
Israeli clinics for treatment. Find out about the possibility of undergoing treatment in leading clinics in Israel

Cost ($)A course of treatment A comprehensive diagnostic program developed jointly by orthopedists and rheumatologists of the Top Ichilov clinic3412 3-4 days Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with biological drugsRequest a Quote Get a course of treatment Arthroscopic synovectomy (excision of the synovium of the joint)Request a Quote 1-2 days Replacement knee joint using computer simulation (performed by Dr. Ron Arbel)Request a Quote 7 days

Department of Urology

BPHCost ($)A course of treatment
Diagnosis Top Ichilov (differentiation of adenoma from prostate cancer) + ind. treatment program from prof. Chaim Matskin2105 Get a course of treatment
Transurethral resection of the prostate4267 2 days
Vaporization of the prostate with a green laser (performed by Professor Chaim Matskin)Request a Quote 1 day
Transurethral microwave thermotherapy (destruction of overgrown prostate tissue with heat)2115 45 minutes
Biopsy prostate to rule out malignancy1730 1 day

Find out prices for the treatment of other diseases of the genitourinary system

Department of Endocrinology

TOP-5 advantages of treatment in Israel:

  • The latest equipment. You will be able to undergo diagnostics and treatment using the most modern medical equipment that exists in the world. Thanks to this, the diagnosis will be 100% accurate, the treatment will be effective, and recovery will be fast. The clinic has a 4th generation robot surgeon DaVinci Xi, 256-slice computed tomography, equipment for MRI and PET-CT and other latest technology.
  • Great experience and high qualification of doctors. In Israel, the process of preparing a medical specialist takes more than 15 years. At the same time, doctors gain their experience in the leading clinics of the world. The Top Ichilov clinic employs only experienced specialists, among them there are 113 world-famous professors.
  • Optimal quality ratio medical services and their cost. Treatment in an Israeli clinic is about 25% cheaper than in Germany and other Western European countries, and 56% cheaper than in the USA.
  • The shortest terms of diagnostics and treatment. Diagnostics in Top Ichilov takes from 1 to 4 days. It is possible to start treatment the next day after the diagnosis.
  • No language barrier. 23% of doctors and 49% of nurses in the clinic speak Russian.

Contact Top Ichilov Clinic

Benefits of treatment at Top Ichilov

  • Diagnosis in the clinic takes no more than 4 days. Treatment is also carried out as soon as possible.
  • The cost of treatment is 20-30% lower than in clinics in Germany and other Western European countries.
  • The clinic takes full responsibility for organizing the trip including airline tickets, hotel reservations, airport pick-up and transportation.
  • During each visit to the clinic, the patient is accompanied by medical coordinator-translator.

What are the payment options in Israel?

All pre-treatments are FREE(initial consultation with the doctor Top Ichilov, preparation of a treatment program). The patient pays only for diagnostic and healing procedures in Israel. Payment Methods:

  • Bank card. The patient can pay for diagnostics and treatment in Israel using Visa and Mastercard bank cards. Our experts recommend opening a currency card before the trip. It is important to know that when paying with a ruble or hryvnia card, the amount will be converted into the payment currency ($, € or ₪) at the commercial rate of your bank.
  • Cash. The Top Ichilov clinic accepts US dollars, euros and shekels. It is important to note that each person has the right to freely bring up to $10,000 into the country. If a patient arrives accompanied by 1-2 relatives, then he will be able to freely bring $20,000 - $30,000. If necessary, our specialists will help fill out a customs declaration.
  • Bank transfer. Bank details will be provided to you by our consultant. Important to consider that a bank transfer can take up to 3 business days. If you send a transfer on Tuesday, then it can be received by the Top Ichilov clinic on Sunday, since Friday and Saturday are days off in Israel.

Request a quote for diagnostics in Ichilov

How to save on treatment in Israel?

