disorders and organ dysfunction reproductive system.

The main cause of fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands is a violation of the level of sex and thyroid hormones thyroid gland. In patients, an increase in the concentration of prolactin, androgens and estradiol in the blood is detected. At the same time, the content of progesterone, thyroxine, and thyroid-stimulating hormone is reduced, but characteristic manifestations hypothyroidism is absent. Typically, fibrous mastopathy appears against the background of the following pathologies:

  • adnexitis - inflammation of the appendages;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, liver;
  • diabetes.

High levels of prolactin promote the growth of breast tissue. This condition is accompanied by menstrual irregularities, lack of ovulation, and ovarian dysfunction.

Provoking factors for fibrocystic mastopathy include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • late birth;
  • the woman did not breastfeed the child;
  • irregular sex life;
  • a large number of abortions;
  • stress, nervous disorders;
  • mammary gland injuries.

In such women, the risk of developing symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy increases 7–8 times, the treatment of which requires an individual, comprehensive approach.

Clinical symptoms of the disease

Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary gland (FCM) has the following symptoms:

  • chest pain that gets worse during menstruation;
  • discharge of clear or bloody secretion from the nipples;
  • the appearance of areas of compaction in the mammary gland.

The pain syndrome may be present constantly or appear during menstruation. Nodes can be single or multiple, depending on the form of the disease. These formations can be identified by palpation.

Forms of mastopathy

Breast mastopathy can be diffuse or nodular. At diffuse form fibrous damage to the connective tissue occurs, many small cysts are formed, inside of which there are cystadenomas (papillomas). Hyperplasia of the lobules and tubules, and cell sclerosis may be observed. Most often, bilateral damage to both mammary glands occurs.

The diffuse fibrocystic form of mastopathy is characterized by breast thickening, formation large quantity Cysts are small in size, soft, elastic to the touch. Symptoms intensify during menstruation and practically disappear after the end of the critical days. There remains a feeling of heaviness, fullness, and unexpressed pain. The x-ray clearly shows cysts, which can reach 6 cm in diameter.

With the nodular form of mastopathy, round compactions form inside the gland: fibromatosis, adenofibroma, adenosis, fibroadenoma. The neoplasms are mobile, elastic, not associated with the skin, and gradually increase in size. Symptoms appear the same regardless of the menstrual cycle.

Fibrocystic and nodular mastopathy can develop simultaneously, causing tissue proliferation and the formation of cysts and seals. Any form of the disease can serve as a provoking factor for the degeneration of atypical breast cells into cancerous tumor. Therefore, women should be regularly examined by a mammologist for timely detection of the disease.

Diagnostic methods

How is fibrocystic mastopathy diagnosed and treated? The doctor examines the patient, palpates the chest, regional lymph nodes, and collects anamnesis. Menstrual irregularities, hereditary predisposition, previous abortions, pathological birth. The doctor finds out the relationship between menstruation and pain, the appearance of discharge from the mammary glands, the color and consistency of the secretion.

Additionally, ultrasound examination, chest X-ray, mammography, and pneumocystography of the mammary glands are prescribed to identify changes in connective tissue, nodes, and cysts. Diagnostic tests for women of reproductive age who do not take oral contraceptives are carried out on days 8–14 of the menstrual cycle, when menstruation completely ends.

Cystic mastopathy of the mammary glands is determined by digital mammography. This diagnostic method can show the smallest cysts and lumps, detect the disease on early stage.

With fibrocystic mastopathy, ultrasound reveals thickening of the connective tissue, expansion of the ducts of the mammary glands, and multiple formation of small cysts. Before pneumocystography, fluid is removed from the cyst cavity using a thin needle, then the resulting cavity is filled with gas. After that they do X-ray mammary gland in several projections. The study can show the size and parameters of the cyst, analyze the internal walls of the capsule and the degree of pathological processes.

To exclude a cancerous tumor and to distinguish cysts from adenomas, a fine-needle biopsy of the contents of the cysts and secretions from the glands is performed. Biochemical analysis blood helps to determine the level of sex and thyroid hormones.

Systemic hormonal treatment of mastopathy

How to treat fibrocystic mastopathy in women? The traditional method of therapy is carried out for the diffuse form of the disease and after surgery, using both hormonal and non-hormonal agents. If there are concomitant diseases, consultation with a specialized specialist and appropriate treatment are necessary.

Taking hormones is indicated if there is an imbalance of androgens, estrogens, prolactin, thyroxine or thyrotropin. The medications and dosage are selected by the attending physician, and constant monitoring of hormonal balance is necessary. Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary gland responds well to this treatment method.

How to treat the disease? The following drugs are used for systemic hormonal therapy:

  • Antiestrogens (Tamoxifen, Fariston) reduce the activity of estrogen receptors in breast tissue, reducing biological activity hormone.
  • Combined monophasic oral contraceptives suppress the ovulation process and the synthesis of androgens and estrogens. Marvelon, Femoden for fibrocystic mastopathy are taken for at least 3 months. If necessary, Primolut is additionally prescribed.

  • Prolactin secretion inhibitors - Bromocriptine, Parlodel are indicated for elevated level prolactin. Start taking it with minimal dosages. The drugs have many side effects.
  • Progestins (Medroxyprogesterone acetate, Norethisterone) inhibit the pituitary-ovarian connection, reducing the effect of estrogens on breast tissue. Such drugs are especially indicated for patients with uterine fibroids and anovulatory bleeding.

  • Danazol for fibrocystic mastopathy inhibits the production of gonadotropic hormone and helps smooth out the gland tissue. But the drug has many side effects, and relapses occur after its use.
  • Gonadotropin analogues (Norkolut, Pregnin) reduce testosterone and estrogen levels. The indication for their use is a severe form of fibrocystic mastopathy, if other methods of therapy have not yielded positive results.

