
Sinusitis: treatment with antibiotics. Name, drops, tablets

Antibiotics are an integral part of the comprehensive treatment of sinusitis. During therapy, the risks of serious complications are reduced and the pathogenic microflora- pathogen, breathing and natural ventilation are restored maxillary sinuses. Antibacterial therapy is selected individually for each patient, based on multiple criteria. Effective antibiotics are the key to a successful recovery of the patient.

Review of effective antibiotics with names and prices

Local and systemic antibiotics are used to treat sinusitis. In rare cases, a combination of both types of drugs and other agents for complex treatment of the disease is possible.

Local antibacterial therapy

The advantage of local preparations is ease of use and minimal absorption of the active substance into the systemic circulation. Used on early stage exacerbation of sinusitis for timely prevention of infectious complications.

Intranasal drops "Polydex"

The local remedy Polydex is used in the complex treatment of all types of sinusitis, including sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, bacterial ethmoiditis. During treatment, the following therapeutic effects are observed:

    elimination of the inflammatory focus;

    inhibition of pathogenic activity of bacterial microflora;

    reduction of swelling;

    restoration of nasal breathing.

In the early stages, it is sufficient to use it as monotherapy along with regular hygienic rinsing of the nasal sinuses. The effectiveness of the drug is due to its active composition:

    dexamethasone (a hormonal component that has an anti-inflammatory effect);

    phenylephrine (anticogestant for vasoconstriction, elimination of swelling, restoration of mucous membranes);

    neomycin ( antibacterial agent, negatively affecting the microbial environment);

    polymyxin ( antibacterial component, enhancing the effect of neomycin).

Preparation absolutely contraindicated for children early age in the treatment of rhinitis, during pregnancy and lactation (possibly with the permission of the attending physician), for glaucoma. It is not permissible to use in terminal renal failure, disorders of the liver structures, some blood diseases.

In professional athletes, long-term treatment with Polydexa may result in positive result when passing doping tests.

The drug should be prescribed with caution after administration of a tuberculosis vaccine or polio vaccination. Combination with any antibiotics from the aminoglycoside group is unacceptable, but a combination as a complex therapy with systemic drugs various groups. Given the complex composition of the Polydex drug, the prescription should be agreed with the treating specialist. Average cost from 350 rubles.

Isofra for sinusitis

Local antibacterial therapy. The drug is based on framycetin sulfate, which is an antibiotic of the aminoglycoside group. Intranasal injections allow you to distribute the main component throughout the entire nasal cavity, including the maxillary sinuses. Active components effective against many gram-negative and gram-positive strains:

    staphylococcal infection;



    Pseudomonas aeruginosa (or hospital infections);

    Haemophilus influenzae.

Aerosol spraying helps to deeply distribute the antibiotic for a therapeutic and preventive effect against complications of sinusitis. Required terms for prescribing the drug are:

    absence of inflammation caused pneumococcal infection, hepatitis, S. maltopilia strain;

    maintaining the integrity of the nasal mucous membranes.

It is not permissible to use it for treatment or rinsing of nasal cavities after puncture or surgical manipulation. Inappropriate use of the drug can lead to a complicated course of sinusitis and chronicity of pathological inflammation. The average cost is 280 rubles.

Spray Bioparox

Bioparox spray is a modern new generation antibiotic, but over time its effectiveness against many strains noticeably decreases. This is due to uncontrolled vacation from pharmacy chains before formulation and inadequate use “for any reason.” The components of the drug are:


    anhydrous ethanol;

    norflurane (aka propellant);

  • isopropyl myristate.

The composition contains aromatic additives that facilitate the use of the drug in patients childhood. The aroma components are based on natural extracts, which is absolutely safe when combined with antibacterial components.

Bioparox is prescribed only when catarrhal sinusitis when the symptomatic picture is weak. If about 3-4 days have passed since the onset of the disease, then it is impossible to cure inflammation with Bioparox alone. Treatment is usually supplemented by the administration of systemic antibiotics. If the symptoms intensify during therapy, it is obvious that the effect of the spray is not enough to fully influence bacterial microflora in the sinus cavity.

When spraying, deep delivery of the smallest particles of the drug occurs to the nasal cavities and mucous membranes. At the same time, absorption into the systemic circulation is minimal. Bioparox is used with caution during pregnancy and lactation due to insufficient research data on this group of patients.

The occurrence of severe side effects- rather a rarity. Typically, patients may complain of short-term skin rashes (local), dryness and burning of the mucous membranes of the nasal passages. Average cost from 450 rubles.

