
How to use chemical peeling at home. Chemical peeling at home - instructions for home

Currently, beauty salons offer a huge range of cosmetic services, allowing women to remain beautiful, attractive and look younger. One of the common methods of skin rejuvenation is chemical peeling.

Unfortunately, not everyone can visit salons, but everyone wants to stay young as long as possible. Therefore, many representatives of the fair sex do chemical peeling at home. The effect of this procedure is weaker than that of peeling performed by a specialist cosmetologist, but nevertheless after full course the result becomes obvious.

Post-treatment care will be critical to the recovery and outcome of the peel: It is necessary to hydrate the area several times a day, at least three times, to further stimulate skin turnover and increase cellular turnover. Sun exposure should be avoided for at least 15 days, says Aline Vieira.

Peeling consists of in-office application of products that can chemically exfoliate the skin, remove surface layers and act to whiten blemishes and treat acne and aging skin. They require an initial skin care routine to be done at home, which will be outlined in the first consultation. After one month of using these products to prepare your skin to receive the peel, you will return to the office to apply the peel that best suits you. There are several types of peels on the market, each for a specific purpose and skin type.

Indications for the use of chemical peeling

Home chemical peeling helps get rid of facial skin problems such as:

  • acne (acne);
  • oily seborrhea;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • problematic oily skin;
  • small wrinkles;
  • comedones (“blackheads”).

If you have any imperfections on your skin, then chemical peeling will help get rid of them. Under the influence active substances the top layer of keratinized cells “dissolves” and is removed. New smooth skin remains on the face.

Only after a thorough assessment of your skin and proper preparation at home can they be performed successfully. When indicated well, exfoliation can promote exceptional results, mainly in photography. It can be performed at any time of the year, although it is more indicated in winter, so that excess sun does not interfere with skin regeneration. Apart from treating blemishes, acne and wrinkles, peels are also used to treat scars, open pores and sagging.

Chemical peels can also be done in the body, for example: neck, neck, arm and hands, respecting the limitations and characteristics of each location. The skin of the body is more difficult to heal and more complications may occur. Peels are classified according to their ability to penetrate superficial, medium and deep. This criterion, however, is not absolute, since the same agent and concentration can be superficial to thick, unprepared skin and intermediate to thinner, more prepared skin.

Thanks to peeling:

  • the process of cell regeneration is enhanced;
  • the production of collagen and elastin increases;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • the skin acquires tone, healthy color and a natural beautiful appearance;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • prevents the appearance of acne and inflammation on the skin.


Before doing homemade facial peeling, you need to consult a cosmetologist. The specialist will advise how to perform it correctly and not cause harm to the skin. It must be remembered that such cosmetic procedures are not suitable for everyone. Carrying out chemical peeling at home is unacceptable if:

The indication is most important when performing a chemical peel, and the doctor uses his or her experience to analyze the skin type, type of injury, and procedure used. The facial skin, thanks to the greater presence of sebaceous follicles, is easily regenerated, since they are important elements for scarring. The patient, in turn, must understand the process, know its steps, limitations, duration of recovery and have a realistic expectation of the expected result. Patients with fair skin are those who have a lower risk of hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation, but those with dark skin can also undergo these procedures, however, the skin preparation needs to be longer and the aftercare needs to be greater.

  • there are inflammations and exacerbations acne(except salicylic peeling);
  • there are lesions, wounds, burns on the skin;
  • skin is too thin, dehydrated or irritated;
  • there are infectious, oncological or other diseases or herpes in the active phase;
  • increased temperature due to viral or respiratory diseases.

Contraindications also include cardiovascular and mental diseases, pregnancy and breast-feeding, as well as rosacea.

It can be made with the following substances: retinoic, glycolic, trichloroacetic, salicylic acid and resorcinol. It is performed at intervals of one week to 15 days, in a series of 5 to 6 peels. They are applied to a cleansed and oil-free face, and the residence time depends on the type of peeling used. Its indication is very soft wrinkles, superficial skin areas, mild acne and easy photography.

