
Which side is better for a pregnant woman to lie on? Side sleeping position during pregnancy: which option is better?

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 3 minutes

The expectant mother has to go through many transformations: her body, lifestyle, diet and habits change. Changes do not affect a woman’s rest, so you need to know how to sleep during pregnancy in order to feel comfortable and for the baby to develop safely.

Dependence of sleep quality on gestational age

In the first trimester, many women complain of constant fatigue and drowsiness, which is completely normal for this period, because it is transforming hormonal background. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about this, but simply try to give your body as much rest as it requires.

As for the second half of the term, here the situation changes in reverse side. Very often, expectant mothers begin to suffer from insomnia. Anxiety about the upcoming birth, a big belly and a kicking baby keep you from falling asleep. And if in the first case there is no need to cope with excessive sleepiness, then in the second you should look for solutions and understand how to sleep during pregnancy.

Let's figure out how a pregnant woman should sleep correctly and how to organize her schedule in order to sleep sweetly and soundly at night.

The most important point is the daily routine. If the body gets used to falling asleep and waking up at the same time, then problems with insomnia and falling asleep are unlikely to arise.

First months of pregnancy

If we're talking about about the first months, there are practically no restrictions. Doctors do not prohibit pregnant women from sleeping on their back, left or right side until about 12 weeks. The only thing is that it is better to avoid the position of lying on your stomach. The fact is that this is how the expectant mother squeezes her rapidly growing and painful breasts. And in general, it’s better to immediately get used to sleeping on your side.

  • You can have as many pillows with you as possible different sizes, with their help it will be much easier to get comfortable and find the ideal position for yourself. For example, it is very convenient to place one pillow under your stomach, another under your knee, and another one near your spine so that you don’t accidentally roll over on your back while sleeping.

Benefits of sleeping on your left side:

  1. The baby receives a sufficient amount of oxygen, as blood circulation in the placenta improves.
  2. There is no pressure on the liver.
  3. Posture promotes work cardiovascular system mother.
  4. Legs and arms do not swell.
  5. There is no stress on the back and pelvis, and accordingly, there is no discomfort.
  6. Kidney function is not impaired.

But how to sleep during pregnancy in one position all the time? The fact that sleeping on the left side is most beneficial does not mean that you will have to lie in one position all night. After all, first of all, this is difficult to do physically, and doctors advise turning over from left to right side 3-4 times a night. Sleeping in one position can cause deformation of the abdomen, and as a result, the intrauterine space itself, which can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

If you can’t lie down comfortably, then you can sleep half-sitting, placing a lot of pillows under your back, the main thing is to get comfortable. In this position there is no load on the spine, and therefore it is quite acceptable for a pregnant woman to sleep this way.

To summarize, we can say that the optimal sleeping positions are lying on your left side or half-sitting, but you should not sleep on your stomach or back. Also, for a good sleep, do not forget about the routine and proper preparation for a night's rest.

Getting adequate sleep during pregnancy is the key to good health expectant mother, and therefore the child. But how should you sleep during pregnancy so that after waking up you feel cheerful and not suffer from aches and numbness in certain parts of the body?

1st trimester. On early stages while the fetus is still very small, the woman can sleep in any comfortable position. You can sleep on your stomach only during the first 11 weeks of bearing a baby, because in the first trimester the uterus is protected from compression by the pubic and pelvic bones, A bladder takes all the blows and pressure. The only thing that can bring discomfort to a pregnant woman is pain and increased sensitivity breasts This is why many women give up their favorite sleeping position from the beginning of the first trimester of pregnancy.

2nd trimester. By the twelfth week, the uterus begins to extend beyond the boundaries of the symphysis pubis, and although the fetus is reliably protected from external pressure by adipose tissue, the uterine wall and amniotic fluid, it still begins from the second trimester It is not advisable to sleep on your stomach.