Systemic antibiotics

Systemic antibiotics - drugs for oral, parenteral or intramuscular injection. The drugs in this group are considered the most promising with regard to the potential risks of complications. Systemic antibiotics are also prescribed for complications that occur. The following are considered effective systemic antibiotics for sinusitis:

If antibiotics are not effective for 2-3 days, if symptoms of acute sinusitis persist or worsen general condition It is very important for the patient to replace therapy, mainly with drugs of the fluoroquinol group.

Injectable drugs

Effective drugs against bacterial sinusitis and its complications are cephalosporin antibiotics for the preparation of solutions for intramuscular administration. The following drugs are usually used for medicinal purposes:

If there is intolerance to antibiotics of the fluoroquinol group, other injectable agents are prescribed: Gentamicin from the aminoglycoside group, Lincomycin from the lincosamide group, Imipenem from the carbopenem group. Typically, injectable antibiotics are prescribed in a hospital setting when a patient is hospitalized for an exacerbation of sinusitis with characteristic symptoms. At outpatient treatment It is important to follow a strict treatment regimen and course duration.


Drugs are considered effective and inexpensive antibiotics for sinusitis. cephalosporin series. Among systemic oral antibiotics, drugs from the macrolide or penicillin group are more commonly used. The most effective names are considered:









Regardless of the severity of sinusitis, it is important to consult a doctor for adequate treatment. Considering the dangerous location inflammatory process(maxillofacial bone, communication with the brain, other sinuses, wedge-shaped bone), the risks of complications are quite high. The development of meningeal signs, sepsis, and suppuration of bone tissue is especially dangerous.

Modern otolaryngology considers the prescription of antibiotics to be the only adequate measure in the treatment of sinusitis (bacterial or complicated by bacterial infection). Acute sinusitis quickly develops into chronic sinusitis, which is why it is so important to start proper and timely treatment.

Therapeutic measures for sinusitis are aimed at eliminating inflammation, restoring the outflow of mucopurulent contents from the maxillary cavity .

Treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics allows you to destroy the cause of the disease and prevent complications.

One of the main stages of treating sinusitis is antibiotic therapy. Antibacterial drugs are used to treat all types of sinusitis: bacterial, viral, and fungal.

For sinusitis caused by bacteria, antibiotics are used to suppress the activity of pathogenic agents.

Acute viral sinusitis can be complicated by the addition of a bacterial infection, which creates all the conditions for the transition from an acute form to chronic stage diseases with a particularly persistent course.

For sinusitis caused by a fungal infection, medications are prescribed containing a unique antibiotic, fusafungin, which has a wide spectrum of action, affecting almost all pathogenic bacterial microflora - cocci, bacilli, anaerobic bacteria, mold fungi.

Antibiotics for sinusitis are used topically in the form of sprays and drops in the nose, as well as in general treatment in tablets, injections intravenously or intramuscularly.

Local use of antibiotics for sinusitis

Topical treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics is used as the preferred treatment option for acute sinusitis and as a additional means in the complex general therapy. By modern means local treatment For sinusitis, sprays such as Isofra, Polydex, and Bioparox are considered.

Isofra spray

The drug contains framycetin, which belongs to the aminoglycoside series of antibiotics. Framycetin effectively inhibits the bacterial flora of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract ().

Like other aminoglycosides, framycetin exhibits an ototoxic effect at high concentrations, causing hearing loss.

However, when used topically, the drug does not accumulate in the body and is not able to adversely affect hearing.

Polydex spray with phenylephrine

The spray contains antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin, belonging to different groups antibiotics. The spectrum of action of these compounds covers all possible infections paranasal sinuses.

The spray contains the anti-inflammatory glucocorticoid drug dexamethasone and the vasoconstrictor phenylephrine.

Aerosol bioparox

Main active ingredient is an antibiotic fusafungin, capable of suppressing pathogenic aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, mycoplasmas, and fungi.

Fusafungin also exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, which increases its effectiveness against sinusitis.

How not to use sprays

  • Do not turn the spray into drops and try to put it in your nose. It's so hard to get the dosage right.
  • The spray contains an antibiotic; it should not be used for longer than 10 days and should not be used unsupervised from time to time.
  • If there is no result, the dosage cannot be increased. The right thing to do is to visit the doctor, he will give you another prescription.
  • Do not use nasal spray.

Antibiotic nasal drops for sinusitis

For sinusitis, it is recommended to use Sinuforte nasal drops in combination with antibiotic treatment. Sinuforte has vegetable origin, contains an extract of cyclamen, has a pronounced anti-edematous effect.

There are reviews on the forums about effective treatment sinusitis in children with antibiotics. The drug should not be used for instillation into the nose of children; the use of dioxidine, as indicated in the instructions, is contraindicated under the age of 18 years.