Thanks to the coordinated actions of the staff of the Top Ichilov clinic the patient saves from 15% of the cost treatment compared to other clinics. Top 3 factors:

  • The absence of intermediaries. We are the official representative of the Top Ichilov clinic. The above cost of procedures is set by the Israeli Ministry of Health.
  • The fastest diagnosis. Full course diagnosis of "complex" diseases takes 2-4 days. Every day in the clinic is scheduled by the hour. In Israeli clinics, there is no queue for PET-C, MRI or other procedures. Diagnosis, which takes 15 days in a Russian clinic, takes 2-4 days in Top Ichilov. The patient saves on rent.
  • Analysis revision. Before arrival, the patient sends the results of all procedures performed. If the quality of the tests (such as a biopsy) does not arouse suspicion in an Israeli doctor, the patient does not take the same tests at Top Ichilov. The patient saves time and money.

How much does treatment cost in Israel?

To find out exactly how much treatment at the Israeli Top Ichilov clinic will cost, it is best to call +972-3-7621629 or leave a request on our website.

The application should briefly describe your medical problem. You can attach to the application the results of examinations and other medical documentation electronic. To do this, use the "Upload Files" button located under the application.

After you call us or send a request, you will be contacted Doctor of Diagnostics Department Top Ichilov and ask you the questions necessary for a professional analysis of the situation.

Then the medical consultation will determine which course of treatment you need, and you will receive an official commercial offer.

Advantages of treatment in Israel

➤ Treatment in Israel ➤ 54 clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatment ☺ 149 reviews ✎ Appointment for consultation ✉ 2 116 patients sent for treatment

Important information about treatment!

Treatment in Israeli clinics is considered one of the best in the world. Advanced system health care and its compliance with the highest world standards allowed the country to enter the top three world leaders in providing medical care to foreigners. When choosing a clinic abroad, many of our compatriots prefer Israel; annually, about 25 thousand patients go there from Russia. Treatment in Israeli clinics is the most popular among people who require urgent hospitalization abroad.

How much will it cost me?

Prices for treatment in Israeli clinics depend on the rating of the institution, the type and complexity of the disease. Despite the high level medical care, they are at an affordable level for most foreign tourists. The cost of treatment in Israel is much lower than in Switzerland, Austria, Germany and many other European countries. And compared to the United States, the cost of many diagnostic services less than 3-7 times.

How to optimize treatment costs and refuse unnecessary services of intermediaries?

Many patients prefer treatment without intermediaries. But it is impossible to completely exclude this factor even when contacting the international department of Israeli clinics. Services from this facility will then be included in your health care bill. When choosing intermediaries, it is necessary to contact reliable organizations and choose from the offered services exactly those that are really needed.

We often do not realize how far we have come modern medicine. Heart diseases, with which a person was doomed to a slow extinction, are cured in three days by the method of invasive cardiac surgery, diseases leading to the destruction of organs (joints, liver, kidneys, etc.), which were previously a sentence, are no longer a problem, because the affected organ can be replaced. Just think - after all, now more than 90% of children with blood cancer survive, and some 100 years ago, measles carried away more.

What makes treatment in Israeli clinics attractive for patients?

With all the advantages, modern medicine has a drawback, oddly enough, connected with these advantages in the most direct way: modern medicine is high-tech. An old doctor with a pipe and a suitcase containing a set of medicines for all occasions does not have the ability to cure what they can handle modern doctors, however, the funds necessary for this no longer fit in the suitcase. In other words, only high-tech clinics, equipped with the latest medical science and in accordance with the scientific and technological progress, can provide everything necessary for effective treatment serious diseases, not so long ago considered incurable.

Doctors get little a good education, it needs to be constantly updated, because medicine does not stand still, every day brings discoveries, every day a small (and sometimes big!) step is taken to overcome pain and weakness. But this combination - a competent doctor and an equipped clinic - can offer the patient a lot. And it is this combination that characterizes Israeli clinics - it is not for nothing that Israel became a leader in medical tourism a few years ago, and since then it has not lost its positions.

