
The baby screams before going to bed at night. Why does a child cry a lot before going to bed? Reasons and what to do? Vitamin deficiency: rickets

There may be several reasons, and many of them are present even in most of us adults:

Temperament! It is given to us from birth, there’s no way around it... Just like the characteristics of temperament, the habits of falling asleep can be divided into 4 main models of behavior (very conditionally, of course):

phlegmatic quiet people who “don’t give a damn” even if they turn on a drill instead of a lullaby - “if I’ve decided to sleep, I’ll sleep!”

melancholic whiners, these love to whine pitifully at every opportunity in front of their parents, and indeed any adults (what acting talent!), sometimes it seems that they don’t even have the strength for real sobs... - “I like it when people feel sorry for me, even for no reason!” (the bedtime ritual is just another excuse)

extravagant sanguine people who don’t have enough days to do their business - “why waste time sleeping? Let’s talk, let’s chat, let’s play, I DON’T WANT TO SPAaaat!” (and I won’t let anyone sleep;)

and troublemakers - choleric people, who are always dissatisfied with everything, because they know how best to do and are constantly eager to “save the world”, at least around themselves - “I don’t like this pillow, this bed, this room, and I’m tired of you all too ":)

Has anyone recognized themselves? :) Of course, this does not mean that you are an obvious phlegmatic person if you fall asleep without problems - the behavior patterns of each of us may be different depending on situations or circumstances: hard and difficult work will knock down even the most typical sanguine person.
But let's return to our children. I propose to figure out “who is who” only in order not to fight, often, with non-existent dragons, such as colic and hunger - crying before bed, basically, occurs only because the child has no other way to relieve tension and he “discharges” » ( in the first months of life, difficulties in falling asleep can also be attributed to getting used to the rhythms of day and night).

When will crying before bed stop? Well, there will be no crying, whims will appear;), or rather, as we grow older, crying will smoothly move into another state: into long heart-to-heart conversations, into singing lullabies together, and also this fairy tale, and those pictures., and what Dad is doing it there, and now I want to eat, etc. This is where the above-described temperaments can help us create the optimal regimen for our child:

for a baby who likes to attract attention to himself before bed, to “build up” the whole family with his endless demands, it would be good not to indulge him and at least for a while leave him in the room alone and in silence - he will soon get tired of staging performances without spectators... :)

but a child who has been in a calm environment all day and (quite naturally) clearly does not want to sleep, needs to at least give free rein to his emotions before going to bed: put the toys aside and let him jump, chase around the apartment, scream, in the end :) (provoke such things yourself games!)

And some restless people, on the contrary, before going to bed like to hug someone and just lie quietly; they “cannot” fall asleep alone, because... they were given too much independence at other times.

But why AFTER sleep? Why do adults wake up in a bad mood? :) There are plenty of reasons: you woke up ahead of time (noise outside the window or wall), you didn’t sleep well in an uncomfortable bed (the sheet was bunched up), it’s stuffy, you’re thirsty, you need to go to the toilet... and then there’s an overflowing, pressing diaper...

Frequent Crying before bed in infants is a release of accumulated emotions, the baby still does not know how to TELL about the reason for his dissatisfaction. You just need to be patient and tell yourself: “This is such a period, in a month or two everything will pass.” Keep your composure! Try to just switch off... (easy to say... :))

Keep an eye on the baby more closely - perhaps he begins to yawn and stretch much earlier than you are going to put him to bed, and vice versa: the baby is at the peak of activity, and you are rocking him to sleep... You need to catch such moments and try to adapt the whole family to his rhythm - as soon as possible Overall, your baby’s sleep and yours will be much calmer.

(these tips do not apply to children with medical problems: intracranial pressure, ear pain, toothache, etc.)

    gali4ka 25/11/2010 at 15:21:55

    The child cries before every sleep, what should I do?

    Girls, my daughter is 3.5 months old, before every sleep she screams terribly, it doesn’t matter when you go to bed, during the day or at night, whether you put her to bed earlier, later, on your chest, with a pacifier - she squeals every sleep, she turns blue:(((Sleep she wants to, but she screams. It feels like she is very excited, she wants to sleep, but she can’t fall asleep. The only way to put her to sleep is to wrap her in a diaper (otherwise she bends all over while crying), and jump with her on a fitball.
    I no longer have the strength, every time I put my child to bed - concert program, but sleeps restlessly and wakes up frequently. It happens that you put her to bed, and after 15 minutes she wakes up, and half an hour later she whines to sleep again, I put her to bed again, and again there is a scream in the house.
    Two neurologists said that the child was completely healthy, one NSG showed that things were not very good, the other - that everything was perfect.
    I don’t know what to do anymore, I’m already afraid of putting the baby to bed, in 3.5 months she only fell asleep peacefully three times, practically without screaming. I'm slowly losing my nerves :(

    • Ancka 25/11/2010 at 15:49:25

      We had this too, but for a period of time, now it’s switched off

      at night on her own, even without motion sickness. And this period, also at 3.5 months, we simply rocked harder and longer through the screaming. Then this happened again when we did massages before the bath and night sleep. The massages stopped and my sleep improved. I think it's some kind of overexcitement.