General use of antibiotics for sinusitis

Antibiotic therapy is the first-line treatment for sinusitis. The goal of treatment is to destroy pathogenic microflora and restore the functionality of the mucosa.

The sensitivity of sinusitis pathogens differs in different regions.

As a result long-term use antibiotics, a large number of pneumococcal forms resistant to benzylpenicillin and macrolides have now emerged.

Resistance of Haemophilus influenzae to aminopinicillin antibiotics is also observed. High level immunity is observed in Haemophilus influenzae and pneumococci to the antibiotic co-tricmoxazole.

The best choice of antibiotics for sinusitis caused by streptococcus and Haemophilus influenzae are aminopenicillins and cephalosporins. Good sensitivity is noted to amoxicillin, ampicillin, benzylpenicillin, cefuroxime.

Treatment of sinusitis folk remedies, as an addition to the main treatment, in the article

How to choose an antibiotic to treat sinusitis

To identify the causative agent of sinusitis, you need to do.

For a number of reasons this is not always possible. The procedure is painful and fearful for many.

The choice of antibiotic must be made empirically, based on the prevalence of pathogens in the region and their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

The drug of choice for treatment is amoxicillin from the aminopenicillin series.

Amoxicillin has good bioavailability, up to 93% of the drug is absorbed when taken orally.

Amoxicillin tablets taste good and can be chewed or washed down with water; the antibiotic is prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis for both adults and children.

The drug is considered relatively safe for gastrointestinal tract. It does not accumulate in high concentrations in the intestines and practically does not cause dysbiosis.

If treatment fails, second generation cephalosporins are prescribed. Preference is given to cefuroxime or ceftriaxone.

The drugs are intended for intramuscular or intravenous administration. Ceftriaxone injections are given once every 24 hours for three days in a row. When treating acute sinusitis with antibiotics, injections are often preferable because the drug immediately enters the bloodstream.

From the cephalosporin series it stands out high efficiency third generation antibiotic ceftibuten. It is part of the drug Zedex and is sold in capsules and powder for the preparation of suspensions. Adults take Cedex in the form of tablets, children - in the form of a suspension.

The advantages of the drug include the ability to accumulate in high concentrations at the site of infection. Cedex tablets or suspension are taken once a day, which is an indisputable advantage drug.

At acute sinusitis use fluoroquinolone antibiotics, which have wide range actions and high activity to Haemophilus influenza and streptococci. The drugs of choice are levofloxacin and moxifloxacin.

Optimal characteristics for treatment severe forms acute sinusitis has levofloxacin.

Levofloxacin tablets are well tolerated by patients and do not cause intestinal complications. Levofloxacin is used for allergies to aminopenicillin antibiotics.

Moxifloxacin is taken orally in tablets. The antibiotic is indicated for bacterial sinusitis and is used to treat sinusitis in adults.

Moxifloxacin is not prescribed to children under 18 years of age due to contraindications.

For allergies to the aminopenicillin series, macrolides are prescribed. They are classified as second-line antibiotics because they are less effective in treating acute sinusitis. Of the macrolides, preference is given to roxithromycin, azithromycin, and clarithromycin.

Doxycycline is used from the tetracycline series. It is prescribed for allergies to aminopennicillin antibiotics for adults and children over 8 years of age.

Treatment regimen for mild sinusitis

For acute viral sinusitis, antibiotics are not prescribed in the first 10 days of treatment.

As a replacement, Echinacea compositum C can be prescribed. If there is no result, antibiotic therapy is resorted to.

Moderate course

The main drugs are amoxicillin and levofloxacin. Alternative drugs are cefaclor, cefuroxime, azithromycin, clarithromycin, roxithromycin, doxycycline.

Severe form

Medicines are administered parenterally, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

Preference is given combination drugs amoxicillin + clavulonic acid or ampicillin + sulbactam.

If you are intolerant to aminopenicillins, the choice is cefuroxime, cefutaxime, ceftriaxone, cefoperazone, ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol.

Chronic sinusitis

If there is no effect of treatment, the dose is increased or replaced with a complex drug amoxicillin + clavulanic acid. The drug is well absorbed in the form of a suspension or dissolved tablets, and is approved for use by young children.

Locally, children over 2.5 years of age are prescribed Bioparox aerosol, which contains the antibiotic fusafungine.

At severe course For sinusitis in children, the antibiotic ceftriaxone is included in the treatment complex.

The drug is intended for intravenous and intramuscular administration, has a wide spectrum of action, and is approved for use by children from an early age.

The non-surgical YAMIK method is used to treat children; sometimes 4 procedures are enough for the child’s condition to normalize.

