
Computed tomography and mri difference. What is the difference between MRI and CT? Is it possible to have an MRI and a CT scan on the same day?

CT differs from MRI in terms of how it works. At the discretion of the doctor, one or another procedure may be prescribed. Depending on which area of ​​the body should be examined, the diagnostic method is also selected. Also, in many respects, the diagnostic method depends on how many times short period time will need to be examined. Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. They are useful to know for a patient who must undergo diagnostic examination using a computer or magnetic resonance tomograph.

Both methods are highly informative and allow you to very accurately determine the presence or absence of pathological processes. There is a fundamental difference in the principle of operation of the devices, and because of this, the possibility of scanning the body with the help of these two devices is different. Today, X-ray, CT, MRI are used as the most accurate diagnostic methods.

Computed tomography - CT

Computed tomography is performed using x-rays and, like x-rays, is accompanied by irradiation of the body. Passing through the body, with such a study, the rays make it possible to obtain not a two-dimensional image (unlike an x-ray), but a three-dimensional one, which is much more convenient for diagnosis. Radiation when scanning the body comes from a special ring-shaped circuit located in the capsule of the device in which the patient is located.

In essence, when conducting computed tomography a series of consecutive x-rays(the impact of such rays is harmful) of the affected area. They are performed in different projections, due to which it is possible to obtain an accurate three-dimensional image of the area being examined. All images are combined and turned into a single picture. Of great importance is the fact that the doctor can look at all the images separately and, due to this, study the sections, which, depending on the settings of the device, can be as thin as 1 mm, and then also a three-dimensional image.

Thus, during a CT scan, the patient receives a certain dose of radiation, as with an x-ray, which is why the procedure cannot be called completely safe.

Magnetic resonance imaging - MRI

Magnetic resonance imaging also provides a three-dimensional image and a series of images that can be viewed separately. Unlike CT, the machine does not use X-rays and the patient does not receive any radiation dose. Electromagnetic waves are used to scan the body. Different tissues give different responses to their impact, and therefore an image is formed. A special receiver in the device captures the reflection of waves from tissues and forms an image. The doctor has the opportunity to enlarge, when necessary, the picture on the screen of the device and see the layer-by-layer sections of the organ of interest. The projection of the images is different, which is necessary for a full examination of the area under study.

Differences in the principle of operation of tomographs give the doctor the opportunity, when detecting pathologies in a particular area of ​​the body, to choose the method that in a particular situation can provide more complete information: CT or MRI.


Indications for conducting a survey using one method or another are different. Computed tomography reveals changes in the bones, as well as cysts, stones and tumor formations. MRI shows, in addition to these violations, also various pathologies soft tissues, vascular and nerve pathways, articular cartilage.

Indications for MRI Indications for CT
Soft tissue tumors and suspicion of their presence Bone damage, including jaw and teeth
State Definition nerve fibers in the internal organs, as well as the brain and spinal cord Determination of the degree of damage to the joints in injuries and chronic diseases
Determining the state of shells spinal cord and brain Identification of diseases of the spine, including intervertebral hernias, osteoporosis and scoliosis
The study of the state of the brain after a stroke and in multiple sclerosis Determination of the degree of brain damage in neoplastic diseases and injuries
Determination of the condition of muscles and ligaments Determination of the state of the chest organs
Determination of the state of the joints Definition of neoplasms in the thyroid gland
Inflammatory and necrotic processes in organ tissues and bone tissues Determination of changes in hollow organs
MRI of the lungs can be performed when establishing the presence of a tumor process even at the very beginning of its development. Determination of the presence of stones in gallbladder and genitourinary system

In some cases, a computer or magnetic resonance tomograph can be used with an equal share of information content. Thus, depending on the equipment of the medical institution, the examination can be carried out using one or another type of equipment for scanning the state of the body.


Both scanning methods have some contraindications for use. In some cases, when the implementation of one method of research is not desirable or prohibited, the option of conducting a second one may be considered.