      • Diana_74 25/11/2010 at 16:32:11

        For us, this started at 4 months and continues to this day (and we recently turned 8 months). Nothing hurts 100%, but as soon as you pick it up with the thought of putting it to bed, it’s a concert. Sometimes there’s a terrible hysteria, sometimes just blathering. But we don’t go to bed without it. It manifests itself especially strongly in the evening before going to bed at night. The explanation is simple - I want to sleep, but I can’t sleep. The child is excitable and cannot relax in any other way; he relieves tension by yelling. I’m already philosophical about this. The main thing for us is to prevent hysteria with redness and blueness, etc. I hold it in my arms, calmly press it to me and calmly, not paying attention to the yelling, sing lullabies. lately- 10 min. and allows...Hold on, perceive this as a peculiarity of your child. I would not practice swaddling and jumping on a fitball, because... In this case, mechanical motion sickness occurs, which is not beneficial for the baby...

        • gali4ka 25/11/2010 at 17:02:04

          Yes, I read from Komarovsky,

          that the baby rocks from rocking, but in these three and a half months I have already tried everything, the only thing that helps is jumping, then she seems to calm down, listens and then forgets that she needs to yell. :((

          • Lyuda_Nikolaychuk 11/26/2010 at 13:21:51

            we had a similar situation

            After 5 months of starting to sleep better, and the sleep process has started, then calm down yourself, pat the baby on the back, purr a song, lie down, get the child to sleep, because if you are running around, then you will know that it’s time for the child sleep and you begin to get nervous and shake the baby " there won't be any. Good luck and patience

    • suboba_1 11/25/2010 at 21:48:48

      try the sound of tap water instead of a fitball, it helped us to distract and relax even with colic

      • gali4ka 25/11/2010 at 21:51:41

        I haven’t tried the water, I turned on the hairdryer, but it quiets down for a minute, then I turn off the hairdryer,

        and she starts screaming again. Let's try the water too, thanks

        • Irenna 11/26/2010 at 11:22:12

          1 for water

          tummy towards you, weak light from the bathroom into the dark corridor, pump up. The sling also helped.

      OlgaP 26/11/2010 at 21:48:32

      we are also 3.5

      how many times a day do you sleep? for example, we sleep at 9 am for about 40 minutes, then at lunch on the street from 1 pm to 3 pm and in the evening for about 30-40 minutes around six pm. And that’s all...
      at night we go to bed screaming at about 11, just like you on the fitball, during the night we get up 4 times to refresh ourselves and at 7 in the morning we are ready like a cucumber for a new day... Maybe she just needs less sleep.... If, for example, we are put to bed at every feeding - there will be no less screaming than yours....

      • gali4ka 11/28/2010 at 11:05:09

        we get more:

        it used to be like this:

        first nap at 9-10 am 40 minutes
        second nap around 1 p.m. for an hour or two, depending
        then around 4:30-5 pm, also an hour or two, depending on how - if you haven’t slept before, you’ll sleep longer
        then at 7 pm sleep for 30-40 minutes.
        then we go swimming at 8 pm somewhere.
        then at 9-10 I put her to bed for the night. Sometimes, if I put her to bed at 9, then at 11 she wakes up to eat, and then depending on her luck, sometimes she eats and falls asleep, sometimes she plays for another hour.
        At night he wakes up in different ways, on average 4 times, this is without hanging from the side.
        We get up at 7:30, together with dad, who is getting ready for work (she sleeps very lightly, so she wakes up).

        BUT I write this ideally, it very often happens that she wants to sleep, yawns, rubs her eyes, I put her to bed. she falls asleep, after 15 minutes she wakes up again, I try to pump her up - no, she wants to play, she’s cheerful, her eyes are shining, we’re playing, but... she didn’t get enough sleep earlier - then she wants to sleep again, again she starts whining, rubbing her eyes, yawning, then she can put her to bed again, because... cries in her arms.
        The little one falls asleep again. and then you’ll be lucky - either you’ll get some sleep, or you’ll get up quickly and start whining again.

