
Why is there a heartbeat. Rapid heartbeat as a symptom of serious illness

The term "rapid heartbeat" combines a variety of complaints about discomfort in the chest, which the patients themselves can also call shocks, shocks, interruptions, etc. Patients may complain of palpitations both with rhythm and conduction disturbances of the heart, and with other diseases. In some cases, palpitations are a symptom life threatening arrhythmias, therefore, with such complaints, a thorough examination is required.

Often palpitations are caused by emotional and physical stress. With fever, there is also an increase in heart rate. If the heartbeat is not caused by these reasons, then arrhythmia should be suspected.

Most likely cause

An increased heartbeat can be a symptom of a heart or other pathology, occur during emotional or physical stress.

The most common are sinus tachycardia, atrial and ventricular extrasystole, atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia.
With sinus tachycardia, the heart rate (HR) is 100-160 per minute. The main causes of sinus tachycardia are fever, emotional and physical stress, increased anxiety.

The most dangerous diseases

  • Life-threatening arrhythmias:
  1. ventricular tachycardia;
  2. sick sinus syndrome;
  3. complete atrioventricular block.
  • Ischemic heart disease and. Sometimes a heartbeat is a manifestation of myocardial infarction or unstable. It must be remembered that myocardial infarction can proceed in a painless form, manifesting itself, in particular, as a rhythm disorder.
  • Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW syndrome).
  • Electrolyte disturbances:
  1. hypokalemia (lack of potassium in the blood);

Diseases of other organs that cause increased heart rate

Arrhythmia may not be an independent disease, but a consequence of many other diseases and conditions:

  • fever

With an increase in body temperature by 1 ° C, the pulse quickens by 10 beats per minute.

  • pregnancy

Increased heart rate during pregnancy is necessary for the normal blood supply to the fetus and is associated with an increase in blood volume in the woman's body.

  • menopause

In women, the likelihood of diseases of the heart muscle of hormonal origin (non-ischemic) increases. They are manifested, in particular, by the heartbeat.

  • use of drugs, caffeine, cocaine, energy drinks, alcohol

To medicines that can cause heart rhythm disturbances include: antiarrhythmic drugs, antidepressants, many diuretics, nitrates, cardiac glycosides, vasoconstrictors for the common cold, Salbutamol, Thyroxine.

  • mitral heart disease and aortic insufficiency
  • hypoxia and hypercapnia

These are any conditions associated with a lack of oxygen: staying in a mountainous area, an increased content of carbon dioxide in the inhaled air, etc.

  • pheochromocytoma

This is a rare tumor of the adrenal glands. It is characterized by orthostatic tachycardia: when the body position changes from horizontal to vertical, the heart rate increases by more than 20 beats per minute.

  • tick bites in Th1–Th5 dermatomes ( upper limbs, breast)
  • depression (including postpartum)
  • (rapid heartbeat is a very common symptom low content hemoglobin in blood)
  • disease thyroid gland(, an overdose of thyroxine in hypothyroidism)
  • urinary tract infections (especially in the elderly)
  • prolapse mitral valve

In middle-aged women, palpitations may occur in combination with pain in the region of the heart, which is not typical for angina pectoris. Very often, this combination is a sign of mitral valve prolapse. This condition is detected by ultrasound of the heart (echocardiography).

Mental disorders

Palpitations can be both cause and effect mental disorders. If organic and metabolic causes arrhythmias cannot be detected, then exclude anxiety disorders and depression.

Sometimes complaints of palpitations appear when one of the relatives or friends of the patient suffers from severe heart disease (cardiophobia).
It should also be remembered that in a patient with anxiety or depression, arrhythmia exacerbates mental disorders.


An important role in the diagnosis of arrhythmias is played by anamnesis (history of the disease) and physical examination. The diagnosis is confirmed using instrumental and laboratory methods.