This causes tissue destruction, partially or completely removing the epidermis, reaching the level of the papillary dermis. It presents several risks and complications. It can be carried out with the following assets: glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid, pyruvic acid and phenol. In general, it is applied once, but can be repeated monthly, bi or quarterly. The indications for this peel are for photographic skin, improving mild to moderate wrinkles and ridges, for superficial scars, actinic keratoses and some cases of hyperpigmentation.

If you have at least one of the above contraindications, then you cannot do chemical peeling.

Enzyme peeling

The use of enzymes is the most gentle of all types of chemical peels. However, before undertaking this cosmetic procedure, you should consult a cosmetologist.

The most commonly used peel is 35% trichloroacetic acid combined with Jessner's solution. It completely destroys the epidermis and its depth and reaches the level of the reticular dermis. It poses a greater risk of complications such as hypochromic, hyperchromic and scarring. This can be done with trichloroacetic acid and phenol. The most widely used deep peel is phenol. The patient should be subjected to light sedation, and after cleansing and degreasing the skin, the application of the solution begins, which is carried out in areas: the frontal region, then the infraorbital region, the malar region and finally the perioral region and menton, with a 20-minute interval between applications.

A composition is used that includes enzymes such as bromelain, papain and trypsin and other enzymes, as well as fruit acids in small concentrations. This cosmetic procedure is superficial and is not intended to treat deep wrinkles, scars and scars. But it can help restore skin firmness and elasticity, get rid of fine wrinkles, age spots, acne marks, freckles. The principle of action is based on the dissolution of the upper layer of keratinized cells. At the same time, the skin of the face becomes smooth, soft, acquires a healthy glow and beauty.

Immediately after application, as a result of protein coagulation, the skin becomes white and is accompanied by burning. A mask is then placed and left in place for 48 hours. The application is painful and the patient must receive analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs for the first 12 hours after the peel. The biggest indication of this process is the intense aging of the skin and acne scars.

This is a period that can range from several days to several weeks before the peel, designed to prepare the skin, including hydration, photoprotection, removal of pre-existing blemishes and gentle reduction of the thickness of the stratum corneum, which is achieved using creams based on retinoic acid and hydroquinone. Retinoic acid improves healing ability as it increases keratinocyte proliferation, induces angiogenesis and neocologogenesis. Hydroquinone reduces the sensitivity of melanocytes, which is necessary to prevent post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

This type procedures are not applied when infectious diseases skin or exacerbations of acne.

Procedure for performing enzyme peeling:

  1. The first step is to cleanse the skin with lotion and apply a pre-peel solution. This type of chemical peeling can be used not only for the face, but also for the neck and décolleté.
  2. The enzyme composition must be applied thin layer and leave for 10–30 minutes (the time depends on the skin type: the beauty salon master will advise how long you need to keep it on).
  3. Then you need to wash your face warm water. You can apply a soothing cream. While the skin is irritated, it is not advisable to touch your face with your hands.

Salicylic peeling

This type of chemical acid peeling is classified as superficial or superficial-medium (depending on the concentration of the solution). It is made on the basis of salicylic acid, obtained from willow bark, as well as shrubs from the rose family. The acid has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect and has been used in cosmetology for quite a long time. Peeling can be used for the face, neck, hands ( back side palms) and décolleté area.

It is important to note that it cannot be used for more than 4 months. Before undergoing a medium or deep peel, each patient, even without a previous history of herpes infection, should be prescribed antiviral drugs. This is necessary due to the great aggression to which the skin is exposed, which facilitates the proliferation of the virus.

Peels must be prescribed and performed by a physician. Only a specialist can select the best chemical in the proper concentration and also master side effects that may be involved. Even with superficial peels, it is important to evaluate skin sensitivity and healing, as well as the cost-benefit ratio of the procedure.

For problematic oily skin, treatment of acne and marks left from acne, removal of age spots, a 15% solution of salicylic acid is used. To get rid of wrinkles and age-related changes skin – 30%.

Salicylic peeling should not be used when taking hypoglycemic drugs.