From 25-28 weeks of pregnancy, when the fetus begins to actively grow, you should not sleep on your back, because this sleeping position can cause:

  • deterioration of blood circulation in the placenta, as a result of which the fetus may suffer from oxygen starvation (hypoxia);
  • development of hemorrhoids in the expectant mother, venous stagnation and edema in the lower extremities, varicose veins and even thrombophlebitis;
  • aching back pain;
  • lowering blood pressure, and as a consequence the appearance of dizziness, weakness, darkening of the eyes, tinnitus, rapid breathing, heavy sweating, nausea (possibly even vomiting);
  • the appearance of digestive problems (as the uterus will put pressure on the intestines and its large blood vessels);
  • disruption of the kidneys and heart.

The complications described above occur because when sleeping on your back, the enlarged uterus is pressed against the spine, compressing the inferior vena cava and aorta (see Figure 1). Clamping of the inferior vena cava, which carries blood from lower limbs up to the heart, causes a decrease in return venous blood to the heart, and the woman’s blood pressure decreases, blood in the veins stagnates, and uterine and renal blood flow decreases.

Figure 1 – Demonstration picture of why you should sleep on your side during pregnancy

You can place a large pillow under your back, which will prevent the woman from lying on her back when changing position.

The sleeping position is so individual that for some it will be more comfortable to sleep on the right side, for others the baby will signal with kicks that it is uncomfortable for him to be in this position, and then it is better to roll over to the other side.

3rd trimester. During this period it is recommended sleep exclusively on your left side, because lying on the right side, the grown-up baby puts pressure on the woman’s liver and right kidney, which is located slightly lower than the left one. Compression of the kidney ureter leads to stagnation of urine, as a result of which a disease such as pyelonephritis can develop.

For a more comfortable sleep, it is recommended to place a pillow between your legs, with your left leg extended and your right leg bent at the knee (see Figure 2). This way your legs won’t become numb, and the load on your pelvis will be less. You can also place a small pillow under your stomach.

Figure 2 – Photo of the correct body position during sleep

It is also recommended to sleep on the left side if the fetus is not positioned correctly. With a transverse presentation of the fetus, you should sleep on the side where its head is displaced. It is also useful to do the following exercise: lie on one side for about 5-10 minutes, then roll over to the other side for 5-10 minutes. Perform on an empty stomach for 1 hour 2-3 times a day.

With a pelvic position of the fetus, it is useful to sleep on the left side and regularly perform the following exercise: lie on a hard, flat surface, placing a pillow under the buttocks, folded in half so that the pelvis rises 20-30 cm above the level of the head. Stay in this position for about 5 minutes (but not more than 15 minutes). We take this pose 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks starting from 32 weeks (not earlier).
And as soon as the baby takes the correct position, you need to start wearing a bandage regularly (if long stay on your feet).

If a pregnant woman often experiences heartburn, nasal congestion, or difficulty breathing, she should sleep with her upper body elevated.

For varicose veins, swelling and leg cramps, it is recommended to place a pillow under the feet while resting so that the blood can better drain from the lower extremities.

It is impossible to control the position of your body while sleeping, so for the expectant mother an indispensable assistant in this matter will be a pregnancy pillow, which, after the baby is born, can help the mother take a comfortable position during feeding.

Which pillow is best to sleep on during pregnancy?

There are many types of pillows on the market, but during pregnancy a woman needs a special version of this bedding, because during this period the anatomy of her body changes. That's why a special pillow for pregnant women was developed.

Disadvantages of this pillow:

  • can take up a lot of space on the bed (with small dimensions of the bed, it will be uncomfortable for the sleeping person next to you to sleep);
  • it’s hot in the summer, because the fillers retain heat and do not absorb moisture released by the body;
  • must be dry cleaned (if the pillow does not fit in the machine);
  • capable of becoming electrified;
  • the filler made of polystyrene balls rustles.

Material. Holofiber ball– siliconized balls that look like curls of sheep’s wool.