The patient is asked to describe an attack of palpitations, specify its duration, accompanying sensations. They offer to tap the heart rate, as it happens during a heartbeat. If the patient finds it difficult to do this, the doctor himself taps out the rhythms characteristic of different arrhythmias, and the patient chooses from them one that is similar to his own.
A chaotic rhythm is characteristic of atrial fibrillation. Single strong contractions after a pause against the background of the correct rhythm are a sign of extrasystole (usually ventricular). The sensation of tremors in this case is not caused by extrasystoles, but by the heart contractions following them.
Key questions your doctor may ask:

  1. How does a heartbeat start and how long does it last?
  2. What do you think are the causes of palpitations?
  3. Is the heartbeat associated with emotional stress, excitement, anxiety?
  4. What sensations accompany the heartbeat?
  5. Is it accompanied by chest pain or shortness of breath?
  6. Is the palpitation accompanied by dizziness or fainting?
  7. What medications do you take?
  8. How much coffee, tea, tonic drinks do you drink?
  9. Do you use cold remedies?
  10. Does spicy food cause palpitations?
  11. Do you smoke? If yes, how many cigarettes a day?
  12. Are you using illegal drugs?
  13. Have you suffered from rheumatism?
  14. Are you worried about losing weight or?

Chest pain is observed with ischemic heart disease and aortic stenosis, lack of air - with neurosis, mitral stenosis, heart failure. Dizziness and fainting are manifestations aortic stenosis and severe, life-threatening cardiac conduction disorders: sick sinus syndrome and complete atrioventricular block.

Physical examination

The most informative physical (i.e., external) examination performed during an increased heartbeat, however, this is not always possible. The most important stage of the examination is the study of the rhythm of heart contractions, which the patient himself can perform during an attack.
Heart rate above 150 per minute is characteristic of paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation or flutter and ventricular tachycardia, below 150 per minute - for sinus tachycardia. The main causes of sinus tachycardia are exercise, fever, thyrotoxicosis, and taking certain drugs.
Pay attention to the increased shine of the eyes, a pronounced blush, an increase in the neck, pulsation of the veins of the neck,. Wet and warm palms may indicate thyrotoxicosis, pale - in favor of anemia.
Identify signs of heart disease, atherosclerosis of peripheral arteries.

Instrumental and laboratory research

To diagnose arrhythmia, to distinguish one type of it from another, electrocardiography will help.

Depending on the clinical picture Your doctor may prescribe the following tests:

  • general blood test (hemoglobin level, leukocyte formula);
  • determination of the level of thyroid hormones;
  • biochemical blood test with the determination of the level of potassium and magnesium;
  • serological blood tests for suspected viral;
  • chest x-ray;
  • ECG in 12 leads;
  • daily ECG monitoring;
  • echocardiography;
  • electrophysiological study.

Palpitations in children

Palpitations in children can be caused by emotional and physical stress, fever, rhythm and conduction disturbances. special attention require paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, atrioventricular block and ventricular arrhythmias.

Palpitations in the elderly

The elderly have the most common causes palpitations - cardiovascular diseases (CHD, myocardial infarction, hypertonic disease) and medications, especially cardiac glycosides.
Extrasystole is observed in 40% of older people, usually it does not require treatment.
In the elderly, sinus tachycardia or atrial fibrillation may be a manifestation (sometimes the only one) of thyrotoxicosis. Additional diagnostic feature in this case, the glitter of the eyes.

Principles of treatment

If you complain of increased, rapid, irregular heartbeat, you should consult a therapist. He will conduct an initial examination, if necessary, refer to a cardiologist and other specialists.
The treatment strategy is as follows.

Normally, in an adult, the heart beats 70-90 times per minute. A more frequent heartbeat is called. This condition can be both physiological and pathological character- many diseases (and not only heart diseases) are accompanied by a rapid heartbeat.

Causes of palpitations

The heart is main body of cardio-vascular system . He, like a pump, pumps blood through the vessels, providing oxygen, energy and building material, hormones and other biologically active compounds to the tissues.