As a result of the use of systemic hormonal therapy, the signs of fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary gland are reduced, lumps are resolved, diffuse tissue proliferation stops, pain is relieved, and the menstrual cycle is restored.

Treatment is long-term, can take from 3–6 months to 2 years, the effectiveness is 70–95%. The regimen for taking hormonal drugs is selected by the doctor, taking into account the causes and severity of the disease.

Conservative methods of treatment for fibrocystic mastopathy

Women in whom fibrous tissue changes do not cause discomfort, do not require special therapy. It is enough to carry out an analysis that excludes oncology, regular mammography, and lifestyle changes.

Non-hormonal treatment for fibrocystic mastopathy is indicated if the form of the disease is moderate. Therapy consists of the need to give up bad habits, exercise, and maintain proper nutrition. It is necessary to refuse:

  • animal fats;
  • fried and smoked foods;
  • semi-finished products;
  • alcohol;
  • strong tea;
  • coffee;
  • completely eliminate carbohydrates.

The diet should contain more fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products and seafood. If the functioning of the thyroid gland is impaired, meat consumption is limited.

To reduce pain in fibrocystic mastopathy, women are prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Brufen) and take them in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. The indicated remedies reduce swelling and inflammation, and promote the resorption of compactions.

Scientists have proven that disruption of the digestive tract contributes to the development of cancer and fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary gland, since deterioration of peristalsis slows down the process of estrogen utilization. Therefore, women need to consume foods rich in plant fiber, at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day.

Conservative treatment for fibrocystic mastopathy must necessarily include taking vitamins PP, E, A, B, C, selenium, zinc, sedatives. The vitamin-mineral complex has a beneficial effect on hormonal balance, improves blood circulation, and helps reduce swelling of the mammary gland. Selenium, zinc, and tocopherol have an antioxidant effect and prevent the degeneration of cells into malignant formations.

During the premenstrual period, women suffering from bilateral fibrocystic mastopathy may experience significant swelling of the face and limbs. Such patients are advised to take diuretic drugs, diuretic herbal teas, and should also limit salt intake.

Herbal adaptogens are effective for mastopathy - Eleutherococcus, Radiola rosea. These drugs saturate the body with vitamins, increase immunity, strengthen the nervous system, and normalize blood pressure. You need to take the medicine for at least 4 months.

Surgical method of treatment

If other treatment methods for fibrocystic mastopathy do not produce results, the disease progresses, then surgery is indicated. Resection of large nodes is carried out, after which the material is sent for histological examination. If detected cancer cells, the mammary gland is completely removed and chemotherapy is prescribed. If the seals are benign, a course of conservative therapy is carried out after surgery.

When, as a result of diagnosis using pneumocystography, epithelial proliferation inside the cyst and the presence of atypical cells are detected, surgical intervention and subsequent treatment are prescribed. drug treatment. In case of multiple formation of cysts or nodes, extended resection or subcutaneous mastectomy is performed.

After the therapy, women are prohibited from staying in the sun for a long time, visiting the sauna, solarium, or taking physiotherapeutic procedures. It is important to avoid stress and maintain immunity.

Folk remedies for mastopathy

How to cure fibrocystic mastopathy with folk remedies? Non-traditional methods can only be used in combination with the main treatment and with the permission of the attending physician. Herbal medicine and homeopathic remedies help strengthen the body's immune defense, normalize hormonal levels, and restore the menstrual cycle.

White cabbage has earned positive reviews among women. The plant is rich in zinc, selenium, contains everything essential vitamins for tissue exchange. The unique vitamin U has antitumor properties and has a powerful antioxidant effect.

Cabbage leaf is applied to the mammary gland as a compress at night. It is pre-lubricated with honey or butter. The procedure is done daily from the beginning of menstruation for 7 days. This recipe should not be used by women who are allergic to bee products.

Since the disease can be caused by stressful conditions, when treating fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary gland it is useful to drink soothing decoctions of valerian, motherwort, and lemon balm. Tea made from black currant, rose hips, citrus fruits, chokeberry helps normalize blood circulation, blood pressure, strengthening blood vessels.

Treatment folk remedies restores the functioning of the ovaries, helps with infertility, uterine bleeding. One such method is red brush therapy. This healing plant contains essential oils, bioflavonoids, minerals and vitamins that normalize the balance of sex hormones and metabolic processes in the body. After using the red brush, women note a decrease in the soreness of the mammary glands, a cessation of the growth of nodes, and discharge from the nipples.

Prevention of fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands

Women of reproductive age before the onset of menopause need to undergo mammography once every 2 years, examination by a gynecologist and mammologist. After menopause preventive actions shown annually.

At home, you should conduct regular self-examination and palpation of the mammary glands. A change in size, the appearance of discharge from the nipples, or painful nodes in the chest are reasons for an urgent visit to the doctor. Fibrocystic mastopathy at an early stage is manifested by thickening of the gland, pain during menstruation. A woman may notice nodules. After the end of menstruation, the symptoms disappear.

It is important to choose the right bra; preference should be given to natural cotton materials. The underwear should not squeeze or deform the breasts.

An important measure to prevent mastopathy is timely treatment infectious, inflammatory diseases organs of the genitourinary system, prevention of abortion. During lactation, the development of mastitis should not be allowed.

The fibrocystic form of mastopathy is a disease that requires urgent treatment. Delaying a visit to the doctor or uncontrolled use of medications can worsen a woman’s condition and lead to the degeneration of benign nodes into a cancerous tumor.


