
Does pregnancy affect sleep? Terrible dreams in women during the period of expectation of a child: pathology or norm

Insomnia in the first trimester of pregnancy: causes of insomnia on early dates, what to do?

Most women rejoice when they find two stripes on the test instead of one: the expected event has happened, the time will soon come to master a new role - the role of a young mother. But along with the joy, some unpleasant emotions can also visit the expectant mother, in particular, irritation, apathy and a feeling of powerlessness. Often the mood becomes unstable, "jumps", the feeling of happiness is replaced by incomprehensible melancholy and indifference. Blame, of course, in the first place, the "dance" of hormones, inevitable in this case. Insomnia during early pregnancy can also add fuel to the fire - it torments many women preparing for a change. social role. On the later dates symptoms of sleep disturbance (dyssomnia) are noted by many women, and they are due to physiological reasons:

  • growth of the uterus;
  • weight gain;
  • increased load on everything.
  • Causes of dyssomnia in pregnant women
  • When does insomnia begin in expectant mothers
  • Can insomnia be the first sign of pregnancy?
  • Causes of early insomnia in the 1st trimester
  • Types of night sleep disorders in pregnant women
  • What to do
  • How to help yourself fall asleep on your own

Causes of sleep disorders

Similar phenomena are observed starting from the second trimester. But what causes night sleep disturbances in the 1st trimester?

After all, nothing significant, it would seem, is happening yet. All changes occur at the cellular level - in the first weeks, the unborn baby is just a conglomerate of a certain number of cells, and neither the woman herself nor those around her still know that the greatest miracle - the birth of a new life - has already happened. Meanwhile, in the body of a pregnant woman in the 1st trimester, colossal changes are made, which, of course, play the role of a stress factor. This is one of the causes of insomnia. Let's take a look at others.

When does pregnancy insomnia start?

If you are not yet sure that the pregnancy has taken place, and are not yet in a hurry to take a test or take hCG, but at the same time you notice that night sleep has become worse, this is a reason to be wary.

  • puffiness;
  • an increase in the circumference of the abdomen;
  • and sleepiness during the day and difficulty falling asleep at night.

All this is the “tricks” of progesterone. If the pregnancy has taken place, in the early stages there is an increased production of progesterone, and the lack of a normal night's sleep and lethargy during the day are the first signs of hormonal changes in the body. Can insomnia be a sign of pregnancy? Of course, especially if it is accompanied by drowsiness during the day. The body seems to "confuse" the time of sleep and wakefulness. At the beginning of pregnancy, expectant mothers often cannot fall asleep for a long time in the evening, and in the morning they simply cannot be roused from bed. It may be the opposite phenomenon: you really want to sleep during the day or in the evening, after returning from work.

Causes of insomnia in the 1st trimester

Why is sleep disturbed in the first days? Causes of insomnia in early pregnancy include:

  • the already mentioned increased production of the "pregnancy hormone" - progesterone;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • explicitly ;
  • unstable mood.

Progesterone helps the functional layer of the endometrium to become more lush and "comfortable" for the attachment of the embryo. But at the same time, it contributes to the development of increased fatigue, a decrease in concentration, and a violation of the normal cycle of night sleep.

Women from the first weeks of gestation notice that they wake up at night to visit the toilet - bladder under the influence of hormones actively works. And then it is difficult to fall asleep, the brain has already rebuilt to wakefulness.

Unpleasant sensations in the stomach, nausea - all this can also cause sleep to "run away" from you. In this case, to cope with the problem, you need to work gastrointestinal tract. What you can drink when symptoms of dyspepsia appear - a gynecologist will tell you, who may send you for a consultation with a narrow specialist - a gastroenterologist.

As for the emotional instability of the pregnant woman, increased anxiety caused by thoughts about future changes, then novopassit or persen will help here - beautiful and safe remedy to normalize the emotional background.

Types of sleep disorders in pregnant women

Insomnia in the 1st trimester of pregnancy can manifest itself in different ways:

  • you cannot fall asleep at night, but during the day you fall asleep in any situation and even in a standing position;
  • you fall asleep as soon as your head touches the pillow, but wake up before dawn and cannot sleep again;
  • you sleep soundly, but regularly wake up from terrible dreams, as a result, you feel overwhelmed in the morning.