How can a patient find out prices in Israeli hospitals?

Many patients from abroad are surprised to learn that it is not determined by the clinic itself, and is not set by its management. Prices for diagnostic and treatment procedures in all hospitals in Israel are the same and are controlled by the state. Moreover, this rule applies not only to public hospitals, but also to private medical centers. in private Israeli hospitals may differ from the cost in public clinics only due to more a wide range additional services, such as consultations with a world-class specialist of a narrow specialization, increased comfort, etc.).

If you or your loved ones need medical attention in best hospitals ah Israel, contact us by filling out the online form. We will answer you in short term and provide comprehensive information about treatment in Israel and its cost in relation to a specific diagnosis.

Rating of Israeli clinics according to patients

In Israel, health care has been a priority since the establishment of the state, state aid is not only in financing, but also in control (including price control), and in providing a visa-free regime for patients from many countries. Now the Israeli Ministry of Health also publishes an impartial rating of Israeli clinics, the criterion by which the clinic is evaluated is the quality of patient care.

It should be noted that the quality of care was determined by several parameters (for example, the speed of catheterization in stroke or the time of antibiotic administration after surgery for a hip fracture), and the rating was compiled separately for each of the parameters. This form turned out to be the most objective and honest, since Israeli clinics are all distinguished by a high level, and at the same time, each of them has its own specialization - an area in which the medical center is especially successful. For example, Meir Medical Center is considered the best place for hysterectomy, the Sheba clinic is known for its success in the treatment of oncological diseases, and the Rambam Medical Center is one of the most advanced centers emergency care and resuscitation in the Middle East, etc.

However, it was interesting to summarize all the data and determine the leader, and of course this was done based on the data provided by the Ministry of Health. The Adassah Clinic turned out to be such a leader.

Rating of the best clinics in Israel

Interestingly, the ranking of hospitals by the Israeli Ministry of Health led to " side effect” – clinics began to strive to improve their performance. Thus, it is known that in a stroke it is critically important that the patient receives specialized assistance during the first 3.5-4 hours after the stroke has occurred. Israeli doctors believe that stroke catheterization should be carried out in the first 90 minutes. In 2014, when this indicator began to be published when assessing the quality of medical care, it amounted to 68%, i.e. in 68% of cases, catheterization was actually performed within the first 90 minutes after the stroke. On the next year this indicator was already 79%, and in 2016 - 86%. Of course, the rating is incomplete - only public (state) medical institutions took part in it, private clinics, although they are also controlled by the state, are not reflected in it.

Features of financing treatment in Israeli clinics

Another, this time conditional, rating can be considered the publication of data on the results financial activities clinics in Israel to serve patients from abroad. This is another, perhaps the most important confirmation that Israel is the world leader in medical tourism. In total, the annual profit from the treatment of foreign patients amounted to about $226 million, which is 60% higher than earlier figures.

It turned out that the most popular among foreign patients is, so to speak, the flagship of Israeli healthcare, the Sheba Tel-a-Shomer clinic. The annual profit of this hospital from medical tourism is now about 43 million dollars.

  1. Hospital "Sheba Tel-a-Shomer" (Ramat Gan) - $ 43 million;
  2. Ichilov Medical Center (Tel Aviv) – $35 million;
  3. Clinic "Beilinson" (Petah Tikva) - 13 million dollars;
  4. Rambam Medical Center (Haifa) – $9 million;
  5. Hospital "Asaf a-Rofe" (Beer Yaakov) - $ 6 million;
  6. Pediatrics Center "Schneider" (Petah Tikva) - 4.5 million dollars.

Despite a fairly lenient visa regime for foreign patients who come to Israel for a purpose, the Ministry of Health believes that overly strict border controls deprive the country of profits estimated at about $ 23 million. Note that citizens of Ukraine and Russia do not need visas to receive medical care in Israel.

