
How to determine your health status by appearance. How to determine your health status by appearance 3 signs of health

The concepts of adequate existence and perception of the world around us play an important role in our lives. But over what it really is healthy person(both physically and mentally), rarely does anyone think seriously. This is understandable: people who feel they don’t really need it, and patients, as a rule, only think about their illness. Therefore, probably, the very concept of a “healthy person” looks somewhat blurry. In this article we will try to formulate just some principles by which this can be determined.

Healthy people

It is rightly noted: health is what is remembered when it goes away. In fact, this is one of the the most important criteria full life of people, regardless of their well-being and race, religion and significance. Moreover, health and illness as concepts cannot be considered independently of each other. It is not possible to find a clear and absolute line. That is why, probably, in many medical reports, professional doctors write: “Practically healthy.”


Of course, not all people in the world look the same. There are various shapes and body types, weight, height, national characteristics and other important characteristics. What is good for one may be harmful for another. But in general, we can take as a basis some basic general criteria, by which a healthy person is determined. In a physical context, this is an individual who does not have bad habits, regularly performing sporting events. In psychological terms - a positive attitude towards existence, the ability to communicate with others like oneself, observance of moral and religious laws. Healthy people, as a rule, are immediately recognizable in a gray crowd; they exude a pleasant and quite powerful aura of well-being. Others seem to be drawn to them, unconsciously (or consciously) trying to recharge themselves with the energy of harmony. In this context, we can say that a healthy person is one who has physical abilities, strength, emotional feelings, spiritual development are in harmony with each other.

Medical examination criterion

It may seem very simple: if you are not sick, then you are healthy. But sometimes this is not the case, and a person is unaware of the disease living in him. This becomes known quite by accident, as a result of routine tests or ongoing examination. Therefore, it is very important not only to feel good, but also to listen to the opinions of doctors. And if the doctor tells you that you are healthy, then this is really so.

Feeling good

At the physiological level wellness of an individual may consist of specific manifestations.

  • There is enough (and even excess) energy to carry out everyday activities: going to work, doing housework and family matters, farming. And, what is typical and especially important, do not feel unhappy at the same time!
  • Healthy and restful sleep. It’s easy to wake up, start your daily activities without tension and swaying, feeling cheerful and energized after a night’s rest.
  • There is regular (at least once a day) bowel movement. Sometimes this factor is not given due attention, but in vain! After all, irregularity is the key to poisoning the body with waste products, and slagging (especially after forty) cannot lead to anything good: a person begins to get sick, immunity decreases, and a loss of strength appears, indicating general and regular poisoning of the body.

External signs

The image of a healthy person usually consists of external signs, characteristic of not being overloaded with extra pounds, and skin, smile - and many other nuances. Let's look at some of them.

What should you do to be healthy?

Much depends in this regard on balanced nutrition. If you don't feel completely healthy, try starting with this. Analyze whether your diet is calculated correctly, whether it contains enough vegetables and fruits, vitamins and microelements. It will not be amiss to estimate how many kilocalories per day you spend, and how many you consume when eating. For many people, even those who appear healthy, all these parameters do not stand up to criticism. Set up your daily routine. Sleep should be long, at the right time - but not excessive (about 7-8 hours). And don't forget about physical exercise: They must be performed daily, especially for people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

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There is no need to confuse the two concepts:

  1. Mental disorder;
  2. Mental illness.

Get upset everyone can, due to hormonal levels, body restructuring, bad situation, total bad luck and for many other factors and reasons.

The main indicator of “upset” is temporary.

With illness everything is much worse, here “temporality” is replaced by “timelessness”. cure mental illness almost impossible.

If a person is sure that he is Napoleon, this is forever. IN best case scenario it can be stuffed with drugs, given a course of electric shock treatment and turned into a vegetable. But the vegetables are simply silent and do not move. That's why we don't know what's in their heads.

To determine in advance whether a person is sick, you need to know the main signs of the disease. We will talk about this in the article.