        I tried to exhaust her so that she would be more tired and sleep longer, not letting her sleep, but it turned out even worse, because... if she wants to sleep, she whines and whines, then it’s harder to calm her down, but when I put her to bed, she sleeps little.
        In general, I'm waiting for it to outgrow.

        Now I’ve started to play with her calmly, don’t let her get overexcited around bedtime, no loud musical toys, no kicking and flying))) and I carry her in my arms around the house, show her things that aren’t bright, I calmly say - she seems to have started yelling less. Thu thu thu

      Snovapuz 08/12/2010 at 23:01:56

      Galyun, you and I are like twins

      More precisely kids. The same thing started happening to my son. For a couple of days now, though (not since birth). He eats, and after eating he starts screaming, the whole family calms him down. I can imagine how it feels for you. I almost turned gray in a couple of days and was already thinking about a bottle so as not to mock the child. I also rocked it on a fitball until it burst;))))
      Our NSG is just not very good. Maybe you should see another doctor? They have already given me two very good coordinates.
      But my friend said another reason. I quote: “I had Anfys like that, when she saw her breasts she was literally hysterical. I should have found out sooner. It turns out that her stomach sphincter did not contract well and after eating the milk rose again, that is, like heartburn, and this is uncomfortable and painful for babies. This is where the crying and refusal to breastfeed came from. She ate calmly only at night, in her sleep. It’s a pity that they only thought of this when she completely refused to breastfeed. They found out after an ultrasound of the stomach with a water load. It’s clearly visible how the child drinks. , and the water flows back: (Talk to a gastroenterologist, maybe he can help solve this problem?)
      +I’ll also add, I completely forgot - after eating, do not immediately place it horizontally, ideally let it lie on an inclined plane, the doctor advised us, at 45 degrees.
      And I also thought - maybe I just get tired of sucking, like Vladimir with a tongue tie? And the upper one too, well, where is the upper lip connected to the jaw (inside)? It happens that this little thing interferes with eating :(

      • gali4ka 09/12/2010 at 12:15:10

        hmm, I don’t know, I’ll keep an eye on her... Thanks for the idea...

        We've been to the NSG twice already.
        The fact is that I have it even more or less, it seems to me that she is simply overexcited, because... I have a daughter - well, pure whack, very nimble and restless

      momKatya 11/27/2010 at 10:27:26

      usually it goes away on its own, carry it in your arms, talk gently, rock it

      • gali4ka 11/28/2010 at 11:09:02

        and when it passes, can you tell me?

        • momKatya 11/28/2010 at 23:38:52

          I remember our last screams for no reason for about 6 months, but then they were dedicated to moving to the dacha.

          Gradually, you will cry less and less often. and then it will stop)))
          and would not take any action, especially medication.
          Just be with the child, try not to get irritated. I developed complete calm in myself with such crying, she screamed in my ear, and how it passed through me.

      asmar 25/11/2010 at 15:30:02

      Gal, our reasons for yelling are as follows: I want to sleep, I can’t sleep, I want to eat, or something hurts

      If you rule out pain and want to eat, then all that remains is that I want to sleep, but I can’t. Are you overheating her emotionally? TV, music, massages, swimming, active communication???????? Maybe there is something that makes her very overstimulated? Our child can go a maximum of 3 hours without sleep, then whims, then yelling. I try to adjust my daily routine so that I alternate everything constantly, so as to prevent screaming

      • asmar 25/11/2010 at 15:31:52

        we were also advised neuroheel - this is homeopathy

        Most likely, such a child’s anxiety is not good, if nothing bothers the child, he should not scream, although, all children are different.

        • gali4ka 25/11/2010 at 17:04:11

          Len, they assigned me a minor

          I bought Doromkind (the same company that produces Enterokind), but my hand doesn’t rise to give it to a small one, I don’t want to stuff such a small one with pills :(

          • asmar 25/11/2010 at 17:27:01

            I know that mothers also practice soothing teas

            I just don’t know what age they are. She was prescribed neuroheel, although the little one is more or less calm, but I’m still wondering whether to buy it or not. So I understand you. But if I had yelled as much as you write, I would most likely have given up.