Reviews of treatment in Israeli hospitals

It is easier to form an opinion about success not by dry statistics, but by reading the reviews of real people, those who preferred to be treated in Israel, and not in their native country for one reason or another.

So, treatment in Israel - patient reviews left on our website:

“In 2015, trouble happened in our family, our daughter was found malignant uterus. The blow was all the stronger because ten years earlier she had already been treated for breast cancer, we only breathed a sigh of relief that the horror was over - and here is a new blow. Knowing firsthand about the treatment in domestic oncology, we decided to go to Israel, to the Ichilov clinic. The horror parted after a few days, the Israeli doctors told us that there was no catastrophe, and the question of life and death was not even worth it, definitely positive result subject to immediate treatment. I can't tell you how important it was for me to hear this. What I want to say now, after some time has passed, when emotions have settled down: this is the medicine of the future. If there is a chance to pull a person out of the clutches of death, Israeli doctors will take advantage of it. The wonderful Ichilov saved us, the operation was successful and somehow imperceptibly, quickly and without suffering. The daughter received the treatment that was not available to us at home, and it's not about the price, but about the technology - that's why Israeli doctors can give guarantees, they rely not on chance, but on skill and experience. Thanks!"

Olga Dmitrievna K., Saratov

“The diagnosis of rectal cancer took me by surprise. The question of passage became acute. Having rushed about and studied the information on the Internet, I decided to go to Israel and be treated there. The prospect of spending the rest of my life as an invalid with fecal incontinence terrified me. I was treated at the Sheba clinic, it is considered one of the best in Israel, and in fact it is not a clinic, but a whole city. Here everything is done for people, everything is done to help them. The treatment helped me, now I am practically healthy. It is a pity that treatment of this level is not available here, and it is good that there is an opportunity to choose where to be treated.”

I. Gornostaev, Moscow

Priority destinations for Israeli hospitals

Medical tourists coming to Israel can be divided into 2 types:

  1. People who need a slight correction of their appearance, who want to undergo an examination, a preventive course, or get a wellness vacation.
  2. People with severe pathologies for whom it is vital to receive, for example, high-quality, or undergo rehabilitation after a serious injury.

Based on this, priority, i.e. most popular with medical tourists directions are:

  • Aesthetic medicine: plastic surgery, anti-aging therapy, dentistry, obesity treatment (including bariatric surgery);
  • Wellness holidays at the Dead Sea (especially in demand among patients suffering from psoriasis, neurodermatitis, scleroderma, vitiligo, rheumatoid arthritis etc.);
  • Preventive diagnostics: general and specialized body examinations;
  • Oncology (especially oncourology, oncohematology, oncogynecology, childhood oncology);
  • Neurosurgery;
  • Orthopedics (endoprosthetics, spinal surgery);
  • Urology and Nephrology;
  • Surgery;
  • Pediatrics;
  • Rehabilitation.

It has already been mentioned above that, with a general high level, some multidisciplinary medical centers have a certain specialization - the direction that is represented in this clinic by the most advanced methods. This is usually due to the fact that large Israeli medical centers are engaged not only in clinical practice, but are also the bases of research centers that develop one or another direction. Thus, the Ichilov Clinic is widely known in the scientific community as a center for the study of melanoma - a breakthrough has recently been made here in the treatment of this formidable disease, nicknamed the "queen of tumors". Sheba Clinic far beyond the borders of Israel has the glory of a leading cardio center, the country's first heart transplant was performed here, etc. Therefore, of course, popularity ratings are rather conditional, but they are important not only for potential patients, but also for the healthcare professionals themselves, because allow you to impartially evaluate the activities of the clinic, identify weaknesses and strong points, thereby giving direction to efforts, because there is no limit to perfection.