Drastic personality change

We all change little by little, and our environment, time, experience and interests change us. This is normal: a person loses something, gains something.

But if in an instant a person has changed dramatically, then this is an alarming signal.

For example, the bank clerk who left work like this and came to work the next day in a Pokemon costume. Of course, this could be a joke, an answer to a lost argument, or a costume party.

If visible reasons for a radical transformation no, there are hidden motives.

You don’t know about them, but if a person is not just in a Pokemon costume, but considers himself one, then the matter is serious. Let him get into the role and prove his artistry to everyone, but soon his passion should end.

If the fuse does not end, this is clearly the first sign of mental illness.

At first, it may seem that a person has neglected his responsibilities and his daily functions. He simply forgot that he was supposed to do something and did not remember at all how to do it.

A bank clerk who comes to work, but when he sees the reports that he only completed halfway through yesterday, comes into complete stupor. He doesn't understand how he did it yesterday. He has completely lost his skill.

Absurd ideas

All the signs need to be taken by the company, and not pulled out one of them and draw hasty conclusions based only on it. This concerns of this characteristic. The absurdity in an idea can be seen by the surrounding society if it is simply not mature enough to understand such an idea.

They say about many geniuses that they were born before their era. The world was not yet ready to accept their ideas.

Consequently, such people were considered not just eccentrics, but madmen, sorcerers and devils.

  • In due time Giordano Bruno made a number of discoveries that were ahead of the era in which he lived. He said that stars are the suns of other galaxies, and there are an infinite number of galaxies in the universe. Only after 300 years, a monument was erected at the place of execution in honor of the legendary scientist.
  • Galileo was the same, but lived to be 77 years old, since he renounced his discoveries in time. He denied that the earth was round and revolved around the sun, which at one time was motionless.
  • A Nikola Tesla? Only recently have people started going crazy about electric vehicles, but it was invented almost a hundred years ago. Tesla died in 1943 in complete poverty, leaving 300 inventions to his descendants.

An infinite number of examples can be given, we think that the essence is already clear. We cross out geniuses born in a different age from this attribute.

A clerk in a Pokemon costume wanders around the office, greeting every folder, report and colleague with a blank stare. Then he will start offering crazy ideas. He brushes off objections and says that he came up with a spell.

But it is possible for a healthy person to distinguish absurd ideas from those that do not lack meaning.

Deepest apathy

It is characteristic of a healthy person. The main thing is to retreat into yourself for a while and come out on time and full of strength.

It happens that a healthy person confuses day with night. There are certain reasons for this. But when a person sleeps during the day, stays awake at night, eats every 10 minutes or does not eat for days - this may be neurosis, but in combination with other signs - a mental illness.


Hatred of everything and everyone. When everything said and done, and not said and not done, enrages you.

Mentally ill people hate everyone because everyone does not fit into the reality of the sick.


They can be both auditory and visual. A person sees something and hears something. There are mediums, psychics and sorcerers who have this ability. They hear the voices of dead people and see ghosts. It's another matter when a person talks to an imaginary friend.

A sick person does not understand what death is. He's playing. For example, he may decide that he is flying away tomorrow, so today he must say goodbye to everyone, complete all his business and distribute things.

It happens that the disease develops deep inside for years and does not show its presence in any way, until one day the patient’s well-being sharply worsens. However, according to indirect signs you can notice when it’s time to get examined by a doctor.

Doctors identify ten such signs that need to be monitored throughout life, but especially important after thirty.

After all, any psychological shock, poor nutrition and poor ecology affect the condition of the skin, turning it dull and flaccid.

Excessive thinness (anorexia) or obesity ( overweight) are, without a doubt, a signal of a medical problem.

Weakening of the body at the cellular level can cause brittle nails and dull hair prone to hair loss. However, frequent cosmetic procedures can also lead to this.

4. A face can tell a lot about the state of internal organs and systems.

Problems may be indicated, in particular, by yellowness of the whites of the eyes and red veins in them, pale lips, noticeable circles under the eyes, a reddish or too pale nasolabial triangle.