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Fibrocystic mastopathy (FCM) is a pathological condition of the mammary glands, accompanied by the appearance of lumps and cysts of various sizes and shapes. This is a fairly common disease among women of reproductive age, affecting at least half of the female population. The disease responds well to treatment in the early stages: it is better to undergo all therapeutic procedures in advance, without waiting for adverse consequences to develop.

ICD-10 code

N60.1 Diffuse cystic mastopathy

Causes of fibrocystic mastopathy

The main reason for the development of fibrocystic mastopathy is hormonal destabilization in the body: the hormones progesterone and estradiol play a leading role in the process. Factors that determine hormone imbalance may include the following:

  • early puberty. The rapid renewal of hormonal levels does not allow the body to quickly adapt to changes, which is reflected in the tissue structure of the mammary glands;
  • late menopause. The long-term effect of hormones on gland tissue plays a decisive role;
  • no history of pregnancy;
  • frequent forced termination of pregnancies (more than twice) provokes a sharp rise and fall in hormonal activity;
  • absence or extremely short lactation period;
  • constant or frequently recurring stress;
  • age period from 40 years;
  • metabolic disorders - obesity, diabetes, endemic goiter;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • disorders endocrine system: hypo- or hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis;
  • genitourinary diseases, reproductive disorders;
  • uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs, including contraceptives.

Symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy

Initially fibrocystic form mastopathy was not defined as a condition predisposing to breast cancer. However, recent scientific research has shown that mastopathy should be considered precisely as a precancerous condition, which under certain circumstances can transform into a malignant tumor.

The likelihood of developing breast cancer as a consequence of FCM depends on many factors, for example, the total duration of the disease, its stage, intensity and brightness of manifestations. A history of multiple and large cysts, fibroadenoma, adenosis, hyperplasia and proliferative mastopathy increases the risk of developing cancer by 2-4 times.

Although fibrocystic mastopathy is considered a benign disease, in some cases it is an intermediate process in the formation malignant formation. That is why medical examination of patients with treated FCM and long-term monitoring of their condition is an important link in the prevention of breast cancer.

The clinical symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy are determined by painful sensations, thickening of the mammary gland and the appearance of discharge from the milk ducts. By palpation you can feel small- and coarse-grained formations, dense areas of breast tissue. Pain in this disease can appear spontaneously, or occur only when trying to touch: a feeling of slight discomfort can be replaced by a sharp severe pain even from a small touch.

Pain in the mammary gland may be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, puffiness, squeezing, and sometimes radiates to shoulder joint or in the axillary area.

Patients often note the appearance of secretion from the milk canals: the secreted liquid resembles colostrum, or may be slightly yellow or greenish.

The initial symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy may be more pronounced with the onset of menstruation or PMS. As the disease progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced, the pain is more noticeable, and tissue compactions can be detected regardless of the frequency of the cycle.

Pain in fibrocystic mastopathy

The presence of pain in fibrocystic mastopathy is a fairly common, but very individual symptom. Dull, aching, shooting, twitching, it can have varying intensity and be accompanied by a feeling of pressure in the mammary glands.

The pain often intensifies before the onset of menstruation (at the same time the level of hormones increases), may be limited to local manifestations or radiate to the shoulder joint, subscapularis and axillary region.

Not all women feel pain with mastopathy: about 10% of patients usually do not observe signs of painful discomfort, and some feel pain only during their menstrual period. At the same time, the general symptoms of the disease may be absolutely the same. The reason for this phenomenon may be differences in pressure on nerve endings and differences in individual pain thresholds.

Also, soreness can be observed not only in the mammary glands, but also in nearby lymph nodes, which may be slightly enlarged and tense.

Discharge from fibrocystic mastopathy

Discharge from fibrocystic mastopathy may not be observed in all cases of the disease. This phenomenon is individual: there may be no liquid discharge at all, sometimes it can be very copious (often this sign allows one to independently detect the disease), or occur only when the peripapillary area is slightly compressed. The discharge usually does not have a specific odor, its color varies from transparent, light, whitish to yellowish and greenish. Sometimes their appearance resembles colostrum (the secretion of the mammary glands, secreted in the last days of pregnancy and in the first days after childbirth).

In some cases, the discharge may acquire a brownish or bloody tint: this is a rather serious symptom that requires mandatory medical examination. Bloody discharge from the milk ducts can be a sign of a malignant process in the mammary glands, destruction of the capillary blood supply system and damage to the walls of the ducts.

In principle, any detected nipple discharge requires consultation with a specialist, and this especially applies to discharge mixed with blood.

Pregnancy and fibrocystic mastopathy

Pregnancy with fibrocystic mastopathy is not only possible, but also desirable. Everyone knows that during the period of bearing a child, a significant restructuring of the hormonal status in a woman’s body occurs. This can serve as an impetus for further stabilization of hormone levels and stopping the development of the disease. For this reason, many gynecologists strongly recommend that women become pregnant, safely carry the child to term, and subsequently breastfeed the child.

By the way, the natural period of lactation often becomes the main medicine to combat the disease. You should not interrupt breastfeeding in advance: the period of breastfeeding often brings women relief and even full recovery with resorption of cystic formations and nodes.

If a woman was treated for FCM with hormonal drugs and became pregnant in the same cycle, treatment of the disease should be stopped immediately, since the use of hormones during pregnancy requires great caution. In this situation, consult your doctor; perhaps he will prescribe you other, non-hormonal drugs approved for use during pregnancy.


The question of breastfeeding a child with fibrocystic mastopathy should be decided by a mammologist, since the degree of progression and severity of the disease is individual for all women.

The bottom line is that breastfeeding promotes certain physiological processes in a woman’s body: in particular, the growth and reproduction of epithelial cells of the mammary glands are activated, which tend to synthesize their own antibodies that can affect various neoplasms, including cysts and fibromatous nodes.