Holofiber quickly restores its shape and is resistant to washing and creasing. Products made from it are soft to sleep on, they are environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic, mites do not grow in such material, and sweat and odors are not absorbed. The material can be machined and hand wash at a temperature not exceeding 40 °C, you can dry the product in a centrifuge.

Expanded polystyrene balls (or granules)– environmentally friendly durable material reminiscent of foam balls. The hardest filler compared to other types of synthetic materials.
These balls cannot be washed in a washing machine.

Swan artificial down– a synthetic material with a fibrous structure. This filler has the following characteristics: it does not cause allergies, is antibacterial, light and elastic, and does not clump after washing.
Synthetic down can be washed by hand and in a washing machine (at temperatures up to 40 ° C), it dries quickly.

Sintepon usually not used in the manufacture of pillows for pregnant women, because it is not suitable for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, because contains glue that can cause coughing attacks and other manifestations of these diseases. In addition, this material quickly clumps.

Forms. G shaped- large pillow. Performs the following roles: supports the head and tummy; prevents the pregnant woman from turning over on her back; allows you to sit comfortably with your leg on the pillow.

U shaped– a large pillow in the shape of a horseshoe. She will provide good sleep, comfortable leisure time and feeding the child. The U-shaped pillow ensures correct body position during sleep and relieves stress on the pelvis and spine. Even the children and husband will like this pillow, because you just want to lie in an embrace with it.

Shape C– a universal pillow model. Designed for both sleeping and feeding the baby. During feeding, she supports her elbows, relieving tension from the shoulder (when feeding while sitting). It is convenient to feed while lying down.

The “nest” shape allows you to leave the baby unattended while mommy brings clean onesies. By placing your baby in the notch in the middle of the pillow, you will protect him from falling out of bed. Also, the inner semicircle of the “eski” can be used as an auxiliary support when sitting down the baby.

L shaped And in form Igood options for a small bed. The L-shaped model perfectly replaces a regular head pillow. At the same time, it supports the back well, preventing the woman from turning over on her back in her sleep.

The I-shape is designed to act as a pillow for the head and support for the thigh. Can be curled into desired shape.

V-shaped (crescent or boomerang)- compact option. Despite its small size, it retains the necessary functions of a pillow for pregnant women: it can support the head and tummy, or the back or neck (in the “sitting” or “half-sitting” position), or the pelvis and tummy (when it is located between the legs). Indispensable when feeding a baby.

You can purchase such pillows in this online store.

Any of the described pillows can be made with your own hands if desired. To help the needlewoman, the pictures show the sizes of the pillows so that patterns can be made from them.

Holofiber and other fillers can be purchased online. For one large pillow you will need about 3 kg of holofiber.

Pay attention!
Expanded polystyrene balls are very electrified, and stuffing a pillow with them is not easy, everything sticks to the fabric, and there will be a lot of cleaning afterwards.

Expanded polystyrene balls shrink over time, and it becomes necessary to top them up with new granules, the price of which for 50 liters reaches up to 7 dollars (430 rubles). For one large product you will need 100-120 liters.

You can buy them on websites that sell frameless bean bags, ottomans and pillows for pregnant women.

The video clearly shows where the inferior vena cava passes and why you should not sleep on your back in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Pregnancy affects not only the expectant mother’s body, but also her habits, character, and lifestyle. Women have a hard time with sleep disturbances caused by a rounded tummy. Whether you are sleeping or watching TV, you always need to choose a comfortable position, which must also be safe for the baby.

Mothers should ask what sleeping positions are acceptable during each trimester, the risks of falling asleep on the back or stomach, and what devices should be used to facilitate the process.

Choosing a pose according to the trimester

Every woman should know how much time and how to sleep during pregnancy. Scientists have found that more than 85% of expectant mothers suffer from insomnia and sleep disorders, they often have nightmares or sleep does not reach the deep phase. This process is complicated by the fact that pregnant women often suffer from drowsiness, especially in the first trimester. In recent months, the woman on the other hand has been sleeping much less. All these features should be taken into account when choosing a favorable position for rest. Normally for a girl night sleep 10 hours a day are allotted, then the body will fully rest and fight unpleasant symptoms such as toxicosis and bloating more successfully.