Contraindications for CT Contraindications for MRI
Pregnancy The presence of metallic elements in the body
Breastfeeding (if the procedure is performed, breastfeeding must be interrupted for 48 hours after the examination so that the child does not receive a dose of radiation) The presence of implanted electronic work correctors internal organs and systems
Children's age (the only exceptions are cases when there is no other way to determine the patient's condition, and the benefits of the diagnosis outweigh the risks of the procedure) Presence of an insulin pump
Patient weight over 200 kg First trimester of pregnancy
Nervous excitement in which the patient cannot remain still during the scan Weight over 130 kg
Frequent use Inability to stay still for as long as necessary for the procedure
Plaster cast at the site of examination Claustrophobia

In the contrast-enhanced procedure, the contraindications for both procedures are the same. This is due to the fact that the contrast agent has limitations for use. It should not be administered in the presence of severe renal and liver failure and allergic to contrast.

If it is not known whether there is an intolerance to the agent, then a test for an allergy to a contrast agent is preliminarily performed. Several types of contrast can be used and, as a rule, it is possible to choose a tool that suits a particular patient.

How often can I scan

CT is performed using x-rays, and therefore frequent repetition of the procedure is not allowed. As a rule, it should not be carried out more than 1 time per year. If you have cancer, regular monitoring which is necessary, the minimum interval between examinations is 2.5 months. In this case, it is better to use MRI, in which there is no negative effect on the body of radiation, which is important for preventing complications. The procedure is not only safer, but completely harmless. MRI can be performed an unlimited number of times, and if necessary, even several scans in 1 day.

When using scanning with contrast, there are also no restrictions on the frequency of the procedure. The only thing to consider is the break between repeated injections facilities. It is desirable to withstand at least 2 days to reduce the burden on the kidneys. The contrast agent does not cause harm to health. If it is used for CT, then all the limitations are directly related to the X-ray exposure, and not to the effect of the contrast on the body.

Is it possible to have an MRI and a CT scan on the same day?

The principle of impact on the body during examination using computed tomography and magnetic tomography is different, and therefore, when they are combined, the body does not receive an overload. If necessary, both types of tomography can be performed on the same day without fear for health. It's completely safe.

The difference between methods in the study of the brain

Brain scanning is necessary for many disorders, including strokes, circulatory disorders and tumor processes. If you need to take pictures frequently to monitor the condition, then MRI should be preferred, since it does not pose a danger if it is often repeated. Which method will be chosen depends entirely on the equipment of the clinic and the patient's contraindications and restrictions to the procedure.

According to CT and MRI, when studying the brain, they receive equally accurate results, and therefore there will be no differences in diagnosis. Both types of research will show tumors, vascular disorders and foci of inflammation. Additionally, MRI can also determine the density of brain tissue.

An important feature of magnetic resonance imaging is the ability to detect the focus of an ischemic disorder 20 minutes before it develops. acute condition sick. Because of this, if a pathology is suspected, it is an MRI that is performed.

What is best for lung scanning

If there is a suspicion that the rib fragments affected the lungs during the injury, then a CT scan is indicated, since this procedure will most accurately demonstrate the presence of bone fragments. The same scan is used for injuries to rule out or detect bleeding. Since computed tomography is performed especially quickly, in emergency conditions it is the most optimal. Also, the procedure allows you to very accurately determine the presence of metastases; CT of the lungs also shows secondary cancerous tumors.

MRI of the lungs is more often prescribed for tumor and inflammatory processes. Such changes in soft tissues the examination shows very clearly and allows you to track the dynamics of their development without the risk of excessive exposure of the body.

Differences in the effect of tomographs on the body allow you to get maximum information.

What is optimal in the study of the abdominal cavity

There are no strong differences in the information content of the methods. The exception is that CT better determines the density of organ tissues. abdominal cavity, and you can quickly establish the presence of solid formations and objects, bone fragments and bleeding. In case of traumatic injuries of the abdomen, CT is recommended, since the speed of the procedure makes it possible to identify dangerous violations in the shortest possible time.

MRI provides the most accurate information about the condition of soft tissues and the presence of inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity. Because of this, the procedure is more often performed when examining the condition, pancreas, liver, spleen, intestines, etc.

