
Nialamide (Nialamide). Nialamide - description, composition, indications for use, side effects Nialamide trade name

Nialamide INN

Description active ingredient(INN) Nialamide* (Nialamide*)

Pharmacology: pharmachologic effect - antidepressant .

Pharmacology : pharmachologic effect - antidepressant . Indiscriminately and irreversibly inhibits MAO, inhibits the process of oxidative deamination of norepinephrine and serotonin, contributing to their accumulation in the brain tissue. The antidepressant effect is combined with a psychostimulating effect (causes excitement, euphoria, insomnia, etc.). An effect on GABA metabolism cannot be ruled out. Inhibits MAO in peripheral tissues, inhibits the activity of microsomal liver enzymes. Possesses hypotensive action and reduces pain with angina pectoris (probably due to blockade of the central links of reflexes from the heart).

Well absorbed, excreted by the kidneys. The antidepressant effect appears after 7-14 days. Effective for "atypical" depression, in a complex, incl. in combination with psychotherapy, treatment (50-200 mg / day) of chronic alcoholism (improves general state and cognitive function in patients) and angina pectoris (25 mg 2-3 times a day).

Application : Depression (involutional, neurotic, cyclothymic, including accompanied by lethargy, lethargy, lack of initiative); apatoabolic conditions, asthenia, oligophrenia; pain syndrome, incl. with neuralgia trigeminal nerve and angina pectoris.

Contraindications : Hypersensitivity, liver and/or kidney disease, hepatic and/or kidney failure, heart failure, disorders cerebral circulation(possibility of manifestation of orthostatic hypotension), agitated states.

Side effects : From the side nervous system and sense organs: restlessness, agitation, tremor, convulsions, insomnia, headache.

From the digestive tract: dyspepsia, constipation, dry mouth, jaundice.

Others: urinary retention, decreased blood pressure, allergic reactions.

Interaction : Incompatible (possibly sudden excitation) with other MAO inhibitors, three cyclic antidepressants, reserpine and raunatin (even after the end of treatment with nialamide and before their appointment, a 2-3-week break is necessary).

Prolongs the action of drugs metabolized with the participation of microsomal liver enzymes. Potentiates the action of barbiturates, analgesics, local anesthetics, antihypertensive drugs, pressor effect of sympathomimetics (phenamine, ephedrine, tyramine).

Dosage and administration : Inside, after meals, 50-75 mg / day in 2 divided doses (morning and afternoon to avoid disturbing night sleep), with a gradual increase in dose by 25-50 mg / day to 200-350 mg / day, maximum daily dose- 800 mg. After the offensive therapeutic effect the dose is gradually reduced. The course of treatment is 1-6 months.

Chronic alcoholism - 50-200 mg / day.

Precautionary measures : In order to avoid disruption of night sleep, it is not recommended to prescribe in the evening.

special instructions: During treatment, it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods containing tyramine and other vasoconstrictor monoamines (phenylethylamine), incl. cheese, cream, coffee, beer, wine, smoked meats, because development of "cheese" (tyramine) syndrome is possible.

Analogues (generics, synonyms)

Recipe (International)

Rp.: Tab. Nialamidi 0.025 №50
D.S. 50-75 mg / day 2 times a day.

pharmachologic effect

Antidepressant, isonicotinic acid hydrazine derivative. Non-selective MAO inhibitor of irreversible action.
Irreversible blockade of MAO causes a violation of the first-pass metabolism of tyramine contained in food products and the accumulation of tyramine in the body. Due to the increase in the level of catecholamines, the body becomes sensitized to sympathomimetics, as a result, there is a risk of developing hypertensive reactions.
Improves general condition and cognitive function in patients with depression.

Mode of application

For adults: When taken orally, the initial dose is 50-75 mg / day in 2 doses, preferably in the morning and afternoon, in order to avoid disturbing night sleep. If necessary, the dose is gradually increased by 25-50 mg / day to 200-350 mg / day. With resistance, up to 800 mg / day can be used. The duration of the course of treatment is individual - from 1 to 6 months. Clinical effect usually manifests itself after 7-14 days of therapy. After reaching the optimal therapeutic effect, the dose is gradually reduced.


Depression, combined with lethargy, lethargy, lack of initiative (including involutional, neurotic and cyclothymic);
- chronic alcoholism;
- in the composition combination therapy- trigeminal neuralgia


Severe disorders of the liver, kidneys
- chronic heart failure
- violation of cerebral circulation.