The difficulty of treating sinusitis with antibiotics lies in the prevalence of species pathogens resistant to antibiotics, difficulties in determining the bacterial, viral or fungal origin of inflammation.

Treatment of sinusitis diseases (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis) with antibiotics is part of complex therapy. When the disease reaches a certain stage, pus actively accumulates in the nasal sinuses. This is very dangerous, since there is an increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms, an increase in the focus of inflammation and the spread of infection to neighboring tissues and organs.

The main function of antibacterial therapy is to eliminate the bacteria that cause the disease. This is why antibiotics are prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis in acute and chronic forms Oh.

In addition, an antibiotic is necessary in order to avoid the development of serious complications, for example, meningitis, brain abscess, pneumonia, and so on.

Sinusitis and sinusitis - definition of diseases

Sinusitis is called inflammatory disease, which occurs in the paranasal sinuses (sinuses). Most often, the inflammatory process first begins in the sphenoid sinus, located between the eye sockets.

The paranasal sinuses play an important role in the formation of the facial skeleton and the timbre of the voice; they also contribute to the heating of the air, which then enters the nose. The mucous membrane that lines the paranasal sinuses can be exposed to various infectious agents.

Unlike ordinary rhinitis, in which inflammation covers the entire nasal mucosa, inflammation in sinusitis occurs either in one sinus or in several. Depending on which sinus is inflamed, a specific form of the disease is distinguished.

Common symptoms of sinusitis are:

  • Increase in temperature to febrile levels with acute form diseases.
  • Headache and pain in the area of ​​inflammation.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Irritability.
  • Weakness, deterioration of health.
  • Sleep problems.

If such symptoms appear, you should consult an otolaryngologist. A specialist must conduct an examination and prescribe treatment.

The first sign of sinusitis is the appearance discomfort in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, which intensifies in the evening hours.

The main signs of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses are:

  • Headaches that occur due to the accumulation of pus in the sinuses.
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose (stuffiness).
  • Runny nose with discharge clear mucus or yellow-green pus.
  • Increase in temperature to thirty-eight degrees or higher (in acute form).
  • General malaise.

Antibiotic treatment - what tablets and nasal drops can be used

In the case of acute sinusitis and exacerbation of chronic forms, treatment with antibiotics is aimed at restoring the sterility of the sinuses and combating microorganisms.

The selection of drugs should be based on data about the pathogen and its resistance to the antibiotic, as well as the severity of the patient’s condition.

At chronic disease carried out before the appointment microbiological studies sinus contents.

With a mild course of the disease, it initial stage Antibiotics are not prescribed, since sinusitis or sinusitis is most likely of viral origin.

You should remember the main mistakes of antibacterial therapy:

  1. The medicine was chosen incorrectly; the main pathogens and the spectrum of activity of the drug were not taken into account.
  2. Selected Wrong way administration of the drug.
  3. The dosage and dosage regimen are incorrectly selected.

For the treatment of sinusitis without complications and at their initial stage, sprays and are used.

The group of local antibiotics includes drugs such as:

Price from 130 rub.

  • Bioparox. The drug, which contains fusafungin, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Used to treat adults and children over three years of age.
  • Polydexa. The drug contains phenylephrine, dexamethasone, polymyxin B and neomycin. Thanks to these components, the spray has a vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Isofra. The drug with framycetin in the form of a spray is used for complex treatment.

Another group antibacterial drugs- These are systemic antibiotics. They are selected taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen and based on bacteriological culture data:

  • Penicillins. They are the most commonly prescribed drugs. This includes:
  1. Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum drug, but bacteria can destroy it by acting on it with the enzyme penicillinase. Read more about this drug at.
  2. Very effective drug. It combines amoxicillin with clavulonic acid, so the antibiotic is resistant to bacteria that destroy penicillin.
  3. Summed. He went through everything clinical trials. It contains the active ingredient azithromycin.
  4. Klacid. Active ingredient This drug contains clarithromycin (a broad-spectrum antibiotic).
  • Macrolides. They have low toxicity and act even on pathogens that are inside cells. Macrolides include:
  1. Cephalosporins. When treating sinusitis, first, second and third generation antibiotics are used. This group includes a drug such as Ceftriaxone. It is a third generation cephalosporin.
  2. Tetracyclines. They are used less often. This includes a drug such as Doxycycline. It is available in the form of tablets and capsules.


The main cause of sinusitis is pathogenic microbes that, when entering the nasopharynx, create favorable conditions for its reproduction.