It is worth treating each of these disorders, because lack of sleep provokes a decrease in immunity, reduces resistance to diseases, and even provokes uterine tone.

Insomnia in early pregnancy: what to do

Worried about insomnia during early pregnancy? First, you should make sure that this is not an early sign of any disease, but one of the symptoms of the onset of gestation.

You should contact your gynecologist with your problem. He will advise what can be taken and how to overcome insomnia without harm to the mother and child. You can turn to homeopathic remedies if your doctor does not mind.

Calming drugs: Valerian; Novo-Passit, Persen - are not recommended for use during gestation due to the lack of sufficient data on their safety for the baby. If you feel the need for medical adjustment of the condition, contact your doctor and discuss the possibility of prescribing Magne B-6.

At the end of the day, you can drink a glass of warm milk with honey - it relaxes and sets you up. deep sleep.

At home, you can get rid of insomnia in the following ways:

  1. Try to go for a short, leisurely walk before bed.
  2. Before going to bed, ventilate the room well.
  3. Arrange your bed comfortably: let the pillow be small and soft, and the bed itself be quite rigid, not bending.
  4. Brew yourself a glass of tea with lemon balm or St. John's wort. Only you need to drink it not at night, but a couple of hours before bedtime.
  5. Avoid taking coffee and green tea in the evening.
  6. Read a good book.
  7. Learn the shallow breathing technique. Change from fast breathing to breathing with a 20-second delay. Concentrate on the process of breathing, think only about how you breathe, discarding all other thoughts.

Often, sleep is disturbed in the very first weeks after conception - that is, at 1 - the development of the embryo, when it is just fixed in the uterus. At this, she becomes slightly ill. At this time, do not allow severe fatigue, overwork, eat honey before bed, learn to tune in to complete relaxation - this way you will save energy.

Over time, the body will adapt to the changes, and sleep will improve. You just need to help yourself survive the first difficult period, protect yourself from unnecessary stress and worries.

Little advice to pregnant women: read fairy tales. They will help to calm down and tune in to the good and bright. Remember how well you fell asleep at the age of five under your mother's fairy tale, and try to “dive” into childhood again. Sweets dreams!

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Insomnia during pregnancy

A fairly common and at the same time dangerous phenomenon is insomnia during early pregnancy.

The first trimester is a very important cycle in the development of the child and the health of the expectant mother.

Insomnia is not just a sleep disorder, first of all, it is one of the parameters by which the state of health is determined.

The unsatisfactory quality of night rest can give a person a lot of problems related to physical and mental health.

Violations with night rest can occur in a woman in the very early stages of pregnancy, and lasts until the very beginning of childbirth. Average sleep duration for physically healthy person varies from six to nine hours a day, if there is a significant deviation in time indicators, then there is a lack of sleep that can cause noticeable deterioration associated with well-being.

According to statistics, about 80% of women have problems with sleep.

The causes of this symptomatology can be a huge variety, ranging from psychological problems and ending with physiological, related to the health of the expectant mother.

Some women complain of feeling unwell in the first trimester, others in the second or third.

Some experts claim that bad dream- is one of the most early signs by which it is possible to determine the birth of a new life in the female womb. This manifestation is due to hormonal failure.

However, in the early stages, sleep problems are enough a rare thing. Constant worries about the upcoming birth, active movements of the baby, shortness of breath, pain in the side, etc. t. - these are symptoms that appear in the later stages and they are quite natural.

Insomnia during pregnancy occurs in almost 80% of expectant mothers. The link is all about how to restore healthy sleep in pregnant women - from establishing sleep comfort to the use of medications.

Common Causes

Causes of insomnia during early pregnancy:

  • hormonal failure of the body;
  • depression (may occur due to an unplanned pregnancy or related problems in your personal life);
  • chronic fatigue;
  • physiological concomitant symptoms manifested by: heartburn, nausea, convulsions lower extremities etc.;
  • psycho-emotional shocks: possible fears of childbirth, increased sensitivity, disturbing and unpleasant dreams;
  • headache;
  • pain in the lower abdomen associated with the growth of the uterus;
  • fever associated with a health condition: colds, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections.