If a person is healthy and calm, his heart makes 70-90 contractions per minute and covers the needs of every cell of the body. If the body develops pathological process, the heart immediately reacts with an increase or decrease in contractions. In this regard, when examining patients, doctors always determine the pulse rate (it corresponds to the heart rate) - this is the easiest way to assess functionality hearts.

However, as mentioned above, the cause of tachycardia is not always a pathological process, quite often in adults there is a so-called physiological tachycardia. The main reasons for the physiological increase in heart contractions include:

  • emotional stress and. Stressful situations are always accompanied by an increased synthesis of biologically active compounds. These substances make the heart beat faster. Once hormonal background returns to normal, the heartbeat returns to normal.
  • Physical exercise. Working muscles need more oxygen and energy, so the body gives the signal to the heart to beat faster and it beats.
  • Binge eating. A full stomach presses on the heart and lungs, and therefore tachycardia occurs.
  • Pregnancy. Many expectant mothers in the first months of expecting a baby suffer from reduced pressure which can cause heart palpitations.
  • . , tachycardia, are the most frequent companions of the menopause.
  • Environmental influence. The heart begins to beat faster in conditions high temperature and lack of oxygen, for example, in a stuffy room or in transport.
  • Drinking caffeinated drinks. Caffeine is a powerful stimulant, including heart activity. Several cups of strong, drunk in a row, can make the heart beat 100 or more times a minute.
  • Increase in body temperature. Every extra degree of body temperature is about 10 heartbeats. Accordingly, in a person with a strong fever (more than 39 degrees), the heartbeat can reach 120 per minute and above.

Diseases in which the heart beats faster

Now consider the causes of pathological tachycardia. They are usually divided into two groups:

  • Extracardiac- not related to the heart.
  • Intracardiac- various cardiac pathologies.

The extracardiac ones are the following reasons:

Intracardiac causes of palpitations are not so numerous, but in most cases it is much more difficult to influence them. Cardiac causes of tachycardia include:

  • Cardiomyopathy.
  • The extreme degree of ischemia of the heart muscle -.

Why is heart palpitations dangerous?

If the heartbeat rarely increases and then under the influence of various physiological factors, you should not worry - there will be no malfunctions in the functioning of the body. If tachycardia occurs frequently and continues long time sooner or later problems will start.

With too frequent contraction, the heart does not fill with blood completely, respectively, in one cardiac output less of it enters the bloodstream. That is, cardiac activity gradually becomes inferior - the heart cannot perform its function of providing the body with oxygen and nutrients, and all tissues begin to suffer from this.

The brain and heart muscle are the first to feel the lack of oxygen.(it is supplied with blood by the arteries extending from the aorta). Moreover, the more pronounced the tachycardia, the harder it is for the myocardium: it has to work more actively, so more oxygen is needed, but it is not. Therefore, in such conditions of blood supply significantly increases the risk of acute myocardial ischemia -.

What to do with heart palpitations

First of all, you need to sit down, calm down, drink water. If after 10-15 minutes the heartbeat does not normalize, it is worth contacting a therapist or cardiologist. If palpitations are accompanied by a feeling of "lack of air", severe weakness, it is better to immediately call ambulance.

Before the arrival of doctors, you must do the following:

People suffering from tachycardia should always have with them the drugs that the doctor has prescribed for them to stop attacks.

Examination for tachycardia

To determine the cause of a rapid heartbeat, the patient must consult a cardiologist and undergo a comprehensive examination:

  • Make , and .
  • Donate blood for, and for thyroid hormones.
  • Visit a neurologist and endocrinologist.

In controversial cases (when the patient has complaints, and all tests and studies are relatively normal), it may be necessary to conduct a daily ECG recording. This diagnostic method allows you to catch attacks of tachycardia, which are not always detected during a visit to a medical institution.