Prevention of sinusitis and sinusitis includes maintaining those conditions that prevent infection from developing. And for this you need:

  • Avoid hypothermia. When exposed to cold for a long time, the blood vessels in the nasopharynx narrow, and as a result, substances that protect the body are not produced.
  • Strengthen immunity. How stronger defense body, so more effective fight with infectious agents.
  • Use local remedies protection during outbreaks.
  • Use solutions to rinse the nasal cavity. This allows you to wash away germs from the mucous membrane.
  • Regularly open the windows for ventilation.



Treatment of sinusitis and other sinusitis must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, only then will it be possible to achieve greater effectiveness from the therapy. In this case, you can avoid the development of serious complications and achieve a speedy recovery.

It must be remembered that treatment with antibiotics is prescribed only if the disease has bacterial nature. Otherwise, the treatment will be ineffective. More information on which antibiotic is best for sinusitis.

In the last century, the use of a special group of drugs – antibiotics – was very popular. They began to be used to treat all ailments of an infectious nature. A whole era of antibiotics had arrived - they were not difficult to purchase at any pharmacy, so patients practically determined their own course of treatment. Consequently, incorrectly selected drugs caused a side effect in the form of allergies, as well as the body's resistance to the effects of the antibiotic.

New times have presented drugs that are based on plant materials and can very quickly eliminate the inflammatory process. On the contrary, not all groups of antibiotics are able to resist pathogenic viruses that provoke diseases such as herpes, some types of influenza and the most common - sinusitis. Therefore, it is advisable to understand which antibiotics are effective in eliminating sinusitis and its consequences.

When the nasal sinuses (more accurately called maxillary sinuses) become inflamed, an unpleasant illness such as sinusitis occurs. Very often it acts as a complication of a simple runny nose.

It is not at all difficult to identify the first symptoms in an adult. The first symptoms that should become driving force An urgent trip to the doctor is characterized by:

  1. When a person experiences a pressing and bursting feeling in the nasal sinuses.
  2. After which mucous discharge may appear. In the absence of therapy, the inflammatory process intensifies and this can be understood by the green tint of the mucous discharge. If yellowish discharge It is worth sounding the alarm, as this indicates the beginning of a purulent process.
  3. Pain in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses begins to worry, which can intensify in the evening and radiate to the head. Also, the pain becomes much stronger when bending over.
  4. The patient feels a loss of strength, and the temperature rises significantly. But for chronic sinusitis (if the patient has started the disease or chosen the wrong therapy), then an increase in temperature is not typical.

How is the diagnosis confirmed?

To determine the disease, radiography is used; it is thanks to it that the presence of purulent contents in the nasal sinuses is determined. The most outdated method of treatment is puncture. The procedure is not pleasant and scary for almost every adult. Fortunately, this technique is a thing of the past and is extremely rarely used due to dangerous consequences and extreme pain.

This is important! Remember that the doctor must send the patient for a smear, which will determine the type of microorganism that caused sinusitis. As a result, you can select an effective antibiotic as accurately as possible to quickly cope with the infection.

Antibiotics: when are they needed?

First alarming symptoms expressed in the form of copious purulent discharge, strong pain syndrome, which gives rise to the head and increased temperature. If sinusitis has not progressed to the purulent stage, then you can get by with home treatment, which involves washing the sinuses with a special solution, instilling drops, and herbal inhalations.

Before you start taking antibiotics, you should determine which pathogen caused the inflammatory process. As already mentioned, this can be done through a smear. You cannot make a diagnosis yourself and select antibiotics at random - this can lead to irreparable consequences. When the type of pathogenic microorganisms or virus is known, it is not difficult for a specialist to select the correct effective group of antibiotics.

Pay attention! There are a number of cases when taking antibiotics will be completely useless. First of all, for allergic reactions. Against their background, sinusitis can easily begin to develop. Therefore, treatment with antibiotics will be inappropriate and ineffective. A similar result can be expected when the causative agent of sinusitis is a fungal infection.

Without knowing clinical picture course of the disease, you cannot ignore a trip to a specialist and confirmation of the diagnosis, followed by diagnostics for the correct selection of medications.

How are antibiotics taken correctly?

For successful treatment It’s not enough to have the right drug. After all, the result of recovery directly depends on the patient’s actions - how he follows the doctor’s instructions, whether he interrupts the use of antibiotics, or whether he uses additional self-prescribed drugs that can block the action of the antibiotic.

So, depending on the complexity of the disease, the specialist prescribes an antibiotic in the form of injections, oral administration or in the form local application. At moderate severity Sinusitis is mainly treated with tableted antibiotics. More severe damage requires mandatory intravenous administration, but it can also be administered intramuscularly. Once relief occurs, the patient will be switched to oral medications.