5. An absolutely healthy person can boast of strong tooth enamel.

Strong enamel is a sign of good metabolism. And crumbling teeth do not necessarily indicate neglect of oral hygiene. This effect can be caused by a lack of nutrients, gastrointestinal disease, or another disease.

6. A healthy person does not suffer from shortness of breath or other problems of the cardiovascular system, even during stress or physical exertion.

In order to monitor the health of the heart and blood vessels, you must have a blood pressure monitor. Now this device is inexpensive and easy to use, but it brings a lot of benefits: it allows you to monitor blood pressure, heart rate and pulse.

There is no coating on the tongue or bad breath, bowel movements are regular, and appetite is good, but in moderation - these are signs of health.

8. Health problems are sometimes indicated by a sharp addiction to unusual dishes and an aversion to ordinary food, a sudden change in taste habits.

But sometimes it can just be a whim, or hormonal stress. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are also prone to changes in eating habits.

A healthy person has a positive attitude towards life, and if there are no serious reasons for frustration, he remains in good spirits. good mood. Perceive the world in gray color and exaggerating problems is typical for those suffering chronic diseases nervous system.

By the way, only people with a strong, healthy psyche enjoy life, are able to empathize, fear for themselves and others, make thoughtful decisions, and react to the situation adequately.

A depressed person does not experience any joy, is pessimistic, and shows complete indifference to the problems of loved ones and relatives. Physical and emotional inhibition are signs of depression and problems with the nervous system.

10. Sound, quality sleep that gives you a feeling of vigor in the morning.

Sleep disturbances, inability to fall asleep quickly, chronic lack of sleep - with these problems, absolute health is impossible.

There is no need to panic even if you notice signs of ill health. Sometimes little things like bad weather or simple fatigue can throw you off track. And all the listed symptoms do not necessarily indicate illness. However, you should carefully monitor your condition and consult a doctor in time in case of serious suspicions.


Not all of us lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle. How to make sure that you are, in fact, a healthy person?

Here's what doctors of various specialties think about it, from dentists, surgeons and dermatologists to psychologists and therapists.

Read also:What happens if you lie upside down every day before going to bed? 7 pleasant consequences

If you have all 50 signs of good physical and mental health, I can only envy you.

Signs of physical health

1. You have thick hair and strong nails

A head of thick hair on the head and strong, fast-growing nails in most cases indicate good health.

Conversely, thinning hair and brittle and brittle nails are often a sign of significant vitamin and mineral deficiencies such as iron, vitamin D and other essential vitamins.

2. You have a lot of energy

If you easily get out of bed in the morning and are ready to go to work or gym and meet a new day, you don’t have to worry - everything is fine with you. With many diseases and lack of vitamins, a person loses energy and constantly feels tired.

3. You rarely have headaches and they don't last long.

Almost every person experiences headaches. They are often caused by stress or muscle tension. Periodic headaches are normal.

However, if conventional medications no longer help you, the headaches are very severe, accompanied by nausea, fever, confusion, weakness, neck stiffness, sensitivity to light - all this is a reason to consult a doctor.

4. You breathe normally even when you're sick.

Free and easy breathing is something that many of us take for granted until it no longer is.

When a cold occurs in a healthy person, nasal congestion, weakness and other symptoms of the disease may appear. However, after a week, plus or minus a few days, the condition should improve. If this does not happen, there may be some violations that require contacting a specialist doctor.

5. You have good blood circulation

If your blood circulation is good, you may occasionally experience numbness in your legs and arms or tingling sensations in your limbs, but such sensations usually pass quickly.

However, if the tingling, numbness and weakness last longer than usual, this may indicate a pinched nerve. Long-term symptoms cannot be ignored, as they may indicate a problem that requires surgery.

6. Your breath is fresh

The smell of your breath is one of the main indicators of your health, since most immune functions associated with the intestines.

Fresh breath is good sign healthy digestion. At the same time, bad breath can indicate a number of diseases: a strong fruity odor may indicate diabetes, bad breath is associated with acid reflux, a fishy odor with renal failure, and sour - with sleep apnea.