Insomnia can be triggered by one or more factors in combination.

Types of insomnia during early pregnancy

Some women during pregnancy constantly want to sleep, regardless of the intensity of physical activity, others, on the contrary, cannot fall asleep for a long time, but if a miracle happens, it does not last long at all: only a few hours a day.

There are three stages of insomnia depending on the causes of sleep disturbance:

  1. Starting. At this stage, the natural process of going to sleep is disrupted. Women toss and turn for a long time and cannot fall asleep, but if you still manage to plunge into the desired state, then often even the slightest rustle can interrupt a good rest. This stage is characterized by increased motor activity before diving into night rest: it is difficult to find a comfortable position for the body, various kinds of disturbing thoughts come into the head.
  2. Median. Unlike the first phase, here everything is much more complicated. Not only can a woman not fall asleep due to duty, she also often wakes up at night. Awakening can occur every half an hour and good rest almost never happens at this stage. Nightmares, disturbing experiences are frequent companions that occur in this phase of the disease.
  3. Final. The most difficult phase, very difficult to treat. Characterized by abnormally early morning awakening. For ordinary person the morning hours of sleep are considered the deepest and most complete, pregnant women suffering from insomnia wake up at this time and are no longer able to prolong the night's rest. Because of this problem, irritability, headaches, drowsiness, and in some cases even hallucinations can occur.

The second and third stages are most often found in the last stages, and the problem requires urgent medical intervention. There are such species in the early stages, and this phenomenon is associated with a hormonal surge as a result of new emotions and experiences.

Along with the emotional state, toxicosis can connect, and the condition of the pregnant woman can worsen even more deeply.

How to deal with illness

The main ways to deal with insomnia at home are given below:
  • Vegetable herbs. The main thing to know is that no medical interventions are allowed, especially without a doctor's prescription. The doctor, too, will most likely try to do without drugs or prescribe them in the most urgent case. Can be soothed nervous system only herbal herbs and infusions: chamomile, valerian, motherwort. These herbs have side effects, and they should be taken in small portions, taking into account the recommendations of the doctor.
  • Food. To restore and normalize sleep, you should pay attention to the daily routine and diet. At night, heavy foods should not be eaten: dinner should not be late, and always light. It is not recommended to drink tonic drinks, tea, coffee at night. In order to avoid frequent urination and frequent trips to the toilet, you should not drink a lot of liquids in the evening hours. Warm milk with honey is perfect for the last drink before bedtime. Milk has sedative properties, and honey normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Schedule. If you are used to daytime rest, you will have to give it up for a while. You should go to bed just before going to bed, and not just to lie down or watch TV while lying down. Walking on fresh air positively affect the psycho-emotional and physical condition.
  • Personal hygiene. A warm shower or bath with aromatic oils or herbs will help you relax and prepare for relaxation. You can perform a light massage of the legs and lower back. Many women expecting the birth of a baby are helped to fall asleep by extra pillows in bed, which can be placed under the stomach or legs. By the bed, you can hang dried and tied herbs of geranium, immortelle, pine branches.
  • Soul harmony. You should not watch negative programs on TV, worry about the upcoming birth, be nervous over trifles. Communication with family and friends, aromatic treatments, evening walks - these are just some of the positive moments that you can afford. If there are no contraindications from the leading gynecologist, you can relax with sex. The temperature in the room is of great importance for a favorable rest. The room should be cool and fresh, so it should be ventilated as often as possible.

By following all the above tips, living with positive emotions, you can enjoy such a happy period of life.

Every person needs proper sleep, pregnancy greatly increases the need for rest, so it is especially important for expectant mothers. But the physiological changes that occur after conception, accompanied by soreness of the chest, growth of the abdomen, pain in the back and limbs, do not always allow you to get enough sleep.

In a new position, a woman often encounters insomnia, and the choice of a suitable sleeping position turns into a real problem. Consider the features of a pregnant woman's rest in each of the trimesters, as well as the problems associated with it and ways to solve them.

