
Why dream of new women's bags a lot. What does the bag seen in a dream mean? Old - unfulfilled obligations

Dream Interpretation Bag

The bag is a very interesting and ambiguous symbol. Therefore, to understand what the bag is dreaming of, only the details of the dream and its own emotional perception will help. An old shabby or overly heavy accessory from dreams can mean disasters and a black streak of life. And a new, shiny and beautiful one is an unexpected income.

In ancient times, the bag could be a symbol of travel or poverty. It was the burden of people who had nothing to lose, because they had nothing to hold them anywhere. On the other hand, they could return from travels with big earnings. In this case, a heavy bag full of gifts or money was carried home.

To get a reliable interpretation of what the bag is dreaming of, it is important to remember it in detail. appearance and appointment. It is also important to analyze your feelings: whether there was joy from collecting it on a trip or understanding the prosperity of life with a shopping bag filled to the top.


What was the bag

The interpretation of a dream is also influenced by the appearance of the dream accessory. Details and details will be explained by almost any dream book, a bag of dreams, especially a new one, will mean profit and unexpected receipt of money.

Too heavy or pretty shabby - can mean a heavy burden, an unbearable burden that torments the dreamer. It is impossible to get rid of it, you can only convey it to the destination - so one of the life tasks will be completed.

Basic interpretation: modern dream book bag

If she dreamed of a new one, then profit can be expected. These are discoveries, purchases, impressions. You may receive a bonus or a promotion. Bright and new can also mean new beginnings in life, or a new work direction that the dreamer will have to develop.

In this case, it can symbolize a certain segment of life, which is just beginning. If she is brilliantly beautiful and evokes pleasant emotions, then this segment will be saturated with positive emotions.

Unusual - in this case, it speaks of discoveries and new trends in which you have to be a pioneer.

Old - unfulfilled obligations

A very shabby accessory suggests that, despite all efforts, it is still difficult for the dreamer to follow the chosen path of life. Perhaps he made a promise to someone, but did not fulfill it. Even if the memory has long erased the memories of this, the subconscious still continues to wait for the fulfillment of its obligations, says Miller's dream book.

If you dreamed of a big and old one, it is important to remember your emotions. If they are warm, pleasant and bring good memories, then this is one of the dreams that promises a meeting with old friends. Over time, friendships will develop into partnerships. And together with them a common profitable business will be organized.

Women's - a reflection of relationships

If a man dreams of a woman's bag

If a man dreams of a woman's bag, it means that a serious relationship will begin in his life. They can grow into something more if the ladies' accessory from the dream was perfect in every way.

A beautiful women's bag that a young girl dreamed of could mean the disclosure of her secrets. This is a warning dream that says that you should not get to know anyone too closely, and trust your emotional experiences even to very close friends.

A bright black lacquered women's handbag indicates that the dreamer has his own dream and even a path to its realization. To receive it as a gift means that this dream will come true, even if you make no effort.

Sports and travel - travel and outdoor activities

To correctly interpret the dream in which the travel bag appeared, you need to remember the recent events of your life. If she had a dream on the eve of a trip or a business trip, then no dream book is needed here - this is a reflection of thoughts.

But if nothing like this is to come, then this is one of the dreams that warns of possible material losses and all sorts of failures. According to Vanga's dream book, bags are dreamed when the dreamer expects a complete collapse and failure in all activities.

It is advisable to refuse important decisions, signing business negotiations and buying / selling real estate. Otherwise, the dreamer can go around the world with one bag in his hands

Economic - a symbol of prosperity and frugality

To prosperity

If you dreamed of a huge shopping bag abundantly filled with groceries - obviously good sign. This is one of the dreams that speaks of the dreamer's frugality, thrift and thrift.

Good luck accompanies him in household chores and all that are connected with the house and the garden plot. Perhaps he will engage in cultivating the land or farming, and will receive a significant profit from this.

What were the actions with the bag

Interaction with objects from dreams symbolizes our relationship with the outside world. What events happened to the dreamer, how the presence or absence of the bag influenced the main action - is of great importance.

Therefore, any actions directed either inward or outward can warn of danger from dreams or portend good.

Loss is disorientation

If you dreamed of losing a bag, this means that the dreamer will be unsettled by some kind of incident. It is likely that a material loss will occur - the deprivation of a premium, a bad deal, the loss of a valuable thing.