Criteria for evaluating public clinics in Israel

Recently, the Ministry of Health conducted a survey among patients who were hospitalized in Israeli public medical centers. The subject of the survey was the quality of medical care provided by Israeli clinics. As a result, a rating of Israeli clinics was compiled, which helps patients who are preparing to undergo a course of treatment make a choice. Choosing a medical institution from the top 10 clinics in Israel, you can be sure of a high level of service.

500 patients were interviewed out of 11,099 Israelis admitted to public hospitals. There were six questions in total, selected by Ayelet Greenbaum-Arizon, head of the Department of Health Service Quality Assurance.

As a result of the survey, it was found that patients are most satisfied with the service in hospitals:

  1. "Beilinson" in Petah Tikva;
  2. Sheba in Tel Hashomer;
  3. as well as at the Carmel Medical Center in Haifa.
  4. After these medical institutions, in descending order, are:
  5. the Rambam Hospital in Haifa;
  6. HaEmek in Afula;
  7. Shaare Zedek in Jerusalem;
  8. "Maayaney Yehoshua" in Bnei Brak;
  9. Bnei Zion in Haifa.

The bottom positions are occupied by Laniado Hospital in Netanya and Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot.

This is the third consecutive year that such a survey has been conducted. Its results show that satisfaction with the quality of medical services is constantly growing, despite the fact that Israeli clinics are overcrowded and there are often not enough places.

Respondents were asked to rate Israeli government medicine on a 100-point scale.

Here are the average poll results:

  • attitude of doctors and medical staff to patients - 84;
  • quality of medical care - 80;
  • providing explanations and information regarding treatment - 80;
  • continuity of service - 78;
  • general atmosphere - 76.

It should be noted that this year these figures are higher than in the past and the year before last.

According to the surveyed patients, the leading departments were surgical departments. They received a score of 80 points. The last places were taken by registries and reception departments, which were rated at 69 points.

The best public hospitals in Israel

When choosing treatment abroad, you should pay attention to the compiled rating public clinics Israel. The leading hospital is Beilinson. This is a multidisciplinary institution, the priority sectors of the hospital include oncology, neurosurgery, cardiology, traumatology, orthopedics, and transplantology.

The Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the Beilinson Hospital is known far beyond the borders of Israel as the largest. The hospital also houses such well-known medical institutions as the Institute of the Liver, the Clinic of Plastic Surgery, the Gerontological Clinic.

Another of the leading hospitals - "Sheba" is the largest medical institution in Israel. It not only treats more than a million patients annually, but spends about a quarter of all medical research in Israel.

Priority areas of research at Sheba Hospital include genetics and oncogenetics, oncology, oncosurgery, cardiology, neurology, hemato-oncology, immunology, and stem cell therapy. Clinical specialists managed to achieve outstanding results in the study of diabetes, autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer's disease, neurodegenerative diseases.

Medical Center Carmel also conducts active research work, and is also engaged in teaching activities on the basis of the well-known Israeli Technion Institute. The clinic has 30 departments, where up to 80 thousand patients are treated annually.

One of the leading Israeli clinics "Rambam" is known for using the most modern and effective methods treatment oncological diseases. Both Israeli citizens and patients from other countries are successfully treated here.

The clinic is treating the latest techniques which require special permission from the national regulatory authority. The Rambam clinic often helps even those patients whom doctors considered hopeless in their homeland.

The results of a survey of patients on the quality of medical services will allow clinics to identify weaknesses and further improve the level of service next year.

The best clinics in Israel are medical institutions that are known all over the world. The authority of Israeli clinics is built on highly qualified doctors who are famous in Europe and the USA. State of the art medical equipment and the latest drugs are important factors in the choice of treatment in best clinics ah Israel.

State prices in Israel

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Medical center "Ichilov"("Surasky") is one of the top three Israeli public hospitals. It is located in the center of Tel Aviv. The medical center employs 1130 doctors. 103 of them are professors, 215 are heads of departments.

The most famous and titled doctor medical center "Ichilov" -. Patients from all over the world, including Europe and the USA, come to him for consultations. Over 40 years of experience in oncology.