Intensive inflammatory process caused by overuse of chemical peels can increase facial vasodilation and cause veins in the nose, around the lip, eyes and forehead. The name is complicated, but the problem is common: vases in the face. “A large part of the population suffers from a problem that gives a feeling of aging,” says vascular surgeon and angiologist Dr. Aline Lamaita, clinician Albert Einstein Hospital. But it is curious that the well-known promotion of rejuvenation in the aesthetic field - chemical peeling with acids and retinol - may be one of the reasons for the appearance of vines: When we peel, we create an inflammatory process, “burning the skin” for it to pop.


  1. On preparatory stage 2 weeks before peeling, you should avoid visiting the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, solarium and do not sunbathe in the sun.
  2. Immediately before the procedure, you need to cleanse the skin with cosmetic milk and apply special remedy with a disinfecting effect.
  3. Then a solution of salicylic acid is applied to the skin. Avoid contact with the area around the eyes. Active ingredient leave for 10–15 minutes.
  4. After that salicylic acid wash off with a special neutralizing solution and moisturize the skin with a soothing regenerating gel based on aloe vera.

After a cosmetic procedure, the skin may become red and slightly flaky. After 5–7 days, the epidermis will be completely restored, the skin will take on a beautiful, smooth, elastic, toned appearance, wrinkles will smooth out, pigmentation will decrease, and acne formation will significantly decrease.

If this process is excessive, offensive, it can generate, yes, vases on the face, the doctor reasons. The angiologist says that the appearance of blood vessels is associated with the body’s defense mechanism. Every time an inflammatory process occurs in an area, the body knows it needs to heal by bringing more nutrients and healing factors to that location. Doing vasodilation, opening up the spread of the site to be able to take in what is needed for treatment, he explains. But if you do an intense chemical peel, and very often without medical guidance, it causes serious inflammation.

A course of salicylic peeling includes 5–10 procedures at intervals of about 10–14 days. No more than 3 courses can be conducted per year.

Peeling with calcium chloride

Performing a chemical peel at home using calcium chloride is a simple and inexpensive procedure, and its results are excellent. It will help get rid of blackheads, acne marks, freckles and age spots, skin unevenness and make it more delicate, elastic, complexion will become even and beautiful.

For those who already have a tendency, this circulation does not disappear, which is why vases appear, explains the doctor. “In patients with rosacea, anything that causes inflammation, even sunbathing and using more strong drugs, worsens rosacea, and vomiting appears on the cheek, malar area and nose.”

According to the doctor, individual predisposition is the main factor associated with the appearance of telangiectasias and veins in the face - and even children can present a problem in the skin - but there are others, such as: aging; Sun; pregnancy; use of corticoid creams; except for rosacea and excessive chemical peeling. The treatment has good results, according to the doctor, it is carried out on average from one to five sessions and has high level security. Naturally, after some time, the vases appear again, because their main origin is related to genetic and hormonal factors that are not modified by treatment.

You will need calcium chloride - a 5% solution in ampoules, you can buy it at the pharmacy.

Peeling is performed as follows:

  1. You need to wash your face and cleanse your face with lotion or toner.
  2. Using a cotton pad, apply the calcium chloride solution to your face and leave until completely dry. Then you need to apply the next layer in the same way. There should be 4 layers in total (in subsequent sessions you can increase the number of layers, but not more than 8).
  3. Next, you need to soap your fingertips or a cotton pad with baby soap (without any additives). Lather your face with massage movements so that pellets form. The skin underneath becomes smooth and shiny.
  4. Then you need to remove all the pellets and wash with warm water. After the procedure, you can wipe your face with chamomile infusion or make a moisturizing banana mask.

This cosmetic procedure is quite effective and can be successfully used for normal, combination and oily skin. The result is visible after the first use. You can repeat the peeling after 7 days. The course consists of 4–5 sessions; after completing the full course, a break of 1–2 months is required.

The procedure can be repeated without restrictions, he explains. Beauty treatments, very common on the agenda of men and women, such as skin cleansing and exfoliation, require special care for better results. Skin cleansing is a procedure that aims to eliminate blackheads and sebum accumulation from within the pores. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the skin, remove the layer of dead cells, oils and bacteria from the surface. Before you start, the most important thing is to cleanse your skin. For oily skin, products such as lotions and gels are more common.