We also ask you to take part in the questionnaire: Did you have problems sleeping during pregnancy?

Comfortable sleeping positions will vary depending on the period.

First trimester

Drowsiness increases significantly, to the point that the woman wants to sleep at any time of the day. This is due to changes in the body, weakened immunity and hormonal imbalances.

During this period, women begin to wonder whether pregnant women can sleep on the right side, left, back, stomach, and what positions are undesirable to take. Since during the first 1-2 months a girl may not even know about pregnancy, the opportunity to sleep out of habit remains and this in no way harms the development of the child. That is, in the first trimester you can sleep in any comfortable position, but gradually accustom yourself to lay down and fall asleep on your left side. Also, due to toxicosis, many women wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning. To reduce the symptom, lie on either side in a slightly elevated position (high pillow). Remember that nausea increases in severe horizontal position, as well as in a position lying on your stomach or back.

Second trimester

The girl notices the rounding of her tummy, the first discomfort appears during sleep, especially when trying to turn over on her stomach. Monitor the process, because resting on the stomach disrupts blood circulation to the area, which can cause the baby to experience a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients. With a relatively small stomach, you are allowed to fall asleep on your back or right side. Prepare for insomnia and possible seizures.

Third trimester

After 6 months, finding a comfortable sleeping position will be quite difficult. The baby begins to move and even push, since his sleep pattern does not coincide with yours. There is also increased swelling of the body and limbs, which leads to heaviness and cramps in the legs. Before going to bed, it is recommended to massage the area of ​​the stiff muscles and stretch them well. Many mothers are interested in how to sleep better during pregnancy in the third trimester. First, find a comfortable pillow or purchase a pregnancy-specific pillow to place under or between your knees. This position allows you to reduce the load on the limbs, relieve pain and normalize sleep. We also carefully place the tummy on the pillow and fall asleep on its side (preferably on the left).

To successfully fall asleep, you can perform a simple exercise. Lie on your back, close your eyes, relax your shoulders. Gently pull your chin toward your chest and place your palms on your lower abs. Take a deep and slow breath, then exhale normally, using your palms to control the rhythm of your breathing. Then lie on your side, bend your knees and place the necessary pillows (under your head, between your legs and under your stomach). Continue to follow the chosen breathing rhythm, trying to relax your body as much as possible as you inhale and pull your chin towards your chest.

All women are interested in why pregnant women need to sleep on their left side. The fact is that only this position will protect you from pressure on the vena cava, the branches of which lie to the right of the uterus. They return blood from the lower extremities through the pelvis to the heart. Lying on the left side, bend your right leg at the knee and place a pillow under it. At the same time, it can also be placed on the right side, especially if the expectant mother has kidney problems, has undergone surgery or has recently had stones removed.

For convenience, it is recommended to take a long pillow or blanket and place it between (under) your knees. The greatest comfort will be brought to your rest by a pillow for pregnant women, made in exactly the shape that will help you take the safest and most comfortable position.

Why do pregnant women need to sleep on their left side, the main advantages?

So, the most comfortable positions for sleeping during pregnancy are already known. But why does everyone recommend the left side?

  • In this position, blood flows freely to the placenta, feeding the fetus with useful components and oxygen.
  • Work is returning to normal genitourinary system, making you less likely to get up to go to the toilet at night.
  • Evening swelling of the limbs decreases, heaviness and stiffness in the muscles go away, and the number of cramps decreases.
  • Unfavorable pressure on the liver is eliminated, which is especially important for women who like to eat heavily before bed.
  • The back and pelvic area relaxes as much as possible, due to which daytime fatigue and soreness go away.
  • This position ensures favorable functioning of the heart muscle of the expectant mother.