Miller's dream book warns that the loss of a bag in a dream may be followed by discord in family life. Established relationships will not be able to endure the trials associated with the loss or decrease in income.

To look for a previously lost bag in reality in one of your dreams is to experience bitterness from past failures, a desire to restore your old relationship, hopelessness from the fact that you don’t enter the same river twice.

Buy or choose

One of the most auspicious dreams is to choose a new bag. This is an opportunity to choose from a mass of job offers, relationships and places of residence. A turning point comes in the dreamer's life, which will play important role how his future will unfold. The choice will be significant.

  • Buying a bright handbag is a new relationship, or a marriage proposal from a long-time loved one.
  • Choose among shopping bags - several lucrative job offers.
  • Looking for a suitcase or travel accessory is a change of residence associated with a promotion.
  • Men's document bag - a new boss or participation in a serious project.
  • Unusual, incomprehensible cut - you have to be a pioneer in a rather difficult business.

Find - someone else's secret

Raising a bag on the floor in one of your dreams is not a good sign. He warns that the dreamer will be involved in one case that is connected with someone else's secret.

If you dreamed that all its contents were being shaken out of a found bag or backpack, a journey is possible during which the dreamer will have to become someone else's "vest". Everything would be fine, but over time, fate will again bring together a fellow traveler in an unfavorable situation.

Finding a new bag full of money is a great dream. It can mean receiving an inheritance or winning the lottery / casino.

In general, a dream bag can symbolize the dreamer's microcosm. And if he is comfortable and pleased with his or a new burden, then he is on the right path in life. An old, dirty and heavy burden promises serious trials.

Such a dream shows, first of all, the soul of a woman, her thoughts, feelings, secrets and novels. It can also become an indicator of female energy. Her appearance in any dream always indicates the presence of a lady, a girl, or even a grandmother.

If you want to know what the appearance of a woman's bag is in a dream, pay attention to its place, to whom it belongs and what is inside this item. That's what she dreams about most often.

Girlish dreams

A women's bag in girlish dreams predicts various changes in your perception of reality. Usually, with the appearance of this thing, the girl's perception of herself changes. She begins to see herself as a girl, beautiful, attractive and desirable for men. Therefore, if a teenage girl dreamed of a new women's bag or she chooses it in a store, then the dream book writes that she wants to try on not a childish, but a feminine image.

To dream that your children's bag has disappeared somewhere or to receive an expensive women's bag as a gift, what is the dream of? The dream interpretation writes that such a dream predicts growing up, the onset of menstruation, or receiving your first cosmetics. In some cases, a teenager dreams of seeing or receiving an adult bag as a gift to the fact that for the first time he will have some kind of secret, perhaps even his first love or love. Also, such a dream is dreamed of for the first disobedience, action against the will of the parents and the beginning of independence.

For an older girl to see and buy a handbag in a store means the beginning of a new romance, the emergence of a female secret, or the beginning of an interesting activity, life. In some cases, a beautiful, with rhinestones and glamorous expensive handbag predicts for you, as the dream book writes, the beginning of a new romance, the appearance of an interesting boyfriend, or the first exit to an adult party.

If you dream that you want to buy such a thing, but there is not enough money, then the dream book writes that you will not be able to achieve what you want quickly or miss your chance. Being the mistress of a beautiful and glamorous bag in a dream is a good omen that promises you a pleasant pastime, value in the eyes of men and frequent parties, sparkle of lights. A fashionable and bright women's bag is a dream for joy.

The dream interpretation writes that bright and colorful shades of green, orange, blue, blue and purple predict you a lot of impressions and joyful minutes. However, despite the many friends, it is too early for you to think about love. Her appearance is hinted at by a new bag in white, peach, foam, pink, red, cherry and crimson. If you remember what color the bag was in your dream, you can easily find out what kind of love awaits you.

What a white beautiful bag dreamed of is not difficult to understand. The dream interpretation writes that she shows purity, coldness and innocence, the desire to marry beautifully and flawlessly. Buying it and accepting it as a gift means that you have too many requirements and want everything in your personal life to be perfect. But often such a dream predicts an expensive and stylish gift for you, especially if the bag was branded and with rhinestones.