Long-term breastfeeding should be carried out with constant monitoring of the condition of the mammary glands, with periodic examination by a doctor and measures to prevent lactostasis. Taking medications during lactation period must be agreed with the doctor.

Fibrocystic mastopathy and cancer

According to the latest scientific research, fibrocystic mastopathy should be considered as a possible precancerous condition. This concept is morphological in nature, it can include intraductal atypical proliferation of the epithelium and manifestations of carcinoma.

If you notice the following signs and symptoms on your breasts, you should immediately seek advice from a specialist:

  • nodular compaction in tissues or on the skin of glands, especially nodes welded to tissues and to each other;
  • the appearance of ulcerative lesions on the skin, in the area around the nipple, or crusts on or around the nipple;
  • localized or widespread swelling of the breast tissue;
  • bloody, brown or black discharge from the milk ducts;
  • the appearance of areas of redness on the skin;
  • change in the shape of the breast, the appearance of tuberosity, disruption of the contours of the glands or the nipple area;
  • the appearance of asymmetry in the location of the mammary glands;
  • inability to displace the gland.


ICD-10 is a generally accepted international classification of diseases, among which there are all types of mastopathy. This is the main informative documentation used medical workers all over the world. Standardization and unification of diseases has the right to be revised only once a decade.

This classification is designed to create the most comfortable conditions for determining the analytical data of world statistics regarding the level of cases of diseases and deaths, which periodically record and send to various regions and countries of the world. Diagnostic indicators are described as an alphanumeric code, which is extremely convenient in the process of storing and retrieving the necessary information. Data received from all over the world is carefully structured and processed.

Diseases and pathological conditions of the mammary gland in the ICD 10 list are in the subsection of diseases of the genitourinary system, numbered N60-N64.

Diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy

Diffuse lesions of the mammary gland are characterized by excessive growth of connective tissue areas of various shapes. This condition can disrupt the structure of the canals and lobular structure of the glandular organ and contribute to the appearance of small cystic formations.

The diverse etiology of diffuse mastopathy can be associated with genetic predisposition, ecology, and multiple external factors. The determining causes are a disorder of neurohumoral processes, increased estrogen synthesis and progesterone deficiency.

Depending on the structure and nature of tissue damage, there are the following types diffuse mastopathy:

  • pathology with dominance of the glandular component (adenosis);
  • pathology with a dominance of the fibrous component (fibroadenomatosis);
  • pathology with a dominance of the cystic component (cystosis);
  • mixed course of FCM;
  • sclerosing type of adenosis.

The intensity of the detected disorders makes it possible to divide diffuse mastopathy into minor, moderate and severe forms.

Nodular fibrocystic mastopathy

The term “focal fibrocystic mastopathy” is often also applied to nodular FCM. Nodular mastopathy can be characterized by the proliferation of connective tissue areas and the formation of cystic formations resembling single or multiple nodes.

With this disease, one or a group of nodules with clear, limited contours can be palpated in the mammary gland. Before the onset of menstruation, nodular formations may swell, enlarge, and become somewhat painful. At the end of menstruation, you can easily palpate low-painful nodules of various shapes, densely elastic consistency, having clear boundaries that are not fused with the surrounding tissues. It is noteworthy that in a horizontal position the nodules can be palpated extremely weakly, or even completely absent.

Peripheral nodes usually do not enlarge.

Pain may be insignificant or absent at all, and the presence of nodules in women is more often discovered completely by accident: thus, the manifestations of the disease can be very individual.

Nodular mastopathy is quite often a consequence of a diffuse disease.

Nonproliferative fibrocystic mastopathy

The medical term non-proliferative fibrocystic mastopathy refers to a disease of the mammary glands that does not have characteristic signs of proliferation, namely tissue proliferation of the glandular organ with the formation of a neoplasm and intensive cell division and multiplication. With this pathology, there is no increase in the number of structural elements of the tissue and the organ as a whole, and there is no excessive growth of tissue, as in many other cases. pathological conditions. There may be significant or localized tissue swelling that cannot be described as the formation of new structures.

Proliferation is the process of cell reproduction, which in most cases turns out to be the final stage of any inflammation, in which a clear separation of the pathological focus from healthy nearby tissues can be observed.

The non-proliferative form of FCM has a more favorable course and prognosis, but requires no less careful medical monitoring and treatment.

Mixed fibrocystic mastopathy

With a mixed form of fibrocystic mastopathy, the characteristic symptoms of all forms of the disease are combined:

  • signs of diffuse FCM with a predominant cystic component, when small cavity formations (capsules or cysts) with fluid form in the mammary gland;
  • signs of fibrous mastopathy with a predominant fibrous component, in which connective tissue areas grow in the gland;
  • manifestations of adenosis of the mammary glands (proliferation with a predominant glandular component) - excessive growth of glandular tissue, which is characterized by a significant increase in breast size;
  • cystic formations, or nodes, affect the mammary gland both in the form of single manifestations and total multiple tumors that can be easily palpated in an upright position;
  • the simultaneous development of fibroadenoma is possible - a round, mobile and dense formation of a benign nature in the mammary gland.

This form of the disease is a somewhat advanced version of the disease, is more difficult to treat and requires long-term therapeutic interventions.

Bilateral fibrocystic mastopathy

The name of this form of FCM speaks for itself - manifestations of fibrocystic disease with this pathology are present on two mammary glands simultaneously. The changes are expressed in hyperplasia of connective tissue, fibrous, glandular elements in both mammary glands, affecting the organs themselves and their milk canals, which contributes to the disruption of trophic processes and the formation of cystic formations.

Such bilateral damage to the mammary glands approximately doubles the risk of developing malignant tumor, although FCM itself does not pose a life-threatening threat.