Principles of treatment for palpitations

Physiological tachycardia usually goes away on its own. But the tactics of treating pathological palpitations is determined by the cause given state. In some situations (for example, when a patient is diagnosed with a serious cardiac pathology), it is possible to significantly improve the patient's well-being only by surgery - mainly minimally invasive operations are used.

To stop attacks of palpitations, doctors prescribe antiarrhythmic drugs to patients. medicines. They are of three classes:

  • To first include Novocainamide, Lidocaine, Propafenone and other drugs that block sodium and activate potassium channels in the myocardium.

Heartbeat is usually understood as the feeling of the beating of one's own heart. The latter, as a rule, is not felt by a person in a normal psychological and physical condition. Therefore, this phenomenon, for no apparent reason, may be a signal of the presence of serious violations.

What can be considered a visible cause of a strong heartbeat?

The main factors that can cause a reaction in the form of a strong heartbeat include:

Significant physical stress on the body (such, for example, are observed during sports);
- psychological reactions of the body (excitement, stress, anxiety, etc.) to various situations.

"Hidden" causes of a strong heartbeat

If all of the above effects can be tracked on your own (you know what loads you loaded your body with and what worries you), then there are such factors that, so to speak, are “invisible”. Among the reasons for this group are the following:

Deficiency in the body of substances such as vitamin B12, iron, potassium, magnesium and folic acid;
- violations in the work of organs endocrine system(hormonal changes);
- the presence of diseases such as myocarditis, atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachycardia, vegetovascular dystonia, anemia, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.

Each of the factors of this group (“hidden”) is dangerous for the body in its own way. Therefore, if you began to notice a periodic heartbeat, which was not preceded by obvious factors, you should immediately consult a doctor who will conduct the necessary diagnostics (electrocardiogram, x-ray, examination on a bicycle ergometer, etc.) and prescribe an actual treatment.

Other causes of palpitations

lead to violations heart rate can not only diseases and physical / psychological stress, but also actions that a person controls independently. Among these, first of all, it is worth mentioning:

The use of various kinds of psychotropic substances - alcohol, tobacco products, drugs, etc.;
- self-medication: self-administration of certain drugs can cause side effects, one of them is a strong heartbeat;
- excessive consumption of drinks containing caffeine (coffee, tea, energy drinks, etc.).

Thus, a strong heartbeat can be the result of a variety of influences. You can figure out what's what and solve the problem only by contacting experienced specialists.

Everyone is familiar with situations when the heart begins to beat strongly from excitement, fear, joy. It's perfect normal phenomenon and does not harm the body.

Another thing is if tachycardia often makes itself felt, while it is in no way connected with motor activity or emotional turmoil. In this case, a strong heartbeat can be dangerous, because the heart works harder, its need for oxygen increases, and there is a risk of developing a heart attack.

Why does

The causes of a strong heartbeat are different. It can occur at normal, elevated or reduced pressure.

Strong heartbeat is the norm in the following cases:

  • During physical activity: sports, physical work, lifting weights, brisk walking, run and so on.
  • With emotional stress: fear, excitement, joy, anger, irritation, etc.
  • With an increase in body temperature, for example, with infectious diseases. With an increase in t by 1 degree, the heart rate increases by 10 beats per minute.
  • At allergic reaction.
  • From overeating.
  • From the use of energy drinks.
  • With a climax.

The heart starts beating faster normal pressure during physical activity, after eating, in moments of emotional experiences

The causes of pathological tachycardia are various diseases, among which:

  • cardiosclerosis;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • arrhythmia;
  • anemia;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • hypoxia;
  • heart defects.

Finding the exact cause of an increase in heart rate can only be done by complex diagnostics.

How to help yourself with a strong heartbeat

If a tachycardia attack happened to a person for the first time, and he does not suspect that he has pathologies, he needs to do the following:

  • open a window in the room;
  • unfasten the collar of the garment;
  • wash with cool water;
  • if possible, you must definitely lie down or at least sit down, but do not stay on your feet.
  • take medicine (this can be Corvalol, Valocordin, Validol, Valerian, Motherwort).