To see and buy in a dream a peach-colored or foam-colored handbag, why dream? The dream interpretation writes that such a dream predicts for you a timid and touching manifestation of tender feelings, tenderness and sensuality. This is a very sexy color, predicting a love affair and platonic feelings.

What is the dream of a bag of pink tones? It is believed that this is the color of falling in love, first love and romance. The dream book writes that all the delicate shades color pink show that your femininity will be simply charming and will appeal to both mature men and guys. For a girl, such a dream often predicts romantic love and love.

Why dream of a red bag from strawberry to rich wine tones? The dream interpretation writes that it means passion in your life, a fatal image. Such a dream often predicts the appearance of a bright and interesting life, which will disrupt your normal existence and completely change your way of life. Why dream of finding it or buying it? Such a dream portends you an imminent love adventure and a feeling of falling in love, passion.

The article on the topic: "dream book women's handbag" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

If you find a women's bag in your hands in a dream, treat this vision with special attention. A number of dream books in this case promise losses and all sorts of losses. Do you want to know more about what this accessory is dreaming of? Explore as many interpretations as possible.

Buy a bag in the store

If you dreamed that you became the owner of an elegant, high-quality sewn women's bag, then in reality all dreams will come true. Universal dream book advises not to be afraid to dream, now best time to fulfill even the most daring desires.

Miller explains in detail why one dreams of choosing this item of women's wardrobe in the market or in a luxury store. Miller's dream book believes that this dream is a sign that a rather serious choice will soon have to be made in reality. Be sure to think about the consequences of any decision you make.

Buying a women's bag in a store in a dream means being in search of your female happiness. If a man dreamed of this, then he should understand his sexual desires and fantasies. Everything can be much more complicated than it seems at first glance.

The modern dream book believes that if you dream of a new women's bag, then you have to enter into a new life stage. It will be unlike the previous one, but filled with all sorts of pleasant events and interesting meetings. Similarly, it is worth interpreting a dream in which the new thing was painted in bright colors.

The female dream book believes that buying a new women's bag in a dream means that life has prepared for you a huge number of new discoveries and achievements. Let go of your fears and open yourself up to something new. A series of significant incidents will change your life for the better. You will become a truly happy person.

Another option for explaining why you dream of buying a women's bag in a dream is the acquisition of some large property. It is possible that you will become the owner of the cherished square meters or a quality car. Especially if the thing seen in a dream was expensive and solid.

Accessory color

I dreamed of a red women's bag - get ready to make a solid cash profit. If she was white, expect an early marriage. If you dream that the white surface is stained with dirt, then the marriage will be overshadowed by numerous quarrels and omissions.

If the bag dreamed up in a dream was big and beautiful, then you will be very happy in your future married life.

Miller's dream book is convinced that a black women's bag is a symbol of empty hopes. If in a dream she was filled to the brim with food, in reality she will have to be pretty worried about some business. Despite the seriousness of what is happening, try to pull yourself together and not worry in vain.

Another option for what a black string bag is dreaming of is health problems. Do not wait for the development of a serious disease. Take care of your body in advance by making a preventive visit to the doctor.

Lose her

The modern dream book believes that losing a women's bag in night dreams is a bad sign. Most likely, the capital you currently have will run out, and you will not be able to acquire new ones for a very long time.

If you dreamed that you chose it in a store, purchased it, and then suddenly for some reason lost it, then the planned business would end in failure. Even the help of influential friends will not help. The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation advises you to muster up courage and adequately survive an unpleasant fiasco.

If in a dream you lost a new women's bag, then in reality there will be serious difficulties in the workplace. A number of colleagues are jealous of your professional success and dream of pointing out your weaknesses to your boss. Be as careful as possible in the service if you do not want to lose your job.

If the dreamed lost accessory was black, then it will turn out to solve the most unpleasant problems. To dream that you unexpectedly found a loss for yourself is a happy resolution of a difficult situation.

Today I dreamed of a red bag and red socks. I figured out my dream myself, a red bag - money (red denomination), and red socks - find money on the way. And that's where it's all written.

I dreamed that I was buying bags in a store, as there were big discounts on them. The most different - color, size, shape. When she returned home, she lost one of them, apparently black.

I stole someone else's bag in a dream.

I dreamed of a familiar woman with a white bag, she gave it to me.

I couldn't choose which bag I wanted.

Instead of my new elegant bag, they slipped me an old, unfashionable and shabby bag. I was indignant and demanded to return mine.