      sdandy 08/12/2010 at 18:52:57

      by the time you go to bed, the child is already overtired

      try to go to bed earlier than you think it’s time :) look at the child, he becomes thoughtful, rubs his eyes - it’s time, miss it a little - overwork and, as a result, overexcitement. This happened to us when we bathed the child before bed according to Komarovsky. She was very tired, overexcited and walked until 12-2 at night, and she herself was a morning person, so she always got up at 7-8 in the morning and did not get enough sleep during the night. then she couldn’t sleep during the day, because she wasn’t rested, and then the day’s events piled on her, she was terribly hysterical before going to bed, and so on for any reason. We changed the regime and moved the bathing to the morning. A child under one year old should sleep 10-11 hours at night, during the day from 0 to 6 months 3 times a day for a total of 5-6 hours, 6 months - 1-2 times a day for a total of 4-5 hours. And almost all children are initially early risers, so night sleep they usually go to bed at 7-8-9 pm maximum. In Komarov style, we first held the child until he went to bed... it’s terrible. Now we put the little one to bed according to her schedule and not ours. Because 7-8 hours at night are enough for us, but she needs 10-12 to rest properly

      • gali4ka 08/12/2010 at 18:57:51

        Very likely... we'll try it, thanks.

        gali4ka 08/12/2010 at 22:17:58

        I see you understand children’s dreams very well, but maybe tell me what to do if

        the child wakes up every 25-40 minutes, not always, but during the day almost all the time, I read that children sleep in a cycle of 40 minutes, so at the end of virtually every cycle my daughter wakes up :(

      SunLight 25/11/2010 at 17:14:06

      This often happens to little ones - they otherwise cannot cope with emotions and sensations during the waking period.

      If there are no questions regarding neurology, then it will outgrow quite quickly.
      Eliminate before bedtime loud sounds, exercise, fun...

      vinny_79 25/11/2010 at 17:34:05

      And it happened to us, it’s slowly passing (we’re 8.5 months old now).

      I also connect this with my nervous tension - I’m very afraid of this scream, and every time before rocking I just freeze with fear that it’s about to start... And then I hired a nanny, who obviously isn’t afraid of this, and the child started slowly fall asleep peacefully.

      • asmar 25/11/2010 at 19:23:56

        100% there is something in this, I also noticed as soon as I let go of the situation

        how a child changes before your eyes. Children are very sensitive to their mother’s condition, and this is the result. Gal, maybe you need to look within yourself for the reason? let go of all fears, look and the situation with screams will subside

        • gali4ka 25/11/2010 at 19:31:38

          During all this time I have already tried a lot. At first I thought,

          that this is how it should be, that this is normal. That will pass with time. But it doesn’t go away, and even gets worse :(

          • vinny_79 25/11/2010 at 20:02:21

            And for us it grew from 3.5 to 7 months,

            but believe me, children grow up and stop screaming so much, if only because they start playing, crawling, sitting, standing up, etc., they get very tired and sometimes they simply pass out from fatigue. Get over it, I also thought about visiting all the doctors, and it seemed to me that something was wrong with the child.

      Nataly_N 25/11/2010 at 15:48:41

      I want to reassure you

      I want to reassure you. I had this with my eldest (she is now 6 years old), it also started at 3-3.5 months. And I, just like you, didn’t know what to do. delivered her at 5 months. I then chalked it all up to teeth (they came out at 4 months and 5 months).

      When the youngest was born, everything was super until 3.5 months - she fell asleep at the breast. And then again at 3.5 months the screams began before bed, and I knew for sure that she was not hungry and her tummy was unlikely to bother her. And just like with the older one, everything went away on its own in 5-5.5 months (and the teeth came out already at 6 months). Now she is 6.5 months old, she falls asleep next to me at night, and in my arms during the day.

      So I came to the conclusion that children just need to outgrow this, they just want to sleep, they get tired, but they can’t sleep.

      I only wish you patience, I think that everything will be settled for you by 5-5.5 months.

      • gali4ka 25/11/2010 at 17:00:40

        The fact is that we have it since birth! Every single day it’s the same thing:(I hope it really grows out of it:(

      oleshenka 09/12/2010 at 12:31:53

      I'm trying to stick my breasts in

      if it doesn’t work out very well, then a bottle of expressed milk. He drinks the bottle quickly, then he gets tired and may pass out. And the chest - before going to bed, lying in bed, wets it a couple of times and falls asleep. Both are vyrant, only if the child is hungry, he will immediately wake up. That's why I give breastfeeding first and then another bottle.... Maybe someone will throw slippers at me, but for me this is the way out. He begins to fall asleep on his chest or even scream. But I only do this at night.
      A bridle is also an option, check it out.

      alsid2003 11/26/2010 at 10:24:50

      We have the same story

      It all started at 2 months, when she starts crying, we get dressed and go outside, she calms down on the street and falls asleep, we walk for another five minutes and return home, it helps one hundred percent, night walks also happen, but the terrible screaming and crying have become less frequent, We are now three months old.