Pregnancy and sleep are inextricably linked, because without proper rest, normal intrauterine development of the baby and good health mother. French scientists came to the conclusion that women who suffered from insomnia during childbearing are more likely to experience complications during childbirth (protracted straining period, slow cervical dilatation). In addition, the lack of normal sleep increases the risk of diseases. of cardio-vascular system.

A healthy long sleep allows the expectant mother to get rid of the accumulated experiences associated with the expectation of a child and the upcoming birth. Therefore, in order not to experience constant stress and nervousness, you need to rest whenever such a desire appears.

Sleep during pregnancy is especially important because female body begins to expend more energy than in the normal state. Also, the decline in strength is due to a natural decrease in immunity and blood pressure from the expectant mother. This causes apathy and weakness. Best and the only way get rid of them - give the body a rest for the allotted time.

How much sleep do you need during pregnancy?

To meet the new needs of the body, sleep should become longer. In a normal period, the optimal duration of a night's rest is 8-9 hours. But a woman "in position" needs more time to recover - an average of 9 to 11 hours.

In the first trimester, the expectant mother experiences severe drowsiness associated with increased production of progesterone, the onset of toxicosis and other physiological changes. In this regard, sleep during early pregnancy also includes additional time for daytime rest. If you wish, it is recommended to devote at least 1.5 hours to it.

In the second trimester, the woman's condition stabilizes and weakness recedes. The need for daytime sleep may disappear, but nighttime rest should remain sufficiently long - 9 hours or more. It is also important to observe the daily routine - go to bed and get up at about the same time. The best time to go to bed is 11 pm, and to get up - 8-9 am.

What are the best positions to sleep in during pregnancy?

In thinking about how to combine sleep and pregnancy, the stomach, which is increasing day by day, makes its own adjustments. Due to the rapid growth of the child and, accordingly, the uterus, the problem is the choice of a comfortable position for the woman and a safe position for the baby to rest.

Many expectant mothers have a question: is sleeping on the stomach during pregnancy allowed or not? Let's try to figure out how long this is acceptable and what sleeping positions are more suitable for pregnant women.

In the early stages

Properly chosen position guarantees sound sleep and good health. In the first trimester, the choice of positions is practically unlimited. The uterus has not yet had time to increase greatly and is reliably protected by the pubic bones, so sleeping on the stomach during pregnancy is allowed during this period.

But often women have to choose a different position for sleeping in the very early stages. The reason for this is the increase and soreness of the mammary glands. In such a situation, you can sleep on your back or on your side, the main thing is that the position is comfortable.

At a later date

Starting from the second trimester, the choice of acceptable positions is reduced. In order not to cause discomfort to the baby and save the pregnancy, sleeping on the stomach will have to be canceled. It is better to rest during this period lying on your side, as if curled up around the baby.

Since the weight of the baby and the size of the uterus are still small, sleeping on your back during pregnancy is allowed at this time. But after the 27th week, this pose should also be abandoned. If the pregnancy is multiple, the fetus is large, or oligohydramnios is diagnosed, then this will have to be done earlier.

In the third trimester, the most suitable sleeping position is lying on your left side. If the baby is inside the uterus in a transverse presentation, then it is better to lie down on the side on which its head is located. This encourages the child to take the correct position.

To make sleep more comfortable, lying on your left side, you need to bend your right leg at the knee and put a pillow under it. You can use a regular pillow of a suitable size or specially designed for pregnant women.

In this position, blood circulation in the placenta improves, optimal conditions are created for the work of the mother's cardiovascular system. In addition, the excessive load on the spine, kidneys and other internal organs is removed.

Sleeping on one side all night is difficult, so if discomfort appears, doctors recommend changing your position by lying on the opposite side. It is advisable to do this 3-5 times a night.

Sleeping on your back during pregnancy in the third trimester is undesirable. At this time, this creates an excessive load on the spine, intestines, and, most importantly, leads to clamping of the vena cava.

As a result, the health of the expectant mother worsens, the following symptoms may appear:

  • labored breathing;
  • tachycardia;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • dizziness, sometimes fainting.

The child experiences intrauterine oxygen starvation which negatively affects its development. Often, if a woman rolls over on her back in a dream, the baby begins to push hard, giving signals that he is uncomfortable. But as soon as the expectant mother turns on her side, the situation returns to normal.