When taking antibiotics, the patient must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Do not deviate from the dose determined by the doctor.
  2. Take the drug strictly on time.
  3. Do not interrupt the prescribed course of antibiotics unless observed side effects.
  4. Do not take additional medications that have not been approved by your doctor.
  5. Under no circumstances should you take alcohol or drugs at the same time.
  6. When purchasing a drug, pay attention to the expiration date.
  7. Additionally, to improve overall well-being, the doctor may prescribe thinning agents and anti-edema medications. Don't ignore them.
  8. You cannot use self-selected nasal drops in parallel with antibiotics. The entire course of treatment is drawn up by a doctor.

Reference! On average, a course of treatment in tablet form lasts from one week to fourteen days. If this period is exceeded, the patient may experience intestinal dysbiosis. Consequently, beneficial microorganisms will be destroyed.

What antibiotics are used to eliminate sinusitis?

After establishing the diagnosis and subsequent identification of the causative agent, the specialist can choose an antibiotic from the main groups that are the most effective for eliminating sinusitis:

  1. Penicillin. It is considered the most common antibiotic that is used for manifestations of sinusitis.
  2. Macrolides. They are in second place after penicillin. Prescribed in case of individual intolerance penicillin group.
  3. Fluoroquinolones. It is a synthetic antibiotic. It can quickly eliminate the activity of the pathogen - bacteria, since the latter have not yet developed immunity to it.
  4. Cephalosporins. When there is no result from other drugs, it is prescribed this type an antibiotic that perfectly eliminates any inflammatory process.

Attention! If the patient does not feel any relief already on the second or third day of taking the antibacterial drug, then this is evidence that the antibiotic was incorrectly selected and is not able to eliminate the pathogen. In addition, it is necessary to take into account possible allergic consequences and individual characteristics body.

Video - Sinusitis: signs, symptoms and treatment

Treatment of sinusitis

Despite the fact that the symptoms of sinusitis caused by pathogenic bacteria are similar to the symptoms of sinusitis caused by a virus, the treatment is still significantly different. Experts do not turn to antibiotics immediately, but only as a last resort, when the effect of local drugs is absent or heavy purulent discharge green or yellow tint from the sinuses.

Viral sinusitis is treated in a special way. After all, penicillin macrolides are not able to eliminate the virus. The patient will feel improvement with this type of sinusitis only when the virus goes into an inactive phase.

On the contrary, inflammation of a bacterial nature can be triggered by several types of pathogenic bacteria:

  1. Enterobacteriaceae.
  2. Streptococci.
  3. Staphylococci.
  4. Moraxella.

When a patient has no purulent drainage from the nasal sinuses, there is no elevated temperature, but there is severe swelling, then allergic sinusitis is diagnosed. In this case, the effects of antibiotics are powerless.

Tablet form of antibiotics against sinusitis

Antibiotics can be found in the form of capsules and tablets - this is a fairly convenient and most preferred form of drug release by patients. There are several of the most effective antibiotics in tablet form, which cope well with the disease and its consequences.

Antibiotic nameImageBrief description of the action
Macropen A representative of one of the main groups of antibiotics – macrolides. Impact on pathogenic viruses occurs thanks to the active substance – midecamycin. Most often used for sinusitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae, as well as pneumococci. For adults, it is recommended to take the drug three times a day for two weeks.
Augmentin Thanks to the complex composition this drug rightfully received the status of a third generation antibiotic. The main effect is due to clavulanic acid. But the duration of treatment with this remedy should not exceed two weeks. Otherwise, side effects may occur: vomiting, and dysbiosis in the intestines.
Sumamed A modern antibiotic from the macrolide group, which is actively used in the treatment of sinusitis. Since the drug is potent, doctors prescribe taking it for no more than five days. The frequency of administration is limited to once a day, half an hour before meals.
Flemoxin Solutab This is a representative of a number of penicillin antibiotics. The main difference between the drug is its resistance to gastric juice.
Amoxiclav An antibiotic of semi-synthetic penicillins, which is prescribed for many viral ailments - bronchitis, sinusitis. The main effect of the drug is the ability to destroy the walls of pathogenic bacteria. Please note that it is used exclusively for the treatment of sinusitis in adults
Zitrolide This is a drug of the macrolide group, which has a high antimicrobial effect. It is recommended to take once a day a couple of hours before meals. Please note that it is only available with a prescription.

Attention! If the antibiotic does not show results in the form of improvement in well-being within 48 hours, then you should not take it longer; it is ineffective against sinusitis.