I dreamed of a new women's black bag, they bought it for me.

I dreamed of a big red bag.

I dreamed of a red bag, not one but two, very beautiful leather, expensive! They gave it to me, but at the same time they told me to leave a tip as much as you want if you wish. I hung one on my shoulders, the second on my arm, plus he also showed gold jewelry and I already had earrings.

Women's bag interpretation of the dream book

If you had to see a women's bag on your hands in a dream, you need to take such a plot more carefully. Many dream books such a case predict all kinds of damage and losses. Would you like to find out what a woman's bag is dreaming of? Look at as many dream books as possible.

Buy a bag in the store

If you dreamed how you became the mistress of an excellent, high-quality women's handbag, then in reality your hopes will come true. The universal interpreter advises not to be afraid to build dreams, given period time is suitable for the realization of even the most impracticable desires. Miller gives a detailed interpretation of why one dreams of buying a women's bag in the public market, or in a branded boutique. As the dream book says Lady's bag, recently acquired - a signal that in the near future in your existing life you will face a choice. At the same time, think carefully about everything from the very beginning so as not to lead to unpleasant consequences.

To buy in a dream in a company boutique an item of women's wardrobe means, in real life you are trying to find your happiness. If a man dreamed of a woman's bag, then he must analyze his own intimate fantasies. Everything can become much more complicated than it seems initially. As explains modern dream book, a new women's bag in a dream, predicts a quick life upheaval. This stage of life will be different from the previous one, and it will be filled with various joyful incidents and positive acquaintances. It is customary to give a similar interpretation of a dream about a women's bag if it has a bright color. As clarifies female dream book women's handbag is brand new, indicates that in the near future you will discover something unknown. Stop being afraid and open up to something unknown. A lot of significant events to turn your destiny into better side. You will be much happier for this. Another explanation of the dream book about the women's bag that you buy in a dreamy vision is the acquisition of a weight of property. You may be able to buy an apartment or nice car. Especially if you saw a high-value women's bag in a dream.

Accessory color

Sleeping with a red women's bag promises a decent financial gain. If she is snow-white, get ready for the next marriage. If you dreamed that the surface of the bag was dirty with dirt, then married life will be full of frequent strife and misunderstandings. If the handbag seen in a dream was large and elegant at the same time, you will receive happiness from the upcoming marriage. According to Miller's dream book, a black women's handbag is a sign of vain expectations. If in a dream it was full of food gear, in reality you will experience anxiety due to some circumstance. Regardless of the significance of what happened, try not to lose your temper and not experience unnecessary excitement. An additional interpretation given by the dream book of a women's handbag, which has a black color scheme, indicates problems with the state of the body. Don't expect progress dangerous disease. Take care of your own health prematurely by visiting a doctor for prevention purposes.

Lose her

The interpreter of the XXI century indicates that losing a female reticule in a dream is an unfavorable signal. It is likely that the money accumulated over time will be spent, and new ones will not work out for a long period of time. If it seemed that after buying a bag, you suddenly lost it - what you have in mind will not bring a positive outcome. Authoritative comrades will not provide support either. The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation recommends gathering strength into a fist, and with dignity to suffer an undesirable defeat.

If in a dream you lost your recently purchased handbag, then in reality there will be complex troubles at work. Some colleagues envy your career success and dream of telling your superiors about your mistakes. Be careful at work if you do not want to change it to another.

If the lost bag seen in dreams was black, then the most serious difficulties will be resolved. I dreamed that you managed to find the lost - to the joyful outcome of the most difficult circumstance in life.

A woman's bag is dreaming - features of decoding from dream books

Even the most mundane at first glance things, such as, for example, a woman's bag, appearing in our dreams, can carry a special symbolic meaning. To find out what a woman's bag is dreaming of, you need to remember who carried it, what color it was and other nuances of sleep, open the dream book and check with it. Correctly unraveled the meaning of sleep will help you make the right decision, predict the future and get out of difficult situations.

General interpretation

If the dreamer in his dream happened to become the owner of an elegant women's handbag of high-quality tailoring, this is a good omen, portending the fulfillment of dreams. During this period, you should not be shy about the most secret and seemingly impossible desires, since everything will certainly come true.