Honored Ichilov surgeons are popular with patients from all over the world: , breast surgery specialist , neurosurgeon and others.

Many specialists teach at Tel Aviv University and are engaged in scientific work. On their account over 1200 clinical research . For income received from research activities, "Ichilov" takes 1st place in Israel.

Prices in Ichilov

Hadassah is one of the top 3 public hospitals in Israel. The main part of its buildings is located in the suburbs of Jerusalem - Ein Kerem. In 2005, the team was nominated for Nobel Prize peace for equal treatment of patients, regardless of their religion and ethnicity. AT different time 2 worked here Nobel laureates. This is biochemist Avram Gershko and biologist Aaron Ciechanover.

There are currently 850 doctors working in Hadassah. 50 of them in 2016 were in Forbes magazine top list as world-class experts in various areas medicine.

Add to list the best doctors Forbes entered Professor Dina Ben-Yehuda Head of the Department of Hematology. Dina Ben-Yehuda decided to become a hematologist when her brother died of serious illness blood. After graduating university. Ben Gurion in Beersheba and residency at Hadassah, Dina Ben-Yehuda was engaged in scientific work at the famous American Cancer Center Sloan-Kettering. Ben-Yehuda has been head of the Hadassah hematology department for 16 years. In addition, she teaches at Hebrew University (Jerusalem).

Prices in Hadassah

Third Best Public Hospital - Sheba, located in the small town of Kiryat Ono, in the center of the country. About 1400 doctors work here. Here, close cooperation has been established with the team of the famous American Cancer Center M.D. Anderson.

Patients from abroad seek treatment at the Sheba Institute of Hematology. This division is headed by one of the leading Israeli oncohematologists - Professor Aaron Nagler, transplant specialist bone marrow and cord blood. The cord blood bank he created is considered one of the best in the world.

Among the leading doctors of the clinic - oncologist professor Shmuel Ariad, geneticist Professor Ohad Birk, specialist in pediatric intensive care Professor Shaul Sofer.

Prices in Soroca

Wolfson Medical Center is located in the central part of Israel, in the city of Holon. It provides medical care 650 doctors. 100 of them are lecturers at Tel Aviv University, and some are department chairs at the university. One of the teachers at Tel Aviv University is Professor Jacob Bar Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Wolfson Clinic.

Wolfson Hospital has one of the best orthopedic departments in Israel. Department doctors under the direction of Dr. Raphael Lotan perform all types modern operations on the joints, including.

Honored popular cardio center Wolfson Hospital. In 1996 the doctors children's department cardiology center founded the Save a Child's Heart organization. The initiator of this charitable organization became the then head of the Department of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Dr. Abraham Cohen. As part of this organization hospital cardiologists and cardiac surgeons treat children from developing countries suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Prices in Wolfson

Kaplan Multidisciplinary Medical Center located in Rehovot. The doctors of the Kaplan Hospital work closely with the scientists of the Hebrew University.

The geriatric department of Kaplan Hospital is considered the best in Israel. The Geriatrics Department is run by a renowned specialist in internal medicine and geriatrics Dr. Sheri Tal. Treatment and rehabilitation here patients aged 80 years and older. Working with doctors and patients social workers, nutritionists and other professionals.

The priority areas of the hospital's work include cardiology and cardiac surgery.. The hospital employs the highest qualifications. One of them - famous Israeli doctor and Russian TV presenter. It is no coincidence that Kaplan Hospital has been selected to build the largest cardiac center in the Middle East which will open here in the near future.

Prices in Kaplan

Assuta is the largest private clinic countries. Leading specialists from Israeli public hospitals practice in it. Interns and trainees are not invited to Assuta, only experienced doctors.

The hospital specializes in oncology and surgery.

Assuta has one of the best cancer clinics in Israel. Leading oncologists practice here, modern diagnostic and treatment equipment is located (including a PET-MRI machine - about 30 in the world).