Side effects

In some cases: dyspeptic symptoms, decreased blood pressure, anxiety, anxiety, sleep disturbances, headache, dry mouth, constipation.

Release form

Tablets (25 mg) per pack - 50 pieces, dragees (25 mg).


The information on the page you are viewing was created for informational purposes only and does not promote self-treatment in any way. The resource is designed to familiarize healthcare professionals with additional information about certain medicines, thereby increasing the level of their professionalism. The use of the drug Nialamide" in without fail provides a consultation with a specialist, as well as his recommendations on the method of application and dosage of the medicine you have chosen.

Description of the active ingredient

pharmachologic effect

Antidepressant, isonicotinic acid hydrazine derivative. Non-selective MAO inhibitor of irreversible action.

Irreversible blockade of MAO causes a violation of the first-pass metabolism of tyramine contained in food products and the accumulation of tyramine in the body. Due to the increase in the level of catecholamines, the body becomes sensitized to sympathomimetics, as a result, there is a risk of developing hypertensive reactions.

Improves general condition and cognitive function in patients with depression.


Depression, combined with lethargy, lethargy, lack of initiative (including involutional, neurotic and cyclothymic); chronic alcoholism; as part of combination therapy - trigeminal neuralgia.

Dosing regimen

When taken orally, the initial dose is 50-75 mg / day in 2 doses, preferably in the morning and afternoon, in order to avoid disturbing night sleep. If necessary, the dose is gradually increased by 25-50 mg / day to 200-350 mg / day. With resistance, up to 800 mg / day can be used. The duration of the course of treatment is individual - from 1 to 6 months. The clinical effect usually appears after 7-14 days of therapy. After reaching the optimal therapeutic effect, the dose is gradually reduced.

Side effect

In some cases: dyspeptic symptoms, decreased blood pressure, anxiety, anxiety, sleep disturbances, headache, dry mouth, constipation.


Severe violations of the liver, kidneys, chronic heart failure, cerebrovascular accident.

Application for violations of liver function

Contraindicated in severe hepatic impairment.

Application for violations of kidney function

Contraindicated in severe renal impairment.

special instructions

Should not be used in agitated patients.

It should not be used simultaneously with imipramine and other cyclic antidepressants, as well as with reserpine, raunatin due to the risk of developing severe arousal.

To avoid the development of "cheese" (tyramine) syndrome during treatment with nialamide, it is necessary to exclude from the diet food products containing tyramine (cheese, cream, coffee, beer, wine, smoked meats) and other vasoconstrictive amines.

drug interaction

With the simultaneous use of nialamide potentiates the action of barbiturates, analgesics, anesthetics, antihypertensive agents.

When used simultaneously with sympathomimetics indirect action there is a risk of developing a hypertensive crisis; with tricyclic antidepressants - the risk of developing severe arousal.

With simultaneous use with guanethidine, the antihypertensive effect of nialamide decreases; with levodopa - arterial hypertension is possible.

With simultaneous use with reserpine, the course of depression may worsen.

Gross formula

C 16 H 18 N 4 O 2

Pharmacological group of the substance Nialamide

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

CAS code


Characteristics of the substance Nialamide

White or white with a slight yellowish tint fine-crystalline powder of bitter taste, odorless. Easily soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid, slightly and slowly soluble in water, difficult - in alcohol, very little - in chloroform.


pharmachologic effect- antidepressant.

Indiscriminately and irreversibly inhibits MAO, inhibits the process of oxidative deamination of norepinephrine and serotonin, contributing to their accumulation in the brain tissue. The antidepressant effect is combined with a psychostimulating effect (causes excitement, euphoria, insomnia, etc.). An effect on GABA metabolism is not ruled out. Inhibits MAO in peripheral tissues, inhibits the activity of microsomal liver enzymes. It has a hypotensive effect and reduces pain in angina pectoris (probably due to blockade of the central links of reflexes from the heart).

Well absorbed, excreted by the kidneys. The antidepressant effect appears after 7-14 days. Effective for "atypical" depression, in a complex, incl. in combination with psychotherapy, treatment (50-200 mg / day) of chronic alcoholism (improves the general condition and cognitive functions in patients) and angina pectoris (25 mg 2-3 times a day).