Important Notes

  • Before using any chemicals be sure to test for allergic reaction. This is a very important point that cannot be ignored. The test is carried out on sensitive skin on inside elbow bend.
  • Homemade chemical peels can only be done in autumn or winter, when solar activity is not too high. For several days (at least 7) ​​after chemical exposure You need to use a cream with an ultraviolet filter.
  • In no case should you exceed the procedure time specified in the instructions for the drug, so as not to harm the skin. It is also unacceptable to increase the percentage of active substances if you prepare the peeling solution yourself.
  • When applying the composition to the skin, a slight tingling or burning sensation may occur. But if these sensations are too strong, if the composition causes swelling or sharp redness, then it is necessary to immediately wash it off and neutralize the effect of the chemicals to prevent a burn.

For the driest creams or emulsions. The professional still assumes that the hygiene procedure should be continuous, as usual at home, after treatment. This method then consists of advancing the scrub with cleansing granules without using chemical products, since the following impurity extraction procedure leaves the skin very sensitive. "For this reason, the use home recipe is not specified because the skin in this region is quite delicate and exfoliation removes its most superficial layer and protection called the cornea.”

The peels described here have a superficial effect. If you need more in-depth procedures to get rid of scars, scars and deep wrinkles, then they should be performed by a professional cosmetologist in a beauty salon. Only a specialist will be able to select the required concentration of active substances for peeling the deep layers of the epidermis, without causing harm to the skin and preventing burns.

Removing impurities can be done either manually or by mechanical suction, depending on who is doing it and what method is used. But the secret to effective cleansing is complete. “Using a high-frequency device at this time acts as a bactericide and fungicide, which is great for treatment because it avoids the installation of microorganisms.” To finish and get the best results, Adriana usually applies a soothing mask and dry gel to close the pores.

Peels are chemical or physical scrubs used to treat acne scars, scars, and finer expression lines. Chemical peels, designed to soften skin texture by removing damaged outer layers, use therapeutic acids such as retinoic, salicylic, glycolic, cosmelan and trichloroacetic acid to treat sunspots on the arms and cervix. The percentage of acid in the solution and the duration of action vary depending on the case.

Thus, chemical peeling is enough effective remedy, which will help you maintain the beauty and youth of your facial skin.

Peeling is the basis of modern facial skin care. Thanks to the chemical peeling procedure, your skin will gain radiance, elasticity and a healthy color. It is clear that not everyone has the opportunity to undergo this procedure in a salon, but this does not matter. An excellent alternative to professional chemical facial peeling can be peeling at home. True, the effect on the skin home procedures will be weaker, but if you do it regularly, peeling will provide you with a brilliant result.

Features of home chemical peeling

Chemical peeling at home should be carried out using special cosmetic masks and compositions containing solutions of various fruit acids: citric, lactic, malic, and enzymes , which dissolve dead skin cells. Although solutions for home peeling are quite weak and affect only superficial skin cells, which is quite safe and painless, nevertheless, before you decide to carry out a chemical peel at home, think it over carefully, carefully study the instructions included with the drug you have chosen and , if you have such an opportunity, consult a cosmetologist in advance . Let's immediately figure out what indications there may be for chemical peeling at home:

  • Acne and pimple marks.
  • Hormonal changes in the body;
  • Teenage problems associated with increased oily skin.

Precautions and rules for peeling at home

  • Before the chemical peeling procedure, be sure to do allergy test ;
  • direct sunlight and chemical peeling are mutually exclusive concepts; it is advisable to carry out the procedure only in autumn-winter period ;
  • the drug you have chosen must be applied thin layer to avoid burns;
  • Before starting the procedure, cleanse your face with lotion;
  • be extremely be careful with the area around the eyes – she is very sensitive and gentle;
  • if during the procedure you feel a strong burning or tingling sensation, the composition should be washed off immediately with warm water;
  • chemical peeling is necessary no more than once every 10 days ;
  • if you have sensitive skin, then you need to avoid deep chemical peels;
  • After the procedure, it is better not to use it for 24 hours cosmetics and do not touch your face with your hands.