Sleeping on your stomach in the later stages is also strictly prohibited. Although the child is protected amniotic fluid, but the risk of injury still exists.

What to do with a sleep disorder?

Drowsiness is a natural state for a pregnant woman, but there are exceptions to any rule. Some women experience insomnia during pregnancy. There are many reasons for this - the difficulty with the choice comfortable posture for relaxation, back pain, spasms and cramps in the legs, anxiety for the unborn baby or fear of the upcoming birth.

Poor sleep during pregnancy is not normal. The lack of proper rest depletes the body of the expectant mother, leading to a breakdown, headaches and exacerbation chronic diseases. You can cope with sleep disorders by following a few simple rules.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the state of your body and daily routine. Falling asleep will be easier if:

  1. Go to bed at the same time every day. It is advisable to do this no later than 23:00. The rise should also not be too late; 9-10 hours are enough for a pregnant woman to have a good rest.
  2. Practicing daytime sleep, don't make it too long. If you rest during the day for more than 2 hours, the regime will be disturbed and it will be problematic to fall asleep at night.
  3. Do not drink a lot of liquid at night, otherwise the urge to urinate, already more frequent due to the pressure of the uterus on the bladder, will not allow you to rest properly.
  4. During the day, provide yourself with a reasonable physical activity. If there are no contraindications, it is necessary to walk in the fresh air for at least 2 hours daily, attend yoga or water aerobics for pregnant women. Better if physical exercise will fall in the first half of the day.
  5. Do not overeat at night. If the dinner is too dense, everything eaten will cause an unpleasant heaviness in the stomach and make it difficult to breathe, which does not contribute to a healthy and sound sleep.
  6. Ventilate the room before going to bed. The air in the bedroom should be fresh, but not too cold and dry.
  7. Wear comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics. Sleepwear should not be tight or hot. If the house is cool, it is better to cover yourself with a warm blanket, but be lightly dressed.
  8. Take a warm shower before bed. This will relax your muscles and make you fall asleep faster.
  9. Use aromatherapy. Essential oils(ylang-ylang, sandalwood, lavender, neroli) help to calm down, relieve nervous tension and get ready for sleep. They can be applied to fabric, placed in a special pendant or evaporated using an aroma lamp. But you need to remember that oils can provoke allergies.
  10. Convert a place to sleep by purchasing body-friendly bed linen, a comfortable pillow for pregnant women, and, if necessary, an orthopedic mattress.

If these tips do not help get rid of insomnia, you should consult your doctor. For persistent sleep disorders, pregnant women may be recommended herbal teas or light sedatives from natural ingredients - valerian, motherwort, etc. Any sleeping pills for expectant mothers are contraindicated, since they adversely affect the development of the baby, cause malfunctions in the woman's liver and kidneys.

Electrosleep during pregnancy

Electrosleep during pregnancy is one of the few allowed medical methods fight insomnia. This procedure is carried out in a physiotherapy room and consists in applying low-frequency pulsed currents to the brain using a special apparatus.

This effect restores cerebral circulation, normalizes nervous activity makes it easier to fall asleep. In addition, electrosleep improves metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces pressure, relieves spasms and reduces pain syndrome. The procedure is indicated for pregnant women not only with nervousness and sleep disorders, but also with severe toxicosis in the second trimester.

The treatment has contraindications (epilepsy, dermatitis of the skin of the face, eye diseases, oncological processes) and is carried out only as directed by a doctor.

A good rest while waiting for a child is possible. A stable daily routine and the creation of favorable conditions for falling asleep will allow you to forget about bad sleep during pregnancy forever. But, if, despite this, you continue to experience difficulties and discomfort, do not hesitate. Timely application for medical care will help get rid of insomnia and begin to receive only pleasure from your position.

Useful video about sleep during pregnancy

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Kalinov Yury Dmitrievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

Pregnancy is special condition women, in which a colossal load falls on the body, which means that there is an increased need for recovery. But, alas, hormonal changes provoke "strange" conditions - debilitating drowsiness during the day and annoying insomnia at night. Often, physiological and psychosomatic changes cause changes that are inexplicable at first glance. emotional state, which are also tiring - in a few minutes from euphoria to increased anxiety and back. Thus, insomnia during early pregnancy, which affects up to 80% of women, becomes an additional source of stress and fatigue.