Bilateral fibrocystic mastopathy is a consequence of a persistent, long-term and serious imbalance in the hormonal balance in the body, therefore its treatment should be aimed primarily at restoring the normal natural level of hormones, identifying the cause of the imbalance (pathology of the ovaries, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary system, etc. .).

Fibrocystic mastopathy during menopause

Violation of the regularity of the appearance of menstruation and their complete disappearance for a woman of fifty years of age is considered a normal physiological state, moreover, it determines positive dynamics current pathological processes of the reproductive system of the body, up to complete recovery.

The risk of acquiring additional or aggravating existing breast disease may increase if the onset of menopause occurs too early (before 45 years) or too late (after 55 years).

With the first symptoms of menopause, a significant change in hormonal balance occurs. During this time, the mammary glands may cause pain and a feeling of tension and pressure.

Typically, signs of fibrocystic mastopathy in this period weaken. Cystic formations, cords and nodes in the mammary glands can significantly decrease or disappear altogether, pain and heaviness in the chest gradually fade away.

Simultaneously with the decrease in ovarian function, the glandular tissue in the mammary glands gradually atrophies and is replaced by connective tissue and lipid areas.

Fibrocystic mastopathy and IVF

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the so-called “test tube conception”, sometimes the only way for childless couples to have their own child. Before preparing for artificial insemination, you should see many doctors to determine possible contraindications to the procedure. Often women are very worried about whether they have various forms FCM: what will the doctor say, and is mastopathy a contraindication to IVF?

Honestly, their worries are not groundless: during artificial insemination, the method of hormonal stimulation is used, and this can significantly complicate the course of the disease and provoke a rapid increase in cystic formations.

However, many doctors understand the importance of this procedure for a woman. Also taken into account is the fact that FCM phenomena tend to regress during the period of breastfeeding. Therefore, reproductology and mammology often give permission to perform in vitro fertilization procedures even in the presence of fibrocystic mastopathy.

Complications and consequences

The most common consequences of FCM may be the following conditions:

  • increase in size cystic formation with a visual change in the mammary gland;
  • development of a background inflammatory process with subsequent infection and suppuration of the cystic formation;
  • degeneration of a cystic formation into a malignant one;
  • rupture, violation of the integrity of the cyst.

Fibrocystic mastopathy cannot pose any immediate danger to the patient’s life and is not the cause of significant discomfort and inability to live a full life (in the absence of advanced stages with huge cystic formations).

The severity of the pathological process is aggravated only with the background development of the inflammatory reaction, exposure to infectious agent, signs of suppuration of nodes.

There are also cases of transformation of a cyst into a cancerous tumor, because it is known that the development of mastopathy significantly increases the risk of the formation of a malignant tumor.

Diagnosis of fibrocystic mastopathy

Cystic FCM can be detected by independently palpating the mammary glands. To confirm the diagnosis, ultrasound and mammography (x-ray of the mammary glands) are used.

The mammography method is quite informative and determines the size, contours and number of cystic formations.

The ultrasound method provides the opportunity for a detailed examination of formations with examination of the cystic wall.

Magnetic resonance imaging is used quite rarely; this method allows for a thorough examination of each layer of tissue and formations.

Aspiration biopsy of the breast determines the nature of the cystic formation; a similar result can be demonstrated by pneumocystography.

Histological examination of the material extracted during biopsy is carried out in mandatory: This method is necessary to study cellular structure cysts and allows you to refute the malignant nature of the formations, determine the presence of intraductal papilloma or clarify the presence of inflammatory and purulent processes in the cyst.

Also, standard diagnosis of mastopathy is impossible without palpation of the mammary glands and collection of anamnesis characteristic of this pathology. Sometimes blood tests may be ordered to determine the extent of hormonal imbalance.


The ultrasound method allows you to measure the thickness of the layer of glandular tissue in each area of ​​the mammary glands from the periphery to the peripapillary zone, as well as evaluate tissue density indices in different zones organs.

The image obtained using ultrasound changes steadily depending on the patient’s age: over the years, the thickness of the glandular tissue layer decreases, and the density increases, reaching maximum values ​​by the age of 55.

The structure of the mammary glands varies significantly in adolescence, reproductive, menopause, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

With fibroadenomatosis and diffuse mastopathy, the picture may be different depending on the dominance of any sign of the disease: it can be glandular hyperplasia, or cystic formations, fibrotic changes or mixed type of pathology. Very often, the cystic manifestation of FCM is combined with signs of fibrosis of glandular tissues.

The main ultrasound signs of fibrocystic mastopathy are:

  • fibrous changes (fibrosis of areas of the milk canals and septa);
  • discrepancy between the structure of the mammary glands and the patient’s age;
  • lesions of the nipple and surrounding area;
  • thickening of the glandular tissue layer more than 14 mm;
  • dilation of the mammary ducts;
  • detection of cystic formations.


Puncture is usually performed by aspiration using a thin needle. The cystic capsule is punctured with a needle, which simultaneously aspirates the internal contents of the cyst. The procedure is not only diagnostic, but also therapeutic.

The cystic contents obtained during puncture usually have a yellowish-gray color, but if the cyst exists for a long time, the fluid may acquire a brown-black or greenish color. Cytological examination of the contents is rarely carried out due to its low information content.

A puncture for collecting cells from a tumor-like formation of the mammary gland is a fairly popular research procedure. The obtained cell samples are necessarily sent for histological and cytological examination. Sometimes, if the aspiration result is negative, a repeat cell biopsy may be prescribed.

Puncture of the mammary gland is a low-painful, but extremely informative procedure, which is extremely necessary for differential diagnosis fibrocystic FCM.

Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy

The main measures in the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy should be aimed at stabilizing the normal hormonal levels in the female body.