Contraindications for chemical peeling at home

  • during exacerbation of acne (with the exception of salicylic acid);
  • in the presence of individual intolerance to the selected drug;
  • during the period of herpes in the active phase;
  • when there are neoplasms and inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • at hypersensitivity skin;
  • in the presence of neoplasms and inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • If you suffer from cardiovascular and mental illness, then chemical peeling is undesirable;
  • Chemical peeling is contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Tools for chemical peeling at home

  • A clean towel or soft absorbent cloth;
  • Cream or mask with acids;
  • Special cleansing milk or gel;
  • Liquid for normalizing the pH balance of the skin.
  • Moisturizing cream.

And now it’s time to get acquainted directly with the process of carrying out
chemical peeling at home.

Instructions for performing chemical peeling at home

  • To any cosmetic peeling product in mandatory attached instructions. Read it carefully and thoughtfully before starting the procedure.
  • Now cleanse facial skin using gel or milk.
  • The skin is clean and we can apply a few drops of peeling on already dry, clean skin, excluding sensitive areas around the eyes. Peeling exposure time is usually no more than 5 minutes - it all depends on the percentage of acids in the preparation and your skin type. Don’t worry if during the procedure you feel a slight tingling sensation, but if it turns into a strong burning sensation with redness, then quickly rinse off the applied composition with warm water and make a cool compress from the infusion of the string on your face.
  • If everything went well, then after the time specified in the instructions for the drug rinse the peeling off your face thoroughly with warm water or use a specially designed liquid that normalizes the natural pH balance.
  • All. Now you can apply it to your skin moisturizer.

Results of chemical peeling

  • After a chemical peeling procedure, facial skin becomes healthy, radiant and firm. Regular exfoliation cleanses the skin of dead cells, enhances the production of elastin and collagen, and accelerates the renewal of epidermal cells.
  • Small marks and spots from acne become invisible. To obtain such an excellent result, the peeling preparation must contain bleaching substances: vitamin C, phytic or azelaic acid.
  • The skin becomes more elastic and takes on a youthful appearance. Cell respiration processes are restored, which leads to a reduction in the number of wrinkles.
  • Chemical peels are amazing a way to combat unsightly spots and clogged pores.
  • Chemical peeling helps maintain the results of more professional procedures. Of course, home peeling is much weaker than peelings performed by a cosmetologist, but it perfectly preserves the effect of professional peeling.

Effective recipes for chemical peeling at home

Chemical peeling is quite easy to do using five percent calcium chloride solution, which you can find at any pharmacy.
There are two ways to carry out this peeling.

Method No. 1

  • For the first time, use a 5% calcium chloride solution and first be sure to check your skin’s reaction to this drug. To do this, apply the solution to sensitive skin the inner bend of the elbow and hold for 4-5 minutes. If you feel only a slight tingling sensation, this is normal, but if there is a strong burning sensation and redness forms on the skin, then this peeling method is not suitable for you.
  • If you are convinced that everything is in order, then proceed to peeling with peace of mind. Pour the calcium chloride solution from the ampoule into a small glass bottle - it will be more convenient for you to wet the sponge. Now apply a calcium chloride solution to cleansed dry skin with milk or lotion. Let the first layer dry and apply the next one. In this way you can apply from 4 to 8 layers, but for the first time four will be enough.
  • When the last layer has dried, lather your fingertips with baby soap and carefully roll the mask off your face. Along with the mask, the spent keratinized layer of skin will also come off. Rinse off the remaining mask and soap from your face with warm water, then rinse it with cool water. Gently pat your face dry with a tissue and apply moisturizer.
  • If the first procedure went well and the skin successfully coped with acid aggression, then in the next procedure you can increase the concentration of the solution to 10%. But no more than that, it’s dangerous. You shouldn’t experiment on yourself, my love.

Method No. 2

Soak a cotton swab in 5% or 10% calcium chloride solution and apply it to your face. After this, lather the sponge damp with the solution with baby soap and work over the entire face with neat and soft in a circular motion along massage lines. You will notice how the rolls of the stratum corneum of the skin will roll off. Rinse off any remaining soap with warm water and apply moisturizer. Although this is a fairly mild peeling, doing it more than once every ten days is not allowed , especially if you have thin and dry skin.