The most in the country are held in Assuta. Surgeons of the highest qualification perform operations of any level of complexity. Patient recovery is faster than in other medical institutions because doctors always try to use minimally invasive surgical methods.

Prices in Assuta

Medical tourism is a combination of rest and treatment abroad. In recent years, this direction in tourism has shown rapid growth, namely 10% per year, which is twice as high as the growth of all areas of tourism in general. According to forecasts, by 2017 the global medical tourism market will reach the amount of 678.5 billion dollars, which will account for 16% of the total tourism market. Treatment abroad is popular both in countries with developed medicine and in those countries where the level of medicine leaves much to be desired. For example, in the USA, despite the high level of medical care, the prices for treatment are exorbitant, so many US citizens prefer to undergo treatment in other countries where the level of medicine is not worse, and the prices are several times lower. In Russia and other countries former USSR the main problem is the quality of medical care, which is still far from world standards, so both celebrities and simple people quite often they prefer to undergo treatment, undergo surgery and even just give birth to a child in countries such as Israel or Germany. Israel is especially popular among the inhabitants of the countries of the former USSR, only from Russia about 25 thousand people go there for treatment a year. Such popularity is due to the fact that Israel is one of the world leaders in the field of medicine, especially in surgery and in vitro fertilization (IVF), while the cost of treatment in Israel is lower than in Germany and many other European countries, and when compared with the United States , then the difference is even more noticeable: for some types of services, Israel is 7 times cheaper than the United States. In addition, for Russians, treatment and recreation in Israel are comfortable because, thanks to the large number of immigrants from the countries of the former USSR, Israel has no shortage of Russian-speaking medical personnel and tourism workers in general. We should not forget about the healing dead water sea, on the shores of which there are many medical centers.

Those who are thinking about undergoing treatment in Israel or another country will inevitably face the choice of a suitable clinic, specialists, collection required documents for treatment, obtaining a medical visa (if required). You can deal with this issue on your own, but it is better to entrust these preparatory procedures to professional intermediaries, especially considering that such services will be free for the patient, because. intermediary companies receive commissions directly from the clinics, while for the patient the price does not change, regardless of whether he applied to the clinic directly or through an intermediary company. One of the leading intermediary companies in Russia is DocLand. The site provides data on more than 260 clinics and more than a thousand doctors in Israel, Germany, Poland, Spain, South Korea, India. Based on hundreds of patient reviews and the availability of various medical certificates DocLand publishes ratings of the best clinics and doctors different countries, which can be contacted through the website

10th place. Shaare Zedek Medical Center(Jerusalem) - a ten-story medical complex with the following medical capabilities: tomography that scans a beating heart in HD resolution, allowing doctors to detect heart defects on initial stage their development, implantation of the aortic valve through femoral artery. The clinic has a state-of-the-art neonatal intensive care unit. Also in this clinic is the only MRI machine for babies in Israel. Every year, about 250 thousand Israelis and citizens of foreign countries are treated in Shaare Zedek, 20 thousand the most complex operations.
Leading areas of the clinic: oncology, orthopedics, surgery, cardiology and cardiac surgery, urology and nephrology, gastroenterology, nephrology, obstetrics and gynecology, neonatology.

9th place. Edith Wolfson State Hospital(Holon). This clinic has been a leading medical center in Israel since 1980. Today there are 60 multidisciplinary departments and divisions, as well as the Institute of Plastic Surgery and the Center for Voice and Speech. All of them are equipped with the latest technology. Every year, more than 120,000 Israelis and foreigners seek help from the doctors of the clinic. The Edith Wolfson hospital has a capacity of 700 beds, including an additional 460 beds for patients requiring single procedures.
Leading areas: oncology, orthopedics, surgery, cardiology and cardiac surgery, neurology, gastroenterology, diagnostics, phlebology.