In addition to information about how to sleep during pregnancy, expectant mothers should also take care of the issue of getting up. Doctors advise not to get out of bed immediately after waking up, especially abruptly and quickly. A woman should carefully turn on the side closest to the door, place her feet on the floor and sit down slowly. Gentle movements will help avoid uterine hypertonicity.

There are some features and pathologies of pregnancy in which a comfortable and healthy sleeping position is selected individually together with a doctor.

  • Transverse presentation. If the fetal head is located with right side, then the expectant mother should sleep on this side. This will allow the child to still take the correct head-down position in the future.
  • Pelvic position of the fetus. Here doctors recommend lying on your left side and performing a special exercise. The woman lies down on a hard and even mattress, removes the pillow from under her head and places it under her buttocks, folded in half (the pelvis should rise 25-30 cm above her head). The pregnant woman lies in this position for 5-10 minutes, after which she takes a comfortable position for sleeping. The exercise should be repeated 2 times a day, starting from 32 weeks. Duration of treatment is 14-20 days. After the child takes the required position, the woman is prescribed to wear a bandage.
  • Heartburn and disorders respiratory system . Many patients ask what position is best to sleep in during pregnancy if they have pain. increased acidity, runny nose, shortness of breath and nausea. Gynecologists recommend lying on your side, lifting top part bodies. Special mattresses or high pillows are suitable for this.
  • Swelling, cramps, varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis. During daytime and nighttime rest, place an orthopedic pillow under your legs and feet, which will help drain blood from the lower extremities.

You might be interested in: Getting rid of edema during pregnancy

Consequences of sleeping on your stomach and back

For those patients who have slept on their stomachs all their lives, it will be most difficult for them to wean themselves from this position, which is dangerous for the child. In the first months (the uterus is located under the pubic bone), you can lie down in your usual position. But as your belly grows, you will have to gradually get out of the habit, since the pressure on the uterus and blood vessels in this area is extremely dangerous for the baby, even if you manage to sleep on your rounded belly.

Often, enlarged and painful mammary glands will force you to give up sleeping on your stomach much earlier. Moreover, they should be provided normal conditions for development and filling, which is impossible when compressed and compressed by a mattress.

Many doctors and articles tell which side is better for pregnant women to sleep on, while completely ignoring the possibility of resting on their back. So is it possible or not to unconsciously take this position during pregnancy?

Of course, resting on your back is more pleasant and comfortable than on your stomach, however, discomfort and consequences are possible.

  • In the supine position, blood flows intensely to the pelvic area and lower extremities, so there is not enough oxygen reaching the lungs and brain. Possible lack of air, dizziness, fainting.
  • The voluminous uterus descends onto the bladder and intestines, which forces you to go to the toilet several times a night.
  • The enlarged uterus actively puts pressure on the vessels, which prevents normal blood circulation to other internal organs, as well as to the placenta, which can lead to fetal hypoxia. This can cause blood stagnation in the pelvic area and extremities, which can lead to increased manifestations of varicose veins and swelling of the legs.
  • Back pain appears (especially in lumbar region) and bedsores. All day the woman feels broken and weak.
  • Doctors have documented that sleeping on your back increases the incidence of hemorrhoids in pregnancy.
  • The uterus compresses the main vena cava, which forces the heart to pump blood more intensely. This in turn leads to cardiac disorders (arrhythmia, rapid heartbeat, tachycardia), as well as increased blood pressure.

If you unknowingly lie on your back while sleeping, the baby will tell you about the lack of oxygen with strong kicks and movements in the uterus. This means that you should turn on your left side.

Doctors always take into account how comfortable it is for pregnant women to sleep, but still recommend giving up sleeping on your back, starting from the 25th to twenty-seventh week.