Valerian will calm not only the heart, but also the nerves

Many people panic during an attack of tachycardia, especially if it happened at night. You need to calm down and start breathing properly. With a rapid heartbeat, you need to take a deep breath, then hold your breath, strain and slowly exhale. Relief does not come immediately, so the exercise is recommended to be done for about five minutes.

With a strong heartbeat, you can try to cough.

Another remedy that helps to stop attacks of tachycardia, accompanied by dizziness and impaired coordination of movement, is eye massage. Making it is very simple:

  • close your eyes and press with your fingertips eyeballs;
  • keep your fingers in front of your eyes for about 10 seconds, then release;
  • repeat after 10 seconds.

Helps with tachycardia effects on biologically active points located on the fingers. The little finger and thumb are responsible for the work of the cardiovascular system. With a rapid heartbeat, you need to press the tip of the little finger on the base of the nail on both hands thumb.

ethnoscience offers to rub back side wrists, where there are active points associated with the work of the cardiovascular system.

With a rapid heartbeat, you can smell the crushed leaves of lemon balm or mint. These herbs are good for the heart and calm the nerves.

A strong heartbeat can be a harbinger of a stroke or heart attack. In this case, immediate assistance is required. You need to call an ambulance and take sedatives.

If attacks of tachycardia are repeated frequently, they force you to wake up at night, while the person does not know about their causes, you need to contact a local therapist for examination and diagnosis. The doctor will prescribe an electrocardiogram and an ECG with a load.

Strong heartbeat and high blood pressure

Often, tachycardia is characterized not only by a rapid heartbeat, but also by hypertension. If during an attack high blood pressure, it is required to accept the following measures:

  • It is convenient to sit or lie down and try to relax completely.
  • drink a little cold water. When passing through the esophagus, it puts pressure on the heart, thereby normalizing its work.
  • Sometimes washing with cold water can help.
  • Another way to lower your heart rate if your blood pressure is high is to take a deep breath, cover your nose and mouth with your hand, and try to exhale.
  • If the cause of the attack is stress, relaxation, aromatherapy and meditation will help.
  • With a pronounced heartbeat, doctors advise taking anaprilin.
  • The menu should include more seafood and fish, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Vitamin complexes should be taken by those who have tachycardia with high pressure caused by a lack of magnesium in the body.

During an attack of tachycardia, you need to take a comfortable position and relax

Heartbeat at low pressure

In hypotensive patients, tachycardia is quite common. Signs such as palpitations and low blood pressure are typical for such pathological conditions:

  • shock (anaphylactic, traumatic);
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • profuse bleeding.

With tachycardia that develops against the background of hypotension, the following symptoms are often observed:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • pale skin;
  • pain in the heart and stomach;
  • feeling of fear, increased anxiety.

Tachycardia in pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes significant changes and it begins to work in a different mode. Rapid heart rate (up to 100 beats per minute or more) is normal during this period. Often tachycardia during gestation occurs in mild form and poses no danger. But it happens that it is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • chest pain;
  • sometimes fainting.
  • rest more;
  • avoid stress;
  • drink more pure water.

If the heartbeat is very disturbing for a woman during pregnancy, it is necessary to contact a cardiologist.

Tachycardia in the fetus

During an ultrasound scan in the fifth week of gestation, the doctor can diagnose fetal tachycardia. heart rate is very important indicator which determines how the unborn child develops. A strong heartbeat in the fetus can be caused by hypoxia, the causes of which may be as follows:

  • finding the expectant mother in a stuffy room;
  • anemia in a woman;
  • physical activity pregnant.

Rapid heartbeat in a child

Children have a higher heart rate than adults. Moreover, the younger the child, the faster his heart beats. Usually a strong heartbeat in children has the following reasons:

If the increase in heart rate is associated with emotional or physical stress, then it normalizes on its own.