What is more informative for diseases of the joints

In case of joint damage, including the hip joint, both CT and MRI are prescribed. Patients are naturally interested in which method is more informative and reliable. In case of disorders in the joints, magnetic resonance imaging is most often performed, which allows you to get maximum information about all tissues, including soft ones, inflammation of which is often accompanied by joint diseases.
In case of injury or chronic pathologies MRI allows you to determine the condition of even nerve fibers, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels.

CT of the joints is used for injuries when the presence of damage to the bones or their heads that form the joint is suspected. During this procedure, bleeding into the joint cavity and the presence of bone fragments are quickly detected. Also, this study is carried out for diseases and injuries of the joints, if there are contraindications for magnetic resonance imaging.

If it is necessary to regularly monitor changes in the joint, then only MRI is used, since X-ray overload of the body poses a great threat. For children with problems with the joints, only an MRI is performed.

Which scan is best

Each of the methods is highly informative. The choice of which examination will be carried out depends on the contraindications and which tissues should be examined first. If there is a suspicion of a problem with skeletal systems, the doctor chooses CT, and with soft ones - MRI. It cannot be said that one diagnostic procedure is better and the other is worse. Each method is more efficient for getting certain information. More dangerous to health is CT, but if the examination is carried out correctly, x-rays will not cause negative consequences.

Where is it done and how much does the procedure cost?

The cost of the examination depends on the area to be scanned and what generation of equipment is used (the difference in price depending on the type of device can be quite large). The clinic in which the procedure is performed also matters. In state medical institutions You can undergo a CT scan for 3-4 thousand rubles, and an MRI costs from 4 to 9 thousand rubles, depending on the organ being examined. The most expensive is a brain scan.

CT scan

Magnetic resonance imaging

The choice of diagnostic method remains with the attending physician. Both MRI and CT should only be done for medical purposes.

Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to identify various pathologies and disorders in the functioning of organs and systems at the very beginning of their development. Today it is impossible to imagine the development of modern medicine without the use of such types of examinations as and.

They are non-invasive methods for diagnosing various disorders and diseases in the human body, and it is often quite problematic for the patient to decide which one to give preference to. In fact, if it is necessary to examine the patient, MRI and CT are often prescribed, but there is a difference between them and it is quite significant.

Medical practice shows what is prescribed to diagnose changes different nature occurring in soft tissues. In addition, thanks to this research method, it is possible to visualize the spinal cord and brain, as well as other internal organs.

The advantage of this diagnostic method is the fact that MRI allows you to get an image High Quality, which cannot be said about procedures such as x-ray examination, computed tomography and ultrasound.

Thanks to the MRI early dates it is possible to identify the progression in the human body of such complex and dangerous pathologies as:

  • musculoskeletal disorders
  • oncological diseases
  • neurological disorder

Especially often used to examine the central nervous system and . Thanks to this research method, a specialist is able to assess the structure of organs, diagnose existing diseases and malignant neoplasms. MRI is widely used in such branches of medicine as:

  • urology
  • oncology
  • angiology

MRI is widely used not only for the study of internal organs and tissues, but also for non-invasive study of the work of internal organs. Thanks to this procedure, the following studies can be carried out:

  • speed current measurement
  • blood flow assessment
  • determination of the level of diffusions in tissues
  • control of cortical activation

This means that with the help of magnetic resonance imaging, it is possible to assess several aspects of a person's state of health in one session.

Features of MRI

The MRI procedure is considered completely painless, and in order to obtain accurate and reliable results, it is recommended that certain rules be followed. During the examination, the patient is on the table in horizontal position and gradually it is moved into a narrow pipe.

A strong magnetic field is created inside such a device, depending on which organ is being examined. To obtain accurate and informative images, the patient must be in a stationary position during the examination, because slightest movement may distort the result.

The procedure itself is not accompanied by any painful sensations, and only a strong noise that is generated during the operation of the medical device can cause discomfort. In order to reduce noise, a person is offered to use special headphones.

MRI is a diagnostic procedure that does not require any rigorous preparation.