Classic chemical peeling at home

  • Prepare the mixture in a small container: 30 ml camphor alcohol, 10 ml of 10% solution ammonia, 30 ml glycerin, 10 g boric acid, 2 tablets of 1.5 g of hydroperite or 30 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  • Finely grate some good baby or toilet soap. Add grated soap a little at a time to your bowl and stir until the mixture becomes creamy. You should end up with a light, slightly foamy cream that you can store in the refrigerator for three months. Separately, prepare a 10% solution of calcium chloride - one ampoule per 10 ml.
  • Apply the resulting cream to your face and, when it dries, wash it off with a previously prepared solution of calcium chloride.
  • Immediately after this, rinse your face thoroughly and thoroughly with lukewarm water, gently blot and dry the skin with a soft cloth.
  • When performing this peeling do not touch areas of skin with minor inflammation and small pustules.

Homemade peeling using bodyaga and hydrogen peroxide

Attention! Although the method of peeling from bodyagi with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide has been carefully verified and fully complies with the technique and method of its use at the Institute of Cosmetology, before using these masks yourself, be sure to consult a cosmetologist.
This peeling is not advisable for overly sensitive or very thin and dry facial skin, various diseases skin and severe inflammation.

    • Cleanse your face with milk or lotion. If you have oily skin, then slightly steam your face over a steam bath for two to three minutes, and if not, then warm your facial skin with a terry towel soaked in sufficient water. hot water. Then gently blot and dry your face with a soft cloth. Tuck your hair under a scarf and wear something comfortable and loose.
    • To protect your eyebrows, eyelids, lips and sensitive eye areas from discoloration and intense exfoliation, apply Vaseline. Put thin rubber gloves on your hands.
    • Grind 40 g of dry bodyaga into powder. Pour 2 tablespoons of the resulting powder into a small container, and, stirring constantly, gradually add a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide to the powder until your mixture begins to foam strongly and reaches a creamy state.
    • Immediately apply the resulting mixture to your face with a cotton sponge and, with your fingertips protected by rubber gloves, gently rub the mixture into the skin using soft and light circular movements along the massage lines.
    • Keep the mask on your face until it dries (about 15-20 minutes), and then rinse with warm water. Blot your face and dry it softly, then powder your already dry skin with talcum powder.
    • The skin peeling procedure with bodyagi should be carried out daily until the skin begins to peel off a little. As a rule, 2-3, sometimes 4-5 masks are enough for this - the oilier your skin, the more procedures will be required. On the second and subsequent days, the skin no longer needs to be steamed or warmed up before the procedure, but simply wiped with a 2% solution for cleaning. salicylic alcohol(otherwise known as salicylic acid).
    • During the days during which the peeling procedure will take place, any washing and use of creams and masks is prohibited. Any accessible ways protect your face from direct sun rays and powder it more often. And in the post-peeling period, the ones that suit you will be very useful. sunscreens. The conclusion is clear: this peeling is best done in the autumn-winter period.
    • After the procedure is completely completed, to soften and soothe the skin of the face, lubricate it for 2 days only (!) with boric Vaseline, and on the third day, proceed to a short, gentle and very light facial massage, for which use a massage cream, mixing it in half with boron Vaseline or slightly warmed in a water bath olive oil, also mixed in half with boric vaseline. After such a gentle massage, you should immediately apply a softening and soothing mask to your skin, selected for your skin type, for example: yolk-honey-oil, yolk-butter, yolk-honey, honey-milk, cucumber-lanolin, honey with the addition of birch juice, infusions of chamomile, parsley or calendula.

As you have probably noticed, peeling compositions that you can make yourself at home cost mere pennies, but the result is smooth, radiant skin. Remember that the most important thing is carry out procedures according to the rules, observe all precautions and make sure that you have there are no contraindications to the chosen peeling.
Below is a useful video in which you can get acquainted with the benefits of peeling at home.

Video: home chemical peeling