But tachycardia is not always harmless. She may be a sign serious illness e.g. heart failure, arrhythmias, myocarditis.

The child may experience acute attacks of rapid heartbeat, which is called paroxysmal tachycardia. Sometimes they last several hours and are accompanied by dizziness, nausea, chest pain, convulsions, cold sweat, fainting.

A child with tachycardia is afraid, it is difficult for him to breathe. He needs to be calmed down and an ambulance called quickly.

How to treat

Treatment is prescribed depending on the cause. It is important to save the patient from unpleasant symptoms: dizziness, headache, nausea, shortness of breath, fainting.

Usually two methods are used: drug therapy and folk remedies.

Treatment with drugs

To combat tachycardia, you need to take the following medications:

  • Sedatives. These include natural remedies based medicinal herbs. This is motherwort, valerian, Novo-passit. They can be produced in tablets, drops, tinctures.
  • Antiarrhythmic. These tablets normalize the heartbeat. You can not drink them on your own, only as directed by a doctor. These include Flecainide, Verapamil and others.

Verapamil - a tool that allows you to quickly stop an attack of tachycardia

For the treatment of tachycardia, pills of four groups are taken:

  • Cardiac glycosides (Dogoxin).
  • Beta blockers (Atenolol, Concor).
  • Sedative drugs(Novo-passit).
  • Antioxidants (Mexicor, Preductal).

Herbal treatment

Most often, mint, lemon balm, chamomile, St. John's wort, motherwort and others are used to treat a strong heartbeat at home.

To normalize heart rate and pressure, you can prepare an infusion of herbs. To do this, you need to take a spoonful of dried valerian root, yarrow herb and lemon balm. Mix the ingredients, pour boiling water and put on water bath for 40 minutes. When cool, strain and drink.

One more effective remedy- hawthorn. Aqueous extract fruits should be taken three times a day, 20 drops in ¼ glass of water before meals. For cooking, you need a tablespoon of crushed fruits, which you need to pour a glass of boiling water, put on a slow fire and cook until half of the original volume remains.

An infusion can be prepared from hawthorn flowers. To do this, pour the flowers (tsp) with a glass of boiling water and put in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take twice a day before meals for half a glass.

As a preventive measure

In order to prevent attacks of tachycardia, it is recommended:

  • Avoid stress and high physical activity.
  • Refuse to drink black tea and coffee or limit their consumption, give preference to green tea.
  • Instead of tea, you can drink an infusion of hawthorn and wild rose, which helps to normalize heart rate. For its preparation, the fruits of these plants are mixed in equal proportions, poured with boiling water and insisted.
  • If tachycardia develops against a background of hypertension, green oat juice helps well (drink 50 g three times a day) or an infusion of blue cornflower flowers (take ½ cup three times a day). With a tendency to palpitations at high blood pressure It is recommended to take a tablespoon a day of Adonis infusion and drink green tea with mint or lemon balm leaves.


Heart palpitations can be experienced by people of all ages. To successfully deal with tachycardia, you need to know its causes. Best results can be achieved with complex treatment: normalize lifestyle, use folk remedies and take medications.

Tachycardia is heart palpitations. After physical labor, a glass of strong coffee, emotional stress, the heart rate increases. This is a natural physiological process. Thus, compensatory mechanisms in the human body work.

Etiological factors

But sometimes a rapid heartbeat is an indicator of the disease. This can be with endocarditis, rheumatism, myocarditis, with anemia, an attack paroxysmal tachycardia, hyperproduction of thyroid hormones, the presence of a tumor of the adrenal glands. Also viral, bacterial infection, at which there is an increase in temperature, often proceeds with increased heart rate.

It is imperative to stabilize the heartbeat, since tachycardia impairs blood flow as coronary vessels, and in the vessels of the brain. Also, the heart muscle suffers from constant contractions, its trophism is disturbed.

What to do?