The patient can lead a normal life before the study, do not limit himself to food and drink, and take the necessary medications.The only thing to remember is that, if necessary, an examination Bladder it must first be filled with a sufficient amount of liquid. In the event that it involves examining the patient's head, it is recommended to refuse to apply various cosmetic preparations and makeup to the skin.

This need is due to the fact that any cosmetics can adversely affect the quality of the image and thereby reduce the accuracy of the study. Before the MRI, the patient must take with him all the previous results of the examination and be sure to show them to the specialist. This will allow the doctor to evaluate all clinical picture patient and track the dynamics of changes in the state of his health.

In fact, MRI has long established itself as a positive medical practice. This method of research combines safety for health, painlessness and high information content of the images obtained.

This procedure is a non-invasive diagnostic method, which completely eliminates the need for surgical intervention.

There is a division of MRI diagnostics into several types, taking into account the examined part of the body:

  • widely used in the field of neurology and neurosurgery. Using this diagnostic method, it is possible to identify with high accuracy various violations and deviations localized in the area of ​​the brain. MRI can be performed immediately before surgical intervention, which makes it possible to identify specific areas of intervention and its scope.
  • often performed in urology and gynecology for the diagnosis of various female diseases. This type of study is used in men to identify and examine organs such as the penis and testicles.
  • helps to diagnose various types of pathologies of the spinal cord and spine. Thanks to this diagnostic method, it is possible to accurately determine the focus and size of spinal injury, malignant neoplasm and intervertebral hernia.
  • used in the field of orthopedics, traumatology and surgery. Using this procedure, a specialist can easily assess the condition of ligaments, tendons, acne and joint capsules.
  • MRI of the abdominal cavity provides data on the state of all organs. Thanks to such a study, it is possible to diagnose various pathologies at the very beginning of their development.

In addition, an MRI of the whole body can be performed by a specialist, and this is most often practiced in the field of oncology. This diagnostic method is assigned to those patients who want to get a complete clinical picture of their health in just one procedure.

Contraindications for MRI

Despite the effectiveness of this procedure, not all patients can resort to it.

There are a number of contraindications for MRI:

  • the presence of a pacemaker and metal implants in a patient
  • period
  • claustrophobia
  • the presence of non-ferromagnetic implants and prostheses
  • insulin pumps

In addition, a relative contraindication to MRI may be the presence of tattoos on the patient's body, which are made using various dyes.

The procedure is carried out in a rather narrow space and patients with claustrophobia may experience great discomfort. To obtain accurate and informative results, a long stay of the patient in a stationary state is necessary, therefore, if it is necessary to conduct a study in childhood anesthesia may be used.

CT: description and types

Computed tomography is currently considered the leading method of diagnosis. various bodies and systems.

This procedure can be carried out as a method primary diagnosis, and also used as a clarifying technique to confirm the diagnosis with the help of a clinical examination.

CT is prescribed for research:

  • chest
  • organs of the urinary system
  • gallbladder and ducts
  • limbs
  • adrenal glands

In some cases, computed tomography is prescribed to control the correctness of medical procedures. In patients with oncological diseases This method of diagnosis makes it possible to determine the stage cancerous tumor, because with its help you can see the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdistribution of metastases.

Useful video - What better MRI or CT:

Before the CT scan, the patient needs to undress to underwear and get rid of jewelry. During the procedure, the person is positioned on a table that slowly slides through a part of the tomograph in the form of a ring. This part of the drug rotates around the part of the body that is being examined and takes the appropriate pictures.

During the CT scan, you must be in a stationary state, and the device may make an unpleasant noise.

During the procedure, it can be used, which is injected into the patient's body intravenously or through a catheter. In some cases, when examining the abdominal cavity, the contrast agent is offered simply to drink.

Contraindications for CT

In fact, there are no absolute contraindications for a CT scan. This procedure can be prescribed to a patient of any age, and even if the patient is on artificial ventilation lungs.

In the event that there is a need for CT during pregnancy or in childhood, then it is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons. The fact is that CT is accompanied by an insignificant radiation load on the body, and the consequences of such exposure have not yet been sufficiently studied.