Sometimes it is an inexplicable sleep disorder that causes you to think about the onset of conception even before the delay.

Features of insomnia during pregnancy

Insomnia is one of the most common somnological disorders, the symptoms of which include:

  • superficial (shallow) sleep;
  • sleep problems;
  • frequent sleep interruptions;
  • unreasonably early awakening.

Faced with such manifestations of insomnia, especially in the first trimester, a pregnant woman feels a breakdown and fatigue in the morning. During the day, physical ailments (for example, toxicosis or abdominal pain) and anxiety about the baby are superimposed on the state of weakness. This means that by the evening a lot of experiences accumulate, which in turn do not allow you to fall asleep. The circle is closed. That is why the manifestations of insomnia in a pregnant woman should not be ignored.

Important! About insomnia, how about pathological condition, they say only when the above symptoms occur at least three times a week for a month or more.

Types of insomnia

Sleep disorders are classified according to several parameters.

Types of insomnia by time of occurrence:

Dreams during pregnancy can be very different. Vivid and unique dreams during pregnancy are remembered for a lifetime, are included in the story of the appearance of a new family member and are remembered with bated breath. If, of course, this pleasant dreams. What if pregnant women have nightmares? Read our guide to "pregnant" dreams.

Almost any dream during pregnancy in one form or another expresses concern and a sense of responsibility for the child, manifested at a subconscious level. But! Dreams are also different. It was possible to lift the veil over the kingdom of Morpheus thanks to the joint work of scientific psychotherapists and specialists in the interpretation of dreams.

It turns out that there is a certain pattern between pregnancy and the theme of dreams in a pregnant woman.

A dream is exactly what you thought about it the first minute you woke up. True, do not forget that the "special position" makes us suspicious.

Dreams foreshadowing pregnancy

Very often, even before the official confirmation of pregnancy, messages come to us in a dream that we are pregnant. These are the so-called dreams-predictions, or dreams-hints. There are usually not so many options, but always after waking up there is a trail of light joy.

How to explain it? Intuitively, we feel the changes taking place in us, but for some reason we rely more on laboratory diagnostics than on your own feelings.

The body is already aware of the birth of a new life! It instantly sends signals to the brain caused by hormonal changes.

This information goes through a difficult path, transforming into a mysterious and little-studied structure of the unconscious. And the unconscious, as you know, can express itself only in dreams, clothed in symbols and signs that are understandable to those to whom they are intended.

Probably, at the genetic level, women of all times and peoples have an associative connection between the birth of a new life and the natural world.

Someone "in a dream" catches huge fish in the backwaters with his hands, someone circles in a flock of pigeons, choosing the most beautiful for himself, someone bakes bread.

In addition to pregnant women, girls who are psychologically ready for motherhood can see prediction dreams.

Waking up after such a dream, a woman does not need to look for an interpretation in the dream book. In some miraculous way, she immediately understands what the dream brought her, and with bated breath she waits for the time when the tests for beta-hCG, the main pregnancy hormone synthesized by placental syncytiotrophoblast cells, are confirmed.

Dreams during pregnancy - fish, birds, angels

I recently dreamed that I was holding several pigeons in my hands and choosing which one was bigger. In a couple of days I will find out: I am pregnant!

Ira, 24 years old: “I really wanted a child, but for some reason long time couldn't get pregnant. And now I dream that I am standing naked, knee-deep in a pond, and a flock of huge fish is circling around me! I'm confused because I don't know which one to choose. Then from the shore I hear the voice of my husband: “Catch only the most beautiful!”. I caught it. After 40 weeks, the most beautiful girl in the world".

Lyuda, 28 years old: “On the eve of pregnancy, I dreamed that I was in a village hut, barefoot, baking a lot of loaves of bread. I have never been to the village, and I don’t even know how to bake bread, but in my dream everything worked out so well! The dough just popped out of the pan. Bake - bake, but it does not end. She filled up the whole table with bread, the smell is all over the hut, she woke up with pleasure. Turns out we have twins. So I baked myself happiness!