Therapeutic methods of influence are determined by a specialist based on the results of tests of hormones in the blood, in particular progesterone, estradiol and prolactin. In accordance with the results, medications are prescribed that can correct the imbalance of hormones.

Treatment of mastopathy may include a puncture method of aspiration of fluid from the cyst with further introduction into the cavity of special drugs that provoke obliteration of the walls of the cyst (sclerotherapy). This procedure is applicable to ordinary cystic formations without symptoms of malignancy of the process and symptoms of an intraductal tumor.

IN difficult situations, characterized by the appearance of multiple cystic formations, excessive tissue proliferation, and also if malignant degeneration of cells is suspected, a sectoral resection of the mammary gland is used with mandatory histology of samples of removed tissue.

Traditional treatment

Traditional treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy is used for unstable and mild symptoms of the disease; with nodular FCM, a slight decrease in formations is noted, but relapses of pathological foci cannot be excluded.

Cabbage leaves are also effective in treating mastopathy. Usually, cabbage leaves are applied at night, or a compress is made: the mammary gland is lubricated with unsalted butter, a clean cloth is applied, and a mixture of ground cabbage and sour milk is applied. You can use this compress both day and night, after wrapping your chest in cellophane.

Using a mask from castor oil(100 g), honey (2 tablespoons), lemon juice(from 2 lemons) and ground burdock root (to the consistency of sour cream) will help with varying degrees of development of the disease. All ingredients are mixed and placed on a clean linen napkin. Constant use of the mask allows you to achieve recovery within a month after the start of treatment.

Also popular are products based on herbs and medicinal plant infusions.

Herbal treatment

  • The Altai herb borovaya uterus is recognized as very effective for women's diseases. It is used when hormonal disorders in the body, to restore metabolism, the function of the endocrine system, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the ovaries, Bladder, mammary glands. The tincture of this herb is prepared as follows: 0.5 liters of high-quality vodka, pour 50 g of boron uterus, leave for 2 weeks in a dark place (not in the refrigerator). Take a teaspoon three times a day before meals, duration of use is about six months, with interruption of treatment during menstruation.
  • Red brush herb perfectly cleanses the genitourinary system and stabilizes the functioning of the endocrine system. The tincture of this herb is used three times a day, half a teaspoon in half a glass of water, taken with meals for a month, taking a break during menstruation.
  • Burdock root can be poured into three glasses of boiling water (per 60 g of leaves), leave for 4 hours, strain and drink a glass three times a day before meals.
  • Yarrow, motherwort and string - mix 2 tablespoons of raw materials and pour in a liter of boiling water. Take 1 glass before meals. An excellent remedy for diffuse mastopathy.
  • Mix equal parts of honey, lemon juice, radish juice, carrot and beet juice with an equal share of Cahors wine, take 2 tablespoons of the mixture before meals until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.


Surgical treatment is used for fibroadenoma or some large cystic formations.

For minor tumors and nodes, sometimes conservative therapy and periodic observation by a specialist are sufficient.

The following methods are usually used surgical treatment diseases:

  • sectoral resection (the formation is removed simultaneously with a section of the mammary gland);
  • enucleation of a cystic formation (husking and removal of the cyst itself).

The use of surgical treatment must be justified and used for the following indications:

  • based on a histological examination confirming suspicion of malignancy of tumor cells;
  • with intensive growth of formation (the tumor is observed for three months);
  • with repeated recurrence of nodular FCM after conservative or sclerotherapeutic treatment of the disease.

Surgery is performed using general or local anesthesia; the operation lasts about 40 minutes.

Drug treatment

Therapeutic drugs used in the treatment of mastopathy should primarily be aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease, improving the body's immunity, and treating pathologies of the ovaries and thyroid gland.

  • Hormonal agents: progesterone, duphaston, utrozhestan, etc.
  • Contraceptives - used to regulate the menstrual cycle.
  • Estrogen inhibitors.

For severe pain, analgesic drugs, diuretics (relieve swelling of the gland before menstruation), and homeopathic remedies are used.

Starting from the age of forty, steroid drugs methylandrostenediol, methyltestosterone, and testosterone injections may be prescribed.

If the function of the corpus luteum is insufficient, progesterone medications or injections are taken in the second phase of the cycle.

Iodine preparations may be prescribed for insufficient thyroid function.

The effectiveness of the listed funds is varied. However, the benefits of treatment are felt as a result of the complex effects of drugs: analgesics, bromocriptine, vitamins, homeopathy, potassium iodide, contraceptives, herbal remedies, tamoxifen, danazol, progestin agents, etc.


The drug Mastodinon is a homeopathic remedy that is very popular among women who have problems with the menstrual cycle, pathology of the mammary glands, and PMS.

The drug is popular primarily for its effectiveness, as well as the natural origin of the composition of the product: the medicine is based exclusively on herbs.

Mastodinon eliminates various menstrual cycle disorders, helps with fibrocystic FCM, and relieves the accompanying symptoms of PMS.

The drug helps reduce the synthesis of prolactin by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, which allows it to influence the processes of pathological proliferation of mammary tissue.

Taking Mastodinon is extremely rarely accompanied by side effects due to the presence of exclusively natural components in the drug.

Mastodinon for fibrocystic mastopathy is used 30 drops or one tablet twice a day. Can be diluted with a small amount of liquid.

The drug should be taken for at least 90 days continuously, the visible effect appears already in the second month of use.

Mastodinon can be taken for quite a long period if there are proper medical indications for this.


The use of an alternative method of treatment with homeopathy has long proven itself to be good: homeopathic remedies do not accumulate in the body, do not provoke allergic and adverse reactions, are suitable for the treatment of pregnant women and nursing mothers, the elderly and small children.