Often the procedure is carried out with the introduction into the human body contrast medium, which allows you to get more accurate information about the state of the organ under study. In fact, such a contrast agent can provoke the development allergic reaction in a patient, so its introduction into the body must be justified. In the event that it is necessary to conduct a CT scan with just such a substance, then antiallergic actions are preliminarily performed by a specialist.

The main difference between MRI and CT is the principle of operation of tomographs. based on work magnetic field and on measuring the responses of the hydrogen atom under its influence. If it is necessary to carry out computed tomography, the principle of operation lies in x-ray radiation.

CT can produce a three-dimensional image, but this procedure can be dangerous for the patient's health. MRI is considered a completely harmless research method that can be used even during pregnancy.

CT and MRI are widely used for diagnosis various kinds pathologies, as well as to confirm the already established diagnoses.

The difference between the two types of such diagnostics lies only in the cost of the procedure and in side effects arising after CT. It is for this reason that when choosing a diagnostic method, you should carefully weigh all the nuances and choose between the price of research and safety. MRI is considered a safer procedure, but at the same time, CT is more affordable.

That was a breakthrough in medicine. This made it possible to see internal disturbances in the human body, to find out the state of its organs. But even this excellent method carries some drawbacks. For example, an x-ray can take a picture of some organs, but images of other organs can also be superimposed on them.

And in this case, only experienced and knowledgeable doctor. Therefore, because of these shortcomings, progress has gone further.

New Methods

Nowadays, there are other ways to diagnose human internal organs, such as CT or MRI. But then a lot of questions arise from this. For example, what diagnostics to choose, what is the difference between CT and MRI? Further in the article we will describe in detail their differences. We will also explain which diagnostics are more suitable for a particular case.

Understanding the difference between CT and MRI

Now many doctors recommend to patients for better diagnosis conduct more thorough examinations, using computed or magnetic resonance imaging. What is this research? How is CT different from MRI? Let's take a closer look:

  • CT scan is carried out using the property of X-ray radiation to be absorbed differently by different tissue thicknesses. That is, CT, in general, is identical to X-ray, but the information obtained with its help is processed in a completely different way, and the radiation exposure is much higher.

  • produced using a magnetic field. Hydrogen atoms, due to its influence, change their place, and the tomograph captures this effect and processes it into a three-dimensional image.

As you can see, the question - what is the difference between CT and MRI, what is the difference between these two diagnostic devices - immediately receives an answer. The main difference is in the nature of the waves. Magnetic resonance imaging has electromagnetic waves. When they affect different tissues of the organs, due to this, various data are obtained, which are read using the apparatus device. And then all the signals are processed and, as in the CT examination, an image is given on the monitor. Thanks to him, the doctor has the opportunity to see even layer-by-layer sections of organs. In addition, the image can be rotated and, if necessary, enlarge the desired area.

What is the difference between CT and MRI? What tomography is better? Each diagnostic is good and informative. The main difference lies in what pathology can be detected thanks to these methods, and in addition, with the help of which rays this is done.

Scan time difference

Speaking about the difference between CT and MRI, it is worth noting that computed tomography (CT) has a serious radiation effect, and therefore it cannot be used often. But on the other hand, X-ray radiation affects the organs for no more than 10 seconds. So, such a study is best done with those people who suffer from claustrophobia.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) usually lasts from ten minutes or more, depending on the study area. At the same time, you need to remain still. Therefore, MRI is more suitable for people who do not have any serious mental disorders. As for children, when using magnetic resonance imaging, they are given anesthesia.

Based on the foregoing, one can understand how MRI differs from CT. Which is better MRI or CT for you? Only a doctor can answer this question, based on the characteristics of your body.

When is MRI used?

Inexperienced people who suffer from various diseases, turning to their doctor, ask the question of how CT differs from MRI. But since we have already found the answer to it, then we will talk further about which diseases it is best to use MRI, and where - CT.