Choosing the right place to sleep and bedding

A pregnant woman should not only choose the right sleeping position, but the place where she will sleep also plays a big role in her health. To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is advisable to sleep on a spacious bed, thanks to which the expectant mother will be able to take any positions she needs;
  • the mattress must have a flat surface and be non-rigid;
  • when choosing anatomical or orthopedic mattresses, you must buy models either without springs or with independent springs. With their help, you can evenly distribute body weight and relieve stress on the spine;
  • the mattress should be durable, ventilated and hypoallergenic.

How to choose a pillow for a comfortable sleep

Caring manufacturers have invented unique options for pregnancy pillows that follow the contours of the body and take into account the anatomy of the body. different dates. On the one hand, such a pillow supports a rounded and heavy stomach, and on the other, it eliminates blood stagnation in the limbs. It also prevents changes in position during sleep, so the expectant mother can sleep peacefully without worrying about the baby’s health. Of course, sleeping on the accessory is not very comfortable at first, but over time you will adapt. Many mothers begin to get used to a soft girlfriend at the beginning of the second trimester.

Unfortunately, the product has several disadvantages:

  • impressive size, thanks to which the pillow takes up additional space and can displace the sleeping husband;
  • specific fillers that retain body heat and do not absorb moisture (in summer it is hot and “wet” to relax with the product);
  • dry cleaning (most pillows do not fit in a washing machine and are prohibited from hand washing);
  • synthetic materials and fillers can become electrified;
  • Some fillers (for example, polystyrene balls) rustle unpleasantly during sleep.

When purchasing a product, expectant mothers are interested in how to properly sleep on a pillow while pregnant.

How to get good sleep during pregnancy?

While carrying a child, a woman often faces problems with poor sleep. In order to correct them, you should:

  • establish a sleep schedule (go to bed and wake up at the same time of day);
  • in the afternoon, give up such activities that contribute to the emergence of mental and physical fatigue(this could be serious negotiations, watching exciting films, etc.);
  • take regular walks in the fresh air;
  • do gymnastic exercises for pregnant women;
  • avoid eating foods that excite you nervous system(spicy or fatty foods, coffee, energy drinks, tea);
  • take your last meal and drinks no later than an hour and a half before bedtime;
  • ventilate the room, keep it clean, maintain the necessary air humidity;
  • accept sleeping pills only on the advice of a doctor;
  • to calm down, you can drink a glass of milk with honey or mint decoction, take a warm bath with aromatic oils;
  • if insomnia is caused by fear of future childbirth, then it would be best to attend a prenatal training course. Specialists in these courses will carefully consider all situations that provoke fear in a woman.

All expectant mothers should ask their doctor how to sleep properly during pregnancy, how to choose a pillow, and from what date these rules should be followed. Only compliance with the doctor’s instructions will help improve sleep, make it long and calm, without physical and psychological anxiety.

February 2016

The pregnancy period is associated with some difficulties during sleep. You can no longer afford to sleep in your usual positions, much less on your stomach. We will tell you in our article how to sleep correctly and comfortably without causing harm to your baby, and without experiencing discomfort yourself.

Sleep is no less important for a pregnant woman, and the condition itself constant drowsiness does not leave her throughout the entire first trimester. But experts identify a number of forbidden sleeping positions, which at first glance seem absolutely harmless and familiar. There is an unspoken list of prohibited sleeping positions during pregnancy:

  • Sleeping on your back;
  • Sleeping on the right side;
  • Sleeping on your stomach.

Experts identify these positions during sleep as unsafe. This is due to the fact that being in any of these positions poses a high risk of harm to the health of the mother and unborn baby. Each of these positions puts a certain amount of pressure on the uterus, pelvic organs and blood vessels. Due to improper and sometimes even uncomfortable sleep, you risk provoking the development of pathologies in the fetus (we will consider each of these positions in more detail).