Buying a women's bag in the store yourself is a dream symbolizing the search for female happiness in real life. Such a night vision, if a man had a dream, can personify confusion and confusion in his sexual preferences, fantasies and desires. The situation may actually be more complicated than it seems.

A new women's bag in a dream symbolizes the beginning of a new life period. This period will be filled with joyful impressions, pleasant emotions, interesting meetings and events. Night vision takes on a particularly positive meaning, in which the bag was painted in bright colors.

Another version of the interpretation of night vision, in which the dreamer purchased a new women's bag in the store, promises him the acquisition of new large property. In particular, a solid, expensive piece of clothing promises a new apartment or a quality car.

Interpretation by bag color

Depending on the color in which the women's bag was painted, the interpretation of what was seen the day before will also change:

  • A red wardrobe item promises a large flow of finance.
  • White bag dreams of an imminent wedding
  • A bag of the same color, but stained with mud, indicates that the upcoming marriage will be filled with conflicts, omissions.
  • A large bag decorated by designers appears in a dream as a symbol of happiness, joy and love in the upcoming marriage.
  • If a black bag was seen in a dream, this is an unkind omen, predicting a deterioration in health, illness. Worth at least for prevention purposes medical examination and pay attention to the state of your body

Other details of interpretation

If this item was lost in a dream, this is a bad sign that promises the dreamer the loss of existing capital, which will be replenished very slowly.

If the dreaming bag was bought after a long choice in the store, and then for some reason lost, this is a sign that indicates a failure in the implementation of the plans. Influential friends, to whose help the dreamer is accustomed to resort, will also be powerless this time.

A dreamer in which a sleeping person left a woman's bag somewhere is not the most pleasant symbol. He promises difficult trials, serious problems and difficulties and turmoil. A dream in which the dreamer is looking for a woman's bag and, in the end, finds it - soon a person will be able to discover unexpected talents in himself.

If a man had a dream in which a woman's bag appears, a romantic relationship is expected in his life, which in the long run can lead to marriage.

A bag made of leather portends the appearance of a lover who can cause cardinal life changes if she dreams married woman. A donated wardrobe item promises a noticeable improvement in the financial situation.

If this item happened to be found, this omen promises renewal. For example, new useful and pleasant acquaintances with good people. It is also possible to gain new knowledge or a sudden trip.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

According to the interpretation given by the dream book, a women's bag predicts the imminent destruction of your illusions. If you dreamed of a women's bag, then you should prepare for a sober outlook on life. If in a dream you had a chance to buy a bag or get it for free, then in time your dreams will come true. The more extraordinary and rich the bag was in a dream, the grander the dream will come true.

And if in a dream you were with a full travel bag, this prophesies you a quick trip to distant relatives or a long-awaited vacation.

Esoteric dream book

The loss of a bag, no matter how it happened (theft or loss), portends a collision with the truth, the dispelling of illusions. Take, buy or purchase a bag in another way - to the fulfillment of dreams, the implementation of ideas.

The more bizarre and unusual this object looked, the more daring and original dreams of the dreamer will come true.

The stolen bag symbolizes groundless fears and concerns. What the dreamer is worried about is not worth his nerves. Fears are not destined to come true.

Miller's dream book

If the dreamed bag was empty, it is worth preparing for a lie, poverty. A full bag portends a sudden event that can knock a sleeping person out of his usual rut and give him a lot of trouble.

The bag, taken off by a man, symbolizes the appearance of a woman in his environment. An expensive and prestigious bag indicates that a lot of resources will have to be spent on a lady, but the dreamer will not regret it. If the item of clothing, with its high cost, was ugly - wastefulness will be empty.

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“Dream Interpretation of a Women’s Bag dreamed of why a Women’s Bag is dreaming in a dream”

Dream Interpretation Women's Bag

What is the dream of a women's bag in a dream from a dream book?

Women's bag in a dream symbolizes psychological condition her owners in real life. Should be given more attention the one who owned this bag in a dream. Maybe right now she needs help.

If the bag belongs to the dreamer herself, then you should pay attention to the feelings and feelings of yourself, your beloved.

What did you do with a women's bag in a dream?

If in a dream you bought a women's bag ▼

The dream of buying a women's bag is interpreted by the dream book as the desire of a woman dreamer to find happiness in her personal life. If a man dreams of this plot, this is a hint that you need to be more attentive to your erotic and sensual attractions. Perhaps there are serious problems in this area.