MRI provides the most full information gives in the study of soft tissues. Therefore, it is prescribed in cases:

  • if a person has formations in muscle tissue, fat cells, in the abdomen and pelvis (this is done to get a complete picture after the study using ultrasound);
  • at various diseases brain and spinal cord;
  • when there is a suspicion that there are circulatory disorders in the region of the brain or spinal cord;
  • when to explore intervertebral discs or condition of the tissues of the joint.

When is computed tomography used? She is appointed:

  • to study bone tissue in the region of the spine and joints;
  • when the bone tissue is affected by tumor formations;
  • when the bones of the skeleton were injured;
  • with pathologies in the organs of the abdominal cavity, small pelvis, as well as in the lungs;
  • with atherosclerotic changes in the vascular system.


Based on what was described above, the doctor will be able to choose the right type of diagnosis for each patient individually. But there are some contraindications that should be taken into account.

These include the following:

  1. CT is not allowed during pregnancy.
  2. MRI is not prescribed:
  • in the presence of any metal parts implanted in the body;
  • with electronic devices present in the tissues (for example, a pacemaker);
  • those suffering from claustrophobia;
  • with a person weighing more than 150 kg;
  • patients with neurological disorders who are not able to stay in one position for a long time.

A small conclusion

The question of which of the two examinations is better to choose is asked by each person who is to undergo internal diagnostics. And in order not to harm your health and get as much as possible useful information, the patient should definitely ask his doctor what is the difference between CT and MRI. And the specialist will help determine what is more suitable for the patient in each case.

CT and MRI (computed and magnetic resonance imaging) in modern medicine are considered the most advanced methods for diagnosing the health of internal organs and human systems. There are very few problems that can escape the attention of radiologists studying the results of these two CT scans. Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, on the basis of which the patient and his attending physician can choose which diagnostic method is best.

But first, you should still understand what a study with CT and MRI machines is.


To determine the leader among the most modern diagnostic procedures, you first need to understand how they work. CT and MRI are united by the fact that during their conduct the patient lies on a special table-tray, which enters the main part of one or another device. Examination on a computer or magnetic resonance tomograph allows you to obtain data in the form of a layered image (with a slice thickness of 0.5 mm), coming to the screen to specialists for visualizing the organ under study and deciphering the result. This is where the technical similarity between the two methods ends.

Computed tomography differs from magnetic resonance imaging in that it is performed using a low dose x-ray radiation, which passes through the body in a fan beam with simultaneous movement of the table with the patient inside the tomograph and the movement of the radiation source in the device itself. The rays are further converted into electrical signals, captured by special sensors and sent to a computer to process the data into images.

The MRI method is based on an artificial magnetic field in which the patient is placed. Lined up parallel to the surface of the field, hydrogen atoms, which are the most abundant in the human body, under the influence of the tomograph signal, generate a special response that is captured by the apparatus. "Sound" from different types fabrics comes from different levels intensity, on the basis of which the device creates the finished image.

From a comparison of the methods of work of CT and MRI, we can conclude that a computer study, due to the use of radiation, is inferior to its rival, since the risk of an overdose of radiation excludes this procedure for pregnant women and young children.

About contraindications

The list of contraindications for CT and MRI has practically no common positions. So computed tomography is contraindicated:

  • women during pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under the age of 2 years;
  • patients with body weight and volumes greater than the design of the apparatus allows.

When performing CT with the use of contrast, in addition to the listed groups of people, patients with:

Diagnosis by MRI is prohibited for people with:

In addition to these factors, it may be difficult to perform an MR scan if patients have:

  • claustrophobia;
  • nervous disorders or an inadequate state due to intoxication (alcohol / drugs), panic, psychomotor agitation.
  • a condition in which specialists need to exercise control over vital important indicators or carry out resuscitation.

Thus, the volume of contraindications for CT and MRI is approximately the same, therefore the best choice in favor of this or that method, the attending physician, who has the medical history and anamnesis of a particular patient, will help.

For different indications

Strictly speaking, CT differs in that it allows us to consider the physical state objects under consideration, and MRI serves to reveal their chemical characteristics. Therefore, although both methods can be used in parallel to more accurately examine the same organ, CT is more often used to scan bone, and MRI is used to scan soft tissues.