Homeopathy can cure the disease within 2-5 weeks, and relapses after taking medications are extremely rare.

At inflammatory process in the tissues of the gland, drugs based on apis (apis mellifica) work well, and belladonna will relieve swelling and a burning sensation in the mammary glands.

Significant suppuration of the gland, accompanied by high temperatures and dull pain, is a reason to prescribe drugs prepared from bryonia and bufo plants. Pulsatilla extract can help cure breast disease caused by injury.

Despite the fact that homeopathic medicines have virtually no contraindications and precautions in use, the use of remedies should be discussed with a doctor. He will help you choose the right drug that will make treatment of the disease even more effective.


Drug therapy for fibrocystic FCM is often supplemented with vitamin complexes containing vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, PP and ascorbic acid, as well as vitamin E.

Vitamin E has a special role in therapeutic measures in the fight against the disease. This vitamin has antioxidant properties, enhances the action of progesterone, and takes part in the regulation fat metabolism, softens the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

The antioxidant properties explain the anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects of the drug. However, for it to be effective, you must take vitamin E for at least three months.

B vitamins are also important in the treatment of mastopathy. They are responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system and normalize energy metabolism. Performance immune system, cell division and growth are ensured by these vitamins. Reception is especially necessary vitamin preparations people who are characterized by mental and emotional stress, stress, and chronic diseases.

You can improve the supply of vitamins to your body by taking vitamin complexes, or provide your diet with a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits.

Nutrition and diet

The principles of dietary changes for fibrocystic mastopathy are aimed at stabilizing the hormonal levels in the body.

It is recommended to include foods containing fiber in the diet - these are all types of cereals, parsley, dill, and various greens. It is important to consume natural estrogens - these are peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, mung beans, cabbage (white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Peking cabbage, broccoli, Savoy, cauliflower). Needless to say, the body needs vitamins and minerals contained in citrus fruits, dried fruits, and other fruits and vegetables.

Iodine, which is rich in seafood and fish, is also useful for the functioning of the endocrine system. The source of the necessary phospholipids will be liver dishes and fermented milk products.

It is recommended to limit the consumption of animal fats and fast carbohydrates, and monitor the caloric content of the diet: being overweight has an adverse effect on the health of the mammary glands and a woman’s reproductive function.

The diet for fibrocystic mastopathy should be balanced, rich in vitamins and dietary fiber. Great importance should be given to drinking regime: a sufficient amount of fluid will allow you to quickly stabilize metabolic processes in the body. One and a half liters of clean water per day is the optimal amount of fluid for the normal functioning of the body.

In addition, for successful treatment of FCM, it is necessary to exclude foods containing methylxanthines from the diet - black tea, coffee, cocoa, Coca-Cola, chocolate.


Women's ailments replenish global problems current medicine, are identified in 30-40% of young ladies 20-40 years old. For example, if a lump is felt in the breast, the doctor suspects that the patient is developing fibrocystic mastopathy. If such a dangerous disease is detected in time, it can be quickly cured.

Causes of fibrocystic mastopathy

At first, the young lady does not notice the “pea” in her chest, but it grows, first causing discomfort, and then a cutting sensation. At an unscheduled appointment with a mammologist, it is important to determine the focus of the pathology and find out in detail the main causes of fibrocystic mastopathy. The prerequisites for the next relapse are determined by the specific form and stage of the disease.


With DFCM, individual areas are affected, and punctate cysts with water grow in the inflamed area. The presence of a cystic structure proves that the presence of foreign tissue in the diseased gland is possible, which is ideally impossible. If the presence of diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy is suspected, the main prerequisites for the abnormal process are as follows:

  • dyshormonal imbalance;
  • menopause;
  • bad heredity;
  • chest injuries;
  • disruption of the body’s “filter”;
  • improper use of COCs;
  • thyroid dysfunction.


When making a diagnosis, there are local lesions in the mammary gland, i.e. The pathological process does not spread to some tissues. The nodular form of fibrocystic mastopathy has become an increasing form of the diffuse variety, letting the doctor know that there is still an imbalance in the milk ducts. “Peas” have clearly defined boundaries and are formed at the nodes of the initial form of the disease. The main prerequisites for such internal imbalance are as follows:

  • hormonal changes;
  • prolonged depression;
  • previous abortions;
  • diabetes;
  • women's illnesses;
  • obesity of one of the stages;
  • destructive habits;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • hepatitis of one of the forms.


With this form of the disease, one clinical picture revealed simultaneously fibrosis, cystosis and adenosis. Fibrocystic mastopathy mixed type- this is a tumor of a benign nature, which predominates in reproductively active young ladies, and is subject to complete excision by surgical methods. The causes of the pathology are not fully understood; the following anomalies of the female body are the prerequisites:

  • chest injury;
  • dyshormonal imbalance;
  • gynecological diagnoses;
  • heredity;
  • violations of glandular structures.


With this diagnosis, the foci of pathology are aggravated on both sides, the woman can feel not a single pea in the gland. Fibrocystic mastopathy of both mammary glands has become a complicated stage of a characteristic disease that is difficult to treat with drug therapy. The first cause of the pathology was a hormonal imbalance, when there is an excess of estrogen and a lack of progesterone.

Fibrocystic mastopathy - symptoms

The first signs of FCM are noticeable when scheduled inspection mammary glands - by palpation for abnormal neoplasms. Some patients learn about the diagnosis only when undergoing a medical examination for work; such a diagnosis becomes unpleasant news. Over time, the signs of fibrocystic mastopathy begin to intensify, and hyperemia is noticeable at the site of the pathogenic compaction skin, pain when palpated. The remaining symptoms also remind us of themselves, and their intensity depends on the specifics of the endocrine system.