I dreamed that you were choosing a women's bag ▼

If in a dream you saw how you choose a women's bag, then in real life you have to make an important decision, the consequences of which will directly affect your entire future life. Analyze the situation, consider your actions and make the right choice.

What women's bag did you dream about?

Why dream of a new women's bag ▼

When you dream of a new women's bag, it means that everything you have in mind will come true with incredible ease. The dreamer expects a cheerful mood, excellent health and good luck in all matters.

Seeing a white women's bag in a dream ▼

We saw a white women's bag in a dream - it means that romance is not alien to you. You are prone to daydreaming, and perhaps unnecessarily idealize the world around you.

If you dream of a black women's bag ▼

A black women's bag in a dream indicates that you are a rather modest and shy person. Your restraint is often to your advantage.

Why dream of a lot of women's bags ▼

If in a dream you saw a lot of women's bags, then you will soon have to move, during which something will be lost. In general, the atmosphere, as with any move, will be tense and nervous.

The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in a dream that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

I dreamed of a Women's Bag, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what a woman's bag is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

In a dream, I was in some kind of conference room with a lot of people. Suddenly I grabbed my bag and realized that I had lost it. The event ended and the people sitting in the hall rushed to the exit. I was the last to leave and at the exit I saw my bag standing on the floor and other things. Thus the loss was found

I lost a bag of light skin. I was worried, tried to find it, since there was a large amount of money, I don’t know how much. Not found.

I saw in a dream a medium-sized black lacquered handbag. And I don't have one in my life. There is a similar blue, but not varnished. And I accidentally broke the handle of this bag (in the middle, on the principle of tearing a piece of paper). I don't remember anything else in the dream.

In a dream, she entered a room in which there was a large chiffoner, a bed and a table, the chiffoner was all filled with clothes. And on the closet were lined bags in a row. Most of all I remember a large marsh-colored bag

A large beautiful bright green bag was measured. It could be worn both as a backpack and with the usual bending of the arms.

My bag was stolen on the bus, but I started looking and it led me to the house where I broke all the windows and looking for my bag, I found many other bags, but I didn’t find my own, I woke up

Hello, I dreamed that on the way home from work at a bus stop I found a burgundy-colored women's bag on the road and with expensive things inside and some are scattered nearby, then they want to take this bag away from me, I fought for it Ptm gave it away but left myself a perfume with a beautiful pink bottle.

in a dream, I'm going to take a brand new white bag in medium sizes. then I try on right hand thin black knitted glove with beautiful patterns night from Sunday to Monday

Hello, I dreamed of a lot of bags at a construction site and toy dolls, I collected toys and bags for the children in a bag, everything that was in one box. The toys were all very beautiful

Chose a new bag in the store she was white color and my lover said that we will buy it before we leave

the bag is new, complete with a wallet, I bought it cheaply and I really liked it, put it on my shoulder and was very happy with the purchase

dream: there was an opportunity to buy an inexpensive bag. quite inexpensive, but most of the proposed range is not made of genuine leather. I prefer leather, but so inexpensive that I decide to buy a few - 4, if I'm not mistaken (the number is not exact: more than two, but I don't remember 3 or 4). and all of them are small. I think in a dream that it’s not what I was looking for, but they are so nice and inexpensive at all. Worst case, I won't use it.

some kind of stupid dream. but lively, i.e. there is a moment of emotional choice, there is little of this vain and a feeling of satisfaction, i.e. I like them, I like that there are a lot of them, the quality is a little embarrassing, but I look at the seam - and I understand that they are neat. although in my thoughts that I will still buy expensive leather))).

in my life, indeed, for half a year I have not been able to choose a bag for myself - such as I want twice the amount that I am ready to spend. And within the framework of my budget, I haven’t found a model without a doubt, and since the money is still not small, I don’t want to make a mistake with the choice (I usually have bags of good quality in real life))) but on the eve of sleep there were no thoughts or shopping, those. There was no reason to remind about the need to buy a bag, which is why it was strange.

I go, I choose colored, large, children's towels. Didn't buy them. On my shoulder I have a small women's handbag with a long strap. There are things in it. I didn't see the money. I lower my eyes and see that the handbag is cut off, and the strap from the bag remains on the shoulder. It hangs on my shoulder, at the bottom it is intercepted by a transverse strap.