7. The urge to fall asleep in the middle of the day doesn’t happen every day.

Ideally, when you wake up in the morning, you should feel a surge of energy that continues throughout the day. The absence of the urge to fall asleep during the day indicates healthy functioning of the adrenal glands and stable blood sugar levels.

8. Your skin looks healthy

Skin is the largest organ human body. The condition of the skin on the face and neck not only reflects it genetic features and his health, but also what impact the external environment has.

Healthy skin appears slightly pink, vascularized and even in tone.

9. Your face looks full

Fullness or roundness of the soft tissues of the face indicates youth and health.

Conversely, illness, dehydration, and malnutrition affect the face, causing the skin to lose vitality, looks haggard and flabby.

10. Your eyes are clear

The eyes can reveal many details about a person's health and psychological state. They may be rested or tired, bright and cheerful or sad and depressed.

The whites of the eyes may be white and clear, or have blood vessels or yellow, which may indicate that the person may have certain medical conditions.

11. You have normal percentage body fat

According to nutritionists, the most important indicator health is the percentage of fat in the human body. When this number increases, your body begins to accumulate more fat tissue instead of muscle.

Body fat percentage, in turn, affects metabolism, blood sugar, mobility and emotional well-being.

12. You make time for physical activity.

Physical activity is very difficult to replace with anything. She is providing positive impact to all parts of your body: burns excess fat, improves blood circulation to muscles and limbs, reduces bad cholesterol, increases blood flow to all muscles and organs, helps you sleep better and promotes regular bowel movements.

Moreover, systematic physical activity strengthens the heart muscle, which is also an important indicator of health.

13. You pay attention to what you eat.

Are you eating enough vegetables, fruits, grains and dairy products? The answer to this question allows you to quickly determine the quality of your diet.

If your diet contains all of these components, you will have good food. And all because most people often miss these moments. According to nutritionists, only 3 percent of the population gets enough nutrients from the above sources.

14. You have healthy gums

One indicator that your body is healthy is your gum tissue. This means that your gums are not inflamed, do not bleed, and have normal texture and color.

Healthy gum tissue is dense, pyramidal in shape between the teeth, and evenly curves around the rounded edges of the teeth.

15. You eat regularly

The point is that you do not lack nutrition, choose balanced foods, and do not mindlessly rush to food due to hunger pangs.

Eating regularly also helps prevent many health problems. gastrointestinal tract, which arise due to chaotic nutrition.

16. You feel full after eating

Many people are overly concerned about their diet, cutting back on food portions and restricting themselves in some way. This causes a feeling of dissatisfaction, and as a result the person begins to snack or overeat at night or on the weekend.

Feeling full after eating means you enjoy your food, and a person who eats what they enjoy has a healthy relationship with food.

17. Your muscles have definition.

Can you see your muscles with the naked eye? Are they dense and textured and not covered with fat? All these are signs of health.

Atrophied or weakened muscles, on the contrary, indicate bad things. muscle health. It is also worth paying attention to the asymmetry of the arms and legs. If, for example, one leg is larger than the other, this may indicate that you are trying to compensate for one side of your body due to some undiagnosed condition. You may have some kind of nerve problem on your weaker side.

18. You carry out everyday tasks with ease.

Can you climb a hill easily? What about carrying shopping bags home? Try touching your toes or standing on one leg without holding onto a support. Can you sit on the floor and stand up without using your hands?

If you answered "yes" to all of these questions, you can be said to be healthy.

19. You have regular bowel movements at least once a day

What you eat and put into your body is important, but what comes out of it is equally important. Irregular bowel movements may mean that there is some kind of malfunction in digestive system. This could be magnesium deficiency, poor digestion and absorption of nutrients, and even emotional stress.

20. You are not short of breath during normal activities.

Yours respiratory tract, in fact, are a lot of tubes leading to the “balls” - the lungs. Each person has these “balls” inflated, and inside the “ball” there is air and blood. Cells use oxygen from the air to produce energy. If you have lung problems, you may feel short of breath even when doing normal routine activities.