      • Diana_74 26/11/2010 at 13:04:32

        Tick, I’ll add: 100% no need to think about

The vast majority of parents face problems with their newborn sons and daughters falling asleep, which are accompanied by prolonged crying.

Restless tearful sobs disturb the new mother and father day and night: sometimes neither sweet lullabies, soft rocking motions, nor light music help the newborn to fall asleep.

Why is the child worried? What makes him cry before going to bed, and how can he be helped in this situation?

Psychological reasons for crying before bed

Surprisingly, newborns cry close to sleep for a variety of reasons. Moreover, before the age of one year, most babies may cry not only before sleep, but also after it. After all, every day during the first few months of life turns into severe stress for them.

If a child cries before going to bed, the reasons may be:

Excessive nervous tension

In most cases, infants cannot independently cope with the colossal load affecting their nervous system throughout the day. For this reason, the baby begins to cry hysterically about one to two hours before bedtime, so much so that it is almost impossible to calm him down.

In such a situation, parents should not panic, since such behavior of the baby is the norm. Screaming helps release unused energy through crying nervous tension removed and neutralized.

Increased nervous excitability

Often, parents, exhausted by the prolonged evening tearful hysterics of their infants, seek advice from a neurologist, and eventually hear a diagnosis that sounds like “increased nervous excitability.”

Do not be alarmed; when examining children under three years of age, this diagnosis is made in seventy percent of cases. Increased excitability prevents the child from sleeping until he has cried out all his energy. Then the baby calmly and serenely falls asleep.

In this case, there is again no reason to worry. For a child, crying is an excellent opportunity to calm down.

Non-compliance with the daily routine

In most cases, this reason is associated with trouble falling asleep. Most parents make a serious mistake when they allow their child to go to bed whenever he sees fit.

According to modern pediatricians, it is important to have a strict daily routine, which the child will associate with calm and stability.

Worried that his mother will leave him while he sleeps

A large number of babies are also very worried about separation from their mother, who is the most important thing for them. important person in infancy.

Nightmares and fear of the dark

Fright is also common cause restless behavior of the child before bedtime. A child may be afraid of the darkness in which he does not see his mother or does not feel her presence. Sometimes children can also see scary dreams, after which they wake up crying loudly. The best option The solution to this problem is to sleep together with your mother.

Physiological reasons for crying before falling asleep

No less rare small child cries before going to bed and because of the peculiarities of his physiological state:


Often the appearance of the first teeth is accompanied by sleep disorders and increased anxiety. Swelling of the gums, painful sensations, itching makes the baby irritable and causes significant discomfort.

To help the child, you should lubricate his gums with a special gel with an anesthetic effect and give him a soft teether.

Intestinal colic

In 90% of cases, the first three months of life of infants are tormented by colic, which is manifested by strong pressing of the knees to the stomach and loud crying. To calm the baby in this case, you need to apply a warm diaper to his tummy or place the baby with his stomach on his mother’s bare stomach.

If warm compress does not help, the baby should be offered Plantex or tea that includes fennel. However, situations can be quite complex. In this case, parents, after consulting with a pediatrician, can use medications.

How to help a restless baby fall asleep?

Parents should understand that the crying of a healthy newborn is an absolutely understandable and natural phenomenon.

Satisfying physiological needs

First, it is necessary to correctly establish the cause of the baby’s anxiety, why exactly he cries shortly before bedtime, excluding such physiological circumstances as:

  • dirty diaper,
  • uncomfortable position
  • cold,
  • tight clothes,
  • hunger.

If mom and dad have fixed all this, but the baby is still crying, you need to check his gums for swelling. Maybe he is cutting his first teeth. In this case, it is enough to treat the gums with a special gel.

Rule out the disease

In addition, in this case, parents should tell the local therapist observing the baby about the child’s anxiety and crying. In some cases, the attending physician may refer the child for examination to a neurologist or other specialist.

Increased excitability and persistent daytime and nighttime sleep disorders may be the causes serious illnesses. Decide this problem is urgently necessary, since without sound, normal sleep, the proper functioning and development of the child’s body is impossible.

Psychological balance of parents

A new mother should know that her connection with the baby is strong enough, so her emotions and mood should be positive, positive. Before going to bed, she should be as calm as possible, then the baby will be able to sleep soundly.

If parents are nervous about the baby's crying, he will become even more capricious and will not be able to calm down.

Bathing with herbs

A young mother whose baby is anxious when falling asleep should make it a rule to bathe her child in the evening in a warm bath with the addition of a decoction from a set of soothing herbs. A special infusion used for bathing will help the nervous system relax and also prepare it for sleep.