I dreamed that the bag ( Brown), belonging to the wife of my beloved man, became mine. What does it mean?

To correctly interpret the dream about the bag, look into the dream book. A bag seen in a dream can predict your future, as well as become an explanation for your hidden experiences.

Why is the bag dreaming? It depends on its type and the nuances of the dream! Remembering in detail what you saw, it will be much easier to interpret the dream.


If you dreamed of a women's handbag, be sure to remember what color it was. Black speaks of your modesty; red is a harbinger of a passionate night, while white means that you are a very romantic person.

A brown leather handbag is a sign that your business is going according to plan. A bright women's handbag dreams when your relationship with a young man lacks sharpness.

  • To lose her is to remember past love.
  • It was stolen from you - to a valuable find or gift.
  • A new women's handbag with a hole - to cash receipts.
  • If it is miniature - to the search for a new style.
  • A lot of unnecessary things in a women's handbag - to communicate in a men's company.

Losing a woman's handbag and soon finding it means meeting your first love. And if it was stolen, but then returned, then you will receive an expensive gift from a loved one.

When in a dream you cannot find some thing in it, this means that in reality you have not decided on the choice of a partner. And the ideal order inside characterizes you as a very well-mannered, decent person.


According to the dream book, the bag that stands near the threshold with things is dreaming of the arrival of an old friend. And if it is half empty, then strangers will come to your house.

A dirty travel bag speaks of your defenselessness. And to wash it and hang it out to dry means to prepare for a big holiday.

  • Losing a travel bag means a new life filled with pleasant events.
  • Putting things in it is a romantic rendezvous with your loved one.
  • She was stolen at the station - to get rid of old problems.
  • Walking around the city with her is a trip to an unfamiliar place.
  • A small dog sits in it - to get to know a good person.

Wealth and decent pay for work is what the bag in the hands of your boss dreams of. And to see a lot of money in it means to find an additional source of income.

The travel bag that relatives or friends gave you for storage is dreaming of a big holiday. And if it belongs to a stranger, then you will become a participant in a party in a strange house.


A leather men's bag is usually dreamed of before important negotiations. And if it is made of jeans, then this is a sign that in your soul you are much younger than your years.

Women's cosmetics in a men's bag speaks of uncertainty in love. And to see toys in it means to gain confidence in your charm.

  • Men's bag on the desk - to perform an important task.
  • To lose her is to unreasonable jealousy of a partner.
  • An old, shabby briefcase - to communicate with a wise person.
  • Find a men's bag with important documents− to the restoration of old business ties.
  • To receive it as a gift is to flirt with a work colleague.

A heavy men's bag dreams of simply overcoming difficult problems. And empty means a lack of communication with the opposite sex.

If in a dream a handsome young man carries it, then you are a completely self-confident person. And to see it in the hands of an old man means to think about procreation.

Other dreams

As the dream book says, a bag in the hands of a bum dreams of an expensive gift or premium. And to see her with a famous actor means to dream of wealth and fame.

Losing a bag in a foreign city means planning a vacation. And to look for her in your house means to hope for financial assistance relatives.

  • Drop your handbag on the floor - surprise your friends with your act.
  • Hang it on a hanger - to school memories in a big company.
  • Walking around the market with her means waiting for news from a business partner.
  • A shopping bag with food - to a chic feast in a pleasant company.
  • Lose a friend's bag - to reconcile with the offender or to neutralize the enemy.

If in a dream you check in luggage in a luggage room, then in reality a long journey awaits you. And waiting for your train, sitting on a big bag, means seriously thinking about the future.

Beating someone with a bag is trying to defend your point of view. And tossing it high up is to rejoice that there are reliable people next to you.

A bag of garbage dreams before a general cleaning. And if you find tools in it, then you will be swallowed up by household chores.

A handbag with jewelry is a sign that your gentleman is ready to carry you in his arms. And see in her wedding ring- be happy with your man.

Among the explanations of what the bag is dreaming of, you will definitely find moments that will cheer you up and inspire you to new victories. Author: Vera Fractional

Why is the bag dreaming? A bag seen in a dream can have good and bad meanings. So, a full bag promises well-being and good luck in the future, perhaps a valuable acquisition or an unexpected gift. Empty bags do not bode well. This is a sign that you will have to work hard in order to achieve your goal.