21. Your joints don't hurt when you move.

To lead an active lifestyle, a person needs healthy joints, bones and muscles. If a joint is not capable of full range of motion, this may indicate a problem.

For example, an athlete after an injury can return to sports after his pain disappears and he is able to perform normal movements.

22. Your urine is clear

A simple indicator of kidney health is a person's urine. The kidneys keep the body's electrolytes in balance by filtering out excess and waste products. Clear urine means you are getting enough fluids.

At the same time, the appearance of foam or blood in the urine should alert you and be a reason to consult a doctor.

23. Your tongue is pink

The norm is a pink tint of the tongue with a thin white coating without signs of discoloration or marks from the teeth.

Any other color or plaque may indicate dysfunction or imbalance in the body. All this will be visible on the tongue.

24. You recover quickly after surgery

The ability to quickly recover after surgery often indicates general condition health. A person is endowed with an amazing ability to independently recover from trauma or wounds incurred during operations.

The body sends white blood cells and neutrophils to the surgical site to prevent infection, and monocytes regulate inflammation. If a person recovers quickly enough after surgery, he can cope with more complex treatment.

25. Your skin returns to its previous state if you pinch it.

There is one simple and quick test on skin turgor, which will help you know if you are healthy.

Pinch the skin on your arm, ankle, or shin and see how quickly it returns to its previous state. Retention can signal dehydration, and if the indentation on the leg remains longer than usual, it may be a sign of excess fluid due to kidney problems, heart disease or liver disease.

26. You can easily stand up from a cross-legged sitting position without assistance.

This simple exercise was designed specifically to determine strength and flexibility, as well as predict the possibility of early death.

To test this, you need to sit cross-legged and stand back up without leaning on anything. The specialists who developed this test found that people who were unable to get up from a sitting position were 5 times more likely to die in the next decade than those who completed this test.

However, there is no need to panic, as such a test is more indicative of a person’s strength, flexibility and balance. If you do not develop these qualities, you are at increased risk of injury, falls, and other potential problems.

27. You have a restful sleep

This is one of the most important signs good health and indicates normal blood pressure, absence of breathing problems and gastrointestinal reflux. It also signals normal breathing during sleep, which is key to overall health.

28. If you have allergies, they are easy to manage.

A healthy person may have seasonal allergies, but they are easy to pacify with the help antihistamines. These kinds of allergies occur in about 20 percent of people, and if they can manage them with simple medicines, this speaks of good health and a properly functioning immune system.

29. You get a cold about once a year.

This frequency indicates a normal immune system. In a given year you may even experience several colds, and this will also be the norm. But if you get sick more often, this may indicate more serious problems, for example, allergies or sinusitis.

30. You don't need to turn up the volume too much when watching TV.

If no one in your house complains that the TV is too loud, your hearing is fine.

31. You don't mind spice in your food.

A healthy person loves to cook and add spices to food. This indicates a normal sense of smell and taste. People who have lost their sense of smell do not enjoy food or its preparation.

32. You salivate a lot

Saliva is responsible for maintaining the natural pH level in your mouth and keeping your teeth clean. A sufficient amount of saliva is normal indicator and protects you from tooth decay.

33. Your jaw doesn't click when you open it.

The temporomandibular joint, which we use almost all day long during chewing, speaking and yawning, should not click when you open your mouth wide.

To find the joint, feel for the ridge in front of your ear and try opening and closing your mouth. If you hear a popping or clicking sound when you open your jaw, you are at increased risk for migraines and other headaches in the present or future.

Poor jaw position can lead to joint and muscle compression, and by relieving this tension, you can get rid of headaches and significantly improve your quality of life.

34. The skin around the eyes and on the hands is not very thin.

The appearance and feel of the skin around the eyes and on back side palms is a good indicator of your health.