Not all patients know what mastopathy is, but learn about the pathology when they feel acute chest pain, which either recedes or attacks again with renewed vigor at any age. The nature and frequency of pain in fibrocystic mastopathy can only be determined individually: for some it is cutting, for others it is more aching, and for others it resembles shooting to the chest.

In addition, the patient feels compression in the chest, which also becomes a source of torment. If we talk about the intensity of the pain syndrome, it intensifies every month before the scheduled arrival of menstruation, when planned dishormonal disorders predominate in the body of an adult young lady. With FCM, not only the bust hurts, but also the inflamed lymph nodes.


Depending on the characteristics of the hormonal background, colostrum can be squeezed out of the nipples. In fact, discharge from fibrocystic mastopathy is pathological in nature, differs in color and smell, and may contain bloody impurities. Their intensity depends on hormonal changes: in some women, fluid is released when pressing on the nipple, in others - spontaneously. Putrid smell discharge determines the presence of a pathological process in the mammary glands.

Sonographic signs

Using an ultrasound, the doctor examines the cystic wall in a section, determines the presence of a tubercle, its location and size. Fibrocystic mastopathy on ultrasound is represented by darkening, so in most clinical pictures this diagnostic method is uninformative. Additionally, you can study the condition of neighboring lymph nodes for inflammation and malignant neoplasms. After 35 years, doctors recommend doing mammography to obtain more reliable information about the characteristic disease.

How to treat fibrocystic mastopathy of the breast

You can get rid of the source of pathology using conservative or surgical methods. Many women ask the main question whether fibrocystic mastopathy can be cured. If you respond to the problem in a timely manner and select an adequate treatment regimen, the patient’s final recovery without health complications in the future is possible.


At an early stage of treatment, doctors suggest synthetic hormones, antibiotics and homeopathic remedies to ensure positive dynamics of the disease. Effective drugs for fibrocystic mastopathy, the doctor selects it; home self-medication is dangerous to health. The following medications should be included in the complex treatment regimen for FCM:


Treatment of FCM has an integrated approach. Vitamins for fibrocystic mastopathy are an integral component of intensive therapy, and doctors place special emphasis on vitamins A, E, B6, P, PP, C. Such organic compounds additionally relieve swelling of the glands, accelerate the regeneration process, stimulate blood flow, strengthen the immune system, and accelerate recovery of the body after illness.


For greater productivity, drug treatment methods should be supplemented with physiotherapeutic procedures. Massage is especially effective for fibrocystic mastopathy, where the primary goal of the session is to determine the focus of the pathology and eliminate swelling. With simple movements you can return the functioning of the mammary gland to normal, thereby eliminating alarming symptoms and preventing mastitis and malignant neoplasms.

Removal of fibrocystic mastopathy

If conservative methods prove useless in treatment, the surgeon resorts to surgery. The main task is the removal of fibrocystic mastopathy, which is performed under general anesthesia. The operation is carried out in two stages - excision of the pathology focus, elimination of fatty tissue around the vein. In complicated clinical situations, it is necessary to remove part pectoral muscle, but this happens extremely rarely.


It is important not only to take pills, but also to eat right. Breast mastopathy involves complex treatment. The doctor monitors the positive dynamics. Medical nutrition for fibrocystic mastopathy, cook lean and bland, so it is important to completely exclude fatty, spicy, fried, smoked and salty foods from the daily diet. It is better to eat boiled meat, poultry, fish, dairy and fermented milk products.

Traditional treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy

Doctors prescribe medications strictly according to indications. Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy with folk remedies is only supportive therapy, accelerates the process of tissue regeneration. The first thing you need to do is make sure there are no contraindications, enlist the support of doctors, and choose the right medicinal herbs. This effective method intensive care, available to the patient at home. If fibrocystic breast disease progresses, effective recipes are as follows:

  1. Dissolve a matchbox of propolis in 500 ml of vodka and leave for 2 weeks. Use as compresses, apply to the sore breast up to 2-3 times a day.
  2. Boil the pumpkin in water, mash with a fork, place while warm on gauze and apply to the suspected site of pathology. Perform the procedure at night.
  3. Mash a fresh burdock leaf to release the juice. Tape it to the sore chest for several hours. Take up to 4-5 times daily doses.


Herbal medicine also relieves inflammation, relieves general state patients. When choosing effective herbal remedies for fibrocystic mastopathy, it is recommended to pay attention to the following natural ingredients: immortelle, cinquefoil, immortelle, agrimony, wormwood. In limited quantities, plant poisons such as mistletoe, celandine, and hemlock can be used. Red brush, aloe, and echinacea have immunostimulating properties.

Why is fibrocystic mastopathy dangerous?

Cystic fibrous mastopathy is benign neoplasm areas of the mammary glands. Without treatment or improperly selected therapy, the tumor can become malignant. This disease is dangerously fatal for the patient. To exclude complications, before treatment, doctors give an injection and take a puncture to reliably determine the nature of the pathology. Fibrous mastopathy of the mammary glands is a curable disease, the main thing is not to start the pathological process.

Fibrocystic mastopathy and pregnancy

This problem especially often occurs in women when breastfeeding their baby; it provokes stagnation of milk and exacerbation of infectious processes in the mammary glands. Fibrocystic mastopathy and pregnancy are compatible and not interrelated concepts. However, it is better not to neglect the pathology, otherwise the tumor grows and can become malignant. Therefore, doctors take control of this disease of the expectant mother.

When carrying a fetus, fibrocystic mastopathy cannot be treated with conservative methods, especially antibiotics are prohibited. Otherwise, you can only harm the health of the unborn child. If fibrocystic mastopathy progresses after childbirth, the doctor recommends gentle therapy and the use of alternative medicine recipes.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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