What is the dream of a new bag

Mystics and psychics believe that a bag in a dream is an indicator of financial well-being. If she is beautiful and pristine, a stable income is guaranteed. Buying a new bag - a new source of profit will soon appear in your life.

Carry a purple bag in a dream - soon expect the appearance of a new wealthy patron. If the bag is luggage, and also new, expect gifts soon. New and fashion bag promises luck and the fulfillment of all, even the most unfulfillable desires.

If in a dream you leave the apartment with a neat new bag, and then in your hands it turns out to be old and shabby, circumstances will not turn out in the best way; you should keep yourself in control and not lose your temper.

I dreamed of a women's, travel or shopping bag

When a woman's handbag is dreamed of by a man, this is a sign that a new lover will soon appear in his life or a love adventure awaits. A small handbag, clutch, reticule indicate that you are too dreamy, but you have every chance to bring everything to life.

  • If you dreamed of a sports bag, this is a hint of troubles and hard work in the future. But this dream, again, may be empty if you were planning to buy a sports bag.
  • A shopping bag is a symbol of small deeds and worries. If the bag was not empty (with a wallet, comb), you will soon find out the juicy details of someone's life.
  • A torn lady's bag in a dream means your confusion and helplessness in the current difficult situation. life situation. But soon to help you a man will come which will help you figure everything out.

Have you seen the already assembled travel bag? Get ready for a successful and exciting journey with interesting acquaintances. All its contents spilled out of the bag, and you immediately began to collect it? Unforeseen losses and expenses lie in wait for you.

Run in a dream along a bad road with huge luggage - you will have to overcome obstacles alone. Helping a stranger to carry a heavy bag is a sign that you yourself will not be hindered by help. Finding someone else's bag in a dream means making a new friend in real life.

What do the color and size of the bag say?

If the bag is a bright color (lilac, red, yellow), you will soon have a choice. This may be the choice of a new source of income, place of work, residence, etc. Many multicolored large bags promise a bright colorful life full of fun and adventure. A red bag is a symbol of financial success, profit.

A small handbag symbolizes your secrets, secrets and hopes. If the bag is lost in a dream, someone will soon find out hidden secret and you will suffer from it. Finding a loss in a dream is a good sign. This means that an unpleasant situation can be avoided or come out of it as a winner.

You carry a very large bag in a dream - a symbol of burden, an unbearable burden. Pay attention to the handle or strap of the bag: if it drags along the ground, expect serious unintended consequences. If the belt was picked up in a dream, there is nothing to be afraid of: you will come to your senses in time and avoid problems by correcting the situation. The bag that you drag along the ground in a dream symbolizes an overwhelming burden (unbearable problems).

Rummaging in a handbag (your own or someone else's) - encounter obstacles on the way to the goal. You will probably get confused in problems and minor troubles, but everything will be resolved after asking for help from an older comrade.

The travel bag that you collect in a dream speaks of changes in life. So, do not be afraid to step over yourself and go towards a happy future. Significant changes will not spoil your life in the least - accept them and turn them to your advantage.

Why dream of finding or losing or buying a bag

In a dream, did you find someone else's bag and look into it? Soon a traitor will appear in your life. If the bag is simple, without drawings and bright details, do not expect anything good in the future, life will be bleak. Find a colorful bag - get joyful and pleasant impressions soon; look forward to new meetings, conversations and dates with young people.

To visit a bag store in a dream, to be among bags - to be among rivals. It can also be a sign of a long journey or frequent movements in the future.

Why dream of any bag? It is a storehouse of knowledge, skills and life experience. If the bag is lost, get ready for troubles in life, losses and negative changes. It is also a symbol of defenselessness, loneliness. If the loss of the bag was dreamed of by a woman who has a secret romance, then it will soon become known about him.

If the bag was stolen in a dream, you should not worry about your property. Get ready for a white streak of life, because a bag is also everyday worries, a routine; if she was stolen in a dream, life will become carefree and fun.

If someone leaves their bag for you to keep, and it is taken away from your hands, be prepared for the disclosure of your secrets by a loved one. You will no longer be able to influence the course of the case, just withstand the blow with dignity. It can also be a warning: take a closer look at close friends and acquaintances! Among them may be the same person who does not know how to keep his mouth shut.

But it is highly likely that a bag lost in a dream does not matter if in real life you are worried about the safety of your own property.