Dreams during pregnancy - 1st trimester

From week 1 to week 12, you begin to adapt to your new state. It is at this time that significant physiological changes occur in your body. Symptoms such as nausea, pain in the legs, lethargy, drowsiness and body aches appear. In the first trimester, the organs and systems of the child are being formed, so be especially attentive to yourself. At this time, any psychological and physical overload can lead to undesirable consequences.

Toxicosis and the constant threat of miscarriage in the first weeks play an important role in the occurrence of heavy dreams. Physiological changes entail emotional: causeless depression, anxiety, a sharp change in mood, tearfulness appear.

While you are sleeping, your brain is actively adjusting to the new state. For this reason, you may be disturbed by disturbing dreams.

Examples of dreams in pregnant women - 1 trimester

Oksana, 8 weeks pregnant: “I have the same nightmare. I'm walking through the city, and suddenly the ground under my feet begins to crack, forming a huge hole. I'm falling and I can't call for help."

Victoria, 4 weeks pregnant: “Since my pregnancy, I have been repeating one awkward dream: I see myself at school with braided braids and bows. The teacher calls me to the blackboard, I go out to answer and understand that I am pregnant. I'm ashamed because the guys see it."

Maria, 11 weeks pregnant: “I often dream that I am already with big belly I go to the subway, and everyone looks at me and turns away. People around do not want to help me and give way. I feel ashamed of my stomach, I'm looking for and can't find a way out."

Interpretation of dreams in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

If you see similar dreams don't be afraid of them. They do not portend you a difficult pregnancy or the threat of miscarriage.

  • Try to get around the "pitfalls" of the night world. Perform in the evening light gymnastics: for example, the cat exercise will help you take the load off your back.
  • Ask someone close to give you a light foot massage.
  • At bedtime, take a comfortable shower or a relaxing bath, drink a cup of herbal tea that regulates the functioning of the kidneys.
  • Take care that your sleeping place was the most comfortable.
  • The room you sleep in must be well ventilated!
  • Read thematic literature, communicate with friends who already have experience of motherhood.

Very often, the reason for our fears lies primarily in the lack of information on exciting questions. Start solving them during the day, not at night.

Dreams during pregnancy - 2nd trimester

Weeks 12 to 24 interesting position» Nausea and fatigue usually go away and you feel much better. At this stage, the dream, as a projection of daytime experiences, fully reflects your mood.

No nightmares, dreams are not as vivid as in the first trimester, and are mostly devoted to pleasant care for yourself and the baby. For example, you can see your child as a baby, and then follow the process of his growing up. Such dreams are a sign that you are psychologically ready for motherhood, they are a direct consequence of your pleasant expectations, thoughts, and preparations for the birth of a baby. They allow you to look into the future and bring the long-awaited time of motherhood closer.

Dreams in which you dream of your unborn child have a similar meaning. Such dreams can occur if you are preoccupied with something and worry about it. In this case, the subconscious is trying to show you that everything will be fine with the baby, and thereby return to you good mood. Most often, the subconscious mind tries to calm you down, so in a dream, you may dream of a husband with your baby.

Examples of dreams in pregnant women - 2nd trimester

Zlata, 20 weeks pregnant: “I remember the most pleasant dreams only in the middle of pregnancy. I either walked with an already born baby, played with him or drew something for him. It was a pleasure to chat with him and answer his questions.”

Vika, 25 weeks pregnant: “I saw my son in a dream. It struck me that he is an exact copy of my husband, only a baby: beautiful blue eyes and long, long cilia. I woke up because I was crying with emotion.

Kira, 20 weeks pregnant: “I dreamed that my baby stuck out a leg from my navel. And it’s too early for me to give birth, but in a dream I understand that I can’t take it back, I urgently need to do something, for example, call my husband. He woke me up."

Interpretation of dreams in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

If you still have restless sleep, analyze how you sleep. As the uterus continues to grow and takes up more space in abdominal cavity, the position on the stomach or on the back is not suitable for you. Try to find the best sleeping position by placing pillows under your knees. Thus, you will improve the flow of blood with nutrients to the placenta, facilitate the work of the kidneys, and, accordingly, prevent the occurrence of swelling of the legs and arms.