Computed tomography is most often prescribed for:

MRI is the most effective method for:

  • checking the condition of the spinal cord and brain;
  • diagnostics of the state of the pelvic organs;
  • monitoring the health of the esophagus, aorta, trachea;
  • detection of advanced stroke.

In addition to differentiation according to the most effectively detected diseases, CT and MRI methods differ from each other according to the principle better examination certain organs and systems of the body. So computer scanning is most often used to examine the skeleton, lungs, heart, liver, pancreas, urinary system. Such diagnostics makes it possible to detect hemorrhages and tumors of various nature with the highest level efficiency.

In turn, MRI is a diagnostic method, with detailed visualization accuracy demonstrating all organs and systems hidden under dense bone structures, or having a high percentage of fullness with liquids. Such a scan allows you to get maximum information about the state of the skull, brain and spinal cord, the joint system, the structure of the intervertebral discs, and organs located in the small pelvis.

Preparation and procedure

If more data is needed to determine what is better than an MRI or a CT scan, you can compare the process of preparing for a particular event and the actual procedure. In both cases, no special preparations are necessary, unless it is a scan with contrast injection.

To undergo a contrast CT scan, the patient will have to refuse food a few hours before the examination, especially if the procedure is carried out with the introduction sedatives(a common practice for dealing with claustrophobia and diagnosing children). If a person is allergic to a contrast agent or sedatives, doctors perform premedication, after which they place the patient on a table that enters the cavity of the tomograph. When performing a contrast scan, the procedure is performed twice - before and after the introduction of contrast, to compare the results. The process of tomography lasts 10-15 minutes, it will take longer to wait for the end of the sedatives.

The MRI procedure requires the patient to prepare in advance if a contrast agent is needed, and in this it does not differ from computed tomography. Also, preparation is needed for magnetic resonance scanning of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis - at least a couple of days before the examination, the patient should exclude foods that stimulate gas formation from the diet, immediately before scanning the abdominal cavity, he will have to give up food and water altogether, and to examine the organs of the small pelvis to take care of the fullness of the bladder. An MRI takes longer than a CT scan, up to 30-40 minutes on average, which people with claustrophobia or pain syndrome may seem like an eternity.

The most important comparison

Choosing best method diagnosis, the patient has to evaluate many factors: indications and contraindications, effectiveness and complexity in preparation and passage. For the most part, the attending physician can make the choice for him - if there is complete information about the state of health of the body of the person who applied for help, the specialist is able to make a choice in favor of CT or MRI (as well as prescribe both types of scanning). But the question of price is the most important factor which is evaluated by the patient.

Computed tomography is much cheaper than magnetic resonance imaging. The cost of CT in Moscow is on average from 4,300 to 5,000 rubles per department human body(with the introduction of contrast, the price rises to 6,000-7,000 rubles). The cheapest MRI scan starts at 5,000-5,500 rubles per area. Comprehensive CT examinations of the whole body will cost patients 70,000-80,000 rubles, the same MRI service - 85,000-90,000 rubles.

Of course, there are situations when, according to indications, a person can undergo only computer or only magnetic resonance diagnostics, however, in most cases, the patient has a choice, and very often this choice is decided in favor of a lower cost.

The borders are almost erased

All the advantages and disadvantages of the main diagnostic methods play important role in choise the best procedure, however, the more modern and powerful tomographs become, the more the differences between them are leveled. Innovative computer devices carry out scanning with a controlled and constantly decreasing dose of radiation. MRI machines are increasingly being created in the form of open machines, in which the patient can be subjected not only to direct scanning, but also to the necessary medical procedures. CT and MRI examinations are becoming available and convenient to use.

And the winner is

Equality. It is impossible to say with absolute certainty, "MRI is better" or "CT is the best method." Both methods have their drawbacks, both are capable of performing diagnostic miracles, looking for the smallest damage in the body. You can not even consider the problem of the high cost of MRI - there are situations when a cheaper CT scan is simply not able to help. Therefore, everyone decides for himself which examination is the best for him specifically (not forgetting to consult with his doctor).