The same sequence of actions before going to bed should be followed every day.

Taking sedatives

If we talk about drug therapy, you can use valerian infusion. Every evening you can add a drop of valerian to your baby's milk or water. However, the result may not be quick, since this method has a cumulative effect.

After a month-long course of treatment, the baby will become calmer. But we note that before using valerian drops, you should definitely consult with your pediatrician.

Peculiarities of children's sleep: why can a baby cry for no reason?

Infant sleep has its own characteristics. Daytime and night sleep are characterized by alternating periods of sound, deep sleep and shallow sleep. In infancy, the stages of light sleep, which repeat every hour, are longer than in adults.

While in this phase, the baby can wake up from the slightest sound, after which it will be very difficult to lull him to sleep, for this reason newborns very rarely sleep more than four hours in a row.

In some cases, the baby may sleep during the day, waking up every 30-40 minutes. This circumstance cannot be considered the norm, however, it cannot be classified as a disease, provided that sleep at night is not interrupted with the same frequency.

In such cases, anxiety is most often explained by the need for maternal affection and warmth. Some parents argue that there is no need to hold a newborn too often. This is fundamentally wrong. Every mother should realize that a lack of parental attention will have an alarming effect on the baby’s body.

Often mothers who show more care and tenderness to their child take him in their arms and notice that the baby’s day and night sleep becomes measured and the baby stops crying for no reason when he falls asleep.

When a child turns one year old, he begins to sleep twice a day for one and a half to two hours, while night sleep lasts up to ten to twelve hours. By this age, the baby’s biological clock should be fully adjusted.

On average, a one-year-old child sleeps about 13-14 hours a day, 2.5-3 hours of which are naps during the day.

By the age of two biological need will decrease during daytime sleep. Therefore, a child may protest against sleep by crying loudly. However, the baby still needs to be calmed down, allowed to cry and put to sleep. Over time, the child will get used to the routine and will fall asleep calmly and without crying.

How to adjust a child's biological clock?

For approximately the first six weeks of his life, the baby will get used to the changes in the outside world that have overtaken him. When the baby gets used to it a little, parents can teach him to sleep during the day and at night.

The most effective method adjusting the functioning of the biological clock is considered to accustom the baby to a routine. If the baby falls asleep crying before nap, he should be distracted from violent games.

To do this, you can collect toys with your baby and make the bed together. Modern pediatricians do not recommend feeding or rocking the baby shortly before bedtime, so as not to develop the corresponding habit. It is best to lie down next to the child and hug him.

The room where the child will sleep should not cause him negative emotions. Even if a child is afraid of the dark, you should not leave the light on at night. So that the baby can distinguish daytime day and night, you can turn on the night light at night.

Also, a “toy protector” will help against crying, which can be a soft children’s blanket or a teddy bear. The first night, mom can put the toy to sleep next to her so that the material can absorb its smell.

Babies are endowed with a delicate sense of smell, so such a “talisman” can calm them down before a night or daytime sleep. A child can fall asleep crying at any age, but from four to five months the child can be allowed to cry.

Before going to bed at night, at the same time, you should bathe your child, feed him, read him calm stories or sing lullabies. The child must be clearly aware that night has come and he will have to sleep in the next 10-12 hours.

If a child wakes up at night, the mother should not talk to him. Only in this way will the baby understand that night is not the time for games or conversations.

Why can a baby cry in his sleep?

The most common cause is nightmares. Children may have unpleasant dreams after a heavy, hearty dinner just before bed.

Therefore, parents should not feed their baby later than an hour before bedtime. For dinner, it is better to choose light foods. Warm milk is ideal. The likelihood of nightmares can be minimized by a regime that can be deviated from with rare exceptions, for example, due to a visit or a trip.

Another popular reason is watching TV or computer games. It doesn’t matter what the baby watches shortly before bedtime, even the most harmless cartoons can provoke terrible dreams. Therefore, in order to avoid problems with falling asleep, it is necessary to minimize the time he spends in front of the TV.

You can calm your baby at night by gently stroking his back. Light rocking on your arms will also help.

In the first year, children often cry before going to bed. Studies show that 30% of children have sleep disturbances. As a consequence of this, problems arise with waking up at night, falling asleep and changing sleep patterns. The same reasons appear in children in preschool age and lead to hyperactivity in children's behavior, depression and mental disorders.


A child’s crying before bed can be explained by the fact that while awake he is oversaturated with information and before going to bed he needs to throw out the accumulated supply of energy and emotions. The reasons for a baby's crying are different. And often a child cries before going to bed not because he is hungry or something hurts, but only because, without crying, he will not be able to sleep. Many people cry because the lights are too bright or they hear loud noises. Therefore, it is imperative to protect him from these irritants.