These areas tend to have the thinnest skin and are the first areas to notice signs of atrophy (thinning) or photodamage (freckles). Healthy skin appears smooth without prominent blood vessels or blotchiness.

35. You have strong teeth

Strong teeth mean good health. A person experiencing stress and anxiety often clenches and grinds their teeth, and may suffer from other oral health problems.

36. Yours blood pressure 119/79 or lower

Blood pressure is easy to measure and can tell a lot about the health of a person's heart and blood vessels. If the pressure is high, it can be adjusted in a healthy way life and special medications.

Women's health

37. Do you have a regular menstrual cycle

A regular menstrual cycle with a frequency of 27-35 days indicates reproductive health. It indicates normal ovulation and balanced hormone levels.

If a woman has poor health due to being overweight or underweight, she may experience more erratic or absent periods. In this case, the functions of the ovaries are impaired, ovulation does not occur, or it occurs unpredictably.

38. You don't have acne.

Acne in adult women may be a sign hormonal disorder. For example, polycystic ovaries are often accompanied by the appearance acne, excess hair growth, hair loss, irregular periods and infertility.

39. You have vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge is normal occurrence. Vaginal discharge may vary over the course of a cycle depending on hormone levels, but it is almost always present.

It is important to pay attention to the color and smell of this discharge. Unpleasant smell or a change in color to green may indicate an infection, while clear discharge is normal.

40. You cope with cramps

Menstruation is rarely completely painless, but it shouldn't cause pain that leaves you unable to work, walk, or talk. Pain medications can also help manage many symptoms during menstruation. However, severe debilitating pain may indicate inflammatory process, such as endometriosis and affect your ability to conceive.

Signs of mental health

41. You know how to deal with your emotions and the emotions of others.

Each of us has needs for affection, respect, independence and other things. The ability to recognize and express these needs is the way to happy life. Healthy people also try to understand and meet the emotional needs of others. They are inquisitive and attentive to the feelings of others. If their actions offend another person, they try to fix it and change it.

42. You take a vacation

In the crazy pace of life, it is very easy for a person to come to emotional burnout. Sometimes we are so focused on what needs to be done that we forget about ourselves and don't realize that the stress level in our lives is through the roof.

One fine day you will empty space arises nervous breakdown, illness, or you end up in the hospital. People who regularly take time for themselves and for relaxation stay healthy longer.

43. You are able to set boundaries.

A person who knows how to set healthy boundaries knows when to say no and how to take care of their needs. It may seem selfish, but this skill is an important part of a person's mental health and helps protect them from resentment and burnout.

44. You say what you mean

It is important for a person to learn to discuss problems that bother him instead of keeping everything inside. Accumulating resentment and stress and carrying this burden with you is not good for your health. It is best to deal with all difficulties and contradictions at once.

45. You don't have to be depressed to see a psychologist.

A healthy person understands that psychological assistance needed not only by a person with mental disorders. Each of us sometimes needs an unbiased third party to talk through our problems and come to solutions that are reasonable and beneficial to us.

A person can live happily ever after without getting sick or getting old.

“Sarve suhrino bhavanti!” “May all living beings be happy!” The first commandment of Ayurveda.

According to Ayurvedic philosophy, each person is a cell of our universe, a cell connected not only with the “living” objects of our universe, but with absolutely all other cosmic bodies (stars, planets, ... etc. It is not by chance that we put the word in quotes Alive, because according to Vedic philosophy, all objects around us are no less, and often more, alive than you and me). Therefore, everything that happens around is necessarily reflected on a person, and everything that happens inside a person is reflected on the world around him. Therefore, the Ayurvedic vaidyas said, we must increase our sense of responsibility for everything that comes from us, and learn to distinguish between good and evil, so as not to fall under bad influence. Each person has his own unique development program, each person has a certain dharma, a duty to his state, family, the planet on which he lives, to God, finally.

Every person in his life must constantly learn, go through all sorts of tests, and carry out certain lessons. And when he finally comprehends his nature, he begins to constantly devote all his energy, all his strength to serving the common good. But true bestowal comes only through the heart. This is the law of energy exchange.