Of course, the cardiologist will say that treating heart palpitations alone is wrong. You must first conduct a professional diagnosis, identify the cause. And by eliminating etiological factors, it will be possible to normalize the heart rate.

But what if the attack of tachycardia began when you were at home. What can be done before the ambulance arrives?

If you feel general weakness, it becomes difficult for you to breathe, your eyes go dark, your heart beats faster, you need to measure your heart rate at the wrist. Namely, where radial artery. The heartbeat is considered to be rapid when the heart rate is > 90 beats/min.

Techniques to reduce heart rate

First, with an increase in heart rate, the patient needs to lie down. Next, you need to unfasten your clothes, provide access to clean air. You can use sedatives, so you can reduce the frequency of contractions within 20 minutes.

Influencing reflex zones, you can eliminate the attack of tachycardia. Let's consider this technique in more detail.

The main methods are described below.

  1. Irritating the root of the tongue, you need to cause a gag reflex. This stimulates vagus nerve and, accordingly, the parasympathetic centers of the nervous system.
  2. First, close your lips, close the nasal slit with your hand. Next, try to exhale. Repeat should be several times within 1-3 minutes.
  3. Simulate a strong attack of coughing.
  4. Holding your breath also lowers your heart rate. Take a deep breath, hold your breath for 3-5 seconds. and exhale. We repeat the exercise for 3 minutes. This method can be slightly modified. For example, we slowly count to 5 - we inhale, do not breathe for 3 seconds, and, accordingly, having counted to 8, we exhale.
  5. When pressure is applied to the carotid sinuses, chemoreceptors and baroreceptors are irritated. This leads to vasodilation, which automatically lowers blood pressure and heart rate.

Technique: the patient lies on the bed. massaged right side neck for no more than 10 minutes. Plot carotid sinus is the dilated part of the carotid artery. The movements are smooth, without excessive pressure, it is also not necessary to apply excessive force. If the patient was diagnosed with increased carotid sinus syndrome, as well as the elderly, this method of eliminating tachycardia should not be performed categorically.

  1. The patient lies down, closes his eyes. Next, with the pads of the index and middle fingers, pressure is applied to the eyeballs. Namely, on the upper inner corner. The duration of exposure is about 10 seconds. You need to repeat on average 5 to 8 times.
  2. You can drink 1-2 glasses of cold water. What is the essence of this technique is still not fully known, but the experience of clinicians speaks of the positive effect of cold water on reducing heart rate.

All these methods of eliminating an attack of palpitations can be used in the supraventricular form of paroxysmal tachycardia.

If you need to stabilize the heart rate at home, drugs such as Validol, Corvalol are the first-priority drugs.


Honey has good sedative properties. It is recommended to take a mixture consisting of 15 mg of honey, 15 ml lemon juice and walnuts. Also 50 gr. honey can be mixed with 50 gr. juice from black radish. Take up to 100 mg every day for about a month.

Mix equal amounts of carrot, beet juice and black radish juice. Drink a glass 3 times a day.

If the patient has problems at work digestive system(gastritis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer), you need to consult a doctor, as the recipes above can lead to an exacerbation of the gastrointestinal disease.

decoctions of herbs

Hawthorn, mint, lemon balm, motherwort, chamomile - heart rate stabilizers. Consider how to properly prepare decoctions of herbs.

  • Brew in equal proportions chamomile, bearberry, sweet clover. Drink 300 ml daily for 6 months.
  • Add 2 liters of water to a mixture of 6 tsp. hawthorn (rose hips), green tea and motherwort leaves. Boil 5 minutes. Take every day.
  • Brew infusions based on mint leaves and lemon balm (mix in equal proportions).

First of all, with an accelerated heartbeat, you need to call an ambulance. It is necessary to understand what is the cause of this condition. After all, if tachycardia develops against the background, for example, of thyroid pathology, no herbal infusions and mechanical methods described above will help. Only rendering specialized care will give a result.