Of course, it is not possible to change your favorite sleeping position in an instant, but we are given the entire first trimester to do this. Yes, in the first three months the baby develops slowly and your tummy is not so noticeable; during this period, try to slowly get used to sleeping in a different position. It is better not to sleep on your back during pregnancy, since as your tummy increases in volume and weight, it is already noticeably pressing. The kidneys and liver suffer greatly from this pressure. We also note that the uterus, which has increased in volume, begins to strongly compress the full vein, the task of which is to move blood from the heart to the extremities. This pose can also cause oxygen starvation fetus, which in the future will negatively affect not only the birth process, but also the health of the baby.

Sleeping on your back is considered extremely dangerous during the third trimester, when the entire load is on your back. female body is at its most critical size. In addition to all of the above, let’s also say that with a long stay in this position, the expectant mother provokes shortness of breath, which most often ends in fainting. Of course, everything we have said concerns only long-term sleep itself.

If you lie down on your back for a few minutes during the day, it will not affect your health in any way.

As for sleeping on your stomach, it is better to immediately abandon it as soon as you find out that you are pregnant. Even in the very early stages of pregnancy, this is not safe; doctors explain this by the fact that while sleeping on your stomach, the entire weight of your body puts pressure on the pregnant uterus. This pressure increases the tone of the uterus, and as you already know from our previous articles, this is dangerous due to termination of pregnancy (miscarriage). To wean yourself off, you again have the first trimester, in which your tummy is not yet large and the uterus is just beginning to grow, but still sleeping on your stomach is extremely dangerous.

Therefore, try to program your thoughts that such a dream can harm the baby, then on a subconscious level you will avoid this position even in your sleep.

If we talk about whether it is possible for pregnant women to sleep on their side, then the answer is definitely yes. The only thing that experts emphasize is that at the physiological level it is still recommended to sleep on the left side. But still, let's note that sleeping on the right side is not critical.

During the second trimester, sleeping on the right side is not prohibited, but in the third trimester it is recommended to choose the left side for sleeping.

In fact, by taking an uncomfortable position while sleeping, your baby will definitely give a signal that he is uncomfortable. Doctors recommend sleeping on your left side based on anatomical structure person, for example right kidney The left side of the head is located slightly higher, so an older baby, when sleeping on the right side, will put more pressure on it; also, when choosing this side, the baby puts pressure on the ureter.

If we are talking about a person’s health, we will always say that “Sleep is the key to health,” let alone a pregnant woman, who is not only at risk for her condition, but also the eternal desire to sleep never leaves her . During pregnancy, you should sleep as much as possible and even arrange for yourself quiet time during the day. We have already told you that the most optimal sleeping position during this period is considered to be sleeping on the left side; it is in this position that minimal pressure is placed on the body, and to also try to improve the bed, experts recommend bending your leg at the knee and putting it on a pillow .

Also remember that you only need to sleep in a well-ventilated room without foreign odors (for example, glue from fresh wallpaper or household chemicals).

Advice for pregnant women for proper and comfortable sleep is elementary and simple. The fact is that sleep is an important component in the daily routine of the expectant mother, but for some reason every pregnant woman tries to find a hundred excuses and problems that, on a psychological level, prevent her from falling asleep. To begin with, just set yourself up for positive emotions, throwing all the rubbish of experiences out of your head; cheerful or relaxing music will help you with this.

  • the room should be well ventilated;
  • before going to bed, take a warm shower;
  • take an evening walk;
  • eat properly throughout the day.

Let's talk more about the need proper nutrition during pregnancy, in addition to the fact that balanced diet necessary for fetal development, it is also important for general condition pregnant. So, by consuming insufficient vegetables and fruits, or by completely overloading the body with harmful - heavy foods, you increase the load on the body. digestive system, which will subsequently prevent you from falling asleep, and will also lead to constipation. Another important factor is sleepwear.

Sleepwear should be made of natural fabric, pleasant to the touch and not hinder movement.

So, a great assistant During pregnancy, you will have a strictly prescribed daily routine, in which you can even prescribe meal times. This way your body will get used to regular, measured sleep at the same time. If falling asleep at night is problematic, then you should exclude daily naps.