Intramuscular and intravenous types of antibiotics

When a patient experiences intoxication of the body, the use of injections is indicated, since antibiotics in this form are highly bioavailable. So, the following drugs are considered the most effective:

Antibiotic nameImageMain action
Ceftriaxone Since the drug is designated as a derivative of the penicillin group, it is usually used for most infectious diseases. This is a clear representative of third-generation antibiotics and the only salvation for exacerbation of purulent sinusitis. It can be purchased in powder form from which the injection is prepared. It is allowed to administer both intravenously and intramuscularly. note that this antibiotic prohibited for the treatment of pregnant women
Cefazolin Represents the cephalosporin group of semisynthetic antibiotics. Upon administration of the drug, its concentration in the blood will remain for twelve hours. The antibiotic should be used with caution, as side effects may occur, namely, stomach upset, and in some cases allergies

Local preparations

The early stages of sinusitis are not so difficult to eliminate with the help of a special spray or drops. But even in this form antibiotics are produced.

Antibiotic nameImageThe essence of the action
Isofra One of best alternatives injections and tablets. It is recommended to use at least four times a day for one week. First, before using the spray, the nostrils are cleared of purulent mucus (this can be done through saline rinsing)
Polydexa with phenylephrine An antibiotic in the form of a spray that has excellent vasoconstrictor and antibacterial effects. It must be used three times a day, and if necessary – five times. The duration of the course is one week. Active substances drugs – polymyxin and neomycin

How to treat sinusitis in children with antibiotics?

Most often, children may suffer from complications after rhinitis, which manifest themselves in the form of sinusitis. At the same time, an allergic reaction is clearly manifested in children, so doctors mandatory antiallergic drops are prescribed. In some cases, the use of antibiotics is not necessary.

Attention! When using a spray or drops, the child should not feel a burning sensation. If such discomfort is present, it is recommended to use sea water.

Antibiotic nameImageMain action

With sinusitis, the maxillary sinuses become inflamed. Most often it develops as a result of a viral or bacterial disease. Antibiotics for sinusitis are the most effective means that will help stop the active reproduction and spread of bacteria and destroy them. Thanks to timely reception medicines the risk of complications is reduced. Recovery occurs much faster.

Antibiotic use in adults

Medicines for sinusitis are prescribed if certain symptoms appear. The first thing a person will feel is general malaise and weakness. With sinusitis, pain will appear in the sinus area. In addition, body temperature begins to rise.

Do not delay visiting your doctor if the following symptoms appear:

  1. Intense pressure inside the sinuses that occurs when breathing.
  2. The appearance of mucous discharge. As the disease worsens, they may acquire a greenish tint. With purulent sinusitis, the discharge becomes yellow.
  3. Pain, which is localized in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, intensifies when the head is tilted. The pain subsides in the morning and increases in the evening.
  4. Body temperature can reach 39 degrees. Chronic sinusitis occurs without fever or with low-grade hyperthermia.

Important! If these symptoms appear, a person should contact medical institution. For sinusitis in adults, radiography is used to establish the correct diagnosis. Thanks to the image, it will be possible to see the accumulated pus in the sinuses and its volume.

Previously, only the puncture method (puncture of the sinuses) was used for treatment. It is painful and has a risk of complications.

Modern drug treatment includes the use of antibiotics. To select the most effective remedy, a person must pass special smear. It will help determine the nature of the bacteria that triggered the onset of the disease. During this procedure, the person will not experience pain or other discomfort. The choice of the appropriate antibiotic depends on the root cause of the disease.

There are several main groups of medications that are prescribed by an otolaryngologist to eliminate sinusitis. It is very important to monitor the healing process. If 2-3 days after starting the antibiotic there are no changes in better side, it is better to replace the drug. But you shouldn't do it yourself. Any remedy should be prescribed or discontinued only by a qualified specialist.

The main groups of antibiotics prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis include:

  1. Penicillins. Drugs in this group are the most common and effective medicines for sinusitis and sinusitis.
  2. Macrolides. Their doctor prescribes them in case of individual intolerance to drugs containing penicillin.
  3. Fluoroquinolones. These are new generation drugs. They are synthetic in nature. They are effective, but the risk of side effects is high.
  4. Cephalosporins. Usually prescribed when the inflammation is severe, aggravated, and there are no positive changes in treatment with other antibiotics.

Important! The doctor will determine the cause of sinusitis, identify the causative agent, the individual characteristics of the body, the presence of allergies or other diseases in a person. Only after this will he be able to appoint effective medicines to eliminate sinusitis.

For sinusitis in adults, tablets and injections are more often used.


This is the simplest and most convenient form for taking antibiotics. The cost of tablets is usually low, which allows them to be prescribed to people with different levels income.