Application of the substance Nialamide

Depression (involutional, neurotic, cyclothymic, including accompanied by lethargy, lethargy, lack of initiative); apatoabolic conditions, asthenia, oligophrenia; pain syndrome, incl. with trigeminal neuralgia and angina pectoris.


Hypersensitivity, liver and / or kidney disease, liver and / or kidney failure, heart failure, cerebrovascular accident (the possibility of orthostatic hypotension), agitated conditions.

Side effects of the substance Nialamide

From the nervous system and sensory organs: anxiety, agitation, tremor, convulsions, insomnia, headache.

From the digestive tract: dyspepsia, constipation, dry mouth, jaundice.

Others: urinary retention, decreased blood pressure, allergic reactions.


Incompatible (possibly a sharp excitation) with other MAO inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, reserpine and raunatin (even after the end of treatment with nialamide and before their appointment, a 2-3-week break is necessary).

Prolongs the action of drugs metabolized with the participation of microsomal liver enzymes. Potentiates the action of barbiturates, analgesics, local anesthetics, antihypertensives, the pressor effect of sympathomimetics (phenamine, ephedrine, tyramine).

Routes of administration


Substance Precautions Nialamide

special instructions

During treatment, it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods containing tyramine and other vasoconstrictor monoamines (phenylethylamine), incl. cheese, cream, coffee, beer, wine, smoked meats, because development of "cheese" (tyramine) syndrome is possible.


Niamid, Novazid, Nursdal, Espril, Nialamide, Niamid, Niaquitil, Nuredal, Nyazin, Psicodisten, etc.


White or white with a slight yellowish tint fine crystalline powder. Slightly soluble in water, difficult - in alcohol.

Release form

Tablets (draggers) of 0.025 g (25 mg).

Therapeutic action

Refers to antidepressants - MAO inhibitors of the first generation.

Nialamide is chemically close to iproniazid: both are derivatives of isonicotinic acid hydrazide.

Nialamide is a non-selective and irreversible MAO inhibitor, but it is somewhat less toxic than iproniazid. Despite the possibility of side effects when applied, stored the value as medicine. According to available data, MAO inhibitors are often more effective than other antidepressants (tricyclics) in "atypical" depression.


In psychiatric practice, nialamide is used for depressive states various nosological forms, accompanied by lethargy, lethargy, lack of initiative, including involutional, neurotic and cyclothymic depressions.

AT neurological practice Nialamide is sometimes prescribed for trigeminal neuralgia and other pain syndromes.


Assign inside (after eating), starting with 0.05-0.075 g (50-75 mg) per day, preferably in 2 doses (morning and afternoon) to avoid disturbing night sleep; if necessary, the dose is gradually increased by 0.025-0.05 g (25-50 mg) per day to 0.2-0.35 g (200-350 mg) per day (in resistant cases, sometimes up to 0.8 g).

The therapeutic effect in the treatment of nialamide usually manifests itself after 7-14 days. The duration of the course of treatment is individual (from 1 to 6 months). After the onset of the therapeutic effect, the dose of the drug is gradually reduced.

There are indications that nialamide (0.025 g 2-3 times a day) reduces the frequency and intensity of angina attacks.

Side effect and Contraindications

Nialamide is relatively well tolerated. In some cases, dyspeptic phenomena are observed, a decrease blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia, headache, dry mouth, stool retention and others side effects.

The drug is contraindicated in violation of the functions of the liver and kidneys, cardiac decompensation, cerebrovascular accident (due to the possibility of developing orthostatic hypotension). It should not be taken by patients with agitated conditions.

When prescribing nialamide, it is also necessary to take into account the possibility of side effects associated with MAO inhibition.

In order to avoid the development of "cheese" (thiram and new) syndrome during treatment with nialamide, foods containing tyramine and other vasoconstrictor monoamines (phenylethylamine), including cheese, cream, coffee, beer, wine, smoked meats, should be excluded from the diet.

You can not appoint after the use of nialamide (and simultaneously with it) imipramine and other tricyclic antidepressants and MAO inhibitors; a 2-3 week break is needed.

Nialamide should not be taken together with reserpine (and raunatin), as a sharp excitation is possible.

It should be borne in mind that, like other MAO inhibitors, nialamide potentiates the action of barbiturates, analgesics, local anesthetics, antihypertensive and other drugs, so the combined use should be carried out (if necessary) with caution.