Ayurvedic doctors not only declared this - they showed by their own example, by the example of their entire lives, that a person can live, without getting sick or aging, very long and happily. Studying the structure human body, they found the so-called energy-information centers, or chakras, and determined that each chakra is characterized by its own specific frequency, which corresponds to the energy-information characteristics of various planets and other cosmic objects. On Earth this manifests itself in the correspondence of the rhythms of the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms. They knew this law of correspondence and took it into account in all areas of life. Only according to the law of correspondence did they use herbs, compounds and other drugs to heal diseases in their very initial stages. But, most importantly, they showed: the root of all diseases lies in the fact that a person’s heart is closed.

Ayurvedic doctors argued that a person should live with an open heart because this is his natural state. If the heart is open, then he lives harmoniously, in accordance with his nature. If the heart closes, the energy-information exchange of a person with the Universe stops and various vices are activated: pride, envy, greed, malice, hatred. They not only destroy his body, giving rise to numerous diseases, but have a corrupting effect on the entire society as a whole. Anyone who came to Ayurveda Doctors and asked: “What should I do, why am I sick?” heard answers that were unusual for us: “You are sick because you are too greedy.” Or: “You are envious. Get rid of this and your illnesses will go away.”

In Ayurveda, the word diagnosis has a completely different meaning. According to doctors who adhere to the principles of Ayurveda, diagnosis means knowledge and understanding of the patient, not the disease. When the true nature of the patient is known, then and only then can the disease also be understood and treated at the most fundamental level.

From the point of view of Ayurveda, highest form health care: not just to cure the patient's illness, but to help the person live in such a way that the illness never comes first.

Therefore, the Ayurvedic approach to health begins with simple question: who are you? It doesn't just mean, "What kind of heart do you have?" or “What are you sick with?” This means: what are your physical, emotional and spiritual characteristics? How does the energy and information of the Universe enter into your flesh and blood, into your hopes and dreams? How does this affect your work, your relationships with people, the type of food you eat, your response to stress, and even the time you go to bed in the evening and wake up in the morning? What makes you different from other people, and what do you have in common with them? What are your innate strengths and weaknesses? According to Ayurveda, the answers to all these questions can be expressed through your individual constitution, your unique mind-body connection.

If a person has love in his heart, he has nothing to fear. Love has the power to burn away everything negative in our body. That is why true knowledge always came from people who were considered saints, from those people who did not create any religions or parties, but sought to teach people Love.

Now we have lost the Law of Love. Therefore, our most important task is to return to observance of the Law of Love, to rise to the level of consciousness of Love. This is exactly what - main task Ayurveda at the current stage, and everything else: diagnostics, medicinal preparations, methods of their use and nutrition are secondary. We encourage you, every person, to live with an open heart. Love each other! Love never involves attachment. Love is acceptance of what is. Love will help you overcome fear. If you conquer fear, then the impossible will become possible for you. Because you have everything to be happy. Open heart is the basis of fearlessness, and Love is your best defense. Happiness does not depend on health, beauty, wealth, fame or power. Happiness depends only on Love! Happiness does not depend on who you are or what you have; it depends entirely on what you think.

Modern western medicine almost completely lost the vision of man as an integral spiritual-material system and lost its connection with the source - Ayurveda. The main thing that we find difficult to come to terms with is modern approach- this is the transformation of a person into a “patient” - a passive observer, punctually fulfilling the instructions of “certified” doctors and not bearing any responsibility for his own health. Meanwhile, main idea Ayurveda, in our opinion, says: “Health is in your hands!”

From the point of view of Ayurveda, a sign of health is not simply the absence of disease.