If a child cries for no reason, as you think, then you should make sure first of all that nothing hurts him. If the child is a newborn, then the main cause of tears and poor restless sleep is colic. What kind of dream is this? They can help here special drops, tummy massage, warm diaper for colic, or fennel tea.

But there is more psychological factor. So, when waking up at night, the child does not see his mother nearby, but he is so used to seeing her during the daytime, so the child may worry about this and cry. There are two ways here. The choice of one method or another is up to you.

Dr. Spock (a name familiar to every mother) believes that a child can relearn how to fall asleep alone in just three nights. The process itself is painful from a moral point of view. The idea is that when the baby cries, the mother should not come near the crib. Or come up for a couple of minutes, try to calm the child (which is unlikely to work) and leave again. This method requires a lot of patience from the mother and not everyone can do it. On the third or fourth day, the child will understand that his mother will not come to him, and the crying will stop.

Pay attention! Infant cries before going to bed because he may have started teething. In this case, you need to use soothing ointments for the gums.

After 2-3 years, while watching programs and cartoons, children often have terrible dreams. The child becomes restless, cries in his sleep, screams or simply talks. Often, to avoid stress during sleep, a child moves to sleep with his parents. He is comfortable and the feeling of fear disappears, and a feeling of security appears. Parents often allow such actions themselves. Over time, the child will learn to control emotions and figure out where the dream is and where the reality is. This situation should not be considered problematic; it will be resolved in the near future. In practice, it has been shown that they sleep with their parents for a long time children who are experiencing the divorce of their parents, the death of a relative, or the child simply does not have enough attention and warmth from their parents during the day.

To stop crying before bed and at night, do not overload your child in the evening. Try to solve all important issues, such as homework, reading, cleaning the room, during the day.

To understand for yourself why children cry before going to bed, you can answer the following questions, and if the answer is correct, you should study in more detail the characteristics of such actions on the part of the child.

  • Does your child like to lie down and sleep a little during the day?
  • Does he always have trouble falling asleep and take a long time?
  • Waking up in the morning, the child arrives in a bad mood.
  • When traveling to public transport the child falls asleep.
  • The child sleeps less time than recommended by experts.
  • Throughout the day, the child is irritable, aggressive and sometimes tired.
  • Constantly demands to be picked up.
  • Constantly yawns and rubs his eyes.

If there are answers with a positive indicator, it is worth considering early age solve the problem of restless sleep. If the process is started, it will only get worse.


Sleep has always been considered, and will be considered, the most the best way restore strength. If your child cries a lot before going to bed , then this should serve as a kind of “bell” to parents that something is wrong. If you start establishing a child’s sleep schedule at a very early age, the result will be a full-fledged rhythm of the child’s life in the future. You should remember following rules and sleep-related consequences:

  • During sleep, a person's body strength is restored.
  • Sleep undoubtedly has a huge impact on a child's growth. Sleep also affects immune system child.
  • Sleep problems affect behavior during the day.
  • Overly emotional children sometimes find it very difficult to calm down and fall asleep immediately.
  • Children who sleep “correctly” and for the right amount of time. Feel very good during the day, perceive better educational processes and arrive in a great mood.
  • Scientists tend to believe that during sleep, the brain solves a lot of problems and sorts information received throughout the day.
  • If a child does not get enough sleep, he eats poorly, becomes capricious, irritable and often cries.
  • Frequent whims and tears may indicate the fact that the child simply wants to sleep.
  • Children who don't get enough sleep absorb less new information, are irritable and have poor memory.
  • If a child often wakes up at night, this can ultimately cause whims and conflicts with parents.

Our sleep is influenced by our internal biological clock, the cycle of which is formed in the very first weeks of a baby’s life.

After swimming

Children cry after and during bathing various reasons. This could be stomach pain, teething, a desire to sleep, headache or normal overexcitement.

There are several opinions about proper preparation for swimming. This may help answer the question of why a baby cries before or after bathing. Some are inclined to believe that bathing should be before evening feeding. After it, you can immediately put the child to sleep. If you look from the other side, bathing a too hungry baby is not right, because you need to take into account that appetite increases after bathing. It should also be taken into account that water treatments should not be done immediately after feeding. Therefore, we recommend that you find a “golden mean”. If the child cries constantly, during and after bathing, then you should stop these procedures for several days, or postpone them, for example, to the morning.

Newborn babies cry every day for two or three hours with enviable regularity. So parents should not be too overzealous in this matter.