The following tablets are most often prescribed:

  1. Augmentin. The medicine belongs to the semisynthetic aminopenicillins. It contains two substances – amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. This is an antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action. It is not recommended to take it for more than two weeks. May cause vomiting, nausea, and stomach upset.
  2. Macropen. Belongs to the macrolide group. It will help get rid of pneumococcus, as well as Haemophilus influenzae. The doctor will prescribe how many days to take the medicine. It should be taken strictly after meals.
  3. Sumamed. One of the modern and effective macrolide antibiotics. The duration of treatment is 5 days.
  4. Flemoxin Solutab. This drug from the penicillin group is taken according to the regimen prescribed by the otolaryngologist.
  5. Amoxiclav and its analogues. These are semi-synthetic inexpensive penicillin drugs, which will quickly destroy bacteria. They help adults and children well.
  6. Zitrolide. An effective antibiotic from the macrolide group.

The positive effect of the medications should occur 1-2 days after starting to take them. If this does not happen within 72 hours, then therapy adjustment is needed. This drug is not suitable for the treatment of sinusitis.

Prescribed for severe sinusitis, severe purulent inflammation. Medicines injected into the muscle and vein reach their target faster and immediately have a positive effect.

Among them:

  1. Ceftriaxone. Prescribed for acute sinusitis. The product is sold in bottles in powder form, from which a solution for intramuscular administration is prepared. The drug is not recommended during pregnancy.
  2. Cefazolin. Available in bottles. Has a strong antimicrobial effect. The medicine should be used with caution, since after its administration, allergies and gastrointestinal disorders may appear.

Nasal drops or spray

The doctor prescribes these medications at home. These include:

  1. Isofra. A spray that can be used instead of injections or tablets. Be sure to irrigate each nostril with the product. Before use, the nose is completely cleared of accumulated mucus. After 7 days there will be improvement.
  2. Polydex with phenylephrine. Has antibacterial and vasoconstrictor effects. Treatment takes 1 week.

Antibiotics are usually prescribed for discharge with pus, high temperature and severe pain.

Important! Very often people ask: “Is it possible to cure sinusitis without antibiotics?” At an early stage, the disease is eliminated by rinsing or nasal drops, inhalations or methods traditional medicine. But before using them, you need to consult an otolaryngologist. Sinusitis of moderate or severe severity requires antibiotic therapy.

Antibiotics for children

When sinusitis develops in children, pediatricians try to prescribe antibiotic treatment only in severe cases. This usually happens in advanced forms of the disease, when the life and health of the baby is at increased risk. It is also advisable to use them when the disease enters the chronic stage.

Important! Before using such products, parents must consult a doctor. The prescription of medications depends not only on the course of the disease and the symptoms that appear, but also on the age of the child.

Typically, an otolaryngologist prescribes modern topical antibiotics. That is, the activity of the drug manifests itself only where the source of infection is localized.

Bioparox has these properties. There are also analogues - Fusafungin and Hexoral. These are special sprays that act exclusively on the mucous membrane oral cavity and nose. They have practically no side effects. Antibiotics are prescribed to children for no more than 1 week. After Bioparox, dryness in the nasal cavity is often observed.

The most effective medications for a child:

  1. Amoxicillin. If necessary, it can be given even to newborns.
  2. Flemoxin Solutab. It contains the antibiotic amoxicillin.
  3. Cefuroxime.
  4. Polydex and Isofra. These are modern sprays. The first is used for children over 2.5 years old, and the second - from 1 year.
  5. Sumamed. The second name of the drug is azithromycin. It belongs to the group of macrolides. This is the least toxic of all types of antibiotics for children. It can be produced in the form of suspensions and tablets.

Also, a sick child should undergo special procedures at home. The following methods are considered the most effective for children:

  • nasal rinsing;
  • inhalation;
  • compresses.

Important! All methods of therapy for sinusitis and otitis media are used only after visiting a qualified specialist and consulting him. Complex treatment provides for strict adherence to the doctor’s prescriptions.

Contraindications and side effects

For sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, the doctor does not always prescribe antibacterial therapy. There must be strict indications for it. These drugs can only aggravate the course of, for example, viral sinusitis. This will delay recovery. Antibiotics will not have a beneficial effect in the following situations:

  • the disease began as a result allergic reaction, developed into sinusitis;
  • the disease is viral in nature;
  • sinusitis has become chronic.

In such situations, the immune system begins to suffer, which leads to the development of complications and provokes other diseases.

To minimize negative impact antibiotics on the human body, the doctor may additionally prescribe probiotics and vitamins.

The following side effects occur after some antibacterial drugs:

  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergy;
  • fungal infections;
  • rashes of various types;
  • general malaise.

Otolaryngologists unanimously say that you should not self-medicate. When the first signs of sinusitis appear, you should urgently seek help. medical care. Only qualified and experienced doctors will be able to install correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.