Signs of a healthy person are:
1. Good digestion - the presence of Agni (digestive fire) in the body. Agni is one of the basic concepts in the Ayurvedic concept of health. If in the world that surrounds us, Agni is the energy of the sun, then in the human body it is internal energy, biological fire, which is responsible for all metabolic processes. It can be considered a manifestation of Pita, since the content contained in this Dosha thermal energy– this is metabolic fire. The author of one of the oldest Ayurvedic treatises, Charaka, says this: “There is no Agni in the body without Pita, Pita is Agni.”
Agni exists in every tissue and every cell of our body, it supports immune system, destroying foreign microorganisms, removes and neutralizes toxins, initiates and carries out metabolism, breaks down food into components in the stomach and intestines, and also ensures the transport of nutrients and their absorption. Agni is largely responsible for the functioning of the intellect. In addition, biological fire is subtly connected with Vata, with its movement, since bodily air ignites bodily fire.
2. The appearance of hunger at the right time - a feeling of hunger with a good appetite. For good absorption of food, at least 5 (five) hours must pass between meals.
3. You fall asleep immediately when you go to bed.
4. You get out of bed immediately when you wake up.5. You do not snore - absence of snoring. Snoring is a major symptom of obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that causes short periods of breathing to stop when tissue in the larynx contracts and blocks the passage of air. In severe cases, this can happen 60-70 times per hour. Sleep apnea can cause increased blood pressure, memory problems, obesity and depression. An 18-year study found that people without obstructive sleep apnea live 3 times as long longer than people with severe forms of apnea.
6. Normal functioning of 5 (five) senses - vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch. What was normal for you from early childhood should remain and weaken minimally throughout your life.
7. Normal urination.
8. Normal bowel movement.
9. Normal sweating. All secretions must be removed from the body ON TIME, regularly and in the right quantity.
10. Peace of mind - peace, kindness, benevolence to ALL living beings.
11. Preservation of natural strength - performance.
12. Preservation of immunity.
13. Preservation of natural skin color.
14. Good memory.
15. The desire to live is having a goal in life.

In general, Ayurveda defines health as biophysical and physiological well-being, a satisfactory state of consciousness, senses and mind.

All human suffering and illness have one single cause - SELF (Sanskrit “raga”, passion).

The life of someone who lives happily has the following characteristics:

  • Absence of physical and mental illnesses
  • youthfulness
  • Enthusiasm
  • Strength, patience, strength, durability
  • Energy, asceticism
  • Good name, dignity, honor
  • Excellence in Action, Humanity, Devotion to God
  • Courage, resourcefulness, enterprise, proactivity
  • Spiritual and material knowledge
  • Spiritual knowledge based on scriptures and personal experience, wisdom
  • Strong and healthy senses focused on strong and healthy objects
  • Presence in the present
  • Feelings of wealth, abundance, beauty and support
  • Achieving all desired results and goals
  • The ability to go wherever you want

An unhappy life is characterized by opposite manifestations. Beneficial, useful life(hitayu) - this healthy life, bringing benefits to the person himself, those around him and the whole world as a whole.

Signs that life is rewarding are:

  • Concern for the good and benefit of all beings
  • Lack of desire to appropriate other people's property
  • Honesty, truthfulness, sincerity
  • Modesty, calm and poise
  • Performing any act only after careful consideration of the consequences
  • Attentiveness, sensitivity, vigilance
  • Harmonious desire to achieve the first three goals of human life - destiny (dharma), abundance (artha) and fulfillment of desires (kama), without conflicts between goals and without causing harm or disturbance environment and surrounding creatures
  • The mood of serving and helping others “as oneself” and expressing respect to those worthy
  • Constancy, peace and tranquility, virtue and piety arising from spiritual knowledge and personal spiritual experience
  • Serving Elders
  • A mind free of passion, anger, envy and pride
  • Constant, varied gratitude to others and God, generosity, generosity
  • Humility gained through knowledge gained through voluntary repentance, abstinence and severity
  • The ability to see the spiritual principle in yourself and in everything
  • Discrimination and recognition of the material and spiritual worlds
  • Excellent practical memory and wisdom to act correctly

A useless, and therefore unhealthy and harmful life for the person himself and those around him, is characterized by opposite signs and manifestations. It leads to illness and suffering.