During this period, the expectant mother may feel the movement of the fetus, while feeling a slight tapping or trembling. At 20 weeks, the uterus sometimes comes into tone, muscle contractions are felt, and training is underway before childbirth. These are the so-called Braxton-Hicks contractions (false contractions). But still, the second trimester is quite calm.

Dreams during pregnancy - 3rd trimester

Negative dreams about childbirth from the 24th to the 38th week of pregnancy are still rare and are primarily characteristic of neurotic natures.

If you see such dreams, then you are very afraid of the birth process itself. In order to calmly and fully rest at night, try to free yourself from negative emotions.

Psychologists recommend devoting the remaining time before childbirth to psychological and physical preparation for this difficult, but such a joyful event - the birth of your baby. Attend childbirth preparation courses, go in for fitness - gymnastics, yoga, swimming, learn how to breathe correctly: breathing will become yours faithful assistant in the relief of childbirth.

To get rid of the fear of childbirth, and in the process - and from pain, master the technique of relaxation (relaxation). Try not to be nervous and not to "wind up" yourself: this activity is absolutely meaningless and unpromising. Learn to control your emotions and get rid of fears. Try to speak your thoughts, and then determine what changes have occurred, whether the anxiety has decreased.

Be sure to say a positive result out loud. If you can't manage your anxiety on your own, see a psychologist. Luckily, fear isn't the only feeling creeping into moms-to-be's dreams. When a woman has a positive psychological attitude, she is calm, balanced and happily expecting a baby, this also manifests itself in her dreams. Very often, such dreams create an additional installation on happy outcome childbirth.

Examples of dreams in pregnant women - 3rd trimester

Karina, 29 weeks pregnant: “I dreamed about my own birth a couple of times. One dream was so real that I even physically felt the passage of a child along birth canal. By the way, in a dream it didn’t hurt at all. ”

Olga, 37 weeks pregnant: “I dreamed that I gave birth to a boy. And it didn't hurt at all in my dream. Extraordinarily easy. I didn’t even have to push, he himself easily and simply slipped out ... He immediately smiled and began to suck on his breast.

Interpretation of dreams in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

Many women dream of a child already born, but quite mature and completely independent. Such dreams are usually unemotional, but quite vivid and well remembered.

They say that you are not yet psychologically ready for childbirth and in a dream you are trying to get rid of the fear of childbirth with the help of a kind of “montage”: you are already offered the role of a mother, but there is no period of childbirth itself.

Oddly enough, your clear decision on where to give birth to your baby can help. Depending on your views on life, the place of birth can be either your own home or a maternity hospital. At the same time, decide whether it will be childbirth under an agreement with or without a husband. Decide on these important details and you will notice that fear will go into concrete actions and preparation.

Advice! If you cannot interpret the message, refer to the dream book, read the meaning of the symbols, and then add them together.

uterine pressure and high level progesterone in the last trimester of pregnancy can cause frequent heartburn, shortness of breath and pain in the lower ribs. About two weeks before delivery, the profile of the abdomen changes as the fetus descends into the pelvic cavity. Future mom may feel a decrease in pressure on the diaphragm, it becomes easier to breathe. However, the fetal head begins to put pressure on the bladder, causing an even more frequent desire to go to the toilet. Toward the end of pregnancy, uterine contractions become more and more noticeable and frequent. Sleep becomes ragged, heavy and erratic.

A woman is physically and emotionally preparing for the most important task of childbirth. It is the dream that now broadcasts your most important fears: the animal fear of the birth process itself and the fear of responsibility for the child born.

Creativity will help you get rid of strong and persistent fears. Take colored pencils or paints and draw your fear on paper. Just before that, try to fully feel your attitude towards it. What associations do you have? It can be something concrete, abstract or completely shapeless color blots. Try to analyze less during creativity, draw intuitively. Take a close look at what you've got. Set the drawing aside for a few minutes and do something else, then take a sheet of paper and think about what details you need to add to the composition so that the fear disappears.

Maybe paint everything with different colors or completely redraw the picture. You should have a feeling of complete completion of the work. After this exercise, experiences fade and become less painful. If after the creative process you feel relieved, the goal has been achieved.