8th place. Meir Medical Center(Kfar Saba). Meir Medical Center was founded in 1956. It is accredited by JCI and is included in the largest Israeli medical network"Clalit" (unites 14 best hospitals in the country). Almost all doctors of the Meir organization have different academic degrees and successfully combine clinical practice with scientific activity. They operate on more than 20,000 patients per year. Many of the staff oversee top Israeli athletes, including the Olympic team. Thanks to their professionalism, the Meir Clinic was named the best in 2007-2011.
Among the priority areas of the organization: gastroenterology, oncology, spinal surgery, orthopedics, nephrology, Maxillofacial Surgery and radioisotope medicine.

7th place. Clinic Schneider- Children's Hospital (Petah Tikva). It is the largest and most modern children's hospital in the Middle East. Children from all over the world receive treatment here. The doctors of the institution work in such areas as transplantation of internal organs / tissues, pediatric oncology, surgery, cardiology and immunology. Also in the hospital "Schneider" innovative methods of treatment of diabetes are used. For accurate and fast correct diagnoses, advanced computer imaging methods are used. After therapy, small patients can undergo a rehabilitation course that will help them return to their usual way of life in a record short period of time. The wards at the Schneider Hospital are decorated in such a way that they resemble cozy children's rooms. Each of them has separate bed for the parent so that he can be near the child throughout the course of treatment.

6th place. Ichilov Sourasky Medical Center(Tel Aviv). It is Israel's main public hospital, treating more than 400,000 local residents and the same number of foreign patients every year.
Leading areas: oncology, orthopedics, surgery, cardiology and cardiac surgery, ophthalmology, IVF, urology and nephrology, gastroenterology, plastic surgery, dentistry, transplantology.

5th place. Psychological center Matspen(Tel Aviv). This is a private medical institution that provides detection and therapy different types neurological and mental disorders, psychological and physical addictions. The treatment of dependent people is carried out here confidentially.

4th place. Ramat Aviv Medical Center(Tel Aviv). Since 2003, it has been owned by Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov. Service in "Ramat Aviv" is carried out at the VIP-class level, so most of the organization's patients are wealthy individuals who prefer to be treated in the most comfortable conditions.
Leading areas: oncology, orthopedics, surgery, cardiology and cardiac surgery, ophthalmology, urology and nephrology, gastroenterology, diagnostics.

3rd place. Melanoma Unit Clinic(Tel Aviv). It is one of the subdivisions of the Assuta private clinic, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of melanoma (skin oncology).

2nd place. Hadassah Medical Center(Jerusalem) - honorary member of the American Hospital Association (American Hospital Association), nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. The center is known throughout the world for a large number ongoing medical research and unique discoveries. The country's first child conceived by IVF was born here, and the first double coronary bypass surgery and transplantation of the cardiopulmonary complex were performed here in Israel. The clinic performed the world's first hip arthroplasty.
Leading areas: oncology, orthopedics, cardiology and cardiac surgery, hematology and oncohematology, neurology, ophthalmology, endocrinology, urology and nephrology, venereal diseases, dentistry, neurosurgery, obstetrics and gynecology.

1 place. Clinic Assuta(Tel Aviv). This is the largest private clinic in Israel. It was the first in the country to be accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI). Every year, the Assuta clinic treats several hundred thousand patients from around the world, performs about 85,000 operations and more than 650,000 diagnostic tests. Everyone who comes here has the right to choose their own doctor. Among the most advanced equipment used in the Assuta clinic is the Da Vinci Surgical System surgical robot, which allows performing the most complex surgical operations at the highest level. In the hospital, all patients are accommodated in comfortable single rooms, where there are all amenities. The menu is available to choose from.
The clinic received exclusively positive reviews patients, and spinal surgeon Ilya Pekarsky, who works at the Assuta clinic, is currently the leader in the ranking of the best doctors in Israel on the website.
Leading areas: oncology, orthopedics, cardiology and cardiac surgery, neurology, IVF, urology and nephrology, gastroenterology, transplantology, neurosurgery.