If the reason for the tears is fatigue, then only mother’s affection and attention can calm him down. Every day, discovering the world and receiving a lot of information and emotions, the child gets very tired. It is believed that the brain of a child under 12 years of age “digests” the same amount of information as he will master from the age of 12 until the end of his life. It is not surprising in this case that children are sometimes very irritable, which sometimes manifests itself in their seemingly inexplicable aggression. If you approach the development and formation of personality correctly, you can form the habit for your child to act according to certain rules for the benefit of his own health.

If your baby is naughty, you first need to reconsider his daily routine and nutrition. Children who sleep too much during the day have trouble falling asleep. Perhaps the baby has a tummy ache, is cutting a tooth, is cold or, conversely, is very hot.

If we're talking about about an older baby, perhaps he is capricious before bed due to the constant quarrels of his parents. The atmosphere in the house should be favorable. Also, crying can serve as a way for a child to unload emotionally if adults:

They demand too much from him (his day consists of constant nagging, following the orders of all the relatives living with the baby);
- on the contrary, they do not demand anything from the baby, and by crying he attracts attention to himself (thus, the lack of this same attention leads to excessive stress on the baby’s nervous system).

Ways to calm your baby before bed

The newborn will calm down only after you find the reason why he cannot sleep and is capricious. Carefully examine the baby to see if there is any diaper rash on his body. In this case, baby powder will help. Feel your tummy. If it is swollen, massage it and give it to your baby. necessary medications. Often in this case, dill water and activated charcoal help a lot.

Ventilate the room, see how many degrees there are in the room, perhaps the child is cold or hot. Calm the baby by speaking kind words to him, but do not get irritated under any circumstances. So, the child will feel your emotional state and will cry even louder.

Remember how much time your baby slept during the day. There should be at least four hours between daytime sleep and nighttime sleep. If you try to put your baby to bed earlier, you naturally won’t succeed. Why? Because the baby simply does not want to sleep and prevents this in every possible way.

For an older child, the daily routine is also important. The baby should be put to bed at a strictly defined time. For example, if every day the baby goes to bed at nine o'clock in the evening, he will not be able to fall asleep an hour earlier. Or, conversely, the baby will never go to the kingdom of Morpheus in an hour, as he will simply be overexcited. Even if the child throws a tantrum, do not yell at him or intimidate him under any circumstances. The main thing here is positive attitude on your part, a smile on your face. This is the only way to calm the baby down, and for him, in turn, to fall asleep sound sleep.

From the very beginning life path the little man fills the world with his cry. For a long time, crying has been a way for him to communicate to adults about his experiences. With age, the ability to cry gradually fades away.

baby crying

The baby will never scream just like that. There is always a good reason for his crying. He still cannot express his feelings in words, talk about his inconveniences and pain. If so, find the reason.

One of the most common causes of infant crying is pain and colic in the tummy. The body is just beginning to adapt to the nutrition it receives through mother's milk or artificial feeding. Each product is tested by the body. Some of them have a negative reaction – indigestion. As a result, the baby cries.

A child may cry when he is not comfortable. He may need to change his diaper or diaper. Dampness quickly leads to irritation of delicate baby skin, which causes discomfort for the baby.

Crying can also be caused by hunger. The child grows quickly and needs more and more energy. Despite the feeding schedule, the baby may become hungry between meals.

If you are following a feeding schedule, give your baby water. Perhaps he is thirsty.

If your baby is crying in his crib, check his bed. Stray diapers and blankets can interfere with him. By crying, he makes it clear that he is uncomfortable. In addition, the child may be bored - by crying he demands attention. The presence of the mother or other close people gives the child a feeling of security and calm.

Children's whims

As a child grows, crying remains one of the means of communicating his desires. This largely depends on the parent's style of raising the child. With a permissive parenting style, the child attracts the attention of the parents with his whims. With their help, he achieves what he needs.

When adults show hyperprotection over a child, he gets used to the fact that all his wishes are fulfilled immediately. In the future, at the slightest delay or refusal to fulfill the requirement, the child begins to be capricious. For him, prompt fulfillment of requests is already the norm. He perceives refusal as a break in habits, to which he reacts with irritation and roaring.

Children's whims can also indicate fatigue. A child may get tired without realizing it, for example, when he gets too busy playing. Capricious behavior and lethargy indicate that it is time for him to rest.

Don't take your irritation out on your child. Take his position - this will help you understand your baby. His affairs and fortunes are as important as yours.

Ailments can also cause children's whims. If they appear, pay attention to the child’s condition and measure body temperature. Whims can indicate the onset of an illness.